The Hive (2023) Poster


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The frozen dinner of film
markfirman13 November 2023
Ah, 'The Hive' - a cinematic marvel of 2023, where mediocrity blossoms like a rare flower in the desert of modern filmmaking. This film, daring to score a solid 4 out of 10, is an ambitious tale that almost manages to be as interesting as watching paint dry, but not quite.

First, let's applaud the creators for their innovative plot, which feels like it was masterfully stitched together from the cutting room floors of far superior films.

Visually, 'The Hive' is a feast for the eyes, assuming your eyes enjoy a bland palette of greys and browns. The special effects, which I assume were crafted by a team of enthusiastic high school students, add a charmingly amateurish touch to the film.

And the climax, oh, the climax-never have I seen a more anticlimactic end to a story. It was as if the writers suddenly remembered they had somewhere else to be and wrapped up the plot in the most hurried and haphazard way possible.

Amidst the sea of cinematic offerings in 2023, this movie emerged with a glimmer of potential, hinting at the possibility of being something truly special. The premise alone, intriguing and full of promise, suggested a film that could have reshaped genre boundaries and delivered a memorable experience. Yet, as the final credits rolled, it became evident that this potential remained just that - a mere possibility. The movie was delivered without the finesse, depth, or innovation that its initial promise teased. It's like being promised a gourmet meal only to be served a reheated frozen dinner. The film's execution lacked the spark and passion needed to transform its unique concept into a compelling reality, leaving me with a sense of what could have been, rather than what was.

In conclusion, this is a film that boldly challenges the very concept of entertainment. It's a must-watch for anyone who enjoys the thrill of being thoroughly underwhelmed. Four stars out of ten, because sometimes, even mediocrity deserves recognition.
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Not really worth the effort...
paul_haakonsen16 January 2024
Stumbling upon the 2023 movie "The Hive" by random chance here in 2024, I must admit that I opted to sit down and watch it without ever having heard about it. I liked the movie's cover, as it seemed interesting. And of course with it being a horror movie that I hadn't already seen, then I had to satisfy my craving for horror and watch it.

Writer and director Jared Allmond put together a script that might be entertaining if you are a newcomer to the thriller and horror genre. But I have been watching horror movies for about 40 years, so this was a mere walk in the park. And while it was a watchable enough movie, I found the narrative to be somewhat stale and slow paced.

Something that did work well in favor of the movie and the narrative, was the fact that the audience is kept in the dark by writer and director Jared Allmond. Now, that might be sort of a personal preference whether you like being totally in the dark or not.

The movie has a relatively small cast ensemble, but they managed to carry the movie well enough, as they put on good performances. I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in "The Hive" and that is something I do enjoy when I sit down to watch a movie.

"The Hive" proved to be a bit too uneventful and bland for my liking, and it was a bit of a struggle to sit through 86 minutes of a script that held no surprises or roller coaster ups and downs. Writer and director Jared Allmond set the course for a straight path and didn't as much as swerve or turn, and had made sure that there were no bumps along the path. And that made for a rather monotonous viewing experience.

And what was supposed to be a big reveal towards the end of the movie just had me outright laughing, because it was such a bizarre turn of events, and it just felt so incredibly ridiculous. Which leads us to the ending, which was, let's just say, anti-climatic to say the least.

My rating of "The Hive" lands on a very, very generous three out of ten stars. Ultimately, the movie's cover was actually the best thing about the ordeal.
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Not very good
syeqza7 November 2023
The gave the impression that it is a very budget movie, it's just like a sketch I regret watching it It's wasted so much time. I am now trying to remember something good in the movie to not appear just a mean person, but I really can't think of any thing even the kids they were talking about did not appear in the movie. There are only 5 characters running the whole movie, the idea is good, but the performance and application it does not present the idea in its best shape. I really hope a big company take the idea and create something better than this movie. It's a very bad experience I'm not gonna lie.
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bro a real rand movie dont watch wacth ur mom instead
atries-1016321 November 2023
It's not often that a horror movie comes along that leaves audiences questioning not just the plot, but their life choices in general. "The Hive" manages to achieve this feat, but not in the way the filmmakers intended. This so-called horror flick is more of a horror show, and not the kind you'd willingly pay money to see.

