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Decent film.
Bruce72215 August 2013
The fact that Playing For Keeps received such poor reviews doesn't surprise me because movie critics are some of the most closed minded individuals on the planet and this movie doesn't fit into one of their predetermined little genres. It is too raunchy to be a family movie, doesn't focus on relationships or drama enough to be a romantic-comedy, doesn't involved enough soccer to be a sports movie, and doesn't have the proper type of humor to be dude movie. What it is, however, is just an all-around decent film. There's nothing great about it but it does everything pretty good. The cast is great, though they are a bit underwhelming and underutilized in the film, and they provide solid performances, albeit a bit cliché. The plot is decent enough to keep you engaged. Is it predictable? Of course it is but so are 99% of movies made nowadays so that's nothing new. All in all, I think most open-minded viewers will enjoy this as a pretty good all-around movie, nothing more, nothing less.
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A Pleasant Date Night Diversion
markc144 December 2012
Just saw Playing for Keeps at a preview screening last night. Few script surprises in this stock-standard romantic comedy. If you didn't see the end coming in the first 20 minutes, you weren't paying attention. Still, a pleasant date night diversion nonetheless.

Direction and photography were above average. All the actors played their parts up to the very limits of the script. Gerard Butler was quite believable in his role as the womanizing ex- soccer star ready to be a grownup. Female members of the audience voiced their approval of him right on cue throughout the movie. His lifelong real-world enthusiasm for soccer (particularly the Celtics) shone though in quite a number of scenes.

The entourage of swooning soccer moms was also a treat to watch. Judy Greer stole the show in her role as Barb. Her mercurial mood changes were simply hilarious. Dennis Quaid's turn as a mysteriously wealthy local businessman and paranoid husband was a hoot. I can't recall many roles he's played that offered the peculiar mix of affable good guy/sinister bad guy seen here.

Not a chance you'll see this film on stage at Oscar time, but it's worth the price of admission. Recommended.
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Save this one for DVD
melina-m-gunnett7 December 2012
I came, I sat, I watched and... well that's about it. I don't have anything bad to say about the movie, but I don't really have anything good to say about it either. Playing for keeps was a pleasant enough love story, but there really wasn't much there to hold my attention. Maybe if I was a HUGE soccer fan... but probably not.

The story was about a man, George (Gerard Butler), who screwed up his marriage and is trying to win back both his wife and son. Butler and Biel (who plays the ex-wife Stacie) both put in a good performance  but I didn't feel any chemistry between them. The only character I felt any connection with was the kid, Lewis (Noah Lomax).

Throughout the movie we kept hearing about how exciting and fun George was, but I failed to see it. Dennis Quaid does put in a fantastic performance as the reprehensible Carl.
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More Hallmark Made for TV movie than big screen production
tundraguy7 December 2012
Romantic comedy. Say it with me. Romantic comedy. Former star athlete, broken marriage, cute kid. Lots of sexual tension. I wanted to laugh at the many of what I thought were funny lines, but I wasn't feeling it from the rest of the audience. Although the movie was entertaining, there was something lacking in the script that made this all-star cast of Catherine Zeta-Jones, Uma Thurman, Dennis Quaid and Judy Greer seem more satirical in their overstated roles. Jessica Biel was the stable force playing the the former wife of the soccer great. Gerard Butler was believable as the former star now struggling to find his spot in a second career after sports.

