Eating Miss Campbell (2022) Poster

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Disappointing and offensively bad
killerreviewsldn27 August 2022
I had high hopes for this film with Starburst Magazine saying it was a must watch but I don't know what glue they were smelling. This film is the second attempt at a feature film by Liam Regan but this is a dire attempt at a film. This being a Troma film you would expect a certain level of humour and flavour which you get with Troma films but this has chucked that out of the window for a more insulting sarcastic sense of humour. The story is about a vegan girl who keeps trying to kill herself and at the same time the school she attends has mass school shootings, this comes across in poor taste and I did notice some people actually leave the cinema I saw this at in disgust. The other big issue with this film is every frame it seems to force feed the audience with another Easter egg from a better film or tv series. I only give it 2 stars out of 10 for good costumes, makeup, Troma founder Lloyd Kaufman and Laurence R Harvey.
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Not for me
BandSAboutMovies1 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Every time Beth (Lyndsey Craine) dies - at her own hand - she wakes up in another horror movie. This time, it's a cannibal romantic comedy. And that idea, that Beth wants to die but might learn something from each new film, is a great one. It doesn't come back into this film at all, which is the first of the misfires that this movie commits.

Director and writer Liam Regan, my enthusiasm for this diminished somewhat when a Troma logo came across the screen. As for the story, well, only one student at Henenlotter High School - get it? Get it? The film seems to nudge you; the same school also is the setting of Regan's My Bloody Banjo - can win the "All You Can Eat Massacre" contest and get a handgun of their own with which they can either soot their fellow students or kill themselves.

Yet there may be hope. Beth has a crush on English teacher Miss Campbell (Lala Barlow) which seems to play out as a need to consume human flesh. This is the exact opposite of her vegan ethos yet eating one's enemies is such sweet revenge.

The rest of the film uses teen movie stereotypes from Heathers, Tragedy Girls and Mean Girls to move along its tale of girl cliques and male sexual predators. Of all the imagery and ideas taken by this movie, I liked that one of the female bullies favors Road Warrior Hawk makeup.

The movie - well, the evil teacher Nancy Applegate (Annabella Rich) - refers to Beth as "the millennial product of the American high school trope" and that would be an intriguing meta comment were it not so on the nose. Sure, her mother is dead, she has a horrible stepfather and school sucks, but why does she want to end her existence beyond a "woe is me" attitude? Far be it from me to expect good taste in film, much like exploitation, but I do definitely demand a character who has a reason for their deepest desire, even if it is dying.

If she really wants to live in a movie life that isn't nostalgic horror, why does she play into the same cliches throughout? That motivation is never truly explored. Instead, there are endless references to other movies - if this were a Marvel comic, there'd be an editor note in every panel, cluttering this up with reference upon reference - and can you top this gross-out humor. Trust me, I love humor like that. Lloyd Kaufmann saying "Alex Baldwin" and blowing out his brains is anything but wit.

To be satire, one must have some position from which to state why something is worthy of ridicule, lest it becomes exactly what it is deriding. If you want to make fun of direct-to-video horror, that's not that hard. If you want to make a satire about hot button issues like date rape and teen suicide, go for it. But you better bring your best material. And if this is it, well, I have no interest in seeing what comes next.
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kwzombi30 August 2022

(Read the following in Trey Parker's voice)

Reattach that Banjo String! Liam Regan's gluttonous "sequel" to My Bloody Banjo, Eating Miss Campbell; is an intellectually crafted blood soaked 'black comedy' that mordaciously blends all that we love and hate about cliché horror comedies! And thank GAWD for that!

Liam Regan's 'Whoopsie F-in' Daisies' are in full bloom with outstanding and stellar performances from the entire cast! Lyndsey Craine and Lala Barlow shine; gothically, and fully embody the insanely clever and campy Beth Connor & Miss Campbell. Charlie Bond, Emily Haigh, Michaela Longden invoke the sins of '80s movies past' as the Heathers!! Did ya hear that gun shot?! Oh, just another school shooting.

