Retreat (2011) Poster

(I) (2011)

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Nothing special.
lewiskendell11 May 2012
I had pretty high expectations for Retreat because:

 A. I'm a big fan of both Thandie Newton and Cillian Murphy.


B. I like thrillers in general, and it's been a while since I've seen a good one.

And does it live up to those expectations? Not particularly. It's certainly a tense movie, with a menacing stranger showing up at the remote island vacation cottage of a couple, bringing with him frightening tales of a global pandemic. They mustn't leave and they must seal themselves away inside the cottage to avoid the certain death that outside contact and infection brings... according to him. But, is he telling the truth? Is the threat really the world outside, or the man in their home?

There's a twist or turn near the end that keeps Retreat from being strictly as predictable as my description might have lead you to believe, but whether that makes the story any better is up for debate. Personally, I found it to be somewhat underwhelming once it was all revealed. 

Retreat does keep you guessing about what to believe, to a certain extent, but I can't say that I "enjoyed" watching the movie. The characters are all flaws and bad decisions, with no real reason to invest in them and hope they survive whatever threat, be it viral or human, that may endanger them. 

The acting is nothing special,  thanks to a pretty pedestrian script that lacks any semblance of nuance. The tragedy that brings the couple to the cottage has no real relevance to the story, which makes it nothing more than pointless backstory. Their history is brought up in careful detail, only to never lead anywhere. Murphy's character is written to be such a weak and passive man that it borders on caricature and Newton's has two emotions, unhappy and afraid (though she still manages to be absolutely beautiful). Jamie Bell goes overboard on the menace and danger, when some ambiguity would have served both the character and story much better. 

This was definitely a flawed experience for me. I didn't dislike the movie, and as I said, it can be quite tense at times, but it just seemed off in several ways. The word "underwhelming" comes to mind.
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Excellent Acting Elevates Flawed Story
alisonc-118 July 2011
"Retreat" is a three-hander, starring Thandie Newton, Cillian Murphy and Jamie Bell (although there is one other character with a brief speaking part). Kate (Newton) and Martin (Murphy) have gone off to an island retreat to regroup after Kate miscarries; they return to a solitary cottage on a remote island where they had been happy years earlier, thinking it might help their relationship. But Kate is withdrawn and Martin doesn't know what to do, and the whole thing might not have been a very good idea after all. One day, they stumble upon Jack (Bell), an injured military man to whom they are quick to offer shelter. Unfortunately, the generator in the cottage has shorted out, and the CB radio seems not to be working, so when Jack tells them that a fast-moving and lethal air-borne infection has been sweeping the world and the only way to protect themselves from it is to barricade themselves inside the cottage, they have no way of knowing whether he's telling the truth or not. But Jack's decisive (and bullying) behaviour convinces at least Martin that something is going on, and although Kate initially resists and suggests that they just leave the cottage to the "crazy" man, she too is more or less bullied into submission. And it is true that something is going on, but whether they can figure it out in time to save themselves is an open question....

This is writer/director Carl Tibbetts' debut film. I expected it to be a very tense psychological thriller, and to some extent it is, but there are flaws that perhaps a more experienced scriptwriter and director could have smoothed out. Largest among these is the simple fact that if Martin had listened to Kate right after Jack shows up, they wouldn't have gotten into this mess. It's hard to swallow disbelief when some plot points are so, well, silly. This is not to pan the film at all – it's sharp, has some beautiful cinematography (it was filmed in Gwynedd, Wales), and a lot of the twists and turns (especially at the end) are unexpectedly rich. But really the best reason to see this film is for the acting; our three leads are just outstanding, with Thandie Newton's performance serving as the focus that holds the whole film together. Definitely recommended.
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It is a good movie
MsCateArcher6 November 2011
I don't understand the bad critics,it is a good movie. I watched it after I read the reviews here and was expecting something worse.I must say I was pleasantly surprised by Retreat. It is a psychological thriller,the acting is very good (Cillian Murphy is a remarkably good actor,but also Jamie Bell and Thandie Newton are a pleasure to watch)and the story kept me guessing until the end. Retreat slightly reminded me of 28 Days Later,but it is a totally different story and captivating in it's own way.I liked the pace and the atmosphere of the film,and I would recommend it to everyone interested in this genre. Retreat definitely deserves better critics and a better rating!
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Dark and disturbing, but disappointing ending.
LloydBayer3 May 2012
As a debut writer/director, Carl Tibbetts' "Retreat" is a well made psychological thriller with steady increase in pacing that generates an atmosphere going from brooding to disturbing. Only accessible by ferry, the story unfolds on a little island off the coast of Scotland where a married but childless couple rents a rustic cottage. Soon after their arrival on the island, it is evident that Kate and Martin have seen happier times. A journalist, Kate is withdrawn but reveals through her writing that a previous miscarriage has caused a rift in their relationship. In an effort to rekindle their marriage, Martin tries to put the past behind, hoping happy memories of their previous stay on the island will seal their marital wounds once and for all. But as it seems, things get from bad to worse when their only contact with the mainland – a CB radio – malfunctions, and the cottage's power generator chokes out. Amongst all this, an injured soldier arrives on the island and amplifies their predicament, stating that an air-borne virus is rapidly sweeping across Europe. Claiming the outbreak to be extremely lethal, Jack proceeds to board-up the cottage from the inside, even as it dawns on Kate and Martin that their strange guest is becoming increasingly hostile.