Overall I thought it was enjoyable. The movie did not drag and had some great feel good moments. However I thought I was watching a made for TV movie. The story was very predictable as are most of your romantic comedies.
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More Drama Than Comedy Film Underrated By Critics
drpakmanrains7 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I rarely see movies when they first open anymore, but went to this one because I liked Gerard Butler in "Dear Frankie" and "Law Abiding Citizen", the former more than the latter. The critics have almost unanimously panned this film, but I liked the trailers and the idea of Butler playing a soccer coach. The film itself is a traditional romantic comedy in form, but there is very little real comedy. There are maybe two laughs and a few chuckles. The story is about a divorced father, once a great soccer pro, who, like many athletes, has let his family life suffer as he succumbed to the many perks of fame. He wants to reconnect with his son and his ex, but she is about to marry her more mature boyfriend with whom she has been with for about three years. I think the biggest weakness of the film was the succession of women who throw themselves at Butler once he agrees to coach his son's soccer team. I know women today are more socially aggressive than back in the 50's and 60's when I grew up, but the one after the other pacing in the film became rather silly and annoying. Are all unhappily married or divorced women today so needy as to embarrass themselves as portrayed here? It was supposed to be funny I suppose, but it fell flat. The rest of the film, while rather predictable, was well done and satisfying. Not overly sentimental, but emotional enough to engage the viewer. And contrary to some, I felt that there was good chemistry between Gerard Butler and Jessica Biel, particularly in the last third of the film. Not great, but rather likable and much better than the critic fraternity would have you believe. I predict the film will do better than expected, though not be a smash hit. I liked it better than "Moonrise Kingdom", perhaps not a fair comparison, as I hate Wes Anderson Films, and enjoyed this director's previous films, "The Pursuit of Happiness" and "Seven Pounds".
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A waste of talent all around
chodorov19 February 2013
I was very much looking forward to seeing this movie because of the stars and supporting roles, as well. I was heartily disappointed. I like Gerard Butler, and enjoyed him in the movie, but the movie was incredibly slow even for me, someone who is not into action movies. But there was too little here. Too many talented women making fools of themselves, and Dennis Quaid was thoroughly wasted as a philandering husband jealous of his wife. Outside of the main characters, all of the roles were flat and without much personality. Butler isn't the only actor who made a mistake to accept this script. Butler and Biel were the only ones with anything to work with, and they did their best, but the script was simply a failure. This was not even good enough for TV, let alone a motion picture. Save your time and money and watch something else! This is one case in which the critics were right. No wonder this was a box office flop.
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How many can relate?...I mean really
coastdaze7 December 2012
OK, so it's a showcase for Gerard Butler's charm and good looks. That's why I went in the first place. But he can act and it was an entertaining couple of hours. It's a formula movie, romantic-comedy, that worked for me. You got to go expecting to see an age-old story - but with different actors and a different storyline. Jessica Biel is a beauty...have always liked her and she's a good actress. These two have a chemistry that is not overbearing but sweet and easy to watch. The young actor who plays the son is adorable and pretty good. What I found interesting is stars like Catherine Zeta-Jone, Uma Thurmon and Dennis Quaid playing such quirky characters. While they did a good job, I didn't really like watching them play these types of people. For some reason it took away from the movie rather than added to it, for me. But all in all, I enjoyed the movie, got teary-eyed because I could relate to having a relationship with this type of man and left wishing Gerard Butler was playing the Jack Reacher part. I think he'd be a good action hero-type.
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Formulaic but barely tolerable film
estebangonzalez101 March 2013
¨How do you get to meet so many hot women? –I have an accent.¨

Director Gabriele Muccino has been successful in the past (The Pursuit of Happiness and Seven Pounds), but in Playing for Keeps he seems to have lost his touch. Everything that can go wrong in a movie goes wrong here with a very formulaic and cliché script, a predictable story, and some over the top performances. Dennis Quaid seems to be playing the same role he played in What to Expect When Your Expecting with a very eccentric approach that hurts the movie even more and presents it in a very cartoonish way. Gerard Butler is another talented actor who seems to have lost his touch as well in the recent years with some bad films. Not even the beautiful and talented ladies (Catherine Zeta Jones, Jessica Biel, Uma Thurman, and Judy Greer) were enough to save this terrible movie. The main problem was its script which was written by Robbie Fox who hadn't written a screenplay since 1994 (the terrible In The Army Now) and shouldn't have even considered making a comeback. What I can say about this film is that despite not being funny it is tolerable. It is not one of those films that bore you to death; but it is completely predictable and cliché. I wouldn't say this is completely a family friendly film despite the happy ending considering the main character is kind of a playboy. Despite the interesting cast this film is completely lazy and empty.

