17 Miracles (2011) Poster


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Why didn't they listen to Levi Savage?
paulwhite-804468 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed this film. I had heard about the Willie Handcart Company, particularly their great suffering and casualties as they crossed the plains to Utah. Their faith and perseverance are a great example to us. This movie captures their struggles in a way that made them come alive for me. I was touched by all the miraculous events that occurred during their journey.

However, the way the company leaders treated Levi Savage left a bad taste in my mouth. Levi Savage was a seasoned veteran from war and had seen a great deal of death and suffering. He warned the company about departing at the "lateness of the season". He warned them that they would encounter a treacherous winter and suffer many casualties with "bones strewn about the way". He advised that they wait until spring to depart west.

Despite his sincerity and experience, the company leaders dismissed his recommendation. To add insult to the injury, they publicly humiliated him twice by calling Levi to "repentance" and saying that he "was an opposer to the faith". (Of note, I admire how graciously Levi Savage handled the situation.)

Unfortunately, Levi Savage was vindicated. The company experienced food shortages and had to cut rations. They had to cross freezing rivers. Winter came with all its fury. Approximately 67 out of 500 people died. If the rescue company had arrived a day later, the number of deaths most likely would have soared. The circumstances proved that Levi Savage had been right!

Therefore, while I admire the courage of the Willie Handcart Company members, I am less sympathetic of the company leaders. They made a egregious mistake by not listening to Levi Savage, and 67 people paid that price with their lives.
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A little too dark
sarakmiles-6818419 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I understand how non-Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) viewers might have difficulty with this movie. It is definitely a religious film. They did a very good job portraying how difficult this journey was... probably a little too well. I know this is history but the way a story is presented can make a world of difference. Was it really necessary to graphically show death and mass graves? I would have better appreciated there being more emphasis placed on the actual miracles, maybe even enumerating them instead of me having to guess half the time. This movie did bring tears to my eyes but it also left me with a shadow of darkness. Go ahead and tell the story but I didn't particularly find this "inspiring", just depressing.
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Watchable only for those who are open or religiously minded
rightwingisevil5 October 2011
beautifully shot with not bad acting. but this movie is definitely an overly religious pitching and empowered one from the very beginning, a mormon believer financed film, that treated every lucky survival as a miracle from the god almighty but never the torments and loss of lives and miseries. the first "brethren" appeared in the dialog just sounded like those movies about communists calling "comrade" to each other. this movie is for those strongly religious faithfuls, not for atheist non-believers (i, for one) who never believes god almighty was not a make-belief invention and imagination made by those self-serving and self-righteous rich and powerful persons or parties to subordinate those born poor and lowly.

i fell sick by watching this constantly overly used religious thankful and self-humiliated words to some unknown imaginations.

i rest my case.
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One star too many
jamestheklein24 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A lot of the LDS films out there are plain bad. This one takes the biscuit. It is meant to be an uplifting, emotional story where they combine stories of two of the more infamous LDS Handcart companies and track their journey west. It was meant to showcase the faith of those who undertook the journey, and make me wonder how I can exhibit such faith in my life.

Instead, it taught me the opposite about faith than we are taught about on Sundays. It also made me furious at the LDS church for their treatment of the only sensible character, Levi Savage. There is not really a point to watch this film if you aren't LDS. There is also no point watching it if you are. Pick an old classic, or just read a book. You will regret it less.

If you are looking for a churchy film to watch on a Sunday evening, or at a church event, don't bother with this one. The tears you shed at the end will be for the 113 minutes you will never get back.
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Very enjoyable
timpnefc24 April 2020
Excellent film of a true story. Never boring. Good to read what happened afterwards in the credits.
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OK, I Am Slicing The Score Down The Middle Because
caf-1931 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I have faith in God, as well as His miracles, but more like every-day ones like the astounding growth, and birth, of babies in nine short months, and the splendor of His many creations. Nevertheless, at the same time, knowing the difference between real Christianity and well-organized cults, like the well meaning, but off the rails, Mormonism, the disclaimer that should be put in large font in the first frame of this gentle, well meaning film is "For the enjoyment and edification of LDS (Latter Day Saints) only" For that is about the only folks who are going to be able to suspend disbelief enough to enjoy this myth-enhanced story.

