The Walking Dead: A Telltale Game Series (Video Game 2012) Poster

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The best character driven story I have ever played
gunnerexmk225 November 2012
First off i would like to put some context into what i'm about to say; that is that I very rarely get emotional at any kind of game or movie (only ones i will openly cry at are the first 20 mins of UP and the last 30 mins of Schindler's list), i don't say this to be macho, i don't care about that, I say it so that when I say the ending to this game made me bawl my eyes out you understand the severity of the situation.

Through the first four episodes I was drawn to Clementine, not because she was a child (a particular hate of mine is using a child as a plot device without adding any character; see the walking dead t.v series for how not to write a child) but because she was a brilliantly written character, i wanted to save her. The bond was even stronger because my character (Lee) was able to mimic rather accurately what i was feeling about the girl, making them and by proxy us feel even more connected.

Throughout the final episode the stakes are raised, and they are raised high; the writers have done a brilliant job of adding a sense of impending finality to the story, things move very neatly and rapidly forward and there isn't any of the standing around looking for really annoying little things that happened in the previous episodes episodes. (not that they were bad, just something i picked up on)

When i finally discovered who your ipso facto nemesis is i was rather shocked, I mean I had my suspicions but i didn't really think it could have been who it was. The "antagonist" fits in very well with the entire theme of the game, it actually made me regret a lot of the decisions i made, and not because of what was happening but because i felt genuinely guilty.

Now the finale, and what i am certain is the best ending to a game ever (and ending is something or an art-form in my opinion, something only a few writers can do convincingly) Hell even my favorite books and t.v series could learn a thing or two from this. The writers use a brilliant blend of tension and fore-site that created emotions i have never felt so strongly from any interactive medium (I'm fairly sure i was less effected by any funeral I've ever been to combined). I don't want to spoil the end but if it doesn't reduce you to tears you have a heart of stone.

All in all this game is the best character driven game I have played and I would trade every shooter, rts and whatever other game-play driven game to get one of it's calibre again.
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Amazing ending to any video game
cottongin381 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The ending to this episode of The Walking Dead video game was quite possibly the most emotional and intense out of all of them. In my honest opinion, though, it was possibly the most emotional out of any video game I have ever played. The final episode of this season was full of many shocking events, such as Lee having the wrist of his left arm chopped off by Krista, and the emotional situation of Ben (and perhaps Kenny.) dying an over-whelming death. The final scenes of this episode is what hit me the hardest. It left me weeping for a long while, with the main character named Lee dying a slow and obviously painful death. Not only the death of this likable character provoked me to the verge of bawling, but the young character of Clementine was there to watch it all go down. The pain and sorrow in her voice, pleading for Lee to stay awake and alive was the part that killed me.

Overall, Telltale Games made yet another astonishing video game, following the story of the last episodes. I would gladly recommend this game to anyone with an eye for action and adventure. Although, to all humans reading this with a heart, I advise you to keep a napkin or handkerchief by your side while going through with this game. You'll need it.
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Great game
Warge30 September 2012
The Walking Dead - The Game goes back to the zombie genre's roots, and turns the zombies into sources of horror instead of gun targets - that is what I think might be the most important aspect of this game, since there are no hordes a la Left 4 Dead to gun down.

And that is important I think to know. The story that plays out is very character driven, and it is more important to interact the right way with the right person than finding a Big F_cking Gun to mow down zombies with.

The protagonist: As in many other games, it is not possible to make your own character - you play as the former university teacher Lee Everett, starting out on his way to prison. This is in some ways a weak point - the game doesn't become so much of an RPG as an interactive film, but luckily, Lee is interesting enough so you don't loose interest in him.

Gameplay: Playing the game on a PC is a breeze - a lot of effort has gone into making sure you only need the movement keys and the mouse to play the game - the inventory is only accessed when needed and everything is lined up in a very straightforward way, from responses to actions.

Here I should also mention that people listens to what you say (or not say in some cases) and remembers it. This is a quite simple way of getting the player involved, especially when people starts referring to what you have said earlier.