The story centers on George (Gerard Butler) a successful soccer player who played in important clubs across Europe and ended his career in the MLS. He hasn't had the same success in his retirement and has failed in a couple of business enterprises. George decides to move to Virginia where his ex-wife, Stacie (Jessica Biel), lives along with their young son Lewis (Noah Lomax). He wants to be a better father and therefore moves close to their home so he can spend some more time with him. Stacie is living with her fiancé, Matt (James Tupper), and they both agree that George be closer to Lewis. While George is trying to find a job as a sports anchor, he begins coaching his son's soccer team. Since he was a well known player all the parents agree he should coach the team and they are all exited that he has decided to be involved, especially the moms which include Patti (Uma Thurman), Denise (Catherine Zeta Jones), and Barb (Judy Greer). Barb is an emotional recently divorced mother, Denise is a former successful TV anchor who offers to help George in achieving his goal, and Patti is a seductive woman who is married to the rich, but manic, Carl (Dennis Quaid). George's soccer career might be over, but he finds quite a local fan base as a coach. His success with the ladies continues, but he doesn't want that to be a distraction as he becomes more and more involved in the life of his son. He also discovers that he has feelings for Stacie, and we all know where this film is heading from there.

There is not much more I can say about this extremely formulaic film. Don't be fooled by this family friendly film because it is kind of creepy in a way with the main character having all these moms stocking him. The impressive cast isn't enough to save this film since it has a terrible script and the performances were really lazy. Jessica Biel received a Razzie nomination for her performance in this film along with her work in Total Recall, but who I think was really terrible here was Dennis Quaid. The only believable thing about the film was the soccer choreographies which were done really well. They didn't seem as fake as in some other soccer movies. This is a very forgettable film, but it was tolerable and some of my family members had a good time.
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A very enjoyable movie
unomeyetudont17 April 2013
It is another good movie from Italian director Gabriele Muccino who gave great English-language movies like " The Pursuit of Happiness " and "Seven Pounds " in addition to some great Italian movies..

Gerard Butler is always handsome In this movie he has done some good acting too.. as a failed man, a good soccer ex-player and coach and news-caster, a husband who is still in love with his ex-wife, a charming man found irresistible by ladies, who are equally irresistible ( Catherine Zeta_Jones and Uma Thurman )--and above all a loving, caring ,trying father..

I have always found Jessica Beil attractive.. she has played the emotional role very effectively..

I feel both Gerard Butler and Jessica Beil are underrated, as is the movie.. Ignore the rating for 100 min and enjoy the romantic movie, which has interesting turns and twists ..

You will love it..
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A bit predictable but overall an entertaining story about a former soccer player and his split-up family.
TxMike6 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
On DVD, a loan from my local public library.

Here's the deal, a Scotsman, a former star big-time soccer player was also a bit of a "bad boy". As such he alienated his now former wife, but has moved to Virginia to be near his young son. He really realizes what a bad boy he was, but is hoping to regain the affections of his ex-wife by showing her he has become a better person.

Gerard Butler is the man, George and Jessica Biel is his former wife Stacie. Their cute little son is Noah Lomax as Lewis . The situation is complicated when George learns that Stacie is planning on marrying her boyfriend of almost 3 years.

The meat of the story kicks in when George is observing his son's soccer team practice and sees that the "coach" knows nothing at all about soccer, and seems otherwise worthless. So unable to resist George steps in, shows the kids a few things, and becomes their coach. This provides a bonding experience with his son, and also results in a winning soccer team.

The part I didn't care for were the several single soccer moms who made aggressive attempts to get George to romance them, plus at least one married woman. It didn't seem realistic. But the saving grace was that George mostly handled them well, trying to stay true to his intention to get back together with Stacie.

Overall a mostly formulaic romantic comedy with attractive actors. We enjoyed it.

SPOILERS: George is struggling for money and one of the single moms helps him get an audition with ESPN as an on-air soccer news analyst. He gets the offer and is prepared to move to Connecticut. But as he drives away he recalls his son asking him to never move away again. He returns, plans to find a job locally, and Stacie breaks her engagement to the other guy.
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I can't root for George
SnoopyStyle30 October 2013
George (Gerard Butler) is a former soccer star who is trying to reconnect with his son. He's broke, and unemployed. When he gets talked into coaching the kid's soccer team, he gets the attention of many of the soccer moms. His ex-wife Stacie (Jessica Biel) is about to marry nice guy Matt (James Tupper). His life is a mess that could destroy more than just himself.

