Elementary (TV Series 2012–2019) Poster


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I could never have predicted this!
Cheeseandchocolatemonster11 November 2015
Years ago, I remember reading the publicity for this show before it was released, and pouring scorn on the idea of a modern Sherlock Holmes, set in New York and with a female Watson. "How pathetic!", I sneered, "They must be really desperate for new ideas, to come up with this pile of rubbish!" And when it showed on British television, I only sat down to watch it so I could pull it to pieces.

I could never have guessed that years later I would be watching old episodes, while I impatiently wait for the fourth series to be broadcast. All the people involved have obviously worked very hard to create this intelligent and entertaining show, which has fun with the original stories and characters, while still showing respect (in my view) to the books and the author, Arthur Conan Doyle. Oh, and while I like Jonny Lee Miller as Sherlock, I think the actors who play Joan Watson, Captain Thomas Gregson and Detective Marcus Bell deserve a special mention, as they have the more restrained and therefore difficult roles to play, as his sidekicks.

Thank you for making and releasing "Elementary". And please hurry up with the next series!
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A different spin on a classic, A great show on its own merits
William_G7 December 2013
Like many people, I love BBC's Sherlock and overlooked Elementary for many reasons. I recently decided to give it a chance and was pleasantly surprised to say the least. First off, don't make the same mistake I did and dismiss it for some of the rather odd sounding changes, it's intended to be a different spin on the classic and does so very well.

Jonny Lee Miller plays a great Sherlock. He's more human and flawed, where the original Sherlock was almost cartoonishly strong at times, but he still has the same confident eccentric brilliance that makes Sherlock Holmes so interesting. He's a recovering addict aided by Sober Companion Watson, a modern politically correct spin on classic Holmes drug use that feels tacked on and out of place at times, but helps drive the character development of both Holmes and Watson.

The new Watson angle was a big factor in what made me pass on the show at first. In addition to the Sober Companion job, it sounded very generic Hollywoody to find an excuse to shoehorn in a pretty female co-star, but Lucy Liu is very good in her role. She doesn't play a shallow sexy distraction from the story, rather just a different sex portraying the same inquisitive, intelligent, adventurous companion that Watson should be. And (as far as I am in the series - fingers crossed) there's no pointless romantic subplots between her and Sherlock, just a straight played female Watson. Hats off to Lucy Liu for making a tough character change that I was prepared to dislike so likable and real.

The best part of the show however is the writing. Writing good mysteries is a fine line to walk. You can either give too little information and blindside the viewer, leaving them feeling shut out and just along for the ride, or too much information delivered too overtly and ruin the fun of following step in step with the details. The truth has to be there somewhere for you to see but not too soon. Elementary manages to walk that line very well. There have been times when something was too obvious or too unpredictable, but much more often the truth is cleverly masked until just the right time - a little before it's revealed, if you're sharp.

I went into this series with low expectations but very quickly fell in love with it. Whether you like the different spin on Arthur Conan Doyle's characters or not, Elementary does mystery right, and it's worth a watch based on that alone.
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It is getting better
fcarraldo25 January 2013
It is getting better as it progresses. They are moving beyond a simple police procedural. The crimes are getting more interesting. I like it. I don't compare it to the BBC Sherlock. For one thing, the latter isn't tied to the one hour episode with ads format.

I like the Holmes/Watson interaction, it's a challenge for them to keep the relationship on the right side (ie zero side)of romantic.

Holmes is the classic Aspergers dude. In true Simon Baron-Cohen mode here he's paired with a social radar. So I think the woman partner is, in fact, in keeping with the original SH spirit.

I hope a cable channel buys the rights for the next season so the series can advance in length and complexity of stories.
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Intelligent and quirky Thursday night viewing.
fabouluz18 January 2013
I didn't want to watch this because I adore the BBC Sherlock. However, after denying myself for weeks and weeks I decided to download the first 8 episodes and get to work watching them before I made a full opinion.