Script: Since each episode provides about 2 hours of gameplay, here is the really great strength of the game: in a very short time, you get to know the people around you, and when something happens you CARE. Some very intelligent writing has gone into the game to make sure you will get a very real, and very genuine feeling out of it.

Rating: The game is rated M, and in such a game, it would be almost mandatory to include a couple of steaming sex scenes, but they are very absent. This is actually part of the game's appeal - there is no forced love scene with someone you don't really want to get involved in - but there IS blood. And a lot of it.

Graphics: Since the game is based on the comics, it has taken on graphics that resembles that. This is kind of cool, but sometimes, this is taken a little too far, when you see drawn lines as shadows where there shouldn't be any.

Sound and voice acting: Pretty standard. The voice acting could be a little better, but it works.

All in all, this is a great game and the big shame is that the first season is only five chapters long. But there is hope - apparently, there's already a season 2 in the making.
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If you play a better game this year, you must be lying.
leland-535-29797621 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
May, or may not contain spoilers, but I'll warn that it does, just in case... I'd like to first sum this up with a single word you'll probably hear a lot in reference to this! I could quite happily end my review right here by simply reiterating wow! Ever since I finished episode 4, I've hardly been able to contain myself in anticipation of the final chapter. Intense, emotional, and wholly disturbing, this is not a finale for the light-hearted. It's not a first-person shooter, it's not exactly a puzzle-solving mystery game, it's not really a taxing gaming experience, but the secret to its brilliance lies not in the skill of the gamer, nor indeed in the clarity or brilliance of the graphics, but in the presentation and depth of the story line. If you haven't played this game yet, then you're missing out on a great experience, so go get it now. Never before have I found myself so desperately caring about what happens to video game characters. You'll find paternal instincts towards Clementine that you may otherwise never have known existed. She is the only thing you'll find that really matters in the overall scheme of this game. Although many people are lost along the way, as long as you keep pulling Clementine through, you'll feel like you're achieving something. And when you have to put yourself on the line to save her, well, you won't think twice. Be honest with yourself, and do what first comes to mind in each scenario, and you'll find out what sort of person you are deep down. How many other games can do that? There's apparently going to be a second series, and whether it contains Clementine, or not, I can't help but hoping that she - this fictional computer image of a character - is going to be alright. That's how much it pulls you in, how much it strains the emotions. Trust me, you won't want to leave the poor girl, and you'll be urging Lee to fight to the very last of his strength to keep her alive. Throughout this entire series, you keep hoping things will turn out for the best, but how can that ever happen? The actual ending of this game must be one of the most powerful and believable, heart-rending and shattering conclusions of all time. I can only really bring a comparison with the shocking ending of the movie adaptation of The Mist. Not seen that? I can only recommend not watching that and playing The Walking Dead in the same evening, because when it comes time to turn the lights out, you'll probably cry yourself to sleep. You'll lose all hope and become morbidly depressed! This is a unique and brilliant gaming experience. I'd recommend this to anyone. I even purposefully registered with IMDb just to leave this review, that's how simply amazing this game is. 10/10! *****
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Blew my expectations
Benbuckley695 June 2014
When I first heard a game was being made with the title 'The Walking Dead' I jumped for joy. I love the show and was hyped as hell for the game. But when I learned that it wasn't based around the characters from the show, I started to lose interest. I mean, no characters from the show? This game is gonna fail badly. But around it was released, I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and bought it. And let me just say, I was completely wrong to judge it before release. This game blew my expectations away. It's full of decisions and choices you struggle to pick and packed with so much emotion it toyed with my own. Anyone considering to buy this game; buy it. It is worth every single cent.
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Brilliant! What a way to end!
Oldbatvodka21 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say, A TELLTALE GAME SERIES did it, They made a throat clenching ending which definitely tugged on my heart strings and closed the series off with a cry. Like many of the Walking Dead series (TV or Game) they always leave you wanting more and every single episode is filled with action packed events and dramatic decisions which make you think "how can they top this in their next episode" but magically they do, but if you think hard enough how will they ever make a climax to this series, an ending which will linger in our minds for time to come. Well "No Time Left" does this. It left me in tears nearing the end and that is exactly what you want. I applaud games that get me emotionally hooked with the protagonist and leave me an emotional wreck when something bad happens to them. For this whole episode I felt like a hero, making sacrifices and brave decisions which could put myself in danger, I aided my friends when they were in dire need and shouted with sadness as they made sacrifices, I was split up from the group and walked as a lone man to my objective. My wounds are getting worse and I become weaker but I strive on, until I uncover the mystery that has been rising it's ugly head for the past two episodes. I stand gob-smacked as it unfolds and the event ends, I'm in the clear, most of the danger is over and I am safe with but my wounds are becoming fatal and are only a reminder this can only end one way. I use tactics to get us from one place to the other but Lee is weak, he must rest, he awakes in a room with the person he has spent the entirety of the game with. He slumps, his words faded and his eyes withered. My throat beginning to swell. Lee uses his final words to instruct his sidekick to restrain him for her own safety and we get some heart wrenching dialogue to follow. The whole scenario leaves the player feeling like they have left a legacy behind that you know is the one you have moulded yourself from the beginning of the game and is sad when you have to let go. Bravo TELLTALE GAMES, this was a great final which I hope many other people can experience. There are bad things to say like all games but some are best left unsaid as they are only minor and didn't effect my gameplay at all. Sad to see the series end but wow what a way to end. Thank You.
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Deserving Game of the Year
ChargingStag13 May 2014
Anyone following the gaming world will probably know this game has received Game of the Year awards left right and center. It very much deserves these awards and should be regarded as an industry-changing game in storytelling.

