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Brutal, Dark, Dramatic and Depressive
claudio_carvalho22 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
In 1996, in the Balkans, the population of a small town is slaughtered by a militia under the command of the inhuman Goran (Sean Pertwee) that abducts young girls for prostitution in a brothel owned by the cruel Viktor (Kevin Howarth). The deaf Angel (Rosie Day) that witnessed the execution of her mother has a weird birth mark on the face and Viktor chooses her to housework; to put makeup and drug the girls for the clients; and cleaning them up after the brutal encounters. Angel also sneaks between the walls and ventilation ducts during the night. Angel befriends the girl Vanya (Dominique Provost-Chalkley) that knows the language of the deaf. When Goran returns to the house with his men, Angel witnesses one of them raping and killing Vanya and she revenges her new friend killing the man. Now Goran and his men are hunting her down and she is trapped in the house.

"The Seasoning House" is a brutal, dark, dramatic and depressive thriller about a sad theme, the human exploitation in prostitution. Rosie Day has an amazing performance in the role of a mute teenager traumatized by the brutal war. The gloomy conclusion is scary and hopeless. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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Four devastating Seasons in one House...
Coventry26 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, okay… when I watched "The Seasoning House" at a modest genre festival in my home country, I anticipated quite a number of things, but I didn't anticipate this! The film was scheduled as the closing feature, which is normally a festive event in a light-headed ambiance, but surely this didn't make the audiences very happy! I admit not having read the plot synopsis in great detail in advance, but from reading it distantly it looked like a variation on the 'rape-and-revenge' sub genre, like "I Spit on your Grave", "Last House on the Left". These are seldom cheerful films, of course, given the harsh and exploitative subject matter, but "The Seasoning House" is more intense, devastating and tragic than any other thriller in its kind. It's somewhat of a feminist horror/rape-and-revenge flick, but one set against the background of the ravaging civil war in the Balkans during the mid-1990's. Not only does the menace of an inhumanly cruel and cold war feels incredibly authentic, the story also introduces young girls as defenseless victims of a depraved and heartless prostitution network. When the rest of her family is brutally massacred by soldiers, deaf-mute teenage Angel ends up in an illegal sort of brothel run by the sadist Victor in the middle of the woods. The squadron that killed her mother and sister passes by the house one day, so she sees her chance for retaliation. Through the crawlspaces and the ventilation circuit throughout the old house, Angel battles against the relentless commander Goran and his team of perverted soldiers. "The Seasoning House" truly hits you like an emotional sledgehammer, with a few cruel execution sequences, a thorough raw atmosphere and deeply depressing cinematography and music. The acting performances are extraordinary, particularly those of adolescent starlets Rosie Day and Dominique Provost-Chalkley. Also giving another superb (and very ungrateful) performance is British cult-actor Sean Pertwee as the stone-cold and heartless military commander Goran. A very strong and remarkable debut for special effects wizard Paul Hyett. Recommended, but definitely not for the faint-hearted.
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It's a nice cat-mouse revenge film with some tough scenes!
mario_c3 March 2013
With the Balkans war as setting this film begins very strong, mostly on the emotional side. In fact the initial scenes describing the terror of war crimes against unprotected and desperate people (mostly women and children) are brutal and tough (but very well done!). However, it's just the context to what is in fact a revenge film and a cat-mouse game. And if here the sides seem to be very disparate (strong military men against one single mute girl…) you know you should never despise your adversary and his weapons for little and inoffensive they might seem… It's a nice film that shows us the cruelty and sadism of wartimes! I score it 7/10.
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An evocative atmosphere that makes you feel disgusted
peterp-450-2987163 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
"The seasoning House" is another movie that'll make you feel uncomfortably. It's definitely not for sensitive souls who are shocked easily. This movie isn't a Horror movie. The sadistic and brutal overtones marches forth throughout the movie and are brutally stopped by a devastating revenge caused by the urge to survive. There's no explicit gore that hits you like a sledgehammer, but it's the evocative atmosphere that makes you feel disgusted. It's a dilapidated hovel with timbered windows and an interior that's not looked after for years. No one comes to admire the furniture but comes there to satisfy his animal appetites and to take it out on those innocent girls.

