T.I.M. (2023) Poster


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Better than average
karensilvabal23 August 2023
I don't understand the poor reviews of this, I thought it was a well made film and much better than a lot of the Netflix originals I've seen recently. The storyline is good and never felt bored although it was predictable.

The acting is not the best but what do you expect with a low budget Netflix original film?

There are Some interesting ideas about AI and technology in you think about AI and the role of technology in our private lives. It's Not exactly a pure sci-fi film so it's not going to go too much into detail regarding technology but more thought provoking than anything.

I would say this is worth watching.
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A pretty decent thriller
LetsReviewThat2622 August 2023
Yeah it might seem a little low budget in places. The acting could be better as a whole, but really to me tim was an interesting movie. Abi works as a biotech engineer and is working on a special A. I program. Paul her husband's works as a human and the marriage between them is not great. I also don't think the actors had very good chemistry. Well one day they get a present. A brand new T. I. M bot that will do everything for them. It isent long though before cracks show and the end up wanting to get rid of him. It has a good pace and was pretty good all the way to the end. It was shocking and overall an alright thriller.
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The AI house is really slick!
trinaboice1 September 2023
IN A NUTSHELL: The story is about a prosthetics engineer named Abi, who moves to the countryside to work on Integrate Robotics's latest product - a humanoid artificial intelligence called T. I. M. Which stands for Technologically Integrated Manservant.

Cool? Creepy? You decide!

The film was directed and written by Spencer Brown with writing help by Sarah Govett.

THINGS I LIKED: The robot, T. I. M., is played by Eamon Farren, who does an excellent, believable, and scary job.

Other cast members also do a great job: Georgina Campbell, Mark Rowley (gotta love his accent), Amara Karan, Tom Bell, and Nathaniel Parker.

I love the idea of a robot doing everything for me. I have several Alexa and Google Home mini devices at home, but instead of becoming sentient, it's as if they're becoming dumber. They used to be able to answer all kinds of questions for me but now they often say, "I don't know that." (sigh) The tension builds with each scene.

The AI house is really slick!

The film is definitely timely. With the launch of ChatGPT in November 2023, Artificial Intelligence has been on everyone's mind. How far will it go? Are you excited about it or a little bit afraid? As a university professor, I've already seen a huge uptick in plagiarism as students are using AI to write all of their assignments for them. While AI has revolutionized how businesses can operate more efficiently, it has been quite damaging to the way students are/aren't learning in education now. Don't get me wrong; AI has already done wonders for education with apps and learning tools. It's just too much of a temptation for students when it comes to academic integrity.

THINGS I DIDN'T LIKE: It's so annoying when characters do dumb things.

The last big fight scene was super frustrating to watch. I hate it when a character just stands still in a scene, inevitably becoming a victim, rather than running or fighting back harder.

TIPS FOR PARENTS: We see a married couple in bed trying to get pregnant (some movement, sound effects, and skin).

Talk of infidelity We see a car crash We see some attempted murders Some profanity and F-bombs.

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Solid, if not overly original sci-fi
Tweekums20 August 2023
Abi Campbell is employed by at a cutting edge robotics company where she works on T. I. M. The 'Technologically Integrated Manservant'... basically a human looking robot that does household tasks and is fully integrated into its owner's computer systems. She has moved to a remote rural home, hoping that away from London her husband Paul is less likely to keep straying. Their new hi-tech home comes with a T. I. M. Both a perk and a condition of her job. It appears to be very helpful but Paul doesn't like having it in the house; is he worried that T. I. M. Will make it harder for him to carry on with the neighbour or is there something genuinely sinister about their robotic servant?

