After Everything (2023) Poster

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Make a movie without your female lead? No thanks.
mandypsl15 September 2023
As a longtime fan following this franchise, it was obvious some stuff went down outside of filming. I guess the repercussions of that meant losing Josephine as our female lead. What's After without the source of the story? Don't get me wrong, Hero was great. But it didn't feel the same. He was incomplete. This movie served no purpose other than to promote Hero in a stand alone film. It was watchable but if you're watching it as part of the series, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Completely and utterly offensive to see Josephine only have about 15 minutes of legitimate screen time. And I'm not talking about flashbacks. What even was that? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm glad the After era is over.
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It's hard to write this ...
krisi-marie4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The After movies have been some of my favourite Romance films in a very long time. Along with others, I have followed along Hessa's journey for 4 years. While some movies in the set are better than the other, this one should have been one of best as it is the long awaited finale.

As a fan of both Hero and Josephine, I can't help feel but let down for myself and for them.

The majority of the movie focuses on Hardin with some random side character that was NEVER mentioned before, not even once. I don't care if she was in the book or not, she was never mentioned in the films. Why am I supposed to care about her and the fact that Hardin bought her a house? Like...Okay? That character made no sense to the story. It would have been better if the Portugal portion was shortened and focused 100% on Hardin finding himself WITHOUT this random lady.

When he gets home to Landon's wedding, we have like 10-15 mins of screen time with our leading lady, Tessa, and that's it. It ended abruptly. They could have easily made a 2 hour movie that had more time with Hessa instead of this 1 hour 25 min rushed mess. It's such a slap in the face to the characters and actors. The movie started, I blinked, then it was over. I literally said out loud "that's it?...". I would have loved to have seen THEIR wedding and more of them at the end with their kids in the time jump. Or somewhere along the way had a conversation about her miscarriage.

Overall, it was nice to see Hessa again. It's just very sad that this movie was a huge disappointment after waiting 4 years to see the end. Maybe I'll try reading the books to see if we were given a better ending in those.
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Huge fan of Hero and after series but not this movie
amymthomas8215 September 2023
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I had read the after book series about 4 times each and watched all the movies at least 6 times or more, I love the movies almost as equally as the books. Not because they are the same as the books because they a largely different, but for the incredible chemistry that Tessa and Hardin display on film. I was there for the multiple cast changes and accepted it and still loved, but this last movie that I was dying to see just fell flat and it breaks my heart the direction this movie went where Natalie had way more screen time- practically the entire movie than Tessa and her less than 15 minutes. Hero is a phenomenal actor in his role and I enjoyed watching him reprise Hardin, but to have the last and final movie be in a location and scenes that only appear in the movie and not in the books, it was a big let down. I watched in in the theater and my love of the series will have me buying the digital release but it sadly didn't meet the mark and Tessa's role in the film just felt too rushed and like her heart wasn't in it.
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Lesson in how not to make a movie
mnikolmartin2 December 2023
I wanted an ending to this wonderful story, it's been a journey for me! There is a rushed version of it, ten minutes or so, with two epic songs of Amber Run and James Bay! That's the whole movie.

The rest is a Portuguese vacation for the movie makers and don't get me wrong, it's beautifully filmed. The problem is that it has no story and very little to do with After. The feeling of the books is completely lost to a filler that looks like youtube lounge chillout background.

