Robyn Hood (TV Series 2023– ) Poster

(2023– )

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Tax Right-off gone wrong
ElectrifiedToast4 October 2023
Ok this clearly was never meant to make it to air. The script is just awful, plain right awful. I've seen "adult videos" with better scripts, production, plot and acting than this.

Characters spew their dialogue and the script is so clipped it's like the actors just wait for the other character to finishing talking before saying their line. It's like a notch above a school play but with a worse script.

The script makes zero effort to endear any of the characters too you. The main bad guy has more endearing qualities than any of the protagonists - all of whom are just portrayed as narcissistic petty criminals! Who was this made for?!? Police/Rich people = bad (is all you need to know)!

The plot is the most terrible part of the whole lot. It all feels like the someone scribbled the whole thing down in a space of half an hour while consuming mind-altering substances. Seriously how did this make it to air let alone past pre-production vetting?!

It's utter cringe garbage to the point watching it is actually funny to laugh at (not with). I loved the bit with the computer hacker guy who had to hack into a drone for "reasons" in the most utterly absurd way possible. Who seriously goes on a night heist, all dressed in black but with their "face" all lit up in LEDs?! Oh and then, in the middle of the heist, decide it's time to test the newly hacked drone?

Was funny to watch but don't think I can take anymore due to concerns over it effecting my mental wellbeing. It will damage your IQ if you attempt to think about any parts of the plot, writing this review has caused me some damage.
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alexkzapf3 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Who writes this crap? This show is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. The music is awful. The whole premise is just non-sensical. Robyn is a criminal in this. Not a person fighting for the people. They commit crimes in this show. Trespass trying to rob destroying police property etc. It'd a comedy more than anything. If you want a good laugh. Watch this show. The acting is passable at best. None of it makes any sense. It simply doesn't. The fact that they would shoot a video on private property and then get upset when one of them get arrested for commuting it, just laughable. The mom getting shot makes no sense either. Just stupid. If this lasts longer than one season. Something is wrong.
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Just bad.
ghettopato5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have only seen two episodes of this show, so please take what I am going to say with that caveat. Never have seen I show that was written so badly, I wonder if the people who made this show ever talk to other humans or if they modelled the human interactions after what they thought humans should act like. I have no idea how you produce a show this bad. It doesn't take much to figure out that the people who made this show only knew the Disney adaptation of Robin Hood based on how goofy everything in this show is. To give you one example: In one scene the police try to figure out in which apartment a criminal resides, so they send up a drone which gets shot down, so they leave angrily and leave the drone behind. They then go back to the station, to their chief, tell her what happened, and she kicks one of them in the chest for having lost a drone.

So in short: The camera work is average, the acting is below average, and the writing is abysmal.
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fredperry4925 October 2023
I can't make my mind up if it's the low budget or the story line that is the worst thing about this, but it was just unbearable. I have, and do, watch a fair few low budget B movies and I generally persist, but it's a rare thing that I give up, but I could not get through the first episode. It was just awful.

Sadly, it's one in a long line of activist style programming that puts activism before good storylines.

The acting is bad, sorry but it is. The opening scene where they fight off two police offices was just pathetic, unbelievable and the ease at which they got away was just yaaaawwwwnnnn!

I want my 30 minutes back! :(
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This is an Embarrassment To Our Country
oblithian3 October 2023
From one embarrassment to another,

The days of the world not taking us seriously are certainly coming to a middle.

I hesitate to even describe the show, I want to spare you from secondary time wasting. However, there is a minimum character limit. If the goal was to create something people would watch to make fun of, they probably did a good job (but time will tell).

I appreciate that it took time and effort to make this, and that it was low budget. But... It probably should never have been.

The audio is low quality; the writing is bad, the cinematography is probably something I could do (which is not good, the camera quality is decent at least); and between the writing and the acting... I have a feeling even AI can do a better job, it at least has the zany charm of not comprehending existence. It's not that everyone is terrible all the time, it's that the lows are so numerous and prominent, even the best performances are irrelevant.

Hey, at least we can hope someone will one day use clips to make an epic music video for a good song. ...Or satire.

