Redline (2009) Poster


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A visual masterpiece, but also a great ride
ModelOmega9 April 2014
Redline supposedly took 7 years and ~100,000 individual drawings to create, all hand-drawn, limited computer work, and it shows. It is without a doubt, the absolute no holds barred best visual achievement in 2-D animation ever, you could make a poster out of pretty much every individual frame of this movie. Aside from all that, it's a pretty standard plot about an underdog racer getting to compete in a big race, if you seen any movie like this you can probably guess every single thing that goes on in Redline. But it's the journey rather then the story that really gets you, Redline had memorable and likable characters, a gorgeous and original design, am amazing soundtrack and jaw-dropping racing, go see this if you haven't already.
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Quick and Short mini-review
kylehaynes3129 June 2013
In spite of the praise that has been heaped upon Redline, I was not actually expecting it to be that good. The movie's over stylized and exaggerated characters brought Yoshiaki Kawajiri (incidentally a mentor of sorts for the movie's director, Takeshi Koike) immediately to mind, and I have never appreciated Kawajirisan's work. Within 20 minutes of starting to watch Redline, though, all of my reservations were blown away. The movie, which seems to be at least partially based on Kawajiri's similar Running Man segment from Neo Tokyo, follows a car racer named "Sweet JP" as he competes in two large races, the Yellowline and then the Redline. The Redline race happens to be held on a planet that doesn't want it to be, so the Redline racers have to dodge not only each other's artillery, but also that of the entire planet's military. While the characters are mostly light on meaningful personality, and the story is little more complex than "he's in these two races", the movie turns out to be a flashy action ride that should not be missed. While on the hostile planet for the Redline race, the story does take an Akira-style turn for the bizarre, but with all the other weird and crazy things assaulting your senses throughout the movie, it doesn't seem as out of place as it otherwise might. Do yourself a favor and catch Redline on Bluray some evening and enjoy a ride that you won't soon forget.
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Just enjoy the ride
jimmycr5095 April 2015
There aren't any spoilers in this review, but even if there were, the whole movie is on youtube cutesy of the creators. It's English dub, which is done really well, for a movie the dub really didn't even need to be good for.

Wow is this movie an experience. OK first of what everyone is going to say, the visuals are amazing, maybe the best I've ever seen. They spent 7 years(7 YEARS) drawing this film. So it's worth watch once to look at.

The other things that keeps you in this movie, besides the awesome racing scenes, the characters are entertaining, maybe more than the creators realized. JP is a kid at heart, and has high ambitions, a great protagonist for this movie. All the other characters are fun as well.

The plot was not deep, but like it needed to be at all for a movie like this. I actually felt the movie focused to much on the roboworld plot(anyone else get a Nazi feeling from them?). It's like they were trying to emphasize how crazy the final race was going to be when I'm sitting here like "hey you have cool characters here let's develop them more." But none the less you don't need a crazy plot for this movie.

Basically, if you enjoy anime, this movie is a must see. To everyone else, if you just want to completely lose yourself for an hour and half and go on a thrill ride, than buckle up and put on Redline.
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Boom! Zoom!! Clang!!!!
proterozoic16 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Quick capsule summary of Redline: It's an animated, intergalactic "Death Race 2000," on buffalo steroids and with a jalapeño up its a$$.

An illegal and absurdly violent drag race occurs once every five years, each time on a different planet. This may be for reasons of secrecy, or just because the old planet is rendered unusable. The main hero, J. P., is a racer who tends to explode and wipe out before the finish, but feels destined to win the big one. Things go fast, crash into each other and go up like the Hindenburg.

In this world, men are men; women are women; squishy purple aliens are purple and squishy; and everything is blown completely out of proportion. If you want to see what animation can do better than live film, Redline is a good start. Michael Bay and his lesser followers can use all the CG and shaky-cams they want, but no live-action movie will ever be able to whap the viewer in the face with unhinged chaos that buckles the frame and yet stays somehow comprehensible. It's been attempted, and has usually led to legendary failures like Speed Racer. A pack of nerdy Asians with paintbrushes do Hollywood like punks, and all the render farms in the world wilt and run barren.