I have many harsh words for the executive team, but in the end, what truly matters is that they learn from this mistake, so no other beloved stories get butchered like this.
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Really stupid last film, Tessa is missing for most of it
topsi9115 September 2023
So, basically for 1h,25 min out of 1h30 min, they are showing only what Hardin is doing, the struggles of one narcissist when he can't get enough supply haha They were trying to make it seem like he is struggling cos he loves Tessa so much but it was no convincing to me. Tessa told him she moved on, but as soon as she saw him, she is head over heels obsessed with him on the same second. Tessa on the other hand shows only at the end of the film, literally the last few min, just so they can add some suggestive not even very good s*x scene in there. And guess what - they will get married, but they don't show any of it, they just skip through time and show them years later when they have kids? Makes no sense.. so the whole film was so slow paced (as in the whole 5 films) and suddenly they skip through the most important part of their life story - the marriage, the emotions, the pregnancies.. they show nothing. So if you want to watch Hardin being a drunkard and having s*x with other women for hour and a half, be my guest, but if you expect to see their development as a couple, this won't happen. Such a lame film, seriously. And I don't get how they include Tessa only at the end of this film, so the whole film was about literally nothing. I think this one must be the worst of them all and the ending is just so rushed and not satisfying. It's just really, really bad and I do no recommend. Not to mention it gives a bad example of toxic relationships and makes women believe that the bad guy will turn good all of a sudden, just cos she is the one, she is the chosen hahah no unrealistic. Everyone who has been in a relationship with a narcissist know they never change and marrying the guy or giving birth to his kids won't change him. I hate this film so much actually.
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A movie that is made by man
karuschwarzwald15 September 2023
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As a fan of the books and Hardin and Tessa, I was really scared and excited at the same time for finally watching their last chapter and their happy ending but end up so miserable and sad after seeing it I regret all the years I've waste with this franchise. The worst scene and most unnecessary and disgusting was the plane scene. I don't get it, it has no purpose whatsover to be at the movie just to please the female audience that only cares about seeing Hero shirtless with other woman. Portugal scenes were too long for me, they tried really hard to make hardin and natalie create a relationship and we as a fandom didn't want that at the last movie where it supposed to be just hessa. Hardin buying a house for Natalie? Pointless Also, them giving Josephine Langford the lead female actress just 15 minutes and not talk about the miscarriage is an insult for all the females that struggle with that. Yes, they end up together but it's too rushed because they spent practically the whole movie with a side character that was never mention before in the movies.

Overall, I felt they just wanted to do this movie for the money and nothing else. They (Voltage) don't care about us fans, and that's really unfair to us.

I give it 2 stars because of the wedding scene , the dance, sex scene and the proposal.
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Such a lost opportunity
lizetwesselman26 December 2023
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This was one of the most dissapointing endings in movies, ever. Honestly, I didn't like the last 2, as they got insanely toxic and they glorified it. They had such a great opportunity to fix it in this movie. Harden worked on himself and it looked so promising. And then they hook up, all is forgiven and they live hapily ever after? What the hell? She has no idea about his progress when she says yes. So basically, she still agrees to marry the narcissistic ass he was in the previous movies. Also no mention on the new book and what's in it. He never talked about his past, but it's all in the book. She ran because of the first book. He asked Natalie for permission, and then they just skip over the whole part where she gets to read it. All the very real issues are just brushed off by a hookup at a wedding. Like all is so easily forgiven. Still glorifying toxic relationships in the name of "inevitable". The producers should be ashamed for the way they made these movies.
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Toxic and abusive relationship portrayed as romance
bffliceu15 September 2023
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I've read all the books when I was a teenager and at the time I loved them. Now as an adult I see how toxic and abusive Hardin was. The movies barely show any of that, instead they make it seem all romantic when it never was. Hardin is a manipulator, gaslighter, alcoholic and a liar. The media is portraying this kind of relationship to teenagers and adults as a romantic and acceptable relationship, it is not. He keeps pursuing and pushing Tessa, and it is very creepy, abusive and stalker like. Also, it says that it's 14A, it should be more than that, I was so uncomfortable watching some of the scenes with literal children next to me, the sex scene was longer than it needed to be. Thank god I watched this for free as I work in a movie theater, I would hate to contribute my money to the people who created and directed this abusive relationship movie that was portrayed as romance.
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I don't get all the hate.
tmoore-5533519 January 2024
I think that I saw the first two movies and they were depressing from what I remember. I remember them fighting and unhappy. I just remember them being dark. This actually made you feel good at times for the characters.

I love Mimi Keene too. She was really good as always. She is beautiful and funny. I love her in Sex Education. I liked that storyline and the scenery was beautiful. To me it didn't drag on either like some of these type of movies do.

It was good for the kind of movie it is intended to be. It set out what the intention was...for him to make his amends.

