Paranormal Activity 3 (2011) Poster

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Delivering The Scares
TourettesPersonal23 October 2011
To be honest, I never liked Paranormal Activity movies. It's about people who lived in a house with cameras and there are evil spirits haunting them then all of the events are caught on tape. The idea is interesting but the execution always end up being unsatisfying. Paranormal Activity 3 is the very beginning of the series. It's not actually a prequel. It's more of a backward trilogy to make the ending of the rest of the Paranormal Activity films mysterious. Although, the twist is a little bit predictable but Paranormal Activity 3 has a decent story to tell with these found footage. And it really has the scares. Finally, this series has a genuine scare.

Paranormal Activity 3 reveals all the mysteries of the first two movies. Unlike the first two, instead of watching the lives of these people and wait for the spirits to come out, this one really tells a story through the videos. The story is not anything new though but the execution is decent. The second Paranormal Activity narrates almost everything in the story. Here you don't need it, you just have to look at the video footage to know the story.

Aside from its storytelling, Paranormal Activity is all about the scares. They improved the scares by moderating the slow burns and keep the objects floating. The ghosts aren't quite invisible like the first two. Here, it's campy. You can see its shadows. And of course, there's a lot of threat from the ghost. The scares are more than just jump scares. It has more terror and gumption to the thrills which is kinda fun. The cameras are well shot. Everything is well made. But the twist remains predictable for some reason.

Paranormal Activity 3 is not earning the fear anymore. It's now earning the scares. It's great to see Paranormal Activity with exact scares than wait for more than five minutes to be scared. It's not the scariest horror movie of the year but it's the best part of the series and also the most decent horror of the year. I still wanna see the parts on the trailer that wasn't show in the actual film but Paranormal Activity 3 is satisfying enough in its short runtime. Decent enough as a found-footage-horror-film.
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Better than the second movie thankfully
SafReviews21 July 2023
I was expecting this movie to be better than the second movie considering it has better reviews and it was. Before watching the movie I wasn't sure if I was going to like the story or find it interesting considering it is set 18 years before the events of the first 2 movies which I was skeptical about. The movie was similar to the first movie as in it had likable characters and their story was really interesting. I thought the paranormal activities were good and did make be flinch a bit just like in the first movie. I also thought it was a good concept of having the 2 children experience most of the paranormal activities.
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Spooky movie of a family possessed with video cameras
dsa_ca30 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
So this movie does scare you enough to have your money worth. But Paranormal Activity 3 has to be the most inaccurate prequel to the storyline of the first two movies. Frankly the trailer was more accurate than the movie itself. From what I decipher from the first two movies, during their childhood, Christie and Katie's parent died when their house was burned down. They did spoke about being raised by their grandmother, but nothing related to it. Well, the script writers changed the script completely and still managed to win over.

By now the fans of the most surprising movie franchise of the decade knows that Christie and Katie had experienced incidents of paranormal nature during their childhood. The story thus takes place during their childhood, staying with their mother Julie and her boyfriend Dennis who coincidently for the sake of us all happens to be a guess what, movie-maker. He shoots marriage videos and Christie and Katie's mother has given him his own editing room inside the house.

Now, we got the cameras and a natural enthusiast, who loves shooting videos. So let just get down to scary business and set the cameras up; but before that, sex tape! Yay! Nope wait, just as it really hots up there is an earthquake and the couple flees the room, leaving us to witness some strange wave of dust falling from the ceiling. After that Dennis concludes immediately that there is something wrong in their new home. Julie plays the role of the usual naysayer, but manages to pull off the biggest fake scare of all during the early sequences. But that ends up being the biggest scare of the movie before the final reel rolls in.

As Dennis sets up multiple cameras in search of the invisible member of the family, young Kristie has him 'Toby' playing with her some tricks during midnight hours. Toby leaves with the young girls in their dark storage room and happens to dislike cameras a lot. His antics begin to rage and somehow become very camera friendly, especially for the camera set on the moving base of a portable fan. To watch him at one position and as the camera switches back to the same point finding no movement of him is more funny trickery than scary. And it all continues till Julie had enough of it when Dennis presents a theory that her family past had members in some witch coven and Toby brings down the kitchen. Frankly both were a stretch for the audience as well as it takes the storyline in a very different direction but in good fun.

