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A Slap In The Face
brotherbuns29 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Tim and Eric ended their Awesome Show after 5 seasons two years ago .I have swore by Tim and Eric since their viral days- before they even graced television with the classic Tom Goes To The Mayor. I have spread the good news of their comedy to friends and family alike. I have tirelessly defended them when those who didn't understand or appreciate their humor bad-mouthed them- calling their show juvenile or "ran-dumb" (which believe me- it was not). I drove hours on end to see their Awesome Tour. I supported them endlessly- buying dvds, posters, shirts- all they had to offer. I loved them.

Then... they made.... this....

I built this film up to such impossible heights in anticipation that it is unlikely my self created standard could have ever been met- but their film didn't even graze middle-ground. I have always "gotten" their humor. I "got" it before they did it- in the days of Andy Kaufman's anti-comedy explorations- but to me there was really nothing to "get" in their feature film debut. They played around with mainstream comedy conventions of the 2000's- Bromance, male debauchery, shock humor, and gross-out gags- but their delivery was so lackluster that the result came close to being of the level of the filth they were poking fun at. Discussing the plot really isn't necessary as the plot provides nothing for the film. The side characters, with the exclusion of John C. Reilley's Taquito, added nothing worthwhile to the effort. Will Forte became a an endless red-faced malicious scream; Will Ferrel spewed his usual "average guy that starts yelling about minor mishap" shtick that he's done since SNL (shudder), and Zach Galifinakis screamed in a pool and later asked to recite a poem as a spirit fluttering in and out of scenes. Even the Awesome Show regulars did little to help the sinking ship- seeming self aware to the point of no longer being unintentionally funny but rather being desperate for a laugh and acceptance.

"Plot Points" go no where, like rehabilitating a mall ( which never happens- although a commercial airs for the grand re-opening?), a man eating wolf (that shows up once and dies in that very scene), Tim's new son Jeffery (which is nothing more than an attempt at injecting their patented "dad humor" into the mix- he gets oggled by Tim in a mildly pedophilic manner and is shot by machine guns in mid air after being stolen from his father, a used toilet paper salesman- as boringly unfunny as it sounds), a love interest of Eric's (Tim seduces her, Eric gives her a ring and then she gets shot and dragged outside and shot some more), earning the billion dollars (they don't get the money or seem to care if they do and the Shlaaang corporation doesn't even want the money in the first place- they just want to brutally murder our beloved duo). The constant anti climax isn't approached from the side of anti-humor but rather from a poorly written string of events. Elder abuse, boys going diarrhea on Eric in a bathtub, penis' getting pierced, Tim having surprisingly unamusing "graphic sex", fake tans and teeth, and drug use are explored- none achieving laughter, uncomfortabilty, or any feeling other than a sinking heart at realizing how far these two have fallen from comedic grace.

See, in this film, Tim and Eric have become parodies of themselves. Their classic editing style is used frequently- each time seen from a mile away- to the point of being no longer funny but a distraction. Now that they have free reign to swear the two (especially Eric) take the easy improvisational route and cuss needlessly. Their cheesy fight scenes often used in the show are recycled to yawn inducing effect. At a certain point i wondered, "Are Tim and Eric not funny?" The truth is they do best when playing actual characters. Their personas in the film are hollow, sarcastic, and clueless. It can work for eleven minutes but stretching such empty characters to ninety minutes is futile. Jokes from the show such as celebrity look-alikes, and Kent "me-me wants a tan" taking out his dentures are recycled soul-lessly as if this movie wasn't made for the long time loyal fans, but for the johnny-come-lately's who claim to "get" and love T&E while simultaneously calling it "random" and "stoner comedy" (which it never was- if anything it constantly made fun of that ill informed notion of the masses). They took out the substance and left style. Rather than playing with clichés they inadvertently embraced them. And any attempt at pseudo-satire greatly missed the mark. Thus, the great balance and intertwining of high brow and low brow dissolved- leaving no brow.

When it boils down to it Tim and Eric were making this for their own amusement because thats how they've approached everything they've created- which is a sound approach. That is why I feel let down. How can a duo who i once deemed "comedy geniuses" find this funny?

All in all this film was a slap in the face- but loyal fans should find out for themselves. I was reluctant to write a review because i was always the one getting upset at those that denounced their work. But then i realized a loyal fan expects more than this from Tim and Eric- and won't accept or applaud anything less than deserved. I hope it was just a skid mark on their career and not a permanent stain.
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Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie: Better than it should have been
Platypuschow4 January 2018
I'm not familiar with the many many shows of Tim & Eric, I'd been told they were an acquired taste and weren't for everyone. The last time I was told this was about the television series Flight of the Conchords (2007) and I absolutely despised it.

I went in open minded but expecting the worst, in fact part of me wanted to dislike it. Sadly I couldn't, yes a large percentage of it is childish and purile but for every bad joke there is a really quite good one.

Tim & Eric do a decent enough job here and are flanked by a great cast including plenty of cameos.

From Jeff Goldblum to Erica Durance, Robert Loggia, William Atherton, Michael Gross, Twink Caplan, Ray Wise, Will Ferrell, Will Forte, Zach Galifianakis and John C. Reilly. This by itself was very impressive, my attention was grabbed.

Again a lot of it is the most childish level of humour but it's saved by some great gags and I have a feeling this will linger in my mind for a while for both good and bad reasons.