It's situated during the Balkan war in the 90s where the army brutally conquered villages and slaughtered everyone except the younger girls. These poor girls were transported to this remote hovel as prostitutes and were abused at will for a lot of money by sadistic men. Some girls don't survive this brutal treatment and are simply wrapped in a blanket and dumped somewhere. To think that these practices actually occurred in these parts makes it worse and shocking realistic.

The girl Angel, who is a deaf mute, actually gets a preferential treatment (sounds pretty stupid, I know) and is responsible for drugging the girls and the care and cleaning after more scum has come along. There is no escape and submissively she performs these tasks. Until she actually gets an emotional bond with a new girl who is horribly abused afterwards. The moment a unit of soldiers arrives, who are also responsible for the death of Angels family, and a huge dude abuses that girl severely, Angel jumps in to help her in a rather bloody way and flees away between the floor and walls.

The first 40 minutes are quite slowly and have a claustrophobic tone, where you can see Angel browsing through the corridors and carrying out the tasks in a trance, while dodging away from grabbing perverts. Personally I thought the gore part wasn't that hard. The more the oppressive discomfort was present. I was sometimes painful to watch, and not in a physical way. The whole movie feels like a crazy ride on a roller coaster: First excruciatingly slow, then breathtaking and surprisingly fast, to end up in a slower pace.

The only criticism I could cite is that it is rather implausible that a simple girl, armed only with a kind of scalpel and a syringe with heroin , could outwit and defeat heavily armed soldiers. Most of it was also pure luck they were eliminated. The final scene will make you feel relieved and will give you a good feeling. Especially the face-to-face confrontation with Goran is a highlight. Just how could Angel crawl back in that narrow tube ? Conclusion: a tough and confrontational movie that wil jolt you a conscience with a sledgehammer. A piece of advice: don't watch this on your first date. It might give a false impression !

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Brutually Horrific
GreenRebel13 December 2013
When I saw this I didn't know at first this was a "horror" movie. I just read the synopsis. I was interested in the plot as I just finished watching another movie about human trafficking called Eden. Well after watching that movie and this one. Now I understand why it's classified as a horror movie.

The premise is interesting and while watching the movie they add another story in the background to it as well. It's refreshing to see this done in a movie. The cinematography is amazing. Which you will notice in the very first scene. The acting is superb. This movie really is a brutal. You'll get your share of blood and violence. There is a dark tone in the atmosphere that they really pulled off well. I'm very impressed by this movie and I give it a 7 out of 10. It's been highly rated and there isn't anymore I can about how good this movie is. So go watch it!
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'March on the Drina'
zuhairvazir27 January 2014
A powerful kick in the guts.

The first frame of the film reads '1996 - Balkans'. By that time the 'Dayton Agreement' had been signed, yet Slobodan Milosevic, the president of Socialist Republic of Serbia (Serbia, current) and Ratko Mladic (commander-in-chief of the Army of Republika Srpska) continued the ethnic cleansing by setting up 'sex camps' for the Serbian Army where twenty to fifty thousands of Bosniak (Bosnian Muslims) women were systematically raped to intimidate, humiliate and produce a generation of Serbs, all with a political agenda.

"The women knew the rapes would begin when 'Marš na Drinu' was played over the loudspeaker of the main mosque. 'Marš na Drinu,' or 'March on the Drina', is reportedly a former Chetnik fighting song that was banned during the Tito years.

"While 'Marš na Drinu' was playing, the women were ordered to strip and soldiers entered the homes taking the ones they wanted. The age of women taken ranged from 12 to 60. Frequently the soldiers would seek out mother and daughter combinations. Many of the women were severely beaten during the rapes." - Seventh Report on War Crimes in the Former Yugoslavia: Part II, US submission of information to the United Nations Security Council.

This is a story of one such sex camp.

What I learned from Sarajevo was to stop complaining about anything.

What I took from the film is that it takes one tough cookie to absorb it all in and then explode with a vengeance in the enemy's face.
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Gritty yet powerful.
sal108516 September 2013
A young orphaned deaf mute girl is tasked with taking care of girls held against their will in a prostitution house.

