Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous (TV Series 2013) Poster

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Not Only Is This Show Hilarious--It Has the Biggest Cojones on TV
dwrubin17 May 2013
This is BY FAR the funniest, smartest and most self-aware show ever offered to the Millenial set. By a million miles. Even as a huge fan of Bo Burnham (confession: I may have at some point had some of his YouTube raps memorized), the quality of the writing and Burnham's acting is astonishing.

He plays a recent high school graduate who forgoes college to instead spend all the grocery store wages he has saved on a camera crew. They film his entire life, ostensibly for some nebulous TV show, with the end goal of making Zach famous. Any nature or degree of fame will suffice. The gimmick is believable mainly because Zach Stone is so delusional that he really would want cameras there all the time. His quest for fame motivates everything (well, almost everything) in his life, and he is willing to do anything to make it to stardom.

It's easy to compare it to "The Office", and fitting that it is premiering within a month of that show's series finale. Both of them are ostensibly behind-the-scenes looks at the making of two documentaries that will surely never been made. Both handle moments of quiet And they both turn out to be showcases for movie-star-level character acting and charisma. That was certainly the case for Steve Carell as Michael Scott. And Burnham was much closer to being a movie star than we know. He was reported to be developing a "High School Musical" parody for Judd Apatow (at the peak of Apatow's box office success).

Burnham decisively satirizes the MTV generation--the show's premise explores the idea that all you need to be famous is a camera crew. But his character is so likable and non- threatening that the satire might as well be delivered wrapped in marshmallow. (I don't mean to say the satire isn't dead on or cutting--it is.) And if you're familiar with Burnham's previous work, the character is even more clear-cut. He has always exhibited an overblown and carefully-crafted sense of egomania. There's more than a little bit of YouTube era Burnham in Zach Stone, but with the real Burnham (who has shown incredible depth in songs like "Welcome to YouTube" and "I Am an Artist") running the show.

Everyone involved with this show has major cojones, especially the MTV execs who put a show on the air that could possibly have alienated most of its audience. They shouldn't have to worry, because Burnham plays Zach Stone remarkably likable and sympathetic. But great shows struggle for viewership all the time, so I might as well start the plea now. PLEASE watch this show to make sure it gets a second season. This show has the potential to be one of the best on television.

How's this for irony? If you're looking for the smartest voice of our generation in television, it's on MTV.
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Surprisingly Funny and Good
GoldenBoughSwing16 May 2013
There are plenty of variables that would make one think this show could be horrible: 1. It's on MTV 2. It's about a teenager trying to be famous 3. It's about reality TV 4. It's on MTV

But the show is a surprisingly funny AND poignant satire/parody of people's lust for fame. I would've thought the main character would be annoying to watch, but the way the show is written, the awkward situations he gets himself into are hilarious. I'm a fan of awkward humor shows (ie The Office, Peep Show, etc.) where it makes you cringe sometimes because the situations get so awkward for the characters.

And the show's poignancy comes from how the main character's selfish conquest for fame affects his most important, long term relationships with family and friends.
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Where was this show and why didn't I know about it?
dswhitcomb30 December 2021
I had never heard of this little gem until it popped up on my Netflix page. Seeing it starred Bo Burnham I was intrigued. I had no idea this was something he did almost a decade ago.