(Establishing the evil deeds of the bad guys at the end of the series is not the best way to make people root for the protagonists).

If all of this sounds good to you, I am certainly not going to stop you. But you'll probably find more enjoyment in that other show that caught your eye. Or, re-watching Attack of The Killer Tomatoes.
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Really really really bad
stephenjgomes5 October 2023
This is really really really bad..... Even if you get passed the bad acting, bad script, bad camera work, and bad production.... You are ultimately left with a terrible iteration of Robin Hood that ignores the original story....

These people are criminals straight up stealing from businesses.... For themselves.... Heres a little lesson for you kids.. They said "Robin Hood steals from the rich and gives to the poor" but thats not quite right. Robin stole from the govt, he stole back taxes and he spread it among the peasants. He didn't go raid the local vendor stalls.

Maybe if they labeled this as parody it could get a 2/10 at best.
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So horrible it's funny.
ryanslucas4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not even sure how to say this, but it was so horrible, halfway through I found myself laughing it was so bad. I have honestly never done that before in a TV show. Between the terrible writing, the terrible acting, the terrible CGI, the terrible stunt effects. This reminds me of something made by a high school kid and his friends. They cast a white woman as the "sheriff" who must be 100lbs wet, who biceps are smaller than my wrists. She "kicks" a cop and knocks him over after they fail her. It's so laughably painful to watch.

The entire story is just some high school kids, and Robyn, who the actress is probably 110lbs, can just throw grown male cops in gear around like they are ragdolls with no training or super powers.

It's cringe, it's stupid, it's dumb, to the point I laughed. Might be the worst show ever made for TV.
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You knew. We all knew.
georgerabbeth5 October 2023
A school play about promiscuous criminals who commit crimes and bemoan the consequences.

It's the same 'current year' approach to characters, plot, messaging, antagonists etc that you've seen in every single network show, film and book since 2015. Out of touch in the extreme and based in a pandering parody of reality, its the same fetishization of colour and class we've been forced to endure by the overlords for nearly a decade.

There are people who will pretend to like this for their own twisted reasons, but they know. You know. We all know.

Stealing is bad. Trespassing is bad. This show is bad.

Absolute toilet.
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Total garbage
ramzabehoulve-887825 October 2023
When the director felt it was needed to insult his audience, I also felt it was time for me to write what I think.

Characters : garbage Story : garbage Setting : garbage Special effects : bad Action : meaningless

There is not a single thing worth watching in this show. It's a total disaster. I stopped about 2/3 into the first episode while I generally give a new show 2-3 episodes before deciding. That's how cringe and bad this show is. Nobody should ever bother with this if they value their time, no matter how much of it they have to kill.

They even tried to give particular vestments colors to some characters. Were they trying to mimic Power Rangers in a Robin Hood setting? What a joke.
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Used a VPN
audreychipsu5 October 2023
So I did as suggested, and used a VPN as it's not accessible in my country. I was curious as to how bad it could be possibly be. Well, I should have left those expectations at the door, because this exceeded them by far. It's sooo much worse than I could have ever imagined. I must admit that I actually enjoyed it, but for all the wrong reasons. It's not so bad that it's good, it's so bad that all you can really do is chuckle in a sort of defeated way that refuses to acknowledge that this show could actually become a reality. Do yourself a favour, watch the first episode if you feel you're in need of a lobotomy for whatever reason. More than one will leave you with permanent brain damage. This didn't deserve a critical review, because i'm fairly certain no critical thought was present in its creation.
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I tried, i really did...
Oliver_Reilly-X5 October 2023
...since i am not from Canada. I wanted to give it a chance since it was a bit of a different take. I thought it would be a little like the modern take on Romeo & Juliet. How wrong i was

The script it awful, leaving little for the actors to work with. It's hidden messages are nothing but divisive and unncessary. The bad guys are all of one type, the good guys are all another type. I would have let this slide if it was believable but you know, it's just not. Why in a modern era would you not have a police force that matches its demographic since that's the message you want to send?

