The Accursed (2022) Poster


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Bland lead character
aurea-621 October 2022
I was really hoping to get some good witchy horror but just got this...the lead feels so off vibe for the tone they were going for. What can I say...if that girl is a nurse I am Marilyn Monroe.

It is impossible to feel any scare through this character, I gave it a 3 stars for Mena Suvari and Meg Foster, and maybe the production design...the houses are really creepy...but that just come with the southern gothic style.

The opening feels from a completely different movie, and it is so disappointing that it is not that movie.

Thought to turned off before half way but kept the hope it would get naive.
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Too dark, too familiar
Leofwine_draca19 October 2022
THE ACCURSED is a typically cheap and uninteresting low budget horror yarn that's far too dark for its own good and really tedious on a visual level. The story sees a young woman taking on the role of carer for a mysterious reclusive elderly lady living in a remote cabin, and an aged Mena Suvari shows up as a sinister aide. The patient turns out to be '80s favourite Meg Foster, not that she has much to do. The lead is unlikeable and the horror limited to predictable possession scares and some gross-out moments I didn't much care for, but perhaps if you could actually see what was going on it would all be a little bit better.
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If Hallmark made horror ......
Sleepin_Dragon25 October 2023
Elinor is asked to look after a very strange, elderly lady living remotely in the woods, Elly quickly learns that Mrs Ambrose isn't all she makes out to be.

I didn't hate it, but I found it impossible to get into it, after a pretty interesting opening scene it becomes a little slow, it takes an age to get into the main body of the story.

I may be wrong, but I wonder if it is a made for TV movie, it has that kind of low budget feel about it, the special effects and camera work are a little clunky throughout.

The acting is a mixed bag, some of it is very wooden, some of it is alright, I quite enjoyed Sarah Grey's performance.

If you're looking for a Halloween chiller this year, The Accursed is more tepid.

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Pretty bad, but I liked it anyway
ptf_rp28 October 2022
Make no mistake, this movie is pretty bad. But I still enjoyed it. I'm really forgiving when it comes to demon or possession movies.

But there are huge gaps of logic, plot leaps where swear you missed something or an entire scene or transition was cut. And rather crazy things happen that the characters have zero reaction to. Or accept with a shrug. Sure it keeps the plot moving, but it doesn't add up.

If you can get past all that without an eyeroll every few minutes, this film can be a good one-time watch. I liked the concept and general storyline. And acting isn't too bad. It's shot well, some cool demon-y stuff.
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Everything and the kitchen sink
Mehki_Girl14 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was absolutely awful and made zero sense.

When it opens up it seems kind of promising - a woman is visiting someone who appears to be a witch and asking for a curse and in reality she puts a curse on the witch for something she did against her husband. She has her mute daughter with her.

And we get credits, then we see two young women going through an old house cleaning it out and apparently the mother of one of the women died.

There's a song. That's supposed to be significant, but we never really find out why other than, I guess, the mother used to sing the song to her daughter.

The young woman gets a phone call and she's supposed to go to some creepy house out in the woods to take care of a woman.

Now, unless I miss something, I have no idea if this is the adult of the little girl that was at the witch's House and the woman that was her mother is the one who has died.

Oh, you really don't know who they are or what the connection is or if they are the same person because you don't know how much time has passed.

Skip to the woman's house and of course creepy things happen they cover the fact that she's not using a cell phone the landline doesn't work and... A bunch of people die.

The End

Apparently the young woman's mother put a curse on her own daughter in order to put a curse on the dad who left her with for another woman.

The people that we saw at the beginning of the movie they're still around - it's two separate people and I don't know what their story is although it appears everybody's having problems with husbands that stray.

I think the old woman, who's also the witch has died and her crazy daughter is trying to bring her back by luring the young woman to the house because her mom owes them for the first curse that she put on the mom and really didn't go on her husband and that's what she used her daughter for.

Oh there's also apples in the movie; we don't know what the significance is with apples but I'm going to assume that the writer saw scary apples in another movie and thought apples are scary, so let's put that in the movie, too.

The acting is absolutely horrifying which I think is the only horrifying thing about this movie. Basically our main character just stands around looking dumb with her mouth hanging open instead of screaming, running, trying to escape, or fighting for her life. Nope, she just stands around staring.

Absolutely nothing makes any sense or is coherent or related to each other it's just a series of events and a bunch of No Name actors who cannot act.

Mena and Meg did not age well. Reminding you that a bunch of time has passed and that is also horrifying!
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Story is incomplete
Just_Buse26 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Even though I have been the horror movie admirer, I did not like the movie. I do not know why but actually in recently times, the most of horror movie is being written incomplete. There is no complete reason-result relationship, no deep character background, no detailed case working.. etc.

