Cassandro (2023) Poster


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Bravo Exotico!
ferguson-613 September 2023
Greetings again from the darkness. One of the possible indicators that a movie is well done and interesting is when it draws you in despite having no similarities to the world you live in. I was transfixed by this film from writer-director Roger Ross Williams (Oscar winner for MUSIC BY PRUDENCE, 2009 short) and co-writer David Teague. I am not Hispanic, have no affinity for wrestling, am not gay, and don't wear makeup or do drugs or crave attention ... all part of Saul's life in this terrific little film.

The always outstanding Gael Garcia Bernal gives a top-notch performance as Saul Armendáriz who transforms into the titular Cassandro, an Exotico luchrador in the colorful world of Lucha libre (Mexican wrestling). Tradition says Exoticos take a beating in the ring while being subjected to the rowdy crowd's homophobic slurs screamed at maximum vocal volume. But Saul, who took his performance name Cassandro from a soap opera, has a vision where he body slams tradition, and periodically wins matches while simultaneously winning over the crowd.

Saul and his mother (Perla De La Rosa) have a tight bond, one developed after Saul's dad left home rather than accept his son who had come out as gay. We watch as Saul's skill and notoriety improve thanks to his trainer Sabrina (Roberta Colindrez) and promoter Lorenzo (Joaquin Cosio). In this world, unique relationships develop, and we see Saul with both fellow wrestler Gerardo (Raul Castillo) and Lorenzo's right-hand man Felipe (Bad Bunny). Ever-present is the cloud of 'daddy issues' that Saul carries, and we do wonder if the situation with his religious and closed-minded father (Robert Salas) will be resolved.

There is an odd cadence to the story's progression, and a few times it feels like the script skips through some important moments, while dwelling on some lesser scenes. Examples of this include Cassandro's climb to fame and an awkward talk show appearance where he is treated as a role model by a gay youngster. Still, the performance from Gael Garcia Bernal is so strong and charming ... his face truly lights up while in the ring ... that we can imagine on our own how he climbed the ladder of Lucha libre, as he instills in us the message of being who you are and staying true to yourself. All of this is complemented by a terrific score from Brazilian composer Marcelo Zarvos, who excels in the use of the trumpet here.

Opening in theaters on September 15, 2023 and on Prime Video beginning September 22.
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CinemaSerf20 September 2023
Gael García Bernal is great in this entertaining biopic of the eponymous wrestler who rose from Texan oblivion and poverty to international acclaim. We learn fairly early on that he and his mother "Jocasta" (Perla De La Rosa) get by after his father abandoned them by working loads of different jobs and by him taking on the role of an "exotico" - a sort of "glamour" wrestler - in a makeshift garage where his job is to camp things up and then get beaten by a guy twice his size. Aside from the fact that it hurts, he decides that he wants a new home for him and his mum, and that he also has the skill to take things a bit further professionally. Together with his new-found, kick-ass, trainer "Sabrina" (Roberta Colindrez) he decides to create the new character of "Cassandro" to become the first of his creed to actually win! What now ensues is quite a messy film, technically - the editing and continuity are not very good, but the sheer charisma of the star as he portrays this openly gay man in a world that offers him little but hostility is frequently quite amusing and engaging to watch. There's a little bit of (complicated) love interest for him, too, but essentially it's Bernal hamming it up, Liberace style, in the ring where he is adept and pinning down (not an euphemism) gents far more substantial than himself. Like stories of boxing in general, it's illustrative of just how few opportunities there are for those trapped in a cycle of poverty to escape the mundanity of their lives - especially when their sexuality doesn't exactly conform either; and it also demonstrates well just how a community thrives on and values these makeshift, almost bare-knuckle, events. I knew nothing at all about the "Lucha Libre" culture so that proved quite an eye-opener too - particularly when reconciled with a strong but not overwhelming gay storyline. Maybe it doesn't need to be seen in a cinema, but I did enjoy it and it's well worth a watch.
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GAEL Goated
lcristina-116941 October 2023
Fantastic movie. Have not related to my culture like that in a long time. Refreshing. Emotional. Beautiful. Tears. Laughter. All around superb film. I am just trying to get enough characters. THIS MOVIE IS AMAZING IF YOU LIKE GAEL. His performance feels very authentic and heartfelt. Easy to see his connection to the culture. Displays a wonderful relationship between a mother and her lgbtq+ son. We need more movies like this. Family is at the core of most cultures but especially here as well as acceptance. Beautiful display of love, loss, friendship, and making peace with not needing a father to become a man.
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Bland Tale of an Interesting Life
rabbitfish6311 December 2023
I watched some footage of the actual Cassandro after we finished the movie, and it showed just how tame and bloodless this movie was. Why was Gael locked into this one bad haircut when Cassandro had great, grand hair?