If you like random, bizzare comedies then this might be right up your street but be aware this pushes the boundaries in places and isn't for the faint of heart.

Passable stuff.

The Good:

Some really funny stuff

Great cast

I loved the plot

The Bad:

Some of the humour is pathetic

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

If my sex life ever devolves into that I'm moving to Yemen

These new health fads are getting out of control

If people always exploded from gun fire movies would be so much better
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Tim and Eric in movie format - NOT TV show format.
reptilicus20032 February 2012
Let me detail everything this movie is, very briefly, so we can take a look at this logically.

Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie is satire. It's a parody on people trying to make a movie, followed by absurd, random, goofy plot points that don't make any sense. The entire film is an anti-climax. It borders on surreal and if you try to watch it for any reason other than Tim and Eric you're in for a disappointment.

Now, let's get this straight: What this movie IS NOT - IS TIM AND ERIC AWESOME SHOW GREAT JOB.

I do not know why people came into this thinking it was a movie about the TV show. Or why this movie would have anything to do with the TV show. It was not called the Tim and Eric Awesome Movie, or something like that. It's totally separate. It has a lot of jokes/humor reminiscent of the show, but ultimately it's a standalone movie. The movie is as different from Awesome Show as Tom Goes to the Mayor is from Awesome Show.

With that being said, the movie wasn't nearly as funny as the show manages to be. That's not saying much, however, because the shows are short burst comedies designed for 11 minute time frames. That kind of format would NOT work, ever, period, in a 90 minute film. Tim and Eric did what they could with the best material they could to make it into a movie format thats suitable for fans and non-fans alike. It portrays their humor very well, but it doesn't adhere to the same format as the TV Show. Again, I don't know why anyone thought this was a movie about the TV show. All I see are complaints about certain characters not being in the movie, but it's not an Awesome Show movie, pure and simple.
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My heart crumbled
garg-216-19662730 January 2012
Having loved and enjoyed Tim and Eric's stuff for years, I couldn't wait to see this film. I was utterly disappointed however to find myself watching a film so bad and so far from grace that I could barely even stomach the entire thing. I am left with a bad taste in my mouth. This is one of the worst films I've seen in maybe two years. It is not funny, it is just a commercialised, tacky, stale and repetitive nightmare of the dream Tim and Eric used to be. The plot was irrelevant and banal, the jokes failed to ignite even the smallest flame of laughter; instead, I sat with an ever deepening frown on my face, embarrassed every time another gag flopped.

I'm sorry guys, you blew it. I loved her, and you blew it.
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Brilliantly awful... (From a die-hard fan)
TheSharkface29 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I just- I can't even begin correctly. There's no opening I can muster that eases me into this.

I'm enraged, though at the same time I am also depressed. I followed Tim and Eric throughout their journey through fame. From 'Tom goes to the Mayor' up to the Tim and Eric Chrimbus Special; I've seen all the episodes, I own all the DVDs and I even incorporate a lot of their jokes into regular conversation with certain friends. There was obviously a huge risk in a movie being made out of a show that typically runs eleven minutes, but never would I have imagined this being so bad. Aqua Teen made a decent movie, so it can't be argued that the format was too difficult to work with. Though, of course it can be argued that it isn't that bad and/or that the Aqua Teen movie sucked, but for the sake of my review let's not argue.

I'm going to be brief. Like other reviews, I can easily count the amount of laughter I had in this movie. Surely there were several things that made me scoff, and I chuckled quite a bit, though I must admit I was trying my hardest to enjoy this movie. Plot? I don't care; they could have made a movie documenting animals and it'd have been just as decent a format- so let's not even argue that age old "They had to make an hour and a half out of that stuff they usually do!" because it's pointless.

The big name actors casted didn't play their typical characters that we all grew to know and love! John C Reily wasn't funny as Taquito; that character was so dumb and annoying. I'd have killed for some relief from Steven Brule. David L Hart didn't come out until the end and all he had to bring were balloons, Quall didn't say 'spaghetti and meatballs' but instead did bread jokes. No Pierre, Spagette, not even Odenkirk graced the screen and tons of other characters were completely overlooked and not even brought in for brief cameos! The casting was all wrong; the big name actors were nothing but an annoyance through the movie, while the more average type actors were barely seen at all.

More than the casting, I was disappointed with the actual content of course. Sadly, Tim and Eric have a strength that is found in random, goofy, off the wall absurdity; this movie has a rather loosely bound plot and likes to stick to it. I'm sure I'll get quirked brows for this, but the film having a semi-coherent plot such as this was likely it's biggest problem. It's boring, all the absurdity is out of place and barely takes you away from the course it's following. The whole movie I was sitting there saying to myself "Okay, when they hammer out all these details it'll be pure insanity and hilarity from then on... right?" Unfortunately I was never saved from the drab and annoying story that this movie was trying to tell. Things just kept getting more and more awful and then credits were rolling and all I was left with was a sad sense of betrayal swirling about in my mind and gut.

It feels like they were using this movie to send off their career. "Bye guys, we hope this turns you off to us enough so that we won't have to submit to demand anymore!" The whole cheesiness and grit of bad editing that we love from T&E was only found in sparse amounts and were not enough to save the film. It feels redundant at this point to say something like 'All the best parts were in the trailer' but, truly: they were! This movie has greatly soiled Tim and Eric's reputation for me and I have lost an incredibly amount of respect for them in result of all this.