In this movie, there is witch character living inside the tiny house, and using evil forces in return of money, or blood.

This is too cliche detail about Satanism. I think in the movie, the book, shapes on the floor are the symbols of Satanistic rituels. So, We are not able to know what is really going around and why? Why is Eleanor's blood given to Witch? What is blood importance for the movie? What is meaning of being cursed for people in the movie etc.. As you can see the most of details were not written.

By the way, there are no horrifiying scenes.. Just jump scares once or twice times.. That's all..

Its end is different cliche.. I do not like this type of end.. ''You thought you were freed, but actually you were not.''
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Has its moments but is kind of boring overall
solojere15 October 2022
Overall, The Accursed 2022 ( not to be confused with any of the other accursed movies out there) was pretty underwhelming. The acting is a bit wooden at times, but not horrible. It's a fairly straightforward and predictable horror movie. I was drawn to this film because it has Alexis Knapp in it. Alexis isn't the greatest actor in the world, but she is cute, and I am glad she is trying to make a comeback found out about this. Sadly this movie doesn't give her much to work with. They really underutilized Alexis, as she is only in a few scenes despite being the best actor in the movie. I do love that Alexis got her daughter to be in this film with her. Little Kailani Knapp is actually super creepy and was perfect for the part she plays. I hope she has a big career ahead of her. Sarah Dumont, who I hadn't heard of prior to watching this film, is gorgeous, and the film knows it. In practically every scene, she is either in a workout bra or showing ample cleavage. She probably only got the part to be the movie's eye candy, but who can blame them? However, besides looking pretty, the script doesn't really give her much to do. In fact, all three of the female leads are beautiful, but it doesn't change the fact that the movie is a bit bland. There are a few jump scares here and there, but for the most part, it is all things you have seen done better in other horror movies, with one exception that I won't. All I'll say is it was gross. Overall, It wasn't a bad film, but I'd probably say wait until you can see it on a streaming service you already pay for.
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A mediocre foray into the horror genre...
paul_haakonsen22 October 2022
When I sat down to watch the 2022 horror movie "The Accursed" I actually never had heard about the movie. I happened to stumble upon the movie, and given my life-long romance with the horror genre, of course I had to sit down and watch what writer Rob Kennedy and director Kevin Lewis had to offer.

I will say that the plot and storyline in "The Accursed", as written by Rob Kennedy, made for an adequate enough movie. If you are a newcomer to the horror genre, then I think you will most definitely enjoy the movie a lot more than I did as a seasoned horror veteran. To me, however, the movie was watchable, but writer Rob Kennedy just didn't bring anything new to the genre, and the movie was sort of a mediocre result at the hands of director Kevin Lewis.

The acting performances in "The Accursed" were good, and it certainly was nice to see Meg Foster in the movie, and she had a very good role in the movie as well. I am not overly familiar with leading actress Sarah Grey, but she did carry the movie quite well.

The special effects in the movie were good. Now, keep in mind that "The Accursed" is not a horror movie that throws one special effects in your face after another. No, the movie makes use of special effects when needed, and they definitely helped to further the narrative quite well. And the special effects were good.

I doubt that I will ever return to watch "The Accursed" a second time, though it made for an adequate enough viewing the first time around.

My rating of "The Accursed" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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bardattack29 October 2022
This was more fun than I had expected. First of all, the opening to the movie was great! Whoever came up with that idea was on the ball. The story throughout was spooky and the actors did an amazing job. As for the story.... my knowing there's something fishy happening but not knowing who to trust gave me a feeling similar to the one I got while watching The Skeleton Key. As a movie with a movie-sized budget (I'm assuming), it was okay. I didn't feel like I wasted my time and thought it was decent. As an episode of something like Supernatural, it would have been extremely well received and highly praised. If I come to learn that this was made on a small budget, I'll add a star to my score.
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Dreary little horror.
stevelivesey6718 October 2022
Nice to see Mena Suvari and Meg Foster again after all these years. Some of the scenes are quite creepy. There is an art to low budget horror but this film hasn't learnt it.

We've seen it all before. The plot has all the aspects of possession that you would expect but the physical possession is something little different.

The ending is pretty poor as is the acting. Definitely one to avoid.

Nice to see Mena Suvari and Meg Foster again after all these years. Some of the scenes are quite creepy. There is an art to low budget horror but this film hasn't learnt it.

We've seen it all before. The plot has all the aspects of possession that you would expect but the physical possession is something little different.