The story is trying to suggest that law and order is a negative thing despite it keeping society functioning. It's like it's trying to push for anarchy being a good thing. The original story of Robin Hood was not about disliking law and order, it was that the Sheriff and Prince John were oppressive and taxed everyone into poverty. If you didn't pay your dues, you'd to sent to jail. If you opposed the tyranny, then you were hung. If this new take on the story was trying the same thing then why were only one type of people being oppressed and not everyone that wasn't part of the elite?

I heard about the director calling anyone out that doesn't like it as a certain type of person. Therefore, if that's the kind of response i get as a consumer, then i'll not bother with the rest of the episodes or any future seasons.

Just a 1/10.
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Absolutely Dreadful
AshCosgrove14 October 2023
The plot is contrived and beyond cartoonish. The aesthetics are helplessly childish. The dialogue is flat. The acting is horrible. The props prove that some people shouldn't be allowed a glue gun. The director would drag a school play down. The general outline for the plot could've worked, though. Corrupt city, evil corporation, threatened neighborhood, with a few references to the Robin Hood myth. The problem isn't the basic idea, it's the fact that it's implemented with complete incompetence and maximum cringe.

These writers don't understand the first thing about the original Robin Hood story. In that, the king was overtaxing the people to the point of starvation, so although with dubious methods, Robin had a justifiable reason to steal that money back, because it is rightfully the people's. Here the main characters are just thuggish criminals because they just want the rich white guy's stuff.

I bet you the creator of this POS read a cliff notes version and thinks that just because he robs the king he's just like them. Even when they themselves are sleeping in gated mansions with guards posted.
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It's not that BAD!
SirHimothy12 December 2023
To start off, it is important to note that the show may not be considered the best due to its shortcomings, such as illogical acts of heroism and rushed storytelling, which can leave viewers wanting more. However, amidst these flaws, there is something truly unique about the show-a general sense of rawness that sets it apart. This rawness is brought to life through an amateur atmosphere, which surprisingly adds an authentic and unrefined quality to the series. It is this very quality that allows the show to capture genuine emotions and experiences, making it a truly special viewing experience. Despite its imperfections, the rawness of the show serves as a bridge that connects the audience to the characters on a deeper level, fostering a stronger emotional connection and leaving a lasting impact.

I'm looking forward to season two!
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Pandering to the bigotry of low expectations
gareth-d-rees5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
OK, I saw some fuss on social media about this and as I have two teenage daughters for whom this programme is presumably the prime targeted demographic I thought we should watch it and see if it was, as claimed by the Director, being review bombed.

I'm afraid to say that the first episode and in fact the whole premise is way worse than I was expecting. If I was given this episode 'blind' and asked to identify who made it, I would have said a bunch of school drama/film students. It is an abomination in terms of writing and acting even if Robyn is good on the eye. After 30 minutes, my 14 and 16 year olds decided that homework was preferable to watching something this bad. Unfortunately, I stuck it out until the very end.

This production is am dram at its very worst. It is school play standard but one where you have to include everyone, including those with no acting ability or discernible talent. I sympathise and we do try to flog the video to the parents, but this isn't as far as I know, a school production.

The worst element IMHO is the fundamental premise. Even allowing for the fact that this is for teenagers, no teenager that I know is dumb enough to not realise that you can't be arrested for trespass when you haven't trespassed, and that cops waving guns around willy-nilly in those circumstances is beyond incredulous. As to the teenage 'lawyer' who tells Robyn that her mother should plead guilty and take a plea bargain is insane. The two officers would be suspended, and the city on the hook for hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. The idea that anywhere (even the US) would lock up a paralysed woman for trespass is insane. As for the crass comment by the mother about 'topping up the condom tin' when Robyn comes home late is cringeworthy given Robin is 24 years of age. This programme has no idea what is wants to be. It is shockingly badly written, and equally badly acted. If my drama/film students came up after a term project with this drivel they would get a C+. Whoever greenlit this should sacked, and the Director never employed in film ever again. The actor who play Robyn I wouldn't mind seeing again, but after this, I can't see her ever getting another acting role outside theatre. I feel immensely dumber having watch this dross, and may God have mercy on my soul and prevent the children from asking to watch episode 2.
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This cannot be a serious attempt at TV story telling.
mr-bedford5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This cannot be a serious attempt at TV story telling...

