Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files (TV Series 2010–2012) Poster

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Wonderful Shlock
hardynathan14 April 2020
A group of straight unsuperstitious people set out to prove these supernatural/paranormal videos are fake. Simple premise - dumb but entertaining.

Unlike awful paranormal investigation shows this one tries to prove real "evidence" is fake as opposed to lolling in the dark for 50% of the episode and using the other 50% for an unfulfilling context dump. The show is best when they debunk it as quick as possible. Some of their attempts to replicate the footage can be dumbfounding, but hilarious.

Sometimes after failing to prove it is fake, they'll do a "paranormal investigation" from which they always get nothing from. Luckily it's heavily edited, unlike most boring ghost shows.

Nothing on TV? Put this on, it kills time effectively and it's quite addictive and engaging. Give it a go, don't expect much.
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A love/hate relationship with this show
fleetstreet26 April 2017
When this show first aired I think on SyFy Channel, I loved it.

Upon recently watching reruns on Destination America, I've come to realize that these people were trying way too hard to be the paranormal MythBusters.

It's OK, but not as amazing as I once thought.
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People stop being such haters. There's no reason to!
iaxiul9 April 2012
First of all, forget all you read before about this show in previous reviews.

This show is fun to watch, it tells you about videos/pictures/stories out there about the mysterious that you might not have heard before, and they go out there and investigate some of them.

I never really believe anything they come to conclusion because really, it could be ANYTHING, but it is definitely a very fun show to watch. I've seen both seasons out now (they are also up on Netflix) and honestly, if you like "the mysterious" stuff out there, you should sit and watch it.

At least it's genuinely entertaining instead of the Ghost Hunters crap and anything alike.

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Simply Excellent
billboykins7 August 2011
I'm at a loss. I really am. I've read the other reviews on this show and I have to remind myself that we are talking about the same program. I had just looked up the Josh Gates show 'Destination Truth' which, correctly, received applause and I had expected the same here. Fact or Faked is a hugely entertaining, well researched, comprehensive look at the paranormal, cryptozoology, Ufology and the general unexplained. The program looks at these phenomenon without bias and I love the fact that they never ridicule anything, everything is possible. For those of you who enjoy Bigfoot, Ghosts, Lake monsters, Aliens, Conspiracy theories or if you simply enjoy the very lovely Jael De Pardo, then Fact or Faked is an absolute must.
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One of the most educational programs for young film-makers on television.
mylucylumpkins27 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly love watching this show! I know that these people have nothing to credit themselves as experts of anything, and that the videos are faked, but that is the beauty of it. It is like watching a step-by-step video on how to recreate low-budget effects, and you can even see the end result in the film that they are "investigating." It had me trying all kinds of things that I had never thought of and realizing that most of the effects from the show that I did try to duplicate worked.

It is just sad to me that this show gets such harsh user reviews. What are you really expecting from the SyFy Channel? The saddest part of all is that this show is being compared to Ghost Hunters and other shows of "paranormal research," as if any of these shows are real. I do like the show for what it is, a flimsy SyFy piece of weekly entertainment. Anyone who is looking at SyFy for scientific evidence of anything is clearly a lunatic, not to mention unfamiliar with acronyms. The acronym Sci-Fi means Science Fiction, which, for those of you who still don't get it, means imaginary stories created with a scientific or technological subject matter.
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good 'reality' show, very interesting videos, interesting investigations..
woodsjasons12 October 2012
I love this show... I think my favorite part is the beginning when they all sit around look at all the videos they have found...

OK so they are not 'investigators' they are photographers and ex FBI agents and medics and show producers... but they share any expertise they do have when needed.. and the photographers are able to debunk a lot of film stuff that most normal viewers would not have any clue on how its done..

and what is an investigator anyways? an investigator can be anyone that wants answers...

