G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013) Poster

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If you don't expect much, you might like it.
naregian30 March 2013
As a film buff, I love seeing films alone on Saturday afternoons or Friday nights. As as result of my frequent attendance, I have come to know not to expect much from action blockbuster films. Yes, you get your usual incomprehensible hand-to-hand fights, buildings exploding and enemy gunfire as inaccurate as ever, with the inevitably minimal plot and screenplay. As the ending credits rolled, I stood up thinking "ehhh". The film definitely had some amazingly entertaining action sequences and awesome special effects, but you know, you can't really be THAT amazed with an action film. Not gonna lie, the screenplay in this film was pretty well written, and it included quite a few pleasantly surprising laughs. Dwayne Johnson has a big few months ahead of him with the release of Snitch (which I give a 7/10), the next Fast and Furious movie, and Pain & Gain. With this film, he did reinforce his true acting credentials, even though not much notable acting is observed in such a genre. All in all, if you're expecting something like Olympus Has Fallen, you might be dissatisfied. If you go in like me, with no true expectations other than hoping for some entertainment, you might like what you see.
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A bit of A Disappointment Storywise
alucard_castlevania8627 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I had 50/50 hopes for this movie and felt a bit bummed out when it was told that it will be delayed to March 2013 but I thought maybe it was for the best so I decided to give it chance. Now after nearly a year of waiting, I have to say I was a bit disappointed

First off, they promised to explain what happened to the characters in the previous film that didn't show up (ripcord, Scarlett etc.) but no explanation was given whatsoever as well as wanting to strengthen Duke and Baroness character but nothing was ever explained. 2nd storywise, it was not that very interesting in my opinion and there some parts which I find a bit illogic and not explained like how did Storm Shadow survive. The guy just like appeared out of no where

Character wise, Cobra rules compared to the Joes. Lady Jaye and Flint were not really that interesting to watch and the romance between them didn't really look that convincing. Killing off Duke Hauser (Channing Tatum)and letting Roadblock (The Rock) take over as team leader for me was the biggest letdown in my opinion since he never really looked that great playing the lead role. Bruce Willis was OK a Joe but nothing exciting but for me the best Joe out there would have to be Snake Eyes (Ray Park). His performances were great as usual and really made the movie looked exciting

As for the villains, I really wanted to see Zartan fight with somebody but that didn't happen. Destro was the biggest disappointment for me since they killed his character off just like that. Cobra Commander looked better in this outfit that the previous one but there was really nothing from him but in my opinion, the best villain and character of the entire movie has got to go to Firefly (Ray Stevenson) His character was so wicked cool and I really loved how those nano flys were used as his explosion device. Though a villain, he stood out the most in the film for me I can't say much for the rest of the cast like Storm Shadow and Jinx since there wasn't really anything much from them

However I find it kind of hard to believe that this is a G.I Joe movie since apart from Snake Eyes, there wasn't really anything that made me feel that these guys were the G.I Joes since it felt like there were very little connection between this team to the previous G.I Joe team in the first movie

Overall a bit of a letdown compared to the first movie and it didn't seemed like it was a sequel to the first G.I Joe movie and it wasn't really worth watching it in 3D either
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Plenty of great visuals and action but not much story.
jhpstrydom9 September 2013
This second G.I JOE film doesn't have much in terms of a well thought out plot but it does have some great visuals and is packed with loads of well staged action sequences so action movie buffs should have a blast. For those also seeking more of a character story it's still best to look somewhere else.

The acting is however surprisingly good given the film's plot. Dwayne Johnson and Channing Tatum both bring a certain likability to their characters and I enjoyed watching them the most and of course Adrianne Palicki who was very friendly on the eyes.

Overall, The film might not have much of a plot but the great visuals and the well made action sequences keep it from becoming a total bore. Those who want more of a character driven plot might not think very much of it.
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I enjoyed this movie
0U23 February 2020
This sequel may have a few flaws like most sequels, but G.I. Joe: Retaliation is much more charismatic and an improvement upon its predecessor.
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Probably better if you love video games
freemanpatrick725 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This is the last time I sit in the middle of the row. Had I been sitting on the aisle I would have left long before the movie was over.

Maybe if I were in the 13 to 24 age bracket and had grown up playing video games...

Or maybe if I were still a little boy at heart and still played video games...

