End of the Road (2022) Poster

(II) (2022)

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NullUnit11 September 2022
TRYING to disregard all the obvious social "messages" in this...

This was decent for the first half, act one. Where they are merely building characters.

Catalyst happens, act two....

If you have half a brain you INSTANTLY know who "Mr Cross" (The bad guy) is. Because of this, act two feels more like going through the motions. The repeated "mystery" behind Mr Cross is somewhat pointless because you will probably already know who it is.

The reveal, act three....

From here.. It's exceptionally fitting that Ludacris is starring in this film... because it all gets so very, very, very, ludicrous. It almost borders on an unintentional comedy. There are too many logic errors to list - wild leaps that wouldn't really be possible.

All the acting was good, the constant unnatural lighting was an odd choice... purple, orange, green, pink.... never just normal lights. Made it visually more interesting.

Overall it was an okay watch, but don't really expect too much.

Regarding the "propaganda" aspect.....

I would say the "message" here of exceptional bigotry by white characters is not really a good message for younger audiences. Portraying all white people as racist is no different than portraying all black people as pimp, hookers, or murderous drug dealers --- it's simply not true. Ya can't paint things with such a broad brush. While I don't deny bigotry exists.. I've never seen it to the extent expressed later in this film. And to be perfectly honest, I think it worked pretty well in act one of this film when it first rears its ugly head. However, all the usage after that scene was pointless and didn't add to the story in ANY way.

I honestly wonder if these films which portray such bold, in-your-face, clearly defined, racism are not teaching mechanisms for younger viewers. And while this film avoided any white character using the N word.. it got as close as possible without it. So are they somehow showing younger white viewers what's "okay" in terms of how white people think of and act towards black people?? There's no subtlety in this film, no nuance - which is most commonly what actual racism looks like today. And there are no consequences for the racism, no pushback by other white characters.... it's simply portrayed as "that's what all white people think."
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Kind of Sad
jimalba-878875 December 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I had hoped to like this movie enough to think that it would make me start watching Queen Latifah in "The Equalizer", but this movie proved my suspicions are legitimate and she is nowhere near an action movie or tv show star.

This movie is one big cliche'- the sad widow who gave up everything to try to help her heroic dead husband fight cancer, now loses her house, her kids hate the idea of moving, her younger brother is a constant screw up, but he talks an amazing amount of trash for someone who literally did nothing the entire movie. Then we have rednecks from right out of central casting, and finally Beau Bridges playing the same part over and over again. We're supposed to believe Beau's police captain character is a good guy, but hark! He is not! That took all of 9 seconds to figure out along with the rest of this plot.

Terrible writing, acting, casting, and directing.

Watching the action scene with Latifah fighting off five rednecks was a 10 on the unintentional comedy scale- the woman moves at the speed of a glacier, and yet she took care of all of them and it was hilarious the whole time.

I like Latifah a lot, in the right roles she is great, but this role was not for her and I won't be watching her tv show either because I don't want to feel worse about her.

Oh, and totally predictable ending too- I literally said to myself "Uncle Reggie is buying breakfast" and I knew exactly why. Come on, people. Do better than this.
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Started Good Ended Terribly Hilarious
cauveecreative12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Ok so the beginning of the movie and the storyline I thought was really good. Everything flowed well up until the money being stolen by the white meth-redneck gang lol. Was downhill from there.

Although it didn't see it coming that Mr Cross was the deputy and that was a nice spin I'm trying to figure out:

-Queen Latifah could fight an entire meth mob

-Just so happened to find a crack pope and able to free her tied hands

-How come they cannot beat up and or kill these senior citizens though.

  • Why was the lighting everywhere purple

-Where'd she get the flare

-Luda got a bandaid that didn't cover the whole wound and he was healed.

-They we're laughing and joking with zero trauma.

I liked it until that scene.
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Dodgy script and direction make a dud film
gordypix11 September 2022
Another example of a need to churn out films at a fast rate for an eager audience. Netflix is rushing out way too many films and risking the reputations of actors by doing so.