The biggest problem is that Matt seems like such a nice guy. There isn't any reason to root for George to get back with Stacie. In fact, I mostly rooted against them together. And nothing he did persuaded me otherwise. Everything he did only reinforced my fear for the return of George. None of it is funny. So there really isn't anything I like about George other than his relationship with his son. I was hoping it concentrate more on that part of his life. When you have a whole bunch of beautiful women in front of Gerard Butler, the temptation is too great.
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An honest movie.
dariotroiani7 December 2012
An honest movie, well acted, well written and well directed. Somehow refreshing to see a comedy that could it go wrong easily and instead was delivered in a classy and delicate manner. Honesty is the best attribute to describe this movie; it is never over the top, and it doesn't pretend to be what is not. A classic comedy about becoming an adult with a good set of values. Gerard plays his role in a credible tone as all his co-stars, Jessica is fantastic and gives a very strong performance. How you know is a good performance? because you'll believe her. The young Noah performance holds next to the others. Special mention to all the secondary characters that played their best with the roles. I wish more movies like this one will get out there and be seeing. The Italian Helmer "Gabriele" did the best thing that a director can do: make the movie work as a whole with a seamless direction. Well done and highly recommended.
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Not much playing here.
DarkVulcan2914 December 2012
George Dryer(Gerard Butler) a once great soccer player, he was pretty much the Michael Jordan of that sport. Tries to pick up the pieces of his life after falling on hard times, he is trying to build a realiontship with his son and his ex wife(Jessica Biel), while trying to get a job has a sportscaster, but luck comes in, when he becomes the soccer coach for his sons team.

Gerard Butler does make attempt to put in a good performance, and not play the character has one noted. His scenes with the boy are pretty effective. But everything else pretty much goes nowhere, plots involving Judy Greer, Catherine Zeta Jones, and Uma Thurman are completely bland beyond itself. Dennis Quaid is memorable in spots has the odd billionaire that Butler befriends. But Jessica Biel is out of place here has Butlers ex, her acting says how out of place she is.
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Win, Lose or Draw!
spookyrat114 January 2020
The best that can be said about Playing for Keeps is that it's a pretty inoffensive, family-friendly dramedy, with a touch of romance thrown in for good measure and a solid experienced cast going through its paces. The worst, is that from the opening minute we sense that everything about the storyline is all too familiar and true enough, everything plays out way too predictably, to provide a satisfying viewing experience.

This is one of those films where you can only just scratch your head and wonder where the supposed $55 million budget went. It must have been the actors' salaries, because the production standards, whilst adequate for a film of this nature, have all the KPI's of your average telemovie.

Gerald Butler is OK, but involves himself in too much of this very run of the mill type fare. Jessica Biel is probably the stand-out for me in amongst a host of derivative, middling characters, but rather cruelly copped an unjust Razzie nomination for her work. That probably would have been much better directed towards Dennis Quaid, who quite simply overacts in his every scene. When you see names like Catherine Zeta-Jones and Uma Thurman, even further relegated down the cast list, you can only shake your head and ponder once more, on how the mighty have fallen, for actors such as they were/are to have engaged themselves with this trite material.

The film is not really funny, has lame dialogue and for a "sports" movie has some rather dull sports footage. But let's not be too hard, as the sport in this case is kids soccer, which at any rate takes very much a back seat, to the family dramas and soccer mums' shennanigans, taking place away from the game.

Playing for Keeps was both a critical and commercial flop. It seems the producers dropped the ball in not even being able to attract their target audience in big numbers. Not hard to understand why. Even families need something a little more substantial than this pedestrian affair to cause them to part with their hard-earned at the box office.
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nogodnomasters10 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
George Dryer (Gerard Butler) is a retired soccer star living in Virginia to be near his son living with his ex-wife Stacie (Jessica Biel). George still loves his ex and doesn't take the news of her up coming wedding too well. Having financial difficulty causes George to coach his son's (Noah Lomax) mixed league soccer team to the joy of soccer moms.

Being a good looking guy with an accent, women such as Catharine Zeta-Jones, Uma Thurman, and Judy Greer all throw themselves at him. George is not a man accustomed to saying no, but Jessica Biel is a tough act to follow, just ask her if you don't believe me.

This is not a guy's film. Soccer is in the background and knowledge of the sport doesn't make the film any better. This is perhaps a chick flick for people who don't want to get emotional. Might make for a mediocre date night film if you haven't seen "An Officer and a Gentlemen" 10 times already. Good acting. Weak script.