I loved this show so much. Seeing a young, semi-manic Bo allows the viewer into his head somewhat. ZSIGTBF shows the beginnings of the genius he becomes in his stand up and specials. He's a genius to say the least. This show could have been made today and it would be relevant. A teen who wants to be famous but has nothing to offer for that to happen is literally the Instagram and TikTok of today. The difference is that this show is funny, smart, and tender at times. It looks like MTV did a poor job of promoting this show when they had it. Ironic since the theme is insta-fame via in your face media.
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Awesome show from an awesome artist
mwp-03628 January 2014
Let me preface this review by saying that Bo Burnham is my favorite comedian. "Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous" is a hilarious show that makes me laugh every time I watch it. There is tons of humor, and a lot of heart as well. Every episode has a bit of drama as Zach Stone tries to find his place in the world. The humorous situations find meaning in Zach's quest to become famous, but it also has a great deal of depth in his interpersonal relations, especially with his family and his best friend/love interest Amy. Though Zach can be flippant and immature, he always comes to realize a greater message through his family's support, and his antics serve to show how his family and friends love him no matter what. It's a great show with a lot of heart, and I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a fun situational comedy, as well as fans of Bo Burnham such as myself. 10/10
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fimleikastjarna6 May 2021
Wonderful show. If you are a fan of Bo Burnham's material, then you know what to expect. A great, well thought out idea, expertly executed that will have you laughing one moment and feel sad the next. Witty, funny and still full of emotion and meaning. There isn't really anything like this show out there. Well done, well done! Even if this show was made 8 years ago, it is still just as relevant. If not more so.
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One of the best comedies I've ever seen.
xxsarahcaroline18 September 2021
When I looked up Zach Stone (after falling in love with Inside, of course) I saw nothing but glowing reviews. Seriously. Amazon was overflowing with 5-star reviews.

When I watched the show, I found out why.

Zach Stone is one of the funniest TV shows I've ever seen. It's The Office's ADHD child. The stripped down nature of the show makes it feel intimate, like you really are watching this kid make his own TV show and annoy his family to death. And then he makes mistakes that feel all too human and relatable.

One minute, Zach is rapping at a funeral and making you laugh while cringing into your seat, the next minute he's doing a hysterical impression of Gordon Ramsey. The jokes in the show are as hyper as Zach himself, flying at you a mile a minute. You'll be cracking up over what just happened, while trying to keep up with the punch line of the following joke, only to end up dying over the next joke. This show doesn't hold your hand either. It throws media references at you, occasionally dropping an introspective comment on whatever celebrity fad Zach is trying out today, then hitting you with a Justin Bieber joke for viewers that might not get the deeper humor. And there is plenty of easy humor. If you just want to have a good time, Zach's got you covered. If you want to think a little deeper, Zach's got that too.

A show this funny has no right to make me cry as much as it did. Which is why Zach Stone fits perfectly into the body of Bo Burnham's work. To loosely quote Bo, he likes to point out how stupid comedy is while making you laugh and pulling on your heart strings. (A very simplified, Bo-like way of describing the emotional power of his comedy.) And in Zach stone, he has plenty to say in between the lines. Society tells Zach to go to college, but he rejects it in pursuit of his own happiness, even if he has no idea what he's doing. Zach's desire for fame seems foolish, but could it be he's figured out something the rest of us haven't? Then there's the added layer of how meta it is. As far as I've read, Bo chose to perform stand-up instead of go to college, and a few years later he wrote a show about Zach who's so determined to become famous that he skips out on college to do so. So is Bo making fun of himself? No idea, but I love trying to figure it out.

It seems like a show that's actually about Bo's life, right? Except it's not. Bo is not playing himself here, or acting in his stage persona. He's playing a wildly different character than himself, a kid with ridiculous energy who's simultaneously the most annoying teen you know and a spotless ray of sunshine.

This show also achieves the rare feat of having a strong narrative with a beginning, middle, and end. It's an actual story with an actual ending. You'll leave the last episode totally satisfied (and then fall into a depression that there isn't more because MTV was too dumb to see the magic happening right in front of them.)

For anyone wondering about the adult content, the show's humor is fairly edgy but curses are bleeped out. Episode 4 leans towards an R rating but the rest of the show is comfortably PG-13.

I'm glad this show exists. Hopefully you'll feel that way too.
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MuSiC TeLiViSiOn... O_o Should have renewed
curiousgeorgiapeach21 June 2021
A delightful documentary of the classic coming of age tale in the modern digital world. The stars aligned, it's happening. Zachery Stone is making his way down town, walking fast as the faces pass. He's homebound.

MTV just stuck their hards in a family size jug of original Country Crock imitation butter spread and let this gem slip through their fat sausage fingers. But for MTV to have the foresight to recognize a future classic would be so off brand. The same channel that brings you Real World vs Road Rules found their niche already. That niche is making trash garbage television and then hitting the recycle button for the next 20 years. I said what I said.

