Collide (2022) Poster

(II) (2022)

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Great cast, horrible filming technique
beckels17 December 2022
Stellar Cast, yet unfortunate poor filming. Constant camera movement headache and distracts from actors natural talent. Shame, was really looking forward to film and plot development. Wish film had been created with alternate or classic "steady camera". Lighting not balanced, dining area may have dimmed lights for atmosphere, yet kitchen/cooler would absolutely not be dark. I would watch again if set design/lighting, and camera crew filming were scrubbed with a fresh approach. Too much intertwined from start of characters development. Reboot with better balance of set design, light & direction.
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Well, They Tried
adrian-v-palomo10 August 2022
All the actors were game. Even Drea De Matteo who got NOTHING to do. The tones of the three stories didn't mesh well. Kat Graham's tragedy porn storyline with Ryan Phillipe went SO hard that it veered into camp. Or maybe it started off campy - hard to say. Cackled several times at parts that were not meant to be funny. Not bad for a Five Dollar Tuesday experience in a half full theater. I appreciate the IDEA of Kat Graham continuing to get acting roles even though the outcome is always dicey. I miss her aspiring pop music era.
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One hour in and I'm done
lkrish17 December 2022
I tried to finish this but I really don't want to waste the next 17 mins it would take to get to the end. To be honest I just don't care about any of the story lines or people. I like the actors but feel like I'm watching community theater with a hand held camera. Just bad writing I think is the problem? I've seen stories of affairs, oppression, and drug heists and this feels like maybe the film club at high school got the chance to write a script and someone filmed it. Not sure why Gaffegan or Phillipe took on these roles. The gal who plays Tamira is hard to watch. Back to Hulu search on a Friday night.
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What a Stinker attempt at a Crash Film
shuswap-8355714 August 2022
Remember that great movie Crash with the 3 separate stories that intersect at the end? Well this movie is like that, except without the great script and the great pacing and the great ending.... wow, these are good actors too. They must be desperate for work in Hollywood or something. What a dud of a movie. Avoid this dumpster fire or you'll feel cheated out of 90 minutes of your life.
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Really not good
nimmelman21 August 2022
Wife and I were convinced to watch it when it had an 8.2 rating on IMDB, and the plot sounded a decent. We could not make it more than 20 minutes through it. The characters, acting, pacing and bizarre use of a shakey cam all contributed to our confusion. It felt like a first draft that was accidentally released.
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Zero Stars
Silicone5412 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Got a bad case of nausea from their heavy and unnecessary use of "shaky" cam within the first 5 minutes. The entire movie is also so dark every scene is tinted in burnt orange. The 3 distinct story lines do not work on their own and definitely do not work when they intersect in the finale.

The stories are very flimsy and superficial that the audience just doesn't get anything more than boring dialogue. If you actually found a way to care, in the least bit, in any of the characters know that at the end they're all blown up by a bomb. All problems are resolved by killing or maiming everyone. How's that for a big middle finger to the audience?
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It's technically a movie
keeganquinn30 March 2023
Ryan Phillippe more or less reliably speaks his lines aloud in this bizarre, inexplicable production.

This film ambitiously attempts to meld a desperately stretched social justice revenge flick with an absolutely nonsensical drug heist crime flick, applying all the formidable knowledge and experience of a high school film class to the endeavor. Jim Gaffigan was apparently lost in the vicinity while they were shooting.

The resulting "thriller" is nearly unwatchable as such, eschewing traditional notions of pace and tone in favor of a straightforward series of scenes, presented neatly and entirely devoid of emotional substance. There are brief moments where it nearly finds comedic legs, awkwardly lurching through through the stilted dialogue, but the tragic absence of subtlety looming over the film makes it all too clear - they never meant for it to be funny.
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Love is hard
nogodnomasters16 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
"Collide" is the name of an upscale restaurant. Peter (Jim Gaffigan) is sitting outside in his car contemplating suicide as his wife Angie (Drea de Matteo ) is inside with the Michael (David Cade) the overbearing crooked manager. They are having an affair. Zee (Dylan Flashner) and Lily (Aisha Dee) are employees. They have a bunch of coke stashed in the cooler. They have a buyer coming by in an hour. Apparently this was a floater they found (Miami?). The third couple are on their first date. Hunter (Ryan Phillippe ) is the wealthy son of an heir who is with bright and beautiful Tamira (Kat Graham ) from South Africa. Tamira is seeking revenge and has a weight sensitive bomb under Hunter's chair. Long story of oppression. Zee's brother shows up and clearly is going to mess up the deal as Lily tells Zee she is expecting. The owner Janice shows up and messes things up for Michael. And then there is the kitchen inspector. Everybody has a bad night.