I was surprised at how easy it was to fall in love with Jonny Lee Miller's Sherlock and Lucy Liu's female Watson. Both actors brought their A-Game and succeeded in bringing viewers in, despite the un-original procedural aspect to the show.

The crimes of the week are lackluster and pedestrian at the very beginning, a typical trait of typical procedural dramas on broadcast networks. However, thankfully this did not continue for all the 12 episodes that have been aired. Somewhere along the 6th episode is when I assume the writers got the full season pick-up and felt the support of CBS after being given the coveted Super Bowl episode slot.

Now the crimes are interesting and layered. The best thing is that the characterization of Sherlock and Watson is the best thing I've seen on a drama in years. Lucy and Jonny have a platonic chemistry which brings angst, sarcasm and wit to the show that is very enjoyable.

The character scenes are the best in every episode, and you can't deny the acting skill involved to breath fresh air into an over used double act such as Holmes and Watson. Miller and Liu make you forget about the other interpretations and fall in love all over again with the crime solving duo.

I suggest everyone watches before passing judgement, and be open minded. You can like all Sherlock Holmes adaptions, there is no rule against liking another.

Elementary is going to be a fantastic series, and I hope it lasts a long time on CBS. It's refreshing and adds vitality to a very old network. Great show!
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Brilliant! All the way through Season 6
lightheartedbeing19 September 2018
Just finished the season finale season 6 and have been a faithful viewer throughout. I worried that this could be the series finale, and am very grateful it isn't. Keep watching people! What I find brilliant about this series began at the first season. That a character in modern day as sensitive and intelligent as Sherlock would become an addict makes perfect sense if you think about it. And we meet Watson as the unwelcome sober companion former surgeon hired by Sherlock's father to keep him sober who also has an addiction to solving crimes. The development of relationships and character arcs throughout the years has been a delight to watch. The crimes, the interface with the NYPD with great actors (that didn't have enough to do), Aiden Quinn and Jon Michael Hill, and watching them all affect each other through conflicts, betrayals, along with other great actors playing various supporting roles from the incredible idea of a female Moriarty as nemesis, it all seems almost unworkable until it becomes incredibly workable and fascinating. I find I welcome such an inventive version of the classic. I've enjoyed Jonny Lee Miller's work since "Eli Stone," backtracking his career which got me into British Drama much more. So he is the reason I tuned in to this version, and I love what he's done with the character. His body, the way he holds and moves it, his facial expression, none of which show off his real handsomeness, is amazing. His character is hard to like almost, and the character doesn't care, but does. In this season finale we see a side of Sherlock he hardly ever shows. So much depth and layering of the character that seems like it can keep revealing as he keeps growing. Great writing along with the acting. Lucy Liu who I loved in "Ally McBeal" and have also followed is a great foil and partner to this character as Watson. Both these actors can handle comedy and musical comedy straight. but, sadly, there's not much comedy here. There's little excellent television, especially in American tv. Really good shows get cancelled and tripe gets a following. It's mystifying. This is one of the few really great series available to us. I've watched seasons more than twice and it still holds up as great entertainment, provocative, surprising, in depth, great storytelling. It makes you squirm at times, highly uncomfortable as people go dark, even the heroes. What happens to people when the pain of living with what we do under certain circumstances gets acted out. It's great to have a show taking us into these places with characters that look like they may not make it through it, even break, and where and how recovery happens, how they find their way. There's a real dark twist to Sherlock's recovery in Season 6. All the actors carry it all off extremely well. Well envisioned, directed, set, designed, lit, sound tracked, everything about the series is well done. It doesn't miss a beat.
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I'm English, I've read all the Sherlock Holmes books, seen all the movies/TV programs. I like this adaptation.
Bobbins10005 October 2012
I think it's very difficult for people to accept change, in any form. If this is the case for you, and you love the old style Sherlock Holmes...you'll hate this.

However, if you are willing to "go with" the changes made in this adaptation you will find a clever, well written, well acted crime drama.