THese guys have been able to recreate a lot of the videos they receive... even UFO sightings.. there have been a few cases they could not debunk.. most of them are usually on-site ghost investigations...

sometimes i do disagree with the investigations they do choose.. because some of the investigations are easy to explain.. and in season 3 it seemed like they started running out of ideas and stuff to investigate, that they have not investigated already...

but this is still a very fun show to watch.. from levitating girls to alien interrogations to mother-ships in the sky to ghostly images... this show has investigated it all...
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Interesting answers from your team
melmark-9922424 December 2020
I love all flavors of paranormal shows even yours providing insight if something might be fake!! You definately show how it could be fake but you can't prove it really is fake and your team doesn't say that! You can create what was seen and recorded but that only means that it is possible someone faked the whole thing! The thing I'm saying is it still could be paranormal/Alien!? Thank you for listening, Linda
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Time for SyFy to do better: Review of FoF pilot: "Burning Rubber/Hyperjump"
gdamerow21 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This show is exhibit "A" when it comes to the pitfalls/temptations of producing what has come to be known as "reality TV."

While appearing to be the real, impartial and open minded judges of the paranormal, the show caves into the temptation to create artificial drama through the use of spooky music, bad infrared camera work, biased editing of their OWN footage, bad acting by their "investigators" and outright distortion of what they see and experience.

Since they quite skillfully and rationally explained what happened to the "ghost car" in the first half of the show, and clearly demonstrated that the simplest and best explanation was that the car simply and un- paranormally passed under a loose chain link fence, they then, halfway through the show realized that they had risked making the show look too skeptical.

It meant that in the second half they HAD to somehow keep those who believe in UFOs and the paranormal interested by concluding that what they saw in Arizona was something strange and, "unexplainable" when they saw "bright lights" and bright fast moving objects on the IR scope over the skies of Luke Air Force Base!

Come on people! Lift a finger to use your search engine! Look up "Luke AFB" and what do you discover? Luke AFB trains pilots to fly the F-16. Have you never seen an F-16 light up the night with shock diamonds from it's afterburner, execute a sudden reverse turn and move at Mach 1+ at low altitude?! True UFO investigators even the true believers ought to be insulted by such shoddy evaluation and reporting. (Oh yeah. I forgot this is, "reality TV!")

I think SyFy should do two things, First: Immediately apologize to/and or hire as consultants, the parents of the, "UFO balloon boy" to improve FoF's quality. (A sarcasm) Secondly (seriously) I will make a bold suggestion: Be truthful even when it may seem undramatic. The viewers will respect and love you for it.

Realize this: The guys over at Mythbusters may be a bit flamboyant and wacky but they do, in the end, allow the experiments and observations to fall or stand on their own, it is what makes such shows appealing.
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Best Show on Syfy since Ghost Hunters (The Original)
Slyth6629 July 2010
Seriously, I look forward to this show every week. The only thing that sucks is that it comes on after that GOD-AWFUL excuse for a reality show "Mary Knows Best". Just cancel that and make Fact or Faked 2 hours long. The investigators are very professional with their attempted debunking. What would make it even better is if they allow viewers to submit videos to be investigated instead of choosing them themselves. The characters are easily relatable and do not add in any additional drama. While some of the investigations may have some "scifi" aspects to them it does not fill the show. I would enjoy it even more without all the "paranormal experiences" and just the debunking of viral videos. All in all, this is a wonderful way to spend a Thursday night.
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most annoying show I'll actually watch
dontbesojumpy5 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This show is annoying. I admit I'm a sucker for paranormal type things—but I have to say I'm more of a skeptic due to, you know, my ability to be a critical thinker.

But this show drives me nuts. It is by far the worst program I am actually willing to watch. I enjoy it because they present a lot of videos I haven't seen. I despise, however, the extremely overstated "objectivity" or "scientific approach" to their bunking/debunking process. There is no objectivity or science here whatsoever.

