Goodbye Earth (TV Series 2024) Poster


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Kind of a mess.
jeffballermed28 April 2024
I really thought I was going to like this one, but as other people said, it doesn't have much and it's pretty darn slow. I've really become a big fan of almost everything from South Korea, but this one is really the exception. Not sure if I'm gonna be able to keep going.

I'm only two episodes in, but the way they have set up the story is really disjointed and sometimes confusing. They start you off somewhere around 300 days before the asteroid hits. Then it jumps to 201 days before it hits. But then it jumps back again without telling you that it had jumped back. So often you're not sure what part of the story arc you're watching.

Not much character development either. Episode one starts with a little girl living alone because your mother has disappeared. They make it clear. It's after the announcement about the asteroid. Then after the main title theme plays it jumps right into the story. One of the main characters is a junior high school teacher, and I was almost to the end of the second Episode before I realized the little girl at the beginning didn't grow up to become the junior high school teacher. And I still have no idea who this little girl is or why she's in the story. Don't think I've seen her again.

And It feels like this with all the characters. You really only get a very basic idea of who they are or how they fit together. The same thing applies to a lot of the situations that arise in the story arc. Something will happen, then they continue on with the show and you're not really sure what exactly happened, why it was important, and sometimes if it even got resolved.

Definitely a mess.
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Tedious and boring
VeroniqueBear28 April 2024
This could have been a fabulous series. The subject matter is highly interesting, but unfortunately, in my opinion, the story really lets this series down.( I'm aware that it is based on a Japanese novel) Not only is it highly unlikely that the government, and other countries, would let the South Korean people fend for themselves in such a catastrophic emergency situation, but even if this could be accepted for the sake of the story, it could still be told in an engaging and interesting way. Instead, the script chooses to focus on the mediocre. We get lots of tedious side plots, such as about child trafficking, escaped prisoners, religious fanatics, bizarre scenes involving raising chickens. I usually enjoy in depth character development, but not these boring conversations of limited importance. Additionally, the timeline jumps back-and-forth which adds confusion.. Not one of the characters are people I could find myself caring deeply about. I was hoping that scenes were already finished and holding back from using the fast forward button. I wanted to give this series a fair chance, but after four episodes, I couldn't stand it any more and will skip to the final episode tonight to see the asteroid strike. On the plus side, the actors all did a great job with the material they were given. Cinematography and overall production values are excellent as well.
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Confusing and messy sadly...
jakobfolin-7532828 April 2024
I was so pumped for this release since I am a big fan of dystopian titles and watch a lot of Korean series. The premise of the story is really appealing, and they cast a lot of good actors.

Sadly the whole series falls apart due to too many side stories and characters. I'm usually helped by understanding basic Korean, but in this case, it got me nowhere. I still felt confused about many things even in the first episode. On top of that, the series fails to create a dystopian environment and general doomsday vibe that I was wishing for. Everything is too nice and tidy considering it's the last days on earth.

They did create a very nice opening theme with a good soundtrack tho.
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Terrible messy story
julieng-7226227 April 2024
The premise of the story is quite interesting actually. You know you have about 300 days to live before the asteroid hits earth but instead of exploring how people plan to live out their lives or try to survive, they focus on child trafficking and seeking revenge on the traffickers...really? This is not what the audiences came to watch. U don't need an end of the world setting to focus on this very issue that could be told in any normal setting. What a missed opportunity.

Also, another typical man/father-hating netflix show. In one episode, we have a dad who is supposedly stupid and abusive towards his own daughter. Then another boy said "a good father is a nonexisting one" out of nowhere. Then a single mother with 2 kids.... cause netflix cannot allow to have any good strong protective male characters. Netflix, we can have strong female characters without trashing and dumbing down men. It's really getting old. I could even overlook this if the story was somewhat entertaining but it was NOT.
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Complete waste of time...
hdroadkingpd28 April 2024
Do yourself a favor and spend your time watching something else - even if it's a movie you really can't stand. It'll still be better than this monstrosity.

This could have been a much better film and not a series. To stretch this out for 12 series when it would have been better edited and made into a 90 minute movie would have been a much better idea. If a series could be a word salad, this series would be it.