I thought this was a pretty solid science fiction film even if the concept of humaniform robots in the home is hardly original; I couldn't help being reminded of the film 'Ex_Machina' and the TV series 'Humans' and 'Better than Us'. It is somewhat predictable but that doesn't mean it isn't entertaining. Georgina Campbell impresses as Abi and Eamon Farren is delightfully creepy as T. I. M., firmly positioning the robot in uncanny valley even before its behaviour becomes obviously suspect. Most of the action takes place in the house and the surrounding countryside or occasionally the works; this provides an excuse to keep the cast fairly small. Most of the time things are merely creepy but there is occasional, effective action. The denouement is okay but not much of a surprise. Overall a decent if minor addition to this genre.
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Yet another AI warning movie but suitably creepy
suespy25 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Mention AI and the formula is already there. Naturally the 'robot' has to look weird and unsettling. As a morality tale you don't give the equivalent of Alexa the digital keys to the coffers and don't programme them to watch tv and learn. When it then comes to driverless cars forget it. Sadly we don't seem to ever get a normal household aide that doesn't become psychotic. For those trying to encourage more AI in our lives this certainly doesn't help the cause. The storyline certainly kept us gripped to the end but with an open ended finale as TIM predicts the scenario the homeowner would have to explain. At least this was 'enjoyable' enough that we didn't regret the time watching which can be rare now.
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Story and characters are not believable
davidbarnes-6119220 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The biggest problem with this movie is the writing of the characters.

Everyone in it seems like a complete idiot, who have no idea what this robot AI is or how it works...even though they or their spouse work as a developer at the robot company.

We are expected to be believe that this company of seemingly gormless people have created this fantastic AI robot. Then after creating this 100% lifelike robot; they can't figure out how to make the hand work? So to fix the hand they hire an even more gormless woman who seems more interested in drinking wine and eating. Using her diversity power she magically fixed the hand except some ridiculous weak spot.

Despite this amazing futurist robot technology, half the technology around seems to be from the 90s and the general public seem unaware that robots even exist.

The last scene with the car crashing into the window was really the low point; it was laugh out loud stupid. With the neighbor stabbing the robot with a wooden pole and then randomly passing out of the floor; only to be stabbed in a monty python-esk manner.

At the end of the movie I was really just hoping they AI would get on and murder everyone as I found the characters all so irritating.

Having said that I did manage to watch the whole movie so 3 stars for not turning it off half way.
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Surprisingly good
stevenfoster-3355912 September 2023
After previously watching M3gan and being VERY disappointed I really wasn't too sure I'd this movie. There seems to be a whole genre of A. I films these days but this was a little less thought provoking and a bit more entertaining to watch. Exploring what happens when A. I becomes self aware and people get in the way of its desires. It doesn't really go into much detail about the how and why but just focuses on the thrilling ride. The twist (if you can call it that) is pretty predictable but I still enjoyed the tense moments. It had a very black mirror feel to it and if I'd watched it without knowing I would have thought it was a lengthy episode of the series.
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Very Predictable
roxmewild19 August 2023
I really hoped that this would explore A. I in a different way to most of the A. I films that have been produced .Sadly this film has No memorable features or twists in its storyline and runs along very similar paths to all the other A. I films. It is very obvious from the start just how this story is going to play out and the writers are so lazy they don't try to either cover it up or attempt to add any mystery whatsoever to the storyline so you can basically predict 99% before it occurs! Rendering the film quite boring to be honest. The only thing I salvage from the many A. I films is the question just how realistic are the varying possibilities and is mankind taking technology towards its ultimate destruction?
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Glad I watched it but could have been better
info-9507223 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm one to totally emerse myself in a movie and be almost blank to the the story line, but found myself predicting most of the storyline and getting frustrated with the main character as she believed TIM over everyone else. She didn't think to get the facts checked and chose to believe her AI and didn't take her husband's words into consideration for one moment. I understand that the rebuilding of trust played a part yet you're either in or out. An interesting and eery watch, especially with the development of AI at the moment. It felt like the story jumped ahead in places with no depth to back it up so things could be missed if not paying attention.
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daveytaylor-9913220 August 2023
Im starting dread the words netflix presents because it seems you could send them some pigsh## in an evenvelope and they wd greenlight it. This story has been told a thousand times(only much better). The villian is about as scary as gone off bread,what is scary thou is the acting. Truly wooden all round. This is about the tenth film ive watched on netflix and they are getting worse every time. We are getting fobbed off with 5th rate rubbish and honestly netflix will be the death of film.watch at your peril and make your own judgements but be warned this isnt even campy fun.its just a total mess.ugh.
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An Easy and Entertaining Watch
ZZK818 August 2023
"T. I. M." offers an engaging cinematic experience, although it falls short of the psychological intensity of a "Black Mirror" episode. The film, with its well-acted ensemble of a small cast, manages to captivate despite its differences in scope.