This show deserves better than MTV/10.
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frigen wow this is great :D
Soltye21 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely give out perfect 10s but i really love this. Its relatable, sad, funny, and it doesnt have a happy ending which i loVE. I love how it does that things where its like YAY HE GOT FAMOUS HAPPY ENDING but then the last shot is the girl he loves realizing its actually a bad thing that hes famous. Love it :)
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zach stone is ahead of its time
humilityshow2 December 2022
Zach stone combines the cliches of teenage drama tropes with a striking hyper-awareness of the desire to be seen. Almost seamlessly we see both Zach's narcissistic aspirations and self-conscious growing pains play out before his hired camera crew. The series uniquely comments on reality television, media consumption, pining for digital immortality, and the wavering fear of growing up.

While I wish there was more to watch the series wrapped itself up perfectly, leaving the viewers with the autonomy to determine the future of our Zach Stone. Definitely worth the second watch, and if you haven't already, give it a try.
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3.5 Stars out of 5 Stars
ajneeago968 August 2022
Bo Burham making a MTV scripted show actually good? How is this possible? Have I just haven't looked more into MTV's filmography? Anyways who cares. This show was great. In this show, you have a character named Zach Stone film himself trying to become a reality tv personality, with each episode focusing on a new "career path". The squishy love-y dove-y aspect of the show was kinda boring, but man does Bo Burham make funny and energetic material. It's definitely mild compared to other Bo Burham-related media, but I definitely recommend it to fellow Bo Burham fans.
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Awesome show
LasBroski16 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The show was done really well, Bo Burnham really did a good job as his role, the humor was awesome, with only twelve episodes it made me laugh 38 times (yes I counted). I would recommend it and I have to all my friends and they didn't watch it but I still recommended it to them. My favorite episode was "Zach Stone Is Gonna Make A Sex-Tape" and my favorite scene of the entire series was where Zach watched porn on his brother's IPad. My main problem was that there is only one season, it really had potential, I really think the show would have been better with four or five seasons, but whatever, I enjoy what I have. 10/10 Show, would watch again.
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Good in some aspects, bad in others
Mike-DD7 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
View seem to be polarised over how good or bad this show is. I think it is a mixture of both. Talking about growing pains is nothing new, even a reality TV show about it is nothing really new. How it is done here - Bo as Zach hiring his own crew to make himself famous - that is new and what makes this show fun. I especially like how every single episode has a different opening song-and-"dance" title scene depending on the theme of the episode. That was uniquely done.

I find it sad though that a show with such potential repeats so much material from other shows. Sure, there's only so much you can do with growing pains, first loves, typical nerdy teen trying to break out situations, but the comedy lies in the execution. It could have been done so much better, instead of relying on clichés.

Maybe it's good that it only lasted a season. I would hate to see this descend into TV series hell - this way, many can still leave with somewhat positive impressions of the show.
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One of the best TV shows of all time
josephv-1323820 April 2023
Zach Stone is Gonna Be Famous is one of the best shows of all time. Bo Burnham combines his skills of writing, acting, and musical ability in a perfect mesh of hilarity, but also thoughtful emotional resonance.

The cast is amazing, with stellar performances from all the characters. The chemistry that exists between these characters is unmatched in terms of comedy, and it will legitimately make you LAUGH OUT LOUD.

Not only that, but the show contains SO MANY amazing quick jokes and one-liners, which adds a crucial value of rewatchability. Bo delivers some of his best jokes in this show, and if you are a fan of his, there is no question you will love Zach Stone.

In addition to the great acting, comedy, and romance, the show is surprisingly ahead of its time in terms of tackling themes of social media, fame, and performative culture. When watching Zach Stone, it's actually scary how much Bo seems to predict about the culture that was just starting to unfold back in 2013, and has now come into full fruition 10 years later.

Moreover, the show is very unique in the way that it is shot, consistently breaking the fourth wall, and using its mockumentary format for extremely interesting stylistic choices, that adds to both the comedy, and the narrative itself. It really makes the show unique, and I am not exaggerating when I say that it is truly one of a kind.

