Charlie's Angels (TV Series 2011) Poster

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Beautiful girls don't always make a hit series
billmalibu-12 October 2011
The lady's look nice, I give em that much, but the rest... seriously?

Lame props, ridiculous screens on the tab, boring fight scenes, a satellite camera that zooms in from the side, and into the hotel room where the hostage lies bound and gagged? Come on!

And by the way: Bosley? Did you put him in so the girlfriends or alleged power-women watching can have something to look at too?

Another sad attempt to make a buck with something that did work very well in the past.

Putting young good-looking girls/boys on the screen might get people to tune in, but after that some substance and quality might be a good idea.

Go get the original, or at least the crappy movies.
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What crap
islandstar22 September 2011
Can't think of how a network could let this go to air. Corny writing bad acting terrible set design. Better money spent on reality non scripted stuff than this. Hope they don't commit to more than the min episodes Fake tears bad effects. Bad acting again and again doesn't get better just worse the longer you watch it. Maybe Tom Arnold isn't busy and can do a cameo spot or carrot top. don't see how it could get such a high score unless all cast and crew voted. And may be all their families and so on and so on..... Will give it one more hour that I will never get back and see if it improves. I can only write so much about this waste of air time to fill 10 lines. But maybe this is just what the USA needs to keep them distracted from the real world...
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Before Reviewing a TV show, always watch more than 5 episodes...
pontosgold28 November 2012
Yes, that is one of the basics when Reviewing for real - a TV show usually changes in between the first row of episodes.

About this specific one? It isn't THAT bad! It's not good either, but it's definitely not THAT bad - unless you only watched the first/ second episode, but that would be lame wouldn't it? To have a glance and THEN come here Review about the whole show you didn't watch? The first episodes (the first two), specially the first (which was DREADFUL), were bad. The acting was so weird that I wondered what was wrong with the actors. The script was a bit flat, and the lines weren't worth TV time unless the show was a comedy about awkwardness... Yes, it was flatter than an unseasoned pancake. But then it changed. It bloomed - at least enough to be a flower anyway, not a beautiful one, but a flower nonetheless. The first two episodes got me wanting to stop watching the show, yes: BUT I didn't. Out of respect, experience about the course of TV Shows, and in order to acquire the right to come here and there reviewing and talking about the TV Show without resembling a 3 year old who didn't like the first and only bite of a new dish and throws a tantrum about that one bite. We can all do better as Reviewers.
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I don't know what this is, but it's not Charlie's Angels
gerard-2125 October 2011
I wanted so bad for this series to work, but it was just horrible. I tried watching the pilot but couldn't make it past poor writing, bad acting and the racing from action sequence to action sequence with zero character development. Why was it necessary to make the Angels bad asses? And that bit about Bosley being a hunk with mad computer skills is just plain dumb.

The next episode I tried to watch was the one where an aspiring model disappears and the Angels are called in to find her. They learn that this model shared a big house with some other models, so they have to go undercover and infiltrate. So far so good, as I anticipate they'll spend the rest of the episode at the mansion trying to find out what misfortune befell their client's daughter, just like the original would have. I assumed it would be about typical criminal activity like prostitution or white slavery gone wrong. But no, they turned it into an episode of international intrigue by having the models marrying foreign criminals for green cards! Turns out the model they were looking for got killed by her green card husband because she stumbled onto his global assassination plot, lol. Of course the requisite computer hacking, gunfire and action sequences ensue.

Same with the most anticipated episode, Angels in Chains. They go to a prison in Cuba? Again they take an original series' idea and try to "make it more relevant" by introducing 24-like elements, with the CIA getting involved and the plot evolving into one of international intrigue. What kind of nonsense is this? These women are private eyes, not Navy Seals!