Let's start with the plot-or lack thereof. "The Hive" attempts to weave a narrative around a mysterious outbreak that turns people into mindless drones. It's as if the writers raided the reject pile of apocalyptic zombie movie scripts and decided to create a concoction of clichés that even the most forgiving horror aficionado would find hard to stomach. The story lacks any originality or depth, making it feel like a cheap knockoff of countless better films that have explored similar themes.

The characters in "The Hive" are as one-dimensional as they come. It's almost impressive how little effort was put into making them relatable or interesting. The protagonist, if you can even call them that, is a cookie-cutter, forgettable individual whose main purpose seems to be running from one poorly lit scene to another. The supporting cast, if you can call them that, might as well be cardboard cutouts with how much personality they bring to the table. As the film stumbles along, you'll find yourself caring more about your grocery list than the fate of these underdeveloped characters.

Now, let's talk about the cinematography-or lack thereof. "The Hive" seems to have a fetish for dimly lit corridors and shaky camera work that leaves the audience feeling disoriented for all the wrong reasons. If the intention was to create a sense of fear and suspense, the execution missed the mark entirely. Instead, it feels like the filmmakers simply forgot to pay the electricity bill on set, leaving viewers squinting at the screen in an attempt to decipher what's happening. The overuse of jump scares only serves to highlight the lack of genuine tension or atmosphere, turning what could have been a mildly entertaining horror romp into a predictable and tedious experience.

Special effects? Well, "The Hive" seems to have a budget that makes a high school play look like a Hollywood blockbuster. The makeup for the infected individuals looks like it was done by an amateur with a limited supply of red paint and a penchant for Halloween masks. The CGI is so laughably bad that it's hard to take any of the supposedly horrifying scenes seriously. At times, it feels like the film is trying to pay homage to the horror classics of the '80s, but instead, it comes across as a desperate attempt to cover up its lack of substance.

The soundtrack of "The Hive" is equally forgettable. If you've heard one generic horror movie score, you've heard them all. The film relies on the same tired tropes of screeching violins and sudden loud noises to trick the audience into feeling scared. It's a lazy and uninspired approach that adds nothing to the overall viewing experience.

Perhaps the most baffling aspect of "The Hive" is its pacing-or lack thereof. The film somehow manages to drag on and rush through scenes simultaneously, leaving viewers with a sense of temporal dissonance. At times, you'll be checking your watch, wondering if it's been hours since the movie started, only to realize it's barely been 30 minutes. The erratic pacing does little to build suspense or investment in the plot, and by the time the credits roll, you'll be left wondering why you wasted precious time on such a lackluster cinematic endeavor.

In conclusion, "The Hive" is a horror movie in name only. Its feeble attempt at crafting a compelling story, combined with lackluster characters, abysmal cinematography, subpar special effects, and a forgettable soundtrack, makes it a prime candidate for the "skip" button. Save yourself the agony and opt for a horror film that actually delivers on the promises of fear and entertainment. "The Hive" is a buzzkill of epic proportions that deserves to be swatted away from your watchlist.
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One of the worst movies I've ever seen
phantommullet-9243428 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a weird combination of laziness with money thrown at it. Based on the lighting and some of the cinematography, this production had more budget than the usual indie garbage. Having said that, I wish they had spent $50 on a tripod. Majority of this movie is shakey cam, which does not make thematic sense.

The actors are all bad. Really bad. Having said that, the characters are also awful. Nothing is likable here.

OK, let's get into it. Spoilers. An awful couple goes to the "opera" (I put that in quotes because you don't see it), has a flat tire for no reason, and then finds aliens in their house looking for something that doesn't exist, because the aliens are also stupid. Couldn't wait for this movie to end.
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Amaturist and Immature.
kingdomofshadows18 March 2024
This was a terrible contribution to the world of film.