This really is one of the worst things I have ever had the displeasure to sit through. Sometimes you give a show some time to grow, make a stamp and move forward. This show through everything you know about Robin Hood an the lore and fantasy surrounding it.

I am British so the folklore holds deep to me as well as many people on this island.

The characters and acting are just so bad, it is laughable, I originally thought this was a British production then realisation set in and the only thing left to do was to watch the reviews online, which were far better efforts than this.
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Woeful excuse for remade TV show.
rmarco-327085 October 2023
The writing is awful. The acting is cringe. The Directing is amateurish. Don't waste your time unless you watch this as a farce. How many of these White people are bad shows are they going to make? There seems to a be a lack of talent across the board on this production. As it turns out nothing matters when considering who to hire to make a TV series except the ability to do the job. Here they obviously made color the first requirement to disastrous effects. This Robin Hood tale has been made many times over and made better. This is a definite skip and will join Batwoman and she-hulk as a total waste.
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Kevin Costner, all is forgiven.
JCarl015 October 2023
Kevin Costner, all is forgiven. Every few years, it seems, we're given a modern update on a classic British tale, but mostly Tarzan, King Arthur, and Robin Hood. Every generation of directors must have their own go at this material, if only to prove their incompetence in understanding the reasons why the material has endured. And in 2023, "Robyn Hood" steps up to the plate and takes its swing at the ball.

The original story of Robin Hood is neutral and familiar. You can take this concept and make a good picture or a bad one, and the material can't be blamed.

If you're wondering whether the 2023 version is worth your time, ask yourself this: When I mention Kevin Costner above, do you know what I'm talking about? If yes, then go back and rewatch that version and skip this one. And even if you do not, watch that version instead of this one. Or pick one of the seemingly hundreds of other TV shows and movies based on this character. No matter which one you ultimately land on, it will be infinitely more interesting than 2023's "Robyn Hood".
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Literally THE Most Laughably Pathetic Show I've seen. Really.
cmtynxv5 October 2023
You know I went into this with an open mind I saw some of the ratings on other websites but I figured. Hey give it a shot. I am not exaggerating when I tell you this is hands-down the worst show I've ever seen. I literally feel embarrassed for the Director. I don't know who along the way in his life led him to believe he has some talent but my guy you need to find a different career path. I mean it's really really really. REALLY BAD.

I'm not opposed to reimagined storylines, but they need to actually be good. I really hope that in the future before this Director puts out any more content, he goes back to film school. It's not fair they good people like myself and many others unwittingly volunteer to have their precious time wasted by this garbage. The only redeeming quality of the show is that it is so bad and so pathetic that I did actually find myself giggling quite a bit.
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Rock Bottom TV
ajmessina-523914 October 2023
I'd love for Director X to look me in the eye and tell me why he thinks this show deserves anything more than a 1 star rating. I mean if he meant for this show to be a whole new level of cringe that this should be treated as a satire or comedy of what Hollywood and Disney have been doing lately then I guess he accomplished his mission. But somehow I doubt his goal was to make us all laugh at his show out of second hand embarrassment.

Hard to tell which is worse the script or music. Both made my ears want to bleed, I made it about half way through the first episode before I had to give my ears a rest. Besides it just not being an accurate representation of the actual and relatable Robin Hood story, this "Robyn Hood" just makes you actively root against the protagonists who record themselves on their phones committing crimes with glow in the dark masks. I hope anyone that invested money in this fraud sues Director X for lighting their money on fire.
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Low ratings LIE
johnnyof-203874 November 2023
This isn't great, most of it isn't even good, but it's definitely not a universal 1.

It's like a concerted effort to make sure as few people as possible watch is. The amusing thing is that if it weren't so unbelievably badly rated and just hatefull reviewed by EVERYBODY (that reviewed here anyway), I wouldn't have ever bothered to watch it.