In short, the producers writers/decided to forgot all about the charmingly cheesy and campy elements of the original series and instead created some mindless action shoot-em-up. Furthermore, the Angels in the original were very engaging and enjoyed great reporte with each other and none of that his present in this incarnation. I guess between all the explosions, machine gun fire, global threats and computer hacking there just wasn't any time left for good old-fashioned character interaction.
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Silly fluff about superwomen who defeat crime without effort
highwaytourist22 September 2011
This show owes more to the James Bond series and The Bionic Woman than the TV series which bears its name. It's about three superwomen who easily solve complex cases that law enforcement and intelligence agencies are unable to crack. They seem to have superhuman powers. In one scene, a secure door to a five star hotel is easily kicked in by one of the private detectives. They speak multiple languages. They have no trouble hacking into the most secure computers. At times, evidence falls into their laps so conveniently, they don't need to do any detective work. They easily overpower trained thugs and bodyguards who are twice their size, and they do it without messing up their designer clothes and make-up. I realize this isn't supposed to be literal reality, but it could at least be believable. Problem is, this is so unreal, it could be a Saturday morning cartoon. I'm not saying there aren't any tough women. With the proper fitness and combat training, a woman can kick some serious ass. But the stuff shown could only be done by soldiers with special forces training. It never even begins to be credible.
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A trainwreck
lancaibheal1 October 2011
You don't watch a series like this expecting a life-changing experience or Shakespearean wit, but I was at least hoping for some mindlessly entertaining action and crime solving. Unfortunately, this programme couldn't even deliver that. The acting is very flat, the script is nonsensical and the plot makes no sense. The Angels seem to have been picked based on their looks and willingness to wear skimpy clothes rather than any particular charisma or talent. Even if you're building your series around providing eye candy, you still need some comic relief, some witty dialogue, or at least something to concentrate on during yet another motion-sickness inducing shaky-cam sequence.

I would be really surprised if this disaster lasts more than a season or two.
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joshuaxanderson24 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was an hour of my life that I wish I had back. Every character was basically the same. The good guys are all super-hot bad-asses with hearts of gold while the bad guys are all super-hot bad-asses without hearts at all. That would be bad enough but the dialogue was so forced and simplistic that I think it was written by a fourth grader. There was no wit in the banter and every pathetic attempt at a joke fell flat. And don't get me started on the plot, it was even worse! For example, Charlie and the angels can't link the bad guy to his crimes. This is supposedly because he has some Russian woman with a photographic memory who keeps all of his information in her brain, and not in a computer that can be hacked. But what kind of mastermind criminal would trust all of his secrets to a Russian woman who had already crossed the Russian Mafia! Also, how does one person having a photographic memory erase all potential traces of criminal activity associated with another person? But wait, it gets even better because the angels are sent on a mission to kidnap the woman and find out what she knows to link the bad guy with his crimes, only they don't even try to get this info out of her. Instead, they have to find out where the bad guy has their newest angel held captive (she was caught because she couldn't stop staring at a broken angel, how dumb is that!) Fortunately, this guy likes to torture people at the same place he receives his kidnapped children so the good guys can wrap the whole thing up in a nice neat bow with one last predictable fight scene. Case closed, let's all get drunk on Charlie's boat without him!
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Not worth your time
chantalb5124 September 2011
When I was a kid I watch the original series and remember Bobsley the chunkie older and comic relief character that loved his angels. I also remember the voice of Charlie, authoritative but kind. The stories were simple but didn't like drama and each angel had their own charm. One was a tom boy, the other a model the third the action one. They were all ex cops who were given dull jobs because of their gender. Now this series is nothing like that. Bobsley is a hunky ladie's man hacker with no charm. The angels have a dirty past, their dresses are skimpy, their bodies are skinny and they are like barbies who can fight. Let's talk about the fight for a minute: shaky cams and unnecessary are the norm in this first episode. Avoid.
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Better watch it while you can, won't last long
tvbartman23 September 2011
I'm a middle-aged man COMPLETELY in love and obsessed with Minka Kelly, but this show was so bad I almost turned it off before her character had even been introduced. The plot was complete nonsense to the point of frustration. Dialog was inane. Back-stories made no sense, and the acting was horrific (except for Minka, who wasn't fantastic but was a heck of a lot better than the other cast members).

I obviously came into it ready to love it. Despite my infatuation, even I am not sure I could stomach another episode. I'll guarantee this isn't on TV anymore by Halloween at the latest. Minka - find something better to do! You deserve better writing! At least I have all the seasons of Friday Night Lights on DVD to comfort me, or maybe I'll keep watching Charlie's Angels (during its short life) with the TV on mute.
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A Fun and Underrated TV Show
sufyaanrashid9515 May 2023
Charlie's Angels (2011) is a fun and entertaining TV show that unfortunately only lasted for one season. Despite receiving mixed reviews and low ratings, I personally enjoyed this show and thought it deserved more recognition.