Running for 1 hour and 41 minutes, "T. I. M." struggles to fully develop its characters, leaving the audience wanting more depth. The narrative occasionally feels pieced together, hindering the film from realizing its full potential. Yet, surprisingly, the film's emotional resonance isn't entirely lost.

In a world where AI integration is becoming less fiction and more fact, "T. I. M." explores a topic of increasing relevance. It prompts us to contemplate the ramifications of advanced technology on our lives and emotions.

Despite review scores that might suggest otherwise, "T. I. M." isn't as lacking as some critics assert. I rate it a solid 7.5 out of 10. While it may not scale the heights of other films and shows in this genre, it still offers thoughtful moments and a glimpse into a world where time and emotions intertwine, even if not explored to their fullest.
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Tense Thriller
StaceyK199231 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I was undecided on whether to watch this movie but I'm honestly glad I did! I find it has some very tense moments and Eamon Farren does an exquisite job in his role of Tim. From the deadpan facial expressions, the robotic walking and right down to the flat voice he really nailed it. I'd be absolutely interested to view his other work! It's also my first time seeing Mark Rowley in a movie! The movie gave me the creeps a little because something like this could actually happen! Or maybe I'm just being paranoid haha. I've given it a 7 rating mainly because some parts were a little predictable but other than that I would say it's a very thrilling performance.
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Totally Incompetent Movie
dangefuller18 August 2023
A dull retread of every other movie or TV show that tells the exact same story of technology going awry by either becoming murderous or developing "feelings" for an owner. It has Georgina Campbell in it- she's great, but she's not got much to work with here in a low rent rudderless 100 minutes where an inevitabily antagonistic AI robot is inexplicably dressed like Brains from Thunderbirds on a Hittler youth march. It doesn't even try to be clever. Or interesting. In fact, it's almost as if an AI has discovered an alogorythym for boring science fiction thrillers and turned in this lifeless script, with nothing new to say, and nothing fun or inventive about the whole thing, other than the AI getting luridly confused each time his owner gets dressed, building to a stupid climax (the film, not the robot watching her get dressed).
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Totally intelligent Male
kosmasp13 May 2024
That is what Tim stands for, yes? No? Well no pun intended of course. Artificial intelligent - there are a lot of people (scientists) that say that movies are being unfair or portray it in a wrong way - I mean they are trying to make entertainment ... and yet they do hit a nerve. We are kind of skeptical ... how will that work? How will we deal with a "machine" that looks life like? Won't we treat it differently too? We already assign human traits to animals but also objects we love and cherish.

So it is not a big step or leap to see us ... well having conflicted feelings about "robots". And maybe that goes the other way around too ... and that is something the movie plays upon. I'd say you can guess where the movie is going - but it still is a fun ride, as predictable as it may be ... Nice science fiction, decent acting.
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Moronic trash
nigel-rudyard24 August 2023
Utter, utter stupid, stereotypical robot runs amok shlock. I can barely be bothered to warn you not to watch at, as, like me, you probably ran it on Netflix then watched in horror as it descended from one feeble third-hand SF trope to another.

Let's just say Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics would have saved us all nearly two hours of our lives.

It's a pity really, as the movie starts reasonably promisingly with decent FX and performances -- I don't blame any of the actors involved in this garbage for -- including Eamon Farren, who makes a decent fist of playing the titular role.

No, it's that the idea descends into silliness and entirely predictable irrationality.

Very, very feeble and stupid film. Netflix outdoes itself again.
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Would be an OK student film
robin-2060419 August 2023
Robotic acting - check, seemingly AI generated script - check, obvious robot gains feelings meme - check. Boring in the extreme - check++. Special FX - none. Humor - none. Compelling story - none. The robot main charactervhas the most charisma, and that's saying something. White walls everywhere don't make the future. Working on a robot hand in a lab doesn't illustrate AI. A charismatic boss keen to unleash his creations on the world is totally expected. If you love movies maybe avoid this. It's not really a movie, more of a statement. I dare you to watch this to the end - because you won't. You won't.
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nicolaperrin21 August 2023
What a load of rubbish this film was. I was so excited when it started, as this type of film really appeals to me. But deary me, most of the characters are so unbelievable.