Parental Guide: No f-bombs or nudity. Implied sex. Use of "SOB".
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Uninspired by Playing for Keeps
Gottobeme7 December 2012
Gerard Butler plays George, a former soccer star who now finds himself on hard times apparently from squandering his resources. He finds himself living in Virginia so he can be close to his estranged son, Lewis (Noah Lomax) and ex-wife, Stacie (Jessica Biel). When George begins coaching his son's soccer team, it isn't long before all the hot soccer moms start noticing him. I thought this was supposed to be a romantic comedy but I have to tell you, I barely chuckled twice. Playing for Keeps offers a star-studded supporting cast, including, Uma Thurman, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Judy Greer and Dennis Quaid; but, surprisingly, I found the funniest character out of the bunch to be George's nosy landlord, Pramam, played by actor Iqbal Theba. Such fantastic actors but sadly the director simply did not utilize their talent to the fullest. This movie really had so much more potential. I really enjoyed the cinematography although the lighting a bit dim for me. The location was very beautiful. The first 30-45 minutes was entirely too slow for even my liking. At some point after that, it finally started to pick up but for lack of a better description, it simply felt very flat to me. I wanted to like this movie and I wanted to like the characters even more, but it just never happened for me. Granted, Gerry and Jessica are beautiful actors but the chemistry between then was lacking. Again, just didn't feel it. More laughs, humor and spirit would have been a pleasant and satisfying consolation, but one that never came.
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Not really funny but a watchable rom-com
KineticSeoul15 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I am sorta surprised at the very negative ratings this movie has gotten on rotten tomatoes. It's really not that bad of a romantic comedy, in fact it's actually quite watchable. It's not really funny romantic comedy but it does focus more on the relationship and emotional side of things. And it does a decent job of blending emotions, relationship and comedic parts. Although it leans more towards the lighthearted emotional elements. Gerard Butler plays a ex-soccer player who was a great soccer player before but now down in a slump and looking for work. And is actually very slightly based on the life of a real soccer player. In fact that soccer player is the one that trained Gerard for this role. Gerard Seems to be making his career on rom-coms and relationship type movies and this one is one of the alright ones. It isn't a great romantic comedy or one that I will probably see again but it was alright to sit through once. Anyways the main plot focuses on Gerard Butler's character named George who is a ex-soccer player who is trying to get his life back together while still trying to keep his bond with his son and his ex-wife. And it helps him a great deal when he gets a job as a soccer coach for a team his son is in. And since mom's are attracted to guys that are good with kids, a lot of woman start having attraction towards George. There is Dennis Quaid, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Uma Thurman but they are just mainly there for distractions. When it comes to the relationship between George and Stacie played by Jessica Biel. It's not really a funny or great rom-com but it's watchable.

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Chix Chat on Film Review: Predictable Romantic-Dramedy.
EmmaDinkins10 December 2012
I had not intended on seeing Playing For Keeps since I figured that I could predict the entire story especially the ending based on the sequences shown in the trailer. Turned out that there was nothing competing with it on the opening Friday so it was this or revisit something I had already seen. I decided to forge ahead and see a new film so PFK got a pass. This is the story of King George Dryer (Gerard Butler) who was once a top soccer player and is now on the other side of the game after he has aged and his heyday has passed. I had the impression that this was going to be a baby daddy drama story but it turned out to be a coming of age story when George gets guilted into coaching his son Lewis' (Noah Lomax) soccer team by his ex-wife Stacy (Jessica Biel). There were a lot of women throwing themselves at George in this story, so it would be very easy to be selfish, but circumstances forced George to make some selfless decisions. There was nothing life altering taking place in this film and most of the life lessons were subtle, including the male bashing theme that was pervasive throughout. Carl (Dennis Quaid) was a piece of work, we already know that George had issues, and the original soccer coach wasn't at all interested in what he was supposed to be doing for the kids. The best part of this film was when the kids were on the soccer field it brought back memories of when I was a soccer mom, although my son later confessed how much he hated the game. The soccer moms in this film were all behaving badly from Barb (Judy Greer) who was an emotional train wreck, to the man eating Denise (Catherin Zeta-Jones) to the Real House Wife of Soccer Patti (Uma Thurman). I did see a familiar face and now I know why one of my fav doctors Jason George (Chip) has been missing from my fav Greys Anatomy, he was off making this film. I wanted there to be more to appreciate in this film other than fond memories of children playing on a soccer field, unfortunately there was not much more than that. To the credit of the actors they performed admirably and that was a plus. But my expectations were low going in and they were met, I give it an amber light.
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Playing for Keeps
tvmovienews5 August 2013
Fellas, this is one that you would obviously watch with the cheese and kisses (misses). Or if you are a big fan of Gerard Butler and chick-flicks, this is also for you (guilty). Playing for keeps follows a former soccer star who has fallen on hard times and starts to coach his son's soccer team as a way to get his life back on track. Of course though, being Gerard Butler has its challenges. He gets swamped by advances by all of the attractive soccer mums, while trying to mend his relationship with his ex-wife played by Jessica Biel. For what it is, it's entertaining enough with some funny moments along the way. The cast is actually quite large with Uma Thurman, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Judy Greer as the soccer mums and Dennis Quaid who is pretty funny as Uma Thurman's cheating husband and powerful business man, who tries to befriend Butler. It is also directed by Gabriele Muccino who has had plenty of success with 'The Pursuit of Happiness' and 'Seven Pounds'. This movie feels similar to the Will Ferrell comedy, 'Kicking & Screaming', where he also plays a little league soccer coach, but Playing for Keeps has less comedy and way more romance.