Simply put it follows the story of Lee Everett - a convicted murderer - when the zombie apocalypse comes crashing down on the world. He finds an 8 year old girl called Clementine and the story follows their fight for survival while finding other survivors to go on with.

I have to give this game 9 stars overall as there are a few things that unfortunately make it a little less than perfect. These are mostly technical though.


  • The story. The Walking Dead's story is one of the best in the gaming world by far in my opinion, and you'll hear a lot of people saying the same thing. A lot of people focus on the Lee/Clementine aspect of it, but I personally enjoy everyone's contribution to the story equally. It wouldn't be the same without them! As expected with a zombie game it's not going to be a happy story. It's very heavy at times and faces a lot of morally disturbing questions. At the same time it lets you question your own morality if you do play this as if it were real life (which I highly recommend you do). The ending is so beautifully done both visually and musically and it'll certainly leave an impact on you for a long time after.

  • The characters. Some you'll love and some you'll hate - but only if you instinctively hate them or the game WANTS you to hate them. Never the kind of hate for badly constructed characters. The characters are believable and could be very relatable to some people. The voice actors did a wonderful job on this game.

  • Music. What more can be said here. The game has a fantastic at at times very emotional score.

  • It is a choice based game. Player based choices run through this game's entirety. I particularly like how it tells you what percentage of people did the same as you at the end of each episode.


  • On my PS3 disc version of the game at least it can run a bit sticky sometimes, especially if it's been on for a while. What I mean by this is during cutscenes the screen will freeze up quite a bit and be very 'jagged' playing. This is a common complaint among disc players so it's not just a problem with me.

  • Not-so-seamless loading screens. After key points where tensions are running high, the mood is somewhat broken by quite frequent and noticeable cuts to loading screens.

  • Your choices don't really matter in the bigger picture. Now I wasn't expecting choices on the absolute massive scale of something like Mass Effect, but really... your choices don't matter in the long run. You don't even get one single alternate ending no matter how drastically you change your gameplay. Sure your choices will decide if someone likes you or hates you, and if one person does something instead of another. But it doesn't change the overall story at all.