The movie opens with a race that is merely impossible, and introduces J. P., who almost wins it until a Mafia bomb takes out his front wheel. The crown goes to Sonoshee, his childhood crush and next best racer. They are just two of the weird characters who qualify for the ultimate landscape-altering contest. This year, the Redline race committee feels that equipping the cars with rockets and grenades doesn't make for nearly enough mayhem, and decides to hold the race on Roboworld - a planet run by Nazi cyborg generals who are willing to do absolutely anything to avoid the honor. Roboworld appears completely barren except for some of the most destructive weaponry in the known universe, and by golly, is the government ever determined to use it all.

The movie would be hilarious without even trying for humor, simply because it's so preposterous; however, it does try in its odd way, and pulls it off. The base camp for the final race lies on a refugee world. The place is just as anarchic and badly-managed as one would expect; upon arrival, JP is accosted by a gang of knee-tall aliens who look like Tweety's sketchy, mutated fugee cousins. He runs into inconceivably bad service at the money-changing window, and gets ripped off in an ungodly way while buying cigarettes. Complaints don't help.

Soon, the tobacco troubles are forgotten, as it's time for the big race. Words can't describe it, so you'll have to see it for yourself. If you need any further motivation, it somehow involves a "bio-weapon" called Funky Boy that could give Akira himself a couple of pointers in indiscriminate destruction.

Redline is pure lizard-brain pleasure. The remarkable thing is that, at the same time, it isn't offensively and painfully stupid like, say, Armageddon. If you like cars, spaceships, guns and explosions, watch it as soon as you can.
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Fast, Energetic, Must see on a big screen with loud sound!
ChiggenWingz12 January 2011
Out of random happenstance I went and saw this movie at the Reel Anime movie festival as it came to Canberra Australia. My only regret is that I didn't see this in a higher quality cinema.

When you see this movie, have the sound loud and the screen big. Its an experience I haven't had with a movie in a long time. I went in without any preconceptions other than the movie looked very zany after seeing the trailer on YouTube.

What surprised me most other than the very energized racing sequences, is that there seemed to be a whole back story to the universe where the races were taking place. There were hints of politics, history and other tidbits that made each of the locations that are visited and the characters shown have a lot more substance than just a pretty backdrop. You can almost imagine a whole prequel movie leading up to the events in this movie.

Of course this is anime so they did have a few of the cliché characters such as dashing yet arrogantly confident pretty boy and the "I have to be independent and strong" female character that gets his attention. Plus the usual loud characters or cool tough guys. But don't let that stop you, as it is what gives this story a bit of depth rather than being a series of mindless races. Plus the characters are a fun mix of races and designs.

The movie isn't about the subtleties of racing such as taking corners well or the art of overtaking by any means, its very much a "I'm much more driven and angrier than you, so now I'll catch up and overtake!", but with the world this is taking place in, the different array of vehicles all going up against each other and the obstacles that keep popping up, its just fun.

There is a scene where there are some boobs hanging out, but the story never gets sexual, so if you don't mind your kids seeing a little bit of breast you should be fine. The violence is a hard one, there is some serious fighting and some of the concepts as to how a person died may be a little scary to the younger kids, but a lot of this happens very fast.

Do see this movie if you want something visually engrossing, good for when friends are over. Just remember, have it loud and on a big screen!
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Man, I wish I had a theme song
wandereramor12 April 2012
Redline is one of those movies that is absolutely popping with adolescent joy, from the sleekly-animated racing sequences to the ridiculous bravado of the characters. It's a bold debut for director Takeshi Koike, and what really amazes is that it manages to be an epic story that at the same time seems to be only a sliver of a crazy and exciting universe. You get the feeling that any of the other racers, some of whom only get a sliver of screen time, could easily support their own movie, and that kind of overflowing exuberance is hard not to buy into. The only other media that comes to mind as capturing this sensation is the anime series Giant Robo, which seems like a clear precedent here.