Any rate, of course there's a Lloyd Kaufman cameo! Laurence R. Harvey is a scene stealer and Vito Trigo as the return of Mr. Sawyer adds another layer to the ever evolving mystique that is; WHOOPSIE F-in DAISEY! With James Hamer-Morton and Dani Thompson returning as well, one could say this is Liam Regan's "James Gunn Crew." Justin A. Martell and Annabella Rich are over the top, in all the right ways; as Tusk Everbone and Nancy Applegate.

Eli Roth! James Gunn! Trey Parker and Matt Stone! And now; Liam Regan! Unapologetically offensive with a social message; Eating Miss Campbell is...Bang Bang!
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Finaly a Troma movie worth watching...
paul_haakonsen21 July 2023
Right, well when I sat down to watch this 2022 horror comedy titled "Eating Miss Campbell", from writer and director Liam Regan, I didn't know that it was a Troma movie. And had I known that, I might actually have skipped on the movie entirely.

Luckily I didn't know that it was a Troma movie before I had sat down and started the movie. Thus, as the movie was already playing, I opted to give writer and director Liam Regan the benefit of the doubt. And luckily so, because "Eating Miss Campbell" was actually the best of Troma movies I have stumbled upon, not only in writing and story contents, but most certainly also in production value and most likely thus also in budget. This was actually a proper movie whereas the other Troma projects feel like home video projects.

The storyline in "Eating Miss Campbell", as written by Liam Regan, was strange and bizarre, but in an oddly dark, twisted and entertaining manner. There are just so many really far out there things taking place throughout the 84 minutes that the movie ran for. I enjoyed it and was genuinely entertained by the contents delivered by Liam Regan. However, I think that a movie such as "Eating Miss Campbell" is somewhat of a rather acquired taste and it is not one that will easily cater to everyone in the audience.

The only two performers on the cast list that I was familiar with were Laurence R. Harvey and Lloyd Kaufman himself. However, leading actress Lyndsey Craine really carried the movie quite nicely with her performance as Beth Conner.

Visually then I will say that the effects in the movie were quite good. A fair amount of visceral graphic effects, which I definitely enjoyed.

My rating of "Eating Miss Campbell" lands on a six out of ten stars.
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Wacky, Blood-Soaked Troma Fun
stewsith30 August 2022
Director Liam Regan follows up his debut film My Bloody Banjo (track it down if you haven't seen it) with an absurd, gore filled, hilarious movie about Beth Connor - a Goth, Vegan, Cannibal who falls in love with her high school teacher and to say anymore would spoil the movie! Lyndsey Craine (Book of Monsters) is a superb lead and perfectly plays the "straight man" role in a film filled with wacky characters right out of Tromaville who are sure to delight and offend in equal measure. The supporting cast is wonderful with many familiar faces including Lawrence Harvey (Human Centipede 2) who steals every scene he's in.

I saw the movie at its world premiere at Frightfest London where everyone laughed, cheered and cringed together making this a real highlight of the festival. There are some wild gags in the film, with many characters uttering lines that had the audience in stitches and whilst some may find themselves offended by the subject matter, the jokes are well executed in the context of the film and are a testament to the bold, uncensored film that Liam committed to make.

The other thing that I must compliment is the look of the film which dazzles with a bright, colourful palette akin to an R-rated Nickelodeon show that makes the film so unique. The High School lunch served in one scene is neon green and orange slop (reminded me of the movie Hook) which contrast so well against Beth's black and drab goth look. The sharp Cinematography is complimented with dolly moves and steadicam shots which give the film an expensive, Hollywood feel whist maintaining a late 90's teen movie aesthetic, resulting in one of the best looking Troma films of recent memory.

Well worth watching with company and a few beers on movie night if you are up for some solid laughs, brilliant performances and very icky gore which goes places most horror films wouldn't even dare. A must see for fans of horror comedy and even for those who don't normally take to Troma films.
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It was bloody brilliant
josephgreenuk30 August 2022
So Eating Miss Campbell was one of the films I was most looking forward at Frightfest and when I saw it. It was It was bloody brilliant. It's funny, witty ,bloody and tasteless.

This film is a Troma and if you love Troma films then you are going to love this. In all truth this is my favourite film of this year's Frightfest.

I am hoping that Eating Miss Campbell gets a uk blu-ray releases because I want it on my blu-ray shelves. I will even be happy with a digital release. I just want to watch it again. As well as show it to my friends.