Many people expected audience to be exhausted of these camera tricks and stories based on our childhood's bedtime scares. But the paranormal activity movies have become a habit for the blood thirsty horror fans, which are drained of good horror movies recently. Off course, sometime we all hope that Dennis would put down the camera and help his scared kid or wife hanging in thin air; but then we won't have a movie to enjoy. It is good fun and a decent time at the cinema where you watch a horror movie get scared and somehow come out of the theatre smiling.
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Herculean Waste of Time
dr-riegel22 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
My sons and I are avid movie goers and especially like scary movies. We saw PA and PA2 together. We saw the trailer for PA3 and were ready for what looked to be a solid scary movie with some tying up of loose ends with the plot. What we found was a tired rehash of the same plot with a few new characters. The pivotal scenes from the trailer were completely absent from the movie. 1) the knocking game at the closet 2) Kristi walking along and jumping off the ledge of the girls' bedroom 3) the film of the mother watching this in horror 4) Kristi throwing water on "Toby" to show him to her mother 5) the paranormal investigator who comes to the house and has his head slammed into the table 6) the lights exploding one by one down the staircase 7) the house burning down 8) the mother being thrown back when she says she wants to leave All the scenes from the trailer that made me excited to see the movie, inexplicably absent. This movie would have been much better with these scenes added. Instead, the movie ends terribly. What could have been a real blockbuster ending, tying the three movies together, was actually a complete dud. These guys and their franchise will never see another dollar from me.
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Best in series
nogodnomasters7 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Minor plot spoilers

I am not a fan of this series. The stories are too slow to build with long scenes of nothing and then the scare is minimal. This movie is the spoiler for the series as we find out from the subtitle "It runs in the family." We do get an explanation. This is a prequel filmed in high quality DVD using a VHS camera. The acting was better in this one. Lauren Bittner was convincing as Julie. In one scene she puts on a mask and scares the guys. She is so happy she got one over on them, she jumps around with bubbly joy. Also extremely realistic is young Kristi (Jessica Tyler Brown) who convinces me she has an imaginary friend named Captain Howdy, er ah Toby. Likewise child actor Chloe Csengery did an excellent job as Katie as she goes screaming across the room.

There is a sex scene that is comical. Dennis (Christopher Nicholas Smith) starts out mouthing "wack-a-da, wack-a-da" porno music and as a romantic sort stampedes right to Julie's chest. There are some strange events going on in the house, so it gets wired for VHS tapes. Now as I recall the longest VHS tape setting was 6 hours (some were 8 hours) which means they would of had to been changed out frequently and viewed for paranormal activity with some scenes lasting for a second. With multiple cameras going 24/7...well you get the idea of how tedious and impracticable this becomes. In one scene the stationary VHS camera is looking at the entire girl's bedroom and then the next second it is focusing on Kristi's bed. While they used the amateur camera for a realistic effect, they didn't stay true to it, which made for a better movie. Maybe one day they will discover how real movies are made.

What is not credible is the wife not believing what is going on and refusing to look at the evidence on film. They had to do this so they could keep the constant build up. Dennis filming everything with the camera at grandma's house didn't make much sense. At some point if you are being chased, you stop filming and run. If you are hiding and need to be quiet, you don't keep the camera on. The chase scene is hard to justify filming in all of these types of movies. I felt a little short changed on the ending.

Like the other movies, it starts out slowly, but it doesn't sputter and grind its wheels like they did. This is my favorite of the three.

F-bomb, no nudity, comical foreplay scene. Was that a 1993 Free Willy stuffed whale in this 1988 movie? Now that was really unexplained.
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Don't know why there are so many haters, I liked it.
gadeynethomas23 November 2011
I watched this movie yesterday and just like the others I came out completely tensed up and paranoid, I LOVE IT!

I've heard people say, these movies are slow and nothing really happens but that's kind off the whole point! The entire movie I was scanning the screen for something unusual and even though some things are small they freak me out! In that respect the first movie was still the best since nothing really major happens there and it's just the suspense. Still this one was very good too and had me firmly by the nuts.