One reviewer lauded the "jaw dropping" visual fx. Really? Was this person exaggerating or just haven't been to the movies in about 20 years? Nothing new here. Same visual fx you'll see in any 200 million movie or a video game.

The bottom line is this movie is just like a big long expensive video game. If you like that then go see it. Except don't be disappointed if they don't let you have the controller.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's totally cool when a bad guy can get run over by and Escalade(after having beaten up The Rock, for crying out loud) and get right back up and run away. It's also kind of cool that he can get on a motorcycle, start it, put it in gear AND ride safely away in less time than it takes for said Escalade to hit a dumpster. Also, it was interesting that Duke had the time to yell "Incoming" get Flint out of the way yet he sits there and takes it like a man. I guess Tatum wanted out of his contract. Maybe he saw this going the same way as Police Academy 15.

I'm not sure why I expect so much from a movie based on a toy. My only question is where will they go next? They have GI Joe, Battle Ship, Transformers, Rock'em Sock'em Robots(Real Steel)... what's next? Toss Across? Battling Tops? Maybe they'll make a sci-fi flick about silly putty. (I wonder if producers read these things to get ideas)

And the dialog was pretty bad. I was trying to remember one particular line that was really bad but I guess it was so disgusting that it ran screaming out of my memory. RZA was the absolute worst part of the whole thing. The Rat in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles was a better actor than RZA. Where's Master Po when you need him? I'm not sure why anyone thinks Rappers make good actors.

Anyway, lots of action, some way hot chicks who kick but (always cool, IMO) AND there will probably be another sequel.

If all that sounds like it's worth $10 bucks to you then have at it. I wait until movies come to the $2 theater and sometimes they aren't even worth that much.
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Could be a better movie.
minngyang27 July 2013
First of all, I am so happy to see The Rock and Bruce Willis joining the cast, the movie suddenly looks so huge with them. But I still hate how they trimmed almost all of the original cast, I like Ana and Scarlett, and it definitely will be more amusing if Ripcord is in this sequel. Luckily they kept Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow, they are just as awesome as they were in the previous film, really enjoy the rival show of these two character.

The story line is average, the plot is weird, doesn't have ups and downs, only a parallel line from beginning to the end. There is no climax in G.I Joe: Retaliation, but if you say the movie is excited at all time, it would be hard to argue.

There are not much advanced and cool weapon stuffs in this sequel, probably to fit the story, I'd say it is actually kinda boring compare to the previous G.I. Joe movie. However, some of the scene is pretty entertained tho.

Overall, with good actors and good special effect, G.I. Joe: Retaliation only needs a better screenplay to be a better movie.
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zmlatoza29 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It sucks that they had to put up a poster of this movie with Duke (Channing Tatum) and Joe (Bruce Willis) so grossly misleading when Duke showed up about what 10 mins or so then dies and Joe shows up when half of the movie is already finished, and not getting much burn at that (I should have known, how many of Willis's recent movies has been like this already). For an average movie goer like me (i'd like to think of myself like that) that doesn't normally go researching(goggling stuff) before watching a movie, I was sucked up by the poster itself expecting a whole lot of Duke and Joe in action. In my opinion, The Rock is not a bad actor himself but sadly he is not able to carry the movie by himself. I believe the movie producers/marketers or whoever is responsible for creating that misleading poster cheated people for their money. To be honest I am not sure I would be going to watch the movie in theater had I known I would be only getting this much, It's one of the movies I could have waited to be available on HBO\TV or on DVD. I did like the special effects though, especially the mountain action scenes.
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Why the hate?
sydneywizard1 October 2018
Don't believe the negative reviews here. Sure, it's no Die Hard or Terminator but it is a lot of fun. Jonathan Pryce does an excellent baddie and Dwayne Johnson and Bruce Willis in their usual action hero roles, although Willis turns up later in the movie.

Get some popcorn, jump on the couch and enjoy the ride.
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What happened to movie? G.I. Joe: Retaliation is ALL BRAWN, and NO BRAIN.
HeartMonger28 March 2013
It's amazing how many good movies produced this year have been relegated to sub-par status, while others that shouldn't be given a glance are given zenith status as great pieces of work, art, and other such pop-cultural sub- standard excrescences achieve more than their worth in fool's gold. One such picture - I'm sorry - movie, that audiences will endure a release of, either glorifyingly, or harshly, is G.I. Joe: Retaliation, the new brawn packed action farce from Paramount Pictures.

Starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, and with appearances by Bruce Willis and Channing Tatum, the film offers no social commentary, consists of nothing remotely engaging (I tended to doze off on even the action scenes), and pities itself with egregious CGI 3-D effects that disappear mid-air depending on where one sits in the audience. There is no basis for being an audience member, because the effects are so jarring, that the viewer will not be able to involve itself to anything worth sitting for an hour and forty minutes for (which trust me, there wouldn't be anyway.) But that's not the half of the film's problems.

The real problem stems from lack of plot. More like no plot. The film is supposed to be a sequel, or rather, a continuation of the original G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra, but even by todays standards, the filmmakers weren't trying to mark any new ground. All we get is one action sequence after another. Even James Cameron knows you need a through-line of plot device to make these kinds of movies work, but director Jon M. Chu doesn't have enough respect for the audience to even give them that. Instead, we are mindlessly treated to fast shots of punches being thrown, with no idea who is throwing them, why, or if we should care.

Seriously. We only know one thing. The good guys will always win. Never a good sign when you go to the movies to know how they end, with no conscious minding of what it will take to get there. Don't waste your money, my friends. Still, more muscular contractions ache this bastard of a performer.

Those involved knew this was just a paycheck - examine the evidence; Dennis Quaid did not return, and subsequently they need Bruce Willis to carry the big name legacy. Channing Tatum has his screen time terminally reduced, not a great sign because most audiences will probably be wanting to see the film solely for his performance. The writer was clearly hired to write a how-to on perfecting scripts for CGI based stories. This wouldn't be such an insult to film purists and enthusiasts alike if it wasn't such a dreary waste of time and money. There is nothing there in terms of story or structure. The movie starts, and it's action scenes strung together with no link. Then you leave. I would disclose such a plot to entice what viewers may challenge the notion of wasting their money if such a plot existed! It's a disgusting practice of show-off acrobatics by computer geniuses that would be better suited decrypting or ciphering codes left behind from the Zodiac Killer or the Unabomber! This is not why we go to the movies. We go to be entertained, and I predict that many an audience member be robbed of their hard earned cash in this recession, and by such standards and caused an equal recession in film quality! Honestly, there has to be a better place for films in today being tomorrow's history, than this!

An early release for such a seemingly summer blockbuster - it's obvious Paramount wants to get this one out of the way, so they don't have to worry about a summer release tanking to the bottom of the swimming pool (a place where the pre-teens normally disposed to this mendicant tar would be better off spending the day.) It's futile to promote a product without any real integrity, or so I thought. Amazing what a little muscle can do. It's already seen some couple million smackers (across the face!) for it's previews and advance releases, but when it all comes down, G.I. Joe: Retaliation is one hunk of movie that holds a strong PR campaign in it's biceps, but can't think for itself, and never latches on to the timeless fact that the real strength of a movie lies in it's story and it's characters, both factors of the machine that are simultaneously weak.
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Better than the original, but not really great
estebangonzalez1030 March 2013
¨Call me JOE¨

As a kid I was a huge fan of the GI Joe cartoons and had a vast collection of the action figures, but I never thought it was a very good idea to bring the franchise to the big screen. I didn't like the first film despite all the great special effects because the entire concept was just way too silly, and I didn't like this film all that much either despite the fact it had a better story and some more interesting characters. What really saved this film for me was a ten minute action scene in the mountains which was pretty amazing and made the entire movie worthwhile. It was one of the best action scenes I've seen all year. This second film was directed by Jon M. Chu (Justin Bieber Never Say Never and Step Up 2) and the screenplay co-written by Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick (Zombieland), but very few actors are back from the original movie (only five) so this felt like a totally different movie. Retaliation is much better than Rise of Cobra but it still felt a little light due to the nonstop action. It's one of those movies you can enjoy for two hours but forget about once it's over. What it does have going for it is that is includes better action stars like The Rock and Bruce Willis. The Rock is probably one of the best contemporary action stars and he already brought the Fast and Furious franchise back alive again. He doesn't quite do the same with GI Joe, but he still makes this movie a little more enjoyable than the original one. Despite all the cheesiness of the plot I still had some fun, and the producers knew that the premise couldn't be taken seriously so they just played around with it.