Once he did that it made for a happy ending.
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horrendous final movie
tchvkgk17 September 2023
I was obsessed with this series from the day it came out, but since this final movie im utterly disappointed. I cannot believe this has been done. Whoever's idea it was to have josephine in the movie for 15 mins needs to be sacked. The amount of backlash this movie has had should be enough to encourage them to make a final GOOD movie with the female and male lead role, otherwise you've been doing this series over 5 years for nothing because it'll be ruined. There is no words to explain how upset i am they were my comfort movies and they have been tarnished. I don't understand how anna todd has let this happen to her storyline. Get josephine back.
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MUCH better than the rating suggests...
RandyThomasFilm7 October 2023
Off the top, Hardin's "woe" and the angst between he and his parents didn't work for me. BUT... Any other criticisms I might have, are well compensated by the beautiful scenery and the performances overall.

In today's world there is a fine line between passion and stalking. I am happy they did not make any unhealthy or foolish references to the such.

The typical "drinking too much" as an expression of sorrow was a bit cliché BUT clichés work so... I do wish they were more creative with that aspect. Added nothing to the credibility of the story.

To convince audiences of Hardin's irresistibility, a decision was made to cast a young hot, diverse publisher and her friend willing to blur work/personal relationship lines. This works because "hotness" and sex sells. Great business decision, not an accurate portrayal.

Mimi Keene as Natalie, was also a vehicle to drive home the irresistibility of the male lead. As we can see by Mimi's rise in IMDb Rating, Ms Keene's career will benefit the most from this film and she will become a mega star.

I enjoyed the ending of the film. Brought the whole love story together.
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If you are looking for a happy ending to the After series...this is it, if you are looking for a good storyline you might be disappointed.
cgvsluis9 October 2023
This was almost an entire movie of Hardin brooding! In fact, I thought that maybe they hadn't got the actress who plays Tessa back for the final film...until the end.

The film is ostensibly about Hardin working on himself so he can be worthy of his one true love...but the only thing he does is goes to Portugal to apologize to a girl who he posted a sex tape of without her permission.

The girl in Portugal was lovely, played by Mimi Keene and whose character was named Nathalie. I almost wanted Hardin to just be with her in the gorgeous backdrop of Portugal...but alas I read the books and do still deep down wanted him to mend things with his real true love Tessa.

Landon's wedding was beautiful, so aesthetically it was a gorgeous film and I liked seeing Beniamin Mascolo (from another teen angsty love story). I also appreciated that they brought back so much of the cast to reprise their roles as family and friends.

Not the strongest film in the After series, but necessary. I recommend it to After fans, probably not romantics, but After fans for sure.
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After everything it wasn't necessary to have so many movies in this movie series
movieman6-413-92951013 September 2023
After Everything is the fifth and final part of the After film series. The film is again directed and written by Castille Landon, who also directed two previous films in the series.

After his relationship ends, Hardin Scott (Hero Fiennes Tiffin) runs into writer's block. He is no longer able to write a second book. As a result, he ends up as a lost alcoholic.

To escape this life, he travels to Lisbon to visit his old lover Nathalie (Mimi Keene). In this way, he hopes to learn how to right his mistakes and have another chance with his lost love Tessa Young (Josephine Langfort).

This film is the first film in the film series that is not directly based on a real book from the After book series. Instead, they based this film more on unused storylines and Castille Landon himself was able to provide some inspiration for the story. The fact that this film is not really based on a book and comes more from pure inspiration is reflected in the messiness of the final film. This shows that they unnecessarily spread this book series over too many films, which was ultimately a bit unnecessary.

Hardin's character is also on more of a holiday in Lisbon for much of this film. It seems as if they have saved up the proceeds from the previous films in order to be able to go to Lisbon with the film cast and crew. Nothing special happens on Lisbon itself, except that Hardin tries to learn from the mistakes of his past. For this he picks up an old relationship with a new character who did not appear in the previous films or was not mentioned further. Josephine Langford, her character, hardly appears in this last film and is more visible in flashbacks of old scenes from the previous films. This makes it not very credible that the two separated lovers in this last film really tried to pick up or improve their relationship again.

After five films, the acting hasn't really improved either. Hopefully, after this film series, Hero Fiennes Tiffin will find better films and film series in which he can act in the future. Because Josephine Langford is hardly in this film, she didn't have to do much else. Hopefully she can also find better future films to act in. The rest of the returning and new cast members also get little special to do in this last film. Some seem a bit strange, because after four previous films they suddenly have to play important roles in this film out of nowhere. Most of these characters just have little to no background for the viewer to really care about them.
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Disappointing finish, slowly and rushed
zmxdjnqfxg4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I haven't read the books however I did like the film series, this one was disappointing. It felt slow burner with not real focus other than harden loss of teaser which felt repeated. Playing on self growth, however not actually doing any really honest. The female lead was missing and it would of been nice to focus on her struggle too, rather than hardens story.