There is so much just awful garbage produced today that most of it should be rated 1/10, but none of it is. Everything is 5 or better, some things in the 4s. For all of its shortcomings, much of which are clearly due to budget, this show is actually fun - and it shows genz as not useless or vapid, for once. So how does a show least a couple of somewhat redeeming qualities get an unheard of 1/10?

It shines a light on the many real people and communities who are marginalized, and the monied corruption that we ALL have to suffer.

The monied corrupt don't want people EVER thinking about that.
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A Joke?
travyboy165 October 2023
If someone is doing this to make fun of black people it is one of the most epic trolls of all time. They unironically promote criminality and racism in this show. This is like what out of touch white ppl would make in like the 80's or something, but no, this was made by EXTREMELY black "director x". Pathetic attempt in every regard of film making, it really is kind of amazing how terrible this show is. Bad music, corny dialog, cheap costumes, insane plotlines, racist tropes, "hip" lingo, laaaaaaaaaaame characters, just so so so bad. It can be watched ironically for the lolz but thats about it.
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Is this the lowest standard?
asheram-ap2 October 2023
As I sit here after the first episode, I find myself wondering about the rest of the reviewers on this site. Did they watch the same episode as I did? Did they even watch the same show as I did? I don't think they did.

Robyn Hood is a laughably bad show about a group of people who suffer from a bad case of avarice and won't let the law stop them.

It's about a gang of criminals that steal, not to help their surroundings or anything noble, but instead to line their own pockets. A gang of people with terrible personalities, morals, and goals that you can't even begin to cheer for them.

It'd be an almost uncomfortable watch if it wasn't so unintentionally hilarious, sprinkled with moments of absolute absurdities which are played straight to the point that you must just laugh at them.

Ultimately this here feels like a return to the 70's Blaxplotation movies where black people fought "the man" for their rights, and just like in this series, it was the right to be a criminal.
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Funniest show on TV
grahamejpickard-991054 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
How to completely and utterly misunderstand a character. The characters in this show are completely un-likeable criminals.

The music is unbearable. Dialogue is ludicrous. Plot in places makes no sense and, as seems to be the case, has never been proof read. A case in point. Why break into a building to fly a drone outside the building. It only makes sense if you know where the plot is going so they may as well already be in the building to save time because it definitely will be empty and they will need to be in the building for the next scene.

The acting is OK, considering the script they've been given.

Looking forward to the rest of the series for the laughs.
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The YouTubers weren't wrong
allthevines9 October 2023
So I watched Disparu, AZ, and Let's Review Crap Writing's reviews on YouTube (each had me laughing my butt off), so I thought, you know what, I'm going check it out for myself. And wow, it is understandable how this show got the rating it did. The characters are entirely unlikeable apart from the bad guy John Prince. He has the highest morals, wants a better city, and even donates to the children's ward at the local hospital. He's also a pretty good actor too, as well as the sheriff.

For the "protagonists", who are nothing short of insufferable, I can't believe Director X thought civilised viewers would be on their side. They are horrible criminals who are everything that is wrong with the world. The whole reason John Prince wants to gentrify their tower block is because it's nothing short of a crime slum. Why wouldn't you want to get rid of it?

The action is beyond laughable, it is probably the stupidest writing I've ever seen. There are two scenes that really stand out as absolutely absurd, the first being the shooting of the mother in the first episode. I ended up laughing a lot. The second is Robyn throwing a light trash bag at one of the officers and he falls on his butt stunned. Give me a break, that was so stupid I almost cringed myself into an early grave.

But what I will say is please, please keep these episodes coming, it's the greatest comedy all year.
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Morally degenerate disgrace
kwistowee9 October 2023
Absolutely worthless corruption of a classic tale. The show demonstrates the writer's fundamental misunderstanding of the legend of Robin Hood, the difference between right and wrong, and the qualities and characteristics that make a hero versus a villain. The characters we should be rooting for in this absurd reimagining have no redeeming qualities whatsoever, are selfish and entitled, and absolutely belong behind bars. Somehow the writers didn't realize that they wrote their heroes as the villains instead.

The only benefit that could possibly be reaped from this bastardization of a classic is that a new generation may turn to the original source instead and enjoy the story as intended.
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