Plot-wise, there isn't much going on, with the story a serviceable vehicle to get from one action sequence to another. It does, however, manage to use common tropes in a way that feels mythic and not derivative. Redline really only does one thing -- epic action -- and those looking for anything else will probably be disappointed. But man, does it succeed on that front.

This review would be incomplete without mentioning the amazing music, an eclectic group of tunes that completes the adrenaline rush. Hell, every character gets their own theme song. How cool is that? (My favourite is Machine Head's.) And, in the end, that's what Redline ultimately wants to leave you thinking: "How cool is that?"
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Even if you don't like racing movies, try this!
Lomedin16 September 2013
I hate all that fast and furious whatever type of movies. I find them incredible shallow and macho-like (yeah, there're also macho girls).

Believe me, this is nothing like that. I was skeptical at the beginning, expecting to see something I would dislike.

Instead, I found a crazy and extremely funny anime with a lot of action and fast paced fun.

Ah, I watched it after reading some suggestions about mature anime. In this movie there's nothing like sex or that much violence. A girl is sitting relaxing on a sofa in topless, that's all about it. I believe they say sh*t one or twice throughout the movie. So don't be scared to try this, even if you are more into Totoro!
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"Wacky Races" on steroids. Warning: Spoilers
I liked "Redline". It is a highly entertaining movie with an incredible visual style (Which looks reminiscent of one of the shorts included in the movie "Animatrix", called "World Record". After all, both this movie and that short were done by the same director, Takeshi Koike) Even when the plot from this animated film seems like something that could expect from a B-Movie (Or a Capcom video game, for that matter) at least this is very funny to watch, and it doesn't take itself too seriously.

The stylish character's designs and the excellent animation from this film, combined with a funny storyline and likable character made this film a highly enjoyable experience. It's like seeing an "extreme", crazy version of the "Wacky Races" that keep all the fun of that cartoon series.

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A uniquely stylized and entertaining anime film.
Benjamin-M-Weilert12 July 2022
Redline (2009) is one of those films that I saw a few clips of and decided it looked interesting enough to sit down and actually watch the whole thing. After all, I enjoy a good anime, and if I don't have to get invested in a multi-season show, all the better. Of course, anime can also be quite weird. As long as it looks cool, though, it doesn't really matter. Sometimes, the more stylized an anime movie is, the more entertaining it is to watch. And Redline is certainly a stylized anime.

Produced by Madhouse, Redline has a distinct visual style that aligns with their other works. I'd probably say it's closest to Trigun in terms of overall feel, but that's likely because Trigun was one of the first anime I watched while growing up. There's an almost manga-like quality to the visuals here. Plenty of hard black outlines and shadows, but with room for its bright colors to dazzle. The character designs are also decidedly unique, giving off a wholly science fiction vibe to match the high-octane race plotline. Redline is almost like someone took speed and watched Speed Racer.

I probably wouldn't put Redline up there with some of the great anime films like Akira (1988) or Princess Mononoke (1997), but I would consider it entertaining. It's flashy and fast-paced, and I don't expect to get anything more out of it than to sit back and chill for an evening. Of course, the target audience is definitely male, with all the blatant fan service and action-packed machismo. These are things that are often hard to avoid in this genre of animated films, but at least I was the target audience, so I didn't mind too much.

A uniquely stylized and entertaining anime film, I give Redline 3.5 stars out of 5.
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I don't even like movies about racing...
merrickchun_8910 October 2012
But Redline is absolutely brilliant. It's an over-the-top, action packed movie with great characters that leaves you twitching with adrenaline.

The animation, visuals, sound, and music really bring this movie together. Once it starts, it's a non-stop rush until the end. The characters are great and are developed as much as they need to be. As far as the plot goes, it's fairly simple, but the writing will keep you entranced.

I've seen both the subbed and dubbed versions, and they're both great. I usually avoid dubbed foreign movies, but the English cast is actually pretty good here.