I can't get enough of Sherlock Holmes fiction or crime drama for that matter. I truly hope that people can accept it for what it is and it carries on for many series.

Matt from England gives this a thumbs up!
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Well written, scripted, acted, directed, tight, quirky, funny, clever, fantastic...
stuart_davies24 April 2015
Unlike the many Sherlock Holmes snobs who have posted low-scoring reviews, I'm not going to bother with comparisons of other Sherlock Holmes connotations. It's an adaptation that puts intelligent twists to the original story and yet established itself as sufficiently well crafted to stand on its own as one of, if not, the best television series around at the moment. The acting is superb with Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu, Aiden Quinn and Jon Michael Hill carrying the weekly load, with appearances from the likes of Rhys Ivans, Natalie Dormer, Sean Pertwee and even Vinnie Jones to bring some variety. The stories are dramatic, mostly unpredictable with touches of humour and draw on aspects of the modern day as to make them very interesting. I love how they explore the relationships between the characters on both sides of the law and how they deal with their demons both past and present. I find that many episodes explore the fringes of the modern world through topics covering science, computing, art, finance, etc. and this adds to the richness of the plots which, along with the writing, are the strongest aspects of the series. I can't sing the praises of this series enough.
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Holmes Under The Hammer
southdavid6 November 2019
I'm usually not a fan of the procedural shows that can so often be churned out on the TV networks, but for some reason "Elementary" struck the right balance of variety and familiarity to keep me watching for the 7 season run.

A contemporary adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes stories, "Elementary" sees the iconic character (Jonny Lee Miller) operating as a consulting detective for the New York City Police Department. Into his life comes Joan Watson (Lucy Liu) a former surgeon, now working as a sober companion. Holmes discovers that Watson has a knack for detective work and with her medical background the pair form a formidable crime fighting team.

I'm not sure why this one ended up being the procedural show I stuck with. I think a lot of it had to do with the charm and chemistry of the two leads. They've been a brilliant pairing and expertly portrayed a growing and then loving relationship that never became romantic. The supporting cast have been good too; both the regular NYPD cops, played by Jon Michael Quinn and Aiden Quinn and the wider cast, Rhys Ifans as Mycroft, John Noble as Holmes' father, and Natalie Dormer as Moriarty.

Admittedly, it does have that same problem that this sort of show always has with being formulaic. It's largely the same story beats in each episode and it's often predicated on one of the pair knowing something extraordinary, rather than the art of deducting. From there they accuse the wrong person, who has an alibi, before the culprit is revealed to be a person they interviewed earlier in the show. I'm being reductive, but only a little bit. Fortunately there are some overriding story arcs that provide some variety to the proceedings and the odd change in set up across the run that freshen things up. It was a tad disappointing that the seventh season didn't provide us with another proper run with Moriarty, but what we did have was OK.

Sad to see the show end, but happy that it ends before running itself into the ground.
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This is entertaining television, not an aspiring pledge to the purists at heart
thomas_ferraro28 October 2012
I am a big fan of Sherlock Holmes in practically every medium... from the works of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle to Basil Rathbone to Young Sherlock Holmes to Robert Downey Jr. and even the episodes in Star Trek TNG.

It isn't that I am a purist, far from it. I enjoy the utilization of the Holmes and/or Holmes/Watson meme in the form of deductive reasoning and systematic or logical progression. Of course that combined with the occasional last minute twist, the first minute twist or even the w.t.h. or out of nowhere type of twist that was completely missing from the storyline that keeps writers in business and viewers in front of the TV watching isn't it?

Now as to this show? I am in fact entertained for many reasons, and none of them have anything to do with the purism of the title character nor for the particular crimes that are solved. What entertains me is the inner sub plots that are brought to the characters by both Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu, and I like Aidan Quinn as well from way back as The Hitchhiker.

I am entertained because I see the kind of s.o.b. attitude that I miss from not having House on the air any more, I am entertained because I have the hots for Lucy Liu sure... but there is something more important than.

