Passenger (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

(2024– )

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Could've reached a 7, but...
connorundrumme25 March 2024
Plenty of things dragged this potentially enjoyable, but ultimately topical and unsophisticated, production down, such as:
  • Underdeveloped characters/relationships
  • Slow pacing
  • Repetitious events; too many coughing scenes; many characters involved in 'terror in the woods', but no reveals by two thirds of the way through the series; alarms and goo in multiple lab scenes, but no conclusive data/outcome at all; animal mutilation images on a loop; and the same with overly dramatic conversations...
  • Annoying relationship dramas that don't drive a story
  • Some of the comedic scripting works, but not much
  • An unsympathetic and generally negative tone (damaged and/or unlikable characters, and that's supposed to be funny)
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What is it? Where is it? When is it?
stevev-3409525 March 2024
If Sally Wainright (Happy Valley) and M. Night Shyamalan (The Sixth Sense) got drunk while watching an episode of The League of Gentlemen they would end up writing something like this.

After watching the first episode I am confused and intrigued. People drive around in 25 year old cars but have smart phones. Someone plays a computer game from the 80s but they are an anti-fracking protester. Is this place even 'real'? I'm thinking 'Lost', 'Life on Mars' even 'The Truman Show'.

The first episode was quite disjointed and demanded patience from it's audience, that's a big ask these days. They did enough to get me watching episode 2 but only just.
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Give it a go if you want something a bit different
p-8125327 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I understand the bad reviews although I think this had potential, even though it wasn't the best delivery.

There were elements of humour and it's not to be taken as seriously as something like Broadchurch or Happy Valley, but I found it entertaining.

I wouldn't normally watch something that had the number of poor reviews that it did but it had a good array of actors; a lot of whom I like and that drew me towards it.

It kept me intrigued, but the main disappointment is not having an ultimate answer at the end. One of those series where your left to draw your own conclusion.

It's difficult to write something original these days, however, despite some shortcomings, this held its own.

If you really want something dire, watch Love Rat!
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Enjoyed it, but the ending?????
peter-gaunt227 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
8 for the series up to the final minutes of the last episode. 1 for the ending. Average 4.5.

Having watched the boxed set I was so disappointed with the American-style non-ending. In other words "let's not end this series. Let's hope we get a second series commissioned". Or maybe "we don't really know how to end this. Let's hope we come up with something before the next series". I hate this about the interminable American series that leave completely in the air when the series isn't recommissioned.

So let's talk through the story. Maverick outsider DI investigates a murder, but is thwarted by her superior who just wants to win a best kept village competition (spoiler they get 3/10 and don't win - something to do with grass verges). The DI is closing in on what's happening when her two intrepid colleagues are trapped in the basement of a blazing bread factory with a spooky banging door. Will they escape. Will the DI save the day.


Watch this and weep.
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Weirdly compelling - flawed but compelling
sarahcoleman-7927226 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I get the poor reviews, it wasn't perfect, but there was something about its off kilter atmosphere that kept me hooked. Yes it was overly and unnecessarily sweary, yes there were a few well dodgy moments, but I loved the 80s clothing, the dated interiors and vehicles, it all gave a feeling of the inhabitants being trapped in a place untouched by the outside world, a place that could fall victim to some strange Squid Game type plot and fiendish organisation. I was frustrated by the lack of explanation of what was going on in the woods, and the woman with the chemistry set in an empty lab in the bread factory was totally ridiculous, but I liked the oddness of it and the plot. I didn't expect the ending and to be honest was a bit disappointed- but I would watch another series as I'm genuinely intrigued....lots of unanswered questions.....are they ALL in on it? Is the chief of police part of it, talking about 'light' and obsessed with prioritising trivial mischief over real crime? Do all the women know they're making numbered jumpsuits for games contestants? Was Nina Clare or was Clare Nina? Who /what were the 2 points attributed to Mehmet on the scoreboard? Who was the big guy we kept seeing, who came into his own at the end? Is there a creature?...... there HAS to be with all the dead animals and then the group sent to recapture it - but what were the bread men doing moving it about in a truck?......pfffft maybe TOO many loose ends left, now I think about it.
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What was that all about
miklcats26 March 2024
I feel this show could have had potential but all just went very boringly downhill after episode one. The idea of the missing girl , the creature in the woods , the dead animals (which we still don't know why) could have made an interesting plot but it never ended up being about that. To be quite frank i don't even really know what the show was about or what the point of half the characters were. The lad watching the cameras at the end i cant even remember him in the other episodes. Was it drugs , was it not who knows. It ended feeling like there would still be another episode yet there wasnt. Dont know if anyone else agrees.
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If you can get to the last two episodes, it's kind of worth sticking with.
Sleepin_Dragon20 April 2024
The village of Chadder Vale is beset by a series of bizarre tragedies, DI Riya Ajunwa is keen to investigate, but her boss wants a lid kept on things.