Let's make this clear, on the one hand, a bunch of naive, zealous, newly-inspired, Mormons did actually wend their under-prepared way across the US territories with only two wheeled HAND CARTS to reach their refuge, their 'Zion', in the Salt Lake valley of Utah Territory. The fact that any living person back in the early 1800's made it to their destination from this poorly funded, poorly planned, poorly led misadventure is, in my opinion, a genuine miracle. It is.

On the other hand, this amateurish production just stretches all credibility related to the alleged 'miracles', and the veracity of the entire history around the pull-cart pioneers of Utah. Any Christian scholar worth his/her college credits knows that the Age Of Miracles had long passed since shortly after Jesus' death, and the martyrdom of His twelve disciples and the brilliant Apostle, Saul/Paul of Tarsus and Rome. This doesn't mean that God isn't paying attention, or constantly intervening with a loving hand in our pitiful little lives in the past 2,300 years or so, but the era of showy miracles to shake us boneheads up about the reality of a higher, supernatural power, is past - because the Big Miracle already is completed: Jesus became alive again three days after being brutally and assuredly murdered. He beat death and Satan. "It is finished" He said.

All that is needed at this sad point in mankind's tenuous hold on peace, love, or hope for humanity is a strong, dedicated faith and study of God's word in the original Holy Bible. There is no 'other' testament of Jesus Christ, no 'Golden Plates', and no angel named Morona. Lastly, there's no 'new' organized religions to help mankind finally get it together. That new experience occurred already over two thousand years ago.

Therefore, the fictional chicken-pot-pie that just shows up, complete in aluminum baking pan (Aluminum pans were not invented yet) out in the middle of the desert wasteland, to two starving women; or an angry husband staring straight at his runaway wife and two kids and not recognizing ANY of them, is not only not believable, but belittle's the viewers' intelligence and definitely weakens the credibility of the Mormon organization. We have to give this wholesome film at least one star just for the privilege of reviewing. I give it three more stars just in gratitude for it not being crammed full of gratuitous violence, blood, gore, or sex.

It's just too darn bad such efforts on proselytizing are spent on a secondary track to a dead end, while missing the actual train that gets us somewhere.
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Better bring a handkerchief or maybe even a dish towel
uvjhamil-13 July 2011
17 Miracles is a summary of 17 of the documented events (miracles) of the two "Belated" handcart companies who were traveling to Utah in 1856. These were mostly poor immigrants from the British Isles and Scandinavia who arrived late in the season and had no recourse but to continue on to Utah even though there was the potential for bad weather. The movie in my opinion tries not to be over-dramatic and in some ways under-plays the suffering of the pioneers when you consider the temperature, with wind-chill factor would have approached minus 50 degrees. The acting was good, especially the roll of Levi Savage portrayed by Jason Wade. Although the movie attempts to depict the entire handcart trek it is actually 17 mostly jointed vignettes portraying events that were recorded in the journals of many of the handcart pioneers. My Great Great Grandmother was in the Willey Handcart Company; I have her journal and the movie was true to her telling.
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A decent LDS (Mormon) film about pioneers
chaseserious11 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The production values for Mormon films have certainly improved since 2001's Book of Mormon Vol. 1: The Journey, but still haven't achieved Hollywood levels.

17 Miracles is a film about pioneers journeying westward with the Martin and Willie Handcart Company towards Utah. Their trek left too late in the fall and they ended up struggling to survive the harsh winter, starvation and more as they continued on.

I was bored with the dialog and predictability, but there are a few positive moments in the film that help to buoy it up. The clothing and set pieces were distractingly nice for clothes and handcarts that should've been far more tattered and beaten up. I think the most distracting and hilarious bit to me was that the dwarf who travels with the group is shown in an angelic form later on, no longer a dwarf, but he continues to have vision problem since he still has his glasses.