This film is gritty yet powerful film with a few gory and unpleasant scenes but nothing too extreme. Rosie Day delivers an excellent performance without speaking a single word throughout the film. Sean Pertwee delivers the villain that we all love to hate. The special and sounds effects along with the cinematography is outstanding. The only issue I had with the film was the conclusion which I felt was a little lacking but that is for each individual to decide. This film is not for the light hearted. Overall I would recommend this film and score it a 7/10.
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Extremely Hard to Watch
ikeybabe12 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This film is brutal. It was extremely hard to watch this movie because the rape of teen girls scenes were horrifying and too realistic. For me, there is nothing entertaining about rape and this movie seemed to concentrate on this horror. I read another reviewer who stated it's tough if you're not used to seeing this - NO ONE SHOULD EVER BECOME ACCUSTOMED TO SEEING THIS! I will say, the main character played by Rosie Day was a hero you could seriously cheer for. She was so sympathetic and then brave and heroic. The slashing/stabbing scenes were also realistic and quite gory. I kept thinking that knife is really sharp. What's truly scary is that places like the Seasoning House really did/do exist, unfortunately. I will say the story was fast-paced and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Can I recommend this - only to those with a strong stomach.
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The Pigs Have It.
hitchcockthelegend4 October 2014
The Seasoning House of the title is a Balkans Brothel, it's 1996 and young girls are being kidnapped during military attacks and sold to the owner of the Seasoning House. One such girl is Angel, a death and mute sufferer who the house owner takes a shine to and uses her as his assistant. When Angel strikes up a friendship with one of the girls, it is the catalyst for violence unbound.

A thoroughly bleak and distressing viewing experience, but in turn it's also bold and brilliant film making. Debut director Paul Hyett paints a grim portrait of an all too real problem in certain parts of the world, but thankfully he never once lets the material slip into exploitation territory.

The brothel is unsurprisingly an utterly desperate place, rife with squalor and abject misery. The windows are boarded up with crooked pieces of wood, the beds are filthy, the walls stained with years of dirty grime and the after effects of vile human actions. The girls are battered and bruised, chained to the beds and injected with drugs to make them compliant towards anything the human monsters so wish to do to them.

For practically 70 minutes we the viewers are holed up in this awful place along with the girls. Daylight is only briefly glimpsed through the window shards, we can smell the fear along with the dankness, and claustrophobia is rife. Angel (a brilliant Rosie Day) is our conduit as Hyett builds relationships between her and the two other main characters. Viktor (Kevin Howarth) the ruler of this vile kingdom, and inmate Vanya (Dominique Provost-Chalkley), the latter of which is deeply touching and superbly crafted by those involved.

Film then switches in tone after some truly awful scenes have paved the way for what transpires in the final third of the story. This switch to more conventional horror cinema has proved divisive, but the way Angel moves about the house, how she finds fortitude, is fascinating, and she has well and truly earned our utmost support as she seeks to erase some dastardly evil wrongs from history (headed by a suitably scary Sean Pertwee). This is not a cheap rape revenger movie, it's a survivalist horror, and some of the horrors inherent in The Seasoning House are tough to stomach, but necessary to balance the art and the reality. Stunning. 9/10
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This movie is one not to be missed...
paul_haakonsen7 March 2014
"The Seasoning House" was really not what I had expected it to be from the movie cover. But I must say that I wasn't sorely disappointed that the movie turned out to be something other than what I had thought it to be.

This movie is brutal, not just visually, but also emotionally. Especially because the movie is shot the way that it is, and it is nicely edited. There is just something very realistic, albeit horrible nonetheless, to this movie, and that is really what makes "The Seasoning House" work out so well.

The story is about a group of young girls brought to a remote house, against their will, where they are forced into servitude and have to perform sexual acts for customers that frequent the house. The mute girl Angel (played by Rosie Day) works the house as a helper, also against her will, when fate brings those who killed her family to the house, and things spiral out of control, as fate deals Angel an unforeseen card.

Now, "The Seasoning House" is a very brutal movie, as I mentioned before. Visually because of the scenes portrayed and the horrors that take place in the house where the girls are kept as slaves, drugged and abused. And emotionally because of the events that unfold in the story, and also because the characters are characters you can relate to and very quickly build up some kind of empathy or antipathy for very quickly.