I am intrigued at her playing a 'normal' person... not an action hero, not a bad-ass, not a cop with an attitude... she is playing a former professional woman that has taken on a compassionate role and has to deal with a very unprofessional man and I find that particular aspect fascinating.

Anyone could find easily half a dozen reasons not to like this show but I prefer to focus more on what makes me want to watch instead. This show is my addiction and I am thrilled to hear that CBS has given it the green light for a full season. I look forward to more episodes!
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Kirpianuscus21 January 2017
not only for a Holmes in New York. or for a not expected Watson. but for the admirable science of detail. for the chemistry, in not ordinary sense, between lead characters. for the great performance of Jonny Lee Miller and for the wise form of courage to give new senses to the genre. an useful series. as challenge and impeccable script and beautiful performances. for a Holmes who reflects the states of the viewers. for Lucy Liu who is more than friend and translator and right hand of Holmes but keeper of the sense in the cases who are only puzzles for her colleague. provocative. and surprising. for the preserving rhythm. and for the lovely manner to create a credible story of a classic character who seems be not exactly version of Doyle hero. the fresh air - this is the best good point in this case.
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It's just OK
janzen_tyler27 November 2012
To anyone who says that Elementary is a great 21st century adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes series has not watched the BBC version with Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch. Now THAT is/was an amazing 6 episodes of Sherlock Holmes in the 21st century.

With that said, I don't mind the American version. I find it's often a little predictable... they need to make it harder on the audience. Solvable without being transparent. Jonny Lee Miller is doing really well as is Lucy Liu, it's just the stories need to be more difficult to solve.

The only reason I'm watching this series is because Dexter, Homeland, and Walking Dead are the only three other shows im watching at the moment. Breaking Bad needs to come back RIGHT NOW!!!
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Best detective series on network television
susangarner-4115022 August 2018
Clever, well written and directed. Great actors, never dull or boring. Multiracial cast plus Miller's superb diction adds to the sheer joy of watching this series.
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Not bad a procedural, but not a good Holmes, either
myfamily198329 September 2012
I should admit that I'm a huge BBC Sherlock fan, and I've read more than a few of original stories, too. I follow Mentalist regularly and overall, I like procedurals. So I tried to watch this series' pilot with an open mind. It didn't exactly disappoint, specially acting wise: Miller is quite charismatic and Liu makes a worthy sidekick; but their characters are just pale shadows of the original ones; so far so that if you didn't know their names, you couldn't guess, and not just because Watson is a woman. In my personal opinion, Mentalist's Patrick Jane makes a better Sherlock Holmes than this Sherlock; at least he is not a tattooed drug addict. It's a rather good procedural, but not close to your familiar Sherlock Holmes; So why misuse the big sleuth's name, when you can and you are going to make your own quite different version? The mystery in itself, hardly presented anything new and fresh; and those familiar with Mentalist will make comparisons with a very similar case (s1,ep4: Ladies in Red); specially in a few crucial clues and motives. Story had some holes and 1 big gaffe; one of them includes using Googled info selectively and just for convenience. Final Verdict: I'm gonna stick around for a few more episodes and see if they can hook me up with better stories, and I'll pretend his name is John and hers, Jane Smith.
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Your Typical Quirky Detective Show...
chrisc-436 October 2012
This show isn't "Sherlock Holmes".... and I don't say that because of any "reimagining" or creative license taken with the character.

This is nothing more than your typical Hollywood detective show that features a quirky guy solving crimes with his straight laced sidekick. It's been done millions of times on US television. Monk, Psych, Mentalist, Lie to Me, Perception, Endgame, The Finder, Life, etc.. The list goes on and on.

This is a very mediocre show... The characters are weak, the stories are weak, and the crimes are mundane. Halfway through the second episode I found myself already solving the "mystery" and spent the rest of the episode wondering why this Sherlock character isn't able to see something so obvious.