The entire movie I was on the edge of my seat, effects are simple but awesome and acting overall wasn't bad at all. A very entertaining movie!
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Different movie than the trailer...
jmcb00221 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I thought I went to go see Paranormal Activity 3... you know, like the one in the trailer with a seance gone brutally wrong, house on fire, jumping girls from the upper story, medium coming to rid the house of bad spirits, closet ghost knocking games, crying girls huddled in cars, mom being flown out of bedroom, and water being thrown on a ghost to reveal that its shape is actually there. But no, I ended up seeing a crappy excuse for producers thinking they are being creative and edgy by changing it from the trailer and making it a story about satanic women rituals. I've already seen that horrible remake. I wanted to see a Paranormal Activity, not "The Wicker Man / The Last Exorcism".

I hope someone sues the creators for false advertising by not making ANY scenes from the trailer into the final cut. That honestly makes me mad. The Paranormal movies were made on the premise of being about a haunting of demons; adding in the "cult" aspect just changes things. We were drawn in on the fear of the supernatural, not satanic women. I want to see the movie from the trailer, not what they decided was the best and scariest cut for theaters, because that version was terrible.
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The Best One Yet
bradleybarker7122 October 2011
Paranormal Activity 3 is the best one yet you would think by now the franchise would have run its course but no it has not there are more scares and more doors are opened for future installments. This is understandable when the makers behind Catfish are involved and they bring new scares and show this franchise is not dead. This is my favourite so far it is one of the best horror films out there at the moment so many questions are answered but soo many have been created and some are still unanswered. If the story is good i hope there is another installment as these questions need answering. Watch the first two before seeing this as i didn't and now i am going to watch them as people say they are clues and hints plus you have to watch the first two pr you would be lost with this one. When the adverts say the last 15 minuets you will never forget they mean it you will be shocked. Paranormal Activity 3 is fantastic a must see for any horror fan and a must see for fans of paranormal activity.
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Couldn't believe this.
DarnMacs20 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am not a professional critic, nor am i a critic in a general circumstance. But after watching this film it really inspired me to create an account on this site to express my views and opinions.

Well i understood the story line of this film and thought it could be a great concept, going back to before all the shenanigans of the first and second paranormal activity to when Katie and Kristi were children who are influenced highly by a spirit called "Tobi". Which in turn gave me great expectations for this film, i was terribly mistaken.

The first hour of this film is filled with nothing more than the usual scare tactic employed in the last 2 films which does work to a certain degree but also grows old very quickly as its all be done before in the last 2 films. A slight mix up was the camera attached to a fan trick, which i did find a good idea although even that wore thin. Also took away from the fear aspect of the film was the comedy factor which they seemed to incorporate which personally i believe has no place in the PA films. I also thought that the scene in the kitchen was a ridiculous play on the scene in the 2nd PA, could have been a bit more creative there.

After the first hour passed i believed the film was beginning to pick up and bit and actually had me frightened for a short period of time. Before i continue after this is a SPOILER!!. Why this film turned into somewhat of a cult film was beyond a joke. It completely took away from the main isolated fear aspect that the film was famous for. The ending was completely ridiculous leaving and unbelievable amount of questions unanswered.

1. Where does it show you anything to do with the house burning down?

2. Why weren't any of the clips in the trailers in the actual feature?

3. It never explains what the entity actually is?

4. How did the mother actually die in the film? And where does it show that she is actually dead at the top of the staircase?

5. Why does the ghost haunt the children although it is meant to haunt the first born son?

6. Where did a cult ever play a part in any of the other films?

All in all this film was a complete let down, and i wouldn't recommend anyone to pay any amount of money to go and view this, even just to understand the story its not worth seeing, as it does not answer any of this.