The ending is pretty poor as is the acting. Definitely one to avoid.
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Quite lame even for a low-budgie.
fedor813 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first 15-20 minutes are semi-promising (despite Foster hamming it up as a witch), especially for a low-budget cheapie such as this. But then the inevitable happens and this crap starts rapidly deteriorating. First by the plot slowing down to a crawl almost, for quite a while, and then by it becoming rather idiotic in the last 20 minutes. This especially goes for that "musical number" which is one of the sillier end-twists I'd come across in recent years. A scene that belongs in "Scary Movie". Suvari must be desperate for roles...

I didn't know that when a person gets a bottle smashed against their head, they immediately get up. Invincible villains has always been one of my biggest pet-peeves from the numerous film cliches. You wanna make the antagonist impervious to pain and injury? Fine, but first give them supernatural powers. Humans need to behave and react like humans, frcrissakes.

Chaos reigns during the last third, both in terms of plot and direction. The whole things becomes strangely disjointed, with characters saying dumb things and behaving not quite logically. The dialog is clunky, the soundtrack weak, the tempo lame, the editing seems to be mishandled by someone not quite up to the task. The make-up is rubbish.

What a load of boring, dumb crap.
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Great fun
lucia-morandini14 October 2022
Accidentaly run across this and love it. What you read in the imdb synopsis is pretty much the movie, but yeah, watching it at night with the lights off will make you want to bring your crosses near:))) It's one of those horror movies that does not rely heavily on gore and blood (although there is quite a bit of that also), but on creating a really creepy tense atmosephere and a sense of terror (the one you get with small reflections in the mirror or shadows passing by caught by the corner of the eye and jumpscares). Bonus points for my favourite setting - characters stuck in an isolated location with evil lurking. Coherent plot, and although there are some holes and dubious decisions from the characters, they are not silly enough to make you roll your eyes and take you out and away from what is going on. Cool ending. Take it for what it is - a fun horror movie and the experience will be great.
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Not too bad as rating suggest! Give it a try!!!
mdmasrur25 October 2022
Lost of cons as general audience suggests but also have some pros....

1. Two songs and very catchy two is Written by "Émoi", already famous for Willies wonderland theme song!

2. Nice acting by dashing Sarah Dumont and Mena Suvari and blue eyed star Meg Foster! So casting is good!

3. The ending is just like a top notch Horror movie!

4. Directed by Willies wonderland famed director Rob Kennedy!

5. May b short but decent special effects!

Overall a good effort for a low budget flick. You can discuss all day about every drawback near about everything until you see it for yourself! So, yeah! Give it a try.............
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Nice visuals, predictable, goes off the rails in last 15 minutes
Armin_Nikkhah_Shirazi5 December 2022
THE ACCURSED, not to be confused with the identically named movie from 2021, tells the story of a young nurse who takes on a short-term job caring for a quasi-comatose old lady in a house out in nowhere, basically as a means of distracting herself from the recent suicide of her mother. Little does she know that she is being set up by demonic forces to give much more than her clinical services.

The prologue features some atmospheric cinematography which suggests a dark fantasy setting of the past even though it is actually set in the present. It also foreshadows the main problem with this movie: we can predict what will happen from a mile away. This is a major issue when the aim for much of the movie is to build creepy tension.

The story offers few innovations apart from the fact that all major characters are female. The acting varies, with the strongest performances coming from Meg Foster, Mena Suvari and Sarah Dumont. The visuals are nice but not enough to compensate for the lack of tension due to predictability.

I was going to write this off as a mediocre horror film, but unfortunately the film takes a nosedive in the last 15 minutes or so because the details of the course of events and especially the behavior of the characters, though running as predicted, become increasingly implausible. That is, implausibility is stacked on top of predictability. Unmotivated details like the face mask merely remind us that such horror gimmicks have been executed far more effectively in previous movies (For example, see the similar scene in DEVIL'S REJECTS (2005)).

Also, the impact of the climax is sabotaged by the fact that the cool horror idea with the demon hand coming out of the mouth was already shown in a couple of earlier scenes. In my opinion, it would have been more effective to save it up and also spend more time on showing the whole body transformation more slowly.

At any rate, the movie ends with what is meant to be a bang but left me curiously unmoved. I suspect the reason is that the demon's motivations at that point were not clear to me.