Although widely comparable to the Nicole Kidman-Sam Neill thriller "Dead Calm", Tibbetts' work here is mostly captivating, relying heavily on portrayals from Thandie Newton and Cillian Murphy as the couple, and Jamie Bell as the antagonistic intruder. As such, acting is the pivotal structure steadily holding up the plot build-up. Bell is particularly impressive as an alpha male that goes on to challenge Martin's manhood right before his wife. As soon as Bell's character enters, we know the premise calls for psychological confrontation as two men try to outsmart each other. Add to that a fragile and hurting woman in between, and the stage is set for a tension built battle for survival. Tibbetts' screenplay also affords equal opportunity to Newton and Murphy as they each share moments of power in trying to outsmart Bell's Jack. This is evident that although there is a growing wedge in their relationship, previous problems diminish in size when faced with what they must now do to protect each other and their marriage.

With a good part of the plot carried out within the confines of the cottage, Tibbetts succeeds in holding on to the viewer's attention despite the fact that single locale films can become boring. Besides the aforementioned acting, what works for Tibbetts is the premise – a broken married couple alone on an island, faced with a life threatening situation where they are forced to reconcile their past, or die trying. With all the twists and turns in the second half, Tibbetts gives hope to the audience while simultaneously tightening the noose around Kate and Martin. This alone reduces viewer predictability while also giving the ending a disturbing albeit open-ended finish. Personally, I was hoping for a satisfying ending, but as it seems, Tibbetts may have had other things in mind like connecting the viewer with his characters and then brutally severing that connection; its like saying hope is as useful as a missed opportunity.

All things considered, this movie is a decent attempt for a film maker writing and directing his first movie. For a thriller, plot twisters keep gnawing at the nape of your neck, with some good acting swelling said plot with tense moments. Curiously, the ending may disappoint some viewers, especially those who are optimistic about feel-good endings.
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crazefox21 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers


*At first, it appears as though his sickness is just of the mind. He acts weird, asking odd questions that could make someone vulnerable, depending on the answer. "Do you have any weapons?" The look on his face when he said that made me immediately think, "Sociopath". I honestly thought the guy was just your garden variety psychopath from the get-go.

*This movie is long and drawn out. It's not until nearly the end that you find out he was telling the truth. Not the whole truth and it was too little too late, mind you. Of course, in true Kate fashion, she didn't listen. It gives some details on why their marriage was strained, but it doesn't really make you feel like you know them. I'm sure the actors did the best they could with what they had. It must have been excruciating, though, because it was terrible.

What I don't understand is, if the virus is airborne and so highly contagious, why would he allow them the opportunity to leave in the first place - when they had already been exposed and he claimed he was trying to contain it? Perhaps he was just playing with their minds, allowing them to think they had the upper hand. Thandie Newton - I liked her more in Chronicles of Riddick. 100% better. All in all, Retreat is awful. If you are looking for something that is depressing, this is it. Otherwise, don't watch it. Nothing could do a better job of ruining movie night.
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A tight, gripping indie thriller devolving into blood-soaked conspiracies
napierslogs1 April 2012
"Retreat" started out as a tight, minimalistic indie thriller, maintained the well written characters, and then added in some intriguing mind games played out beneath the surface. And then it devolved into a blood-fest of science fiction diseases and government conspiracies. I was riveted for the first hour and twenty minutes and then sat agape in frustration for the last ten minutes.