Director Paul Hyett managed to put together something really unique here, and this is definitely a movie that you need to watch. And once watched, it is most likely a movie that will stick with you for a long time afterwards.

The cast were doing great jobs, although the English language with a pseudo-Eastern European accent wasn't really doing the trick. But it was a minor inconvenience, because the rest of the movie overshadowed this flaw.

"The Seasoning House" is well worth watching, despite it being rather grotesque in its story and imagery. But it just goes to prove that movies doesn't all have to be glamor and happy days...
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Exploitative nonsense....
FlashCallahan6 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The population of a small town is slaughtered under the command of Goran, and abducts young girls for prostitution in a brothel owned by Viktor.

A deaf girl who witnessed the execution of her mother, has to do the housework, applies makeup and drugs the girls for the clients, and clean them up after the brutal encounters.

She also sneaks between the walls and ventilation ducts during the night. She befriends a girl, Vanya, who knows sign language.

When Goran returns to the house with his men, the girl witnesses one of them killing Vanya and she takes vengeance.....

Ignore the positive reviews, and the fact that this has two very good actors in it, it's just abhorrent, vile, exploitation that would probably get Eli Roth Salivating.

This type of movie was rife during the mid noughties gorenography craze, and it feels such old hat now.

It's cheaply made, with British actors made to talk in a silly accent that wouldn't seem out of place in an early Bond movie, and it looks like it was filmed in some woods in the East Midlands.

Its depiction of violence is extreme, but not in a way that was entertaining , ala Cabin Fever or Saw, and the whole film feels cold and depressing.

It's another film that sounds average on paper, but worse on screen.

Don't waste your time.
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It's bold but brilliant cinema...
david-elliot1981-211 October 2012
The Seasoning House is a raw, powerful and, frankly, brilliant film. I recommend it, but it's not a date movie.

Hyett has clearly learnt a lot from his time on other film sets. The Seasoning House is a carefully crafted and controlled film which, at times, almost goes too far, but somehow manages to pull itself back from the brink. The direction is excellent, with Hyett infusing the first two acts with a slow, dreamlike, almost ethereal, feel that may reflect either Angel's resignation to the life that she now tolerates or the state of perpetual drug-based anaesthesia that the girls are constantly under.

Rosie Day is an absolute revelation. She is incredible as Angel and, although she doesn't utter a single word, her face tells us everything and we are never lost as to what Angel is feeling. It's notable that this is also Day's feature film debut. As such, and based on her performance here, I would expect to see a lot more of her in the future

The rest of the cast do a superb job. Willem Dafoe-alike Kevin Howarth is outstanding and tackles the role of Viktor with real conviction and we are torn between hating him (deservedly so) and as the film goes on, rooting for him. Sean Pertwee, as militia leader Goran, has never been more menacing, while Dominique Provost-Chalkley gives a brave performance as Vanya, especially considering all that the role entails.

It's bold cinema, make no mistake, and not a film to be taken lightly. Hyett's film is an uncompromising, unflinching and brutal glimpse into a real-life world of suffering that we, living out our comfortable little lives, simply cannot fathom and subsequently ignore. Hyett should be commended on making this film as honestly as this one. It's a film that sticks with you long after the credits have stopped rolling.
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A must.
ritabruce9 August 2018
In short it's brutal, touching, sickeningly violent and disturbing. You root for the victim all the way through with your heart in your mouth. I loved it and would welcome a follow up although the ending as it stands adds to the impact it leaves on you.
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A poor performance and horrible interpretation of history
markoski-nedelko10 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A story that sadly happened already in these parts trough the recent history and maybe is happening again and again in the part of central balkan KOSOVO.Even if all the killings in the war that happened there over the years the main responsible was the Serbes ,Albanians and Croats it is known that all the bordels and the main sources of drugs and weapons are held by Albanians and only Albanians .Why then writer choose these caratchters to be serbes with authentic names.I find it very offensive to the Serbian nation. The story line i find it very very good but the acting is very poor the scenes are very common and already seen in every horror movie ... Don't watch this save your time for something special.
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nogodnomasters1 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The aftermath of an Eastern European war is that young girls are forced into prostitution. Angel (Rosie Day) is a young mute girl who is taken to such a place. Viktor (Kevin Howarth) who runs the place has taken a liking toward her and has her in charge of shooting up the other girls. She befriends one of the girls who knows sign language.