In short, these people are either idiots or pretend to be. The first really annoying attribute of the show is the video presentation at the beginning. No matter how professional these people pretend to be, they always over-react to every video. "OH MY GOD!!!" or "THAT IS SO CREEPY!!" Usually, these melodramatic reactions are followed by a sensible explanation of why the video is fake by the same person who just freaked out, which means they are basically admitted their reaction was fake. For ex FBI agents and other "professionals," they sure lack any decorum.

The next most annoying thing about the show is the format. First, they tell you what they plan to do, then they set up the experiment, then they explain what they just did, then pretend like they are going to perform the experiment—but dramatic cliffhanger! Cut to commercial. Come back from commercial, explain what they JUST DID AGAIN, lead up to the actual result—ANOTHER CLIFFHANGER! Cut to external shot of the home-base, cut to interior, REHASH YET AGAIN the whole case, re-explain their methodology, the set up for the experiment for (if you're following along) the fourth time without disclosing results, and finally show the result.

My point is they stretch maybe 3 minutes of actual content out over 20 minutes. Perhaps they should just make the show a half-hour affair and cut the b.s.

Next, the methodology for how they bunk/debunk each case is ludicrous in both directions. Confirming something as unexplained is often just as stupid and over-sighted as their method for "proving" something is fake.

Basically they simply try to replicate the video, often using hare-brained or extremely overly complex method. In every case, the method of re-creation is limited to a handful of more-often-than-not inadequate or completely off in the wrong direction ideas. This is where the "we're either idiots or pretending" part comes in—keep in mind these are the people who confirmed a ghost video as "probably paranormal" when it was, in reality, A SPIDER ON A WEB. In every ghost video case, they can find easy explanations for each video (unless it's a spider on web, which totally eludes them) but in spite of the fact they can explain away the video as natural, they run a series of dubious and unscientific "tests" and do "night investigations" of the "haunted facilities" and always find something "probably paranormal." Usually this evidence is something along the lines of their camera monitors flickering off or batteries dying or a reflection on a wall from a de-silvered mirror giving a pareidolic effect.

Apparently, ghost hunting electronics are extraordinarily unreliable. At any rate, the failure of properly working electronics might be odd but does not a ghost make.

What makes their claims more dubious is they get accounts from "witnesses" about which part of the facility is "most haunted" and are told things to look for, specifically—in which cases they nearly always find "something."

I am convinced I could take these loons to a place that has never had a single report of anything weird happening—tell them specifics about how haunted said place is (someone died in this bathroom and you can see them in the mirror, this 5th step leading up to the attic is haunted, etc) and they will, without fail, manifest some "evidence" of my claims.

Nothing they have found has been conclusive. Nothing they have found has even been hard to explain in at least ten simple natural ways. Occam's razor doesn't apply to these people.

The method of debunking something requires them either being able to replicate or fail to replicate a video. Basically they can replicate nearly everything (which is why this isn't a very good methodology). Even if you CAN replicate something, it doesn't mean it was faked. If you show a video of someone actually dying, anyone can replicate it using special effects or make up. That doesn't make the first fake.

In short, this show is just wrong in every direction. It's fun, and I watch it, but I have to be careful—my doctor says if I roll my eyes any harder I'll go into epileptic seizures.
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Science Comes to the Supernatural!
shduorganization20 April 2020
I have loved this show since I was a small child and as a person who's always been interested in the paranormal, this was right up my alley. The show doesn't have the traditional format of most ghost hunting shows or Bigfoot investigations. It centers on a team of filmmakers, photographers, and journalists who seek to debunk supposed paranormal videos. The topics range from ghosts to aliens to the lizard man.

I've heard many times that the show is like a mystical Mythbusters (another one of my favorite shows), I agree with this sentiment.

At some points the show does feel staged and like the hosts are very clearly talking to the camera and have a script but the experimentation is legit and lends credibility to the people behind the show. The team has a sort of familial dynamic that makes them feel real and relatable.

Some of the investigations do even in inconclusive evidence, and I wish that the episodes were longer so they could explore more explanations and really get to the bottom of it. Sometimes it just feels like there's not enough time to cover every possible explanation.