Martin (Cillian Murphy) and Kate (Thandie Newton) are a married couple seeking an isolated retreat. A log house on a remote island which they have been to before but not since their marriage has deteriorated. Kate thinks it is irreparable; Martin thinks he just has to apologize one more time and everything will be perfect. Then an injured soldier arrives at their door and they proceed to take him in.

Before they know it, he has locked them inside the house. Not to kill them, but to save them, or so he says. We're pretty sure he's crazy, husband and wife are pretty sure he's crazy, until sleep-deprived Martin starts falling to his insane argument. Something about there being a disease outside and if you breathe the air around an infected person, you die. Well, you cough up blood and then you die. As I said, we're pretty sure he's crazy, and this is just the type of thing that crazy people say.

The fascinating parts of this film involve the soldier convincing Martin and Kate that the threats are real, Martin seeming to believe him, Kate getting angry, and then Martin just wanting to take care of his wife and save their marriage. The majority of this takes place inside the house with only three characters. Let the mind games begin as each character tries to figure out what they want, how to get it, how to do it alone or with somebody else.

When we approached the end, I was playing along with their game, trying to predict each twist and turn that would take us to the satisfying conclusion. I did not guess correctly as I was not predicting the many twists that each character would take with their final, almost final, maybe final, and then their final final dying breath. If that sounds ridiculous, wait until you hear what was really going on. The ending would suggest that "Retreat" was one of those stupid horror movies built for blood and laughs. This is extremely disappointing because the rest of the movie suggested that it was one of the best indie thrillers around.
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Boring and Annoying Thriller
claudio_carvalho8 April 2015
The journalist Kate (Thandie Newton) and her estranged husband, the architect Martin (Cillian Murphy), rent an isolated house in Fairweather Cottage in the Blackholme Island expecting to rekindle their love and save their marriage after a miscarriage of Kate. The owner, Doug (Jimmy Yuill), brings the couple in his boat and they have only a Citizen Band (CB) radio to communicate with him. Soon they have problem with the generator and Doug helps them, repairing the equipment. When Kate sees a wounded stranger in the island, she calls Martin and they bring him to the house. They note that the man is dressed with military uniform and has a weapon, and Martin hides the gun. The stranger wakes up and tells that he is Private Jack Corman (Jamie Bell) and he is fleeing from a pandemic in the continent. Further, they must isolate the house to protect themselves against the deadly airborne virus. Kate does not buy his story but Martin gives his gun back. Who is Jack? Is he telling the truth?

"Retreat" is a boring and annoying psychological thriller, with a terrible story and unlikable characters. There are many flaws in the plot and stupid reactions and plot points. Thandie Newton's character is irritating and she has histrionic performance. The final plot point with the truth about Jack is kind of absurd. My vote is three.

Title (Brazil): Not Available on DVD or Blu-Ray
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Frustratingly Stupid Characters
koltonbrett30 December 2021
One might think this movie was inspired by the Covid-19 pandemic, until they notice it was made in 2011. Married couple Kate and Martin find themselves stranded on their island retreat with a man claiming a deadly virus is spreading across the world. Is he telling the truth? That's the mystery presented by this movie. Kate and Martin must decide whether to listen and bunker down with this stranger or try to leave and risk the dangers of a possible pandemic. The frustration with this movie is how dumb Kate and Martin are. They can't seem to do anything right. Is this bad news bearing stranger a dangerous liar? Or is he a survivor trying to get some cooperation out of this helpless couple? Needing the answers to these questions kept me engaged until the end.
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Really annoying characters & a ridiculous script
daggersineyes7 November 2013
Despite the presence of the wonderful Cillian this movie was an absolute disaster. The wife irritated me from the very first scenes and she never got any more sympathetic. The husband was weak & pathetic but I did have some liking for him until he gave the lunatic the gun. There was absolutely no sense in that scene - why would he believe there were people "out there" when he hadn't seen any? And even if he believed it, why give the crazy dude the gun? Why not just keep it yourself? And on that subject, why did the crazy guy keep giving the axe to the husband if he was supposed to be the macho army bloke surely HE'D want the axe and be the one doing the main defending.