They also focused his struggles around alcoholism in the previous films, however the character continues to drink on many occasions and it's not acknowledged in the last one it felt that was a bit brushed over

As I understood in one the films were led to believe she couldn't carry children, so the ending with them married and having kids as much as it's happy from a story perspective it felt rushed and a fairytale ending with no context.

From the acting side, they played their roles well to tell the tale of love and struggle, I'm just disappointed by the overall directing and writer.
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ourelbi8 December 2023
If you're looking for an easy escape of a movie, don't watch this. You'll want to escape this as much as anything else in your life.

The acting is as woeful as it's ever been, especially from the male lead, but there's just more of it - he's in every scene! Too much of this guy. The only half-way good acting is the female lead and she's hardly even in it, not until the end. And then there's the ending? What was that about? Shoved into the last five minutes like an after thought - maybe that should have been the title - After Thought. The funniest thing was the wig or hair piece she was wearing in the last scene - that had me in stitches! Don't watch this - just skip to the last scene. HIlarious!
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The worst of them all
angelarichardson-446856 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is the worst of all the After movies. The worst.

This is a completely pointless story of Hardin basically doing nothing except apologizing to a girl he hurt for some wrongdoing and then getting beaten to a pulp which took up the first hour and fifteen minutes. Oh and I should mention the constant filler scenes of reflective flashbacks. Ugh. Just awful. And then in the last fifteen minutes of the movie Tessa and Hardin reconnect for minutes at Landon's wedding where they realize they love each other and decide to get married. I mean.... Come on. Cut to the final scene of Hardin coming home to Tessa his pregnant wife and daughter. What a complete wasted opportunity of a movie to show their journey of reconciliation. So disappointing.
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naiortiz18 September 2023
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If it wasn't based on any of the books why use Natalie,adding her story that was complete by the second book. She was not a Virgin, she was pregnant and engaged. How? How is she involved so deep in Hardin's journey back to tessa? Make it make sense! They did not show Hardin's recovery,how Tessa was there available to him during those 2 yrs. How they slept together 3 months before the wedding! They couldn't add this stuff into the movie? But they had Hardin dream smashing some random chic on the plane All for what? Oh, Yea, Hero Tiffin,shirtless,and a meaningless sex scene because that's what fans will like,right? This film is pointless and a waste and all to give Hero a standalone film? Straight up BS.
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Finally after ...
kosmasp10 October 2023
No pun intended - I actually thought the one before this was going to be the last one. But they had another one in them. Although technically speaking only one of the two main stars/characters is really present in this - physically that is. Of course the presence of the other main character is felt.

While there are still many things that are at least borderline cringe (and Mimi tries her best to fill in the role of female anchor point as good as she can, I reckon being cast because of the show she had done and became famous for) ... there are also moments where you think: oh they actually "act" like adults ... ok not too many of those moments, but still way more "level headed thinking" than in the previous entries.

Since I have not read any novels, I have no idea how this fairs with anything this is based on ... just saying. It is not as "sizzling" (I assume) as 50 shades of Grey ... but they do get it on - even if not ... "really" ... no pun intended.

I am torn between a lot of things - we have quite the despicable character who seems to be self destructive ... but also tries to do amends ... should we give him a break? Unforgivable? You decide that. The father has a few good scenes ... almost philosophical ... who'd have thought .. definitely a step up from the previous entries ... even without (or because?) one of the stars is seemingly absent ...
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Rushed romantic closer
stephofhearts3 October 2023
The first thing to remember is that Hollywood will change stories. It's an inevitable part of the process and is always a divisive move for fans of the original work. If you've read the stories, you may feel cheated - Tessa features so little in the story of what was her life. It's so unlike the works that came before it, as though the producers knew that Hero was the star to rely on for one more round. Their golden ticket. But, it's important to remember that it's deviated from the original plot since it's inception. It's all part of the transition from novel to screen and until this point, it's still managed to pull in our heart strings and give us enough of the characters to keep us on the edge of our seats.