The amount of people I've spoken to that said they gave up after ten or twenty minutes, and I totally get why, this is the most frustrating series I've seen in a long while.

It's all over the place and very patchy, I'd argue half is just plain bad, and half is actually very good, the last two episodes were so much better, but getting to that point is hard work.

The story was very good, the acting on point, but the storytelling side of it was all over the place, at times it was virtually impossible to follow. When it finally falls into place, it's actually very satisfying, and it does come together well.

I've heard people rightly mention Twin Peaks and Fargo, personally I got more Fortitude vibes from it.

Very well acted, Wunmi Mosaku as always is great, at times she's better than the material allows.

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An attempt at transferring a small town American mystery to England
genericemailtl26 March 2024
I can see what the writers where attempting to do but it fails to work because the UK is nothing like America, where a town can be isolated, hours away from a major town or city. The way they speak about Manchester as if it's a far off, all shapes and lights metropolis they can only dream of doesn't work because they could get a bus to Manchester in an hour from this fictional Lancs village (filmed in Todmorden so I'm estimating the distance from that).

Transplanting this Twin Peaks/Stranger Things atmosphere to Lancashire just doesn't work and it makes it silly. The 70s/80s aesthetic with the cars, decor and fashion combined with modern mobile phones is jarring, plus the scene of an old school point and click adventure played on a modern computer just feels like a jumbled mess.

The characters and community aren't believable, the plot moves at a snails pace without enough hook to keep the audience engaged and it feels as if the writers have never been North of the Watford Gap.

I watched it all purely to see what would become of it. I found nothing at the end and I can't see it being picked up for another series.
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Excellent Dialogue and Acting
memefactory24 March 2024
A compelling and pretty original show that's kind of a Happy Valley with a weirdness angle. The dialogue is great, the pacing moves things well, nothing is spoon fed to the audience and the performances are all first rate. Every episode is tantalizing and interesting. The ending leaves things rather open, with several unanswered questions hanging about, suggesting a possible follow up, though I think it works just fine as is. A very pleasant surprise. Having said that, some folks won't like it - people who need to have everything wrapped up and explained, or who use TV shows as second screen content while they browse on their phones. This requires attention and, not patience exactly, but a willingness to let go and let the story take you where it takes you.
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If Hot Fuzz and Player One had a baby....
mamma_green31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Listen, it's not masterful, gonna win a bunch of awards but it's a good binge watch in a weekend kinda thing.

The show definitely has an original themes to it but it definitely feels like a Hot Fuzz (the towns in on it) and Player One (it's all about a video game) vibe.

The lead detective is your typical 'no one takes the job as serious as me' attitude and she is surrounded by your local yocals, bumbling around.

However, if you wanna a neat last episode where everything is tide up in a little bow, apologies in advance. We get very little answers and even less satisfaction. Hopefully there's a season two because I do like the characters and the fun (if not a little goofy) storyline.
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grfnwmcm25 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If you want to patronise people from the north then this could be the programme for you. Someone has collected northern sayings, not all accurate, and tried to write them into a script and decided northern folk constantly use bad language. If you decide to stick with it to try and find out what it's all about you will be sorely disappointed as the ending sets you up for season 2 which if they have any sense they won't commission. I can't believe this twaddle has made it to mainstream tv. The characters have no depth as if the head police person would be more interested in winning the best village competition than solving crime and that a detective can simply be moved from a position on a whim. Everything about this drama is ridiculous.
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Excellent, I hope there is a series 2
pfraser1304771 April 2024
I can't understand why everyone is so negative about this series. I thought it was excellent and it made perfect sense to me. The plot was brilliant, the characters were great, and the individual story lines all came together in the end. There were also plenty of twists and turns that kept me guessing. Some parts of the story were open to viewer interpretation which is very clever because it leaves you with unanswered questions. The final scene leaves it wide open for another series. As psychological thrillers go, this is excellent. Perhaps those that didn't understand it, or thought it was lacking somehow don't understand how phycological thrillers work. It's a 10/10 for me.
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Enjoyable Sunday evening stuff
soelir1 April 2024
I don't understand all the hate for this as it really isn't a terrible drama.

