Super Shark (2011) Poster


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For laughs only
MartianOctocretr528 May 2012
Pretty obvious the only reason to watch a movie titled "Supershark" on the SyFy channel is that you just need a good laugh. These knock-off movies of other stuff (in this case, Jaws) are the cable TV equivalent of the old Drive-in 2nd feature; made quickly and on the cheap, and it gives a few actors and tech people a chance to pay the rent.

Lead actress Sarah Lieving hopefully will get some better roles; she's definitely easy on the eyes, and not half-bad an actress, either (even with a ridiculous script like this). She plays a rogue scientist who got the boot for weird ideas, and now wants to find a big shark and yell at some big companies about being more green to the environment.

I love how the army sends about five guys to combat a monster killing people left and right: a captain and a few grunts. Their most powerful weapon is a tank designed to walk on feet. The director's idea of an army is not the only thing exposing the $99.99 budget; he also skimped on the FX, they're pretty much home PC grade CGI. The actors aren't given much guidance on what he wants them to do. It was humorous to see that the shark only ate dumb people that stood there on the beach waiting o get devoured. There's also a gabby DJ that talks to people on the radio as they're getting killed. Judging from how annoying he was, they may have been better off.

Utter nonsense, but good for a few laughs.
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Mindlessly bad, but entertaining
wjbishop26 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This thing has all the pieces. There is actually a plot of sorts, filled with evil oil companies, flying sharks, floppy breasts, flawed heroes, and walking tanks. The CGI is mind numbingly bad. There is very little dialog in this thing that is not stilted and cliché-ridden. More of the soldiers might have survived if they had Looked At The Water instead of each other. The shark even takes down an attack submarine and an F16. All in all this should suck, and on technical merit alone it rates about a 2. But a funny thing happened on the way to the TV screen. It somehow became entertaining, in an Ed Wood sort of way. It isn't quite Great Bad like Plan Nine or Killer Tomatoes, but it does seem to entertain; and isn't that what a SyFy movie on Saturday night is supposed to do?
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Another very low budget shark film
gary_ir229 December 2011
Another very low budget shark film, spectacularly poor animation as seems to be so popular in these movies recently. A movie along the same lines as 'Mega Shark' and the like. The animation is a problem I can accept in these low budget films, however a half reasonable storyline is something I cannot go without and i'm sorry but this film doesn't have one. The acting isn't bad, giving it the edge over its rival films. Therefore if you must watch one, make it this, however I would recommend you lift a good book (or a poor one for that matter) or get an early night. It would be a much more useful way to pass the time. You can thank me later.
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whoo-eee, what a stinker!
dmuel1 January 2012
Ahhhh….Supershark, it can fly, it can walk, it can swim! What do three horny lifeguards, a marine biologist and a loser beach bum in a cowboy hat have in common? They all have an encounter with Supershark in their destiny. Fred Olen Rey, a director with three decades of proved hits under his belt—like "Bikini Girls from the Lost Planet" or "Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers"—proves once again what he can do with a low budget, and it's not very much. This movie lacks everything that might interest you, good acting, good writing, good special effects; it is almost laughably bad, but not quite, in other words it's just bad bad. It does have one unique feature, as it gives us the answer to the question: "What ever happened to JJ "Dyn-O-Mite" Walker, former TV star from the series "Good Times"? Then again, some questions are better left unanswered, and Supershark is one film best left unseen.
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A Lot of Shark Action At Least
Michael_Elliott11 October 2016
Super Shark (2011)

** (out of 4)

Offshore drilling is to blame for a giant shark that gets set free and goes on killing rampage.

Fred Olen Ray directed this low-budget creature feature that's certainly not an Oscar-winner but then again the goal wasn't to win awards. Ray is an expert when it comes to these types of movies so he knows what his fans want and that's pretty much what he delivers. I mean, if you're willing to sit through a movie called SUPER SHARK then I'm sure you want to see a shark, correct? Well you're going to get plenty of shark action because the director gives us all sorts of action scenes and plenty of shark footage.