P.S. Watch this movie in HD with surround sound.
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In your face
Bantam30 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Watching the movie was a bit like a roller-coaster ride. The entire movie is one really long, action packed, colourful, adrenaline-fueled, shrill and loud drag race for your brain - which is the movie's main strength, as well as its most prominent weakness.

There is (unfortunately) little explanation concerning the characters, the locations and the entire story... but seriously, if you want action, you care little about the story, right? Or do you? At least you are being told that it is taking place in a different galaxy.

As mentioned, the movie is visually rather stunning and I really had to watch some sequences in slo-mo, otherwise it's really hard to keep up with everything happening there.

In terms of presentation it sort of reminds me of "Heavy Metal (1981)", but just here and there. Most of the time it's your good Japanese anime. The characters are rather shallow and the end is - without giving too much away - rather unfitting. Seriously? "Death Race" with a lousy love story? Which, IMO belittles enjoyment greatly, because it does not further the story, nor does it make any sense - at least to me.

I second the notion that you should watch in on a big screen, volume up to 11. So, if you want some in-your-face crazy action, grab a serving of popcorn, gulp an energy drink, or two, and enjoy the ride. Not a brilliant movie, but better than your average anime.
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Very Good
riteshk-7150329 December 2017
Frankly I must admit that I'm not a big anime fan and this was my first anime. But to my sweet surprise this is a very good and entertaining. This has everything that you can expect in a racing related movie. I was more astonished to find out that it took them 7 years and more than 100000 hand drawn pictures to complete this movie which only increased my appreciation for the movie.
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A piece of art - Heavy Metal meets Pod racing
supermutantvirus26 November 2013
This animation is a great combination of amazing, original art combined with a catchy soundtrack.

There are many moments in this movie that would be great as a printed canvas and the abstract and surreal nature of the futuristic fantasy setting reminds somewhat of Heavy Metal and Star Wars's pod racing.

It is a rock and roll love story that took me a re-watch to appreciate the talent and as a result I now see it as something way above average.

Not the story but the drawings and direction make this a gem which is probably more enjoyable for adults than the youngsters who grave for less complexion.
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Finally finished it.
scottwilcox-7948626 April 2021
Took me three attempts but I finally did it. How can something so imaginative be so boring?! They create this entire new universe of beings and creatures and characters and they spend the whole movie shooting at each other. Quick cuts and poor dialogue sunk this snoozefest.
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In my top ten animated movies
Blazehgehg10 December 2016
Redline is an incredible movie.

The animation is absolutely gorgeous. This film is bursting with style, and the animation team behind it boasts that no CGI was used. Though the film was animated digitally, it was all drawn by hand by a real person. The visual designs are charming and wild, with a colorful cast of characters featuring humans and aliens alike.

The music has an undeniable sense of energy, often with some kind of pumping bass line designed to get you in to the movie's kinetic rhythm. It matches the on-screen chaos very well.

The story is simple: it's like other films about a crooked race driver with a heart of gold and his team's unfortunate connections to the criminal underworld, but it's presented with so much flair and irreverent personality that Redline stands out. Unfortunately, that leads to my one and only complaint: some story elements are kind of under-cooked.

Redline is so busy showing you so much that it often forgets to follow up on some of what it establishes. Certain revelations are saved until far too late in the movie (past the point where they'd make sense), and other plot threads are ignored for most of the run time only to resurface at the last second. It feels like it needed just a tad more room to breathe, as too many plot elements are touch-and-go. But that also just contributes to the movie's breakneck sense of speed as it races to the finish line.

Look at this! Look at that! Look what's over there! But also never stop moving forward.

Kind of fitting, in that context.

Redline is a guided tour through a galaxy of visual splendor, and it delivers in spades. Any given character could be the star of their own entire series, and it's a shame our stay in this wonderful universe couldn't be just a little longer.
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Take the Redline ride!
Apex_P3829 August 2011
Redline is an anime movie directed by Takeshi Koike and written by Katsuhito Ishii. Originally Redline is a spin off anime of Trava: Fist Planet (2003) and although the characters from Trava: Fist Planet are in it briefly, this is a story that conceptually was developed from Trava: Fist Planet into a full length movie.