P.S as well as all of this, the reaction of the people in the cinema watching this took away from the fear as a lot of laughs were had.
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Fun Movie
greensjjat21 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty good movie. If you've seen 1 & 2 then you get idea but this one definitely made me jump more. There was more going on in this one then the previous movie. I did like 1 but part 2 was pretty boring to me but this one was certainly entertaining. The camera on the oscillating fan stand added such a scary effect. I sat at the edge of my seat always ready to see something. I don't know if this is really a spoiler but in the trailer you saw the little girl throwing the cup of water on the "ghost" and the 2 girls playing Bloody Mary, these did not happen in the movie. I recommend seeing it in the theaters rather than home, adds a little something more.
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This Stunk
predator121 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers

there are at least 4 scenes in the trailer that aren't even in the film 1 the two girls doing bloody Mary 2 the cup of water thrown on the demons shape 3 the house on fire 4 the mom being tugged down the hallway or bedroom 5 the little girl jumping from the balcony of the staircase

I guess the producers just think people are stupid and will go anyway (which they will) and they will be saving this stuff for the "never before seen footage" on the DVD

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Only if you liked the first two.
dfranzen7023 October 2011
Of Paranormal Activity 3, I can tell you this much: Chances are, if the first one didn't do much for you and you found the second one to be kind of blah and repetitive, there's no way you'll like the third one. That's a fact. The setup and premise are familiar, even if the characters are not. So as such, I can understand someone's not liking this one much at all. But. I personally found the first and second ones to be pretty scary – even when, in the second one, I knew stuff was going to happen. It has to be a good film when you're surprised even when you expect something, right? So, right or wrong, I loved this movie. It gave me what I was seeking, and more.

Whereas the second film was set shortly before the first one, this film takes a look at the childhood of Katie, the protagonist of the first film. You may recall that as the first movie progressed, Katie became convinced that something was after her specifically – but she couldn't imagine why. This movie attempts to resolve that issue. And you sort of have to give credit to a movie that resolves some things while leaving other threads dangling just enough to make one wonder what the hey is going on.

It's 1988. Young Katie lives with her younger sister Kristi, her mom Julie, and Julie's boyfriend Dennis. Strange things are afoot in their house, around the same time that young Kristi begins communicating with an imaginary friend named Toby. Is it a normal kid phase, or is it something more sinister? As with the other films, cameras are placed around the house to capture anything odd that may happen during the night. (In a clever bit of ingenuity, Dennis takes apart an oscillating fan and places a camera on it so that he can pan from living room to kitchen and back.)

What makes a movie like this work for me is the same thing that made The Blair Witch Project work (and its sequel not work at all) – it feels voyeuristic, as if we were simply peeking in on some family's everyday lives. Reasons are given for the constant filming (Dennis tells Kristi, for example, that he's "testing" his new camera as they have a tea party.) We're automatically drawn to the video footage. What will we see? We're now ready for something – will it jump out at us? Will furniture be overturned? Or something even worse?

The mood is another huge selling point. People react as you'd expect them to. Dennis is obsessed with finding out what's causing those noises and other disturbances; Julie thinks he's completely off his rocker and becomes more testy as time goes by. People who also experience the occurrences, like a babysitter and a friend of Dennis, are stunned to the point of not wishing to discuss the matter further, hurriedly leaving as soon as possible.

Now, I can't say that everyone, even those who love to be scared, is going to love this as much as I did. For me, since we see almost everything through the lens of a camera, the terror – and the anticipation – are grossly heightened. When that door is opened, what will we find? It's not going to be pretty, but unlike a standard horror film where one can simply slough off a shock as being too fantastic, here we're so easily drawn in by and engaged with our surrogate family that we feel as terrified and mystified as they do.

