Big Bad Bugs (2012) Poster


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Sci fi channel creature feature
mac-ginty20 November 2014
Now this is a sci fi channel movie so you know its going to be fairly cheap and shoddy from the outset. Usually these films have a vaguely recognizable actor or actress in the title role (usually someone from Stargate or Stargate Atlantis) but this film hasn't. The plot for what its worth has a renegade Army scientist opening up a wormhole in a cave that causes insects to grow to a huge size. A team of Seals and a couple of Scientists are sent to plug this vortex before it swallows the world.

Now these films can be entertaining but this is at the lower end of the spectrum for these creature features.Interesting to note that as spiders get bigger there skin becomes bulletproof to the point where a team of a dozen people can empty assault rifles into it without hurting it but a man with a knife can easily dispatch it. Also because the are bigger their brains are bigger so they become smarter (we know this true because of all the dinosaur astrophysicists).

To sum up its pretty bad, the special effects are weak even by sci fi channel standards and the pacing is dire. The finale is quite entertaining in a ludicrous way. Overall, I'd recommend you avoid this unless you are one of those people who get a kick out of watching bad movies.
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Ed Wood Resurrected
markleachsa-14 December 2014
I laughed. I cried. I watched from behind the sofa with my mouth open. I was stunned.

Don't get me wrong, any amazement I felt at this movie was incredulity at the sheer amateurish antics of everyone involved with the making of this... this... I want to say film, but can't. A film has some sort of structure - a plot, acting, cinematics. But this ... thing... doesn't have anything.

I've seen better, deeper, better filmed and more thoughtful movies in the epic fails section on YouTube. This was made by a group of less talented members of a high school film club, scripted by one of their primary school siblings using an encyclopedia of clichés, and using clothes store mannequins so as not to pay real actors. Well, that is what it looks like, and I am probably doing down the film club here.

The acting is of the densest mahogany, the script is (very old) cheese from the very first word, the graphics are laughably bad attempts from the 1970's, the music hand-recorded from inside an elevator, the lighting performed with flashlights. And the director can only aspire to the greatness of Ed Wood, astonishingly making even the atrociously bad Uwe Boll look like an auteur in comparison.

The worst fifteen minutes of my life! And they brought it out in 3D as well! Amazing!
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Incredible mission
unbrokenmetal13 January 2015
Sydney Gerber (Camden Toy), a very mad old scientist, opens a wormhole somewhere in Afghanistan, so giant scorpions can come out and kill all of his team. Dr William Marx (Jack Plotnick), a slightly mad young scientist, is sent with a team of soldiers to find Gerber and close the wormhole. Lieutenant Raiger (Ted Jonas) is determined to finish this mission soonest, because he and Marx are in love with the same woman. However, fighting various monsters and human enemies becomes an almost impossible mission that drags on and on.

'The Vortex - Beasts From Beyond' is an incredible movie. If you didn't see it, you wouldn't believe people release something like this. There is a giant plastic hornet and 2 talking (!) snakes. Probably becoming aware of how ridiculous everything would look, the makers added a lot of comedy by the relationship of Marx and Raiger who hate each other from the first moment, but have to continue working together on this mission. A few dialogs of these two characters are the only enjoyable thing in an otherwise horrifying flick.
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"The monster might be faking it"
hwg1957-102-26570415 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A wormhole opens up in Afghanistan and a team of US soldiers of vague ethnicities is sent to deal with it and also find the mad scientist responsible. They encounter huge creatures which have been enlarged by crystals coming out of the wormhole. (I think...) A scientist called William Marx is drafted to help as he knew the mad scientist. Also in the team is Catherine Deckert who is Marx's ex-wife. (What are the odds of them getting together again?) Not an original plot and not an original film. In fact a very poor one with no tension or excitement, comic moments that fall flat on their face and a badly constructed script, not to mention the laughable CGI monsters.