The soldiers who come there are mean and cruel. Angel, makes Fiona Apple look obese, as she crawls through air vents like my cats do when I yell at them for changing the channel. The first half of the film is slow establishing the characters and scenario.

This is not the exploitation film one expects from the cover and title. I enjoyed the dark irony of the ending which was worth the wait.

Worth a view if you liked "The Whistleblower".

Parental Guide: F-bomb, rape, male rear nudity. No female nudity.
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Good Brit Drama/thriller/horror
jonnytheshirt13 September 2013
Well Sean Pertwee usually shows up in the best Brit horror entries. Describing this as horror however I'm uncertain. It is horrific however, a tale of kidnapped eastern European girls forced into prostitution. The most horrific thing is this happens, just watch Eden which is based on a true story. The Seasoning House is well filmed and has a strong cast and is certainly not a Sunday afternoon film. It is very dark and quiet reminiscent of Eden Lake for some reason although the two stories are quite different. Rosie provides a gripping lead character who although she does not speak communicates volumes. Disturbing at times, violent and quite gripping. Well made Brit flick.
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Themes no one dares to talk about
DhariaLezin28 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
The movie is painful and as some other people who commented before me said, it is a roller coaster: slow-fast-slow. Basically it is a story of revenge of a girl forced to prostitute herself and be the maid of a prostitution house. The effects are incredibly realistic and the acting is really good. It is really full of blood and injuries if you like that, which is OK for me, but besides that, I think that, instead of being considered a thriller movie, or horror, or blood, or whatever, the real value of the movie, is that it dares to talk about something that until few years ago: the human traffic. It happens in all the countries in all possible economy and class levels, in all kinds of education. Many women are forced to sell their bodies for some food after being kidnapped or (in this case) survived the war. And specially, if you consider the after war panorama that happens in this movie (it is not explicit in the rest of the girls, though), where, probably all of the girls locked in the house lost their families, or at least some family members, probably got raped and robbed one or many times before being kidnapped or found by the dealers, and where the main customers are soldiers or authorities, then, it is a very sad eye opener for this situation. I've seen some other movies with the same theme before, but not as crude as this one, where the injuries inflicted in the girls are really real and the violence scenes really explicit. However, since the "revenge" starts, it lost credibility for me, and became too much of a wannabe Hollywood persecution movie. And when Angel gets in the house of the wife of the soldier she killed it is becoming common place in many movies. I would have avoided that scene and jumped to the next part. However, the idea was good.
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Another video nasty
Leofwine_draca1 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to think of a film with a more unpalatable premise: in the war-torn Balkans, a group of women are kidnapped are forced to work in a brothel by the notorious warlord Goran. Thus for the first hour the viewer is forced to endure endless rape and misogyny directed at the screaming female cast members, and it's all very unedifying and sleazy. I hate watching this sort of stuff and was tempted to fast forward on more than one occasion.

Eventually, the storyline twists into a revenge style set up, and it starts getting gory. Very gory. The explicit special effects turn out to be rather excellent in terms of their realism, and there's some undeniable satisfaction that comes from seeing the bad guys getting their comeuppance. However, the filmmaking is competent rather than good, and aside from the reliable Sean Pertwee as the villain of the piece, none of the performances really stand out. And there's way too much misogyny for it to be the kind of film you'd want to sit through again.
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This is very hard to watch
Shaza12316 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have wanted to watch this movie for a very long time now. Recently released, it was far more intense then I was expecting. My God this is a tough one to watch.

Set during the Balkan wars, we open in a dusty and dirty house. There are women everywhere, crying and bruised while big men shuffle them around. We know what's going on. The frightened and vacant looks on the girls tells us exactly what this place is. These are not women, but slaves, and this dusty and dirty house is their living hell. But this house has many secrets, and a mute slave called Angel knows them all. It's only a matter of time before this mute girl can no longer stay silent...