The lead actors must have been quite misguided to take this project as they are way better than the resulting film produced here. A mishmash of a road trip type movie we've all seen before but redone in a shoddy way.

Not even a hint of realism as the story progresses but the writers must shoulder the blame for that and the Director surely could see what was resulting from the bad writing. Take more time on the scripts please!!!

Give it a watch if you like Queen Latifah and Ludicris but don't expect their finest work.
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Yes, this is the end of the road - LOL
heinigrunbaum-786-2042411 September 2022
Everything is mediocre in this movie. Script, acting, photography, director, production design, etc. Typical lefthanded copy-paste of the worst kind. And what's up with the purple lighting? Is it so not to make the movie too scary? Don't worry. There's nothing scary about this movie. The acting and how the scenes are composed together are so untrustworthy that you won't feel scared, ever! Only every two minutes you will be wondering why you are still watching?! And that's a kind of scary feeling. The producers should have taken the same actors and the same script (maybe a different director?!) and made a Comedy. That might have worked.
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Don't waste your time with this one
slim-4411 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's 2022 but it felt like this script for this movie was written circa 1975. Stereotypes of rural, bigoted, whites in full force and very cringe. I don't even think Dukes of Hazard had all of these tropes. The only thing this family didn't come across was a Klan burning. Just a really stupid movie.

A woman (professional nurse) beating up some skinheads had to be one of the dumbest scenes in a movie. I couldn't figure if this thing was supposed to be drama, thriller, or comedy.

I can't believe Queen Latifah is even in this mess of a movie. Netflix must offer some really good checks. Maybe I should write a script...

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Check Your Brain at the Door
saysjenn13 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is a soggy turd sandwich, seriously leave your brain at the door. The plot is weak. It's fueled with racist stereotypes about white and black people. The acting was fine but I feel like I've seen Queen L play this type of character too many times. Then you have the action scenes filled with so many impossibilities. It's like I could say, what is the dumbest thing someone could do right now and that's what would happen. Then the ending!!! If you just got a pile of stolen loot that you were just chased for... Money that got people killed...Would you take out plastic wrapped stacks of cash, display it on the dining table in the middle of a diner and say pass the syrup? The suspension of disbelief is just too much! Also is the movie trying to be a comedy, horror movie, or thriller? There's also no character development at all.

This movie is truly a soggy turf sandwich. How it's number one on Netflix doesn't say much for movies right now.
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dustinjones-0401511 September 2022
Or at least the people behind this movie think so. I'd say the most evil white person is the dude listed in the credits as a writer, the dialogue in this film is bad. I'm sorry to undersell it, it's not just bad it's dang near terrible but the film doesn't seem to know it. It feels like the director wanted a serious film but the writer wanted hobo with a shotgun and the movie could have been great if it would have committed one way or the other. And look I freaking love Queen Latifah, her Chris and Beau are the reason I watched this movie but man did they get done dirty with this weird half woke half assed script. Yet they still gave it there all. I will say on a positive note the low budget cinematography is really pretty rad and some gems are hidden throughout the movie it's not all bad. I'd recommend watching it just don't go in thinking it's as serious as the trailer made it seem and you'll enjoy it a lot more.
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Wow!! & Not In A Good Way...
sheseesthrees10 September 2022
Where to Begin or End. I thought it would be a great film or atleast had potential with actors or at minimum be satire, but no it was meant as a serious film. D RATED actors couldve done better if it was seriously meant to be a serious film. No spoilers as the movie will do that for you. When I say satire I mean all the actors characters seem to be a mockery of clueless white people and it just gets worse from there. In first 5 mins you'll figure out what's happening. Actors acting was horrendous. I'm ashamed for the actors in this "film". I take it as a easy weekend paycheck. Watch at your own risk!
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A solid if familiar genre thriller with good turns by Queen Latifah and Chris Bridges and a strong feature debut for director Millicent Shelton
IonicBreezeMachine9 September 2022
Following the loss of her husband Jake to cancer that has also left the family with crippling medical debt, ER Nurse and single mother Brenda Freeman (Queen Latifah) sells her home in Los Angeles and takes her two children, Kelly (Mychala Lee) and Cameron "Cam" (Sahun Dixon), and her younger brother Reggie Beaumont (Chris Bridges) across country from Los Angeles, California to live with Brenda's mother in Houston, Texas. During their stay at a roadside motel in Arizona, the family hears an altercation followed by gunfire in the neighboring room and after the assailant speeds away Brenda and Reggie go next door to find a man with a shot to the neck whom Brenda tries to save to no avail. After giving their statement to the police, the family continues onward but eventually Brenda receives a phone call angrily demanding money and Brenda learns that Reggie took a bag of money from the hotel room intent on using it to help the family get a fresh start. Meanwhile Arizona State Trooper Captain JD Hammers (Beau Bridges) tries to find the Freeman's believing the altercation at the motel may be linked to ruthless and enigmatic drug lord Mr. Cross.