It's pretty funny that they are making people take this phony pledge in which they promise to show all their friends and buy a copy, not pirate it and etc; because once this has gone by and people can realize what crap really rests beyond the veil of previous enjoyable comedy- there should be no money made off a film this disappointing.

So to wrap everything up: this movie was a disgraceful farce made by a couple of gentleman I previously held nothing but the highest regard for. It's made me rather upset with the dynamic comedy duo of Tim and Eric and was nothing but a huge waste of my time and ten dollars to have rented it. I'm sure that people will say I didn't get it or I only hated the movie because I'm not hip to their style of comedy, but I reiterate that I am a long time fan of theirs. I pray for their sake that some sort of serious problem with the producers lead to this being such a crappy film, but seeing as the two of them along with several others did so... that seems unlikely. I should have turned away when I saw it were a 'Funny or Die film' as if that were anything other than a stamp to clearly label this flick as a failure.
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It's a very great reviwe about a very great movei
blbl17 February 2012
Hello IMDb,com! This is my first reviews here, you moviebuffs. I know you watch a lot of movies (I noticed a lot of them on the front website). But this is a special movie.

I can say it's the Mose Expensive Movie I've Seeen That's For Sure. It's a good laugh & a Gretta move.

Tim and Eric's Biilion Dollar Movie tells a story about two guys, their son and their adventures. Starring Jonny Depp and Steve Farrell as a very funny boss.

Watch with your friends but not with your family (it contains very sexy scene).

Such a great movie you can watch a lot of times and thank you Tim and Eric your my favourite friends.

I give Tim & Eric Billion Dollar EXCELLENT stars out of 10 stars.
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This movie makes me angry
dschmeding30 January 2012
I keep reading "OK, you have to be a Tim and Eric Fan to like the movie" and i can honestly say I thought I was one of those people. I could never quite explain why I like their TV Show and many people told me I was an idiot to watch stuff like that. But who cares... the whole anarchist film making was different, creative... and strangely funny!

Now with this movie its a totally different thing. This has to be one of the dumbest and most useless waste of resources ever. There was not one single scene that gave me a hint of a smile. Sure the usual ingredients were there but just in strange homeopathic doses that just didn't work. Some cheap TV commercial spoofs, crazy editing, sound distortions and gross ideas... you know it from "Awesome show". But this movie didn't just suffer of the fact that not even 10 Minutes of it reached the level of the TV show. I could understand someone falling flat with a feature film considering the length of it but this is like they want to make fun of the viewer by just being as dumb as humanly possible.

There is not one single scene I can get back in my mind which would come close to the weird ads, intermissions, zany animations and Characters from the show. Some of the characters did appear but totally out of context. For example John C. Reilly appears not as Steve Brule but as a character named Taquito who was supposed to be funny because he is sick and coughing or salivating on everything. That sort of pre-school humor seems to be squeezed in for shock value to make people speak of anything after seeing the movie. There is especially 2 scenes of a graphic genital piercing and a diarrhetic bubble bath which are so obviously squeezed in for that purpose that it made me angry.

I am especially angry that these boneheads waste a budget that many aspiring filmmakers would kill for and present a turd on a silver platter. This movie is literally the same thing they joke about with the billion dollar movie they make in the movie. But just like everything about this.... it is not funny. The only movie I can think of that left me with an equal taste of absolute meaninglessness in my mouth is Uwe Bolls "German fried movie".

So congratulations Tim+Eric... you made one of the worst movies in history. Maybe that was the intention, but even that would be the most despicable waste of resources and talent.

Biggest disappointment of the year!
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Great job!
zetes6 January 2013
Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim have been the kings of underground comedy for the past several years. Their style is usually referred to as anti-comedy, which pretty much means that their comedy is funny precisely because it's just so unfunny. I don't really buy into that description, simply because I do find their work funny. It's awkward as Hell and entirely bizarre, and it just doesn't work for most people. And, yes, I find the fact that so many people don't get it - and get so damned angry that they don't get it - highly amusing, but that's not the only reason I enjoy them. Hollywood producer Tommy Schlaaang (Robert Loggia - God knows if he's in on the joke or not, but he's hilarious in the movie) has given the duo a billion dollars to make a movie, and the result is a three minute short starring Johnny Depp (or rather an impersonator - everyone swore it was really Depp!) wearing a suit made entirely out of diamonds. Loggia and his assistant William Atherton (the reporter from Die Hard) demand that they be paid back, and the opportunity to make a billion dollars comes in the unlikely form of Will Ferrell, who insists that he'll pay anyone a billion dollars if they are able to reform his run-down mall. Tim and Eric go to the mall, which resembles a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and apply to be its new PR team. The plot is, of course, ramshackle nonsense and the film feels very much like the work of a sketch comedy team, but I have no problem with that as long as it's funny. And I thought it was damn hilarious. Sure, there are bits and pieces that miss, but I laughed - and hard - through the great majority of it. Other famous participants include John C. Reilly, Jeff Goldblum, Will Forte and Zach Galifianakis. This is easily my favorite comedy of 2012, but it's a hard one to recommend, since some people get downright murderous when they watch anything by Tim and Eric.
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Funniest film ever.
djs_30027 January 2012
yes. Tim and Eric are back but this time they hit the big screen... or my home TV i watched it last night and i have to say..... Great Job

Basically Tim and Eric are given a billion dollars to make a movie by the Schlaaang corporation, but waste it. Their lives at stake, the guys skip town in search of a way to pay the money back. They try to rehabilitate a bankrupt mall full of vagrants, bizarre stores and a man-eating wolf that stalks the food court in order to get enough money to pay back what they owe.