It's actually so good that every time I finish a watch through I'm genuinely sad that it's over. But I am glad that it is just the one season, because it is a perfect season, and therefore a perfect show. There is not ONE EPISODE that feels unnecessary to the natural arc of the show, and every single episode is actual comedy gold.

I would be thrilled if Bo ever made another season, such as a 10 years later reunion, but honestly, this show doesn't NEED any more content. I don't mean this lightly when I say that Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous is a bonafide MASTERPIECE!

If you have not watched this show yet, do yourself a big favor and check it out on Netflix (or on the Internet Archive if you don't have a subscription ;)
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Hadn't expected this
donnadaemen4 September 2023
Well i really like Bo Burnham, his shows and his songs. I were very obsessed with him around 2020 and uhm in that time i started watching everything of him. I started watching this series in 2020, i loved it i totally loved it!

I mean ofcourse i like Bo Burnham but i swear i'm always honest to myself about those things but this show just made me laugh felt relatable and were very intrestering to me!

It's about a boy who is different then other normal teens named Zach Stone and he wants to be famous and starts filming his life. Zach Stone is Bo Burnham by the way.

Zach Stone graduated from High School.
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Honestly, perfect.
callmeluna11 March 2024
I must preface this by saying I miiiight be a little biased - this is my biggest comfort show. But, I've had other comfort shows, and I didn't feel this highly about them! This show makes me feel so many things in a way no other piece of media has ever made me feel. This show, at it's core, is about the sadness and loneliness of a young adult named Zach Stone who just wants people to like him. On the outside, from the first episode, it seems like the show is just going to be about some crazy high school graduate who's obsessed with himself doing anything to get fame, but as you continue, you realize that really, Zach just wants people to like him, because he doesn't like himself. This sentiment resonates with myself and many other teens and young adults. This show is emotional and funny at the same time, and is possibly Bo's best work.
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The Return of Gleason and Knotts Characters
calhorn7 July 2013
It's nothing new, really. Just Don Knotts as Barney Fife brought up to date. Self-puffery leading to embarrassment over and over again, plus friends who will put up with you--even LIKE you--no matter how absurdly conceited and self-serving you are. Burnham is good in this, but, being so young, he may not have realized that old-timers will have seen this all before countless times. It was even a regular Jackie Gleason shtick on The Honeymooners.

My guess is that we will see more and better material from Burnham in the future, He's a clever stand-up with a very fertile mind. But the Zach Stone character is too hackneyed and the supporting characters here are both one-dimensional and given almost nothing to do but stare at the star. That kind of focus on a single character requires significantly more than we get from Burnham here. There are moments of fun and originality, and, of course, the cringe-inducing segments he's seeking can be found in every episode. But, in the end, I'd have to say this show was likely unsuccessful in getting the response it intended from its viewers, so it's unsurprising to me that it was not renewed.
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LOVE Bo Burnham, but...
evilherbivore13 May 2013
I have a 3-episode policy when it comes to new series before I decide to ditch it. I am a huge fan of Bo Burnham's comedy, so I was really looking forward to this series but so far I've been pretty disappointed. It's just painfully awkward and sad and cringe-inducing. The only likable characters are Zach's nerdy 2 best friends and the whole thing is just kind of boring and unfunny. Considering Burnham's level of comic genius outside this show, I'm a little confused as to how this pilot made it to series.

I'll definitely keep buying Bo's albums and show tickets, but I'm sad to say I don't think this series will make the 3 episode cut. Hoping the next show to come his way will be more on par with his talents.
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I can see why it only had one season
thesandman-886-1847219 January 2022
I can see why it only had one season this is beyond one of the most atrocity TV shows I've ever seen basically it stars Beau bur them a wannabe person who wants to be famous so desperately he does a mockery of reality TV show where a camera follows him around and he tries to become famous so desperately to be a music artist or whatever it's beyond stupid it is the dumbest idea I've ever heard no wonder it only had one season. I'm really glad that it only had one season because I can't take much more of this and I'm on the second episode good God help me there isn't enough weed to help me with this cancer.
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