Also this is Liam Regan second film and I am looking forward to his next project because of how much I enjoyed eating Miss Campbell. I am planning on watching his first film soon which is called My Bloody Banjo.
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Fantastic spiritual sequel to My Bloody Banjo
singhlall28 August 2022
This is a very well executed Troma style movie shot in the UK. The cast give some great performances and the SFX are worthy of the genre. The Director clearly has had fun with this and no topic is off limits. Some great jokes about High Schools, Horror movies and American culture. Charlie Bond, James Hame Morton, Bella Rich and Dani Thomson are great. Lawrence Harvey gives a great cameo performance too. This is destined to be a cult classic. Topics such as High School shootings, Cancel Culture get a good going over. This is more sophisticated than your usual horror film. The gore levels are fantastic too.
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Dark Goretastic Fun
rob_isnt_real2 November 2022
Silly, fun and gory, what more could you want? Eating Miss Campbell is a great satire and dark humour horror about a vegan goth turned cannibal. Recommend if you love a bit of splatter and dark humour.

This film will have its haters and lovers. I fall into the latter. Lyndsey Caine puts in a great tongue-in-cheek performance as Beth, a vegan goth turned cannibal. The laughs are dark and gore is red and in your face.

Lara Barlow as the titular Miss Campbell is a (without giving anything away) a great protagonist. The support cast are equally fully involved in the movie and give a bold performance (especially the Mr Sawyer character).

On the whole, this is the type of movie that you can stick on, grab a beer and have fun watching. Maybe even gets some BBQ in.
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Troma Splatter-Punk Satire!
karencalvey2 November 2022
Eating Miss Campbell is the second feature film from subversive Yorkshire-born director Liam Regan.

Every cast member stuns in their performances: Lyndsey Craine is the perfect Gen Y Final Girl, and Lala Barlow brings a feisty energy to the titular Miss Campbell.

Regan perfectly understands the marriage between satire and horror: he blends these elements seamlessly into a script packed with horror, humour, and gore whilst balancing sex appeal alongside self-awareness.

EMC doesn't simply aim to shock: it aims to entertain which it succeeds in doing perfectly.

Troma has never looked so Meta!
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Troma Does it again
P-JClayton3 November 2022
Really fun bonkers schlock horror,Liam Regan is definitely a director who loves horror films and it shows in all the references and dialogue of EMC, with references to Heathers and blood feast... also an appearance from the guy from human centipede 2! There's something for everyone, as well as commentary on the way tragedy's are portrayed....perfect for the gore hounds and there's plenty of SFX to feast your eyes on. Very British humour and sensibility and biting satire which... I really enjoyed... I really look forward to seeing what's next for Refuse and troma films! I'm definitley hoping for more of this!
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anthony-collett7 June 2023
Eating Miss Campbell (2022) is a fantastic film. Despite its occasionally inconsistent tone, the strong meta-humor and the dedicated central performances in Eating Miss Campbell helped to keep viewers invested right until the end, with Craine, in particular, delivering a powerhouse portrayal of a tortured and introverted teen who initially resents but gradually comes to embrace her role as a protagonist in a horror movie. It may not be perfect, but this is still a gloriously offbeat, well-acted, and sometimes downright hilarious tale of a decidedly weird teenage girl who develops a taste for human flesh.
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Nucking futs and morbidly ambitious!
gummybearanatomy30 August 2022
Where do I even begin. Being the spiritual sequel to Regan's first film My Bloody Banjo, this is that on steroids and all for the right reasons! At times feels like a live action cartoon which I wish more films did. It's what you get when you throw Mean Girls, Heathers and Texas Chainsaw Massacre in a pot seasoned with Troma. Every cast member seemed they were having a blast. The stand out performance was Lyndsey Craine who portrayed Beth Conner. The level of abuse and humiliation she had to suffer through really shows how dedicated she is to her work. This is also cramed with references to other horror films Regan loves and not just Troma! There's one reference only hardcore Child's Play fanatics will understand. Speaking of the score's done by Joe Renzetti who did the score to the original film. Fair warning though, this film isn't for everyone if you're sensitive to subject matters such as school shootings, suicide and date rape. However it doesn't approach the topics disrespectfully or taints the film's overall narrative. All in all this was 100% worth the 2 or so year wait and highly anticipate how he'll top this with the next installment.