Paranormal Activity 3 won't answer everything that the first two may have left unsolved, but it does offer hints as to why, in the present day, these events are still occurring to Katie and her family. We see a part of that genesis, and it's not really what I expected. I was unsettled and thankful I hadn't seen the movie at night. Okay, that might be a little hyperbolic, and when some of you actually watch the movie you'll laugh at me for being skittish. I don't care. I enjoyed the movie, and that's all I'm concerned with.
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third times the charm? maybe. (SPOILERS)
audrey-sondheimer21 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I just returned from paranormal activity three. at first i was like no i will not see it. i saw the first and had to sleep with my light on for a month. i saw the second, which was just stupid, and then i was like fine ill go see it. so i went to the movies and (SPOILER) it starts out with Katie and Kristy (i think her name is) in Kristy's home going through old boxes (present time) and they find video tapes, and watch it then the house shakes and the tapes are gone...which makes no sense. so the video starts. heres the thing. i get that its 1988 but it doesn't seem like that. i don't care about the whole hd camera thing, they don't seem like their in the 80s. what ever. the movie is about Kristy who has a imaginary friend who haunts her. i guess. and all the hauntings go on with the boy friend watching them. some scares here and there. to be honest the part where Katie runs into the "wall" and gets pulled by her hair made me laugh so hard i peed. and the part where flys across the room..i died. that part all good. then they go to the grandmas to get away from the supernatural. this is where it just gets dumb. you know the usual grandma starring at the camera. so the bf runs through the house looking for everyone and sees that the grandma is an devil worshiper and the mom starts floating. i don't know if she dies. and then a bunch of old ladies out of no where come and chase the bf then the grandma does some powers on him and hes dead. heres the parts that pisses me off: 1. is the mom dead? 2. if they were watching this movie (in present time) wouldn't they have seen all this and could have prevented it from happening in the second and first movie. also in the first movie katy says the ghost mainly haunted her, but in this one the ghost haunts kristy. 3.the truth of the matter is only the first one was scary. yes this and the 2nd had its fair share of pop ups. but the first is the one that just scares you and makes you think. thats the one that makes you buy a night light. the other 2 are just regular horror movies. but that is that. it is definitively worth a watch.
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I'm disappointed, different movie from the trailer
cvickers1321 October 2011
The trailer convinced me to go see this flick, and I left somewhat perplexed and disappointed. Frankly, it seemed like a different movie from what was portrayed. Most of the scenes in the trailer were not in the final cut, which is a shame because the film itself felt very incomplete.

Tension was built through the movie, but it felt like there was never really a climax, and that the pacing was uneven. The intensity and suspense of the movie built up well, though I can't help but feel that there were at least a couple scenes missing entirely. While the last part of the movie was without a doubt very intense, it brought absolutely no sense of resolution, and was entirely dissatisfying.

It was like listening to a piece of orchestral music that dramatically builds up, but is then cut off short. Beyond that, I felt very deceived. The trailer was practically of a different film, and I feel like it was very dishonest to market it that way.
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What you don't see scares you the most
owen_d_kelly22 October 2011
Horror movies tend to polarize opinions all the time... Far more than the majority of movie genres. What one person might find scary may be humorous to another person... So when I left the theater after a packed screening of this movie , the audience seemed pretty polarized in their opinions. It really is an example of a 'you either love it or hate it movie' (Although some people may not take either extreme which is absolutely fine) .I am one of the people who came out of the theater loving it.

Paranormal Activity 3 is a prequel that goes back to the year 1988. It follows the sisters Kristi and katie (from the last 2 movie's) 18 years before the events of Paranormal activity 1. Its an origin story that gives us a little more information but still leaves us feeling confused and uneasy.

The new cameraman (Dennis) acts as a foster father to Kristi and Katie (The whereabouts of the real father remains open to debate) works as a wedding moviemaker. This gives a decent enough explanation as to why he seems to have top of the range filming equipment (for the era) . His character comes across as more caring and less irritating than Micah from PA1. The Mother of Kristi and Katie (Julie)came across as caring towards her children. The children who play Kristi and Katie actually come across and fairly decent actors.

The basic plot is like the last two movies. Strange occurrences are happening at the house they are staying in. Dennis out of curiosity decides to set up cameras around the house to hopefully find something unusual.

The greatest improvement of this movie over the other movies is probably the pacing. I wont ruin anything (that hasn't been in the trailer at least) but the younger daughter kristi has a seemingly imaginary friend, called toby ,that she talks to at night. As the movie progresses things get out of head fairly quickly and this imaginary friends becomes something real and horrific.

The movie does a good job of taking us out of our comfort zones. We feel confused and that confusion adds a sense of helplessness. While we may know the formula of the last movies we know little about the monster. What we don't see ,but know is there, usually scares us the most. The camera footage itself comes across as grainy and lower in quality than before (Again the trailer is rather misleading) . It makes it feel more authentic. While you know its not real you cant help getting sucked in by the movies world. There are also some clever shots and effects (Scenes with the oscillating camera are ingenious at times) .

The main complaints that I have with the movie are that sometimes the actions of Daniel can be questionable and the ending left me feeling a little unsatisfied.