Furthermore the character doesn't "deduce" anything important and at least half the deductions are more like dumb guesses, they add little to the character or the story.

The use of "Sherlock Holmes" here is nothing more than a hook to get people to watch the show. In the end the "Sherlock Holmes" character is mere window dressing to your basic quirky detective show. One that isn't even as good as the other quirky detective shows.

The show does absolutely nothing to capture the essence of Sherlock Holmes.

If you really want to watch a modern take on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's character then you really should watch BBC's Sherlock.

Elementary tries to be like BBC's Sherlock, but other than having a guy with a British accent, it fails miserably on all counts.
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The incomparable Jonny Lee Miller leads this outstanding series
RachaelHP9 May 2020
As an avid Arthur Conan Doyle reader who owns all books/movies/TV shows relating to Sherlock Holmes, I was incredibly skeptical of this show's premise when it was first announced.

At the beginning I asked - is this a cheap investment in the much cherished canon? At the end I answered - simply put - definitely not.

This show achieved 7 seasons of the most exquisite platonic character-arcs I have ever witnessed. Salutations to the original canon surface across all seasons. The rest is CBS's original procedural take.

The one glorious reason this show exists and works is the emotional, psychological, cerebral power of Jonny Lee Miller's performance.

It is baffling how he constantly renders exquisite performances and has astounding versatility and yet the world doesn't seem to realize this. The likes of Cumberbatch (whom I certainly love and admire) seem to effortlessly claim this fandom of adoration, and so many have been quick to compare and wrongfully allow a shadow to fall upon JLM's serious talent. This is a major flaw in their judgement. Both Sherlocks are very different. As they should be.

JLM and BC's shared masterpiece Frankenstein with the National Theatre proved they are on par with each other. Styles and interpretations, different though they are, both pierce through and access the poignancy of each of their characters with equal greatness. An Olivier Award was bestowed. A truly deserved honour.

Truth be told, of all the wonderful Sherlocks that have their rightful place - JLM's Sherlock is the only Sherlock I would love to meet in real life. His arc is real. His struggles are never shrugged away or simplified to lighten the load. He has his imperfections and his genius and he works to learn and appreciate that this struggle and genius means nothing without the friendships and connections he initially fought against in the past. Each person on the team has their worth and can solve issues and offer wisdom and solutions - not just Sherlock. This is refreshing.

JLM's emotional depth is incomparable. No-one should miss this performance. It is a tremendous shame an Emmy, a Golden Globe among other awards were not bestowed except a second Satellite Nomination.

If you like an intellectual procedural that has an exquisite lead, this is for you. It is a procedural show and it is unfair to use this to undermine its true underlying value.

I love BBC's Sherlock and people love it because it is flamboyant, melodramatic and heavily concentrated in its story delivery. Yet, with Elementary you get a staggering number of episodes, a high turnout of entertaining story-arcs and cameos, and a relationship between Sherlock and Watson that is exceptional and rewarding to the very end.

It was incredibly difficult to see this show end. Definitely worth your time.
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Love it!
plex4 November 2012
What House was to medicine, Elementary is to investigating. The writing is clever, fast paced and smart. Our eccentric lead "Holmes" instead of having a drug dependency for his gimp leg like House, is a recovering drug addict who is being observed by "Watson" to keep him clean. They writers really make an effort to spell out the deductive-reasoning details, and for the most part, its plausible, IMO. The plots snake thru twists and turns at a feverish pace and Holmes dedication is relentless. You get the feeling he behaves this way to keep him mind from allowing his addiction to regain control. Lucy Liu , who I love, is curiously restrained in her role to offset Holmes's incessant espousing. Her deductive skills are far less than Holme's but she brings medical expertise to the table. They have a unique but likable chemistry. It seems obvious to me that at some point Liu's character will be developed more and eventually Holmes is going to have some sort of relapse. I can only hope this show maintains this level of intensity without sacrificing credibility, but for now, IMO, its one of mainstream's networks finest.
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Good characters
atlasmb3 February 2013
Okay, so this is not an American version of the Doyle classics. But it satisfies my first requirement of a good show--I like the characters. Holmes is a man struggling with his inept social skills while simultaneously reveling in them. Watson is a woman whose job has become a hobby and more. As they adapt, this could lead to more interesting interactions. The police characters are skeptical and protective of their turf, yet open to help. They grudgingly admire Holmes' results.