This movie is mostly for Tim and Eric fans but i think even if your not a fan you will love the movie. This film has so many funny jokes and little skits. Besides them being tasteless it was a great film and i cant wait to see it on the big screen March 2nd
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Decent, but could've been way better
Greezusbreakcore4 February 2012
There's only so much you can do.

As a constant listener of Marc Maron's WTF Podcast, I found an interview with him and T&E mentor Bob Odenkirk, and he describes exactly what I think held this movie back from being what it could have been: When you make a movie, you have a LOT of people to please on some level. The producers, directors, actors, executive producers, EVERYONE has to be pleased on some level, or else there's gonna be a problem. I think that this concept comes through in this movie in huge ways.

The story here is the same as many of the people reviewing this movie. As a huge Tim and Eric fan, I'd been looking forward to this movie for quite some time, and very simply put, you should go in with your expectations in the medium-low range. There are some really funny moments, but there are multiple problems with this film that include, but are not limited to:

  • A very Hollywood-esque feel, as opposed to a classic, awkward Tim and Eric feel. This could have been used to certain advantages, but only a small amount of the jokes attempted within this context are notably funny.

  • An EXTREME lack of the Awesome-Show style jokes prevalent in Check it Out and TAEAS.

  • As a certain critic pointed out, the storyline simply isn't funny. I found myself laughing at way more of the off-kilter characters and awkward, stabbing moments than jokes coming from the story.

This doesn't mean that T&E fans necessarily have to go home sobbing, however. Loggia, Ferrell and Forte serve very good, funny roles, Forte especially notable as a sword salesman constantly on the edge of losing his mind. The son jokes are present, the ending is pretty funny, and let's just say that Shrim definitely serves up to it's mysterious poking-at in the preview.

5/10. It's alrite, but if you're expecting the greatest T&E masterpiece of all time, you, unfortunately, will have to wait for another day.
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The Greatest Cinematic Achievement in the Last 100 Years
Mr_Movie_Guy_20066 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There are few movies out there which are so good they speak for themselves. This is one of them. In fact, this movie is clearly too great for a review. You can see the film for yourself to know what I am talking about. Words cannot do this movie enough justice. If it's not THE single definitively greatest movie ever made (FORGET ABOUT CITIZEN KANE. It's crap compared to this!), then it is surely among the 1,111,234 greatest of them all. Just go watch it on Youtube right now. You will not be sorry. I promise. And if I'm wrong that you don't love it, then you can send me a private message asking me for an apology. Yes: I AM willing to make that bet. So stop reading this, because the more time you waste reading this review (and you've already wasted a minute reading it - a minute you could have spent watching the first minute of the greatest movie of all time), then the more time you waste. Go watch this movie, you jerk.

Spoiler: Shrim!
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Very awkward watching this with my daughters.
maryslowsls893 February 2012
My husband is a big Will Ferrell fan and so my whole family was excited to see this movie. First off this movie is nothing like a typical Will Ferrell movie. Not even close. We have two daughters ages 12 and 14 and there are several scenes within the first 10 minutes that are very obscene before we even saw Will Ferrell in the movie. I bit my lip and continued to let my children watch the movie because kids today have pretty much seen it all due to the internet and so fourth. I will admit, the first part of the movie was really silly but once the story about the mall kicked in it was actually a strange and funny movie. John C. Reilly gives a stellar performance. Maybe the best performance in the entire movie. Hard to imagine he went from doing really good drama movies to comedy and then onto this kind of comedy. But he pulls it off very well. He is one of the finest character actors working today. After some very obscene parts in the middle of the movie I finally had to send my daughters out of the TV room. My husband really didn't have much to say about the movie. He cracked up during the Top Gun part as did I and there are moments in the movie when I actually was more stunned than anything but I kinda enjoyed the movie over all for some strange reason. This would be a terrific movie to watch with your friends just to see their reactions.
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Fans will love it (possibly).
konajinx27 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As a big fan of Tim and Eric's Adult Swim work, I was looking forward to their first feature film. I was lucky enough to get to interview the guys a couple years back and asked them then if they had any aspirations for the big screen. Tim informed me that (at that time) Universal enjoyed their work as well and were ready to have them start work on a movie.

As much as I love their TV shows, though, the feature length version of their humor drags a bit. This is probably going to be the main complaint most critics will give this flick. You either love or hate Tim and Eric, so there's no point in going into their style of humor and why someone may or may not like it for the umpteenth time.

I watched this this morning On Demand, as it's currently being offered before hitting the theaters. Unfortunately, I can probably count the number of times I laughed on one hand. Amongst these were the mini-movie of Diamond Jim that opens the film, the obnoxiously over the top shot of Eric getting his (prosthetic) urethra pierced, Eric jerking off in bed to a picture on his cell phone while Tim is trying to go to sleep next to him, and Will Ferrell's performances throughout.

