Sorority Party Massacre (2012) Poster

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A Sorry Party Massacre.
BA_Harrison6 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
If the aim of Sorority Party Massacre was to try and recapture the fun of the boobs 'n' blood scream-queen slashers of the 80s, then it fails big time. While there is no shortage of hot young women stripping off before being bumped off, the whole project misses the mark by a mile, with a pathetic script, woeful pacing, irritating editing gimmicks, a lack of decent gore, and a bloody awful hip-hop/R&B soundtrack.

As if to prove that they really had no idea where to go after choosing the title, the film-makers start by ripping off Scream, proceed to take a grating tongue-in-cheek approach for much of the film, and then try to get serious in the closing moments with the oh-so-clever revelation that there is not one but several killers at large. None of it works.

Sexy blonde Marissa Skell moves from bit part player in the similarly titled Slumber Party Slaughter (2012) to top billing here and is the best thing about the whole sorry mess, looking particularly fetching in her sorority shorts and bra during the finalé. To be fair, most of the performers are more than okay in their roles; it's the weak material and poor execution that lets them (and us) down.
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a real massacre
trashgang15 May 2013
What a great start this flick had. okay, it was a bit of a rip-off of Scream (1996) but still it worked out fine. Then came the opening credits but once the real flick started it was downhill with Sorority Party Massacre.

Once after the opening credits we do have Kevin Sorbo (of Hercules fame) in a talking scene and it goes on and on but it should have been funny which it wasn't. Once the girls are introduced it looked fine again but then again the acting went below zero. There's here and there a spot of nudity but it just didn't work. It should have brought us back to the old eighties slashers but sadly it doesn't. The comedy didn't work and the girls didn't do anything except teasing.

Once the killer comes in there's no gore to spot only a bit of the red stuff. It's weird that Ed O'Ross did agree to take part in such a disaster. The editing was okay and the score did work but that the only positive thing I can say about this massacre.

Gore 0/5 Nudity 0,5/5 Effects 1/5 Story 1,5/5 Comedy 0/5
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Attempt at "horror comedy" falls flat after promising beginning
ssmith201030 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If you are watching a movie entitled "Sorority Party Massacre," you know what you want -- a mindless slasher filled with scantily clad hot girls, with a healthy dollop of nudity and violence. Pretty simple.

"Sorority Party Massacre" beings very promisingly. A smoking hot girl wearing tiny shorts gets lost going to some sort of sorority competition. In a Scream-like beginning, she is terrorized by phone calls and a masked killer and ends up being killed in a gruesome fashion. So far, so good -- seems like the filmmakers get it. The credits roll, and then we are somehow transported to an entirely different movie.

The movie suddenly switches from a slasher to a really bad "comedy." We are introduced to our hero, Detective Watts, who is getting suspended for having anger issues (pounded a suspect in the balls, destroyed a little boy's bike, and grabbed an ice cream cone out of another little kid's hand and smashed it over the kid's head -- that gives you an idea of what passes for "humor" in this film). His captain (played by Kevin Sorbo) sends him to find out what happened to his daughter (the girl in the opening scene). So he heads out to the sorority gathering the girl was headed to to figure out what happened.

There are several hot girls there, but sadly, most of the film is focused on painful to watch attempts at "comedy" between the Detective and the local sheriff department. The "hot girls in peril" plot is definitely pushed to the back in favor of hysterical jokes like, "I liked you better when you were a mongoloid."

The movie tries to end interestingly by recycling a plot from several older films (I won't tell you which ones they are, because that would be a spoiler) but rest assured it doesn't really make much sense and definitely doesn't make the movie experience any better. Nothing in the film comes close to the quality of the opening scene, and I actually think that scene might have been tacked on a later time since a lot of it isn't, in retrospect, consistent with the rest of the movie. If you're looking for nudity, forget it, there's only a quick shot of an extra's boob. And if you're looking for graphic violence, after the promising opening scene, you'll need to look elsewhere.

"Sorority Party Massacre." Easy film to make, but they blew it. Can't recommend this one.
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nogodnomasters3 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A group of sorority girls head up to a ranch on Grizzly Cove to compete in a contest. Holly (Casey Fitzgerald) the daughter of a police officer is killed in the first scene. An over aggressive police officer on probation is sent up to keep on eye on Holly. The girls competing are introduced grindhouse style and they are some tough party animals. As the body count starts, this turns into a who done it, with a twist at every turn.

I liked the opening and first part of the film. As the film progressed, the slasher aspect was low budget with no great kill scenes. It was if they combined a grindhouse with a made for TV film forgetting their target audience. If you are going to title a film "Sorority Party Massacre" you need to have a sorority party and some decent massacring. This fell short.