The Joes continue to serve and protect the world under the leadership of Captain Duke (Channing Tatum) and his team which consists of Roadblock (Dwayne Johnson aka The Rock), Flint (D.J. Cotrona), and Jaye (Adrianne Palicki). They have a couple of successful missions until the team is betrayed by the US president (Jonathan Pryce) who is actually Zartan (Arnold Vosloo) infiltrated as him. Thus the Joes are forced to fight enemy forces inside their own government and are forced to receive help from the only person they can trust: retired General Joe Colton (Bruce Willis). Meanwhile Storm Shadow (Byung-hun Lee) has conceived a plan with Firefly (Ray Stevenson) to free their imprisoned Cobra Commander (Luke Bracey). Snake Eyes (Ray Park) is determined to stop him with the help of Jinx (Elodie Yung), but the Joes are running out of time with the President threatening the world with a nuclear war. Will the Joes be able to stop the Cobra team before they destroy the entire world?

Channing Tatum and The Rock shared some funny scenes together and had great chemistry, but I would have enjoyed more screen time with them. Adrianne Palicki looked great in that red dress and was a good addition to the film. Cotrona and Willis didn't do much, but the highlight of the film was the mountain action sequence between Park and Lee. The film had its extremely cheesy moments, and I couldn't believe they even didn't care about the explosion of London. They continued as if nothing ever happened and celebrated the success of the mission without considering the devastating loss. I think that was probably the worst part of the film and the entire scene was probably used to attract people through the trailers. Retaliation is big and loud, anticipation for what is to come in the blockbuster summer movies. By the time summer gets here we will probably have forgotten all about this movie, but it was still a fun and entertaining two hours. Even those people that will end up hating this film will have to agree that the ten minute action scene between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow was pretty entertaining. As long as you don't think too much about what's going on you might enjoy this senseless film.
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Add to List of Worst Sequels
adam-stocker31 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
After 2009, surprisingly well done Rise of Cobra, I was expecting an entertain sequel anticipating how the writers and director would tie in Zartan as President. It seems the studio decided to reboot the franchise by decided to continue parts of the previous storyline which fails horribly. The movie ends up being a mashed up, thrown together movie with little continuation of the previous storyline and muscular actors whose roles are just being muscular people with guns. The movies basic premise is around nuclear disarmament. With the GI Joe's forced to rebuild and discover the plan of Cobra before they destroy the world.

The only good part of the movie is the opening where The Rock and Channing Tatum display the only enjoyable on screen chemistry of any of the actors. Unfortunately, that chemistry is blown up roughly 15 minutes in when Tatum's character is blown up. When Tatum is killed The Rock's character is upset for about two minutes. Stranded in a desert, The Rock, Lady Jaye and Flint somehow manage to make it back to America. Though how is unknown. To avoid being found, the trio hide in an abandon rec centre where they find weights and old computers from over a decade ago. Yet 5 minutes later is all upgraded to state of the art technology, in which lady Jaye is able to find videos of the present discover his commonly used phrases and hand position before and after Zartan has become President. Yes all this on 1995 technology that magically upgrades and takes her a matter of hours. Now the side plot which is equally as awful. Stormshadow who appeared to be dead at the end of the first movie somehow is alive. Stormshadow breaks Cobra commander out of prison leaving destro. But is badly burn during his escape. To recover from his burns, Stormshadow travels to the mountains where he is revived. SnakeEyes and his protégé climb the mountain drug Stormshadow to return him to the place of their training as seen in the first movie. As in the first movie they are trying Stormshadow for murdering the master. Stormshadow then proves to the council he is not guilty as it was not his sword. Back video shows it was Zartan in disgust. Stormshadow joins the Joes in fight against Cobra. Need I say more the plot is illogical leaving anyone who saw the first movie scratching their heads. Flint and Lady Jaye prove to be nothing more than eye candy for the viewer as they have very little back story and don't advance the previous story. The films ending action sequence is rushed and poorly planned out. The scene boils down to the Joes showing up little planning and no story on where the building is there are attacking. Yet kill everyone but Cobra commander and save the day.
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Thrilling ride if you don't take it seriously
CMTiago3 April 2014
The sequel to the first G.I.Joe movie gathered some negative reviews like its predecessor. This kind of thing doesn't deter me from watching any movie and one of the reasons is because you have to understand what kind of movie you're going to watch. I know that this is a mindless action flick with a simple plot. It's entertaining and it doesn't have to prove a point by being a perfectly constructed movie. It's meant to look cool and lack any real depth. After getting that out of my system, I can say that I enjoyed watching Retaliation and will try to watch it many times in the future, as this is the kind of film I watch when I wanna have fun. Ranging from The Rock to Willis this movie has very stylistic characters that ultimately kick ass with the Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow battles coming to mind. The special effects also look impressive, particularly in one massive destruction scene. If you like to just lay back and see great fights and a little eye candy then this is the movie for you. Anyone trying to be logic about this I'll just tell you that you are wasting your time.