These cons are not enough to detract from the sheer power of the story though, and although they may sound bad I really wouldn't worry about them ruining anything. You should definitely give this game a try, I'm sure you'll be hooked!
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Most impactful film ending ever.
hedgepuffin17 February 2018
Hardly a game. This point and click 'game' is essentially an interactive film where the player chooses from speech opinions which have moderately significant impact upon the narrative. Some of these decisions include things such as choosing which character to save out of two which need help, and breaking a promise made to another character in order to do what you think is right (you can also choose not to promise anything initially, resulting in the character you asking for the promise disliking you, but saving you from greater dislike later), etc. The player's choice of speech and actions for the protagonist changes the way in which non-player characters will behave around and towards the protagonist. The ending will likely stick with you for your the rest of your life.
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The greatest telltale game
thomasgouldsbrough12 June 2022
The Walking Dead is one of the best games of all time. It's possibly the best Telltale game, alongside the Walking Dead season 2. It's emotional, poignant and most importantly, incredibly human. The story follows Lee in his struggle to care and nuture for Clementine, in a new world that's cruel, depraved and twisted. Lee, at face value, is a jealous murderer, and someone who would be regarded as scum and looked down upon in the normal world. However, past the surface, Lee is actually a good man, a man guided by principle.

The theme, Alive Inside, is nothing short of a masterpiece. It's genuinely comparable to some phenomenal violin scores, such as Schindler's list. It captivates everything the game is about: Loss, adversity, faith and hope.

The main downside to the Walking Dead is that it's not really a game. It's an interactive film, the game elements are lacking. Nevertheless, the story is tells makes it's more enjoyable than playing most video games.

To conclude there's several aspects which make the Walking Dead a masterpiece. There is hundreds and hundreds of video games out there, each with a plot that's easily consumble, and quickly forgetton. The Walking Dead seems to leave a permanent impact, a story buried into the mind of the player.
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My favorite video game by far!
cameronclauson24 September 2020
I am not a gamer whatsoever. I play here in there, but never "seriously". That being said, this may be the greatest game I've ever played. I laughed and cried so many times that I'd have to take breaks from playing it because I got so involved. That NEVER happens with me but the way this story is told is beautiful. If you haven't checked it out yet, this is a formal invitation to do so.
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Very emotional and can t let us indifferent
AvionPrince1630 August 2021
Wow! What a game. The whole season was very well made. Even if sometimes we can feel that our choices dont make such a big impact than others the video game clearly have some heartbreaking moment, and some difficult choices to make. The plot keep us engaged and we are attached to Lee and Clementine. And we wonder through the whole video game if they will survive and find what they are looking for. And how they will survive? If the choices that we made can make them more safe or put us in danger. The ending of that game was so emotional and we just want to play the next season.
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Objective review for the entire first season of The Walking Dead
stillworkingfortheknife2 September 2013
Released at a time where the TV show The Walking Dead was the ne plus ultra, the homonymous PC/XBOX/PlayStation game didn't have an easy task with making itself a name aside of the AMC drama. However, it managed to do just that and currently, people are also looking forward to the game's second season way more than to the show's fourth one, at least I see it that way. Telltale Games' used the apocalyptic world of Robert Kirkman's comic book series as the basis for their story (different characters, though) and created an unexpectedly engaging, dramatic, and relatable survival story that may not always involve great gameplay, but succeeds on so many other layers that really make it an outstanding gaming experience.

Aside from three exceptions in the supporting cast, The Walking Dead has original characters with the convicted murderer Lee Everett being the one through whose perspective we play the game. Contrary to his crime, Lee is actually quite a good-natured man, but, of course, our decisions can change that to some degree. On the day the zombie apocalypse outbreaks, he is sitting in a police car heading for prison and ironically, it's the zombie apocalypse that helps him get away. Lee encounters an eight-year-old girl by the name of Clementine who is all on her own and understandably frightened. From now own, the two go their way together - a way that should be about finding the girl's parents, but as you'll quickly recognize, it is very unlikely that they are still alive. As the plot progresses, Lee starts to be a father figure for her and the duo meets more and more characters while also losing a substantial number of them. Their perilous journey also leads them to farms, drugstores, mansions, and schools while traveling per train or trailer.