That being said it doesn't detract from my own experience of the movie. I was terrified! It may not terrify some (the ratings on IMDb show some that already) but I think the best thing to do is go watch it and make up your own mind
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Not bad, but doesn't look anything like 1988.
phoenixandrew19 October 2011
Saw "Paranormal Activity 3" at a special Hollywood premiere at the ArcLight. I also had the honor of seeing Katie Featherston signing autographs for us fans waiting patiently to see it. Unfortunately, I left my Droid smart phone in the car because it was my understanding we would be wanded for recording devices. That didn't happen and many people had their camera phones with them. I would have loved to get my pic taken with Katie. Oh well.

Anyway, back to the movie. "Paranormal Activity 3" is a prequel to the first two movies. The movie starts in 2005 with Katie getting together with her younger sister Kristi at her house and both come across some old VHS tapes of them taken in 1988 when they were children left behind by their deceased grandmother. They watch a tape and that is the premise of the film.

The overriding glaring error in this film is that the entire 1988 portion of the film was shot in HD in 1:85:1 or 16 x 8 ratio which caused me to ask the question "oh really?" If my memory is correct, HD video in that ratio did not exist. The film would have been more realistic had the picture quality looked more like VHS with the ratio in 1:33:1 or 4x3. The father, Dennis, works as a wedding videographer and he has a linear editing system consisting of two 4x3 monitors and VHS tape similar to the editing system I used when I took video production classes in college in the early 1990s so the film gets kudos for that.

The film starts with young Katie celebrating her birthday with her little sister Kristi looking on. As the story progresses, we discover that Kristi has an imaginary friend named Toby. When it's time for the girls to go to bed, Kristi gets up, walks toward the camera (yes, just like the first two movies, this family has camcorders set up around the house recording their life) and starts talking to her imaginary friend. Meanwhile, Dennis and his wife Julie decide to make love while the camera is rolling. Just as things start to get hot, an earthquake strikes. As Dennis and Julie run out of their room to check on the kids, crushed pieces of plaster fall from the ceiling. When the plaster lands, it appears to hit something invisible, the first sign that there is a spirit in their midst. Throughout the film, things escalate as Kristi's imaginary friend starts taking things to higher levels causing her older sister Katie great worry and concerning Dennis as the paranormal happenings are all caught on tape.

The first "Paranormal Activity" film had a great premise in which a couple liked to record their life on tape. Problem with making sequels with a story like this is you get every family recording their lives on tape and so you start to wonder why is it that every generation of this family likes documenting every move they make? Another thing I found tedious is that like the first two movies (and practically most clichéd horror films), this film contained quite a bit of "scare scenes" that makes you jump. This film had a few legitimate scares but had one that was so predictable, I didn't even budge in my seat when it happened.