My only criticism is that we need another series to find out what's been what, and all the moaners might scupper that!

I enjoyed the premise and I liked the characters. And there being a few stories running concurrently is fine with me.

I binged over the bank holiday weekend but would have happily watched this go out on a Sunday evening each week.

I agree it's not exactly a comedy but I don't think that should be held against it.

They have to make another series though because there are way too many threads to tidy up.

Also, I guessed who was involved right at the start but now we need to find out more about them!
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A Real Dog's Dinner...
JRB-NorthernSoul24 March 2024
Fancied this one but afraid it turned out to be a dud. The jokey opening suggested humour that didn't materialise. In fact for older viewers, it felt a bit like The League of Gentleman with all the funny bits extracted.

I couldn't really work out what the genre was or what the story is about. There seems to be a beast on the loose in the woods next door to the fictional Lancashire town of 'Chadder Vale'.

None of it really added up for me. The pointlessly sweary script didn't setup what we were getting into. Production values were poor, dialogue was hard to hear, lots of the interior scenes weren't lit properly (don't they have electricity in Lancashire?) and direction was poor generally with lots of weird shots and angles.

The cops just weren't convincing at all and looked they were based in a squat. There weren't any likable characters and it seemed aimless - a drama that didn't really have any real drama in it.

Might have worked better as a 30 minute black comedy. I'm afraid after episode one 'Chadder Vale' is already in my rear view mirror.
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Oh right...
janetelizabethbird2 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
... so after all that it's just about the usual baddies making money from a reality computer game. That's okay then as I was worried there for a minute. I wonder why a player had to kill that poor deer then. Deer phobia or what. Poor Mehmet must have been afraid of water and maybe couldn't swim and so he drowned. His biggest fear. Shame. It was all very confusing and I didn't feel sympathetic towards any of them. I'm still not sure what the wheelie bins were needed for and how the expensive unused machine could have been used instead. I'm glad I finished watching it so I can go back to Midsomer Murders.
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All downhill after the first couple of episdoes
livin_the_weekend25 March 2024
Unfortunately like a lot of others have already said, this was just overall underwhelming and disappointing. After what seemed like a good opener with a bit of mystery surrounding a disappearance it just got worse, and worse, and worse.

Along with numerous unanswered questions, the baffling plot was so farfetched it was beyond ridiculous. I wanted to like it but it was virtually impossible as the series got further along. Without revealing spoilers, there was so many unnecessary (and extremely odd) side storylines that made you think that somehow all of this madness would come together later on - it didn't. That said, I gave the series a 2/10 because I don't agree with some of the other reviews that criticised the acting. There was absolutely some good aspects of acting involved by some 'lesser known' actors. It was just unfortunate for them that the storyline was so incomprehensible and flawed.

Honestly, if you don't want to get a bit baffled by the combination of some mysterious woods that cause hallucinations for no reason, a 90's text command style video game, some random attack from 5 years ago, an obsession over Manchester and some dodgy bread factory where everyone seems to work (amongst plenty of other odd things) - then I suggest you do not waste your time.
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Twin peaks in northern england
jefferons8 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
An interesting program.where we gave to think and try to work out the mystery. The ending smells of second series.

The actress who played 'rya' must have been pregnant to explain her peculiar clothing choice.

I liked the wierd way it wad made, reminded me of twin peaks and shows we had in the 80 s.

The police could have been more two school kids doesn't speak of real police .

Also best to investigate dangerous people by bringing back up with you, and who in their right mind would walk down a dark tunnel.