This was an uneven effort which fell short of its potential. A better script especially could have elevated this to a good horror film.
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Low budget of a story we've all seen before but it's watchable.
deloudelouvain2 November 2022
The Accursed is low budget so don't expect a great movie. Not that you can't have great low budget movies but this is just not one of them. It just shows it's low budget. Some creepy scenes were not bad though, with some nice CGI's considering the budget but there are more mediocre scenes than good ones. As for the acting well it fits the budget again. Some of the actors are just not good, others can definitely do better as they showed that before. The story is one we all saw before, certainly if you're into possession horror movies. So it's been done before and better, unfortunately... It is watchable though, just don't get your hopes too high.
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a terrible...
ops-5253517 October 2022
Title for an incoherently edited and very foggishly plotted movie about a witch and another witch and further more witches with eyes white out every 2nd time theyre displayed on the screen...

its also a friendly movie about friends youre maybe not supposed to believe in, made in a way so youre blinded by the beauty of the pool of mostly and with a few exceptions from the tv screen movie production. So if you wanna spend your lifetime on nonsense over the fence chitty chatting about the cursed woman or women in the bottom of the culdesac deep in the dark woods then go, for real worry seekers its a sinking ship full of moderated content so dive in and swim as a shark to avoid the sucking maelstroem dragging you down into nothingness.

Had there just been some blood and gore in there, thinks the grumpy old man, it might have been worth this written review...
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carlholden-1293228 October 2022
Presumably writers/directors Elizabeta Vidovic and Kathryn Michelle are big horror fans and have watched many, many horror films as they have managed to shoehorn a LOT of oft repeated cliches into theirs; particularly the camera work. The only things they haven't included are scares and moments of tension.

It's not really a question of "Don't watch it" - it's average not bad - just more a case of watch the hundreds of much better horror films before you bother.

Oh, and if I was cynical, I would suggest that the positive reviews might have something to do with the all female writers, directors and cast rather than the actual film.
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almost good
tony-146-69562616 April 2023
The entire movie kept going like a plane with 3 out of 4 engines on fire. It is mediocre at best. No surprises, and precious few jump scares. Highly predictable.

Sad because the acting is really good. But the movie pacing and the script were really poor.

Has a number of plot holes too, and things happen in a too convenient way to move the thin plot along.

It almost entertains. We kept waiting to see if it would get better, hoping final act would make up for the first half. But no, it was not meant to be.

Falls flat like a pancake. There is one cool cgi effect that its cool the first time but then they use it over and over down to the last scene.
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Garbage Day
saint_brett6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Screen Media. A Chicken Soup for the Soul Entertainment Company. Evolution Pictures. Ntropic Films. Head Gear. Blood Red Films. Metrol Technology.

So let me guess: without all their contributions, this movie wouldn't have been made or released, correct?

The movie starts out with Jennifer Love Hewitt vandalizing a tree in public with her foster mother's full approval.

Is that Demi Moore?

The hoodlums consult a transvestite witch doctor who grifts money for false prophecies and boldface lies. The con artist in drag summons up a demon, and it comes in the form of a fly.

I find that whenever I buy a cooked chicken from the store and take it home 10 times out of 10, a big blow-fly will be in the house. I often wonder if they're spawned from the actual cooked product, meaning we're importing the devil into our houses.

Sad days for horror movies when mainstream actress Mena Suvari has to appear in a straight-to-video movie.

After biting the finger off the tranny tarot reader, we jump three months later and find ourselves on Neibolt Street, where the leper tormented Eddie. "I know, Eddie, it's you I'm worried about, big boy."

Beth and Elanor seem to be the stars of this movie. They'd look more at home in a Lifetime drama instead.

The start of the movie is in a quagmire as two chicks sit around with airy lines to deliver like, "You're you; you're a good person." It hasn't even detailed to the viewer what we're in for, just some backpackers not granted a visa to go overseas, or something.

How am I supposed to review this movie when I don't even know what the hell is going on?

A poorly explained start to the movie sees two sisters of the divine ya ya hood all fragrant-free from the comfortable wings that make horseback riding and playing tennis a more enjoyable experience.

I had to take an oral exam in front of the entire class in year 10, and the teacher hit me with the question, "What do teenage girls do after they leave school at three?" I stood there, dumfounded, not having a clue what to say.

Elanor takes a job babysitting a dormant demon.

We meet Suvari, who's subscribed to Little House on the Prairie and sells Mormon literature in her spare time. In old age, a lot of ladies become servants to a god or demon, depending on season availability. Suvari's looking every bit the Amish farmhand.

Sitting around with nothing to do, the movie pretty much dillydallies still making its mind up in which direction it wants to go in. Well done, director; you've made a movie without putting much thought or direction into it.

As if this old bag wouldn't be committed to some palliative care service in the condition she's in.