The series follows three highly skilled women who work as private investigators for the mysterious and elusive Charlie. The characters are well-developed and each has their own unique personality and backstory, making them easy to root for. The action scenes are well-choreographed and visually impressive, adding to the overall excitement and fun factor of the show.

One of the things that sets this show apart from other crime dramas is its emphasis on female empowerment and camaraderie. The Angels work together as a team and support each other through thick and thin, making for a refreshing and empowering dynamic.

While the show may not be perfect and some may criticize it for its cliched plotlines and lack of depth, I found it to be a fun and enjoyable watch. It's a shame that it only lasted for one season, as I would have loved to see more of these characters and their adventures.

Overall, if you're looking for a light-hearted and action-packed show with a strong female cast, I would definitely recommend giving Charlie's Angels (2011) a chance. It may not have been a critical or commercial success, but for me, it was a great source of entertainment.
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Charlie should have picked better actors!
infinity132324 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you are like me and prefer your TV viewing experience to contain good acting and a solid story then stay away from this cheese fest. Cheesy dialog, disastrous acting and clichéd settings are what awaits you in Charlies Angels.

AN example is when their friend and colleague dies. They come up with line such as "I never knew my heart could hurt so much" or about 30 seconds after her death one of the angels says "I keep waiting for her to walk through the door" (Paraphrased). I mean the woman has been dead for 30 seconds and you're already waiting for her to come back? Maybe I am picky, but that kind of dialogue really turns me off a show.

I literally lasted 10 minutes watching this show before turning it off in disgust. One of the worst 10 minutes I have spent watching a pilot episode ever. I really don't know what else to say. There are other shows (many other shows) out there that do a better job of keeping me entertained than this.
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Good and entertaining
DragonSoul7426 September 2017
First, a lot of people are bashing this reboot of Angels down. For acting, story lines, what ever reason. For me this was like a dream come true when made. They kept the spirit of the original series alive, and did not go into these endless & countless bigger than life conspiracy series.

What I liked about Charlies Angels, was. the chemistry between the actors. The Girls seemed to get a long well and characters were friends as well. Three different girls, with skills to compliment each other. And they updated Bosley from a comical sidekick, to a sexy guy equal to Angels. OK, I am biased here. I love Ramon Rodriguez... The story lines were easy to follow, and nothing too complicated. Yes, the holes you can walk an elephant through, but who cares!!! This is Angels.

For me, this was a very well made reboot of my childhood favorite. And refreshing in the way, that this was lighthearted and good no nonsense entertainment... Unfortunately did not succeed to turn a lot of people around. Shame. I loved, liked, and truly enjoyed. Not perfect, but close.

With a full Hands Down, I do recommend this
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I actually really enjoyed this show
krazy_a_2720 January 2019
Ive always loved the Angels

This show was harmless fun and really enjoyable. Hope it lasted longer
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Oh dear
dibnah-17 February 2012
So the original series was good family fun. But this, well lets start with the tag line... They're no angels..... well they aren't actors either. The script is poor, the acting is week, take Minka she just looks as if is she going to flirt outrageously with every bloke in every episode or is this her one look? this week we saw the angels looking after a mother and her son who were possibly going to get kidnapped, what does minka do? Well every time the underage teen boy appears she gives him a lustful look, I was sat waiting for the cheesy 70's blue movie music to start. Obviously it didn't. We also saw the angels scuba dive and swim 3 miles out to sea faster than the rest of the team on a jet boat. Come one this is stretching it to ridiculous levels. This wont get renewed, don't waste hard drive space on the PVR it just isn't worth losing an hour of your life a week on. Watch the original series instead
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Not so good
mqcerpa23 September 2011
I was not expecting much to begin with but the show was kinda lame.

There was nothing exciting about the action and the story and the acting was not believable. The show felt much longer than 1hr and that is never good. This is another bad remake . It reminded me of "knight rider" a couple of years ago :(

Rachel Taylor was much better in Grey's Anatomy. They're gonna need to make so mayor changes to keep this show alive. The girls seem kinda weak and storyline was not interesting enough.