Rating 8/10
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I so wanted to like it, but I couldn't
siderite6 July 2013
The first G.I. Joe film was a surprise. I had expected to hate it or at least just enjoy it as a no brainer, but it wasn't so at all. I really liked the special effects, the villains, the story. The reason why I had made the effort of watching it was the appearance of Retaliation, which had really nice trailers.

So, after much waiting, I was able to watch G.I. Joe Retaliation... and I found it lacking in every respect. The jokes lamer, the effects cheaper, the story linear and impossible and the script bad, the acting worse, the fighting stupid. My conclusion: a failure that not even the presence of Ray Stevenson could not save. Arnold Vosloo practically did not act in this film, while some of the characters were killed outright for no other reason that I can see except that their actors didn't want to play this film.

Don't watch this. It's a waste of time.
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Stale Explosions
billygoat107130 March 2013
G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra feels like it belongs to a different age of blockbusters. It had a hard time fitting in to the modern generation thus most moviegoers never find it as appealing as the other films that was released on that year. Those rants can be true only in some reasons. The film is undeniably silly and dumb but it was never boring and has its own quality. Since people are now asking for darker and much serious blockbusters, this sequel reduces all the silliness that was displayed on the original. G.I. Joe: Retaliation is cooler and less cartoony. Unfortunately, it is also less exciting and terribly uninspired. The action may be better looking but the lack of fortitude and creativity made it fall short into another visual showcase stress.

"Awesome" is the main goal of this sequel. While the original was too corny to impress, this film darkens the tone and made it a bit down to earth. It abandons the silly gadgets and the ridiculous laws of physics that was shown in the original. But the film fails to be both dark and realistic. Not only because of those robotic fireflies and the mass annihilating missiles but the secret prisons and the government are unbelievably dumb to manage their job. Well, it's a blockbuster based on toys so it will never be too realistic. Deal with it while we are here for the fun. The dark aspects aren't dark at all. What they only do is to be serious. This seriousness blocks the potential joy and turns it into standard blockbuster bland.

The storytelling is quite messy. It's like an uninteresting version of Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol with uninteresting characters. The storytelling from the first movie wasn't great either since it is cluttered with cheesy flashbacks. But it's worse here because it takes some twists that are absurdly incoherent. And so, it's all pretentious. The characters are boring and even the performances can't bring them to life. Dwayne Johnson is the only good thing among them though, Bruce Willis is trying to make fun of himself again as a crazy grandaddy, and the villains ham it up which isn't suppose to be a bad thing but they can't give enough personality to them.

The action scenes are acceptable enough to call awesome at least. With all the explosions and the none CGI-ed machines, it seems to be really exciting, but it's not. It does a fine job to be pretty but there's a difference between good looking and exciting. There's only a little suspense. If there is actually suspense and joy then it would be found at the mountain ninja fight but it's just mild and still glosses some slow motions in it. For the rest of the action, the heroes are always superior. Plus more explosions and slow-mos. The action is stylishly directed anyway. The fight between Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow remains to be the only action that excites and one part of the climax has a nutty scene with The Rock riding huge vehicles and shooting like a badass. The production designs, special effects, and costumes gets better. What else to talk about it?

The absence of the Joes' ridiculous transportation and weapons, holograms, and other snazzy gadgets may please our modern viewers but it also forgets why this material is interesting anyway. Now we only get typical military stuff. It still has some crazy devices but it's limited compare to the first film. Rise of Cobra wasn't a classic. It's nothing more than a simple guilty pleasure. Same with Retaliation except this one can't even be completely pleasurable unless you want some endless visual coolness. Cool is not a bad thing but it could have been creative and much more exciting instead of showing off slow-mos on screen. To be fair, it's mildly entertaining and good to look at. If the film wasn't this visually awesome, it would have been an empty cinema. The series still fails to justify its source material.
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G.I.Joe Retaliation:Strictly Average!
GaneshKSalian4 April 2013
G.I. Joe Retaliation is an strictly average action movie.