Parental Guide: F-bomb. Minor girl/girl action. Brief nudity.
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Flawed, So Very Flawed
gavin694211 February 2014
Sexy college girls endure gore galore when a psychotic killer with a taste for sorority sister torture arrives. But when this party gets started, will they receive an advanced degree in extreme horror?

Staci Layne Wilson of Dread Central pins this as "an incompetent, messy mish-mash of Scream, Student Bodies and 'Reno 9-1-1.'" Well, that about sums it up. Thanks, Staci!

While there are some decent scenes, and a few actors who deserve a bit of credit (and many who do not), this just amounts to a lot of nothing. I mean, even for a film called "Sorority Party Party", it is pretty disappointing. Next, the same writer-director is bringing us "Bachelorette Party Massacre", which I am sure will be more of he same tripe.
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If you can be massacred by boredom, then this is the choice...
paul_haakonsen24 April 2017
With a name such as "Sorority Party Massacre" then you know that you will either be in for a very cheesy and campy slasher movie, or you will be in for a hilarious spoof on the slasher genre. With that in mind I sat down to watch "Sorority Party Massacre".

Bad mistake...

I managed to sit 45 minutes into the ordeal that is known as "Sorority Party Massacre" before I gave up on finishing the movie and just got up to find something else to watch. The storyline was just unfathomably boring and slow paced, and in those 45 minutes that I endured very little, and I do mean very little, had happened at all. And I totally lost all interest in watching the rest to see what happened.

Slasher movies have a tradition of being cheesy and low budget, but this one is the crowning on the cake. "Sorority Party Massacre" turned out to be a very, very boring movie.

The characters in the movie were characters that you hardly cared for, and you didn't really care if they lived or died. As in contrast to movies such as "Friday the 13th", where it is not just a matter of if they will die, it is a matter of how they will die. Such was not the case with the cardboard cut-out characters on parade in "Sorority Party Massacre".

I had hoped that seeing Richard Moll in a movie such as this might actually have helped the movie along, even if just a cameo. But I frankly don't recall seeing him here or remembering him here.

This is a movie that I have no intentions of returning to finish at a later point in time, because the movie just never appealed or spoke to me in any way.
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Deceiving title, OK movie.
TdSmth52 May 2015
In the intro some college girl has car troubles and stops at some desolate station. It's night of course and she's by herself with her dog. At some point she gets calls from a creepy voice asking her what she's afraid of and what's the scariest way to die for her. We learn that her father is a cop. But with a disabled car and little phone reception all she can do is run. The creep follows her and sprays acid on her body and face.

After this longer-than-necessary into follows some of the longest intro credits I've seen. Finally the next scene begins. Some violent detective is reprimanded by his boss, who is the intro girl's father. He puts the detective on leave, but he offers to looks for the daughter who hasn't checked in for a day so the dad is worried. He agrees and sends detective Watts to investigate.

When he arrives he meets the dumb and clueless local sheriff. The girl was on her way to a sorority competition where girls get a chance to win a grant. None of other girls have seen the girl. Watts discovers that she's not the first girl to disappear but over the decades dozens of girls have. The sheriff had no idea.

Now as they start investigating, power is cutout wherever they go, phonelines are dead everywhere, and the girls start dying according to their greatest fear, which is something they had to reveal when interviewed by the woman in charge of the grant and owner of the place the girls are visiting. There are a lot of suspects here. Eventually we learn who is behind the killings and why.

Sorority Party Massacre is the kind of movie you want to like. It has a strong but long intro, a good cast with Downey, O'Ross, Mauro, Sorbo, Mandylor. It has a bunch of girls. It has the resources and a rich story. What it doesn't have is a sorority party and not much of a massacre. For a B-movie, acting is very good all around. Quickly though you notice the main problem, which is a rather odd one. The story is told from the perspective of the cop, not from the perspective of the victims, one of the girls. It's a strange choice, which I guess could have worked, but here it just doesn't. Downey is a good actor and a good lead. Still, you keep waiting for the perspective to shift toward the girls. It never does. As a result, for most of the movie you don't care for the girls or their fate as their characters are never really established and also get little screen time. For a "...Massacre" titled movie, there is not enough violence or gore. And almost no nudity. The lovely Eve Mauro gets to play a nasty violent chick unfortunately.

Another problem is that instead of going for straight horror they went for goofy comedy, which at no point was particularly funny. Some of it is slapstick and adolescent. The story at least proved to be more involved than expected. I'd even say they ended up trying to do more than they should have. There isn't jut one, but several twists increasing the unlikelyhood of it all.