End of the Road is the latest genre film from Netflix and comes to us from seasoned screenwriter David Loughery and first-time feature director Millicent Shelton who has previously worked extensively in TV and music videos. Shelton had stated her intention with the film was into tapping into the social status of Black Americans and using a traditional thriller setup to convey that. The movie is pretty familiar in its structure and is reminiscent of those cookie cutter thrillers Screen Gems such as No Good Deed, Obsessed, The Perfect Man or The Intruder that take time tested thriller concepts you remember from the genre's boon in the mid-90s and use them as low to mid budget vehicles for established black leads such as Idris Elba, Morris Chestnut, or Michael Ealy. The film is well trodden ground for screenwriter Loughery who has penned a number of those kinds of thrillers including Lakeview Terrace, Obsessed, and The Intruder and while those movies aren't groundbreaking, there is a sort of silly charm you get from them especially when you watch them opening day in the theater in a packed house with a lot of that audience energy making for a fun time as their reactions are often as much a part of the experience as the movie itself. While it is a little disappointing not to have the option of seeing this movie in a packed house, this is slightly above average in quality in comparison to some of those other examples and the film features solid likable leads and strong direction by Shelton who shows solid handling of simple material in her first time helming a feature.

The movie makes no secret of what it is as the movie only clocks in at about 82 minutes not including credits and it uses that time efficiently as we're introduced to the characters and situation effectively establishing everyone in the family and giving us some solid and surprisingly likable character moments with some of the interactions between the family such as conversations in the car or horseplay in the hotel room making the characters endearing enough they could've sustained a film even without the "money in a bag" thriller setup we end up with. Queen Latifah is really good as Brenda and she sells the role as a determined but very sad mother and you do root for her as a protagonist. Chris Bridges is also very good as Brenda's brother Reggie who's positioned as being a screwup, but a well meaning one who does try and with the best of intentions. I also though Mychala Lee and Shaun Dixon were quite good as the kids and while kids in these kind of thriller films can sometimes become grating, I felt Loughery did enough to sidestep that pitfall and make them kind of endearing if not particularly substantive.

Now I will say this movie is pretty familiar territory with most of the beats of the plot not deviating all that far from the established norm right down to the fact that the faceless "Mr. Cross" character is positioned as a reveal, and you know pretty much from the first time a character is introduced that you think "that guy did it!" and you'll be right. The movie doesn't have much in the way of surprises, but it's rollercoaster entertainment that keeps things fast, tense, and relentless with some sequences of tension such as a confrontation with two peckerwoods or the motel sequence being points where your breathing will stop and wonder "what's going to happen?". We also get some really memorable night shots with Shelton bathing the scenes in a violet light that gives those shots a unique visual identity and is a welcome change from many thrillers that often use the dark as a cost saving measure and you can only view vague silhouettes of what's going on rather than enjoy the action.

I enjoyed End of the Road for what it was, a well made quick thriller that kept me invested and didn't overstay its welcome. Both Latifah and Bridges are really good in the movie, and Shelton shows a strong handling of the material that does make me think she has a future as a reliable genre director. On a side note I was appreciative of the fact this movie went for an R-Rating when many Screen Gems movies often go for a PG-13 and make this kind of film feel like a "movie of the week" you should be watching on Lifetime or TNT so that also helps elevate it a bit more than your typical genre piece.
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Oh Luda.....You cant need the money this bad.
ronan7312 September 2022
I really really tried with this one because of the number of actors that have decent names. I even ignored the very very repetitive r@cism tropes. I still struggled with the off button. But I did make it to the end. Just!

