Vesper (2022) Poster


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Good sci-fi
matt-sickle26 October 2022
I don't want to spoil anything so I will not even mention anything negative.

I thought it was very good, visually, storytelling and sci-fi wise. The lead young actress did a fantastic job, as did the more supporting roles. I also got a very positive feeling of synergy from the movie Brazil. Not the story or plot but more the design of things.

Some reviews mentioned they wanted more of the world- or back-story. I thought it was about perfectly delivered. Sketched in enough that you can imagine and wonder about it but not heavy-handed.

Other mentioned it is slow and I could see ppl. Thinking that in some cases. However I did not think any of it was filler or just padding out for any reason. Every slow and artsy sort of shot tells you something about the story world. And was very pretty or at least carefully presented in disgusting detail.

Perfect? Nah - but yea it's well worth a watch, IMO.
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Great indie sci fi that does a good job to be honest
tim_d31 October 2022
  • Great premise, interesting story.

  • There is sci-fi scenes pretty much every other scene, meaning they did a great job of filling the sci-fi hunger appetite.

  • Botanic and nature emphasis. They did a great job concepting how plant life adapts in the wild after a disaster. Plant life and sustainability plays a big role in this movie.

  • The dad character is great. He is a pessimist, the protagonist an optimist.

  • Side mysteries are always a great plus. Like the pilgrims and the old labs and the citadels. It gave the movie much more depth.

  • The CGI is great.

  • The actors are pretty solid as well.

  • It's not Hollywood caliber by a long shot, and has more an indie feel to it but that are all great aspects it has going for.
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Hope it isn't a one off
AfricanBro3 October 2022
It's a pretty ambitious attempt, imperfect but I loved it. Most important thing is it needs a sequel to explain everything, because you're just thrown into it with a vague introduction to this dystopian future, you don't get to explore the vastness of this sci-fi world. It's not so unfamiliar though, there hints and cues to help you imagine what life is like outside of those the niche story focuses on, there's so many little side plots that you wouldn't usually pay attention to. When you hear sci-fi especially if you usually only watch movies you might think more of flashy, space travel or aliens, light sabers... but this is the gloomy type that's more accustomed to in tv series, for me at least. So you might be disappointed if you're expecting that. Cinematography is great, despite the bleak setting there's still so much beauty nature offers.

Biggest problem is we don't learn much and there's huge lack of details, but it's a well made low budget sci-fi that deserves a sequel for that reason. To explore the work it's based in. Love dark science fiction.

It's nothing like game of thrones but I'm trying to think of an analogy that'd be widely accepted, so imagine instead of focusing on Westeros affairs, it focuses on a little girl and her father, living on their own in a village in the middle of nowhere. You don't get a picture of the grand scale of things, just a really small piece of a puzzle. That's why I think turning this into a franchise has great potential, because their dystopian future has so much more to explore. The problem is this doesn't feel like a first movie. More like a solo entry to an already established film franchise.

It's something new, a breath of fresh air(gloomy one) and for that I fear that it'll land in the same shoes as Mortal Engines which I loved, because it won't be as widely appreciated by audiences enough to warrant a franchise or even a sequel to explore everything this dystopian world has to offer.
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Stunning visuals and beautiful story telling
FilmFreakForLife22 August 2022
Vesper is a very special film. The sort of sci-fi you rarely see - one with heart, meaning, social conscience and an important message about earths future wrapped in emotional drama, stunning visuals and originality aplenty.

At the centre is Vesper herself and the whole movie hinges on the shoulders of its thirteen year old star. Raffiella Chapman turns in a nuanced performance at once both the brave heroine and fragile child. It is so accomplished a performance it's hard to believe this young actor was indeed just thirteen at the time of filming.

There is a wonderful scene where Vesper forgets her adult responsibilities and howls like a wolf with all the vigour and lack of self consciousness of a child and it's both poignant and incredibly emotional. Moments like this might feel out of place to sci-fan fans used to the action obsessed Hollywood mainstay of the genre but it is these unusual touches that make this film so unique.

Eddie Marsan is wonderful as Vesper's sinister uncle and Richard Brake terrific as Vespers ailing father, his voice given life within a drone in yet another original touch.