Sorority Party Massacre is unfortunately a wasted opportunity. The name of this movie shouldn't be taken seriously.
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Wow! All those hot women and very little nudity
texasboyy4 August 2022
Pathetic. No horror. No suspense. Generic, trite characters. And worst of all, they have all those hot actresses but only one brief shot of nudity. Pathetic!
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A Horror-Comedy Lacking Both Horror and Comedy
Uriah4327 May 2024
This film begins with an attractive college student by the name of "Holly Fanning" (Casey Fitzgerald) getting lost while driving to a small lakeside town in California where she hopes to participate in a sorority contest. Unfortunately for her, while trying to ask for help at a remote house, she encounters a serial killer who murdering his victims in unique and horrible ways. The scene then shifts to Los Angeles with Holly's father, "Captain Dan Fanning" (Kevin Sorbo) of the Los Angeles Police Department, asking one of his agents named "Detective William Watts" (Thomas Downey) to go to that small lakeside town to investigate his daughter's disappearance. Upon getting there, however, Detective Watts soon realizes that, not only is the local constable "Sheriff Barney P. Lumpkin" (Ed O'Ross) totally incompetent, but that a serial killer has been operating there for years without anybody even noticing it. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that, although this movie started off reasonably well, it started to unravel about halfway through--and then completely fell apart at the end. To that effect, if it was intended to be a comedy, it wasn't funny. Conversely, if it was intended to be a horror film, it lacked any real horror as well. That being said, I consider this to be one of those films that could have been better with competent direction but, failing that, I have to rated it accordingly. Below average.
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A good bad horror movie
brandonleeburns19 April 2020
Now if you are looking for a good bad horror movie this is your movie but if you are a fan of bad horror movies you already know that any horror movie that has ron jeremy in it is a good bad horror movie. That's why I gave it a generous 5 stars. That being said, I watched this movie because I wanted to watch college kids dies. I literally looked up "movies where college kids die" on Google and this wasn't the movie I was looking for. I wanted realistic deaths and gore but this movie wasn't that. It WAS a good bad horror movie but that's all it was.
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Fun tongue-in-cheek slasher outing
Woodyanders28 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A vicious killer preys on a bunch of catty and competitive college sorority pledges in an isolated small town. It's up to the short-tempered Detective Watts (a sturdy and engaging performance by Thomas Downey) to catch the maniac. Directors Chris W. Freeman and Justin Jones keep the familiar, but entertaining story moving along at a snappy pace, pull out the sadistic stops with the bloody'n'brutal murder set pieces, employ a flashy and kinetic style which gives the picture an extra galvanizing kick, and further spice things up with a wickedly amusing sense of sly self-mocking humor. Moreover, it's acted with zest by an enthusiastic cast: Ed O'Ross contributes a hilarious turn as bumbling redneck Sheriff Lumpkin, Amanda Burton projects an utterly delightful spunky aplomb as the eager Deputy Lang, and Leslie Easterbrook positively breathes fire as the stern and haughty Stella. In addition, the actresses who portray the college gals are quite sexy and energetic: Marissa Skell as the sweet, yet tough Paige, Eve Mauro as the snippy and ruthless Brooklyn, Yvette Yates as the fierce Sloan, Rebecca Grant as the vampy Veronica, Adrian Kirk as the perky Jessie Lynn, and Alison Mei Lan as the ditsy Kieko. Popping up in cool bits are Ron Jeremy as the obnoxious Det. Rico Depinto and Richard Moll as grizzled sea salt Kreager. Freeman's clever script delivers a few dandy surprise twists. Steven Parker's sharp cinematography provides a pleasing glossy look. Michael Quinlan's unexpectedly diverse score supplies the mandatory shuddery sonic punch in a subtle and effective way. A nifty slice'n'dice item.
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My Review Of "Sorority Party Massacre"
ASouthernHorrorFan14 May 2013
"Sorority Party Massacre" was directed by Justin Jones, Chris Freeman and stars Ed ORoss,Kevin Sorbo,Richard Moll, Leslie Eastbrook, Louis Mandylor, Tom Downey, Marissa Skell, Eve Mauro, Yvette Yates, Adrian Kirk, Alison Mei Lan, Rebecca Grant, Casey Fitzgerald. The film is about a sorority house worth of girls out for some great finalists, to become the winner of an exclusive grant.. (Or something like that). A detective finding his career as tragic as the sorority girls personalities is all that stands between the girls and a brutal killer.

