Bigfoot County (2012) Poster

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The wait for Bigfoot goes on.
chuckm7629 December 2012
The third in the recent slew of Bigfoot movies and I'm afraid it was more of the same. Better than Night Claws (not that difficult), maybe not as good as Lost Coast Tapes but we're talking slightly one way or another.

I'm finding the biggest problem with all recent found footage / hand-held cam movies is the lack of originality and any real idea of a decent ending.

Blair Witch Project cornered the market of unexplained, cut-off endings, it's been copied countless times since. How many more times do we need the same!? It's a tool used to keep production costs low, where big Hollywood movies would wow us with special effects as a pay off movies with little or no budget will use the leave us guessing tool.

I really don't mind it if it's done properly, but there has to be a organic sequence of events otherwise the audience is forced to watch a bunch of people stumbling around in a dark forest for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

For once I didn't have a problem with the characters in this film, I was at times enjoying the ride. But there ultimately isn't enough meat on the bones of the movie to sustain itself and sadly after a few mild thrills it tails off into what I suspected all along.

There is a twist at the end but it's telegraphed from a long way off so don't expect any surprises.
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Oh where is Bigfoot when you need him?
Rainy11331 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I really really wanted Bigfoot to come crashing out of the woods and gobble up these useless idiots!

But alas.

I made it to the bitter end and I guess there was a little payoff, but not enough for what I went through to get there.

Be warned - not for the sensitive viewer. Even if all the gratuitous language (was all that really necessary?) doesn't bother you - there is worse than language.

I liked Blair Witch. I thought it was clever and scary. But this is a pale and lazy copy. I can't be sorry I watched it though since I would have been wondering if I hadn't.
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Movie sounds like it be good however it was a let down.
chipotle-mc18 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had the potential to be great. I think the idea of a "found footage film" with big foot is cool and once I heard about it I had to see it immediately. To my surprise I was disappointed. You never really get to see big foot, I had a feeling it wouldn't show him a lot but I expected at least one good look at him. You only get the chance twice and its very brief. The f word is used about a million times, literally a million times I don't understand why the writer thought it was a good idea to put in an f word in every line. And they use it when its totally not even needed I don't get offended by foul language or anything but it starts to get annoying. The ending really disappointed me because when the hillbillies have the brother tied up and are about to rape him I thought it would of been awesome to have the big foot pop out and wipe out the clan of hillbillies. But instead they continue on with the assault then drop the main character off in a field the next day. We watch him lay there for about 3 minutes then big foot emerges from the tall grass and it abruptly ends. I think my ending would have been way better. Do not hype yourself up for this movie it is a waste of time you are not missing anything find another movie.
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What am I doing
saladragna23 December 2014
This is hands down the most unsatisfying cinematic piece of work I have viewed in my lifetime. I can tell with 100% honesty, the acting is at a brazers level. There isn't a consecutive 25 second span in the entire film that is tolerable. For this to even come out on On Demand makes me hate com-cast even more. Why am I still watching this?! I made this account for the sole purpose of this public service announcement. Holy lord this is bad. This is worse the the videos I would make with my siblings reenacting homeward bound the incredible journey. I wouldn't wish this experience on anyone, except this guy I work with named Cesar. I would love to talk to him about it cues he's one of the funniest guys I know.
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Total Rubbish! Do not waste your time!
Michael-Hallows-Eve25 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a 'found-footage' film about a group of documentary makers trying to find evidence that Bigfoot exists. Now I went in to this thinking it may be like 'The Lost Coast Tapes', and it the way that it was just as bad, actually it was worse! It was below average, badly filmed, badly acted, in fact I feel ripped off because I wasted 80 minutes on this rubbish. < SPOILER ALERT > The plot was a rip off of 'The Lost Coast Tapes' to a point, then it went down hill very fast. The only scene that you actually see anything to do with Bigfoot is the last 3 seconds of the movie! If that part wasn't in it the film could have been called something different, because of the fact that the group of people were looking for Bigfoot was the only thing that tied it to the title. As you find out later, the evidence they actually follow is all tied to some rednecks who are trying to protect their marijuana crops. It seemed like the Bigfoot plot was mainly a background story, for the reasons of making this movie appeal to the "Horror/Thriller" market in my opinion. So in closing, this movie is a waste of time! I give it a 1 out of 10.
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Don't waste your time or give THEM your $$$...
dws696931 December 2012
All you need to know is this movie SUCKS!! The estimated budget was $600,00? Not only was the acting some of the worst I've seen, it is also annoying. Every other sentence is either got the F-bomb or telling us about how religious people are "crazy". This horrible movie actually made me angry enough to seek out this page and right a review and it's not even half over. DO NOT watch this movie as it is a TOTAL waste of time. GRRR! Is this what Hollywood has become? Horrible actors acting out horrible scripts? Every person associated with this film should be embarrassed that they call this a movie. I bet the word F$#@ is used 1000 times throughout this movie... just horrible...
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Hahahaha - Can I have my 82 minutes back?
jondowd8 February 2013
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OK. Who gave this guy $300,000 to make a movie? I hope his parents lived their whole lives, worked hard and saved and saved, then died and left him the money to waste on this poor, stupid project. Maybe I'm just old and the world of art has passed me by, but tell me... Suspending a camera on a rubber band and placing it on the end of a stick - is that any way to go though life son? No. The jerky, bouncy footage of this stupid, stupid film was rarely pointing at any subject. It's as if you went for a hike, and filmed it with a camera dangling from the end of your walking stick. All I saw for most of this inane piece of crap was jerky shots of bushes going by. And the dialog! Random, disconnected and banal. None of this film made any sense - either to the eye or the ear. Throw in some shock-value hillbilly gay rape at the end with a teeny peek at a silhouette suggesting Bigfoot and you're done. (please. be done. be out of money and be done).
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Too 'real' for it's own good.
amesmonde28 February 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A documentary filmmaker and his brother with his parter go to Siskiyou County, California to investigate alleged Bigfoot sightings and get more than they bargained for.