Holmes is also a man who has no love of conventions. It is interesting to watch him navigate his way through a society that tries to force everyone to comply with its standards. In this process, Watson acts as liaison and interpreter. As she gains more information about Holmes, she becomes more useful to him and, perhaps, more of an annoyance to him. He wants to remain an enigma so that he can keep his secrets and demons to himself. She tells him it is good to talk of one's feelings, but he will do so only if forced. One can only hope that the writers eventually create a background for Watson that is equally engaging, though she is somewhat damaged from her experience with a malpractice case. This is only the first season, so there is time for more layers to be added.

Regarding Holmes' crime solving techniques, they are best when he interacts with suspects or witnesses. He has an eye for the truths they reveal when they are trying to hide them. Can he see his own truths as well? Wlll he find the time to deal with his own issues when the world offers so many interesting diversions for his curiosity?
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Keep it so that only Holmes and his keen logical mind could have solved the crime otherwise its pointless.
simonv-648-2921767 November 2012
As long time Sherlock fan of books/ Rathbone films and even BBC Sherlock, I was a little skeptical of this NY incarnation. Especially with the gimmick driven female Watson. Having watched the first few episodes however I am pleasantly surprised. The show is carried and carried well by the charisma and scruffy charm of Johnny Lee Miller, who convinces as the eccentric mental powerhouse who has his fair share of weaknesses both socially and physically. Watson does better as a woman than I would have thought and Aidan Quinn is just as brilliant as a police chief in this as he was in the undeservedly canceled Prime Suspect.

However, I did notice a worrying trend in a recent episode of lessening his deductive powers and in essence having him just follow clues as any normal detective. I hope with all sincerity that this series doesn't cheapen into a regular detective show with gimmicky moments highlighting his powers. i.e. Solving the crime as anyone would through normal police procedure and filling the gaps with inane deductive showcases.

Keep it so that only Holmes and his keen logical mind could have solved the crime otherwise its pointless.
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larry-miller3 November 2016
The lead actors are serious actors. But Jonny, seems to my aging ears, mutters a lot, buries his words in his head voice, and not all his dialogue is easy to hear. I wonder if that is part of the recording process and I sometimes have that problem with Lucy as well on this program.Then to make it worse, even in early segments, there is unrelated music in the background adding nothing dramatically, but compounding the muttering problem. CBS seems to add this music on other shows as well while other broadcasters do not, to their benefit. Since much of the drama of the show is Jonny Lee/Sherlock's thought process, and that is at the heart of the character's intrigue, this loss of vocal clarity is self-destructive. I wonder what others think.
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Not Elementary Enough
vjlink-18 November 2012
Don't get me wrong, I wanted to like it, I kept trying to warm up to it. I love Sherlock Holmes (I read every story). I liked the first Sherlock Holmes movie with Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law, showing the more physical side of Holmes,(if you've read the books you'd know he'd occasionally wander the streets), as well as Watson (an army surgeon, he'd have been more physical, and smarter, than the way he was portrayed in earlier movie versions.) And I really enjoy the BBC version - Benedict Cumberbatch, Martin Freeman and Rupert Graves do a great job. I like Jonny Lee Miller, Lucy Liu and Aidan Quinn. I like new takes on old formulas, but this just isn't doing it for me. I don't mind the more manic side of Holmes, but in this version it's virtually taken over. Some of that is seen in the BBC version, but there's a charm to Cumberbatch's portrayal that is lacking here. (Even when he's doing really terrible things - what he does to Watson in Hound of the Baskerville verges on sadistic.) And Lucy Liu's Watson just isn't jelling for me. I think declaring straight out that there will be no emotional relationship between the two is great - that would have been too predictable - but there's no emotional connection at all, not even mutual respect. Some of the plots are almost too convoluted as well. Maybe it'll take a while for the series to grow into its characters, but I'll be waiting elsewhere.
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Fabulous times a million.
fensser29 October 2020
I didn't like Lucy Liu's previous work so I avoided this series for along time. I'm damn happy that I caught an episode and was surprised how great she is as Dr. Joan Watson.

