Untold (TV Series 2021– ) Poster

(2021– )

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One of the worst, most abrupt endings to an otherwise excellent documentary.
austinfsk220 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Manti Teo's story was was excellent, but the directors didn't put the wrapping paper on an otherwise excellent documentary.

1) Naya is not held accountable whatsoever. She has no remorse and the producers never pressured her to see if she understood the gravity of the situation or what she did. A huge miss. She gets off easy.

2) The media is let off easy as well. They ruined this guys life, take none of the blame for not fact checking anything and get off scot free.

3) Where the hell is the video package at the end showing Manti Teo having some success in the NFL or talking about how he's married with a child. It just ends with him crying and cutting to an ad. Absurd!
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maytekinaliyeva19 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had somewhat sympathy toward that Ronaiah guy up until the moment he imitated a dying girlfriend's breath stunt on the phone FOR MORE THAN A MONTH!!! What is this? How deeply troubled you must be to carry something like this on? It would be more decent if he just cut him loose or ghosted him. I don't care if he is a transgender. I don't care if he is an alien from Saturn. He is just a bad person. There is a good expression "someone's heart is in the right place" His heart is in the very wrong place.
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They showed the catfish in too positive of light.
arb-1865417 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Here's a story of a protected individual absolutely devastating another man's life. The show does not treat her/him as the evil person they are. It's pretty obvious that protected group had a lot of say in the making of this film. Otherwise I'm happy they let Manti share his side. This was similar to the Duke lacrosse incident both were victims portrayed as villains and the original headlines were all that stuck.
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An Urban Meyer PR piece; no scandals here!
thomasflem97-707-55142423 August 2023
This is a bit of a misnomer to put this under an "untold" category. It's all stuff that has been told. What I mean is they didn't go into any of the stuff that actually made this era of Florida football so intriguing. Other than Tebow. But the pouncey twins or aaron hernandez? Not mentioned. That 2009 sugar bowl surprise resignation or the carlos dunlap DUI Right before the SEC title game? Nope. Meyer's secret health issues? Any mention of Zach Smith? Anything that paints Urban in any light other than a maybe a little too tough old school but caring head coach? Nope. This was literally just a heavily doctored PR piece that I'm sure Urban's PR team saw as his chance to get back in public favor and Florida was at least okay with. So if you're a Florida fan who wants to reminisce on that national title run and see a picture painted of sunshine and rainbows, sure, this is fine. But if you're a college football fan who wanted to peer back the curtain and follow the main storyline we were hoping for - how chaotic, outrageous and captivating that Florida team was in the Urban era, with all of the controversies, scandals and surprises, then you're going to naturally end this series feeling more than a little disappointed. I understand if they included all the things we wanted to hear about, the series probably would have ended with "we reached out to urban Meyer and he declined to comment." But the fact that he's in it, and presented as the shining little star along with Tebow, is completely sweeping all of the UF controversies under his tenure under the rug. Which is especially jarring, knowing what we know now about his failure with the Jags. In short, it was a cop out and a missed opportunity.
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A stomach turning catfish.
Sleepin_Dragon18 August 2022
Manti Te'o, definitely a guy that had it all, super talented, wholesome, handsome, someone that radiated goodness, however he fell in love with someone, online, someone he believed was Lenaya.

I wasn't aware of this story, not was I aware of Manti Te'o, but I know the effects of catfishing, it's a disgusting act. It's a really interesting story, and as you'd expect, it's very well made, with some fascinating and insightful interviews. Plenty of passion, a lack of respect shown by one party.

Naya, just loathsome, utterly self absorbed, selfish and lacking in any degree of humanity or remorse, I'm not without compassion for people, I understand that people of all sexes, creeds, sexualities etc, can have problems, but you DON'T take someone down because you're in a bad place, and the one thing you say, is I'm SORRY, what a disgusting person, it was treated like a joke.

Respect for Manti, 8/10.
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Oh what a twisted web we weave ,,,,,,
thejdrage18 August 2022
Manti Te'o is incredible. Who could have kept playing any game at the levels he did while going through such a living nightmare?

As far as the catfish goes, I am flabbergasted at the complete and total lack of ownership of the mass of damage they visited on Manti and his entire family.

They were certainly pleased at what they learned from it! Zero, ZERO empathy for anyone else. I think that's one of the big signs of a sociopath.

Manti was gracious throughout the entire ordeal and I cannot imagine what he was feeling in his guts. But what a cool exterior, that man has.