I've never seen anything quite like Vesper and the incredible imagery and performances will stay with me a long time. If you like your sci-fi cerebral and challenging with superb characters and world building then this is a must watch. 10/10.
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Visually stunning, but lacks the narrative to effectively utilize its 114 min runtime.
Top_Dawg_Critic1 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
For a low budget indie film, the sets and visuals are really impressive, as was the cinematography and score. It's just too bad the long and slowly paced runtime felt dull, tedious and underwhelming. More substance was needed to expand on many of the visuals, at least the important ones. If only half the effort that went into the stunning visuals and details in every scene went into the screenplay, this could've been a cult classic sci-fi. Instead, it's more of a low-fi adventure spectacle, where the viewer is left clueless - for one example, why the wandering pilgrims hide their faces, collect scrap, or even built a tower in the middle of nowhere. It isn't good enough to have a pretty film with so little substantiated commentary as to the "why". I was left very unsatisfied and wanted much more. Even for the little suspense it did have, it all could've been trimmed down to a perfect little short sci-fi film. Sadly, it's a win in the visual department but a loss in the storytelling, and that's too bad considering even the performances were compelling and convincing.
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Well made
justahunch-7054926 July 2023
I'm really surprised that this film is not more well known even though I myself had never heard of it! It has a fascinating production design with many unusual, interesting, original and beautiful special effects. The entire film is well made with a very original vision and the lead actress, a young woman named Raffiella Chapman helps a lot with a very solid performance and the rest of the principle cast is fine. This apocalyptic tale also has a very good cinematography and is well directed. It does get a little lost in the latter half though I thought it ended on a strong as well as intriguing note.
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Interesting, emotional, very well-produced but short of story essence
kuarinofu16 October 2022
Vesper is a fine dystopian drama made for...I don't know, maybe young adults. It doesn't take things too seriously but looks like it rather wants to attract younger audiences.

The production was top-notch, and the film packed many familiar emotions and themes. The world was set up, but not much seems to have happened if anything at all. Lots of questions were left unanswered. I understand ambiguous endings, but you shouldn't just abandon the things you've set up. What's with the caterpillar? What's with the scavengers? What's with the mother? Is she the rotting corpse from the lab? Why would one citadel need the codes for other citadel seeds?

This was probably the biggest issue with this film. It got many things right, almost everything but an interesting story. There's little to no progression. It just makes you wonder why wasn't this a series. Just split this film into two episodes and develop the characters we can surely familiarize ourselves with.

Instead, they provided tons of great atmospheric sequences with nice music and environmental messages with hints of family bonds here and there. But almost nothing happened with the main story. The ending does not solidify Vesper's path. She could've ended up there without all the things happening.

It's slow and theme-heavy, but the production kept me watching. 20 minutes till the end, I started to suspect that we were not getting anywhere. Maybe this is only the first installment. If so - I'd love to get back to the sequel. I just hope this doesn't vanish.

I still can give this film 7/10 for the production and the relatable scenes well-handled. The action was mostly messed up, but I understand the limitations of filming kid violence.

P. S. I also think that Camellia could've got a better resolution other than a Terminator 2 ending homage.
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henry8-324 January 2023
In a bleak dystopian world, a thirteen year old girl must survive in a world where citadels containing powerful oligarchs live, controlling the seeds that provide food supplies for those struggling outside on the planet. A smart cookie, she has a number of special skills including an understanding of bio-hacking which she must make use of if she is to beat her power crazy uncle, the excellent Eddie Marsan, the oligarchs and keep her father, who operates through a floating android, alive.

Whilst it could be argued that this intelligent almost evangelical sci-fi thriller suffers slightly through lack of budget, it's effects are sparingly used and are all the more impressive because of it. The performances, particularly from the young girl, Raffiella Chapman are strong, but the most impressive element is the clever mix of intelligent and convincing sci-fi ideas. A wildly over the top Hollywood sci-fi epic remake will surely follow.
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Tolerable dystopian flick.
luckyallstar13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
My main gripe with this movie is somewhat lacking suspense and overall very shallow dive into the dystopian future presented. Too many questions about this remain completely unaddressed. We barely learn anything about the people living in the citadels or their motifs. In fact even the bare minimum we learn about them seems contradicting or rather the explanation given is an excuse. I reckon the reason why we're scratching the surface at best is because it lacks substance. The core idea of this dystopian society is greed of the few who live in a closed system and deliberately screw everyone else.