It was very tired old/ old fashioned. Very repetitive. Poorly over acted. And weirdly directed.

The slow increase of purple lighting made me think old horror movies. Very odd. It felt like the director was trying to portray it as a dream where the whole thing is a story of a black womans struggle to have a better life with white people constantly holding her back...but the movie wasnt done well enough to leave that impression.

The "baddy" was super obvious from the very beginning. Bit of a waste.

I have liked Luda for decades and hes also acted in decent stuff but LUDA..what you thinking?

Queen Latifa seems to be portrayed as a super athletic bad ass recently but I genuinely dont see what producers see. There are hundreds of black women that could portray a bad ass and make it more believable. Her close up fight scenes look very dated and only used because she isnt an athletic bad ass.

The scene where she not only takes out a muscle bound ex UFC fighter with very few blows but she also takes out a whole gang of r@cist drug dealers made me pick up the remote to finally go to turn it off..but I thought NOPE, I shall finish this like the hero I am.

And what is it with every white person being r@cist? I mean I get having white people as baddies but do they all have to be r@cist baddies.lol... The r@cism was strong with this one, mostly not very subtle at all. Even Ludas character was a r@cist cliché.

But a black female director who has spent god knows how many years behind the camera obviously has a story to tell..But these heavy handed messages with a weak story isnt the way to get the message out. Its bores people. Just read the terrible reviews. They missed the smaller subtle messages in this movie because they were busy rolling their eyes with the big loud r@cist tropes.

There were subtle micro aggressions that were excellent but then BOOM..a massive r@cist bomb ruins the whole thing.

I absolutely genuinely think ""R@CISM"" is a new movie genre..like slashers were in the 1980s.

Watch if really bored and dont know all white people are r@cist..
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It was fun!
brtikhon14 October 2022
The reviewers here are a bunch of kill-joys! Sure the movie was formulaic and corny but I enjoyed the role reversals and the plot twists. Queen Latifah played her signature "don't-mess-with-me" character of Brenda very well. Ludacris played a somewhat misdirected Uncle Reggie and Mychala Lee and Shaun Dixon were great and believable as loving, supportive kids. I even enjoyed Beau Bridges and Frances Lee McCain as badasses. When I elected to watch this movie I wasn't expecting an Academy Award performance from any of them. Nor was I expecting a superlative script. Jeez people! Lighten up! Was it a great movie? No. Was it enjoyable? I think so.
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Not as bad as everyone says
shanaw-6594514 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Did this movie have it's flaws? Yes. But it's not as bad as everyone says. I love Queen Latifah but her acting was garbage in this. Other than that and the shootout at the end that didn't hit anyone, I thought it was a decent movie. Overall, corny, yes but was funny when needed to be but also kept you at the edge of your seat.

There are some things that weren't needed in this film such as the racism, the weird car chase/shootout etc. But some things I wish they would have went more into...life with their dad, more of Reggie's background, what they ended up using the money for.

There are way worse movies than this one. Don't go into already thinking it's going to be trash. Have an open mind.
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splodgie79 September 2022
I rely heavily on IMDb reviews to help me choose what I watch. It's the first thing I check when my husband suggests a movie, and for the most part, IMDb user reviews seem to get it right for me. But apparently this is new out today, and there were no reviews yet for it, so I had no reason to tell my husband no when he suggested it! We went in blind but I'm m not sure we're going to make it to the end. My daughter complains that I don't like anything, so I tried to give it a proper go, but I'm sorry, this one is just ridiculous. Unbelievable plot, unbelievable characters, stupid script and a wasted Beau Bridges.
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End of the Road for quality Netflix films
munk-8717712 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
These survival thrillers are all so formulaic and End Of The Road does not sway from that statement one bit. We are coddled into getting to know this family, money issues, the uncle smokes weed, the daughter does as well and has a tendency to wander off while the son is simply a plot device (hey lets witness a murder, steal some money, get threatened for said money, leave the money somewhere then go to the tourist attraction and leave my son alone).