10 demolished school busses out of 10.
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MartinWPayne24 September 2022
Life is like a box of chocolates, sometimes you never know just what you're gonna get. But with Liam, unashamedly Troma, means that you could cut Miss Campbell in half and you'd find Henlotter written all the way through.

Possibly this is a bit of a marmite film - haters gonna hate, lovers gonna love, and finger food may take on a whole new meaning.

For those who think Banjo / My Bloody Banjo could never be beaten, you are going to want to watch Eating Miss Campbell. For those who like their cannablism served with the sauce of real tears, well you may find this comedy horror not quite to your taste.

A good looking movie, filmed well, with attention to detail, and some cool performances in it. Suck it and see.
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great movi
blazethebutcher7 February 2023
Is is one the best movies i seen in years i love is humor i love it has a poin o i and isnt just meanless gore.its funny and has alot of greatdeath sceens miss campble and mr sawyer are my 2 favorite chracters aind i love the saying nostalgia is cancer even the evil charcers are liakable and the real life topics he adds in with the humor i hope he diceds to do a third movie and kerpps the world alive some how. Its a fun gorry mess this is why i love indie movies the love and compasion this movie has and i love this universe and cant wat to see what he does next and hope fully it as fun as this.
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A fun-gory-different-fantastic-authentic movie. Don't miss it!
Sabina_PC24 November 2022
I had so much fun watching this. It's pure Troma! All the cast is fantastic, but my favourite is Lyndsey Craine, perfect at drama and comedy, she nails the character.

The film has a cool balance between gory scenes, humour and creative dialogues tongue-in-cheek with references to other films, for the fans, or other events, etc.

I liked as well that the film has no filter to punch up to famous powerful sexual predators and the school massacres issue...

And the soundtrack, genious in each scene, "Goth girls are easy" is my fav.

It doesn't matter if you haven't seen My bloody banjo (what a blast), move your a** and have some Campbell!
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Amazing! Just Wonderful!
stregattobdsm27 October 2022
I had a lot of fun, you can see that they worked hard. They deserve all my respect. 10/10.

I wish it had lasted longer, time has flown by.

I am not a person who laughs easily but in less than 10 minutes they made me laugh, laugh out loud!

I highly recommend watching it I am not a reviewer (you can see) but this film impressed me so much that I registered to this site just to review it! You will not regret it.

I loved the blood scenes, this kind of movie makes you love the genre. It is the first film I watch by this director and I will definitely do more research

Sorry if this review is really poor but I'm not used to it. But the fact that I'm doing it for the first time makes it clear how impressed I was, and it's not easy, I have difficult tastes. Unforgettable movie!
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A true modern Tromamovie
jrsvpst3 December 2022
I grew up with classics like toxic avenger, tromeo and juliet, Nuke Em High... It has been a while since a watched a new Troma release and I was a little worried. Troma movies felt to me as something from the past, difficult to rhyme with the present day. But I glad to say I was wrong. While not a perfect film, director Liam Regan has managed to make a movie that made me realise again why I love Troma productions. It not only feels like a Troma movie in heart and soul, but it also feels fresh. It has all of the edge, goofs and gore you'd expect from a Troma flick, but it also has heart and charm. It made me laugh multiple times, which is rare, even for a comedy. It's not for everyone, but if you are up for a silly, weird, but good time. Crack open a beer, invite some friends and have a bloody good time.
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Eating Miss Campbell left me hungry for more Refuse Films!
frozendead1318 May 2024
Eating Miss Campbell is not only a fantastic follow up to 2015's My Bloody Banjo, but is also a great introduction to anyone who still hasn't discovered the works of Liam Regan. Taking the film making knowledge that he learned from his multiple years with "Troma Entertainment", this film is just more proof of his skill and talent! Returning fellow Troma alumni veteran, Vito Trigo is the cherry on top of this bloody tale of just deserts! The entire cast shines, quite well on their own as well. Loaded with Easter Eggs, & various nods to pop culture as well as social commentary, this film is a witty blend of 4th wall breaks, & insightful intellect. In a world of remakes, and carbon copy clone cinema, he future of the genre is in good hands!
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AMAZING - No Spoilers
DanTheTromite4 September 2022
After watching "My Bloody Banjo", and seeing the behind-the-scenes stuff leading up to the festival run of "Eating Miss Campbell" in clips on Twitter and Facebook, I kind of went into this presuming that Director Liam Regan's follow up film would already be fun and great... but what he delivered was more than I could have ever expected.