As you'll soon find out while playing it, The Walking Dead has its primary focus on a good story, character development, and a lot of interactions and not that much on the usual action and splatter moments. But as I said, it's just not the primary focus and gory violence is present in every single one of the five episodes. What makes the game stand out from the mass is that it is very good in both matters and could even entertain people that are totally uninterested in video games since its style really resembles that of a TV show – we even have "Previously ons" and credits after each episode. I do believe that the choices you make aren't resembled often enough later on, but most of that is compensated by a great story (on the same level as the TV show, I'd say, but much more engaging considering you're the protagonist) and all different kinds of intense action sequences.

The game's design is very gritty, obviously to resemble a comic book look, and with that, the designers did a nice job. It's not outstanding, but at least they didn't go for an ultra-realistic style, with which they would probably have failed. The colors are mostly dark and are spiced up by the occasional crimson blood spurts; the decoration of houses or the like is a bit meager, but that also comes from the greater focus on the story. The voice acting is above average, which doesn't necessarily mean it's good, but I have to say that there was realistic dialogue and a good portrayal of emotions.

I didn't have any problems with the gameplay, yet it was almost too easy and even first-time players will get along with it in a matter of minutes. Again, there is the argument that plot and characters were more important to Telltale Games and I get that, however, some stuff, i.e. slicing through a crowd of zombies in the fifth episode, was definitely too easy.

If you lay more focus on gameplay, design, or sound, then you should really lower your expectations before starting to play The Walking Dead. BUT, you should definitely start to play The Walking Dead since it really gets you hooked and invested in all the characters while never loosing the thrill a zombie apocalypse would bring with it. This game is one of the most realistic approaches to the zombie genre and has a dramatic reach that most movies don't. The sudden zombie attacks always scared the hell out of me and the increasingly eerie ambiance was very well build up. Altogether, I utterly enjoyed playing The Walking Dead and would recommend it to pretty much everyone. Naming it the best game of the year or even the best game ever is, however, just disproportionate.
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Solid game.
Analog_Devotee3 August 2021
A solid character-driven cinematic video game. This was my favorite of the genre until Until Dawn was released on us. Still, this first season is still worth playing!
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No inverted controls.
gragz7716 April 2017
I was greatly disappointed when I downloaded this to find there was no options to invert the controls.

After a very quick Google search I realised that people had been complaining about this since 2012 when the game was released. It's now 2017, 5 years on and Telltale have completely ignored their player base and refused to add the option. Negligence in it's purest form. I will never purchase anything from them again.
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Emotional and excellent game
ante130002 December 2015
I have just completed this game, and it is a brilliant ride from start to finish. It felt more like an interactive movie/TV show than a game, but for me it was better than the TV show. It makes you invest emotionally in the characters,which makes all the tough choices all the more difficult, every episode had it's standout and unique moments, whether it is the farm, Crawford etc.This game had it's great share of calm and nail-biting moments.Ending of this game is one of the best that I've seen in any media and the soundtrack complimented it greatly, just like it did for the rest of the game.In the end, this game gets easily in one of the best games I have ever played.If you like good stories, apocalypse or zombie stuff, then I highly suggest this game. It's a 10!
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One of the saddest games ever made
prs9810 November 2019
Easily one of if not the best choice based game of all time and the one that actually started it all, this game is something really special, the feelings, the relationships everything about it will stick with you specifically after the emotional ending of the game.

so many great characters such as lee, kenny and clementine are something that you don't really see in the tv show or even the comics, they did an incredible job of writing these characters, the voice acting is top notch and you will care about them deeply throughout the entire game.

the episodes are also beautifully crafted from the horrifying and amazing episode 2 to the sadness and sorrow of episode 3 where the story takes a huge turn on itself, it's all crafted very beautiful.