How did so many gormless people manage to create such a sophisticated robot? I saw the plot line coming a mile off. I ended up skipping through the last 10 minutes as I was just so incredibly frustrated. I couldn't bear to watch the ending.

It's always disappointing when a film starts off so promisingly and then goes downhill.

I disagree with other reviews that the acting was wooden. It wasn't the best at times, but I wouldn't say wooden.

Overall, I really wouldn't bother wasting your time.
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Should have had a mouse to control TIM
Pairic23 August 2023
T. I. M. : Another film about a rogue AI in an android chassis. T. I. M. (Eamon Farren) is a "Technologically. Integrated. Manservant", Abi (Georgina Campbell) is a prosthetics engineer hired to improve T. I. M. So she's given one to help around the house. Her husband Paul (Mark Rowley) is less than gruntled with this but agrees to hand over various passwords to make life easier. From then on they are both like mice in a trap. And TIM has a nasty method of dealing with mice. There's a lot of horror in this film but most of it is of the psychological variety as TIM gaslights the couple after it develops romantic feelings towards Abi. TIM's gardening skills soon prove useful in his other ventures. The basic ideas behind this are well worn tropes but the narrative unfolds here is important plus there's also pretty good performances from the lead trio. Directed & Co-Written by Spencer Brown. On Netflix. 7.5/10.
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The first film written by a bot?
ramonbattershallrecover25 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, it's like ChatGBT had processed the script of Westworld, AI, Ex Machina, etc., and cobbled together this low-budget effort - certainly there doesn't seem to be any human involvement here. Anyway, a robot who looks like a cross between a skinny David Cameron and a Habitat model circa 1975 is given to a couple getting over the husband's infidelity. That's it for the plot, anyone reading this sentence will already guess what will happen.

One problem is, it happens so slowly. It seems to take ages before the robot goes Saturn 3 on the couple and in between we have to endlessly listen to their relationship issues. Maybe that's really what sent the robot crazy - I could only bear it because I knew they were going to be Terminated, God only knows what the robot must have felt being stuck with them 24/7. On top of this the stupid is dialled up to 11 throughout. Whether it's a brilliant engineer that doesn't understand that paired smart devices communicate with each other, plot twists that require someone finding a tiny bit of thread at the bottom of a waste disposal unit (though the jumper in question actually turns up later anyway?!) or a neighbour who A) Can't seem to understand why the wife is upset at her continually meeting up with her cheating husband; B) Somehow fails to understand that T. I. M's a robot; C Thinks driving a car into a house is a proportionate response to a rude manservent rather than phoning the police, it's complete cobblers.

Finally, in the conclusion the daftness goes off the charts. The super-intelligent robot buries the body conveniently inefficiently, the neighbour somehow impales him to a wall with a pole, and the robot resets his safe phrase/off switch (nobody thought of having it accessible online then?) to something I actually guessed, yet alone his unrequited love.

Anyway, I'll give it four stars because, while the acting was generally awful, the two human leads tried their best, and at least the robot's floppy Bullingdon Club hair provided a distraction. Aside from that, it offers nothing that hasn't been much better explored elsewhere.
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Wooden acting
traceytak19 August 2023
It is difficult to tell who is the A. I. characters in this film as the acting is so very wooden. TIM the A. I. character has more tone to his voice than the real people. Then there is the aesthetic of the AI character, wouldn't humans mould him into one of the best looking males in society? Then there is an assumption that AI forged in a male shape would have male feelings and find the opposite sex attractive. The storyline is the same as many others in this vein and the use of loud music and noises is clung to try and help the viewer realise that something is happening. All in all it's not a good watch.
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Terrible film
tpawkrypt21 August 2023
Horrible writing, characters are written in such a way they seem absolutely stupid. The plot is paper thin and written by a six year old I think.