Overall, this show is a must watch for anybody interested in the supernatural and tired of clearly faked ghost hunting shows. It's a shame that it was canceled because this was one of the best shows for the common skeptic to be introduced to the weird world of the paranormal.
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HeadMMoid18 July 2010
After viewing the first episode, I was sorely disappointed. Despite all the hype, there was precious little science, limited expertise, and no common sense in the evaluations. While one investigation was well done (Ghost Car), the rest were simply not worth the effort to have filmed.

The final "lights in the Arizona sky" segment killed any suggestion that the show intends to seriously address strange phenomena caught on videos. Anyone with any experience with military aviation could tell that the "unknown" lights were flares (sorry UFO fanatics – there may be something in the Arizona sky, but that wasn't it). This obvious explanation was never addressed by the "investigators", having apparently been dismissed because the person who took the video claimed that he had checked with the local Air Force base, and no aircraft were in the air when the video was made. Where was the confirmation? Why wasn't an effort made to recreate this important possibility? My guess is cost and an unwillingness to confirm the obvious. The (apparently) one night of investigation filming the area did record an interesting effect, but did nothing to prove or disprove the original video; all it did was create another video which needs further investigation. Saying that something odd is happening in the sky over Arizona doesn't answer the question, although the cast clearly thought they had done so.

Like too many of the paranormal related shows, this one also seems to want to find the paranormal more than it wants to provide accurate results. Granted, disproof doesn't get good ratings, but don't bill the show for what it is not. I for one won't waste time watching this in the future.
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Best Sci-Fi Truth show !!
eng-bmoradi17 December 2010
this show is amazing ! some of my friends keep saying its awful and one of them said: these actors from fact or faked paranormal files cant have a real job in real world !! dude ! this is the real world ! in real world you are just keep saying they cant have a job and on other side those guys are developing their own TV show ! i mean if you can do that too bring it on ! everyone would love to watch your Sci-fi TV show ! the thing about this show is they are not saying this video or picture is a complete fake ! they're just saying a man can design that so the chance that it could be fact is not much ! in this world we live in , they are many people claiming that they keep seeing paranormal things and they filmed a paranormal thing with their camera and they just want to buy them self(s) some popularity ! . after all this show is just great and can really prove a paranormal video could be easily faked . prepare yourself to know the TRUTH !
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Entertainment and not Science
ward_ku11 November 2010
The big flaw with this show is that they claim these people are "experts" but in reality are 30 something actors who probably couldn't get a REAL job in the REAL world. They come across as rather cloddish when evaluating the so called phenomena and part of me thinks they are in collusion with Scyfy in promoting Ghost Hunters just like Destination Truth does. I really hope they aren't this anserine in real life, but my God! A prime example is when they are set to debunk the ghost footage and parade around as skeptics until we are forced to accept that they just can't replicate the original footage and therefore have to believe that something is actually, really and genuinely haunted...GASP! Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't skeptics really scientists who believe in the scientific method to prove that something is not what it seems? Never in my life would a real skeptic decide that something is haunted because they can't collectively agree that they can't replicate the same effect on film. From the episodes that I've seen, they did a great job in replicating the ghostly apparitions, but yet we are somehow forced to reject their findings and embrace their flimsy conclusion that something is haunted based on their beliefs alone?! Belief that something is haunted is just that, a belief and should not be an option in a scientific investigation. That being said this show never does claim to be scientific in nature and this automatically places it in the entertainment category. Don't get me wrong, what they investigate is fascinating, but in the end we the audience need to be entertained so queue the dramatic commercial break cliff hangers and eerie sound effects. So in all, if you want to be entertained then this show is for you. If you are looking for a valid scientific program that is set out to debunk the paranormal, then look elsewhere this show is not for you.
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Enjoyable and Entertaining
electronicparty15 August 2011
All I ask is to be entertained and this show does that for me. The investigators are my age (30ish) and they are stylish and every day peers I might meet at the local Starbucks. I don't expect it to be 100% scientific or void of dramatic effects. The show has proved many viral videos to be easily faked. In the beginning segment of the show, each investigator presents a viral video and most often it's quickly exposed as a hoax. If it's not quickly exposed as a hoax they all vote whether or not to investigate it further. The team divides in half and each team half investigates one of the chosen paranormal occurrences. It's kind of a hip version of Ghost Hunters and Myth Busters. It's a decent show and doesn't deserve the negative feedback from the crusty old geezers.
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"silly pseudoscience"
vanguard592 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers

I was dreading reviewing this show, but I have to put my foot down at some point!

What bothers me the most is that too much is being passed off as paranormal or unexplained , because it did not pass their feeble attempts at an explanatory experiment.

These kids, really can not have any experience in scientific research. I know they were selected to fit the demographics of the "SyFy Channel" profiled viewers, but. they cannot design a decent experiment. I do not wish to be unkind but the facts speak for themselves. What are their credentials in science, please?

I majored in Chemistry with a minor in physics. We had to design experiments constantly. It has to fit proper protocol,(like "Mythbusters"). One can make a show that is entertaining and informative--if one just tries. I have hemorrhoids that are older than this cast of researchers.

It seems all you want is a nation of non thinkers who worship pseudoscience and if they "hear a bump in the night", well it must be 1. an alien 2. a ghost 3. paranormal spirit vortex 4. Nessi (Loch Ness) creature especially in NYC. 5. raccoon on the roof ===never!

One more point ,the pacing on the show accounts for too much down time pick it up a bit, since you are not really doing anything except talking on your radios.
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Loch Ness
gbrodt26 June 2013
I just watch your 2010 show of the Lock Ness Monster in Raystown Pa. Well that is Champ.

I comes in from the Atlantic Ocean and travels down Lake Champlain every year, So if you think its fake go to Port Henry and ask around, They even have stores that sell stuff of it. It has been spotted on the New York and Vermont side every spring early morning when the fog is lifting from the lake.

I know these things are hard to believe but it has been seen by hundreds of people, just have to be at the right place at the right time.
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The Program that Outed Itself
Fern8919 August 2010
This so-called investigative program is as silly as Ghosthunters International. We're introduced to supposed experts who will prove or disprove the existence of Paranormal events. Nice premise.

Geez....where to begin?? Oh yeah, today's program. They went to some lake to investigate a photo taken of a Loch-Ness type monster. To do this they made a lame attempt to make their own floating monster. Now, we all know that even in the early 1900's a man was able to make a "Nessie" that floated, and take a seemingly believable photo. But these people could not replicate it?? They end that segment by saying they believe there's a monster there, MAINLY based on the people who made statements to that effect.

In the same hour, their photo expert could not duplicate taking a photo in a particular house and having "ghost writing" on it. Even though they themselves could not take ghost writing photos in the same house, they still lame-brained out and said they couldn't disprove it.

Save yourself a lot of time and frustration. Play a DVD or watch something else when this program is on. The only sure bet is you'll have lots of time to wash dishes, get a snack or do anything but watch this boring show and whatever dumb sponsors they can hook for the hour.
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Believe in ghosts, Bigfoot, or strange sightings, maybe we will prove you wrong!
blanbrn30 May 2012
So far from watching this series I see that this team of supposed experts do their best to prove wrong paranormal sightings as they show they are faked or just a plain hoax. Still I for one am thrilled when I see a creature or Bigfoot video I for one hope that they exist, still it's nice to see how a team can come together and prove many of these video works of sighting footage to be wrong. Always the team goes on a hypothesis and the best experiments are conducted. You name it the team of six experts will go to many measures to try a case no matter if it means using weapons, dressing as a creature or using fake wind blowing this team will show it. Lead by Ben an ex FBI agent he gathers the clues, while Jael the journalist collects information and background story on the sighting and add Devin and Austin for their tech and stunt work rounds out a fine team to disapprove an occurrence. And Bill the science guy always has the right answer, and the biggest eye candy treat is seeing the photographer of the team the cute and sexy erotic and exotic Lanisha Cole! Overall interesting series of debate and mystery true it's your call as to if these guys are right or wrong still this series is a good watch for mystery and paranormal fans of the unknown.
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Ridiculous show
garno-795-3399153 February 2011
I am a big fan of this type shows, especially Ghost Hunters has been a great pleasure to watch.