The movie has the same repeated story,which we have often seen in many action movies before.

For me,what made G.I Joe Retaliation more disappointing is Bruce Willis.He had hardly any screen-space to showcase his action skills.

G.I Joe Retaliation is a movie made for the teens.The teens are surely going to love this one! There are many action sequences in this movie,but only a few stand out.The action sequence in the Himalayas is the highlight of the movie.This action sequence has been shot very nicely.

The direction is mediocre.

Performance: Dwayne Johnson is fine.Channing Tatum is strictly okay.Elodie Yung,Ray Park and Adrianne Palicki are just okay.Bruce Willis disappoints.

All in all,G.I.Joe Retaliation is a strictly average action movie.I would recommend this flick for the teens but not for adults.I am giving it a four on ten.
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G.I Joe: Retaliation - Mindless action-packed fun for the family
tomjackson465911 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Let me start off by saying I really enjoyed the movie for what it was. I went in the theater not expecting much even though the trailers showed a lot of fun action sequences. Now did the movie blow me away and should be nominated for best picture? No, but it's because it isn't trying to be that type of movie, it's simply mindless and fun entertainment.

I also want to say that I really enjoyed the 3D in this movie, I thought it worked and added a lot more fun to the film. The depth was really nice because it added to the cinematography of the film.

Now for you that like movies for the "dialogue and writing" part of films, I can understand why you wouldn't like this movie as much. The conferences are not very realistic, some of the acting was really cheesy (especially by RZA haha), etc. I also feel that there were a lot of problems at the end. I mean the president look-alike just pretty much blew up England and afterwards no one thought it was sketchy; life pretty much went on. They didn't bother explaining to the "people" how the president was a fake or anything... Also they didn't bother adding in what was going to happen to England, they just kept on rolling on with the movie with the award-handing scene.

So yeah it did have its problems, but if you're looking for a good time, I'd say watch it and just have fun with it and don't take it too seriously.
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Better than previous one ! But??????
arijit-pritamzoro4 April 2013
i watched the previous one at first day first show and i really disappointed ....only one thing that kept me tight on the seat was SNAKE EYE..my hero...same thing happened for this movie also for first hour.....where any one can catch at-least 20 mistakes on the screen director made...for example...burning the fence and no one watched it from the top...again take cover right under light and no one watched it....and the first mission was so simple that you'll think i can do better than them....and where?? DE militarized zone of north Korea...GREAT!!! then mission in Pakistan ...that was really interesting..because of action and future weapons they used...you'll really enjoy it...and then the sudden attack on G.I.JOE'S...and death of duke...and that time i realized...Oh god!this gonna be disaster...i actually threw my ticket away...but then black eye entered on the screen and story changed for life time...last 1 and half hour are just awesome... the action on the mountain is the best action scene ever in this year.and storm shadow just rocked it.when you'll see snake eye and storm shadow fighting together against cobra..you'll gonna watch best scene from the movie...even lady jay did good job beside of her gorgeousness she really gave hell of action . But beside all of them the main leader ROCK is the best...when he come on screen his attitude was so terrified for opposite man..that he can destroy them with one slap on top of head.... All over movie was really entertaining in second half...and you'll be satisfied with the effort.. But the main problem the mistakes won't be missed by you..it's so eye catchy...and future weapons they used in this movie are looking older than previous movie weapons..those were better than this..and even in climax the most of the weapon they used are available right now in the industry....so director had to pay attention on that.... what ever..don't miss it for action ROCK AND SNAKE EYE...
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DrTuvok9 July 2020
I was maybe around 15 when I watched this and didn't even like it then. A non-stop mess of jumbled headache inducing overkill action scenes that numb the brain and rot the imagination. Not even Dwayne Johnson could save it. Even worse, not even Bruce Willis could save it. That tells you all you need to know.