The characters are all irritating. Jack Plotnick as Marx tries to be amusing but fails and Ted Jonas as Lt. Steven Raiger shouts most of his dialogue for some unknown reason. It's a terrible bit of acting that would disgrace a primary school performance. All throughout there are lines of dialogue that don't make sense and the characters act in a way no real person would. The music score by Johnny Wilson is the only worthwhile element in the film. Apart from, of course, the hilarious talking snakes.
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Calling this bad is being far too kind
TheLittleSongbird26 November 2019
My main reason for seeing 'Big Bad Bugs' was it being part of my on going/on and off "seeing low budget films out of curiosity" quest. Expectations were conflicted, with the premise being somewhat intriguing if silly and with the potential to be a guilty pleasure. With it not looking particularly good and the low rating, part of me was nervous, but saw it anyway with an open mind and with the intent to not take it too seriously.

Which unfortunately was very difficult to do, because everything was executed so amateurishly. Making it an ehausting and frustrating watch. There was a serious temptation to turn 'Big Bad Bugs' off very early on, but being a fair reviewer who always gives films etc a proper chance and never judges something without seeing the whole thing (find it very immature and why people do it and brag about it is lost on me) that temptation was resisted.

'Big Bad Bugs' really is as terrible as the low ratings and negative reviews have indicated, actually being worse than what the advertising made it look like. Wanted a ridiculous if fun guilty pleasure, got instead a worse than incompetent mess and one of the worst films seen in a long time.

Don't know where to begin criticising, but the extremely cheap production values would be a good starting point. The special effects for the goofy and far from menacing creatures are especially risible, with the haphazard editing close behind. The script is pure ham fisted cheese, the excessive repetition gets tiresome and it's all deadly dull.

Story-wise, it is ridiculous with a lot of draggy pacing, as a result of paper thin, often unevenful and over-stretched story-telling, and clumsy and far from tense or suspenseful action. The ending is far-fetched and completely fails to engage or excite. The performances are dreadful all round with bland and annoying characters, Ted Jonas especially only shows one emotion which is shouting.

Overall, terrible. 1/10
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Extra-dimensional creepy crawlers of gargantuan size...
paul_haakonsen19 June 2017
I am a sucker for creature features, especially when talking movies where the creatures are of gargantuan and monstrous sizes. However, most of those movies are laughable and poor, so it was with next to no expectations that I sat down to watch "Big Bad Bugs". So I would not be disappointed, but might actually be positively be pleasantly surprised. However, unlikely as that would be, given the rating the movie had scored on IMDb, I still decided to sit down and watch "Big Bad Bugs".

The special effects and CGI were questionable at best, let's just say that. The creatures were indeed looking like something out of a 1990s computer game. Yeah, they were that fake. And I must admit that I have never heard a scorpion squeal like a pig, nor having the ability to shake its stinger and tail to make it sound like a rattle snake. Or even monstrous spiders that sound like squealing pigs for that matter.

Now, the idea for the creatures was good enough, but it was so poorly executed on the screen that it was hard to take the monstrous creatures seriously.

The size of these creepy crawlers was explained that a scientist had opened a wormhole, and the creatures were milling through that wormhole into our world. Yeah, isn't it original?

And this is without a doubt the first time that I have ever seen a military guy take off his boots to cross a shallow stream of water. Seriously? Taking off the boots to walk through water, yeah, that was very military-like in spirit and training.

It should be said that the music score for "Big Bad Bugs" was actually quite alright. The music was well-fitting for the movie, and it was subtle enough to fit perfectly into the background yet still be outstanding enough to be noticed over dialogue and action on the screen.

The characters in the movie were quite generic and one-dimensional, which meant that the characters were fairly alike and only distinguishable by their outer appearance. And the script and storyline left little or no room for character Development.

"Big Bad Bugs" has a very straight forward storyline which is very easy to follow, and you can actually leave the room for some time to get something to eat, drink or whatever, and come back after a while and still be up to speed with what is going on. For better or worse.

If you like creature features, then trust me when I say that there are some far better choices available out there.
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I would seriously consider cleaning the toilet if you're thinking of watching this... you'll see as much crap either way!
kardosma11 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: some mild spoilers ahead (but not critical story points)

Seal team of zeroes, not heroes - I mean, they don't post watch and all just go to sleep in the middle of hostile enemy territory? Riiiight. One dude gets killed and another one 'drops his bottle' and runs around like a brain damaged 4 year old shooting the ground and wasting all his ammunition. Riiiight.