Yes, the CGI shark looks fake but then again all of these movies feature fake looking sharks but for the most part this one here looks good enough. There are plenty of scenes with the shark attacking people, jumping through the air and even crashing onto land. Just wait until the end when the shark does battle against a really fake looking tank. Tim Abell and Catherine Annette are good enough in their roles and for the most part the characters are entertaining.

Obviously SUPER SHARK isn't a masterpiece but for this type of movie it's entertaining enough to watch.
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Good enough
SanteeFats27 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is not as bad as a lot of the ratings indicate. The shark is not that will done for a CGI. Why John Schneider acted in this movie is a little beyond me. I sure hope he didn't need the money. I mean he does a good job but this movie is adequate at best. I thought that Gina Gershon was in the movie until I realized it was Sarah Lieving. She seems like a clone of Gershon too me. There is some nice scenery in this movie for both sides of the fence. The shark is a travesty of computer CGI. No shark no matter how evolved can leap on to dry land for prey and get back in to the water. Unfortunately this a typical, all be it better done, SyFy movie with out the really cheesy stuff. A shark big enough to sink a Navy sub by just bashing it, just doesn't exist, except for the SyFy cretins. I rated this a 5 because even with all the faults if was watchable.
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hilariously bad!
ThomasStone25 July 2012
Don't even try to take this film seriously, because it's obviously made for laughs. I saw it with some friends on a "b-movie night" and we laughed our asses off! The overly plastic animation of the shark, how it attacks and the clichés of the main characters almost getting it on with each other on screen, the bad acting (seriously, these "actors" are even worse than you in drama class), the way how the shark overcomes the attacks, etc etc.

Even the camera work could've been better, but this film is just another stick of hay on the postmodern pile where I'm looking for needles that don't have "property of Christopher Nolan" laser printed on them (although he barely touches Kubrick's genius, but that's another topic).

If you're a critic you will hate it, if you wanna see a movie for super laughs, get super shark.
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As bad as can be on land and the sea...
paul_haakonsen6 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
There are so many horrible shark movies available, one more laughable than the other, and "Super Shark" is right up there with those movies.

Lets just start off with the theme song for the movie, already there the red line cut in half and went spiraling downward fast. Just listen to the lyrics, it is so lame.

The story in "Super Shark" is as you've seen in many other similar movies. A massively over-sized shark has been released from somewhere far beneath the surface of the sea, where it has been trapped and been waiting to get released. Wait, let's back it up here, shall we? If the shark has been down there for countless centuries or more, how did it survive? What has it been eating? And if hibernating for thousands of years, how fat would it had been required to have been prior to hibernating? Once a movie uses this direction with something being released from underneath the surface of something, you know you are in for something bad.

As for the shark itself, well given the size of it, wouldn't it be requiring a massive food source? Why not prey on whales, big sharks and the like? No, it had to go for humans. Why? Well humans are capable of being scared and feeling terrorized, so that must be why this particularly shark turned to feeding on humans. And walking on land? Are you kidding me? That was such an epic fail on a grand level. A shark jumping around on dry land while eating people. Well, now I have seen that too. The scenes where you saw the shark swimming around in water were actually good enough, because the shark looked alright, but once it was on land, it was just a blemish to look at, what an eyesore.

The acting in "Super Shark" was actually good enough. It was as to be expected of a movie of this particular type. No award-winning performances here, of course, but it wasn't as bad as in other low-budget movies.

The effects in the movie were laughable. I especially enjoyed the US army tank that was walking on four legs, like the AT-ATs from "Star Wars". That was just hilarious. It looked so bad. And to make matters worse, I totally keeled over laughing when it reared up and punched the super shark with its two front legs. That was just epic. Then it was knocked over, and apparently it was made in USA, because it took very little to make it explode. You know how vehicles have a tendency of blowing up almost from just having a door slammed too hard in Hollywood movies. That was just wonderful.