But even with these odd things I enjoyed it and didn't fall asleep I usually do.
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A Total Mess
lynnbarr-7212825 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly I would like to point out I would be given this a minus zero if there was such a point. I must admit it did peak my interest at the beginning, Katie one of the main characters goes into the woods alone and seemingly comes into contact with some sort of creature, then goes missing for a day (or two). It just spirals out of control from then on, with so many little side stories, Katie being a drug mule, her brother playing online dare games, and Eddie Wells one of the main characters getting out of jail after stabbing Jim Brackenill, etc, what does this have to do with the main story? I have no idea because it explains very little. The police force consists of four members whose talents would have been better used in a Carry-On movie. One of the main characters, Ryia looks out of place and would be better suited working on a market stall with her oversized mustard coat and thick scarves she did not give off the detective Vibes. I would not recommend this because, after a few days, I am still wondering what it was all about.
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sanmcg-698322 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Passanger review" the series started off really interesting with a missing girl and a dead stag in the road and something is lurking in the forest. But there is parts of it that are really slow at times and confusing. But By the time you get to the final episode you're screaming at the TV for more, more episode's, this can't be the end, not now just as its getting interesting. So many questions left unanswered and your left with a several cliffhangers. I want season 2 now but STV/ITV haven't given the green light yet for a season two, that was the first thing that I checked up after the final episode So don't knock it Its worth a watch, but watch right to the end So im given it a 10.
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barriethorpe26 March 2024
Have just finished binge watching this show I can't put into this review what I said at the end of the last episode as it was full of expletives. The makers of this show need to have a serious word with themselves. The show was going well with hints at some kind of government or other organisational conspiracy and/or some kind of monster in the woods and I was enjoying the writing, acting etc. In the end though not a single answer was given to resolve any of the plot threads sewn through the show. If you like a show where you have no idea what's going on with no hope of ever finding out then feel free, be warned though you will absolutely be wasting 6 hours of your life. Shame on you ITV!!!
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If you're looking for something fresh! 5*
ridleyrebecca3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly I thoroughly enjoyed this season!

Loved the characters, loved the weird 80s vibe, loved the darkness!

I am sick of all the normal ITV dramas that's so predictable, you physically couldn't know what was gonna unfold in this drama literally you will be kept guessing ( until you can't guess cos it's done and your still have no idea what's going on lol) but that's what makes this so good, fresh and different, would of likes a few more jumps and dark parts to it for my liking but still not enough to knock a star off!

I do so hope that they make another series of this because there is only so much predictable dramas I can stomach!

Great to see some new faces too! Just great !
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catsco-9047324 March 2024
Totally lost as to why this is described as a dark comedy thriller. Just left me feeling what have I just watched?

It looks as though they attempted to humour up Fargo and failed miserably. It was a total mish mash that looked as thought it had been shot by an amateur videographer trying to be edgy. The story line was about as clear as mud.

I was hoping for something decent on mainstream TV but alas it was not to be. I won't be watching anymore of this. There may be someone who finds this humourous but not anyone in my household.

I was hoping for something good but here we are. Shame maybe next time.
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Passenger Drop off (to sleep)
xmasdaybaby196626 March 2024
It was compelling. I just had to bingewatch series 1 (in the event of any more to come). It was heavily advertised but don't believe the hype.

A great list of Northern actors were assembled up on the moors.

It's just difficult to pinpoint where it went so wrong.

Great viewing for the Easter break? Itv would have been better off showing the 8 episodes of Midsomer Murders that the UK has yet to see but have already been screened in other regions of the world.

The worst thing is that I gave 5 hours of my life to the show and it didn't even conclude.

I read somewhere that the writer spent 2 or 3 years putting this together so, should it be recommissioned, we could have a long wait to see what happens next.

Don't waste your time itv and, more importantly, don't waste ours.
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hxbhr26 March 2024
Please.....leaving on such a cliffhanger.....really. Gives me the impression that ideas were fully out of.....did you run out of money😂😂 or had the creative ability from the writers taken an early vacation. There is such a long journey to take this storyline, sadly I feel let down by the whole concept now.

I was hoping for so much more, come the conclusion of episode 6 I was left thinking what a waste of my time. So many gaps, very fragmented storyline, such a poor way to leave it hanging.

Not sure that given the abrupt ending & numerous holes in the story line that I would bother with a second series, this is a missed opportunity & story truly untold.
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Please make more, pleaseeeeeeee
jasonnichollsiow-4504325 March 2024
A fantastic, intriguing, surprising, suspense filled TV drama. Beautifully crafted script, transformed into world class & timeless television by the director, crew and cast. This is the kind of TV which will be remembered for years. I really, really hope they make a series 2, because while season 1 did answer a lot of questions posed in each episode, the finale set up a second series so well I was screaming at the TV to know more. Itv is on fire right now, so many good dramas coming out of the UK TV company it's hard to keep up at times. So please, please, please make a series two. Jason in East Cowes.
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