As the found footage influx continues this addition is strong enough as a POV film, but if anything it's a little miss sold with the prominent Bigfoot tag. Writer, director Stephon Stewart's Bigfoot County a.k.a Bigfoot Tapes is too real for its own good, yelling, cursing, screaming in the dark and rape, the reactions feel real but does that make good entertainment? It has a great on location setting of forest and caves there's some notable realistic tense scenes especially at the beginning and final act. What starts as a Bigfoot hunt turns into a blunt, hard hitting Deliverance-like film by the closing act.

It debatably has the edge over the similar Big Foot: Lost Coast Tapes (2012) from an audience engagement perspective but unlike 'Tapes it has very little full on Bigfoot encounters which may leave some viewers feeling short changed.

The opening first act works well due to the leads and supporting casts performances. The odd local characters and the two leads are excellent for a low budget entry. Stephon Stewart as Stephon Lancaster and Davee Youngblood as Davee Lancaster are naturalistic and have good on screen chemistry.

Due the the one camera aspect it has credibility but also loses the scope of a traditional film setting. Like the comparable aforementioned it may not be the best hand held camera shot movie or Bigfoot film, that probably goes to Exists but it's better than what Syfy are churning out.
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whats that smell ?
dadatuuexx17 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Phew !-open a window !,something smells like Bigfoot poop.Maybe just the poop part !.In my 45 yrs of watching horror and sci-fi movies ,i,ve seen some fart-blowers,but this movie takes the prize for ALL TIME !. Nothing could be worse.i really don't know WHERE to start.Bad acting,bad story,bad camera work,bad dog!,go outside to use the restroom,not in the living room.I cant say anything good about this film.You would do better to seek out the 70,s movie "Curse of Bigfoot".I,m not kidding.Here,s another spoiler,the monster in title shows up in the LAST 5 seconds,sneaking away ,in a out of focus long distance shot,in shame.Shame on whoever thought ANYBODY would give a Bigfoots butt about this junk.Avoid like the plague !
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Help me please!!! I don't get the film!!!!!!
richardmartin196114 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first film review I've written, so bare with me (plus, I've had a couple of beers, so excuse spelling and grammar).