Eating Miss Campbell has great writing with a lot of callbacks to My Bloody Banjo, almost feeling like we're on the cusp of a "Reganverse" or a "Tromaverse" the way Kevin Smith does his new jersey lore in movies. It's beautifully shot, the story made sense in sequentially, the characters were very animated and engaging, the acting was brilliant, so many laughs, the gore looked great, the soundtrack was killer (I loved the Dylan Mars Greenberg song and second credits song), I can't say enough good things about this film.

As a longtime fan of TROMA, this movie spoke to me with in-jokes and homages, but also caught casual audiences off guard with huge belly laughs from its current event topical humor and over the top gore effects, and hilarious dialogue!

"Eating Miss Campbell" by Liam Regan is a hilarious dark comedy the way it should be done. I can't wait until I own a personal copy to dissect and devour!

It is another love letter from Liam to Troma that we all should read...or watch.
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Binge n Purge
legionofidiots5 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So just finished watching EMC and wow what a ride! Before starting this review a few Content Warnings for the film (takes a deep breath) sexually explicit language, nudity, violence, gore, date rape, spiking, cannibalism, school shootings, bullying and Alec Baldwin, all performed with it's tongue firmly pushed through it's rotten cheek. If easily offended this is not the movie for you. (It's a Troma movie, what did you expect? Driving Miss Daisy?)

A simple comedy/horror tale of a vegan goth school girl who constantly stuck in horror movies (as she lets us and the film crew know via numerous breaking of the 4th wall) who's only escape is to commit suicide and awake in the next movie. Sort of a quantum leap of horror. All she has to do is win the binge n purge contest to receive a handgun to blow her brains out. Simple right? Well no this is a movie that deals with high school and horror movies and the references come thick n fast from mean girls, battle royale (gotta sell those rights) to the horror side with the purge and warriors plus a bucket load of Troma films to name a few. So along the way falling in love with the delightfully mad cannibal teacher miss Campbell, getting revenge on the school bullies, dealing with the school rapist, dealing with her 18th birthday and sticking an electric bread knife somewhere you really shouldn't it ain't a stroll in the park.

End of the day it rude, lewd, crude, disgusting but I have to admit I found it funny. It really doesn't care if you're offended. Some good sfx and sound fxs (one sound effect in particular turned my stomach lol) and a strong 3rd act.
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Not for the easily offended
EyeLikeHorror16 January 2024
If Cannibal vegan lesbian goth, school shootings, gore, swears and boobies don't offend you then this is the movie for you

To revitalise a UK school those in charge put on an eating competition where the winner chooses either to shoot up school or kill themselves.

We follow Beth who has attempted to top herself numerous times sees that winning the competition could end her days in style.

We are introduced to the tasty Miss Campbell who guides Beth through her vegan cannibalistic feelings and urges.

I don't want to spoil anything else as you'll need to watch this crazy movie.

Lloyd Kaufman has the line of the movie.

Vito Trigo is an delight

There's tons of Troma nods, references to other horror movies and wrestling to keep you.

I can get why people don't like this but for a pure hilarious gorefest this is a must watch.
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Live Fast, Die Young and leave a good looking corpse, just like Diana.
adamfulton25 February 2024
If you like Troma films or liked the directors previous film My Bloody Banjo then you're going to enjoy this. Not for the easily offended, but if you arent a liberal snowflake then there are some laugh out loud moments in here for you. In fact, even if you are a liberal snowflake you should watch this just to give yourself something else to get angry about. Great performances from returning My Bloody Banjo cast and new comers Lala Barlow and Lyndsey Craine fit right in with there roles as Miss Campbell and Beth Conner respectively. Support this film to help pay the fake blood cleaning bill inccurred during filming, so Liam Regan can afford to make another movie. P. S RIP Katie Vick.
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