It was monotonous to say the very least. It looked like it was. The narrative of this flick was non existent. It took boredom to its lowest level and the repetitious lines just seemed to pour out over and over again.

The budget for this filmmust have run into 40 or 50 dollars. You might as well have closed your eyes all through the film and just have used your imagination.

It was like a bad Montey Python meets Pepper Pig.

The acting couldn't really be judged fairly because there was no point in them trying to perform to what seemed to the film crew and absolutely nobody else. It was an awful flick.
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most recommended
elizabethnolan-413786 April 2024
The Hive" emerges as a beacon of terror in the vast landscape of horror cinema, delivering a spine-chilling narrative that will haunt viewers long after the credits roll. Directed with a deft hand and infused with a palpable sense of dread, this film immerses audiences in a nightmarish journey that transcends the confines of the genre.

At its core, "The Hive" is a gripping tale of survival against insurmountable odds. Set against the backdrop of a secluded cabin in the woods, the story follows a group of friends whose idyllic retreat takes a sinister turn when they unwittingly disturb an ancient hive buried beneath the forest floor. What begins as a weekend getaway soon descends into a harrowing fight for survival as the friends find themselves hunted by an unseen force that threatens to consume them all.
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totally good
nickjhonson-901356 April 2024
The Hive" apart from other horror films is its underlying themes and thought-provoking subtext. At its core, the film is a meditation on the nature of fear and the darkness that resides within us all, exploring complex themes of guilt, redemption, and the human capacity for evil. As the characters confront their own inner demons and grapple with the horrors of the hive, they are forced to confront uncomfortable truths about themselves and the world they inhabit, leading to moments of profound introspection and existential dread.

In conclusion, "The Hive" stands as a shining example of modern horror done right, offering audiences a thrilling and thought-provoking cinematic experience that lingers long after the credits roll. With its innovative storytelling, compelling characters, and atmospheric visuals, this film is sure to leave a lasting impression on even the most seasoned horror aficionados. If you're in the mood for a movie that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish, look no further than "The Hive."
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must watch
devidallen6 April 2024
What sets "The Hive" apart is its relentless pace and unrelenting sense of dread. From the opening moments to the heart-stopping climax, the tension builds steadily, keeping audiences on the edge of their seats and refusing to release its grip until the very end. Each scene is crafted with precision, drawing viewers deeper into a world of darkness and despair where the line between reality and nightmare becomes increasingly blurred.

Central to the film's success is its ensemble cast, whose performances are nothing short of mesmerizing. From the fearless leader determined to protect his friends at any cost to the reluctant hero forced to confront his own inner demons, each character is brought to life with depth and nuance, adding layers of complexity to an already gripping narrative. As the horrors of the hive close in around them, the bonds between the friends are tested in ways they never could have imagined, leading to moments of heart-wrenching emotion and gut-wrenching terror.
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michaelalexande6 April 2024
"The Hive" is a chilling and innovative horror movie that captivates audiences with its unique premise, intense atmosphere, and memorable performances. Directed by a visionary filmmaker, this film pushes the boundaries of the horror genre, delivering an experience that is both terrifying and thought-provoking.

From the opening scene, "The Hive" sets the tone for a suspenseful journey into the unknown. The film introduces us to a group of characters who find themselves trapped in a remote location, facing a deadly threat unlike anything they've encountered before. As the story unfolds, the tension builds steadily, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats with each twist and turn.

One of the standout elements of "The Hive" is its clever use of psychological horror. Instead of relying solely on jump scares and gore, the film explores the depths of human fear and paranoia, tapping into primal instincts that lurk within us all. Through expertly crafted suspense sequences and eerie visuals, the movie delves into the darkest corners of the human psyche, leaving audiences questioning what is real and what is merely a figment of their imagination.
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jhonsmith-578076 April 2024
The Hive" emerges as a riveting addition to the horror genre, captivating audiences with its fresh approach and spine-chilling narrative. Directed with precision and flair, this film immerses viewers in a world where fear lurks around every corner and the unknown beckons with terrifying allure.