Redline itself is a story about a race driver JP who is in driving under influence of some Yakuza/Mafia types. Although, JP is an excellent and exciting driver he just does what he's told. When he finds out he qualified for The Redline competition he's up and about and this time ready to race the way he wants no matter the consequences. However, the Redline race is unlike any other race and is hosted in a hostile war-like environment that can get you killed just for participating. Prior to the Redline race JP meets female driver Sonoshee. Though they do hit it off right away, they slowly come to realize they have met before.

Redline takes you on an exciting ride that is visually stunning filled with hilarious animated characters. In the whole movie there is just one scene with some brief nudity but nothing that is shown in a sexual or perverted context. Personally, I would have liked them to have followed Trava's quest and competition in the Fist Planet Competition and maybe once again have a run in with Princess Mikuru, or even just have seen more of them in Redline which you do not see a whole lot of. Still Redline in itself is a cool anime movie and stands out by itself.

You do not have to see Trava: Fist Planet before watching Redline, but it wouldn't hurt to see it. I do recommend Trava: Fist Planet if you're into funny action packed anime with some nice trippy undertones and cool looking visuals. Redline is awesome! Check it out!
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In space when racing everyone hears every crash
bdsm136 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK, every year at TAD there is a film that Adam and the programmers champion and rave about and I think OK, I bought the pass we will see. Red Line was one of those movies, the trailer showed high energy anime from Japan dealing with racing, aliens and more.

The movie centers around an illegal race on a forbidden planet, it is more than a car race, as they race everything from cars, to ships to outrageous vehicles. I went into this movie with absolutely no expectations and was very surprised.

This movie has aliens galore and a bar scene that makes the scene from Star Wars look like a church picnic. It is a simple story about this illegal race and our hero who has to win at all costs but the animation and music are out of this world.

This movie, is loud and the animation is excellent and the characters are funny, scary and just down right disgusting, all in all it's a fun race.

Much better than I had expected.
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Visual Masterpiece! Breath Taking!
mercfma24 January 2015
I decided to watch this movie because i heard it was hands down the most beautifully animated anime of all time, they were 100% right. The art style, sound effects, animation, story line everything is just so spectacular. I've never seen anything that can hold a flame to this movie, it is hands down the most amazing anime movie you'll ever see in terms of visuals. The story line is very solid for just a single movie, very enjoyable. Its just such a fun fast ride, the ending is pretty cliché but it delivers what it sets out to do, which is just be as awesome and amazing as possible. If your looking to just be blown away and see something that you've never seen before this is for you, EVERYONE should watch this movie once. I found myself re-watching a few parts of it cause i just couldn't get over how amazingly done the scenes were.

5/5 This is as close as you can get to perfection, everything was amazing, the only "flaw" is the ending but its just so cliché
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negatively-positive-girl21 December 2017
A thrilling ride through colorful animation, not to be taken seriously but such an unforgettable film. Not complex in story but great in its animation. As odd in nature, that there's nothing quite like it.
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The greatest crossover of all time. P E R I O D .
billbillgrey4 April 2021
The movie was incredible, it combines all of my favorite moves, genres, characters, and tropes into one incredible movie. Think putting Fast and Furious, Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (and Rogue One, A new Hope, Empire Strike Back, Return of The Jedi, and 7), Death Race, Die Hard, Godzilla vs Kong, Attack on Titan, Pacific Rim, Sword of The Stranger (Funky Boi is best doge), The Godfather, The Dark Knight Rises, Shawshank Redemption, Fight Club (we don't talk about that), Power Rangers, Spirited Away, Interstellar, Tron, Casablanca, Pan's Labyrinth, Robocop, Kill la Kill, and The Matrix.

People say Inception is good because you have no idea what is going on, but Redline is far superior. I had no clue what the gosh dang frick was occurring or about to occur. The movie was a constant bombardment of images, sounds, and action. Something new was happening every minute. The director managed to fit more distinct character than Avengers Endgame into half the length.