The other main concern is the main character. Vesper is a 13 year old who lives in a swamp and has no access to education (in fact her only book is a picture-book about animals) or technology. Yet, she has taught herself to engineer fantastical gadgets and become a genetic engineer. Do I need to say more? This is a main character of a YA novella.
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arthouse science fiction
ferguson-629 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Greetings again from the darkness. We are always looking to the future, and yet so many movies paint a bleak post-apocalyptic picture of what's ahead. Co-writers and co-directors Kristina Buozyte and Bruno Samper, who previously collaborated on VANISHING WAVES (2012), are joined here by co-writer Brian Clark to deliver something that still looks bleak, yet is something that not only has a unique style, it also founds a new sub-genre I'll call arthouse science fiction.

Raffiella Chapman plays Vesper, a 13-year-old forced to survive off the shredded land while also playing caregiver to her disabled father (Richard Brake). She manages his feeding tube and is followed around by the drone through which he calmly communicates ... the floating drone looks a bit like Wilson the volleyball. Vesper is also a bit rebellious and exceedingly clever and intelligent. We first see her scavenging the land for anything useful in feeding Papa or furthering her experiments in her self-made lab located in their own cabin in the woods.

It's a dreary existence and the film even begins by informing us this is the "new Dark Ages" thanks to an ecological disaster. Genetically engineered seeds are the only hope for food, and most everything is controlled by the Citadel, which is run as an Oligarchy. Those on the outside are left to their own devices, and this includes Vesper and her ruthless Uncle Jonas (Eddie Marsan). When a glider crashes in the woods, Vesper rescues one of the injured inhabitants. Camellia (Rosy McEwen) and her shock of white hair is different ... nearly ethereal and otherworldly. The two bond, but something never seems quite right.

We know a showdown is coming, but it may not be the one we expect. The film stresses the importance of the parent-child bond, as well as the importance of altruism. Even more crucial is the impact of the demise of the ecosystem. Filmmakers Buozyte and Samper use minimal special effects (especially for a sci-fi film), and still manage to create a world that seems quite real and populated with unrecognizable organisms. A cool score by Dan Levy accompanies a world that may have limited resources, but still features class division and a lust for power among some. Will we ever learn? Probably not. But a terrific performance from young Ms. Chapman and the hopeful vision of the filmmakers inspires us to keep trying.

In theaters and VOD beginning September 30, 2022.
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Enough worldbuilding to fill a tv series, but not enough plot to fill a movie
markemek1 October 2022
The concept was cool and unique. It frankly reminded me of Cronenberg, but they completely squandered it.

It has so much potential if they actually delved into the awesome concepts, but instead they tried to make it a character-driven drama and didn't even flesh out the characters properly.

They gave us a glimpse of an intriguing world I'd love to explore and adventure in, but they chose not to pursue it.

It's a classic poor people are treated like vermin while the rich hoard all the resources, but the plot didn't even deal with it much. It was just a slow moving day-in-the-life of a girl and her father in an unfortunate circumstance, but with such a fantastic sci-fi setting it didn't really fit. It's like you got a small taste of both worlds but never got to enjoy either fully. The high sci-fi concepts detracted from the drama they tried to build, and the drama didn't allow us to actually fully explore the high sci-fi concepts.

All in all, I finished watching it, but found it pretty boring. Wouldn't recommend it or rewatch it.
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Strangely mesmerising
nigepitz10 October 2022
So there are some reviews that give this movie a low rating because there are not enough dumb explosions and one dimensional characterisation. After sitting through so many sci fi movies with huge plot holes and mind bending science errors it's nice to see a film that is at least attempting to do something with more soul. There are complaints that it is slow but this is just because we have been brainwashed into accepting flash bang fluff made for the minuscule attention span of the average American. For me it never felt slow but considered. The acting is great, the story nothing new but well delivered and the dystopian world entirely convincing. Compared to Jordan Peele's sci fi misfire 'Nope', it's masterpiece.
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Ves-perfect as it is
lastsonnofkrypton26 January 2024
Less is more with this one. Rather than bog it down with excessive CGI or overblown action sequences, the filmmakers slowed the pacing and gave us a more nuanced tale. And in my opinion, it works.