I like watching stupid films, (idiocracy is guilty pleasure) and this one looked great, but I don't get the film. Its the worst film I've watched, no denying that, but the build up is alright, and it just falls apart in the last 20 min. First of all, why can't people hold a camera still for more than 0.3 seconds, its ridiculous, and second of all.......... Here comes the spoiler......

The main guy goes into a cave to look for his buddy, gets attached by Bigfoot, then some rednecks drop him off after they go deliverance style on his mate!?!? I really don't get it. Can someone please email me and explain.

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Owww, my brain
frankmcgovern6610 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was.... terrible? Awful? Abysmal? Wretched? Just plain bad? Hmmm, I can't think of quite the right word to convey my disappointment. I like lost footage films when they are done right. This one wasn't. the writer saw Blair Witch once, thought "Hey! I can do that!" and then fell over and hit his head causing massive brain damage. That is the only way I figure this could have been made. Some people talk about how this is a homage to Blair Witch, or that it's just carrying on the style; it's three schmucks lost in the woods yelling at each other while one of them films it. Now then I know that's what pretty much any Lost Footage film is, but in this one, no one seemed to care. At all. I'm putting more love into this review than anyone did to that movie. But I can forgive the slow pacing, predictability, poor acting, flagrant use of the the F- Bombs (a sign that the writer doesn't know how to write dialogue) because I do love my silly horror/monster films. What I can't forgive is the ending: The "Teehee, I saw Deliverance as a child and I added my own backwoods rapists into it! They're the real monsters! But oh wait, if you watch the dead guy at the very end for long enough you see Bigfoot for 2 seconds letting you know he might have been responsible for... something?" Honestly, I hate that crap. It's insulting. If they just kept it simple they might have had something, but the "twist" followed by a last minute even more predictable "twist" is just lazy.
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Full of movie tropes
lefaye-175528 October 2019
When are we done with this hick trope? So many chances to do better
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Hello, it's a found footage film!
trivium10529 July 2013
I find some of the reviews of this film slightly ridiculous. One starts off by saying how they 'loathe found footage films', well why did you watch this then?! Several other reviews complain about the shaky camera work ... erm, it's a fake documentary filmed by people walking around with a hand-held camera, mostly through difficult terrain, wouldn't it be slightly bizarre if the camera-work was perfect?!! Take found footage films for what they are, if you don't like them then don't watch them and then complain about them! I love found footage films, a lot of them are dreadful but this is not one of them. I thought the acting was decent by found footage standards (in other words perfectly OK for this type of film)and at least it wasn't filmed in an abandoned lunatic asylum for a change. The tension is really built up well in this film, there is a lot of weird stuff going on which creeps you out (no in-your-face monsters etc) and you never really know what is stalking the documentary makers. There are weak points, such as the blatant Blair-witch rip off scene (though no doubt the director would claim it's a tribute) and some absurd dialogue bearing in mind the situation the crew are in. Overall though it is a decent effort and if it only cost 600 bucks then hats off to the producers etc. If you like found footage films, watch it. If you don't, don't watch it!
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You can't polish a turd - Might contain a spoiler
Steiner_Rolf26 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am ashamed and embarrassed to admit I watched this all the way through in the hopes that it might get better. It didn't.

I swear to god, I am so sick of hipster/slacker 20/30 somethings showing lack of respect for personal space, common sense, and just about everything. If you are looking for something or hunting something in the woods (or anywhere for that matter), you don't go crashing through the brush like a stampede of cattle or talking and yelling at the top of your lungs. Any real hunter out there might have shot these imbeciles just to have the quiet! Someone also needs to put the word out: the Blair Witch Project "shakycam" effect is so tried and old. It tires your viewers quickly, distracts from the film and in general ruins the entire show. I have seen several films in the past couple of years that might have really had something if this "personal documentary" "shakycam" crap wasn't involved.