This movie had me feeling things I never thought I would feel. Sorrow, joy, ecstasy, confusion, love, horniness, arousal, concupiscence, lust, awe, wonder, incestuous thoughts, confusion, delight, and all the other feels. Watch this movie if you have a soul. Also, Funky Boi is the greatest character to ever be conceived.
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Anime racing madness
BandSAboutMovies16 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So much of the animation that aired in the 1970's came from Japan, like Star Blazers (the Americanized Space Battleship Yamamoto), Speed Racer (Mach GoGoGo) and Battle of the Planets (Science Ninja Team Gatchaman). It had not yet become the cultural force that it is today, with people dressing up and attending conventions. It was just something that was on TV that we all enjoyed.

In the early 1990's, finding anime wasn't as simple as it is today. I remember tape traders all having Legend of the Overfiend and other strange fare like Battle Royale High School. As anime grew in popularity in the US, I really checked out. It all seemed like the same shows over and over, to be honest.

That's why I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Redline.

On the planet Dorothy, our hero "Sweet" JP goes into business for himself during a fixed race, trying for the win. Instead, the gambling bosses blow up his Trans Am 2000 and nearly take him out and ensuring that Sonoshee "Cherry Boy Hunter" McLaren is the winner.

Despite losing his car, the incident pays off JP's debts and gains him a loyal fanbase that votes him into the galaxy's most famous race, the Redline. That's also because people have been dropping out of the race once its location is revealed - Roboworld, a dictatorship run by robots out to hang every single racer.

Imagine Wacky Racers injected with psychedelic drugs, propelled by nitrous and then injected directly into your veins. That'll give you some small idea of what this film is all about. There's also a gigantic mutant named Funky Boy and Metalhead, the dapper robotic front running racer, and some true love along the way.

With over 100,000 hand-made drawings and absolutely no CGI whatsoever, Redline spent seven years in production before busting through multiple planned release dates. If you ask me, it was worth every second. It's a frenetic blast of pure mayhem that reawakened me to the potential I once saw in anime way back in the halcyon days of 1977.
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wow wow wow!
paindweller19 August 2018
I have watched countless anime yet non have ever had me literally hold my breath before! I had to remind myself to breeeeeeeathe omg this is one of those hidden unual gems that will always be passed over because it breaks the norm and doesn't follow the usual anime storyline, plot, characters ect... It also had fbulous flow. It jumped from 60 to 100 in moments! Have never come across an anime doing that before. A Stupendous change. SOOOOOOOOOO GLAD I WATCHED IT! It's just a shame I hadn't done so sooner all I need to do now is unwatch it and watch it all over again!

If you enjoy action, adrenaline and a love story as well as a little strangeness added in the mix then this is a no brainer.
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reaper_hound2 August 2021
Like I said in the headline it has only a good exterior the inner substance is really poor, the story characters aren't likable the story isn't good enough all it got is grand animation and a pretty good English dub that's all.
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The Epitome of style over substance
seanrogers15 October 2015
This is getting a 3 out of 10 from me purely because of the time and the effort that the artists have put into animating this. The artwork is amazing throughout and i cannot fault the comic-style artistry... My problem comes with the lack of story progression and fluidity. It took me 10 hours to finish watching this as i always got bored, wandered off to do other more interesting things, then came back when i had nothing else to do. Literally nothing else to do.

If you want to look at good artwork... go ahead. If you want good story/action/characters i would look elsewhere.

I don't know what else to say about it really. The characters are two dimensional; even the main protagonist is a boring cliché of himself...I mean, a grease-style hair-do and a flick comb, come on. A lot of secondary characters are introduced but i never ended up with any feelings one way or the other for them. The Argos catalogue has a better story line.

Kudos to the artists. I'm sorry you were involved in such a terrible story that could have been amazing
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10/10 ♥Love♥ The End
JoreVenblu4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Funky Boi is Love, Funky Boi is alive? Maybe the real Redline is the Funky Boi in our hearts.
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