John C. Reilly as Taquito isn't as funny as he could have been, but that has more to do with the character he was given than his performance. And therein lies the whole problem with parts of this film. Much of it is hit or miss, and while the fast cuts and quirky edits on the TV shows make for some surreal moments most of the time, here they sometimes feel a little forced and "expected." But as I said, a lot of fans will really love this film, especially if they go about it while enjoying their favorite mind or mood altering substance. Whether or not "Billion Dollar Movie" will achieve the same sort of cult status as stuff like "Brain Candy" or "UHF" remains to be seen. I don't see this thing raking in much cash on the theatrical circuit, and that's even part of the overall joke of this movie in turn.

Lastly, for those expecting a direct copy of "Awesome Show" to the big screen, this movie isn't quite like that, though it does feature brief cameos by James Quall and David Liebe Hart and some of the other cast members. But don't go in expecting a lot of Pep-Pep jokes and the like, because they're absent.

Bottom line: if you're a fan, you'll definitely laugh. Just how much you laugh is up for speculation.

UPDATE: February 8, 2012 - Having read the fans' reviews who enjoyed this film, I'm perplexed as to why some of them go off on that "you aren't a real fan" tangent. I think its safe to say the majority of us here have explicitly stated that were huge fans of Tim and Eric's, but the problem is that this movie just isn't up to par with their best work.

Having thought about it some more since seeing the film, I have to say I'm in agreement with other sentiments echoed here that a really big problem with it is the reliance on gross out humor. I'm not a prude by any means, but the majority of the gross jokes just felt tacked on, and not put in there for any real comedic reason. The kids taking a crap on Eric in the bathtub seemed lazy at best, as if it was their own poor attempt at "Salo"-type shock.

In all, it just felt like the guys made the mistake many other brilliant TV comedians have made when making a feature film, and that's making an R-rated flick with cheap and easy gags, rather than just doing what they do best. If the truth of the matter is Tim and Eric's art works best on the small screen, there's nothing wrong with that. If they do ever get the chance to make another theatrical release, hopefully they'll stick to their guns and not simply try for the easy laughs.
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Tim & Eric's Awful Show, Grate Lob!
ShawlyShoulders31 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is simply my favorite current comedians' "Phantom Menace".

A purplish stillborn splatting from a pus festering womb on a peepshow floor.

NOTHING in this movie hasn't been done much much much better by T&E before. Every gag here is only a fart of a gag that was once a gourmet meal gag before it got digested, ran through 2 intestines, and rectally belched out.

Name one new character here as good as Tairy Greene, Casey Tatum and His Brother, Grum, Pierre, Carol and Mr. Henderson, Steve Mahanahan, Jan and Wayne Skylar, Will Grello, Grill Vogel, The Paynus Brothers, The Beaver Boys, Dr. Steve Brule, Spagett, Jim And Derrick, or even Tim and Eric's Awesome Show personas. You couldn't, could you?

Let's talk bits. Children spiritually diarrhea-ing on Eric, supposed to be disturbing. Not disturbing; I've seen 2 Girls 1 cup, I've seen Lemonparty, I've seen a million other things online that are more disturbing. So if it's not shocking or disturbing, what is it? Funny? No. The thing that the boys have forgotten is to take their bits into absurd, original areas. The Poop Tube/D- Pants/Diarrheaphragm/Diarrheabetes are funny because they go far beyond the easy potty joke.

Let's talk fights. Tim has just had sex with Eric's crush, they fight; they do silly gag punches and kicks, Eric dunks Tim's head in the mall fountain a couple of times. That's the big fight; and I get it, the joke is that it isn't a big fight, but that joke isn't very funny. In the last episode of season 2, T&E fight, same silly gag punches and kicks; only Eric rips out Tim's heart, takes a bite of it, and shoves it Tim's mouth. That's what I call a funny fight! What has happened since then? Everything T&E have done up until now has been a progression. I thought this was a film for their fans? How did they become so lazy?

Let's talk great one-liners and catch phrases. Oh, there aren't any.

Let's talk the great, memorable songs we've come to expect. Is the Shrim song, or Two Horses, Or DobisPR as good as Bub Bubs, All The Food Is Poison, Sit On You, Come Over, Just A Dream, Hamburgers And Hot Dogs, Live With My Dad, and so on? ABSOLUTELY not! Tim's recent Herman Cain and Madonna Superbowl songs are a million times better.

The Movie Watching Chair already done much much better as The Sleepwatching Chair.

S'wallow Valley Mall commercial already done much better as the Premium/Discount Prices commercial.

Masturbation joke. Already done much better in American Beauty/Due Date/Happiness.

So much repetition, more than I care to list. No ambition, no progression, no innovation.

The direction is boring, two camera stuff; the Awesome Show camera boys are better at composing frames. Eric Wareheim's music videos are far beyond what is here.

The goofs and spoofs are tired, subtle-ized retreads.

The cinematography is less professional than the faux professional bits on the Awesome Show. Really awful key lighting (look it up, kiddies).

The facial expressions, awkward pauses, odd edits; are again, not even close to what has come before.

The only times, I repeat, the only times I have found John C. Reilly, Zach Galifianakis, and Will Ferrell laugh out loud funny was on Awesome Show or T&E's Funny Or Die bits, and those laughs were not to be found here.

The only bit I laughed at was Tim's mom's mention of chili dogs...

I repeat to people who say you'll like this film if you are already a fan, you must be a real dim bulb or something!