The movie just plods from one intrigue to another. Vinyl records playing by themselves, hands crawling out of mouths, creepy kids in the distance, phone ringing jump scares, rock messages thrown at windows, dropped broken glass - none of it is explained what any of it means. You're fishing, director, fella

It might help Elanor if she turned on a light instead of getting around in the gloomy dark.

Apparently the old bag she's babysitting is deceased. For all your zombie day care center needs, just call Elanor.

One hour and ten minutes into this movie, and no one's been killed yet. I think one would be better off watching 'The Conjuring' instead.

Elanor finds Laurie Strode's 2018 trapdoor to the Evil Dead fruit cellar and discovers all this Slipknot material and other cryptic garbage down there. In a small world, it turns out her father was in a relationship with the dead lady, and at one hour and 14 minutes, I want out of this nightmare.

Mena Suvari kills Beth, and I think Suvari's role would have been better reserved for Yancy Butler. Any points generated for this movie's rating will be for Beth, who was easy on the eye.

Hannibal Lecter already did the Ed Gein face-wearing business with Lt. Boyle, so there is no originality there.

Some Venom creature shows up at the end, and I question why it didn't show up at the beginning, where it could have done more damage, instead of reducing its rampage to the last few minutes of the film. Whatever it is, it's a cross between Groot and broccoli.

Why didn't Venom catch Elanor off guard when she took the job on day one and do her in then?

What any of the hanging victims in the hospital mean at the end, I couldn't care less about.

A movie for the girls. Watch 'Bridesmaids' first, then this one if you're having a hen night. And don't forget to be fragrantly fresh.
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You're my Baby Girl
nogodnomasters27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In the opening scene a witch (Meg Foster) who we later discover is Ms Ambrose is tricked into cursing herself with a demon by Mary Lynn (Alexis Knapp) who has a grudge about her husband with the witch. The demon manifests itself with the hand coming out of the mouth, hence the DVD cover. The film jumps to 3 months later. Eleanor (Sarah Grey) is s nurse who does volunteer work. She has returned home following the death of her mother. She is haunted by her mother while she stays in her house. She is offered a chance for a job as a nurse taking care of Ms. Ambrose by the creepy Alma (Mena Suvari). The house is remote as her friend Beth (Sarah Dumont) drives her there. Elly has flashbacks to her youth and still feels like she is in a haunted house.

The ending wasn't that great tying together the plot. I thought the creep factor was good, especially just using simply audio effects.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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I'm here to get you to safety. Great, let's go! Oh wait..
HorrorFilmHellion20 October 2022
I expected less and was surprised that this was as good as it was. The acting from the leads was solid and convincing, with good enough direction. Clean camera shots with mostly still frames instead of cheap shaky-cam junk. It was a bit dark at times, but with the clean shots it was effective. Story was not riveting, but not terrible and unfolds ok. A couple of the supporting characters were a bit stiff compared to the leads and stood out as such but still passable. Effects were pretty good, and although not a frightening or highly intense movie, still had a couple of notable gritty moments that invoked a reaction. Couple of gaps in the script, but not enough to annoy. Music and sound score fit good as well. Overall, better than most lower budget titles I've seen this year. Curious to see if Blood Red Films can repeat the formula going forward.
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Good Until The End
ladymidath12 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It was a treat seeing Meg Foster and Mena Suvari and the rest of the cast were all very good. The movie started strongly enough with a very creepy painting in a sinister looking cabin, a scary looking Meg Foster. What's not to love?

I had high hopes for this movie. A good cast, a genuinely creepy feel. When I watch a movie, I respond to atmosphere and dialogue rather than action, blood and violence. I enjoy a good story that builds the narrative rather than torture porn. But that is my personal preferences.

It looked like that was what I was going to get, also a can-do secondary protagonist who was actually useful. But sadly the ending kind of spoiled it. It was a shame, as coming up to the ending I was rolling my eyes thinking, oh great, downer ending, evil wins, out heroine is going to be possessed, then that was turned around. Good ending, but the last scene, seriously, what was that?

I think this was a case of not quitting while you are ahead. I still enjoyed it, but it is probably not something I will watch again any time soon.
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Fun & Entertaining
jmbprsbgqh3 April 2023
This movie starts out pretty strong and grabs your attention from the first few minutes! It's pretty spooky at times and gets your adrenaline pumping. The story hasn't been done before as another reviewer suggested. It's certainly not a new genre but it does have an original story that keeps you entertained. It was fun to watch and I think the acting was fairly good. The main character was likable and the friend wasn't one of those annoying side characters you see so much of in other movies that you hope get killed off.. she was actually likable as well. The movie could have been a bit longer to build more substance but other than that it was a good spooky movie.
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