Still, if you enjoyed Butlers previous comedies like 'The Bounty Hunter' and 'The Ugly Truth', then you should also enjoy this.

My Rating: 6/10

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Same story, different job
tommywahlman11 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
How many times have we seen this movie being released from Hollywood now? a gazillion times. They are divorced since million years back they have a child who of course wants the parents back together, she has met a new one that she will marry. The one she will marry they have been together for years, but she doesn't love him, they guys she once divorced he still loves her and only loves her and she is the only one he has ever loved and she still deep inside despite everything loves him.

This move has been made so many times, and the dad is always a f*** up, but he has straighten things out.

Please i beg of you, don't make this movie again, change it if you must. she loves her new guy dearly and will marry him or, he will find a new woman, or they never really loved each other, there are tons of ways to change it, why is that so hard for Hollywood film makers? and yes the new one who she is supposed to marry is always just there and then tossed away like the easiest of things a few crocodile tears and then its back to normal. I think there are children with better imgaination of stories then these people who constantly make these movies, its like these movies are like a Big Mac, it never really changes. Bored to death with it.
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Liked it
daffodil99910 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I have always liked soccer. I liked this movie, and I thought Gerald Butler did a great job playing the former soccer hero figuring out where to go in life after retiring from the game. His accent and demeanor were exactly perfect. The other performances were great, especially Dennis Quaid, but also Catherine Zeta-Jones and the little boy. Should the former wife of a celebrity take him back after she has divorced him and moved on? What if he realizes he loves her, not all those other women? Interestingly, I thought the soccer moms who put the moves on him were all better looking than the ex-wife he was trying to get back with, portraying that love is more important than looks. Perfect date movie.
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Playing For Keeps, more like Lose All Faith in Gerard Butler Movies
sheri-gardner11 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Grrr.... Not again. Gerard, what happened to you?? You used to pick good movies and play great characters. You need a new agent. The only reason I gave this movie a 3 and not a 1 is because the actors were fine.

The writing sucked, the plot was played out and it was all extremely typical and predictable. The characters were not lovable and the kid wasn't that cute. With a romantic comedy like this, starring a beefcake like Gerard, ya gotta pine to the ladies. I gave no sympathy to his part, since he couldn't keep his wang in his pants for two seconds, even though he claimed to be trying to get "the Love of His Life" back. Yeah, yeah.. the ladies threw themselves at him (understandably) but he could have gained more respect and compassion if he could have at least found a funny way to get out of the situations without boning every lady in town. Gross. Not attractive at all.

I give it one thumb down and one thumb sideways (for the scenes with him showing his chest - can't go thumbs down on that). I used to have a giant girl-boner for him, but honestly- I was there with my BOYFRIEND and was VERY glad to be coming home to rub on his manly chest INSTEAD. No Gerard fantasies for me on this one.