I loved that 'After Everything' felt like an homage to 'Before', giving an insight into who Hardin was and how he became the villain we grew to love. It's his redemption story and Hero played the character he's worked hard to build, fantastically. But ultimately, the final part of the story was too rushed and I couldn't help but feel like the soundtrack overplayed it's hand throughout. It took away from what could have been an important and fitting ending to the story.

Whether you're a fan of the books or not, as a romantic movie, it failed to deliver that satisfying closer that we all hope for. It forgot what it was trying to achieve in the previous films, which is what took away from what could have been a real happy ever after.
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Everyone rating a 10/10 should be banned
emelymorales-1370713 December 2023
I am convinced that the 10/10 ratings are from the staff who were a part of making this God awful movie. They all should be banned from ever rating and reviewing another movie every again!

I'm being dramatic but at the same time theres some truth to my comment. 1/10 because its thankfully over but anything above a 1 is too high.

Nothing but harden walking around. Lame. Where is the content. Where are the other characters? Was the script written the night before? Where is the rest of the script? Why were there less than 5 minutes of actual lines? Whats with the constant flashbacks? Again, glad the series is over!
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Breath of fresh air finally.
sianyliz3 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It wasn't what I was expecting but I was extremely happy with the story line and the way it has been portrayed.

If you've read the books you know they finally end up together and the back and forth relationship of Tessa and Hardin had been portrayed enough in the last 4 movie instalments so this was a breath of fresh air! Yes it was mostly Hero Fiennes Tiffin on screen, (I certainly wasn't complaining!) I'm not sure why it was all one sided, maybe we could have seen more of Tessa and her perspective.....what she had been up to the past 2 years? Even so, a good way of finishing off the franchise.
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happy ending
jkb201225 September 2023
As someone who is a massive fan of the book series and someone who has watched all the adaptations all I can say wow After watching this film I enjoyed it very much and even though It's not exactly faithful to The The source material This film is still very good and I personally Enjoyed this film very much And was pleasantly surprised by How different it is from the book I also think that this film is better than the sorts material Only because it's about Harden going on a journey I've helped discovery and trying Is change and it definitely worked If you are a fan of the book I highly recommend this film.
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Do you like clip shows?
goldengurl-2684414 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm so bothered by this film I have to put my scattered thoughts into bullet points. In no particular order.

This is just a very prolonged clip show episode every show in the 90s had.

One of the main leads isn't even in 1/4 of the movie.

They reduce character development by changing the characters shirt colours

Sex scenes are just dreams and clips.

Thumbs up for Billth saving this car wreck.

I miss that Sprouce guy and Selma Blair.

But you get a Swedish version of Harden, so thats cool. But he supposed to be the "good guy" and he basically tries to murder Harden. No conquences for this butt hurt guy.

Don't pay to watch this. But if you do have to watch, buy an edible. It'll ease the pain.
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I so wanted to score this movie a 10 ...
lofern-8264514 September 2023
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... but the glaring absence of Tessa made that impossible. The first 2/3 of the movie dragged as we spent too much time watching Hardin work through his self-loathing and writer's block. There were extraneous characters that I didn't want to waste my time on. In the last 1/3, my hopes soared as I expected more scenes with both leads. Instead, Tessa was only in the movie for about 15 minutes and then it ended quite suddenly with a cheesy future domestic scene. This movie would have been so much better if Tessa and Hardin had more screen time together, as their chemistry is what made this movie series so captivating from the start. Color me disappointed that this movie didn't live up to all it could have been.
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Cheap and sleezy
memer815 September 2023
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You should really be ashamed of yourselves. 2 out of 3 sex scenes aren't even Hessa (I don't care if they're dreams or flashbacks- they still filmed 2 sex scenes in Portugal when the female lead wasn't even there and why in the world would Hardin dream of having sex with the flight attendant 💀). And the part that pisses me off most is making present day Natalie have feelings for Hardin and try to kiss him?! Wtf. She was married and pregnant in the books.. she had moved on and healed. Now she's falling for him? And as predicted- nothing new from Hessa except the 15 minute ending you tagged onto the Portugal circus and Tessa has no idea that Hardin even went to Portugal. Such a waste of time. I hope distributors never buy your films again.
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