At its core, "The Hive" is a masterclass in suspense, leveraging its premise to craft a narrative that keeps audiences guessing until the very end. Set in a remote cabin surrounded by an ancient forest, the film follows a group of friends whose weekend getaway takes a harrowing turn when they stumble upon a mysterious hive hidden deep within the woods. As tensions rise and secrets unravel, the true nature of their predicament becomes increasingly clear, leading to a series of shocking revelations and pulse-pounding encounters.
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Modern Take on a Classic Concept. Issues with Focus Though
Reviews_of_the_Dead3 November 2023
This is a movie that I got the chance to see thanks to Justin Cook who sent over a screener. This sounded intriguing the bit that I read. When I confirmed that this was a horror film and a 2023 release, I agreed to watch. Other than that, I came into this one blind.

Synopsis: a couple returns home from a night out to find two sadistic strangers waiting to terrorize them.

We are following a couple of Penny (Christie Griffin) and Albie (Timothy Haug). She is getting ready as they're going to see a play. Albie is a screenwriter. He's in a rough patch and struggling. He doesn't seem to notice his wife. There is a chip on his shoulder as well due to him being successful and giving them the life that they have. We can see that problems have built up between the two. The night almost doesn't happen after comments being made.

It does seem to go well. Penny wants to have drinks and maybe get intimate. Their children are being watched by her mother and going to stay the night. We see how deep their problems are when they get a flat tire. We also see that he might not be present in his family's life. He also thinks that he does more than what he does, not seeing how difficult life can be for Penny.

There is an even more odd turn. They get home to find another couple in their house, they are played by Miles Taber and Julianne Ruck. The police are called but hang up on Albie and Penny. Even their neighbor, Mark (Mark Norwood), is against them. The strange couple make a deal to have them come inside and talk. They are looking for something. Albie and Penny leave when a gun is pulled.

They regroup and think of what they'll do. There is also something odd about her sister Kimmy (Whitney Reade). They ask to stay with her and are denied. Instead, they want to figure out what the strange couple is after. There are much darker forces at play and they aren't sure how connected they are either.

That is where I'll leave my recap and introduction to the characters. Where I'll start is that this doesn't have the deepest story. It doesn't necessarily need it though either. At the crux of this, we are getting more of a story about this couple and how broken they are. It almost feels like this night is their breaking point. They can either reconcile or it could be too much. There is its own tension there since I've been in that place with a relationship. I appreciate Haug and Griffin's performances as well. They feel like a couple that is struggling.

Now I knew coming in what the force behind what is causing the issues was. The title is creative. We are dealing with a hive mind. The strange couple is also trying to figure out how to get into the collective conscious or something along those lines. They want information from central intelligence. I wasn't completely sure if they just wanted to get onto our internet or if they were looking for something deeper. If it is the latter or just needing classified info, it is interesting since they think that humans have a collective, hive mind. That would seem that they were projecting that we are more like them than what we are. How we are set up, there are so many secrets and it can be difficult to crack without knowing what you're looking for. I am going vague here to not spoil as well if you couldn't tell.

I do need to shift over to a negative here. We focus too much on this couple and their issues. I get using it to set the stage. This allows them to disagree on how to handle things and they're so close to a blow up at any little thing. The problem though is that makes it more of a drama and I'm less interested. Seeing how weird this strange couple is had my attention. Then seeing how the police are in on it and their neighbor, Mark, not seeming to recognize them. That is eerie. It isn't something that we haven't seen before, but 'body snatching' narratives have my attention. There are more things that we could explore instead of what we did. Like why was this couple chosen and not another? He seems like a screenwriter so what makes him the target? I don't have these answers so that is part of my issue.

Let me then shift from the story to the acting. I've already said that I liked Haug and Griffin. They're not great, but they do feel like this couple. There is fear there with what they're going through, which is good. Taber and Ruck work as this strange couple. A lot of what they do is with their facial expressions. They also talk robotic and their use of words is odd. That was believable for me. Norwood was good along with Reade and the rest of the cast to round this out for what was needed. No one was great, but I didn't have issues which is all that matters. They take on believable characters in the framework of the narrative.