This film was a huge waste of everyone's time, is mis-billed as a horror film and lacks any redeeming value. Do not waste your time on this. Learn from my fail.
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Watch "Troll Hunters"... way better fake documentary. Warning: Spoilers
For the love of god, don't waste your time.If this had a zero out of 10 it would be given a zero. We were a little bored to begin with... and the few moments of thrill are alright. We basically just zipped through most of the dialogue because it was lame, boring and unnecessary. I know this is supposed to be a "documentary"... but the editing sucked. The movie could have easily been clipped down to an nice hour. Hell... even a half our of this BS would have been too much. When you THINK you are going to see Bigfoot... well surprise!! You get to see a horrible rape scene involving men... and only men. They fooled you! And then after the all-of-a-sudden appearance of the perpetrators (who are involved in the rape scene), there is a final scene with them dumping of one of the guys' bodies and then a brief appearance of "Bigfoot". The End. If you want to see a decent fake documentary... without the stupid unnecessary rape scene, watch "Troll Hunters". You at least get to see some trolls.
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Some footage should just remain hidden...
paul_haakonsen26 July 2013
As soon as I saw the shoddy camera-work on "Bigfoot County", then I knew this was going to suck big time. I loathe these "found footage" movies, especially because I don't pay to watch something that is shot by a teenager with his first DV camera. It is epically lame on so many levels.

The story told in "Bigfoot County" could have been somewhat more interesting and the movie that much more watchable, had they opted to go with proper camera-work and held the cameras steady. But no, that was not to be, and for 82 minutes the audience have to suffer through questionable camera-work and end up with a bad case of SCS (Shaky Cam Syndrome).

A young film enthusiast treks into Bigfoot County in his search for clues about the legendary Bigfoot (Sasquatch, Yeti, Abominable Snowman, or whatever you call him in your respective area). And he drags his friend along with him, and also the friend's girlfriend, deep into the woodlands in search for proof of the legendary creature.

I will say that the three main cast people did good enough jobs with their given roles, but they were just struggling futilely against the whole "found footage" genre.

I managed to suffer through this movie, albeit I was tempted so many times to just turn it off and end my suffering and find something else to watch. So was it worth it? No, not at all. Not unless you count into the equation the hilarious and oh-so-predictable ending to the movie. It was so lame that I ended up in tears from laughing so hard.

"Bigfoot County" is bad with a big B (might be B for Bigfoot, but it ain't, trust me). And if you are looking for 82 minutes of entertainment, you are best of looking somewhere else, far, far away from this movie. I am giving "Bigfoot County" a 2 out of 10 rating. It manages to scrape itself off the floor and not get a 1 for the actual attempt of making a proper movie, and had they opted (as I mentioned above) for proper steady camera-work, the movie would have rated much higher than a 2 out of 10 rating.
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Couldn't pick 0 so had to give it 1
newcastle_nutter30 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Don't do many reviews but this was so bad it needed to be done. Me and my mates get together every week to watch so called bad low-budget films and so i thought 'The Bigfoot Tapes' as it's known in the UK fitted the bill. What followed was something so inept that i spent the time cringing in my seat in embarrassment that i had subjected them to this. Nothing happens, with most bad films you're guaranteed a few laughs, but with this nothing. Three feckless characters wander aimlessly into the woods in search of Bigfoot with the usual moaning and blaming that always happens and while predictably getting lost they get into an encounter with some hillbillies. By the end of the film, other than feeling overjoyed it's over, you are glad the characters didn't make it as none of them offer anything in the way of likability. Please avoid at all cost even if you are going to watch it as a laugh as the film will end up laughing at you for paying money to see it. Be warned.
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crystaldroid9 November 2019
The worst movie I have ever attempted to watch. It was so horrible I couldn't finish it. No real story line - MOCKumentary, not documentary. Horrible acting. Nonstop foul language. Just purely a waste of time.
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tclark556 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Contrary to what some reviewers write, the title is appropriate. The scares and dangers in the film come not from Bigfoot, but from the inhabitants of the area which is Bigfoot Country; the drug-dealers and other rural denizens of Bigfoot Country are the scariest things in those woods.

I enjoy found-footage films, but this was boring. The protagonists, while not as annoying as in some other films of this type, still are irritating, what with their insipid dialog and moronic decisions. The cleverest part of the film is the final shot, a close-up of a dead protagonist while in the background Bigfoot walks by--oh, the irony! Unfortunately, I watched this after Wild Men which is a comedy/horror found-footage film about searching for Bigfoot that is much more entertaining. Bigfoot is the scariest thing in the woods in that one.
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1hr 22mins of your life you wont get back
gameoveraus17 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
In the theme of The Blair Witch it's basically a really bad episode of Bigfoot Hunters that is on cable, however unlike Blair Witch and the aforementioned Bigfoot Hunters show you do atleast see something, tho it's at the very end of the movie and only for a split second.