I managed to sit through the entire movie. Why? Well because it was so hilarious and so bad. It was so cheesy that it was actually worth sitting through. I wonder how the people that make these movies actually take themselves and their movie projects seriously. Surely this was meant as a spoof, and not an actual serious movie.

"Super Shark" was as bad as can be on land and the sea...
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Laughable bad
coflorida24 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I actually enjoyed this crap-fest I didn't expect to take a movie called.."super shark" seriously to begin with.... I found myself laughing at it being so funny bad....

Two String bikini chicks getting pics taken one grabs an umbrella to fight the shark.. Two army men with military guns.... face the shark then runs away... LOL

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TheLittleSongbird4 April 2012
Unfortunately for this movie, I am calling it jaw-droppingly bad. I did my best to keep an open mind, as I could tell from the title that the film was not necessarily going to be good but had the potential to be a guilty pleasure. That is if they had tried putting effort into components like the story, script, characters and effects. Every single of those are done abysmally here in my opinion. Super Shark is a very poorly made movie, with effects looking so fake that I got the sense they were rushed through in construction. Even the editing manages to have a choppy feel to it. The music is a little better, but there is nothing outstanding about it either and it could have been more atmospherically used, to me it felt too obvious at times. The script doesn't feel natural whatsoever, it all feels very cheesy and stilted, while the story is ridiculous, suspense-less and completely unsurprising, complete with a pointless romance that is in danger of slowing Super Shark down. The characters I didn't give a tuppence about, they are little more than walking clichés that don't do much other than acting foolish. The shark of the title is cheap in look and not menacing at all, while the attack scenes are choppily edited, unintentionally funny and as far away as thrilling or scary as you can go. Of the acting, Sarah Lieving is the only one who looks as though she is trying, all the others look bored. Overall, jaw-droppingly awful. 1/10 Bethany Cox
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Laughably Bad
greekmuse26 May 2012
Another reviewer said it was not quite "laughably bad", just "bad bad". I disagree. It's so bad that it became a comedy, although admittedly that was not the intention of the writer or director.

I also want to add that after seeing this movie, whenever you think low budget, this movie will forever be IT.

Despite the horrendous acting from most, Sara Lieving and John Schneider actually do a good job. I am just kidding. The best actor is the shark.

So, the next time you can't find a good comedy, just look up the other work of this movie's writer and director.
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Timely relevant issues with top-quality execution.
trg630 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to offer some observations about Super Shark that hopefully give people a better appreciation of its merits by taking into consideration the circumstances associated with making this kind of movie.

Even though the main audience-appeal of the film intended by the people who created it might be the shark itself and the attractive girls in their bathing suits, there is nevertheless a genuinely important message the author is trying to get across. The greed of the oil company to get more oil to sell by drilling through rock and pumping dangerous chemicals into the water, with all the horrible consequences, is a sobering and timely issue.

These things really happen, real people suffer and die from them, and the damage they do to the ecosystem is serious enough that it's worthwhile for us to be reminded of it. There are political implications too. Just consider that at the close of the film, the oil man, now free to continue his greedy plans, quotes Sarah Palin saying 'drill, baby, dill.'

And to further compound the issue, even though the oil company is ultimately responsible for all the people the shark kills, they manage to successfully bribe the whistle-blower marine biologist to get her to drop her investigation. The fact that she's on a personal vendetta after the death of her brother and was let go by the bureau she worked for is a further complication similar to Bruce Wayne in the Batman movies becoming a vigilante after the death of his parents. If the audience can separate the real situation from the distraction of the girls in their bathing suits, they will see that there's actually something relevant and worthwhile going on here.

The constraints that come from the relatively low budget available for a made-for-TV film of this kind are unavoidable, and rather than condemn the people who actually created the film under these poor conditions, it would be worth it to commend them for how well they rolled up their sleeves and got to work to make the best of a less-than-ideal situation.