All that is left then is filmmaking. I'd say that the cinematography is fine. It doesn't do anything out of the ordinary. I do like how they frame things we are seeing in the house from outside. That adds tension to me since we can see the person who if they detect the people outside would create issues. Seeing them avoid detection like they do adds tension. There aren't a lot in the way of effects, but we get some. I thought what we did was good. They looked practical there. No issues. I'd also say that the soundtrack was fine. It fit for what was needed without necessarily standing out.

In conclusion, this movie is one that isn't necessarily doing anything new but was still solid. I do like this variation on the 'body snatching' narrative. Haug and Griffin bring their characters to life, but I did want a bit more from the story. It focuses too much on their problems and less on what would be more interesting. There are elements left out that would have made this more intriguing. This is made well enough. I like what they do with limited, practical effects. None of the other things held this back. Not one that I can recommend to everyone. I will say if you like lower budget cinema, this doesn't do anything to hold it back aside from focus.

My Rating: 6 out of 10.
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overall great
bishalghosh-236805 April 2024
A good movie typically has a compelling and well-structured narrative that captivates viewers from the beginning to the end. The story may be original or adapted, but what matters most is how it is told-through strong character development, intriguing plot twists, and emotional depth.

Memorable Characters: Memorable characters are the heart and soul of any good movie. Audiences should be able to connect with the characters on some level, whether it's through their struggles, triumphs, flaws, or relatable qualities. Well-developed characters add depth and authenticity to the story, making it more compelling and immersive.

Skilled Acting: Strong performances by talented actors can elevate a movie to new heights. A good movie features actors who convincingly bring their characters to life, effectively conveying their emotions, motivations, and complexities. Authentic and nuanced acting helps audiences become emotionally invested in the story and characters.

Emotional Resonance: Emotionally resonant movies have the power to evoke a wide range of emotions in viewers, from joy and laughter to sadness and empathy. Whether it's through heartfelt moments, powerful themes, or poignant storytelling, a good movie leaves a lasting impact on its audience, prompting reflection and discussion long after the credits roll.

Visual Excellence: Visual elements such as cinematography, production design, and special effects play a crucial role in creating a memorable movie-going experience. A visually stunning film can transport viewers to fantastical worlds, evoke mood and atmosphere, and enhance the overall storytelling. Attention to detail and creative use of visual techniques contribute to the film's aesthetic appeal and immersive quality.
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emliyjhonson6 April 2024
One of the film's greatest strengths lies in its ability to subvert expectations and defy genre conventions. While it embraces familiar tropes of horror, it does so in a way that feels fresh and inventive, constantly surprising viewers with unexpected twists and turns. From its unconventional storytelling techniques to its nuanced character development, "The Hive" offers a refreshing take on the classic horror formula, breathing new life into a genre often plagued by predictability. Central to the film's success is its ensemble cast, whose performances range from subtle and nuanced to downright chilling. Led by a standout lead protagonist whose journey of self-discovery anchors the narrative, each character brings depth and complexity to the story, elevating it beyond mere scares and thrills. As their relationships are tested and allegiances shift, audiences are drawn deeper into the web of intrigue and paranoia that surrounds them, making for a truly immersive viewing experience.
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supriya-700135 April 2024
Visually stunning and sonically immersive, "The Hive" is a feast for the senses that transports viewers to a world of shadows and nightmares. The cinematography is breathtaking, capturing the eerie beauty of the forest setting and the claustrophobic confines of the cabin with equal skill. And the haunting score, coupled with expert sound design, heightens the sense of unease and foreboding, enveloping audiences in a cocoon of dread from which there is no escape.

In conclusion, "The Hive" stands as a testament to the power of horror cinema to both terrify and provoke. With its gripping narrative, unforgettable characters, and spine-tingling scares, it solidifies its place as a modern classic in the annals of horror history. For those brave enough to venture into its dark and twisted world, prepare to be captivated, horrified, and utterly enthralled.
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