I don't believe this girls can catch any criminals at all. I can believe they made me long for Drew, Cameron and Lucy. At least these 3 were kinda funny.
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Flew Too Close To The Sun
Tactrix23 September 2011
This is another case of what happens when they take a beautifully scripted series and put in people who are models but not actors, sure they look pretty but they can't act to save their lives and it shows, emotion... zero. Which brings me to a thought, why do these producers seem to think that you can replace class with youth, its a mistake they keep making over and over again. Otherwise then that the show itself isn't bad they still have all the gunslinging, wall climbing, bad guy chasing action. You can also tell they went "politically correct" a black chick as an angel and a Latin dude as bosley. I don't mind that hes Hispanic I do mind that hes in his 20s when he should be in his 50s, once again youth for class a big no no. Overall a 4/10 cause the plot is still good since its the old plot but the models need to be replaced with actors that are age appropriate for the roles.
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Amazingly bad
bluefan-176-9464473 October 2011
Charlie's Angels was never a quality series when it started out, but it had charm and some iconic women that became very popular. The feature films was actually better and a good sense of humor, decent acting for a the type and a story that was somewhat coherent, plus a good tie-in with the original.

Both projects had charm, and a kind of humor in not taking itself seriously.

The new TV-series is simply totally awful if the first episode can be judged as a meter. It takes itself seriously, which already have destroyed the James Bond-films. No one can or should take this serious especially when the quality is awful in everything but the exploding things (the pyrotechnics are OK, but boom-boom gets very boring soon).

The characters are poor, the writing poor and if this was rewrites as it is said from the first project trying to get this back on TV, then we can only pity the ones involved in that.

The acting was absolutely horrific. None of the the four main characters could act their way out of a paper bag. They are solely cast due to looks, and skinny looks at that. Usually one model actor in every series can act a little bit, in this case none of them can act to save their lives. They think attitude is acting.

Only pubescent viewers that find the skinny models attractive can find any enjoyment in watching them.

This is one series I will not mourn when they bury it before all episodes have been aired.
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A load of nonsense
lizwilder_12346 February 2012
This is awful! Don't even bother with it! I recorded it because I really love Charlie's Angels and I wanted to see what this show was like, but I can tell you now I was incredibly disappointed. The program was completely ridiculous and just... rubbish. I played the first five minutes, got bored and fed up and turned it off. From what I saw, it wasn't worth those five minutes, so I'm warning you, it isn't worth yours. It seemed as though the story had no initial goal, it was all about the 'sex' and the girls showing a little bit of 'thigh' etc that kind of thing. The show really made me feel sick to the stomach at how completely pathetic and unworthy of being an actual TV show this is. Maybe I should have watched half an hour, or the complete first episode, but it just seemed too ridiculous. This is a show to avoid. And that's a harsh statement coming from me.
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Why rehash Charlies Angels?
brett-34527 September 2012
In the late 70's it was excusable to have a show that was corny, unrealistic, with bad continuity and where the characters performed unlikely feats. This is about all that this latest rehash has achieved! The characters are vapid, the plots are stupid and the continuity....well it seems these days that continuity doesn't matter on many shows! I did notice three very blatant goofs in episode 1. As far as the storyline goes, well the first episode is as amateur as a crime fighting story written by a five-year old! If you love shows that are just about hot babes, skimpy outfits, lame action scenes, unlikely events and mindless story lines, then this is the show for you!
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An Honest Review
generationofswine7 April 2017
Have you seen it? No? There is likely a very good reason for stinks.

Like nearly ALL the endless remakes and reboots that have been plaguing movie goers for the past decade or so....all this is, is a heartless version of the original.

It has no heart.

It has no soul.

It is a retelling of a film that we all love and cherish...and it adds nothing to the story. It improves nothing but the special effects--which held up very well over time--and in some cases belittles the fans of the original...particularly in the fact that they remade the movie at all, without adding anything clever to it.

Like so many other remakes it is a hallow shell of the original.
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Not As Bad As I Thought!
carchero25 July 2022
When this reboot of the 70's series was announced, I was not impressed. I mean who can replace Farrah?! She was so painfully beautiful that I felt there was no one who could match her! Although I enjoyed the 2000 movie, I had a problem with Cameron Diaz's hair. She was lovely enough, but what was up with the choppy haircut? I always hated that straight edge razor cut!

One day I was stuck at home searching for something good to watch on tv and going crazy when I came across the new Angels show. I decided to give it a try. I loved the edge these women and Bosley had! They did joke a little, but nothing like the campy, airhead way of the old show. I also loved their beauty and the cool clothes these women wore. And Bosley! OMG! I am so glad they totally made him over because he was a goof in the old show, a jerk (Bill Murray) in the first movie and cast completely wrong with Bernie Mac (Angels Full Throttle)! I love Mac, but what were they thinking?!