I love revenge films. They give me a sense of satisfaction as the victim always comes out on top. But this movie was very hard to enjoy. From the very beginning, the tone is set for this to be an emotional roller coaster. Knowing this stuff happens only makes it hit home that much harder. I hate rapists! I despise anyone that would inflict such cruelty onto another. This movie does not shy away from how disgusting rape really is. Even going so far as to show a girl with a broken pelvis, it's enough to make you sick to your stomach. I have watched a lot of disturbing movies and I still struggle with content such as this. This movie takes things to a whole new level. You'll be disturbed for sure.

Not only is the content disturbing, but the special effects are too. The Fx is surprisingly graphic and explicit, you'll be cringing and startled at the sight of the blood gushing. Of course when the tables turn, it becomes a lot more satisfying to watch, but no more easier. These effects looked as real as they can be. I applaud the film makers, this is some extreme looking gore. Trust me, there will be blood. And lots of it.

The acting is phenomenal. Rosie Day as the silent Angel, makes this movie. While not uttering a single line, she conveys so much emotion it's hard not to admire her. Sean Pertwee is excellent as the villain. Seeping with anger and sadism he's a guy you love to hate. Kevin Howarth is also excellent as the owner of the forced prostitution house. I found myself unsure of his motivations throughout the movie. The man was very clever at appearing sympathetic while at the same time reeking of disgust and cruelty. Finally a shout out for Anna Walton, who played my favourite character of the movie. I won't spoil her scenes, but the things her character goes through is beyond tragic and heart breaking. What a performance!

This movie reminds me of so many other revenge movies. I Spit comes to mind, due to the relentless rape, and Thriller and Cruel Picture, due to the similar use of heroin on the sex slaves. It even seems similar to Eden Lake in a couple of ways, number one of which being the tone. This movie is dark and brutal. Intense and heart wrenching. But for a directorial debut, fantastic on so many levels. While it was hard to enjoy this movie, it was none the less a brilliant experience. Perhaps not one I'll ever watch again, but one I was grateful to have seen.

Please see this movie. It's is hard to watch and incredibly disturbing, but it's movies like these that need to be seen.

Thankyou for reading.
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Most Cries Go Unheard
view_and_review13 January 2022
All over the world there are women suffering some sort of abuse and oppression, and in some parts of the world it is more prevalent. "The Seasoning House" focuses on an anonymous eastern European country in which there is war, kidnapping, and forced prostitution. It could be a more graphic version of "The Whistleblower."

A young deaf girl given the name Angel (Rose Day) was kidnapped from her home after her mom was killed by soldiers. She became the caretaker of the other kidnapped women who were forced into prostitution. She befriended one girl, and it was her death that forced Angel into violent action.

"The Seasoning House" is a jarring movie that really illustrates how women in all parts of the world are victimized. Unfortunately, not many women (if any) have a Liam Neeson to pursue their kidnappers and punish them. The cold reality is that most women's cries for help go unheard or unanswered. At least in "The Seasoning House" one girl fights back.
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Slow and Stupid
billcr1212 October 2013
The Seasoning House is a place where young women are taken against their will and tied to a bed and given regular doses of heroin to keep them docile and willing to serve men who are all sadists. One of the girls, Angel, is given the task of cleaning the rooms and shooting up the other girls with heroin. She happens to be a deaf mute who uses sign language. She also figure out how to remove the vents from each room to travel between the walls. The bad guys seem to be some kind of leather jacket wearing Eastern European Neo Nazis who love to beat women while having sex. The script is short and badly written and the ending is as bad as anything I have ever seen. Rosie Day tries as best she can as Angel, but the film is beyond redemption. Do not waste your time on this b-movie.
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A tragic tale of love, loss and death, this is one film you won't forget in a hurry.
jjwould945 March 2013
England's answer to Greg Nicotero moves away from the special make up effects and goes behind the camera to bring us this harrowing tale of Angel (Day, in a breath-taking debut), a girl ripped from her home during the war in the Balkans.