In a post-apocalyptic future, a gifted girl (Vesper) with a penchant for organic biochemistry learns to navigate the bleak landscape and cope with the even bleaker tendencies of humanity, until an accident presents her with an opportunity to escape her reality and flourish her talents.

Such as it is, Vesper had a lot of creative ideas and interesting story points. As expected, it's a pretty grim view of our future, but it was nice that the CGI was sparingly used, particularly in the spore and plant effects, and her bio-cybernetic floating dad-head. I also enjoyed the bit where Vesper learns of the now-extinct animals from today.

Decent acting, decent music, great cinematography, and interesting story. They lost me a little bit with the ending though. Symbolically, I guess I get it..? But it threw me a little, not sure I get why she'd do that

7/10, would maybe watch again.
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Screenplay a bit flat
CarolineFR6922 August 2022
Let's start with what was good: the cinematography is gorgeous. Yes it is dark everywhere, just like in every dystopia, but every bit of nature is colourful; flowers are amazingly beautiful, seeds colourful... Now with what I didn't like: sooooo many cringe moments, from implying rape, to animal noises done by humans for waaay too long, passing by conversations that make you very uneasy. On top of that the story is something that was already done in SF, multiple times, but falls flat, which makes the film way too long. To be honest the trailer showed it, I still thought it could have been a good surprise.
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Dystopian future, we have destroyed the world's ecology and some hold hope still.
TxMike27 February 2023
We were able to view this movie on DVD from our public library. The time period is unspecified but it would have to be rather far into the future for the technology shown and the mutations of plant species.

It would be hard to say this movie is enjoyable, most of it is filmed in muddy, dreary conditions. Only during the last scene are we shown a bit more light and color. I enjoyed the movie, but when it was over my wife said "Well that was wasted time." So it certainly depends greatly on the viewer.

The main character is Vesper, a 13-yr-old girl played by Raffiella Chapman. And I must say she is quite remarkable in the role. I just remarked. The way she looks and the way she dressed some may wonder "Is she really a boy?" But viewing the DVD extras, where she is pretty and smiling we can see she is indeed a very nicely attractive and smart girl.

In a great sense the story is simply about companionship during a very difficult time, and hope for some better type of future. To do in the moment what you can instead of lamenting your situation. Vesper is smart and inventive, and must take care of her bed-ridden dad, who communicates with her via the drone that follows her around. She does experiments, she hopes to be accepted at the Citadel where the wealthy and powerful reside. But that seems like a very long shot.

But it all ends without a definitive conclusion, perhaps there will be a sequel. Or a made for TV limited series.
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Quite interesting - surprisingly
m-ramanan9 October 2022
RATED 7/10 Language: English Source: Nil

Quite surprising in all aspects. The cast, production values and CG work, everything is adequate for the story.

Its quite difficult to understand the biology in the beginning and the garden sequences, but as a story flow the movie holds the viewers attention till the end.

The story and character development are done very nice way from the beginning of the movie. And cleverly avoided the Citadel politics much.

Felt bit dragged in the middle and bit predictable in the end. The villains were killed simply by the kid. But it is definitely interesting movie to watch with minor flaws.
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Circle of life (and death)
kosmasp21 November 2022
No pun intended - a movie of the future ... and about the future. And of family and of what may be something we are heading towards. Society is ever changing - things that seem impossible now, may be something that is a given and normal ... or where considered that in the past. Hopefully we will develop in a better way ... but you never know how things will turn out.

So this Science Fiction movie has certain technical advancement that it does show off - but overall it is about the human side of things. How they cope and deal with loss and the new environment they have to live in. The acting is really good - if you can cope and suspend your disbelief .. the drama is overwhelming almost. Still the movie does look great ... and while it may be a bit too long ... it can be worth your while.
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Vesper 2022
obi_wan_kenobi_UKR8 October 2022
I watched this tape at my own peril and risk and did not regret it for a moment.