Never liked any of the characters. Sad sack Peter was perhaps the sole protagonist.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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"We have to live with ourselves. Isn't that consequence enough?"
classicsoncall3 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
"Collide" serves as the title of the movie and the restaurant in which the story takes place. It's actually three separate stories bobbing and weaving throughout, none of which appear to be headed for a happy ending. Of the three, the tale of Zee (Dylan Flashner) and Lily (Aisha Dee) was the most pathetic, you knew they were destined for disaster right from the start. I like Jim Gaffigan as a stand-up comedian, so seeing him here goes completely against type as he contemplates suicide over a crumbling marriage. It's made even worse when a private investigator hands him a tape of his wife having an affair with Collide's manager, while he observes them in real time through the window of the restaurant. The third couple engages in a bizarre scenario in which Tamira (Kat Graham) and Hunter (Ryan Phillippe) meet on a blind date, and she grills him over the past transgressions of his racist father during South Africa's apartheid, during which he played an active part as a teenager. Though that's not as weird as the bomb she has placed under his chair, set on a timer to deactivate if he makes it through their conversation. All the while you wonder if the bomb is real or whether Hunter will try to call the woman's bluff, but the point becomes moot when Zee's older brother, fresh out of prison, arrives just as Zee's drug deal is about to go bust. The chaos that ensues captures all the players in one way or another with unexpected outcomes, except of course for the poor guy in the chair that fell over. But by that time, I'm pretty sure he was already gone.
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Is this some USC film class project?
gs-mn14 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Were the actors doing someone a favor? All three "plot lines" are equally trite and poorly thought out. You feel for Jim Gaffigan, who doesn't seem to ever get out of a car in a movie these days. You also wonder if the casting people had ever seen Drea deMateo in a project.

**SPOILER** The guy you don't feel sorry for is Ryan Phillipe who gets to die before the whole thing blows up.

It's not good, people.
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Very Tense, Great suspense!
bellsuzuki13 August 2022
Like Magnolia and Crash, very strong interweaving of three different stories. The ending was very good in the way everything was tied up. Also there is some thing being said here, not just the dumb action stuff yuo see all the time. Ofc course this is thriller but stilll made you think.
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VIEWS ON FILM review of Collide
burlesonjesse520 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
2022's Collide is a compact little thriller with dark hues and fiery red cinematography. It's one of those fine dining restaurant flicks and well, I liked it better than The Menu. Sure it's a little coincidental, sure the timelines are off, and sure, there's the occasional overacting involved. But Collide has a brutish sense of urgency and it's fiendish to the nth degree. Swallowed LA can be that way sometimes.

Collide is a movie about interconnecting (and "colliding") stories. And it's slickster Steven Soderbergh to boot (just watch the riffing). The camerawork full of zooms, close-ups, and jittery motions looked obvious but I got past it. The point here was to wait in bated breath as things came to a head. A bomb under a table, a drug deal gone afoul, a restaurant manager skimming the till, a rattled husband contemplating suicide. Bon appetit my fellow audience member!

Clocking in at 90 minutes and directed by a dude I've never heard of before (Mukunda Michael Dewil), Collide is about 6 or so strangers whose lives connect badly over a night in a Los Angeles eatery. The actors involved (Ryan Phillippe, Jim Gaffigan, Kat Graham) dig deep and they profoundly show their dark side (come on guys, everyone's got one). The film uses sparse set locations and the whole thing feels like a ticking time clock to parlous inevitability. Like in The Menu (mentioned earlier), every immoral denizen is pretty much destined to die.

Now does Collide set the world on fire with its premise of wounded souls "crashing" into each other? I guess but it's more stylish and swift than anything else. And does helmer Dewil excel at connecting the dots through continuity and the baseness that men (and women) do? Not really but he keeps you riveted and on edge anyway. "Meet head on".
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Awful 3 out of 10
johnrlucky-322-66860619 August 2022
Who is giving this 10 out of 10 here's 1 out of 10 to counter. Bad film save yourself lost time don't bother. Dreadful film simply appalling. Anyone rating this 10 out 10 need to rounded up and sent round to master ass clown the legend manipulation creature allcock n bull.
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So sick of jerky handheld cameras!
lovethesun30 December 2022
I so wanted to like this movie. I love Jim Gaffigan and I wanted to see him in a more serious role versus stand-up comedy. I don't know who's idea it was to ever think that jerky handheld cameras was edgy. It is annoying as all get out. This nonsense needs to stop. Rather than focusing on the characters in the story line, I was completely distracted throughout the whole movie by this herky jerky movements.

So now I'm at the end of my review but thanks to this stupid, stupid, stupid requirement of 600 characters I'm now going to just ramble on and on which is an utter waste of my time and you the readers.

You can stop reading now.
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Were these actors just desperate for a job?
strandcheryl27 January 2024
I've been searching for something to watch that Wilson Bethel has done but, as much as I love him, this is a mess!! Bad camera work. Bad writing. Bad casting. This is just plain bad. Bad. Bad. Bad.

I'm honestly trying to find anything redeeming. I can't. The casting is so bad that the actors had no chance to rise above! The writing is so bad that the actors had no chance to "make it there own". The cinematography is so bad that these beautiful people have no opportunity to look great.