This tameness also brings the storytelling down to a very banal level; the love story, the career rise-nothing felt like it had any real stakes. Only the relationship between Saúl and his mother raised this by-the-numbers biopic above the snooze-level.

I'm glad to have learned of this fascinating world of Lucha Libre and this interesting corner of queer culture, the Exoticas, but it could have been so much more fun.
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Solid Biopic with stunning visual presentations and colorful performances
chenp-5470821 September 2023
Premiered at the 2023 Sundance Film Festival at the Premieres Selection.

Firstly, I appreciate the movie exploring a humanistic approach on wrestling within the Mexican and LGBTQ communities as director Roger Ross Williams does a solid job on capturing the essence and atmosphere within the environment and characters. Wrestling isn't something I fully engage with so the movie wasn't something I was able to fully connect with but as a whole, the movie was a solid watch with strong performances and a beautiful visual presentation.

The production and colors are pretty good with the camerawork showing beautiful angles and shots around the setting. Williams direction, while it does feel a little stale, mostly was good as the direction was maintained well and strong. The performances from the cast members are all pretty good as each performances wee strong and engaging. Narrative-wise, the movie is the standard predictable biopic movie and if I had like wrestling, I would have connected with the movie more but since I don't, I struggled to fully engage with the narrative. I mostly found the narrative to be cliche and no fully investing. As the same for the characters. The character of Cassandro is likable as his personality, charm and chemistry is strong but regarding the other characters, I didn't found them to be as interesting or connectable to care much about.

Most of the sound design is good and moments with wrestling were well conducted and choreographed. Pacing does need some improvement. There are some dialogue moments that were a bit rough and not sure if it's just me, I noticed there were some really noticeable ADR moments that did took out the experience a little. Overall, it's a decent biopic.
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Cassandro, not a cliche drag sports film.
josephleandercallahan21 September 2023
With equal parts spectacle, grief, sadness, joy, sorry and... (no spoilers) Gael Gabriel Bernal gives us Cassandro! The film avoids most of the sports movie tropes, other than a training video with Sabrina, played by Roberta Colindrez, who is a female luchadora and trainer. She is spot on as Saul's (Cassandro's) friend and the mother is played by well by actress Perla de la Rosa. The whole cast is great and while I am not a fan of Lucho Libre, the film gives us an interesting take on the art form. Cassandro is an exotico (drag queen luchador) and the film is a tribute to the exoticos that came before. The ending does not disappoint.

# Pay full price.
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Not my favorite
TheSilverStreak4 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I must have missed something here. I was able to follow the plot and the main characters, but I kept waiting for an exciting moment to happen that, for me, never happened. I don't know if this was supposedly based on a true story. If so, and if it was truthful, perhaps this gent's story just didn't blow my skirt up. If not, the writer(s) need(s) to consider something with more teeth. Sorry, but as a viewer, I was thoroughly underwhelmed. The performances were just ok. The sets and scenery were brutal, as I'm sure they were intended to be, so I'll give them points for that.