I was pleasantly surprised that there had come another show which, from description, trailers, etc. seemed very interesting. But what a disappointment! This show is without doubt one of the worst I've ever seen.

There is absolutely nothing scientific about their methods of investigation, or any kind of thorough investigation of videos, pictures, etc. Moreover, some of the cases they investigate have already been scientifically confirmed as natural occurrences.

Use your time on something else instead of this ridiculous show...
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disappointing pseudoscientific nonsense
bdwilneralex2 April 2013
"Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" is nothing more than an ultra-cheap ripoff of "UFO Hunters." The salient difference is that the ultra-youthful cast of "Fact or Faked" has zero scientific background whatsoever. They collect the cheesiest videos from here or there; set out to "prove" or "debunk" things based upon the most ill-conceived notion of the scientific method, indeed, of science in general; pepper the audience with nonsensical, high-falutin'-sounding nonsense such as, "Come on, guys, let's examinate this rocketological conburblification," and cannot-do-without exhortatives, such as, "Let's go green, guys!" (I think the kindergartners behave basically the same way on "Sid the Science Kid.") The kids are ignorant, annoying, unscientific, and a slap in the face to any viewer whose education extends beyond junior high school.
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Horrible TV
raysychu7 April 2011
First off, all of these paranormal reality shows is really just plain entertainment! It's just suppose to satisfy our cravings for strange/spiritual interest! I tried several times to watch this show, but it's just horrible! Destination Truth is stupid also, but at least Josh and the "cast" had chemistry that makes it fun to watch! I stopped watching Ghost Hunters because there is just not enough real believable evidence to warrant the time. All of these "actors" are just plain annoying! For god sakes, change the horrible sound track! Over using dramatic music does not make a bad show more exciting!!! The opening sequence is just plain stupid! Like it's suppose to make us really believe they are really discussing the validity of each ideas! Really!
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could go on for hours on hour terrible this is
joelreitzloff19 September 2012
yet another stupid show, like destination truth and one or two others i forget the names of, making a terrible name for the very real phenomenon of UFOs and ETs. please don't base your judgement of it on shows like this.

this show is so dumb.

stay away

yet another stupid show, like destination truth and one or two others i forget the names of, making a terrible name for the very real phenomenon of UFOs and ETs. please don't base your judgement of it on shows like this.
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An incredibly stupid show for incredibly gullible people
scootervanneuter3 March 2015
This reeking pile of pseudo-investigative claptrap is what happens when network shirts come together in an alcohol-fueled attempt to combine The Hardy Boys, the supernatural, and Mythbusters.

Here's the concept: A wholesome collection of youthful and attractive "investigators" band together to review videos of supernatural events, choose the most compelling, then go replicate them in order to verify or discount them. I'm guessing there must be several semis full of everything from blimps to dynamite following these Glee rejects around the country, as these kids whip up the most elaborate and complicated experiments on the spot to replicate the events ("Here, let me set up this 1/8th scale model of the house and surrounding countryside that I just built, and we'll blast it with this array of military lasers!!!).

Plenty of dopey dialog and bad acting combined with lame "scientific" experiments make for an IQ-killing viewing experience. After 10 minutes, I was praying for some malevolent spirit to murder all of these mouth- breathers, preferably in slow motion.

Stupid and unbelievable.
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davidgsperry14 July 2021
It's obvious they spend a lot of money producing this show. My question is...why?! These experiments and theories are rediculous. The only slightly interesting thing about this program are the photos/videos they try to debunk.
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