I'm trying some good wine, hoping that will make the movie more palatable but, nope! Mere $100 wine cannot perform that miracle.
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Unwatchable. Literally induces headaches.
HorrorFilmHellion12 June 2023
This abomination is a perfect example of never giving (even a bad) movie a fighting chance at success. The ridiculous and trauma-inducing technique of moving the camera around in a jittery and jerky motions in a radical method is beyond words and is flat-out unacceptable. Besides that, I skipped forward a few times to see if it stops (it doesn't) and during those short moments witnessed out of context cringy wokeness dialogue which made me quickly skip again, just to encounter more of it. How is that even possible? I don't know if there is a story here worth watching, and I will never know. This thing is a technical travesty.
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So terrible
ycqp-829227 January 2023
There are so many things I disliked about this film that I don't have the time or mental capacity after watching it to write them all here. So, I will simply say the motion sickness induced by the camera movement throughout the entire film is a devastating offense to the art of cinematography. Watching this movie is both a figurative and a literal sickening experience. The storylines did not mesh well. Lastly, all potential displays of expert acting were overshadowed by the aforementioned poor cinematography and incoherent storyline. I recommend steering clear of this film. You can't get the wasted time back.
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Shaky Cam Garbage
arfdawg-123 May 2024
Why was this movie ever made? Jim Gaffigan is NOT a serious actor although he is clearly trying for some breakout role.

It didnt work.

Drea was fine even though she looks a little tipsy throughout.

But the movie is a nothing. It's directed with one of those shaky cams that I really dislike. Think Office on sisterhoods. It's a thoroughly annoying way of making a movie. Bet it cold cause a bout with epilepsy or make some people trow up.

Perhaps the movie should come with a trigger warning. "Don;t watch if you throw up easily." Or something like that.

Anyway, it's garbage. Lightweight Garbage..
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Going off
kosmasp14 July 2023
No pun intended - when people collide (go off on each other, to relay one meaning of my summary headline), there are things that may happen. Sparks that fly ... people sometimes have no idea how much their actions impact other people and their lifes ... there is a lot of ... well coincidence and the Ryan story is quite ... well it feels bad and too dramatic ... but if you suspend your disbelief, you may not even care too much about it.

The acting overall still is good and the thriller aspect of it does work. Again a lot of things that have to work ... "smoothly" for the movie to work ... still if you like thrillers and b movies you may find something here that is worth a watch ... I've seen worse for sure ... wouldn't compare it to Crash ... at all.
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Dumbest movie ever..
ykhdjrhyy24 September 2023
This is the most dumbest movie ever made. The movie has no flow to it and the characters are not even 1 dimensional and lead to no where yet they script tries to mesh the characters together but it just does not work. Between the acting and music this movie just numbs my mind and no way to get back my 1 hour and 30 mins of life after watching this movie.

The acting is horrendous and not 1 of the actors or actresses fell they put effort into it. The music builds up to...nothingness. This movie deserves to be nominated for a Razzie award for worst movie. Fireworks are better than the so called special effects.
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sharkeymarsha-693117 February 2023
My problem when watching different films is they dont hold my interest. So far Collide has kept me on the edge of my seat.. Not wanting to get up or look away. Truthfully I am almost to the end but felt like a review was necessary which is something I rarely do. I am hoping for a good ending as its been intense and interesting. Have to get back to it. Will update. Ok, this movie had some surprising twists and turns. The 3 stories ended up being one. Of the 3, one ended very sadly. And one ended perfectly. The last one you decide. I would give the ending a 6 out of 10. If I were asked, Should I watch this movie, I would say yes.
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too contrived
SnoopyStyle3 June 2023
This takes place in and around an L. A. restaurant over one night. Various people are dealing with their own dire issues which culminates in a devastating incident.

Some stories are better than others. None of them are perfect. Jim Gaffigan's story is trying to be too secretive. It takes too long to reveal. The whole movie is like that, but his story is particularly frustrating. The drug story is probably the most compelling, but I'm not sure why they are hidden there. As for Ryan Phillippe and Kat Graham, I don't buy that story. He wouldn't buy it. That story makes this whole enterprise too contrived.
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Not as dull as people make it out to be
rlsins27 December 2023
I will rate thus movie higher than it deserves to offset at least one of those low scores. Yes it's very slow moving but this is not an action movie, it's not a thriller and it's not a suspense movie either. It's a drama period. It's a dialogue driven movie and one that you have to pay attention to and not watch while on your phone. It is a convoluted mess and although Drea DeMartteo's role is almost insignificant, it fits within the story line.

Some of the actions truly don't make sense but then again, it's a movie. We must remember people in movies don't have common sense. Overall it was enjoyable and kept me engaged. The social commentary was quite weak but other than that I'd recommend it.
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brothersteed-806-1468572 January 2023
Some reality, some fantasy, some simplicity - but by no means disappointing. The plot, while fresh, was still reminiscent of some previous classics, some of which received award winning accolades. In this film it was truly amazing how things indeed collided, and not without a surprise or two to avionics the collision. The acting was great but some of the bloopers should've been corrected by the Edit Team. They were definitely to hasty in this area. Nonetheless, the movie managed to keep us on the edges of our seats. A different kind of thriller but still thrilling and entertaining. Liked it a lot.
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