Things went from bad to worse when we were stuck with long sessions of people talking about themselves and relationship woes while nothing else happened and boredom set in with a vengeance. There was almost no action or suspense or anything interesting happening in this movie at all, at any point.

Very disappointing. There really isn't anything to recommend this movie for, not even Cillian, unless you're the kind of person who just likes to watch a whole film about people being tense and whiney with each other while one of them messes with the other two people's heads.
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Impressive, well made Dead Calm style thriller
wellthatswhatithinkanyway15 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning

Martin (Cillian Murphy) and Kate (Thandie Newton) retreat to a remote island off the coast of Scotland in an attempt to reconcile their marriage after suffering the heart ache of a still born child. With only an old transmitter radio to keep them in contact with the outside world, they are thrown into disarray when a weather storm breaks even this off. Things get worse when bruised and battered soldier Jack (Jamie Bell) washes up on the shore. After getting back on his feet again, Jack informs them a killer virus has taken over the outside world and they must barricade themselves inside if they want to survive. Unsure whether the man in their house is telling the truth, or a maniac with ulterior motives, the couple find themselves locked in an increasingly tense psychological battle where the one place they should feel most safe becomes the tightest little corner in the world.

It's interesting, and certainly very sad, how a lot of promising ideas for great films seem to find themselves skipping theatres and going straight to DVD in these tough economic times, which would appear to be the case with Retreat, which couldn't quite be described as a 'great' film, but certainly quite an impressive and well made one, that quite rightly has an impressive cast list to back up it's neat idea. Director Carl Tibbetts has taken the 'isolation' theme for this kind of psychological thriller and managed an effective sense of claustrophobia, which is the effect this kind of film is aiming for.

The set up works in the sense that with the radio broken and alone miles away from anyone and anything, it is never clear whether Jack is to be believed and while his claims are far fetched and fantastical, there is always the faint possibility they could be true. Tibbetts keeps up the pressure with the psychological mind games that ensue between the two parties, where the integrity of Bell's character fluctuates enough times to keep the suspense up.

Although it works the premise quite well, it can't be described as an original idea but it's still a decent, entertaining Dead Calm style thriller with a dark conclusion. ***
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forthatusage1 June 2021
I'm excited to see Cillian Murphy as one of the cast but boy his character is so weak, unwise and annoying in this one.. Thandie Newton as the wife is also a very unlikeable character.. The silly decisions made by the characters just to keep the plot going is so irritating.. What a waste of good casts and what could've been a good movie.
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Very good virus movie
daletheminoltaman25 October 2011
An above average virus movie, very enjoyable. I am not sure why some people that appear to not enjoy horror or virus/plague movies insist on watching them then complain when they do not like it. That would be like me eating my least favorite food then complaining how the meal sucked. It makes no sense, this movie was great for those that enjoy this type of movie. The acting was good and it keeps you guessing to the very end.

Worth your time to watch. Good acting, very nice location and good plot.

Give it a shot, it is worth it.
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xxxxxdarkmoon29 March 2021
We watch movies because we want to get entertained, may it be in the form of tension, or a great story, action, visual effects, horror, revenge, funny scenes, whatever. What is the entertaining factor in "Retreat" ? Hard to find a clear answer for that. The actors do a good job though, and there is a bit of tension and a bit of story.

That one bad guy plays an annoying alpha male, the other guy is the counterpart. All in all there is a depressing feeling in the movie and there is a sad ending. So only watch it, if in the mood for that.
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Disappointment P0rn
payasoingenioso2 October 2021
The couple deserves to die.

Nan one of their decisions is good.

It's 90 minutes of pure disappointment. Every decision they make is worse than the last.

The end makes sense, though.
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Low budget thriller that can't fulfil its potential
MultiVitamines22 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
If you watch the trailer of Retreat, you watch 75% of the movie.

The movie spends the first twenty minutes telling the story of a young couple Martin (Murphy) and Kate (Newton). They are experiencing some marital problems, so they retreat to this isolated island in hope to save their marriage.

Then Jamie Bell's character Jack - a unconscious stranger covered with blood - finally appears, just as you see in the trailer. However, when I see Jack starts to bar the house when he wakes up the next day, I shake my head. My question is: how could the couple be that stupid to let a 5'7" lunatic do things like that?