For LDS audiences looking for a staunchly Mormon film, this is one of the best options for your viewing pleasure. For everyone else, this is an inspirational film that pushes a strong Mormon belief system, and if you still want to watch it after hearing that, then go for it. Otherwise, there are much better films to see out in the world.
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Highly recommended
umel1313 October 2011
Most viewers will be overwhelmed at the number of ordeals and miracles that are shown. Movies such as this instills a great respect to our pioneers depicted on this film. "17 Miracles" is really a miracle. The first few seconds are somewhat disturbing like a horror film but as the stories unfold, miracle after miracle will leave your heart with shock and awe The stories are beautifully written and they come to life in every frame. It is not wholesome for there are thematic suffering and hardships that might offend children so parental guidance is recommended. The lead actor who played Levi Savage is very good at the portrayal of his part. I Highly recommend it. We need more inspiring films like this in our homes.
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Sorry I can't watch no more
mark-179-6812526 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is diabolical. How has it got 7.3 as I watch it. Without giving anything away when daughter prays for mother who has lost hope and a pie arrives in a tray COME ON! I had to switch off. I thought it was miracle in a complete chance circumstance type not bible type crap. If I watched on I can imagine they would have parted a sea and fed the 5000. Disappointed. If you believe Jesus worked miracles watch this you will probably enjoy it. If you believe Jesus was a nice bloke that could not then stay clear of this film because it is very fanciful. Wasted a hour, glad I called a halt to this film YUK!
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God with out caring or love
LasVegasBartender3 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First: I want to say is the acting in the movie was good. For that I gave it 2 star alone. Second: If god is alive and well (and I believe he is) then he would look down upon the events and in this movie and say"this is not what I am had in mind when I told you to go forth" For a church to belittle or ridicule a person for telling people that making the crossing across the Oregon trail during winter is wrong, is NOT what god had in mind when he said "sacrifice leads to heaven". God gave us a brain and intelligence to know that when something is right, and something is wrong. To rise up people hopes just so they can drag half way across the US to the promised land and die while on the journey is wrong. Blind trust in god is one thing, throwing your life away because the church leaders vanity is at risk is another. God gave man life, not so it could be thrown away on the journey, no one should have made.
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A Film That Inspires!
blue-73 June 2011
T.C. Christensen's "17 Miracles" is something of a miracle itself. An independent film telling the true story of one of the most amazing pioneer migrations stories ever is beautifully written, directed, acted, edited and photographed to say nothing about the excellent musical scoring. Produced for less than $1 million dollars it achieves what no amount of budget can necessarily buy: a spiritual honesty that pays tribute to the people who followed their faith using wooden handcarts to carry their meager supplies as they attempted to journey to the Salt Lake City valley. While members of the LDS faith will mostly be familiar with the Martin and Willie handcart trek, most will be overwhelmed at the number of challenges and miracles that are depicted in this film. One can not leave from viewing this film without having a greater respect for these faithful pioneers and a deeper reverence for our Father in Heaven. "17 Miracles" is my kind of motion picture -- one that is an experience and uplifting. Highly recommended. If you have the chance to see it in a theatre DO! If not the DVD and Blu-ray are now available thru Deseret Book Company. This disc is certainly a must to own! Addition: Just saw the film for a third time in the theatre and find myself even more impressed with it then upon the first viewing. While all of the acting is outstanding special mention should be made of Jason Wade who plays Levi Savage. This handsome young actor could be the new Robert Redford. He is a very sensitive actor who has great range and power.
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LDS and Scientology...
bwccolorado28 November 2018
Please...wake up and smell the reality. Poor and slanted telling to support a fake conclusion. If you're going to manufacture a religion, at least tell the truth without a revisionist history.
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Not a pilgrimage like it in history...
sinimasyko19 September 2011
Job well done. This is a timeless story of a truly faithful and dedicated people who believed fully in their trek to the Mormon "Zion". It doesn't matter what faith you belong to, (or don't for that matter)to appreciate the sacrifice and suffering of these people. These progenitors laid a foundation of faith for offspring that are still basking in the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ due to what they endured. I am one of these, and my heart swells with love for these people. I only hope that if I was asked today, what they were asked then, that I would answer the call with a heart full of that same faith that they possessed. Their documented stories prove that the Lord watches over all his children, and will, and DOES intervene in our lives. For this I am truly grateful, and forever faithful.
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jack Mormon POV
rbbtmedic18 February 2018
Growing up Mormon as a strong female was tough. Its not a faith of equality. For all that I liked the pseudo history of the movie.
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Mormon propaganda
Drhodes1321 February 2024
Misleading film description, it's not a film about miracles and Christianity, it's a story about Mormons crossing the plains with some ridiculous notions attached to it.