The premise and the first ten minutes of episode one is promising. After that - you'll find yourself skipping to the last ten minutes of the episode 12 - at which time you'll be thankful you didn't watch any episode in it's entirety.
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The Worst Netflix Show of All Time
ckjzcrkmws30 April 2024
Goodbye Earth? Goodbye 12 hours of my life.

I thought this was about an astroid coming to destroy the earth but instead I'm currently watching random people in a church trying to figure out if it's an electrical fire or arson?

Now they are trying to save some chickens?

Now they are trying to save some kids from a brothel?

Now we are back to the chickens? What is going on. Please help me. There hasn't been one mention of the astroid in 2 episodes.

I'm currently stuck in episode 7 - knowing I have 5 more episodes to go and there is no astroid in sight. Will someone please send the astroid to end this misery.

I hope at least the chickens make it. It's the only thing keeping me going.
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artinunicorn27 April 2024
I couldn't even finish episode 1, it doesn't give you any feeling about the end of the world , and the story is not good at all. The actors are good , but the story just doesn't make any sense, the things that they happened in story are not feeling right , I don't know maybe i should have continued to watch , but i just can't, i had very high expectations for this series, but it doesn't even fulfill the minimum requirements that it needs to keep me watching, i mean where is the cliffhanger, so the korea is gonna destroy , and now everything is in chaos , anyway, i hate to be a haters , but this doesn't give me the right feeling.
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Watched this at x2 speed and still skipped many scenes
TheTorturedPoet27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I had high hopes for this one because South Korean films about Sci-Fi/dystopia are usually pretty good (e.g. Train to Busan, The Host, The Tower, Haeundae, The Moon) but this was extremely disappointing.

Watched this at x2 speed and still feel like my time was wasted. Honestly, the plot had potential but the entire buildup was too slow and anti-climactic. No plot twists, everyone was just pretty much waiting to die. Seriously??? I doubt people would just sit around and wait for their impending death when a disaster is coming.

I am also very annoyed at the plot building up that Sang Eun (Yoo Ah In) is an important researcher and they need him to escape but they did not go into detail about it even until the last episode?!?!?

The only satisfaction of the entire series was when Ha-Yul's father finally died. They made his character really hatable.

The 2 stars are given because at least the cinematography and the actors (most) are good. Not Yoo Ah In though, I felt like his acting was quite lacking. Maybe it's because it's been a while since he's acted.
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One of the most boring K-series in a while
Almost_Soldout26 April 2024
As a big fan of Korean series and sci fi / dystopian genre, I was really exciting about this project but it turns out again as another mediocre Netflix project that no one needs to.

Story itself is quite flat as well as other aspects roles or just not being intriguing at all. I was waiting for any potential twist to be catches but nothing happened besides undeveloped poor love & family stories. I can't imagine more uninteresting example in a similar field.

Actors seems to be really nice but even them could bring a life to any character from a movie.

It's not a drama because drama requires emotional touch. No genre series would be the best description.
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This is a drama that is too heavy for many
AMaSchul9 May 2024
If you gave up after one episode, because you didn't understand it, you gave up too early. That said. This is not action, it's not something to entertain you. This is a story about those waiting for their last days on earth. In all its truthful and horrible glory. People that are bad, will become worse. Those who are rich, will pay their way out or at least try. Those who are just normal people, are caught in the middle, abandoned. They try to find joy and safety, but it isn't easy.

This was not a drama I could binge watch. It took a lot of energy. I had plans to finish it the weekend it came out, but I couldn't. But little by little, I came to the end. And I liked it. Yoo Ah In and Ahn Eun Jin did a great job. It was sad to see Yoo Ah In in what might be his last role. I just wanted to savour it. I am so glad they didn't edit him completely out!

And it's sad to see all the people rating this drama low, just because he did drugs. It's also sad to see that so many gives this a low score, when they didn't finish it. Specially this who didn't finish the first episode and gave it a 1. I respect those who didn't like it, and I can understand why. This is NOT a drama for everyone. But if you think you will understand everything at once, when there is 12 episodes, you have given up way too early.
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jorise-4478327 April 2024
I started watching this drama despite all the controversy surrounding the main male lead because I love dystopian theme movies. I don't know if it is the problem with editing or not but the storyline did not keep me interested enough to continue watching.