This document is a warning to everyone else. It's certainly a warning to watch out for that specific person!!
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Sending my love to Te'o
qsspzhpzf17 August 2022
This was probably one of the most difficult things I have watched in a long time. It's so sad how it's usually the most kind hearted people that get cheated by life. This story really broke my heart.

What made this documentary worse, was the way the adults were going on about the dude being gay. That was such a shame.

Manti Te'o is a strong young man, very gifted, kind hearted and I wish you nothing but the best. All my love from South Africa.
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A more informed take on the 2013 story, but can the offender show a little more accountability? [+66%]
arungeorge1317 August 2022
Here's another entry in the Untold series that discusses a sporting controversy that forever changed the lives of Manti Te'o, Ronaiah 'Naya' Tuiasosopo, and their respective families. The private lives of sportspersons have always been in the limelight of the media. And back in 2013, the media did play a key role in blowing this story out of the water, because it was scoop and boy, do people love scoop! Netflix decided to walk back upon this story and present a more informed, well-rounded version of it, focusing on the two key folks mentioned.

It lets both Manti and Naya breathe easy, and take into consideration that they were young, naive, and vulnerable when it all played out. Of course, I'd have liked more accountability on Naya's part than merely admitting to her offense, but it also presents a more worldly and empathetic view. Manti, on the other hand, feels more relatable and unworried at this point, when he narrates his side of the story. The latter episode in this two-part documentary carries all the emotional impact, and it's definitely worth a viewing!
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Damage mentally ill people do
foxtwc17 August 2022
I never heard of any of this before, so had no opinion going in.

Netflix did a good job showing Manti and how much he was a victim of someone who was not in a good space. He was a good person that got damaged by the actions of a toxic person.

It also outlines how mentally unfit the media is in its need to tear people apart without knowing the story. Journalism has died if it even existed. There is a clear agenda and drama sells and they bathe in it like psychos bathe in blood.

It's a real example of how judgemental people are in society when it comes to others. That need to hate someone for something that isn't relevant to who they are but will define how they are treated. The moment people felt Manti had lied they wanted to destroy him ... there was no escape no matter what the truth was. Either he was part of the hoax and was a terrible person; or he was catfished and a sucker; or that he was trying to hide he was gay and couldn't be a leader.

The only thing that should have mattered is if he could play football to the NFL. People will try to talk about being and outstanding person with impeccable morals and background but let's face it they are just football players and that league is full of scandalous people not saints.

In the end people persevere through adversity and it's clear that Manti has become stronger because of it and likely a lot more humble and empathetic than he would have been had he been a top pick NFL player worth hundreds of millions. That is probably his only saving grace ... he got destroyed by public opinion over falling for someone who lied to him instead of being destroyed by a life where the fame and wealth could have destroyed who he was as a person by making him think he was better than others and descended into that pit of destruction so many fall into when the commercial juggernaut takes over your life and exploits and chews you up until your worthless to them.

As for Lennay, they explained how it all went down. I don't know if they will ever truly understand the hurt they inflicted. They seem more interested in acknowledging their gender orientation than to discuss how wrong what they did was. I take this as Netflix wanting to humanize the story of them so that they are not vilified as a monster for what they did. I accept that given the aptitude of the average weirdo with social media who would probably make death threats to them. These are the same people who tore Manti apart for having feelings for someone that was a lie to begin with.

The end lesson is to be yourself when exploring relationships with someone else, lying about who you are or pretending to be something you are not is going to hurt someone when the real you becomes apparent. Be true to yourself and to others like Manti was.
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How has humanity ended up here?
H78617 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
No other group of people would be given such a platform to manipulate people into feeling pity for them. Roniah is a narcissist who seems to have been portrayed as an innocent, misunderstood transgender. No other group of people would be shown in such a "positive" light. Everything he did was & should still be a sign of someone who's mentally unstable.

We've come to a point where everyone is so scared to "offend" transgenders/LGBTQ that they can't speak the truth, which is that they are the most entitled group, who always expect to be right & to be placed on a pedestal. How could Netflix think it's a good idea to portray Roniah as someone who did nothing wrong? He showed no remorse in the documentary, he acted like it was all a joke & just a bit of fun. That's a good example of someone who's mentally ill. He ruined a good man's career.

I've only given this a 3 because, as gullible & naive Manti was, I still feel sorry for him. Seems like a man with good intentions & a pure heart. Otherwise, it'd be a 1/10.
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Difficult To Rate
helenahandbasket-9373416 August 2022
This is a difficult epi to rate- the story is told well and I remember this happening at the time (of course the media pushed the theory that Manti was part of this) and that there's now a convenient movement to latch on to for 'Lennay' is just gross.