The thing that makes me most sad is how they've perfectly parodied the worst in entertainment; lame stand-up comics, SNL, Jay Leno, Hollywood blockbusters, Robin Williams, the Shrek films, etc. And now they've made something just as ABSOLUTELY HORRID as the things they mock and despise.
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BIG Tim and Eric Fan. Movie? Not so much
tlo12217 February 2012
I want to start by saying I am a die hard T-n-E fan. I love Awesome Show, Tom Goes To The Mayor was damn good, I love most of their short films, and I am a huge fan of Eric's music videos. Needless to say I was looking forward to this movie for quite some time.

Now I sit here preaching to other fans who think the exact same thing. As I'm sure most fans already have seen the movie, I will gear this towards everyone. I don't know whether it was the massive hype that built me up too much, or the style of humor has been exhausted through my countless hours of watching and rewatching all that is Tim and Eric. Maybe it is the fact that a crossing of the fine line between my love for Tim and Eric and my hatred for Will Ferrell movies was inevitable. I hope its none of the above, but I know it is all of the above.

My biggest quarrel with this movie (and I know some might persecute me for this view) is the dirty humor. The brilliance of Tim and Eric lies in the not-subliminal-whatsoever absurdness that the style brings. Awesome show was just that. It was shock humor not based on the vulgarity but on the sheer surprise that a mind could conceive of the silliness. This is not new, just new in the way Tim and Eric have mastered the art. But now we bring vulgarity into it. In past shorts they have done, the vulgarity doesn't blend with the creativity well. As a matter of fact, it sort of takes it over. Shock value is great when it is done in a new, fresh, cerebral way. This movie pushed creativity to the side and rooted the shock humor in vulgar ways that just are too easy to do. To me, the movie was one big cheap laugh after the next. This stuff could be funny, even to me, but I expect that from a Will Ferrel movie or an American Pie 36: The Giant Maneating Boob, or something juvenile. The point is that Tim and Eric, who gained my trust as artists worthy of high appraisal, didn't "sell out" (I hate that term) but they damn sure got close. Towards the end of the movie, all I wanted was to watch their "Ooh Mama" sketch to feel some sort of creativity.

The next issue I had was the sheer arrogance of these guys. Look, I get it. They are famous and get lots of money to do what they do. As I see or listen to the guys outside of the entertainment, I can't help but feel like these guys are really full of themselves. The gimmicks leading up to the movie, the interviews where they act like they are above their fans. It doesn't have much to do with the movie, but it totally makes me not as psyched when I loose the feeling of "I can see myself partying with these guys".

The third issue I have is that when they had an opportunity to say something in the movie (that is, take the movie plot past the silliness and say something such as the ridiculousness of the cinema industry in Hollywood etc) they would always flirt with the idea and then never seal the deal. I often found myself hoping they would do something more to really make a bold and hilarious statement. Often, all lampooning or anything that could be applied to lives outside the movie fell flat. The plot didn't maintain the chiseled roundness I had hoped for in a feature movie. South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut (as well as Team America: World Police for that matter) is the textbook definition of making a statement and hammering it in to make the plot have value. This one did not... not even close.

Overall, I had a few laughs but not enough. I was not impressed with the carelessness of the writing and direction that past Tim and Eric projects had. As stated before, I wish they had done something more and something that is at least creative as the Tim and Eric I fell in love with. I hope this isn't me falling out of love with them.
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A semi-funny goof and a spoof
alexandramatthew-951-52896317 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, so my turn. First I wanna say something to all the people not familiar with Tim and Eric who watched this movie and hated it: I'm really, really disappointed in you, okay? Because this film is obviously not intended for you. It was made for people who like these guys and like they're brand of comedy, and even the filmmakers themselves know that. The day after the film's On Demand release, I was kind of surprised to see how many people who didn't know T&E spent $9.99 on this movie knowing nothing about it. I know they knew nothing about it because they complained about the film with what seemed like very, very little knowledge of our favorite comedy duo. Okay, onto the review. The film was honestly pretty awesome. Although it's aimed at fans of Awesome Show and Tom Goes To The Mayor, it is not an Awesome Show movie. It's not even associated with Adult Swim or Williams Street. It's a completely separate Tim and Eric project. Which explains why it might feel a little bit different from what you're used to. And of course, a Tim and Eric film project without lovable characters like Doctor Steve Brule, Carol and Tom Peters would ordinarily sound...Pretty not fun. But it's actually a really great flick. And fans of Awesome Show will be satisfied with cameos from James Quall, David Liebe Hart, Kent, Armando and Palmer Scott. Michael Q. Schmidt and Ron Austar are absent from the film, as is Richard Dunn (R.I.P) but this is made up for by the introduction of Tim's son, Jeffery. He's not too great an actor, but he's perfect for T&E's comedic styling. The next thing they make should definitely include him. The fact that it didn't feel like Awesome Show was a little strange, though, because it was out of my comfort zone. I mean, I know I can't expect T&E to do Awesome Show forever, but I guess it's just sort of what I'm used to. The other thing is that there were parts that felt too much like a traditional R-rated comedy (The Hangover, Stepbrothers, etc) such as the masturbation scene. I know a lot of people are bitching about the celebrity cameos, but I actually thought they were pretty funny, particularly Will Ferrel as Damien Weebs. Not into Taquito, though.

In short, though, Great Job!
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still love Tim and Eric but...
benhochberg9 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I laughed a bit at Chef Goldblum in the beginning and it all went downhill from there.. Some folks are just meant to keep their brand on the small screen. Tim and Eric's Bad Movie... Nice Try.