Eventually, Jack makes a revelation. By the time, it doesn't matter if he is telling the truth or not.

In my opinion, Retreat suffers from a weak plot and the poor direction of a first-time director. It is supposed to be a thriller, but there is not enough suspense to keep the audience engaged throughout the ninety minutes. In fact, I wonder how can he drag the movie for that long. There is not much happening on the screen to keep the viewers occupied, and the so-called twist in the end feels flat.

The three main cast members did an okay job. However, the script doesn't provide enough room for character development. I don't learn enough about the characters to feel sympathy for them. There is no chemistry among the three characters. However, I feel Jamie Bell might be the one who enjoyed filming this movie most. Playing a lunatic must be fun. It also allows him to show off his toned body, although the shirtless scene is nothing more than a fan service.

Retreat only has four characters with lines. The complete cast consists of no more than six people. Visually, it is impaired by its low budget. I am not saying we need hundreds of extras, big explosions, adrenaline filled car chase sequences or things like that. But it needs some visual elements to help to build the suspense the movie desperately needs. The music and sound effects are effective though.

I don't know how did the director get actors like Murphy, Newton and Bell on board. Although the three actors are not A-listers, they must have read better scripts. Or, maybe the original script has some potential, but the final product becomes a disaster at the hand of an inexperienced director.
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It was Entertaining
dl_anderson196810 September 2018
I saw all the reviews and it seemed like half liked it and the other half didn't but I found it entertaining. I have seen worse movies and I have seen better movies but I think it was worth a watch , well at least once anyways.
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Gritty and full of contained cabin fever uncertainty and anxiety.
mulcahyj-075458 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers

Certainly not a perfect movie. But I think it pulls of an unlikely plot well with only four actors with speaking lines. Both leading actors are playing well against their normal type of role to the extent that they should have really swapped roles. But because they didn't makes their performances more impressive and they are very believable.

The plot does not quite make sense and even when revealed at the end I was still unsure whether the Jamie Bell character was telling the whole truth. It seems very unlikely that he escaped a military prison with a gun, or later aquired one, and was able to meet and contaminate and cause the death of his wife. Then escape being caught and make it to an isolated island inhabited by two people. It would possibly make more sense, and maybe this was actually the true scenario of the plot to guess yourself (????), that he had been placed there by the military to see the effect on people of the possibly engineered military weapon to see how effective it was. Hey! Maybe I should write a movie? The use of Cillian Murphy as a meek and emotionally damaged character works well as he eventually displays a stronger will. And conversely the Jamie Bell character as an aggressive and acting suppresively on the two other actors also work as he also starts to show increasing weakness and emotionally wrecked true personality. Thandie Newton is also excellent throughout. Some reviewers see the blocking of windows and doors with wooden boards as a plot hole. But it isn't really. He firstly blocks them with plastic bags etc to stop potential infected people breathing in to the house. The wooden blockage is to stop them physically getting in. Airborne spread viruses don't flow usually over miles infecting people. Viruses of this type are normally spread by direct contact between people either by exhaling the virus closely between people or body liquid contact between the infected and non infected individuals. So blocking windows and doors so the infected can't enter makes perfect sense. The plot problems for me is does the Bell character expect to stay safe there for a long time. Does he expect to kill them anyway by their contact with him if he is the spreader of the virus. Is the virus really spreading around the world? The CB message seems to indicate that. If their is a vaccine which is not quite clear why are they not vaccinated instead of killed, in Thandie Newtons case. If the virus is spreading through the world why would the army take the time to come and kill them anyway, though at the end they only need to kill one character.

All these plot issues for me, like other films I have enjoyed, increase the sense of mystery and suspense. The ending of the movie does not really answer what is happening to the rest of the world. This, and the fact I thought the characters were very good unlike other reviewers opinion, increased the what I at times felt the crushing anxiety. Many people may say they could see the last scenes coming from miles away. I am normally pretty good, or rather bad as it reduces the enjoyment of a film, of seeing an end 'twist' coming. I didn't. I literally jumped out my seat. For that alone it is a 7/10 film for me. And as I say I was engrossed by the anxiety and uncertainty throughout. Also you my want to take note of my possible explanation of the plot earlier in the review. I thought it was a good explanation. If I ever find out that was what was intended I will increase it to 10/10 to massage my large ego. Joke. Or was it...
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Could have been good
rawiri4219 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Retreat could have been a good movie if the director had had his eyes open. Since the general plot has been dissected numerous times by other reviewers, I won't waste your time by repeating the story all over again.