Oh, Dennis Quaid was funny and neurotic. I liked the way he kept on slapping (see the movie and you'll know what I mean). But his part was also predictable. I could have written a better movie on a crack binge. Maybe that's what the writers need, some good old crack cocaine. All I can say is the audience will wish they were on crack while trying to suffer through this movie.
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A real keeper, so its very discouraging to see national critics slam sweet films like this
inkblot1113 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
George (Gerard Butler) is a washed up soccer star. Oh, there was a time when he had it all, a beautiful wife, Stacy (Jessica Beil), a darling son, Lewis (Noah Lomax) and a jet-setting career. But, once he retired, he foolishly lost it all, through skirt-chasing, bad investments, and lousy parenting. Stacy lives in the DC area, with new fiancé, Matt (James Tupper) and her growing son and, after years of wandering, that's where George has rented a small carriage house near a larger mansion. Although he is trying to make it as a television broadcaster, his present job situation is "iffy". Nevertheless, the aging has-been makes it clear to his ex that he is keen to develop a better relationship with his son and is "sticking around". This throws Stacy into a tizzy, as it was much easier for her to write him out of her life in absentia. As Lewis is a member of a local little league soccer team, George shows up to watch his son play. All too soon it becomes obvious that the present coach is too busy with work calls to give his full attention to the kids. Subtly, George gives out advice and, before long, the parents, especially Karl (Dennis Quaid) wants George to run the show. Then, too, Karl's gorgeous wife, Patti (Uma Thurman), an attractive divorcée, Denise (Catherine Zeta-Jones) and an insecure single mother, Barb (Judy Greer) also are glad to have a handsome man like George in close proximity. With women at his heels and fathers handing him cash and cars, will this distract George from his real "goal", which is to win Stacy back? What a very enjoyable film this is, a real keeper, combining fun, glamour, and serious issues. Butler does a great job as the man who is just learning to act like an adult while Biel gives a sensitive, low-key performance as Stacy. Wow, does Thurman, Z-Jones, and Greer look sensational as they give fine support! Lomax is a cute, talented child star while Quaid has the obnoxious, rich mogul act down pat. Only Tupper's "nice guys have no lines" role is disappointing, for he deserves more. Also, the Virginia setting is lovely, while the costumes, script, and studied direction do well in enhancing the story. So, dear ladies and truly anyone who wants a break from superheroes, vampires, zombies, gangsters or action movies, this flick has a evening of delight waiting for you. Buy tickets soon.
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Review with small spoilers of the plot.
erik-larsgaard29 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Playing For Keeps.

A former big league soccer player who's fallen on hard times starts coaching his son's soccer team as a way to get his life together ans spend time with his son. he is very welcome at his job, specially by the housewives in the town. at his free time he records himself as a demo for a sports caster. he is met with the aftermath of leaving his family and not learning how to be a parent.

this movie gives you allot more than just this description, a classic romantic comedy. but a very good version of the recipe. i was certainly entertained.

The parts that i personally liked: it was easy to follow Georges story, and the movies "mood-swings" was taken as given, accordingly to him.

i felt that there was a good chemistry between the actors.

i liked the feel good vibes that the movie gave.

The parts i didn't like:

i think joke placements were a little off. like the director himself was not willing to go a hundred percent for the fact that the joke was funny. and than with rushing the lines, ruined some of the jokes. this can give a feeling that it is more real as well, i just don't know what the director was going for.

its fair enough that things are a Cliché for a reason, but the way things happened in the ending was not perfect. I'm not saying it should have been completely different, but there could have been some parts that made it its own.

i read that the movie and Jessica Biel was nominated for worst supporting actress. that's just a simple "hate crime". just because she doesn't play a big part in the movie.i think she is there to illustrate important to George, and she did a good job at that.

Ultimately: i think this is a movie where most of all the right things are there, just maybe not utilized in the perfect way. the story is worth mentioning because it was a very good story.

i would give this movie a 7 out of 10, because the plot and the acting carried the parts that may have been missing or in my mind done a little wrong. its not a "BIG Hollywood movie" and it doesn't try to be. there are some big stars indeed, but that doesn't mean they are trying to get movie of the year or something.
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not good enough
PennyReviews29 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I outgrown the family movies with the cute kid and the family is all you've got movies, or maybe this movie was more about the first character, George, and not for the relationship between the kid and his dad. Probably the second one. So George is a former soccer player who becomes the couch of his son's soccer team, something that makes the soccer mums bewilder. First of all, the movie has no story. I don't really know where we were heading, till the last twenty minutes. Secondly, there is no deep in the story. George just cruises over one sexual relationship after the other, screwing it up with his kid and then fixing things up by letting him drive and playing soccer in the rain. Really? And to top it all, his relationship with his ex wife is a mess up, with him being in a really bad economical situation, but still focusing on his love life.
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