and that ending, even the voice actors probably started crying after that, the tears... you won't forget about that anytime soon. 10/10 classic telltale game, easily their best.
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A heavy story to go through
jebyvyson4 May 2019
I love how they handled the characters very well, showing hate and love relationships and giving the reason why what they are. Playing as a character trying to keep everything together and makes the hardest decisions is like real life. It may not affect the story because it's not about the destination, it's the journey. It's like a train track: there are two path you can take, but no matter which one you take, you'll arrive at your destination. The game mostly affects the characters and you as you play along. It's emotional, depressing, and probably the game that had made anyone cried in a video game in a while.
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I have only ever cried at funerals, until I found Lee and Clementine
eggmanjames8 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have never ever cried at a game before now, the story is amazing, playing as Lee for some times, making the decisions he does... it makes you feel as if you are him. Not going to spoil but, this game made me cry. In a beautiful way. Edit: had to mark it as a spoiler sorry, when Lee died at first I was like Damn that's it, that's the end, and then the next day I wake up, depressed, weeping that Lee is gone, because now it's over, his legacy is gone. If a game can have that much affect on me then it's captivating.
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One of the greatest and most emotional game in history.
fountasalexander5 September 2022
Thank you telltale.

This game will always end with tears shed, Lee and Clementine had such an unbreakable bond, and beautiful friendship.

Just finished replaying it after so many years and it still tangles my heart.


'I'll miss you.'
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Great game
gendrosboyo14 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Telltale games have hit the nail right on its head with this title.I was not going to bother with this and got the demo version to satisfy my curiosity.I did not expect it to be anywhere near this good. As someone who does not read comic books or graphic novels I came to the series via the amc show. The game comes with a different set of characters to the TV show and for me that was a bonus in itself as it takes away the preconceptions that would of been there if they had used those characters.The story moves along at an easy pace with just the right amount of action to cut scene ratio to keep it interesting.Another thing I really enjoyed about episode 2 is that its not just about getting past the walkers like the 1st episode was.this had a more emotional storyline compared to the first. I enjoyed every second of part 2 as much as part 1 and would of gone for a 10/10 but for my one small niggle with it. The reason I stated it as spoiler was not because it could spoil but rather to state the most noticeable thing I found with this episode. At the end of episode 1 we got the option of save Carley or save Doug.This I thought would really add to the second part because it opens it up to go down 2 routes and not one but I was wrong.It took me half hour or so to realize that the Doug/Carley story goes nowhere in this episode other than at the beginning and the end as neither play any part in the main story. I said it was a minor niggle with me as it didn't ruin or spoil the game for me but just it was very noticeable that it happened that way. I am ready for episode 3 to come along now so I can continue my journey with Lee and the gang.August seems a long way off to me now though.
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The best story ever told in a video game
chrisaamodt117 April 2021
I don't know where to even start with this. There is so much to say, but I will try to contain myself.

I'll start of by saying that I've played a lot of story driven games. The Last of Us, Life is Strange, Detroit Become Human, A Plague Tale and The Wolf Among Us to name a few. None of these games came even close to The Walking Dead. There are a few reasons to this, and I'll talk about all of them in-depth, because this game deserves it.

The game centers around a man headed for prison, Lee Everett. Lee ends up meeting an eight year old girl, named Clementine. Now, this is where the story shines, their relationship. Lee quickly becomes like a father figure for young Clementine, and will do anything, literally anything to protect her. Both of them are so well-written that I've never cared more about fictional characters. Ever. The voice actors did such an amazing job that there are multiple times throughout the game I was left speechless, with tears pressing. Thank you Dave Fennoy and Melissa Hutchinson for a perfect execution.

Clementine, which will go down in history as the greatest protagonist of any game ever, at least in my book is there to act as a moral compass. Her input and opinions guides the player through what feels like at times, impossible choices. What makes this game so good also comes down to the side characters, that are also perfectly executed. Some of them you'll love, some of them you'll hate, and they all feel really real.

I won't spoil anything for you, but this game IS emotional. You will end up caring about the characters, and you will feel a lump in your throat at some point in the game, if you don't, I'd be worried. The ending puts the perfect ribbon onto this perfect package of a game. I can literally say that it changed me as a person. It completely broke me, but I am so impressed that a video game could make me feel so invested.