Yes, this is not exactly a work of genius that deserves high awards.

But she must receive recognition and praise from critics.

This genre does not delight fans with interesting projects anyway. Fiction is gradually declining.

And here comes a picture with an authentic post-apocalyptic world. The authors outline the structure of this society, how everything turned out and what is happening to humanity now.

We also get a good plot that really works. And all this against the background of the beautiful nature of the Baltic forests with marshes and old villages.

The only thing that was missing was action. If they had given at least a little bit of battles, struggle and confrontation, it would have turned out even better.
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Grim, Relevant & More Science Than Fiction
JoshuaMercott7 October 2022
Directors Kristina Buozyte and Bruno Samper captured a Sci-Fi storyline that boasted Climate-Change relevance like no other movie I've seen this year. Outside of documentaries, this story portrayed human ecological depredation and disaster in a compelling and realistic post-apocalyptic light.

Kristina Buozyte and Bruno Samper also worked on screenplay with Brian Clark to create a script that felt relevant, deep, and convincing. Dan Levy's musical scoring was memorable. Feliksas Abrukauskas's cinematography was expansive and left little to doubt. Great work all round by the production design, set decoration, art direction, and editing teams. Hair-makeup and costume were noteworthy. VFX, sound effects, and CGI were exceptional.

The titular Vesper, played by Raffiella Chapman, was outstanding as a 13yo in search of a future worth living in. The entire movie rested on her shoulders, and she admirably carried it across the finish line.

Eddie Marsan did good work as Jonas. He wonderfully pulled off the role of a calculating and conniving survivor and leader. Rosy McEwen captivated as Camellia, the passenger of a flying vessel that crashed in the woods. Her interactions with Vesper made for interesting viewing. Richard Brake as Darius was casting perfection. He not only gave a compelling performance as Vesper's paralyzed father, but his voiceover work for the cubical floating android spoke to his worth in this production.

Everyone else did good work in "Vesper" now streaming via Vudu VOD.

The story superbly bottled the disastrous after-effects of an Earthwide ecological collapse. Bio-hacking themes and survival tropes complemented elements of hope, suspense, and fascination. The story had grand scope, but their minimal approach to telling it was just as welcome.

The plot also featured an array of strange and enthralling new plant species (and those bullet-bees!), and not to forget enslaved androids (one of whom could pass for human). I wish they explored more about Camellia's role in all of this.

The actual humans in the movie weren't unaffected - some showed signs of serious disease, deformities, and other ailments. Starvation and societal divisions also played key roles in the script. These too could've benefited from deeper explorations.