There are moments throughout where I caught a glimpse of that signature comedy that made all of us fans. Their humor has always had some crudeness to it but it was presented with such brilliance in the TV show that we didn't really care, and it was disgusting but had a sense of creativity to it all.. in this movie though expect a lot of brute-force shock and tasteless and predictable gags.. uncreative and less than what I've come to expect.

Another problem is that overall the production value of any movie is going to be high.. bigger sets, better cameras.. and while small vignettes were stamped with that "lo-fi-DeVry-video-editing" look, the movie reminds us why Tim and Eric shouldn't be given a budget to make the film quality any better than it was.
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I Don't Know What the Hell This Is, But I Like It
dylanpatrickbaldwin4 December 2015
This is one of the strangest films I have ever seen, mainly due to how much it leaves you near constantly questioning what is going on. Not so much from a narrative standpoint, but in the absolute weirdness of the humor, which, having been taken out of Tim and Eric's usual 45 second sketch format and placed in a feature length film, seems even more jarring than usual. This is not a bad thing, however; I do love me some Tim and Eric weirdness. That's the main point of this film: you HAVE to already be familiar with this style of humor, or you will HATE it, trust me. Within the first 10 seconds of the film, the uninitiated will ask the following questions: Why is Jeff Goldblum saying that his name is Chef Goldblum? Am I watching a commercial before the movie? Why did he say hi three times? Am I going to hate this movie? If you had to ask all of these questions, then the answer to the last one is most certainly yes. The crux to Tim and Eric's anarchical humor is acceptance of everything; in order to enjoy any of their material, one must essentially accept that almost everything is clichéd and trite, and here is a nihilistic parody of that as well as the entire world. This is not to say that you can't criticize this film; I doubt that even the most fervent of Tim and Eric supporters laugh at all of their jokes. For me, those that fall the most flat are the gross out gags; the ones involving diarrhea, semen, urine, etc. (if you've seen the movie, you know what I'm talking about) Even so, I'm sure that Tim and Eric understood this, that many would dislike some of these gags, but simply didn't care. Even more, I think that this movie strangely enough wouldn't work without them. The spirit of all of this duo's products is a fierce sense of experimentation; were it that every joke felt the same, or even that there were coherent running gags, that experimentation would be lost. This is a movie for a distinct group of people who want to see complete insanity unfold before them, without a hint of normality throughout the entire thing. If you want to try out something like this, I suggest going to the television series first, as it is shorter and far easier to digest. If you are already a fan of the show, however, you will love this thing, as I did. It's demented weirdness at its finest.
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Hey, it's Tim and Eric...you'll either love it or hate it.
InjunNose9 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The format is different, of course, but the absurd, sometimes almost intolerably hilarious brand of comedy that Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim delivered in five seasons of "Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!" hasn't changed a bit. The expansion of their unusual style from short, eleven-minute bursts to feature film length obviously constitutes an experiment, and as such it's inconsistent. But is this a funny movie? God, yes! (The scene in which Tim has enthusiastic but hysterically awkward sex with Twink Caplan while Eric gets Shrimmed should separate the true fans from the "X and Y were funny, but Z went entirely too far" types. This reviewer laughed 'til he cried.) Shooting "Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie" at a real ghost mall (Desert Fashion Plaza in Palm Springs) was a brilliant touch, planting the film smack in the middle of the chintzy '80s wasteland that's always been such an important part of the Tim and Eric aesthetic. 7 and 1/2 stars.
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I'd give it negative 10 if I could
muggsmonkey9 January 2020
How does complete nonsense Bull$hit like this even get financed? It's like 2 morons wrote this on shrooms and then convinced hollywood heavyweights to do a movie that no one would ever believe they were in.
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Awesome and Hilarious
NiteOwl2417 October 2013
Tim and Eric's humor is not for everyone and I totally understand if you don't like their style. However, if you are a fan of their shows, you will like this movie. It is really enjoyable and makes some poignant observations on American culture and media. Will Ferrell, Will Forte and John C. Reilly both have excellent roles in the movie. The movie is not as insane or out-there as their show, most likely due to their attempt to appeal to a wider audience, but it is still in the same spirit. Beware! If you enjoy Big Bang Theory, How I met your mother or other laugh track comedies, do not waste your time with this movie, you will hate it. It definitely takes a certain kind of person with a certain kind of sense of humor to enjoy Tim and Eric's work. If you enjoyed the movie and want to see more, I recommend season 3 of their series. Tom goes to the Mayor is also worth checking out. I miss Tim and Eric, I hope they bring out something new soon.
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Less sheer torpor than it is banality at feature-length
The_Film_Cricket14 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
*** SPOILER ALERT *** I am not as angry with Tim and Eric's movie as I should be. Their TV show makes me itch, but their movie is less sheer torpor than it is banality at feature-length. In an odd way, I mean that as a compliment. I wouldn't say that this movie is unwatchable, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone outside of their small legion of devoted fans. Bless their little hearts.  Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim have created this odd cult following with their show on Cartoon Network's late-night Adult Swim block, a sketch comedy show that features bits that Wikipedia helpfully describe as "anti-humor", sketches that are deliberately designed to be unfunny. Of this, I can say, they get it right. Their sketches are so unfunny - not to mention creepy - they make your skin crawl.