We are thrust into middle America, the open road, the desert road, where the meth flows like water and apparently racists are everywhere. Its very stereotypical and where I do not want to ignore the fact that there are bigoted people in this world the display End Of The Road put up was something out of a cartoon.

The action sequences felt set up by a guy who choreographs for the play stage. It felt like Shudder quality like they filmed the chase scenes at night in a some guy's backyard. "Hey lets just drive in circles." There are odd choices in lighting where in place of headlight for a car it looks like they just shined a flashlight in actors faces.

Toward the end heres this purple lighting that illuminated the whole environment which was cool, but doesn't help the shoddy pacing of this painfully bland film. Like they really could care less for the viewer here and I really cannot speculate what the hell their demo graphic was - teen girls who have never seen a survival thriller? Wrong Turn, U-Turn, The Hitchhiker, Jeepers Creepers, Road Warrior, Breakdown - When you compare to other films with the same set up and premise that did way better I can only ask myself if these filmmakers even cared.

End Of The Road feels like it was shot in less than a week, stuck in post for a month until they gave and just farted it out on Netflix.
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Hot. Garbage.
burthudson12 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this actually made me worry for the future of the country. This is what's shown (because of Ludacris and Queen Latifah) to minority youth in cities as a "family movie".

The main family are 4 extremely basic profile characters of being virtuous good people and with a death in the family and can no longer afford their house in LA and drive to Texas.

During their trip they come across 11 new characters. All are white. All 11 are bad. Like straight up evil bad. So the message is if you go anywhere not a coastal City every person is basically hunting black people.

I mean Luca straight up says "yes we're innocent but we the next best thing (long pause).. black"

We are a divided country now, no question. But it's honestly driven by the media and drivel like this. Travel the country and see for yourself if you think otherwise, even if it takes cheap car camping to do it.
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Draysan-Jennings11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer fooled me. It looked like a decent film so I decided to give it a shot. Bad idea! This movie sucked, total waste of time. I had no idea it was going to be a film where the narrative is all white people are racist rednecks. I should have known how it was going to play out the second Ludacris jumped out of the lowrider wearing a Black Lives Matter jersey. I feel bad for any children that watch this and think all white people are like this. And what was the point of this film? What was the moral of the story? Because in the end, after all they went through, the family keeps the dirty money. If they were going to do that, they should of just ran with the money in the first place. It would of saved them a whole lot of trouble. Definitely not a film I'd recommend. 3 stars.
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To Racially Charged
LeonardPinthGarnell24 April 2023
This reminded me of a racist cops and robbers movie from the 70's with roles of races switched to accommodate a new era in bad theater and hatefulness being sewn through scripts in Hollywood these days. The weak plot is not the biggest disappointment. It was not bad acting. It is the predictable characters and the obvious cliches. Writers tried too hard to make decent one liners. They came out poorly timed and not funny.

I think that the saving grace for this film and why I was able to give it more than one star was the young actor Shaun Dixon. He earned the other stars for my rating. He was awesome and you can tell he worked hard in the role. I look forward to seeing him in future movies.

It could have been a much better movie had it not try so hard to be racist. It was almost cartoonish. So unnecessary and unwanted in this country's current atmosphere.
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An alright film for weekend viewing
BenW199910 September 2022
End of the road was just an alright film. It did have a twist which I really didn't expect in the slightest. The acting was good. One thing I kept asking though, is WHY was there purple neon lights everywhere? Wherever the family went, it was if they were in a massive greenhouse under purple grow lights almost the entire time, is this normal for the part of the US they're in? Movie uses the "All yt people are evil" trope but that's probably how that area of the US is so I'm not surprised it wasn't scared to be geographically accurate. The ending seemed a bit deus ex machina though. Was just an okay film for the weekend viewing.
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It Could Have Been So Good!
ashennew11 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Like most people, I love getting behind a movie where a family overcomes all sorts of obstacles only to triumph and grow stronger because of them. And in these types of movies, a lesson is always learned as we watch evil being defeated by good. But this is not that movie.