Of course he/she will make it all about themselves- not the complete and utter destruction for anyone else; when you can conveniently trot out the excuse that you 'identify' as a female therefore you didn't 'really' mean to destroy Manti because you were really in love with him, it's time to stop handing out insane excuses to criminals. Until you're willing to deal with punishment for criminal behavior, you don't get to play the trans card.

My God, will we ever learn from the past?

That Deadspin (trash, tabloid 'journalism', that's the standard now) was behind it all spoke volumes to me then, and infuriates me now- just listen to the actual giddiness of the intern that sends the story to Tim, and that Tim is oddly flexing about being some supposed 'brain' because 'anonymous collective, hurrrdurrr', and THEY HAD EVIDENCE that Manti was being taken yet chose to report disingenuous information. 'We didn't realize how voraciously the media would inhale this story!!', really?? The same story you COULD NOT WAIT to publish before any media could scoop you?

That Johnny Manzel was the person to win the Heisman should tell you everything you need to know about this year in sports.

'How could he have been so naive?!' was commonly bandied about, but what anyone saying this failed to recognize is, at the DI level, your life is not your own. He wanted to believe and having little to no time to yourself, having actual conversations with 'her', (his friends and parents heard her and believed it!!) along with losing his grandmother, focusing on your 'job' of football and making it to a national championship is no small feat. Catfishing wasn't part of the lexicon at that point, at least not as commonly known, and if you have even the slightest empathy for someone, you can see how easily this snowballed onto Manti.

I cannot reiterate enough my disgust for the CRIMINAL here- they actually BLAME MANTI for releasing the audio recordings, like THEY ARE THE REAL VICTIM! You are a monster that destroyed another person, and all you can see is yourself? It's just gross on so many levels and having some supposed gender confusion DOES NOT EXCUSE BEHAVIOR. It certainly doesn't excuse criminal acts, and that you're trying to push this as a poor you scenario tells me they're not sorry in the least, and that by 'coming out' it somehow negates previous bad actions; that once he and his family/friends learn of this, they'll have to forgive them because trans? That's exactly what I mean when I say we haven't learned from the past.
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Catfish had no repercussions
rutterjenn17 August 2022
This is yet another example of how a catfish has no real repercussions for their actions. I feel so much empathy for Manti Te'O. It's almost impossible to understand what it's like to be catfished and it's always those of who have been there that end up with all the repercussions. That catfish just went on with life but cost Manti so much.
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No Accountability
sendraalexandre21 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is the story of how a narcissistic-mythomaniac pathetic person destroyed a person's life and got away with no repercussion at all.

This person was almost proud of himself for managing to do the voice of 5 different persons, he also convinced a kid and a woman to participate in his twisted scam, shame on you... this it honestly disgusting

Manti is such a kind and loving person, he did not deserve that, and I respect him so much for forgiving his scammer, I wouldn't have been able to.
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Victim Blaming
cherrycarey-3491418 August 2022
This documentary should have been the opportunity for Manti to speak out, but it was vastly overshadowed by his perpetrator's attempt to justify her actions because she was a confused person at the time.

Just because you are a part of a marginalized group does not make you a good person. 'Naya' is a deeply disturbed person who created an elaborate scheme (on purpose!) to satisfy her own needs - which she admitted in the series. She shows absolutely no remorse, made no apology and really doesn't take any accountability for the sick, twisted web of lies she weaved. Oh, and she involved a CHILD in this fake relationship persona she crafted. Sick, grotesque are the best words I can use to describe her and I don't feel they adequately sum up what an evil and manipulative thing she did to Manti. She had every opportunity to come clean and take ownership, but didn't. She even had the nerve to be upset with Manti for releasing the voicemails she left him so he could try and prove how convincing she was as a woman over the phone.

How is this not victim blaming?!

Add on the morally-deprived so called "journalists" at Deadspin who feel there is a time limit on someone's choice to respond to their personal life and the other major media outlets like CNN and Sports Illustrated and trusted names like Katie Couric and Anderson Cooper who not only regurgitated the lies but were part of the camp who went as far to question Manti's sexually and the sheep-like mentality of the general public who will just believe everything they hear......I mean, how can you not feel for the poor guy?