I feel certain the 10 star reviews seen here were written at the behest of Mormon leaders in an attempt to further mislead people into watching it. The film is not enjoyable in the least, and I feel like I was duped into watching it based on the misleading description of the film.

If you have time to waste, go stand in the rain, paint a fence, wash a dog, burn straws, search the yard for a 4 leaf clover. ANYTHING will be better use of your time than watching this movie.
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This is an outstanding and true story of the famous Willie and Martin Mormon handcart pioneers.
FiestaToyStore1 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
A few days before leaving for Utah I heard about this movie. While there in Utah we looked it up and made a special effort to go see it in the theater. At present time it is only being shown in the Intermountain West. We were not disappointed. This is an outstanding movie that shows the courage and faith of a people who were ridiculed and ostracized for their beliefs. You get a real feel of the fear one must feel when being threatened by mobs in almost every town that they stop in. You also discover the reason that they are in such a hurry to push on to the Salt Lake Valley, the sealing power of the Temple that binds families together forever. This is the real story of the famous Willie and Martin Mormon handcart company.

Their is a lot of comic relief and romance. The pure and deep abiding love and sacrifice that one can feel for another is present here in this story. Levi Savage who whiteness' the ugly effects of the Donner party when faced with starvation and death worries about the fate of the handcart pioneers who are leaving so late the season. All of the events have come from actual events recorded in the pioneers journals, including the amazing young men who unselfishly carried the weak members of the party across the ice cold waters of a river all day. And the recorded stories of people pulling the handcarts up hill, when they look back to see who is helping them, see no one there.

This is a great family film but not a movie for young children. I would suggest the age of 10 or older. The directing is first class. The acting is amazing. You feel like you are in the story. The score is a perfect blend for the look and feel of the story. You leave with a lasting impression of these amazing pioneers. This is not just a story for Mormons but for all Americans.
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hollyenloe-88-99931012 January 2021
I watched this expecting hot garbage. I basically got it when they showed these people as Christian heroes and not the murderers they were. They conveniently left out all the indigenous people they killed so they could find Mecca. Unbelievable.
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17 Miracles
curiouspi17 August 2015
This movie was very well put together. I am very well acquainted with the story of how my ancestors went through difficulties to arrive in Salt Lake City. I don't agree with them taking off too late in the summer. Levi Savage seemed to be the only sensible one in the group that knew what they would be facing. Why couldn't they have killed some of the wolves stalking them & used them for food. Surely they could have camped for 2 or 3 days long enough to cook & eat thereby replenishing their strength so they could go on without starving to death. I'm not criticizing the movie, just my ancestors for making such horrible mistakes which cost many of them their lives. I feel Brigham Young was also to blame for this travesty because it was his idea to bring people to the Utah territory with hand carts.
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Yelling at TV in the First 8 Minutes
bigsis_je6 April 2024
How dare the Mormon church "call" a single father with an infant away on a mission for 3+ years! This happens about 7 minutes into the film. It had me shouting at the TV in anger. The God I serve - the Christian God, not the Mormon god - does not rip a baby from his only parent and require the parent to travel to another continent for the remainder of his most crucial, attachment-building years, claiming that it's more important for them to hear the gospel than for the father to raise the son God GAVE him! God said to the Israelites in the Bible, in Deuteronomy 24:5, that a newlywed soldier shouldn't even be required to serve for the first year of his marriage. Along the same lines, I don't think God would send a widower father of an infant far away on a mission. Ugh! The Mormon church is selfish in what it asks of its members, and the members go right along with it because they're convinced the church speaks for God.

Against my better judgment, I went ahead and finished the movie. While beautifully filmed, it was still angering to witness all that these people were put through needlessly. Why didn't they have wagons or oxen? Why were they limited to a certain number of pounds? Why didn't they listen to good advice and wait until spring to start their journey? It seems to me they were being spiritually abused, with this lack of care for the harsh realities they would face.