Since one of the major selling points of the film is the computer-generated visual effects, I think they deserve some comment as well. If you try to consider for a moment how a giant prehistoric shark would actually move on land, it pays to realize that since its musculature was designed to move freely in the water, all its movements on land would be awkward and unnatural. If you've seen footage of penguins swimming with so much speed, and graceful agility under water compared to the almost comical movements they make on land, you'll realize that the way the shark is depicted is actually excellent.

Also, there's a good chance that a tremendous amount of the things happening on the screen look so good the audience just takes for granted that they're real and never considers how skillfully they were created digitally. All the water splashes, water spray around the shark's fin, the v-shaped waves expanding out from the shark as he approaches and retreats, the complex curved shapes of light clinging to the body of the shark and submarine under the water, etc., are masterfully rendered by the FX team here.

Consider everything that happens to the oil rig, submarine, boats and planes that has to give the impression of tremendous weight and massive size. There are dozens of big budget movies that show in the theaters that don't achieve these things as well. Consider the solidity and reflectivity of the textures for the shark's skin and the hull of the tank. Taking into account the budget and time restrictions for this kind of film, the FX work is actually remarkably good. The ultimate compliment for CG work is when it doesn't get noticed at all. If you stop to think for a moment how many images in the film went by unquestioned as simply real, you'll have a better appreciation for what you're watching.

To sum up, I would encourage the audience to keep in mind that it's part of the nature of this kind of movie that the producers can't get the results they would get with a hundred-million-dollar budget and the amount of time that's spent on the huge blockbusters, but the result of their efforts is as good as it can be under these conditions, and a lot of the work here, in terms of both concept and execution, shows the same level of talent and dedication you get in the very best work on the big screen.
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So bad. it's good, but not excellent
gwynmoses19 July 2020
If this was released as a parody of shark films, or possibly a comedy, the scores would be much higher. Every character is a stereotype, from the sexy marine biologist, the boat owner in a stetson chewing a cigar, the army officer, submarine commander and of course the 3 life guards, chosen for the ability to look good in skimpy outfits (that goes for the male as well). All the actors are passable in this sort of low budget film and the special effects must have been made that bad on purpose to keep the audience engrossed. For a Sunday afternoon on SyFy channel when the alternative is an old Columbo, it's exactly what you want. Yes, the story is pretty much a copy of Jaws, the science pure hokum and all suspense is absent, but it's great fun trying to predict who and when someone will get chomped for shark dinner.
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Bad Movie Becomes Insufferable With Its "Message"
pandax-13-8145152 June 2012
I watched this knowing it was going to be bad. A giant shark that flies, swims and walks on land and fights a walking tank what else would you expect? What I was hoping was for something to laugh at. Instead what I got was a bad movie trying to lecture me about the evils of oil companies and even throw in a mean spirited dig at Sara Palin. My question to the makers of this claptrap is did you use wind or solar powered equipment to make this? If not then you were powered by oil you so despise. The only appreciation I can have is the irony of a bad movie that only accomplished wasting energy in being made. This movie crossed the line from bad to insufferable.
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It's very unusual to see such a bad movie released in 2011...
james_tabang2 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this movie in Cinemax, I waited for the credits to see the year it was released: "MMXXI". It couldn't be 2011, I thought, it might be 1991, but XXI is 11. I had wanted to believe that this movie wasn't made in 2011 (by the US), but now I see.

It looks like a low-budget film. The shark's graphics look horrible. Even the movement of the waves when the shark was swimming near the boat appears unnatural. And so with the sand falling off the robot-tank's legs, and the blood spatters when the shark eats a person. The story is not that exciting too, and the outcome is quite predictable. Perhaps this film was to somewhat "relive" the 1970s Jaws atmosphere, since the hairdos of the cast were quite old-fashioned. Were the movie personnel trying to limit also their technology?