General overview, 3 people decide to go out and get some footage of Bigfoot, encounter a religious nut who agrees to take them to a spot where he saw one and then abandons them (or did he), they subsequently get lost and predictably all die or implied that they have.

There are some jump scares, much like in Blair Witch, alot of really bad camera work, in one scene they are walking along a fire track and the camera man is either holding the camera backwards or isnt watching where he's walking at all and he was in front. Genius

The rest of the movie doesn't need a overview
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whatwouldgenerdo22 November 2016
A ridiculous, pathetic 'Blair Witch' rip-off, an absolute insult to that horror masterpiece. Horrible acting, horrible, pathetic 'script', a shameful rip-off premise, you name it. Almost a parody of 'Blair Witch', with absolutely NONE of that brilliant movie's charm. Not even fun to watch ironically. They take concepts and scenarios directly from Blair Witch, and try to disguise them as their own. The dialogue is EMBARRASSINGLY bad. At least the Bobcat Goldthwait Bigfoot movie wasn't a rip-off, and had some truly frightening moments. One positive is some of the 'scary' sounds in the woods were pretty scary, OOOOH! The filmmaker(s) should be ASHAMED of themselves. It leaves you feeling NOTHING for the characters, except rooting for their slow, painful demises. I don't know how anyone involved in this celluloid abortion can look themselves in the mirror. Don't watch it. It SUCKS.
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Had a lot of promise
harryplinkett1417 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot believe how they squandered the opportunity to make a truly good film. One of the major problems with the found footage genre is poor acting and poor dialogue, which usually comes down to constant bickering and acting either like an idiot or like a hysterical bitch (or both). Therefore to see decent dialogue and acting in Bigfoot County immediately caught my attention. Moreover, the setup was pretty good: they meet a weird guy, find themselves alone in a hostile environment, and they realize someone is stalking them and leading them away from safety. But then it starts ripping off Blair Witch and eventually turns into the boring old "hillbillies bent on raping city folk" thing. To make things worse, the second half of the film is poorly directed and simply not very interesting. The film had so much promise and I can't believe they allowed it to devolve into this pile of nonsense. You don't need to rip off Blair Witch and Deliverance to make a Bigfoot movie.
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Not the worst Bigfoot movie but definitely at the bottom
gapflyboy27 October 2019
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I really wanted Bigfoot to just bash their heads in with a rock through out the movie, as they were annoying as crap. The rape scene towards the end was pretty disturbing, but again I found it hard to feel sorry for the guy. "Lost footage " movies really should explain how the footage was found as well.
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Mediocre Found Footage Film With Cheap Grabs At Transgression
daniel-mannouch26 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
... and 12 SECONDS 12 SECONDS!

I really don't know what to make of this one. On the one hand, it's a generic as all hell found footage piece with a modicum of camp value as THEY ARE HUNTING FOR BIGFOOT! BIGFOOT!! IN 2012!!! On the other hand, you got a Deliverance clone with no pay off. Slim Pickings.

Intoxication or a gaggle of like minded friends are essential to salvage any entertainment value from this C-grade entry into a genre late into its decline. That's not entirely true actually. Paranormal Activity 4 still made 5x it's budget that same year of this production. But that series, let's be honest, was the only true game in town by that point anyway.

The only way this film could have redeemed itself was, like all the clones, fight dirty and become an exploitation piece. It was nearly there as the third act kinda accelerated into snuff territory, but I mean, come on, what's more WTF, rape by pot smoking hee-haw or by Sasquatch? It worked for Night of the Demon (1980), why not now? Show what Hollywood can and will not. Have some gull fellas, come on. Make Trash Great Again!

This dim affair gets three stars.
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Extremely stupid movie
davidhunterccie26 May 2022
Even for a Bigfoot movie, this is an extremely stupid movie. (Normally, most Bigfoot movies suck.) What a conplete waste of time. Acting, plot, characters are all ridiculous.
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