"Sorority Party Massacre" is a cliché slasher comedy that knows it is a cliché slasher comedy. It plays up the vapid superficial aspects of bimbo meets death as if the film's very life depended on it. It is not a spoof horror comedy though because the darkness is and atmosphere of classic slasher horror is very well present in the film. However the ridiculousness of the characters and melodramatic "acting" is just too much to consider the flick a straight up slasher flick. At times it feels a little too "Prom Night III" and at other moments it is very "Sorority Row". The story is layered with typical sub-plots and explanations that can pass as long as you don't get too in depth with the film's story. The gore and kill shots are well done and very entertaining. This film is not a stellar work of slasher horror movie making but it warrants respect for the simple fact that it is a very fun, slasher comedy that brings the babes and the blood. It manages to capture the atmosphere and classic style of 80's slasher, as well as the campy comedy of satire. The film doesn't really bring anything new to the genre but it doesn't take anything from it either. I enjoyed the movie.
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Let's face it, the 80s are gone forever...
Coventry16 March 2022
As an incurably devoted fanatic of 80s horror, I always get hopeful and slightly excited when encountering a new film with a typically eighties title and plot description such as "Sorority Party Massacre". And I guess I'm not the only one, neither. Especially the past 10-15 years, there have been loads of remakes of 80s classics, horror flicks that are supposedly set in the 80s, or at least generate a throwback to the lifestyle and atmosphere of that wondrous decade. Alas, though, with almost every attempt they make, one must face the painful and irrevocable truth: genuine 80s movies could only be made in the 80s, and they are gone forever.

"Sorority Party Massacre" is a bizarre piece, and a wildly uneven and chaotic flick. The opening sequences seem to be another weak imitation of Wes Craven's "Scream" that narrowly caused my eyes to start rolling. But then, most of the film turns into a deliberately tongue-in-cheek and light-hearted parody of the entire slasher genre, and even though it was quite bad and amateurish, I must admit it was enjoyable and often hilarious. All the clichés and stereotypes are here, in XXL-size I may add, and there's gore, nudity and absurd killing methods aplenty. It often remains an over-enthusiast but inept fan-boy movie, mind you. For example, the montage to show lewd the bunch of sorority queens are, or the little clips to illustrate just how ill-tempered Detective Watts is, are clear indications of how writer/director Chris Freeman desperately wants to demonstrate how cool he is. But hey, we can sure live with that, but then the finale truly screws up things completely. It isn't easy to come up with a strong climax and original culprit-revelation, I'll gladly admit that, but some of the twists here are too many, and too dumb.

Apart from a handful of randomly hot young actresses, "Sorority Party Massacre" has two or three decent B-actors (Ed O'Ross, Richard Moll), and a bunch of people that used to perform in totally different types of films/TV-show, but somehow managed to make a new career out of appearing briefly in lousy horror productions. I'm referring to Kevin Sorbo (wasn't he Hercules?), Leslie Easterhook (how do you go from "Police Academy" to Rob Zombie movies?) and Ron Jeremy (he just turns up everywhere, I guess).
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Solid slasher with a few problems
kannibalcorpsegrinder18 March 2014
Ordered to find a missing daughter, a detective's investigation leads to a small-town gathering of sorority girls for a special pageant only to learn the missing girl is the first in a maniac's rampage against them and must protect the remaining girls.

This is decidedly a mixed bag of a slasher that has a lot going for it and a lot of flaws. One of the biggest issues here is the rather convoluted back-story to the killer that really makes no sense at all, especially with the ridiculous explanation given for the rampage which is quite shockingly stupid. As well, there's the fact that there's more than one. That really makes for quite a confusing set of actions in the later half when the movie twists itself around to throwing in twists for the sake of twists when it makes no sense. There's at least four different occasions when the film could've ended without so much as really raising an eye to the fact that there's a new twist coming about simply for the sake of showcasing something new or supposedly shocking but really does nothing. As well, for something supposedly set-up as being this sleazy it's really not with very little skin on display and almost acting shy about doing so when it does, for there's a lesbian character that repeatedly tries to sleep with everyone but never does except in clothed flashbacks, and the few times it tries to show it off they're hidden in obscure angles or generally try as little as possible to show them off, and it really stinks of false advertisement to supposedly be this raunchy and sleazy but really not. Finally, the fact that this is a missing-person's investigation for the majority of the running time means that there's very little slashing going on until the final half-hour, when things really get going but the majority of the first half is pretty much all shot with barely any action going on at all with the group running all over town trying to find out what's going on with the missing girls. That said, there's still some good stuff going on here as, though there's a rather lame back-story for the killer, the mystery of who's behind it is handled rather well and is a pretty competent guessing game overall. As well, the kills are shockingly brutal and provide plenty of variety and originality with them being based on the individual's own fears, which is a handy trick for further keeping the killer's identity a secret, and when it's all wrapped up with a great body count and plenty of action in that final half, there's some solid work here that does recover some of the flaws present.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Nudity.
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