However, either the director thinks his potential audience are all a bit "slow" (to say the least) or HE is a bit slow himself. Why do I say this?

Well, even though Martin and Kate are going through a small setback, surely that is no reason why, when they find an unconscious injured man on their island retreat, they shouldn't, at the very least, clean him up and dress his wounds. In such an environment there would be no doubt that their cottage would have been well-equipped with first-aid provisions yet all they appear to have done is drag the poor guy into the house and dump him on a sofa and then just sit and look at him! NO ONE would do that no matter how disturbed they were! The guy still has streaks of blood all down his face from open wounds to his head! Gee! I would sure hate to get shipwrecked on an island where they were the only occupants!

Then, when he does come around, the stranger tells them what could well have been a true story albeit somewhat bizarre. But then, when he says that the virus is airborne and their house must be sealed up, no one thinks to ask what they are all going to breathe once it is and then, when he convinces Martin and Kate to actually decimate the building and board up the doors and windows, there are enough gaps between the boards for a vampire bat to fly through - let alone a minute virus - never mind the chimney!

The premise of the story is plausible but its handling is pathetic! The fact that Martin and Kate actually bought Jack's story is an insult to the intelligence. I watched Retreat to the bitter end because I love Thandie Newton (and so the ending didn't please me one bit!) With a couple of exceptions, Cillian Murphy's character, Martin, was pretty lame. For example, he tells his gorgeous wife that he doesn't know what to do to ease her pain. How about giving her a great big loving hug for starters? There's poor Thandie (sorry, Kate) crying out to just be loved and all he can say is that he doesn't know what to do! I could go on but what's the point?

Maybe another effort will be made with the story sometime in the future with better results. You know, I think that it should be mandatory for film directors to take basic courses in psychology so that, at least, their "normal" characters (as opposed to psychopaths who they can make as weird as they like) will behave like normal people do behave and not totally irrationally!
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Solid 6
lucaschriskowalski10 April 2022
Could have been a 7, instead is a solid 6. The twist is impressive, don't believe it has been done before. The 2nd half is much better than the first, I'm glad I stuck with it.
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monotone intensity
SnoopyStyle11 September 2015
Kate (Thandie Newton) and Martin (Cillian Murphy) go to the isolated Blackholme Island off Scotland to escape London. They were there back in happier times in 2002. They are struggling with marital problems about a miscarriage. The power goes out. Martin is injured while trying to fix the generator. They call Doug for help on the radio but they get no help. Then they find a bloodied unconscious man. The man claims to be Private Jack Corman (Jamie Bell) and that there is a deadly worldwide airborne flu. The couple is suspicious of the erratic Jack.

The trio try their best to make an intense psychological thriller. The main problem is that the movie has one tone and one gear. It's steady and unrelenting. Jack doesn't change. He starts off scary and stays there. It may be more compelling to start off sane and build to crazy. It's intense but it feels like a manufactured thing. It's not realistic that Martin believes anything Jack says. Jack is basically acting like a paranoid mental case. There is nothing to prove his case other than his word. The movie needs to give the audience the permission to believe in Jack but it never does.
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a twisty turvy suspense-drama that bores as much as it excites
jdring20078 October 2021
I wanted to give this a 7 by the end but the painfully melodramatic scene preceding it stayed my hand and all the little yawn moments along the way, paired with what I understand as plot holes to sustain suspense, helped concrete my decision. Acting wise everything is on par, I love Cillian Murphy and enjoy seeing Jamie Bell is a more assertive role than usual. Still, some scenes were a pain go get through but I'd be lying of I said I wasn't in suspense. So the writing and story were pretty solid but much of the execution felt a bit off. Would recommend for a free rental/stream.
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Nothing but frustration
shinsrevenge29 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Retreat is a disappointing movie about a couple and a wounded soldier they found and take to their cottage on a remote, forsaken island. The soldier tells them that a contagious disease spread out in the rest of the world, killing everyone, and that they need to barricade the cottage and stay in it to be safe.