I'm usually patient with storytelling but the first episode was all over the place with nothing that caught my attention. I was really disappointed with storytelling. There were many characters but none I can really sympathize with. I really didn't see the point of the whole story.

I wonder if the editing was different, it might've been more interesting.
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The stars are for Yoo Ah In
m-84205-227597 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As if there's anything to spoil. My word, what was Netflix thinking? This show is a chaotic mess. Slow as going uphill on skates. No continuity, weird dialog, and what the heck is the point of the plot? The earth is going cataclysmic in less than a year; the 'heroin' is out to save children that have been abducted, while her three students roam about day and night unsupervised? A military with no power, ammunition, food or even a base? Ultra weird agents that just show up and take over whenever they want? No police, anywhere. Now epi 9 introduces yet another group: European Mercenaries!! Lol, I just realized that I'M the crazy one for still watching this train wreck.

Her weird treatment of her fiance is out of joint. There's 150 days left on the planet, and she's constantly lying to him about what she is doing and what's going on. Yoo Ah In is the only reason I've kept watching. Although he has very little dialog, his presence is intriguing and I love his ability to emote. I'm hanging in just to see what the red light shining from inside his body is. (Update: just finished the series, and NOT one reference or explanation for the red light). Why show it if they're not going to explain it? So disappointed.

An asteroid that size hitting the planet will kill the whole planet, so where do these weirdos trying to escape think they're going? It's just plain silly. Fast forward, there's mention of two of the children being able to be adopted internationally, but only those two; the other kids were not "qualified". Huh? So much for save the children. But, before we see the two sent off, here comes a scene where ALL the kids featured in the series are lifting off in a Teddy Bear shaped helium balloon, along with other kids in dozens more balloons... ...take that in for a second... A balloon that is going to deliver them to a "safety zone" thousands of miles away? With what navigation? There's so many things wrong with the writing, editing, character development, continuity, plot, you name it, it's a mess. This drama has made me question what planet I'm on.
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Slow and boring 😴
salmanmughalsm27 April 2024
"Goodbye Earth" presents itself as a promising drama series, poised on the precipice of an apocalyptic event-the impending strike of a meteor. However, despite its intriguing premise, the series struggles to maintain momentum, ultimately falling victim to a lethargic pace and a lack of engagement that leaves viewers disenchanted.

From its inaugural moments, "Goodbye Earth" embraces a deliberate, unhurried pace, perhaps in an attempt to build tension and suspense. While a measured approach can enhance anticipation, it risks alienating audiences if not executed with precision. Regrettably, "Goodbye Earth" errs on the side of caution, favoring prolonged exposition over narrative progression.

One of the central flaws of "Goodbye Earth" lies in its pacing, which plods along at a glacial tempo, prolonging scenes and storylines without purpose. While moments of introspection can enrich a narrative, they must be balanced with moments of action and intrigue to sustain interest. Unfortunately, "Goodbye Earth" neglects this equilibrium, leaving viewers adrift in a sea of stagnation.

Moreover, the characters within "Goodbye Earth" fail to seize the spotlight, with underdeveloped personas and lackluster arcs that fail to resonate. Without compelling characters to anchor the story, the sluggish pacing becomes even more pronounced, amplifying the sense of ennui that pervades the series.

In addition to its pacing and character deficiencies, "Goodbye Earth" suffers from a lack of narrative direction, meandering aimlessly through disparate subplots without cohesion. While ambiguity can provoke intrigue, "Goodbye Earth" succumbs to ambiguity overload, leaving viewers bewildered rather than enthralled.

Ultimately, "Goodbye Earth" squanders the potential of its intriguing premise, favoring style over substance and atmosphere over substance. While it may appeal to aficionados of slow-burn dramas, the series fails to deliver on its promise of gripping storytelling in the face of impending catastrophe.