Perhaps there will always be low-budget films such as these even up to these days. With many great movies released in the past years, it's just unusual to see such a movie being released to the public, especially at this time of high innovation and technology.
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Perfect for the amateur MST3K'er
moethebartender-111 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Only minor spoilers; I won't reveal any major plot points...

This movie is absolute heaven for those of you who like to get together with friends and poke fun at the nonstop unintentional hilarity. I give this movie two stars despite the fact that my viewing experience was quite enjoyable, as my friends and I laughed hysterically at each other's snarky comments. If you know anything about sharks, or if you just remember what you learned in high school biology, it's even more hilarious. (Oh, I forgot, it's a SUPER shark...) To summarize your typical attack: A couple of stereotypical beach types, usually scantily-clad young women of questionable repute, stand around on the beach engaging in banal conversation ... and the shark JUMPS on the beach and CHEWS his victims! And doesn't even use his teeth! Maybe he chews with his uvula? As an added bonus, you get to see Jimmie Walker. Yes, Jimmie Walker, as in "Dy- no-mite!" And he actually uses this line several times!
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Jaw droppingly bad
slightlymad2225 September 2014
An offshore drilling accident releases a giant shark. When the shark flies and walks on land threatening to kill all in it's path, marine biologist Kat Carmichael arrives to destroy the shark and save beach-goers. Her attempts at saving the day are not helped by the bad guy suit and his flunky, who are only interested in money. With time running out for bikini modelling contestants, and beach loving humans in general, Carmichael must recruit help to destroy the superb shark.

I thought I'd scrapped the bottom of the barrel of awfulness watching 'Sharknado' and it's sequel 'Sharknado 2: The Second One' but at least they were tongue in cheek, with there ridiculousness. Alongside 'Jaws 3' and 'Jaws 4: The Revenge' SuperShark actually seems to be taking itself seriously, at that's it's problem..

2/10 1 point for pretty girls in bikinis (yes really) and 1 point for the effort of making a movie about making a movie about a super shark that can fly and walk on land
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Super-funky, Super-killing, Super-flying, Super-walking - SUPER SHARK!
one9eighty30 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another film in the B-movie killer shark genre which seems to be so popular at the moment, and is littered all over channels like Sy- Fy and the Horror channel. This is super low budget and at times cringe worthy bordering on hysterically stupid.

A drilling platform uses less than legal means to get through the hardest type of rock they have ever encountered, as they breach the rock they inadvertently unleash a prehistorical killer which has been hibernating for thousands of years; Super shark. Super shark is bigger and badder the other ocean wildlife, and he can fly, and when required, he can walk on land (sort of). Super shark also emits a kind of radio wave which scrambles other radios - which is a good way of detecting if the shark is about to attack, but isn't good if you are trying to radio for help. Super shark starts it's mayhem by destroying the drilling rig where it was woken up and then heads off to attack the locals of a small beach town who happen to be building up to a bikini contest. Specialists in marine activity are called in and even the army, air force and marines are drafted in. Who will be victorious - the local populous or a prehistoric killer built for death and destruction.

A sense of cheese is established early with the theme song to accompany the film, a funky "Super shark" song which will stay with you longer than the film does. Despite the bikini clad women in the film there isn't really any overtly sexual or nude scenes in the film. The gore and violence is kept to a minimum and shouldn't scare anyone - hell it's bad CGI blood throughout and you never see anyone killed off in a gruesome way. Speaking of CGI, expect to see a lot, from Super shark itself, man made machinery, tanks, even death scenes. The acting was probably one of the better features of the film and separates it from other cheese-fest films. The acting was fairly authentic most of the time, but it still felt as though the cast were brought in from newspaper adds, maybe even soft-porn magazines too. This is a pretty dumb film and if you have the stomach for cheesy films then you will enjoy this without getting offended.