Was he naive - yes. Did he deserve to be publicly ridiculed and crucified, ultimately leading to ruining his life? I hope the the majority would agree that the answer is a clear NO.
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Gramoulk17 August 2022
Why did they put so much focus on the actual catfisher? Nobody, wants to hear about that evil human being. Giving said person a spotlight is counterproductive!
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Not enough from Manti
moviefan19875 September 2022
I remember this story well and this documentary was quite eye opening. Another example of how differing the media can be, but more so, how disgusting we can be to each other. Why did Netflix give so much air time to this vile con-artist? Made me sick listening to them. The level of thought and commitment put into this fantasy was insane. Manti's life was completely upended and he could have ended up making quite a name for himself. I can't stand Netflix for trying to get us to feel empathy for the criminal who messes up his life. I do wonder what would have happened had he decided to go into the draft his senior year, maybe this story would have had a happier ending.
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twright-5140226 August 2022
This is a good documentary. Unfortunately, they don't do a good job of portraying the catfisher Tuiasosopo as the horrible person he is. There is no excuse for what Te'o was put through.
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A good documentary.
kenbo-8736017 August 2022
I've never watched an NFL game (I watch real football!) nor heard of Manti T'eo before. That meant I could watch this without knowing the outcome first.

It was enjoyable, but it was also similar to an episode of Catfish. What made this for me was Manti himself. What a lovely chap. 7/10 for the programme. 10/10 for Manti.
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I feel for Manti
lhbaker-2878323 August 2022
The first episode is good and all but the second episode really hit home. It makes me feel so bad for Manti, and frustrated at the people that destroyed Manti's life. And it makes me feel amazing that Manti found hope in his dire place.

P. S. I don't want to talk about Ronai.
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lucaschriskowalski6 September 2022
Christ Almighty, what a self centred and narcissistic person. Watching the first episode and one particular part really made me dislike the trans woman in this, claiming that a comment made to the straight male she duped and that was why he was successful in his game? Horrendous. What a horrible person to try to manipulate another human being for their own selfish benefit. A really impressive take on how human beings will do anything including destroying the lives of other people for their own gain. There was no accountability here from the trans woman, just attempts to justify why she did what she did. What a gross human being.
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Way to ruin a life
jwburke9319 August 2022
I loved this documentary, I thought it was awesome to give manti a chance to finally tell his story without media speculation. The person who catfished him didn't take responsibility at all. That person ruined his life through selfishness. I'm glad manti found peace and I hope the best for him.
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ColinTheGorilla27 August 2022
Such a gutwrenching story to hear about and how terrible the whole situation was. Mantai was a great person and I hope he's doing well This is one of the hardest things I've ever watched it made me feel so emotional and almost into the point of tears. I just feel awful for Mantai and everything he through. I really hope that people can learn from this. It's sadding what catfishing has became in our world and I really hope that more people do learn about it. Hearing about all the things like the voice-mail etc made me so sad as she pretended to be dying and made Mantai go through something horrible like thinking someone he loved was dying. Such a sad story.
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BEWARE, a testament to that
twh-0028628 August 2022
Never trust people you meet online, meet in person to verify, and be careful about who you trust in general.

The "cat-fisher" seems to be a very unhealthy person who use Te'o without any thought for consequences. They are appear to be delusional, may have a split-personality, and are likely even dangerous as they do not care about the impact they have on Te'o's life and his future.

Sending false pictures, changing their voice, and PREYING on someone who seems lost and wrapped up in their grief and life, so very sad. Watching this is very sad and upsetting and seeing how Te'o was victimized not just by the catfisher, but also the press and media.
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Again there's the issue unique to a documentary...
orcinussr16 August 2022
... that is, does one factor in the subject matter and subjects when reviewing the piece as a whole? - in terms of the subjects themselves, I hear this so often now ' I didn't care if it was wrong, or who I hurt because it's what I wanted' - why is this so prevelant now in today's society? That what one wants should supercede everything else when making decisions? It's maddening! The biggest lie an adult can tell a child is that they can do anything they put their mind to and that they can be anything they want ' and to a lesser extent that they deserve everything and anything they want - simply put THEY CAN NOT and THEY DO NOT - let us cease teaching our youth t, no matter what we may wish for them, that these tenants are true and realistic.
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Too much face time for a narcissist
wangtoast22 August 2022
A person lies, deceives and destroys...yet is given carte blanche here in a documentary to justify their deplorable behavior-and doesn't seem to show much remorse while doing so. I do think there were aspects of this story that were worth re-examining in a feature or a mini series...but not like this...I think the focus should been more so on the way the media handled everything and what their motivations may have been. Instead we are forced to consume many thoughts & words of a despicable deceiver, who selfishly tarnished the legacy of a fine young man.
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