I was totally enjoying this new show until I noticed there was only one season! Oh, no! These women were beautiful but deadly. Bosley, too! They had dark, painful histories but did not let it stop them from helping others, even when their past reared its ugly head.

I did notice some flaws, like the way they would stop to pose and look at each other. I know this was made for tv where they do commercial pauses, but it was just happening way too much and got on my nerves! There were also weak points in some of the acting and fight scenes but not enough to cancel it! The stories were good and the suspense was great! I liked not knowing what would happen next! Too bad it was over too soon...*sigh...
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This is likely the worst remake in history
YabbaDabbaDabba24 November 2018
There isn't much more that needs saying about a remake of a hit TV series into a really double minus 'B' movie. It was embarrassing to watch during shooting...for the actors, screenwriter, director and producer as well as anyone else within shouting distance of the sets or even the 8 or 9 people who paid for a movie ticket at the theaters.

It is seldom that a perfect storm comes together in a single movie to produce something this shamefully bad. Charlie's Angels should be a case study in every class on what not to do. It was unwatchable, and rating it a '1' was a generous gesture.
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About The Angels!
franklinlapaz14 October 2011
I have to say this show kicks ass and it reminds me so much about what Miami is. It does have a little twist of CSI: Miami kick to it but other than that it kept me watching the show. The girls are hot, fresh, and dangerous! I hope there's a second season in the works and I would like to work on this show! The performance is somewhat charm, sexy, and smart. Rachel Taylor is a fun, quirky, blonde, smart woman, and I hope they keep her. I like Minka Kelly because she's a tough woman. And don't forget Annie, who's good at solving problems in a sexy mode. All these angels are badass and this show is too much fun to watch. I love the shots of Miami because it reminds me a little piece of home. I love the beauty of this movie and how everyone portrays the lifestyle of Miami. This show shouldn't deserve a 4.5 but at least a 7.0 or higher. I give it a 10 because it's been awhile since I watched a good action TV series since CSI: Miami. Well, CSI: Miami kind of died on me, lol, so this show really kicks ass. The story line is a 8.0 out of 10 and it can improve a lot better down the long run but the girls are 10 out of 10.
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flashy emptiness
SnoopyStyle9 July 2017
Dirty cop Kate Prince (Annie Ilonzeh), cat burglar Abby Sampson (Rachael Taylor), and Gloria work for the mysterious Charlie Townsend in Miami fighting crime outside the law enforcement with the help of hacker John Bosley (Ramon Rodriguez). When Gloria is killed by a car bomb, they investigate Eve French (Minka Kelly) who turns out to be Gloria's childhood friend and a car thief.

Instead of concentrating on creating compelling characters, this show is more interested in a dark convoluted Miami Vice. The girls are hot but the characters lack interest. Eve is suppose to be a car thief. It's the perfect opportunity to start the show with a fun car chase. The show needs to start with her personality and her story before getting recruited by Charlie. Minka Kelly's acting is still in question. I don't recall if she even drives in the show. The girls start without any rooting interest and fail to improve. They are empty models with bravado. It's action without any fun. There is no joy here. It was canceled after four episodes with only eight overall. The franchise started as jiggle TV, transformed into irreverent action movies, and stalled into unengaging action TV.
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Not up to the standards
rukmal198724 September 2011
Well It might be unfair to review this show since it only has aired one episode, but i got to say that after watching the first episode I highly doubt that i will continue watching it. Well the Plot is same as the Charlie's angels movies, where three girls with bad pasts get together to fight crime tagged alone with a guy and their secret handler Charlie. First of all there isn't any mystery drama of any sort in this. There will be a problem and they will pretty soon figure out soon without chasing false leads or falling in to danger. The stories reminds me of mutant ninja turtles and knight rider the new series since the girls are always equipped with the best tech stuff all the time. they can access satellite feeds, zoom in to blurred CCTV camera feeds, crack safes in a few seconds which makes it boring and silly to watch. In some instances you would see the girls kicking asses of guys twice or thrice their size which also makes it highly unrealistic. I'm pretty sure they could have done for better may be added a few steamy scenes since that's what female spice or operatives do best. Unless they carry out major changes in the plots I highly doubt this will last much longer.
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