In conclusion, "Goodbye Earth" bids farewell to engagement, with its languid pace, forgettable characters, and disjointed narrative robbing it of impact. For viewers seeking a compelling exploration of humanity's final days, "Goodbye Earth" falls short of the mark. As the series bids adieu to Earth, audiences may find themselves bidding adieu to interest as well.
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Terrible editing making the drama a MESS
freedom-2574328 April 2024
I didnt finished episode 1 cause the storylines and plot were all over the place. Its messy.. if this kdrama or major scenes of Yoo Ah In were not edited due his issue, it could have been so interesting and i think the story is beautiful.. and since this drama is showing internationally, i hope his role, which so important in the drama, were not deleted.. and as an international netflix viewer, i dont care of the scandal or any issues of actors acting in it as long as the story is beautifully delivered and the actors are great.. and yoo ah in is one of fave actors, i still watch his movies despite the issue and thats what NETFLIX should consider when producing dramas internationally.. we are not affected by their domestic issue.. because of this the drama was affected with your EDITING making the whole drama worse..
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I was so..
elin9330 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited for this show because I love apocalyptic, dystopian shows and movies.. but this show fell short, unfortunately...

First of all, the story timeline is a mess. It's hard to know whether we're on the 199th day before the asteroid or the 300th. I find the show to be quite exhausting to watch due to all these time jumps, and also because of the characters themselves.

That brings me to the second reason why this show fell short in my opinion; Boredom. The characters story lines aren't exciting and not much that happens in the show makes sense.

I unfortunately can't bring myself to finish watching this show.
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sakshimudgal-0047128 April 2024
Honestly,this is the worst kdrama of 2024 so far!! I would never recommend and please don't waste your time on this. It's so slow and boring.. couldn't bring myself to watch ep:6 bcoz like I just can't man!! This wasn't expected from Netflix! This was very boring and the storyline is like so messed up!! So many characters!! So many stories going on aage peeche! Like bruhhh.. I honestly love Kang in a as I've watched her in other kdramas but Idk kya soch kr she signed this kdrama like please!! Don't waste your precious time on this insteas watch queen of tears if you haven't!! I bet you'll not regret!!
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Astroid Couldn't Come Fast Enough
wildernessbarbie30 April 2024
To be fair, I only made it one episode in. Thought this was going to be a big apocalyptic sci-fi show about how humanity is trying to prepare for & cope with the apparent end of the world, or at least for everyone in Asia.

Instead it's just a bad soap opera of horrible people being horrible & cruel to others the first chance they get. Even supposedly good characters are unnecessarily cruel to people they're in charge of.

There's no coherent plot or clear reason for all the jumping back & forth in time either. It just kinda happens. Virtually none of the characters are sympathetic or even interesting. I wonder if all the girls & women come across as less bratty, mean, & selfish in the original Korean, because the English dub made my eye twitch with how whiny & inept they were.

Sweet Home Season 1 was an excellent Korean sci-fi/horror series. This is just awful.
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what is this?!
mahmouddahma5 May 2024
Everyone who worked on this show except actors should change jobs right now the worst TV series i have ever seen in my life and i have seen ALOT. Like there is no story no pilot it seems like he just had an idea of a meetor hitting earth and that is it!! How did netflix approve this ?! Really am i the only one here who can't blv what i just saw like seriously im stunned people actually went to their job to film this absurd show come on NETFLIX STOP wasting ur money and time giving chances to stupid people writing stupid stories where there is actually decent writers being rejected as we speak such as writer of squid game... etc.
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You either hate it or love it, never in between!!!
gdgpyxkpkj1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is not your average K-drama. There are episodes through which you need to push through and then there are those moments that absolutely makes the effort worthwhile. The desperation and guilt portrayed by a high school teacher, the absolute resolve displayed by a military captain, the outspoken nun - the series is a masterpiece when it comes to female performances. Even the three adolescent characters that are central to the plot exudes brilliance. Anyone who expects a typical k-drama plot with the quirky romance and thriller sub plots, need not take the effort to watch 'Goodbye Earth'. For those who expect something different - this one's for you. You either hate it or live it, never in between !!!
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Unsure what's it about
nfavelag30 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really wanted to like this one, the trailer previously shown on Netflix made it sound very good but in all honesty the storyline is everywhere. I can't focus on what's going on because it switches from one scene to another. There was a lot of flashbacks that I didn't understand either. I'm in episode 7 and still don't understand how they all stayed together. Don't understand what the priest baek has to do with the world ending. I get it he stole the funds of the believers and ran but isn't the story about an asteroid hitting earth. Shouldn't the story be about them in there last days and the people who decided it was the last days . If it was about selective people staying in bunkers, shouldn't there be hints through out the episodes. I'm confused and it's sad it turned out like this. I know if it was my last days, people would want confirmation from other countries that the world is really ending and people would find ways to communicate via radio to other countries but didn't see them trying to reach out. There was nothing about satellites being destroyed.
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ts-000026 April 2024
Not best or worst series watched,despite needing subtitles.