I'm giving this a 3 out of 10 because it was a bad film. I do like bad films and this one didn't stimulate me to turning it off, but I don't think I'd watch it again having witnessed it once. Enjoy!
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The Sharks of Hazard
wes-connors28 July 2013
The US military tries to keep a "Super-Shark" at bay, but our leading lady exclaims, "This isn't working!" The shark jumps around on dry land, threatening to eat everyone in sight. This turns out to be lifted from later in the story. One week earlier, an oil rig mishap seems to trigger the madness. Oceanic Investigation Bureau (OIB) marine biologist Sarah Lieving (as Kat Carmichael) suspects oily executive John Schneider (as Roger Wade) caused the shark growth with environmentally unfriendly chemicals...

Still sporting his wavy "Dukes of Hazzard" hair, Mr. Schneider notices Ms. Lieving is attractive. "If only I had a mustache to twirl," he says. Minus his southern accent, Schneider sounds a bit like Robert Wagner. Lieving hires "Blue Moon" skipper Tim Abel (as Chuck) to help her find the monster shark. He also notices Lieving is attractive. Schneider works for former "Dark Shadows" reverend Jerry Lacy (as Stewart). A bikini contest is moderated by "Good Times" jive-taking Jimmie "J.J." Walker (as Stevens). Not dynamite.

*** Super Shark (12/8/11) Fred Olen Ray ~ Sarah Lieving, John Schneider, Tim Abel, Jerry Lacy
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So bad
13Funbags14 July 2019
I was expecting the terrible story, bad acting and horrible effects but it's even worse than that. The majority of the movie is spent on characters that have nothing to do with the plot. Never see this movie.
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Your latest ludicrous giant shark movie
Leofwine_draca16 June 2016
SUPER SHARK is another nonsense B-movie monster flick that comes to us courtesy of the SyFy Channel. This one's directed by cheese specialist Fred Olen Ray, so you have some idea of what to expect from the quality: it's ridiculous, nonsensical, and barely hangs together as a proper movie.

The inspiration behind this one, as with so many, seems to be PIRANHA 3D, with the camera repeatedly ogling bikini babes and generally putting to the audience a kind of fun-loving, hedonistic lifestyle. Into this nonsense comes a prehistoric shark which has grown to gigantic proportions and seeks to wreak havoc on the local population. The efforts of the typically evil corporate villains only serve to increase the menace.

You know exactly what to expect from a film like SUPER SHARK, so here we go: bad acting across the board, terrible CGI effects, and a general lack of cohesion. This one's played out in a tongue-in-cheek fashion which at least gives it a mildly campy air. Still, the effects of the giant shark really are terrible, and this is slim pickings indeed for monster lovers.
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Why making such a movie?
nateghi-alireza11 October 2019
Actually I haven't watched this movie yet, but I've just watched the trailer and it's obvious that it's a bad really bad movie. When you make a movie as a producer, you are seeking for profit, I don't know how they want to make profit from such a movie. It's weird why people should spend their precious time to watch this!! When there are lots of beautiful movies about sharks with way better CGI. I searched IMDB and i found lots of these crappy movies about sharks. What is wrong with you guys?! I really don't understand the purpose of making this kinds of titles!!
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Fun and endearing killer shark film
kannibalcorpsegrinder20 March 2016
When an oil-drilling machine revives a prehistoric shark buried beneath the sea-floor and begins dining on surfers and residents of a small sea-side town, the locals and the military band together to stop it's rampage before it gets too dangerous.