Despite its world-building shortcomings, "Vesper" was as credible as it was mysterious. The movie may not have precisely pointed out Climate Change, but the connection to the ongoing crisis was very much present and accounted for in the script. Its concepts and story arcs contained a world of meaning, especially about selflessness, determination, and the pursuit of knowledge. Yet again, the realm of Science Fiction has proven that it is more science and less fiction.
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Missed opportunity.
deloudelouvain8 October 2022
Apocalyptic visions, normally the kind of stories I dig but in this case it was just a bit disappointing. The ingredients for a good story were there though. The writers clearly were inspired by the world dominating company Monsanto, a company that wants to change the world (not in a good way and certainly not to save people) by making astronomical profits selling their poison. Not sure Monsanto would like this movie but although I'm an anti Monsanto I didn't like the movie either. It's all too slow paced, borderline boring to be honest. The soundtrack didn't help either, much too slow, it had the same effect on me as a lullaby. I almost fell asleep. The acting was okay from some actors but others were not very convincing. The strange organisms were the only interesting things in this movie but that's not enough to save it. A missed opportunity.
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If you want to be in another world its the right movie
AvionPrince1624 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie was quite immersive with that special effects, that world who was pretty dystopian. It have also some surprises, revelations ( Camelia 's real identity and was a Jug and have some important things in her Dna that will be trade later in the movie). We have also a Vilain who really give the tensions the whole movie; Jonas was really good and have some tensions in different moments ( when he is with his brother and Camelia and get close to the brother and the tension was there with the music that really make us wonder what he will do like the moment where he had the drone where his brother communicate with it. I enjoyed also the relationship between Camelia and Vesper and how they will be tested ( with the revelation of her identity, at the end where she let Vesper go alone to see the organisation). The visuals were pretty gorgeous and pleasant to see during the whole movie. We got also some dramatic moments ( Vesper's dad death, Elias's death, the separation between Vesper and Camelia.) My really huge disappointment was the end; how they can end the movie like this: i really feel it missed a part in the movie and i found there was more things to say and to show. It end pretty suddenly and the end in my opinion feel pretty rushed. The movie have a beautiful universe and i really get into it with the different characters, plants, monsters and humans of course. I dont really like science fiction but this one have some great moments and the visuals make us enter a world with different codes, rules and i really dive in from the beginning to the end. Curious to see how it will end. But im sure that they will make a second part; it has to be, it cant end like this: no way. Except that i found the movie really transport us in his world and i found the journey really worth it. Go check it. I recommend that movie.
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Underrated Gem
ubalmond28 June 2023
I'm surprised at some of the negative reviews. I think they're thinking in terms of what makes a movie popular and successful at the box office, not what is successful in terms of a piece of literature or art. The narrative back story is subtle, not obvious. So if you're going to do social media on your phone while watching it, you're going to get bored or confused quite quickly. This one is like reading a book on the screen. They're not common but I loved the vibe. It's striking and doesn't over do the sci-fi elements as they paint the atmosphere, not the story. Acting is top notch. Some of these younger stars will be seen more of for sure. First thing I did after watching it was searching if it's a book.
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Requires patience and attention, but worth a watch.
lojitsu17 January 2023
Here's The 4K Lowedown on "Vesper" (NR - 2022 - Blu) Genre: Sci-Fi/Post

My Score: 6.9 Cast=3 Acting=9 Plot=7 Ending=6 Story=7 F/X=10 Pace=4 Intense=7 Dystopia=9 Violent=7

Struggling to survive with her father after the collapse of Earth's ecosystem, 13-year-old Vesper must use her wits, strength and bio-hacking abilities to fight for the future.

"Oh Vesper, you don't know the cost of dreams." This movie reminded me of Synchronic in that the first half was boring but with a little patience the second half made up for it. I was really impressed with the CGI...this reminded me of District 9. This is a movie that requires attention and patience. This was worth two watches for to enjoy the movie and the second to go over what I might have missed.
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Tedious, miserable and boring but well shot.
fad-387986 October 2022
The technical bits are all very good, well shot, good cinematography, appropriate (and miserable music) and generally good acting, not that good acting was really needed given the script was inert.

I found the story weak, the pacing glacial and the plotting very poor. As a result, no tension, no real character development and a complete lack of cohesion.

And that miserable score, terrible.

The whole film could have been an effective 15 minute short and had more impact.

This is a film that will not improve anyone's CV.

I have no idea why this film exists except as an exercise in individual crafts. Some are good, most are bad, but none combine to create a film as a whole.

I did watch it tpo the very end hoping for enlightenment, but it's nearly two disappointing hours I won't get back...
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fine sci-fi
SnoopyStyle15 October 2022
In the future, the Earth's natural ecology has collapsed. Genetic engineering has become a runaway problem. Human civilization has retreated to various city states known as Citadels. The rest are trying to survive in the dangerous wilderness. Vesper (Raffiella Chapman) is a teen girl alone caring for her sick father. She finds Citadel resident Camellia (Rosy McEwen) who survived a crash landing. Local leader Jonas (Eddie Marsan) rules over his family and his neighbors.

I like the designs and the world. The premise is fine sci-fi. There is potential for a good solid sci-fi small indie. Eddie Marsan delivers the powerful punch. His end is disappointing. The last act has some good and some bad. I can't help but feel that something more could be done. I would be happier if the final confrontation happens with Marsan. There is almost no need to get the Citadels involved. All in all, this is fine, but it is a bit slow.
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