Unfortunately where it fell short was moments dragged,you felt as though you missed parts within an episode or dealt with no cohesiveness.

When I started the series at first felt by mistake hit another episode,because it didn't feel like the beginning in the story timeline.

I don't want necessarily to say it was boring,it could of had greater potential.

How the movie flowed it was hard to distinguish between,past & current events happening to the characters.

Was this human study on,end of world behavior? If so,would think it was more tightly focused to matters ahead.. But instead we get numerous side-plots that scatter about,12 episodes wasn't actually needed.

Also you didn't attach yourself enough to care for anyone,despite an impending doomsday.. You found yourself just wanting a conclusion,roll credits. Don't feel this was acting issues,so much as other mentioned reasons.

I love foreign films & even with subtitles or cultural differences,however the storyline felt everywhere or messy to enjoy.

Acting to actors chosen was ok,not really familiar with anyone listed & you will find clichés or even plotholes.

Cinematography was fine,but otherwise not a series I'd recommend or watch again.
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scarlettsdad1 May 2024
First of all, unlike the majority of the reviewers on here, I actually watched the whole thing. Since South Korea has actually made some pretty interesting stuff in the past 10 or so years, I was was expecting something decent. Well, it was decent. But it was also tedious, confusing, dull and what's worse in an apocalyptic story-no literal BANG at the end to at least make slogging through this mess worthwhile. So, if you're expecting exciting scenes of destruction and mayhem, look elsewhere.

The acting was fine and photography fine. Everything was just...fine. But frankly this could have been done far more effectively as a regular movie than a miniseries. There's simply no excuse for this subject matter to be boring.
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Worst show ever
zanutrieu16 May 2024
Bad editing, bad ending, i tried to reach to the ending then feel so stupid, wasted of time, don't be like me, just drop from when you feel boring, for me it should be 1 ep, i tried because of the cast. This film is such mess, all those great actors can not save this mess, i feel sorry for those who worked hard and ruined by directors and editing.

Bad editing, bad ending, i tried to reach to the ending then feel so stupid, wasted of time, don't be like me, just drop from when you feel boring, for me it should be 1 ep, i tried because of the cast. This film is such mess, all those great actors can not save this mess, i feel sorry for those who worked hard and ruined by directors and editing.
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Hugely disappointing
nascentt29 April 2024
Goodbye Earth starts with an exciting idea: an asteroid hurtling towards Earth and how people deal with the situation. But as the show goes on, it doesn't really keep you on the edge of your seat. The story drags and the characters, who should be interesting, just don't grab you. They spent a lot on making it look good, but the slow pace and the way the characters' stories are told make it hard to stay interested. It's not worth watching.

It's not the worst, but it could've been a lot more interesting.

I read the main actor was arrested and that was a big part of why the drama fell apart. But honestly even before that it was dull.
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Another male-hating show
Darkbulb28 April 2024
It's getting SO old that the only way there can be strong female characters in movies and shows is by having an abundance of them AND making the male characters evil, dumb and incompetent.

Terrible casting and writing - the plot is just all over the place and makes it so you don't care/connect with anyone on the show.

Good idea - but that's it.

It's getting SO old that the only way there can be strong female characters in movies and shows is by having an abundance of them AND making the male characters evil, dumb and incompetent.

Terrible casting and writing - the plot is just all over the place and makes it so you don't care/connect with anyone on the show.

Good idea - but that's it.
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