Overall this was an uproariously cheesy and enjoyable effort that manages to contain a large amount that really works. The main element of this that works comes from a healthy cheese level throughout this one that has a lot of different elements to play within here. Starting off with the shark, the ability to make this thing far more dangerous with the ability to walk on land with a very specialized adaption that seems logical and nicely implemented into the overall design is rather nicely done and works quite well here, which is even worked into the film to provide numerous action scenes that are highly enjoyable, rousing and really entertaining. This allows for plenty of good times here with the usual assortment of both short and long scenes. The shorter attacks all come from the really enjoyable surprise ambushes throughout here, from the boat attack on the pleasure divers, the multiple beat-front attacks on the group along the beach an the small military attacks gobbling on the soldiers throughout the beach which manages to give this a really solid based here for some even better long attacks that have a lot of great points about it. The opening destruction of the oil rig that frees the shark is a lot of fun, the military attacks on the beach and out to sea in the submarine are a lot of cheesy action as they attempt to track it before engaging and bringing up the goodness here of the finale back on the beach where not only the shark walking around on land battling the walking tank that is amazingly cheesy in concept and execution. All of these elements here hold this up over the film's few problems. The main issue here comes from the film's rather flimsy science fiction here in regards to the physiology of the shark and it's behavior, which not only explains the ability to hop around on dry land for extended periods without needing to breathe air or the utterly laughable plot device of the radio crackling that doesn't really come off all that well. It just doesn't make any sense and isn't really features known to living realizes to transpose them into a creatures as this. As well, the film tends to run through the attacks quickly while letting the early parts featuring the back-story for a lot of the meat-fodder to be extended to really bring the film to a little lopsided pacing. Combine that with some atrocious CGI work, which looks fine in execution in most cases but because of the action required tends to give itself away, and it's a mildly- flawed and entertaining effort.

Rated R: Graphic Violence and Adult Language.
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If I only had a mustache to twirl..
warehousereviews23 September 2020
The theme song of SuperShark is one of the greatest you will ever here.. cant wait to find it on spotify. The shark kills were well done, the bikinis were well filled out, and the final fight was intense. Dy-y-y-y-y-y-ynoooomite!!
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You don't often battle a giant shark as a walking tank, but it's disappointing.
eminkl28 October 2019
One doesn't go into a quality work line B-movie expecting to see anything. Another goes into a B-movie that assumes comedic values from poor performance, which is mostly disappointing and not "so bad it's fine." Super Shark is about a giant prehistoric shark in a nameless town that causes havoc. When I say that more than half of this movie is filler, I'm not joking. This started when we first got introduced to our three main lifeguard characters and two of the same guy's female lifeguards. If you're curious what I'm going to tell you about this storyline. ABSOLUTELY GOT-DAM NOTHING. All three characters die in the film, adding nothing to it.Although one scene involving the two female lifeguards was funny when one of them shouted "I wish I'd die" and then the shark came from nowhere to eat both. The other line of plot is about a researcher trying to kill the sharks of prehistory. I found it hilarious that she convinces the oil tycoon by taking a lemon and squishing lemon juice in front of him that there is chemicals in the air. The ironic part is that he ordered it, which contributes to even more loading. It has a bikini contest that doesn't serve any purpose with the most gross host that isn't eaten sadly. Moments like these do not help to drive the story along, because the director had the gall to add the winners ' photo shoot sequence. A woman defends herself momentarily with a beach umbrella in that photo shoot scene, and Super Shark has trouble killing her, though he had no trouble sinking a whole oil tanker and taking an aircraft down. Which leaves nothing to talk about except the climax, trust me that the non-shark scenes are worth writing about. The climax involves going up against a walking tank with Super Shark, I was really looking forward to this. You're not a walking tank often fighting a giant shark, but it's disappointing. Moments like these don't help driving the story along as the director had the gall to add the photo shoot sequence of the winners. In that photo shooting scene, a woman defends herself momentarily with a beach umbrella, and Super Shark has trouble killing her, even though he had no trouble sinking a whole oil tanker and taking down an aircraft. That leaves nothing to explore except the climax, trust me that it is worth writing about the non-shark scenes. The climax is going up with Super Shark against a walking tank, I was really looking forward to that. You don't often battle a giant shark as a walking tank, but it's disappointing.
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