The reimagining of Holmes & Watson & Moriarty is brilliant.

Some of the mysteries are better than others, but the crimes are beside the point. The soul of this show is the relationship between Sherlock & Joan and their friendship with Marcus and Capt. Gregson. Each episode contains a beautiful/lovely/charming/tender scene that hits deep.

The wardrobe of the core characters is elegant, particularly Joan's, I don't think she wore the same outfit twice, sometimes several changes in one episode.

The Brownstone and Precinct sets are convincing and cool. Excellent all-round production.

It is not perfect but I still give it 10/10, because of how awesome the awesome bits are.

One of the few series to maintain it's quality right to the final episode. One of the best shows of all time.
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rollinitiativeplus29 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Several other posters have hit my points exactly so I will mostly just say that I agree it is a pretty good show.

Anything Holmes receives a little love from me though this show less than normal.

My personal gripes being:

1. Overplaying the heroine addiction, perhaps it's just me but I feel it is forced and detracts from the story instead of adds to it. My point is that the "case is all" and should take priority rather than being pushed aside for an overused spin off.

2. Saddling Holmes and Watson to a homicide department was a foolish move in my opinion because it keeps the story restricted in some ways.

--- On the other hand Watson is played well and I like seeing a new take on "him".
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A rare treat from the USA
nij-chris-532-8186839 January 2016
This purports to be a take on Sherlock, migrated to modern New York and it does this very well. Sherlock is a true eccentric, Watson equally and entertainingly odd with the NYPD reassuringly stereotypical, adding balance. Jonny Lee Millar gives consistently outstanding performances full of quirky finger movements, twitches and sudden changes of direction - mental, emotional and physical. Watson is a bewildered soul mesmerised by Holmes, resentful of his offhand treatment of her, intrigued but unable to escape. Irene likewise is outstandingly good - another flawed character, riveting to watch. This series is a revelation, worth watching for JLM's performance alone. Worth 10/10 were it not for Watson's quacky delivery and Holmes' mumbling when thinking out loud but don't let this affect your enjoyment - just see if you agree. Absolutely brilliant.
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same-old same -old
fabus-dm15 December 2012
When I watched trailer for this show I thought great another Sherlock series. Personally I love Sherlock, nervous all knowing guy with lots of bad manners. This show is not Sherlock, it's just same old American detective story. Good acting but too easy story. Guy, girl story and she trying to figure him out with a bit of detective work. Writers need to add spark in this Sherlock, give him something that viewers can laugh, be disgusted, hate, love him etc. I don't wanna watch another detective story with biggest question when will those two end up together. BBC did much better Sherlock and this is just weak wanna be. In BBC version Watson, Sherlock, Prof.Moriarty are much better characters. Characters you can love or hate with story keeping you in your seat asking yourself what will happen next.
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Mumble jumble
susankirkbride1 June 2016
I used to enjoy Elementary but now I can no longer keep up with the many plots. What makes it really difficult is it seems like Sherlock and Joan are mumbling all the time. I can hear most of the other characters fine, and sometimes Sherlock and Joan come through loud and clear. But often they sound like they're speaking a different language. I've given up! I just can't stay awake and watch them anymore without fully understanding what is going on. My husband still enjoys it. He has trouble understanding what they say sometimes too. But he's continued to watch it. Hopefully the producers can fix the sound for this program.
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