Side Note: The ninja cliff fight scene was actually fairly well done, but just watch a clip for it on Youtube; slogging through the entire movie isn't worth it.
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When a sequel becomes a reboot...
shawneuser31 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up in the 80s, a decade which should be forever remembered for two things- music and cartoons. Like Transformers and He-Man, I was a fan of GI Joe. I never collected the figures, but I had friends and family that did.

When Transformers hit the big screen and big money was the result, it became inevitable that GI Joe would also be made into a movie, despite the obvious conundrum of being based off a child's toy and yet dealing with very adult subjects like terrorism and warfare.

So, in 2009, the Rise of Cobra came out. Handicapped with not only that base conundrum, but also with the world's mood during the Great Recession more suited for the dark surrealism of the Batman reboot than for a bloodless and sometimes lighthearted cartoon- based actioner, the first GI Joe movie was not greeted well. It underperformed at the box office and with critics.

The fans also seemed impossible to please. GI Joe fans didn't think it was GI Joe enough, while those who didn't know anything about GI Joe thought it was TOO much GI Joe. And so it goes.

I, on the other hand, didn't see it until after this verdict had already been proclaimed. Having low to zero expectations, I found myself surprised by how much I enjoyed it. Sure, Best Picture it is not, but for a popcorn actioner I thought it provided the entertainment that it promised. I loved the gadgets. I loved the Baroness as the sexy bad ass chick, and I thought Duke and Hawk were in decent hands with Tatum and Quaid.

Obviously, the producers thought differently, and GI Joe: The Retaliation is the result. Production heard the complaints of the fans and decided to be proactive about it, turning this sequel more like a reboot of the franchise. Most of the cast of the first movie were not even asked to return, and instead the keys of the franchise were essentially handed to a fresh crew led by this generation's Schwarzennager- Dwayne Johnson.

Though not bereft of fancy gadgets, this movie decided to go with the more realistic gunfights and sword duels, except its tough to be too realistic when taking leads from The Matrix.

Overall, the result is a movie that those who actually liked the first one largely disdain, and those who didn't like the first one find a definite improvement. Whether this results in a net gain or a net loss for the franchise is yet to be seen.

As a fan of the first movie, here are the things I didn't like about this one-

1. How do you kill off Duke? He is arguably the most important single GI Joe. Having a GI Joe movie without him or Hawk is akin to having a Transformers movie without Optimus Prime.

2. Roadblock is no leader. I like Dwayne Johnson, but Roadblock is not the leader of the Joes and shouldn't be. Roadblock is an enforcer, the muscle. He is not a leader.

3. No Baroness. Besides what happens with Duke, the loss of the Baroness is the biggest blow to this movie. The sexy female antagonist works wonderfully in this genre. There is no one here to replace her.

4. Flint sucks. Flint is the obstentious replacement for Duke, but he is an epic fail of a boring character. The movie simply doesn't have the time to provide any backstory for him or make him interesting, and it doesn't try to.

5. The movie covered too much. One would think that the destruction of the Joes and the revival of Cobra Commander from prison would be enough of a plot, but instead, we are treated with a Storm Shadow subplot and a destructive ruse to become supreme ruler by Cobra Commander. As a result, all the characters and story lines got shorted.

Now, here are some of the things I LIKED about this movie.

1. Adrianne Palicki as Lady Jaye is even hotter than Scarlet from ROC. She could have used a sexy bad, like the Baroness, though as an opposite. She has little to do though she is one of the only characters for whom some back story was attempted.

2. The screenplay is weak for plot but fairly strong on dialogue. It is full of one-liners and most of it worked for me. Hooo-Rah.

3. The Cobra Commander is far cooler in this one. Love the monstrous voice instead of the high strung Starscream voice, and I appreciate that they made him look like the cartoon again.

4. The scene at the summit is preposterous entirely, but quite hilarious. Jonathan Pryce has good fun with it, and so did I.

5. GI Joe fans at least were pleased with the Storm Shadow- Snake Eyes subplot. Though I thought the cliff hanger battle was ridiculous, the solo fight within the temple was a great hand-to-hand fight scene.

I give it a 6 as a balance between the disappointment of not following up the original with the credit for trying something new, some of which worked.
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Horrible movie
Jawfreenez28 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not to give too much away but the story is weak and can be summed up with this equation:

4 GI Joes - 3 ninjas = 1 movie you wish you'd never seen!!!

My wife and I sat and waited for action, and waited, them waited some more... It finally came like my brother melting my Duke action figure with a lighter and Aqua-Net. Horrible plot, good special effects, and a stereo-typical ending. The next DirecTV add will say cable is worse than... Sitting thru GI Joe 2.