Mad scientist ultra-nerdo-goober who embodies every stereotype in the book - and of course his ex is the Seal team commander. Of course. Despite being the least convincing of any of the Seal actors.

Uber he-manesque belligerent current boyfriend 2IC- can you smell the testosterone? *cough* *gag* Hooah.

Ripoff factor = combo of Tremors monsters and Aliens. Giant spiders - much like the rubber ones I buy for Halloween, only bigger.

'Gadda' radiation. Seriously. If you're going to choose an off-brand name, pick one that doesn't make the entire cast sound like they just messed up the actual name. (Insert eyeroll here)

I love good bad movies, watch them all the time. This is, sadly, not one of those.
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No reason to tune in
Leofwine_draca25 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
BIG BAD BUGS is another cheapo bug hunt movie in which a bunch of soldiers trek through the desert tackling randomly giant monsters which take the form of spiders, scorpions and the like. Such films are ten a penny these days and this one is no different, with lame-o CGI effects and indifferent performances from a below-par cast. Any reason to tune in? None that I can see.
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Big? Yes. Bad? That's an understatement.
BA_Harrison4 May 2019
Creepy crawlies can be scary (to me, at least), so unusually large ones should be super scary, right? Well, not if they're really unconvincing CG creatures poorly composited with real-life action, as in this godawful movie from writer/director Peter Paul Basler.

The atrocious action follows a special ops team on a mission to locate a missing scientist who holds the key to closing a wormhole that threatens to destroy the planet. Along the way, the soldiers encounter some giant insects that have been transformed by glowing crystals from the vortex. It's dull, repetitive nonsense with lots of aimless wandering through the desert, pseudo-scientfic claptrap and dreadful performances all round (although I suspect that the cast were well aware how crap the film would be and acted accordingly).

In a film full of extremely awful moments, it's hard to choose the worst, but I'll plump for the really crap HALO jump scene that sees the team opening their chutes as soon as they leave the aircraft, the attack by a giant hornet, or the talking serpent duel at the end.
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The SEAL Team Should've Destroyed This Insult
scarlettsdad8 January 2024
Wow. It's rare I can't find one single redeeming feature to provide more than one star, but this stinker deserves no better. I was hoping that Jack Plotnick's involvement would help, but although he's hysterical doing trans comedy, as a straight actor with absolutely nothing creative to work with, he was as useless and awful as the rest of the cast. Maybe if he played the character as Evie THAT would have saved this piece of dreck. At least then it would have been a comedy. The scientist fish out of water with the Marines scenario was I suppose meant to be amusing, but only came off as sad.

Instead, the only funny stuff was the basement-rate CGI. Honestly, they could have saved even more money by just having rubber toy monsters being moved by visible hands. I mean, we're talking "Birdemic"-type special effects here. Just dire.

And the military representation was plain insulting. INSULTING. It pissed me off, and I was never in the military. I can imagine how an actual SEAL feels about it. Apparently none of the minuscule budget was spent on research. Into ANYTHING.

This truly is a bad film. Bad script, bad "effects," bad acting, bad photography, bad direction, just bad bad bad. I was really hoping for humor. But that was bad, too. Avoid this one at all costs.

Jack Plotnick...I hope the check didn't bounce.
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Campy movie, as ridiculous as it gets!
song_of_rainbow18 September 2022
Earlier today I reviewed another monster movie. Gave it a two. This one is as ridiculous and stupid as the other one, but I gave an 8. Why? Because it was ridiculous and stupid in a good way, as in it made me laugh by the dumb things that happen within the first few minutes. Does the premise make any sense? NO! (I really was a fan of the Starship Troopers movies, this one made me feel the same, 'stupid movie that I really liked'.) I also laughed when I read the "Goofs" in the IMDb site. I'm sure that this movie was not even remotely trying to be accurate regarding jumpers's chutes. Or the part on special dispensation for longer hair. LOL Thanks!
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Big Bad Movie
natnightly19 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Let's begin with trivia. Did you know that ' gadda ' radiation isn't a thing? It's a word with many results in Google, among the notable being a translation from Oromo for the word ' grief ', an emotion I would heavily associate with watching this, and allegedly a type of bed from India, a good indicator of where you'll want to go during this movie.