With every subsequent sequel having more or less the same premise, you start to wonder when this story is getting old.
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New pants.
valcar-428-96663320 July 2012
Okay, so I have watched the first one and I found it quite scary but it didn't really make me jump much, and it kinda lacked events, but I swear on my own life this third movie is well improved sending chills up my spine and last nights takeaway in my pants. I found it really frightening and both me and my boyfriend screamed like idiots a number of times. You get loads of crappy horror films about that go straight into some sweaty pervert chopping toes off but the thing that made me soil myself a number of times is the fact that it progresses further and further into the film and you just know when the timer slows down your gonna scream like a bitch. Ending was a bit rushed but what can I say, now every time I hear a noise in my house at night I am pretty convinced I'm going to get possessed/dragged out of bed by a demon.
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My opinion about the film
amcmullan199222 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Hey everyone, i watched this film in the cinema today, and i have to say, it is one of the most Horrific films I've ever seen. by horrific i mean Awful. they could have made it far far better, Don't get me wrong, the film did have its moments where it made me jump, but nothing like what it was built up to be. There was parts in the Trailers which weren't in the film. Like the whole Bloody Mary scene was different, which was one of the moments i was most looking forward to. You didn't get to see what the demon looked like, they kept reusing ideas from the other two films, for instance, in paranormal activity 2 all the drawers and cupboards opened at once. Whereas in this film all the stuff in the kitchen was stuck to the ceiling and then fell to the ground with the majority of it smashing. Again this was very predictable. The majority of the audience i was with laughed at the film, there was even a girl who wasn't even phased by this so called 'horror' what was even funnier she predicted several things that happened. If you want to see this film, i would highly recommend watching it for free online something, because the film isn't worth money at all. Thanks for reading.
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Not Bad
softballhead1419 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Before you start reading this review I want you to know that this is coming from a person who is not dissecting every detail of the movie (script,directing,acting,special effects etc.). I'm writing this review as a normal person who likes scary movies. In my opinion this was the scariest of all three Paranormal Activity movies. I jumped a lot and I doubt I was the only one that did. I think the story line was also pretty good. I just had a hard time believing it took place in the 80's. The movie was a bit short for me (not even an hour and a half), and I was a bit disappointed that a lot of what was shown in the trailer was not in the movie. Although there was a "Bloody Mary" scene it was with one sister and the boyfriends friend and not with both sisters. The scene in the trailer makes it look like the girls summoned the ghost and that's what was causing the paranormal activity, but you find out in the end that it was the grandmother who is part of some kind of demon worshiping group. In all I think this movie was pretty good. It was scary and there were actually some funny parts too. If you have seen the other two movies and liked them you should see this one.
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WOW........really? Had to put in my 2 cents after reading the rave reviews!
Gameprogirl23 October 2011
WOW, don't waste your money on this hunk of crap. Nothing for the first hour and then recycled scare scenes after that. The movie made no sense, there was nothing from the trailer in the movie and the ending was like a scooby doo ending.

I wanted to slit my wrists during this film just so I could end my suffering and perhaps see some gore LOL I'm so happy I did not pay to see this film. For anyone who hated the Blair Witch Project, you will hate this film even worse.

The makers should be sued for lying to everyone in the trailers, another Hollywood lie in order to get the cash. Dammit!
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Lots of chills! Lots of missed opportunities!
garrettcollenback22 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Paranormal Activity 3 was not bad for a threequel. There were a lot of scenes that gave me the chills and that made me jump. But, the entire time I watched the movie, I felt that there was something missing. There was so many missed opportunities in this movie that would have made it a lot more scarier. The fan camera was a great idea for a camera to use, however, I feel that they could have done SO much more with it rather than just two scares. Very original idea though. One thing that bothered me was the height of the demon when he appeared under the sheet. Christy, the daughter, had describe him as very tall. But, under the sheet he couldn't have been more that four and a half feet tall. The acting was very believable. The parents and the girls did very well, very believable. I won't go on a rant about the whole, "HD camera", thing. In the movie they did show a very big camera. In the eighties they had big cameras. So that made it believable. But, then again, horror movies are never believable. Paranormal Activity 3 is definitely worth the 10 to 15 bucks. However, if you're one of the strict horror movie watchers, you may not enjoy it.
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Was this a comedy?!
CjnSanc119 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was the very first movie I almost walked out of. I love horror movies and suspenseful story lines. This movie lacked all of it. I remember seeing the previews and don't recall seeing any of those clips in the actual movie. We laughed when the scene was supposed to be scary. I haven't seen the first two movies but now I definitely will not.

The movie was very quiet, hoping you would hear the small bumps and creaks from the "ghosts." I couldn't tell if it was the movie or the movie in the next theater.

Waste of money !!!! If you are dying to see it wait for it to come on redbox and pay $1.
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So scary
Smells_Like_Cheese23 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Never so quickly have I seen a franchise get whored out in Hollywood. A couple of years ago the world was hit with Paranormal Activity, making you wonder what happens when you're asleep. It's the most successful independent movie ever, with a small budget of fifteen thousand and making over a hundred million is just incredible. But with big hype comes a lot of back lash. I personally loved that film and it's one of my favorite horror movies, taking the simplicity of what's in the dark fears from our childhood and making our imaginations go crazy. Since the film was a huge success, Hollywood naturally called on a sequel. Paranormal Activity 2 was released a year later, pretty much claiming the Saw franchise money. Paranormal Activity 2 was an alright film, it wasn't as scary because we knew what to expect and with bigger budget the effects could be a little too over the top at times. Paranormal Activity 3 was advertised and I was thinking that this film was a mistake, but I was just curious where they were taking the story so I saw it opening night and this film blew me away. What a scary movie and so perfect to add to the franchise making me want plenty more.