The tension between the couple and the soldier steadily increases, since they start to have serious doubts about his story and the disease. They want to leave but he doesn't let them. From then on they try to fight him to get free.

In the end you find out that he actually told a half-truth. He was sick, but the disease was within him. He wanted to keep them in the house to avoid it from spreading more. After the husband got the lethal disease and started dying his wife kills the soldier and then is killed by the army that has finally found the location of their missing soldier, who they used as a guinea pig.

The movie leaves a bitter aftertaste and the conclusion that you just wasted a lot of time. There are barely any good moments and the actions they perform are not conclusive most of the time. For example: The wive would play all tough and fight the soldier to the death sometimes while fall down crying like a baby in other occasions.

It's like she couldn't decide which role she wanted to play and I got that impression from the soldier a few times as well. Anyway... as long as you don't want to see a movie about 3 people fighting at each other in the most pitiful way, do yourself a favour and avoid Retreat. 3/10
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Shocked that its IMDb rating is so low...
Hazular18 January 2012
As the title says, I am genuinely shocked that Retreat has an IMDb score of 5.7 (at the time of writing). Whilst not a terrible score, it is below the average of scores I usually see on IMDb.

Retreat was, admittedly, rather slow to get going. However I did not see this as a negative element of the film as it served to provide the back-story of the protagonists, a much needed element to discover why they were on the island in the first place. The chemistry between Cillian Murphy and Thandie Newton was good, and as always they both acted their parts excellently (Jamie Bell, also, played his role brilliantly, although he will always be Billy Elliot to me!)

The film itself is brilliantly written. The dialogue is believable, and there is just the right amount of confusion and suspense building up to the twist ending.

Speaking of the ending, I genuinely did not see it coming at all, and for me it just made the film that little bit better.

In summary, it's a brilliantly acted film, it's a new twist on the whole "pandemic" concept that has come about during the last few years, and I think it definitely deserves a watch. Do not let the mediocre IMDb score put you off!
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Billy Helliot.....
FlashCallahan14 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
In a last-ditch attempt to save their failing marriage after the stillbirth of their first child, Kate and Martin escape London for a retreat to the beautiful, yet remote and unpopulated Blackholme Island, which is off the west coast of Scotland.

Their relationship is already fragile and anxieties are pushed higher when they lose all contact with the mainland and after a heavy storm, an injured man is washed up on the shore.

Dressed in military fatigues and carrying a gun, the mysterious stranger regains consciousness and identifies himself as a British soldier called Private Jack Corman.

Soon he reveals that he carries a deadly message - an airborne virus is sweeping Europe and all their lives are under threat unless they take drastic action..

Part paranoia thriller, part Dead Calm, retreat sees the old adage of having 3 prolific actors confined to one set at the start of the second act, and let them rip.

It has mixed results though. The three actors are great in their respective roles, it's just the script is very average, and at times where tension is supposed to be the main attraction, it becomes a little boring.

Bell is the best thing about this. His brooding psycho is unhinged, and we are asking the question numerous times, is the little scamp making it all up? With films like this, of course there is a twist of sorts, or else it wouldn't make any sense, but the way it's handles isn't the best.

Murphy is obviously the weak husband, as hes an architect, so newton must be the hard woman, as shes been through a small tragedy.

The atmosphere of the film is good, and the third act really does make up for the mundane first two.

The end does smack you round the face, but you really have to work hard to get there.

A bit of a wasted opportunity, but worth it for the performances.
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Worst Film I've Seen in a Long Time
matthewchermside2 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film bears more than few similarities to another really bad film "Right at Your Door", which should send some potential viewers running from it. The characters are bland, the "plot twist" at the end was telegraphed from the beginning, none of it makes any sense whatsoever. What a waste of a talented cast this film was. Three incredible actors in Cillian Murphy, Thandie Newton and Jamie Bell are completely wasted in this tripe. As soon as Jamie Bell arrives in the film and starts barricading up the house without so much as any protest from Murphy's and Newton's characters I knew the film was going to be dreadful. The ambition of building tension is failed and the dynamics between the characters is completely screwed up, although Jamie Bell is very menacing, as the pretense is complete balls. Do not waste your time on this film, it is utter drivel.
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