If you don't believe me, waste your money, then contact me for an "I told you so!"
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Not as flamboyant as the first film...
0w016 June 2020
The first GI Joe movie was so hilariously unrealistic and just completely bat crazy, that it was really a good 'just stare at all the explosions and enjoy' movie... but unfortunately this 2nd film is much, much less flamboyant and much less of an extravagant affair... they also removed Sienna Miller and Joseph Gordon Levitt which is an obvious down-point.

So overall, this film is much less of a spectacle than the first film, but the plot also isn't 'all over the place' and thus it has a better plot and story. So if you want your eyeballs bombarded by explosions and huge amounts of CGI, then rather watch the first film... but if you want a more structured 'action film experience' then this 2nd installment is better for you... both films are only barely 6/10 films though, and neither comes close to the action films greats like MI:Fallout.
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Should Never Have Been Made
jace_the_film_guy29 July 2021
GI Joe: Retaliation is a film that should never have been made. When most of the original cast declined to return for this second installment, the studio panicked and did the only logical thing: bring in The Rock. The problem with this response to an already broken franchise is that it disconnected the audience from the characters. If Jaye was Scarlett, Roadblock was Ripcord and General Joe was General Hawk, we would be looking at a completely different film, one that probably would have been more successful.

Unfortunately, I had no vested interest in the story or the climactic "Project Zeus" because of these flaws. The action sequences (especially the Himalayan cliffside battle) were fantastic, but that was not enough to make me actually care about what happened in the end.
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Why the bad reviews?
niallorourke32128 April 2013
I'll start off by saying that I really enjoyed this movie. At times it made me laugh, at times it gave me frights, there were many times when it set my pulse racing. It's an action movie, its supposed to. Not once did it make me think of how flawed western civilization really is, or put tears in my eyes, or make me appreciate living in a 21st century, western country, with plenty to eat, drink etc. Its an action movie, it's NOT supposed to.

And thats where I find some of these reviews annoying. If you go to the cinema to see a movie called GI Joe: Retaliation, which is an action movie, you should only rate it accordingly. This movie easily fulfills all the criteria for a good action film, so if you want to go see an action movie, then yes, go see this. The acting isn't bad, the plot is fairly good and the visuals are incredible. But if you want to see a realistic film, one that will make you smile, sob, or think about life, do not go see this film. What this film is, is 2 hours entertainment. It will have you glued to the screen for that 2 hours (especially if you see it in 3D). I would recommend GI Joe: Retaliation to anyone from about the age of ten up, as long as you walk into the cinema or press play expecting to see a good action movie. If you do this, you will be thoroughly entertained for 2 hours. Enjoy!
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Better than part 1
Jrca0130 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I will rate it 7.5, it's better than part 1, not a 10 movie but it keeps me interested after the first 25 minutes, what I like was the plot more real and according to the comic, great to have Arakishage clan with Blind Master plus the Storm Shadow judgment, also nicely done with Zartan's plot on SS, not according to original story but well managed, aerial battle on the mountains was cool but it was hard to believe, not to good about Duke & Firefly endings, I guess both should be characters with more future, considering the loose ties we have enough for a third part with more history, it will be nice to see Snake Eyes origin including aerial accident, keep going still have 3 levels to rate up, this is my personal point of view some people may think different but the movie is good, enjoy it.
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franchise ruined
pittsburghsucks1 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Horrible movie......Duke dies in the first 30 minutes, storm shadows resurrection is never explained, destro is off the team??? then why does cobra commander save him in the first one. Zartan really killed snake eyes/storm shadows master in a plot to turn storm bad? how old is zartan then? plus when storm shadow does the unspeakable and joins the joes and kills zartan,shouldn't he still be alive despite getting stabbed due to the nanomytes? he only cuts half his face off in front of the pres. then to make things funnier bruce willis out of no where has a team of old timers to join their mission to save the world. oh yeah, and firefly gets killed, one of the coolest cobra villains. aside from all of that garbage, the movie seemed liked it jumped too much, the action didn't tie in well and when there was action, it was minimal with no big epic joe/cobra scenes. not even worth renting...
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