The Walking Dead doesn't have the best graphics, and it doesn't have the best gameplay, but it has the best story, and best characters I've ever come across in a video game. As I said, I've played a lot of video games, but none come close to the exceptional masterpiece TellTale created in The Walking Dead.
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Phenomenal storytelling!!
saryuevan28 July 2021
What a game it was!!! Basically there can't be any faults. Perhaps the best story, choices games I played. Everything is amazing, its emotional one. I had moments were I was just stunned c'mon man like what in the world happened. Keeps you at the edge of your seat throughout the game. Choices also were very hard to choose in certain situations but I went with my brain and took my heart with it.

Story: 10 Characters: 10 Music: 9 Gameplay: 8 Direction:10 A must play game. A masterpiece in storytelling. Epic voice acting and performance. One of the best story driven games of all time.
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The story is key, but game play is lacking options
smitty_cregger5227 April 2012
I've played through the first episode and was enthralled by the storyline from beginning to end. This definitely has the feel of a Robert Kirkman story and does not disappoint. Just like the comics and TV series of the same name the emphasis is on character interaction and human emotion with a backdrop of a zombie apocalypse. While the storyline was great, and I can't wait for the next episode to become available for that very reason, the game play was nothing short of timed button mashing, and really lends very little to the overall gaming experience. This is a bit annoying, but doesn't give enough of a reason to avoid playing this well written title. The one element of game play that is rewarding is the RPG experience of making decisions and having all of those decisions create some sort of reaction. Nearly everything you say to other characters can be remembered by the person, and may present itself later in another situation, there are even times when you may have to make a choice on whose life you intend to save, it adds to the complexity of the game and in my opinion, puts the game over the edge from being a slightly above average game, to a solid "good" game. I would recommend this game to anyone who loves putting an emphasis on interactive storytelling. If you're looking for Resident Evil, I would move on.
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Emotional, intense and simply well done
jillygirl-362559 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A game that takes player decisions into account can have countless errors. The Walking Dead is the opposite but it definitely has its own flaws.

Most video games that have this kind of decision-making inevitably end up leading to the same outcome. For TWD, it's true that there are constants, but there are also massive decisions the character, Lee, could make. What I loved about the story is that it doesn't hold back - it tells the hard truth. You're really going to have to make some hard choices because you really can't save everyone.

All the characters are pretty well-rounded and 3-dimentional. Each one had their own story and tragedies which I'm glad we get a glimpse of. The only person I had an issue with was the stranger in episode 5. Although his arguments make his character possible, it doesn't make everything he did plausible. There are just some things in his narrative that did not quite fit. The rest of the characters were fine. Character inconsistency is hard to make out because anything they think of your character is solely based on what you choose to say, so if there are any inconsistencies, I can excuse those.

They story line was definitely a jab in the heart. There are really things you can't control but it's even harder if you can. I really loved Lee and Clementine's dynamic and how that translates in season 2. Every episode was a an explosion and it brought up emotion at the right times. The dialogue was also great, but there's just a lot of dead space when people are talking and you have to choose what to say, unlike in the later telltale games like Tales from the Borderlands.

Other things I'd like to commend are the art style, the animation and character design. I would highly recommend this, especially if you like emotional, intense and story-rich games.
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Great telltale story by a great driven character
leovarsky8 June 2020
When I played the first episode of Season 1, I already thought the game was fantastic, before I ran this I had finished with Batman telltale and it was the first telltale game that had a good story like this. I tested a bit of telltale before the 2012 demo but I was obviously not engaged then and maybe it was that I was small and didn't understand as much or that it wasn't my thing, but when I drove the Batman telltale I changed my mind and thought that these games are fantastic. If you compare the walking dead games to the TV series I can say that the games are much better than the TV series, I certainly saw the series before until they became boring and destroyed the red thread. I would say that the story in telltale twd is much better because there it is more excitement, good dialogues, good continuation, good characters. There were good characters in the TV series too, but as I said, they already ruined everything on s7 which made me tired of the series. The whole telltale walking dead story gets 10/10 because it is good story, great emotionell that will make you cry and funny moments as well. Last but not least, it is Clementine who is one of the cutest girl in the game history that makes the story great.
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