Now, as anyone with the slightest following on television must have, they have been given their own movie. It opens with the information that the boys had been given a billion dollars to make a movie for the Schlaaang Corporation, which resulted in a six-minute short called "Diamond Jim" featuring Johnny Depp walking through Paris in a suit made of diamonds. They spent millions on the suit, plus needless expenses like 10-course meals and their own personal guru, but they weren't aware that their Johnny Depp was actually an impersonator (the actor looks like the real deal, I'll admit, for a moment I was fooled). The CEO of The Schlaaang Corporation, Tommy Schlaaang (Robert Loggia) threatens to kill them if they don't recoup that billion.

Desperate to get the money back, they get involved in a scam run by a shyster named Damien Weebs (Will Ferrell) who runs TV ads offering a billion dollars to whomever can transform the nearly-defunct S'Wallows Mall into something functional again. The joke with Weebs is that he's not really going to give the guys a billion dollars, and keeps distracting them by showing them repeated viewings of Top Gun. Believe me, that joke is about as funny as it sounds.

The mall itself is a depressing den of far-flung humanity, where possibly once thrived something resembling commerce. Now, it resembles a sad, lonely terrestrial Hell that Dickens might have described. The only businesses still functioning are run by the sad, creepy denizens who have yet to move on. One shop, in particular, sells reused toilet paper. This joke too is as funny as it sounds.

Nothing in the movie works. Not the mall, not the plot about the billion dollars and especially not the sickly character Taquito played by John C. Reilly, an adult who was left at the mall as a child and adopted by the staff. He's too depressing to even approach being funny. I actually felt bad for John C. Reilly. He's a talented actor whose melancholy rendition of the song "Mr. Cellophane" in the movie Chicago got him an Oscar nomination. What's he doing in this movie? For that matter, why is Jeff Goldblum here? Will Ferrell? Ray Wise? Robert Loggia? This movie is a colossal waste of their time.

Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie is completely without a single laugh. Tim Heidecker and Eric Wareheim have created something that is an aggravating experience designed to turn off someone like me who doesn't "get it", but there are jokes and bits here that frankly I don't want to "get". When I watch a man sit in a bathtub and get defecated on by several young boys, I'm just not in on the joke. Nor do I want to be.
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Not for everyone. Very over the top stupid humor. Will Farrell fans will love, like me. I say B+
cosmo_tiger12 March 2012
"You spent a billion dollars on that piece of crap? I want my money back!" After getting a billion dollars from a producer to make a movie Tim & Eric are surprised when he doesn't like it. After being given a time line on when to pay the producer back they are worried on where they will come up with the money, then they see a commercial. The two decide to move and run a broken down mall with the promise of making a billion dollars. This is not a movie for everyone. The people that will enjoy this are fans of really over the top, stupid comedy. Fans of Will Farrell will love this. Take the parts of "Step Brothers" and "Anchorman" that you were like "what is that?" and you will have this movie. Very, very gross in some parts but I laughed just about the whole way through. If your sense of humor is high and you like the over the top stupid Will Farrell type humor then this is for you. For all others, I would stay away at the risk of being offended. I however really liked this. Very funny. Overall, a very very funny comedy that isn't for the faint of heart. I give it a B+.
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Tim & Eric's Billion Dollar Movie, Horrible Job!
cerulean_tundra1 March 2012
I'm sorry, I really am, but this "film" was about the most single disappointing thing in my life so far. I absolutely loved Tim and Eric. Let me just say this movie has nothing close to what you expect from their shows and to be honest with you it seems like it lacked a proper plot in general. The actors were fine but the setting, the non-existent plot, and the dry humor were the lead factors leading to its gigantic flop. I don't even think this deserves the 5.7 stars it has right now. Over all, I can't really say anything else about it. Nothing good at least. Don't waste your money on this movie, please. It's not what you think it is. Very distasteful, even for them.
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Even Fans Will Hate This One
FFman-847-46012619 March 2012
How a movie like this is made—much less distributed—is beyond me. There are many scales by which we judge movies. Four Stars. Five Star. Out of Ten. Out of 100. Out of all of them, I have found very few movies deserving of the lowest rating. So far this year, I have only given one other movie the lowest rating—Journey 2. When it comes to this movie, however, I feel as though no scale will go low enough. It is one thing to try to make a movie and fail on every level—like with Journey 2. It's another thing altogether to not even try while simultaneously insulting the audience.

Tim and Eric tries to draw humor by making fun of itself. As a result, every single joke is so awful that only someone entirely too stoned would find it funny. In the end, however, I do believe that is the point. By not seeing this movie while intoxicated in some form was wrong of me. The movie was made for that very purpose. Unfortunately, that is not an excuse. No element of this movie will pass as even halfway decent. I am disgusted with the producers and the studio that allowed this to happen.

The worst part of this movie is that the writer/director/star duo—Tim and Eric—held no creativity. The movie was 90 minutes. Of that time, I would say at least a third of it was filler—either a scene that wouldn't end or a cutscene that didn't even relate to the movie. It' one thing to make a movie that barely passes for anything but garbage. To not even try to flesh it out is simply pathetic.

I can't spend any more time reviewing a movie that didn't even try to work. If you see this movie, it is your own loss. Without a doubt, this will be on my "Worst of 2012" list. Whether another movie can beat it out is yet to be seen. It'll be hard to beat.

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