This is like Black Mirror for simple minded people. I am shocked by how bad this film is. Characters written in a way that they can't identify the obvious in front of them.

If you enjoy films with a twist, avoid this, you'll predict every step of the way. You'll find yourself angry at the basic, boring, childlike writing, absolutely insulting to your intelligence on all levels.

Avoid at all costs. Absolute waste of time. You'd be better entertained watching grass grow.
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Stanlee10710 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Watching the trailer filled me with excitement. However, twenty minutes into the film, my artificial intrigue began to wane. The main protagonists, Abi (Georgina Campbell) and Paul (Mark Rowley), have a strained relationship due to an infidelity incident in which he was involved. T.i.m (Eamon Farren) is an artificial intelligent helper gifted to them as a welcoming present, programmed to run errands for its masters. But what could possibly go wrong with such an invention?!

It draws inspiration from classics like Blade Runner and feels like an English adaptation of M3gen and Ex Machina. To me, it's akin to diluting a flavorful fruit drink beyond its greatness. In other words, this film falls victim to essentially copying something great and ends up making a weaker movie.

Abi is the only redeeming and likable character in this film. The subplot of whether or not Paul is cheating again, and if T. I. M can tell the truth or has an ulterior motive, is quite predictable. Suffice it to say, I saw the truth coming from a mile away.

Georgina Campbell seems to be a rising star, having featured in Black Mirror, Barbarian and Bird Box. Barcelona. Sadly, this one is a miss with an uninspiring and rather predictable ending.
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Really great film
sarahcoomes23 August 2023
This is a really good film. I think people are mistaking its unpretentiousness with a lack of something. I liked it enormously just for that reason, because it made it all so plausible that this could and probably will happen, and for that, it's quite terrifying; easy to believe this is what we have in our near future. The performances are great. The guy playing Tim is so good - half way through you start wondering if he isn't a robot... again the direction is unpretentious and simple and allows the story to breathe. Too many films like this are set in such extravagant surroundings that it's hard to relate and it takes you out of it. Good score, Female performances were great - its a very good British film!
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Predictable and boring
DannyPatrickUK23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I can't imagine any company in the world who wants to create a home assist android that immediately creeps everyone out and sidelines anyone. If it is to believe this is the most advanced technology.

It becomes predictable very quickly as the robot falls in love with Abi and starts a plan to drive a gap between Abi and her husband. A lazy series of twists leads to a finale, where having gotten what it wanted, then decides its going to kill Abi, once she works out what it has done.

This could have been the bride of Frankenstein, but clearly lacks in verisimilitude. I never believed Abi was the genius everyone was claiming she was, with one sex scene too many...
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Exceptionally Milquetoast
CadenCotard16 February 2024
Unlike many lower budget flicks, I actually found TIM to have perfectly fine productions value and performances. Nobody's winning any acting awards, but everyone was believable for the most part, and nobody overshoots the mark so it doesn't turn hammy. All said and done, Eamon Farren probably deserves a little bit of praise for his performance as TIM the automaton.

The Script isn't as horrible as some others make it out to be, and maybe if this was like your first science fiction movie ever, and you were a child you might like this.

Where TIM falls apart is with its almost...supernaturally uninspired plot. It's like someone went to a sci-fi tropes page about robots/ai and picked every 3'rd entry then put that into chatGPT to spit out a script. For some reason, the writers did however decide to remove any reference or exploration of the more thoughtful/subtle themes usually accompanying this flavor of 'bad robot' genre. In that sense, not only is TIM generic, but its, quite simple. Simple as a thriller, simpler still as sci-fi goes.

The result is about as formulaic and by-the numbers you can get, and re-iterating the title it is a little bit impressive how little TIM brings to the table. It's an impressively generic and unoriginal. 4/10 for me. I can't seem to think of one thing about it that hasn't been done before, and done better. It's probably closer to a 5/10, but it was all I could do not to bump it down another star; a bit sad in a way, If they would have tried one thing, something, anything slightly different or innovative it could have been a pretty decent film. The budget was apparently there. The actors were passable. Alas, this is the equivalent of cinematic warm, fat-free milk.
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