So, what is Big Bad Bugs? Aside from having a name that's really fun to say, there's nothing else going for it.

The protagonist is your average euphoric fedora-tipping redditor who broke up with his wife for some reason. The wife, who's like 20 years older, resents him, possibly rightfully so. Also, the new boyfriend, Chaddeus Maximus, who visibly struggles to put a sentence together when asked a yes/no question.

Wormholes begin to appear in the middle east... of California. Try as they may, it was very clearly the Californian desert, and it was a bunch of people romping around in Spirit Halloween military costumes.

Anyway, magic rocks come from somewhere, the bugs, who aren't bugs and are arachnids, somehow get the crystals inside them. This goes nowhere.

In the initial cave, there's oddly pristine drawings on the walls, one of which entrances the ex. Apparently this makes a wormhole start to open, and mister euphoric borderline sexually harasses her by nonconsensually forcefully kissing her. They barely escape the cave. The cave writings and fugue are never mentioned again.

During their escapades, it's discovered that the wormhole sends them to a place parallel either in the same reality or an alternate one. It turns out the mad scientist, Gerber, yes, Gerber, went through it and ended up a massive 20 miles away. This is never mentioned again.

The grand group of gigabrains then try to triangulate Gerbs by using a Geiger counter and one (1) radio. After fighting some guys in terrorist towels, captain fedhoria falls asleep, dreams of his ex, wakes up. This goes nowhere.

To the eagle eye observers, you may notice a pattern. Nothing happens in this movie, so let's cut to the end.

Gerbs stabs himself with a crystal or five, turns into a snake, Chaddeus has a moment of clarity, physically assaults his possible fiancee, then stabs himself with a crystal, also turning into a snake.

The two coil around each other like a nice poop before being flushed into the interdimensional toilet to stop the wormholes from opening.

Please, I beg you, do not watch this. Not even for fun. You will suffer.
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Wow, it really is that bad
kirachloe15 September 2023
Interesting concept but concerning number of 1 star reviews, still thought I would give it a chance. What a waste.

The cinematography wasn't bad, so why not watch some more? The acting by some of the cast was fair ... maybe ... but others were just plain awful.

OK, rule #1: the movie goes the way of the script. That's when you find out this script was non-existent. If you don't know about a topic get some advice. The conversations/actions of the soldiers sound and perform like the were written by high schoolers. Whoch leads to some of the other rules. One of my favs: if you have never held a gun in your life don't take on the role of a soldier. It looks STUPID. Yeah, you cast members, you know who you are.
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Some people should just contribute to the movie industry by just being an audience.
mark.waltz7 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It's easy to appreciate the artistic integrity film students who want to contribute something to the advancements of the world of Cinema, but some Jazzy industry no favors by getting involved. He's made for TV for straight-to-video movies made by Supernova for the Asylum are just so genuinely bad with characters so cliched and under written and badly acted that instead of laughing at the film, you are rolling your eyes but with the fear that you will end up seeing through your ears.

You deserve an award, and not the Razzie that this wouldn't even be eligible for, if you can get through even half of it. You can tell from the very beginning that this is going to be absolutely hideous because it starts off with a female military officer coming across a missing Soldier urinating, and he proceeded to just turn around and speak to her while continuing to do his business. She doesn't even flinch. The next thing you know, she's screaming outside the entrance to a cave, and a giant scorpion appears. The Scorpion likes to do the wiggle dance on top of a Jeep and that is probably the funniest moment in the film.

I once did a day-long marathon of films from the Asylum and Supernova, and the highest rating I could come up with was a 3 out of 10. That one was a masterpiece compared to this one, and patience is easily tested as you try to find something worth keeping your interest but just can't. This is also the type of film that you'll watch ones probably on your laptop because on a big screen TV you know it's going to look even more hideous than it is. There are some beautiful landscapes but that really makes no difference when the film itself has absolutely no redeeming qualities. This one doesn't even have the benefit of a familiar forgotten actor or a B star whose fame was fleeting decades ago. This is the type of film where you long to see the entire cast eaten or impaled by the various creatures that come out of nowhere, and that's a sign that the film is absolutely just no good.
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