The romance was really cliche and has been done so many times, I yawned my way through it. So the main character is a Boy On The Side and his very handsome, closeted boyfriend chooses to stay with his wife and kids instead of leaving them for a heavy drinking, heavy drugging, pushing-forty-something whose mission in life is to be the Liberace of the Mexican professional wrestling circuit. I'm shocked. It was presented as if the only thing the main character had to offer his boyfriend was a sexual outlet. He never stood a chance. ZZZzzzzz. I really don't get the positive reviews, but to each their own.
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Pulls at so many heartstrings!
htorch13 September 2023
Truly captures a great journey of finding your true self! We need more inspiring movies like this one for both the LGBTQ+ and Mexican communities! Had I known a story like this existed, it would have helped so much growing up. Being part of both communities, I felt so connected to several parts of the film. A film like this is so important to share with future generations! I laughed, I felt the toxic nature of several situations, I truly connected with parts of Cassandro's struggle. Without giving too much away, this is a movie not to be missed. The direction and acting were both stellar and i cannot wait to share this with others!
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Could've been better
woodtiger749 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I give it credit for making me aware of a person in a world I knew nothing about before -- lucha libre and more specifically, exoticos. Unfortunately the most interesting character in all this is Cassandro's mother -- protective, demanding, charitable, and clingy. The love interest and that story is barely a spark, and there's nothing about the chemistry between he and the married man that makes you think, "Oh this is why they're still together" outside of maybe they're the only ones around (there was a more interesting dynamic with the Bad Bunny character, which would've been more interesting but it just seemed like they always shied away from real conflict in this script). There was never this moment in the fights that made you think, "Aha this is why they're rooting for Cassandro." They just go from chanting "F*ggot" to being on his side. It's just odd. Even toward the end when he finally talks to his father who abandoned them so long ago, there's this lack of emotional connection in the scene. It's too bad. GGB is a good actor, and it seemed like the other actors in in it were pretty solid, The premise sounded interesting as well, but in the end it all kinda fell flat.
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(Not) Macho Man
kosmasp29 February 2024
No pun intended - I reckon if you know a little bit about Wrestling, than I assume you have heard of the Macho Man. Maybe you've even seen him (live or in clips). But this is not so much about the American Wrestling world, but more of the Lucha Libres ... Mexican style if you want to call it that.

I am not an expert in that world and apart from a movie or two, I got most things from someone who made it in America: Rey Mysterio. What I didn't know for a long time: Wrestlers really need their masks! Unmasking one is an absolute no go - they lose everything. There is stuff to learn (history and all that), if you want to. Cassandro is a completely different beast - though I am not sure beast is something many would call him. Actually they call him an exoctico - I don't think I need to translate that.

Gael Garcia is an amazing actor - you probably know by now. Here he is playing a real individual - someone who had to overcome his own shadow/sexuality ... or rather what others think of that. Not easy - performing laying it all out for everyone to see ... and you can see it in his performance. It is in the eyes as someone once said - probably a lot have said that. But it is true, so there you go.

The wrestling scenes are really well done - there is a lot of physicality to them. Love life there is also some physicality, not that much though if you are afraid of that. So depending on how open minded you are, you may be able to watch this or not. I am not judging either way - you may be. Again this is up to you - one thing is for sure: do not watch this if you know you will be repelled by it! You won't do anyone a favor - quite the opposite.

In the end we are all human, we all want to be loved one way or another ... multiple ways for some of course. It's a struggle, it is a fight ... always get up when down (easier said then done, I know .. but you have to keep remembering this)
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A chatfest that goes nowhere
Davalon-Davalon26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Gael García Bernal is a charming, handsome bilingual actor who has done pretty well for himself. He certainly is not afraid to play gay characters, and I applaud him for doing so with authenticity. That said, "Cassandro," while it may be based on a true story, is not entertaining or intriguing enough to watch.

There is a tremendous amount of talking. The picture moves slowly. The acting/writing is all over the place. I do not get a sense of consistency.

When Gael, as the "gay exotico" wrestler, first enters the ring, he is greeted with homophobic slurs. Moments later people are shouting out "Cassandro" when he "knocks out" the other wrestler. Suddenly he becomes a folk hero?

The concept for this certainly was interesting, but the execution was not. Two thumbs down.
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Awful cliché
figueroafernando21 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Pathetic! Was the film about making vice romantic and achieving sporting victories by chance? Sniffing coca, drinking beer but almost became champion, almost beating the saint's son? What happens when you put together a terrible actor like Gael García with a reggaeton singer who struggles to sing like Bad Bunny? A script is awful but the worst thing is the implausibility of the results of Saúl - the Cassandro - just for putting on lipstick and becoming exotic? I repeat, pathetic collection of clichés: the miserable family, abandoned by the father and helping the migrants from Tijuana. Terrible movie.
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