I hated what was stated in the text at the end of the movie: that their percentage of deaths was *not much higher* than those of other Oregon Trail travelers, and claiming that this was the greatest miracle, considering what they went through. What?!!!!! Their conditions were NEEDLESSLY inflicted upon them!

At best, this story has been twisted to become church propaganda. At worst, this was an extremely abusive PR stunt pulled by the church on its believers. Why not sacrifice a few lives now to gain millions more for the next 170+ years? Despicable!
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A heartfelt movie for anyone to enjoy
mcblish13 October 2012
I really, really enjoyed this movie. I do not see how, in retrospect, someone can dislike this movie, as it has so many wonderful aspects that make it shine. The acting was amazing, each actor fitting with the character they portrayed like fingers to the metaphorical glove. The cinematography, as I have come to expect from T. C. Christansen, was phenomenal and complemented the brilliant music that suited each subsequent scene in the movie. I, similar to other men out there, thought I was immune to crying in movies others would find sad, but I found myself silently tearing as I witnessed the tragic events that played out before me. To all those who feel like hating on this movie solely because of their personal prejudices against the church which it represents, I implore them to just watch this movie, and to not let their feelings get in the way of a wonderful experience.
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My Great Grandmother experienced one of the miracles
uvjhamil-118 January 2019
My Great Great Grandmother came to Utah in the Willey Handcart Company; she is the little girl jumping over the rattlesnakes in the film. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints do believe in miracles. To correct what someone posted, we do believe that Jesus Christ is Jehovah of the Old Testament. We believe that Jehovah is God and that He is the Son of God which is to say that he has a Father; the same Father who said, when Christ was baptized, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased". We believe that under the direction of His Father, Jehovah created this world and in the meridian of time left His position as God to come to this world to offer Himself as a sacrifice and that through faith, repentance and baptism we can be forgiven of our sins and be allowed to return to His and His Fathers presence. We believe that Jesus Christ and His Father are one in purpose, not one in being.
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Excellent faith promoting movie
lindy-561-87671622 December 2012
For what this movie tries to do, it is completely successful. It is not meant to be an Indiana Jones type of show. It is meant to tell a tale of many lives woven together by a life threatening trek based on faith and desire to serve God and be His people no matter the cost. In this sense I believe it is one of the best I have seen. If you are looking for intrigue or for a completely integrated plot line with the same character's being followed up on throughout, it is not that type of movie and you won't be satisfied. The main character ties it together- but the others are all hit and miss. The point is that there are miracles throughout based on faith in God and His mercy. That is the plot. I love it more each time I see it. And I see more each time I watch. If you have faith, you will love this movie.
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Wonderful movie
glory-7266022 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
According to the movies title it is pretty obvious the movie is based off the christian faith. The title attracted me but the movie plot kept me watching til the end. I simply loved it. It was a reassurance not only in the christian faith but in faith of our fellowman. For each pull cart family at one time or another during the long ordeal learned to rely on their fellowman. They started working together to help each other make the long hard trip. So in my opinion the movie is indeed of the christian faith but it is also faith in our fellowman.
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The most interesting part of this movie is ...
jeromec-230 June 2014
I think the most interesting part of this movie is trying to figure out just how many miracles there were and what they were. I think there were more than 17.

A miracle to me is any event that cannot be explained by our 5 senses even with technology that would enhance those 5 senses. I'm not a great fan of coincidents, although somebody like Philip Yancy would argue those are the best pieces of evidence that you have for a miracle.

Given my definition however, here are a few of my choices.

1. the two girls going through the field with the rattle snakes.

2. The mother not being recognized by her abusive husband.

3. The courage and well being of the dwarf and the fact that he made it as far as he did. His complete acceptance of his fate in my mind was a miracle. He had much to be bitter about. OK I know that is not to be judged by the 5 senses definition. Sue me.

4. The fact that any of them survived given the stupidity of the leadership. I know, there was little choice in going on, but the main leader should have listened to Eli who knew what was involved. The trip could have been planned differently so the men could work.

5. The miracle of the jerky in the cave.

6. The survival of the love that Sarah exemplified. No bitterness there although a lot of sorrow.

In all, this was pretty well handled. Spiritual movies are very hard to make, and I think on the whole this one was successful.
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