In 1988, young Katie and Kristi live with their mother, Julie, and her boyfriend, Dennis. Kristi begins interacting with an invisible friend named Toby. Dennis notices that since Kristi's friend appeared, strange things have been happening in the house. While reviewing some footage later, Dennis notices a strange incident with presence being shown on camera. He invites his friend Randy over to view the footage, who suggests that Dennis place cameras throughout the house to capture any other incidents. After more disturbed nights and strange occurrences, Dennis discovers a strange symbol in the girls' closet. He finds the same symbol on a picture of women in a book about mysticism. Dennis explains to Julie that the symbol belonged to a witches coven that brainwashed young girls into having sons. Thus explaining more about the two previous films.

A couple of flaws with the film being that one being based in 1988, the film sure does look very crisp with it's picture. Wonder where the guy got his video, obviously not Wal Mart. Secondly, there are still some questions left unanswered, maybe due to the overwhelming success of the first film the writers had to do what they could with Katie's story. Only explanation being in this film is that the cult brainwashes people, so maybe Katie and Kristi had a different story in the previous films due to the spell. However, this film scared the heck out of me, which takes a lot. The beginning does start off a little silly to me, since again, you know what is going to happen. But not even 25 minutes into the film, it does pick up again. The last fifteen minutes had me frozen to my seat. A lot of people are complaining that the trailer has completely different scenes than from the movie, I personally like it that way because it keeps the film fresh and has you guessing. The "bloody Mary" scene in the film is much more scary than in the trailer in my opinion. Paranormal Activity 3 really did raise the bar and I'm so glad. The characters a likable and the effects are actually top notch and done effectively. There's a scene with the babysitter where the demon is wearing a blanket and is standing right behind her, believe me you'll have such major goose bumps from that scene. If you like scary movies, you're going to love this film, I can't wait for the fourth one and I'm glad that we finally went back to the basics of a good ghost story. Though my suggestions to the characters: stop filming the demon! That's obviously ticking him off.

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Try to forget you ever saw a preview . . .
paulandannaeckert22 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of movies in the theater, and it seems every one of them had least one clip that was in the preview and not in the movie. These days they wind up as deleted or alternate scenes on the DVD.

But nearly the entire trailer left out? I guess that's going to be some whopper of a directer's cut when the DVD comes out. That being said, what was actually on screen was pretty darned good.

Had some issues with the way it started and ended (see SPOILERS below) but the actual content was both creepy and had some shock value. Plenty of jump out your seat moments, but what I love about these films is the way the tension slowly builds during a scene, until you know something is going to happen, you don't know exactly what, but you want it over with to get on to the next tension builder.

OK Rant time (SPOILERS) First scene shows Katie dropping off the box with tapes at Kristi's. Second scene shows Kristi and husband surveying the damage after the apparent break-in in PA2. They discover the box of tapes is missing.

Then all of sudden the 1988 tapes start on screen. Who's watching these tapes? Where did the box of tapes go? These questions are never answered at the start OR at the end. After that last (admittedly really creepy) segment I thought we might get taken back to the beginning for some kind of resolution, but the movie just . . . ends. I hope if there is a PA4 we get a few more answers and less questions.

However, this movie was still a pretty decent way to have a good fright near Halloween, or anytime you want to have the sh** scared out of you.
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Not worth the admission price
rodkeu-186-944023 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Anyone who believes that this a good movie needs to get out more. Firstly I an not sure whether the version we got in Australia was the same as the US but 75% of the decent scenes from the trailer were not in the movie. How does that work. There was minimal effort put into this movies and it shows. You don't watch these types of movies for the acting so when the rest of the movies fails to deliver then you have a bomb. The effort to build up tension and suspense was underwhelming and it was so poor that at times I found myself laughing. How many times do people walk around their house with the light off in the middle of the night, especially when the house has a bad spirit. The failure of the wife to watch videos where it is clear that there is something going on. Give me a break. The scenes from the trailer were far more entertaining but obviously made it difficult to create a fourth movie. I recommend that if there is a directors cut with the original scenes in it, wait for it to come out.
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