In war torn zones, military are kidnapping girls and selling them into the sex trade where they are sold to militia and civilians. Deaf and mute Angel is one of these girls who sees her mother murdered in front of her before being delivered to a brothel where she becomes the personal sex slave to its owner. A birthmark on her face makes her tainted goods so the owner, Viktor (Howarth), uses her to dope the girls with heroin to make them more amenable to their visitors, then clean them up afterwards. She spends her time away from the prying eyes of her captors crawling through the limited space of the ventilation system. Until an unplanned incident brings her head to head with the men who took her from her family.

Make no odds, The Seasoning House is not a comfortable watch but it is impossible to take your eyes from it. Based on true events of atrocities that happened during the war, Hyett brings us into a degenerate world of men willing to pay for sex with tied up, drugged women and pay extra to be rough with them. Some of the girls do not survive some of their "customers". The performances, especially from Day (watch out for her, she will be a name to take notice of) had to be good to make the film believable and to care about Angel. Howarth gives us a dark turn of a man just as at ease plunging a knife into the neck of a young girl to simply make a point as he is pouring a shot of whiskey.

Hyett builds a relationship between Angel and Viktor that enables the power dynamic between the two of them to change during the film. This is integral to some of the major turns in the story and needed to be handled delicately so as not to be too in your face about it but also sustain a sense of believability with the interaction of the two.

The Seasoning House is violent and gripping but never feels exploitative which was needed to ensure you retained a high level of empathy for Angel. It's hard to use the word enjoyed with this film but it is a superb piece of art that fully deserves wider recognition. If you get the chance and can stomach something more hard hitting than your usual Hollywood attempts and horror then I highly recommend this film.

A tragic tale of love, loss and death, this is one film you won't forget in a hurry.
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Just know what you're in for
patsulli999 August 2021
I didn't. I turned this on to watch a generic, low budget pass the time horror/thriller and my God.

This thing's extremely messed up and gets brutal at moments you don't fully see coming while feeling far more real than it should. That said, it's got a brutal story and it tells it accordingly. You can tell it's on a budget but it's contained enough to keep it looking good through the end and the acting only ever sticks out as a plus.

Don't expect a horror movie, expect a horrifying movie. And one well done at that.
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Utter trash - no plot but lots of blood and gore
MoviesRT19 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't going to waste my time reviewing this, but felt I had to warn others.

Anyone who calls this "brilliant cinematography" must love torture, rape and blood. There really wasn't much more to this movie than that.

Mostly it made no sense at all. Apparently the deaf mute girl also couldn't smell because she ran right into a pile of rotting corpses in one scene.

Why do these types of movies deal in situations that are just not real at all? I guess reality is just too hard to create these days. All I kept saying was "what a stupid stupid movie."

So if you like blood, gore, rape and torture, this is your movie. If you care for plot, storyline and acting, give it a pass.
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Brutal depiction of military enslavement and cruelty in the Balkans.
suite9216 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Set in the Balkans in 1996 during war. Goran rounds up women, keeps the few he likes for his house of prostitution, and kills the rest. Goran selected the deaf-mute Angel to serve as housekeeper of sorts in the whore house. Goran had Angel's mother shot to death before her eyes.

Viktor runs the whore house and treats Angel less savagely than he treats the involuntary prostitutes. Angel is slim enough to navigate the air vents. She uses this to do the prostitutes small favors, like giving a piece of chocolate.

When Goran returns, one of his soldiers brutally uses one of Angel's friends. He suffocates her while he reaches climax. Angel witnesses this, and stabs the rapist multiple times. She barely escapes through the air vents. The rest of the soldiers decide to find her.

Will Angel escape? Will there be any justice for the rapist military criminals?


Cinematography: 6/10 Good, though sometimes more than a bit out of focus. There was a tendency to show fog way too much. Outdoors, sure. Indoors? That is harder to believe.

Sound: 4/10 Sometimes fine. Often the conversation levels are very low, while the dramatic incidental music is off-the-charts loud.

Acting: 6/10 Sean Pertwee and Rosie Day were fine, and Kevin Howarth was not bad. The rest of the cast was poor.

Screenplay: 6/10 Slow and methodical, and fairly convincing in its description of real horror in large quantities. However, I thought it gave in too often to portraying people as caricatures rather than more rounded individuals. I liked the last scene with Angel and Goran, though I thought there was not enough retribution.
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