It starts off really promising as you see this heartbroken family coping not only with the loss of a beloved husband and father but also with the pain of starting a new life elsewhere as the burden of medical debt forces them to do so. And you have hope that by the credits you'll seen them mended back together in love and moving forward with healing and new lives after working together to overcome whatever trials this road trip may throw at them. But then things spin in a different direction within the first 15 minutes of the film as you watch an uncle share a joint with his minor niece and you start to get that queasy feeling that things won't be quite right. And, if you watch much past that, that feeling does not go away.

For one thing, every white person this African-American family encounters in the movie is bad. And I'm not talking about "cutting someone off on the highway" or "being dramatic about assumed line cutting in a store" bad. I'm talking about evil. Two young white guys in a Ford Truck hanging out a gas station (redneck much?) make lewd comments and guestures toward the young teenage girl in the family who flips them off and heads to the car. That should have been the end of it, right? Nope! The rednecks answer her supposed "rudeness" by chasing this poor family down on the highway and threatening the mother (Queen Latifah) with violence against herself and her family unless she apologizes for endangering their lives.

If that had been the only racial issue we saw in the movie, that might be something viewers could accept as semi-realistic. Unfortunately, it's not as their continued interactions with white people result in more pain and humiliation as they literally fight for their lives on a 3-day journey through Arizona.

Stylistically, the movie also stumbles as there are weird lighting choices in almost every scene (why is everything neon?) and the actions they all take are so nonsenical that you almost think you're watching a parody (who runs into a hotel room after you hear a gunshot go off?) Plus, it almost appears like the production team wanted to create a Mad Max type existence in the American Southwest that would make any non-white person fearful of ever entering any of those states!

And, without giving any more away, the moral of the story that's learned is not one of family unity and triumph but instead is summed up by the youngest member of the family declaring "restitution!" when the whole family actively engages in criminal activity.

I so wanted this movie to be good but by the credits I only felt sorrow thinking how divisive films like these are in a country that is already struggling to unite.
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A cheesy b*movie with a tired scipt
t-d-t-m8211 September 2022
Not really sure why this film is generating so much racist hatred. Perhaps people should live lives like others before understanding.

It is a formulated script. It's mundane and not the best. There's some nice action sequences. The Nazis are hilarious. The over-acting is frustrating.

It's just another popcorn road movie about a struggling family who tries to do well. It's not that fresh but it does have important political messages like BLM and white hate friction. Funny seeing "tough" nazis being beaten-up.

Sadly due to the average plot and lacklustre stor line it's an average movie at best. Some nice dolly sequences on the cars. Solid camera direction. The positive message and nice cinema sequences just about gives it a six from me.
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Boring, Long Winded, Stupid
AvidMovieWatcherX12 September 2022
This is a terrible movie. An hour and a half wasted. All the white people were bad. All the black people tried to be good people. I mean, forget the stupidity of social politics. It doesn't matter what color anyone is. They should've killed people who were trying to kill them. Good job trying to take the high road when people are trying to kill you. That's not reality. But again, reality isn't even reality anymore. This movie is awful. It's not worth watching. I'd rather watch Morbius and that was pretty terrible too, but not as terrible as this movie. Go watch something more fun like Minions.
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Great movie, ignore the low ratings.
szaszkarol27 September 2022
This was a great movie. It had lots of action , amazing performance from Queen Latifah (like always). I just don't understand what people want these days from a movie. It's a movie, it's entertaining, it's got a story,a great twist and I enjoyed it.

So give it a chance and watch it's it's nothing new,but it's worth a watch. At least one. Ok, the Low ratings? I don't understand them.

What exactly are people asking from a movie? I've seen a few boring movies that have a rating above 6. This one is not boring, it's got what it needs. Entertainment.

I would definitely recommend and will recommend to my friends.
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Not bad
battlecrusadersgames10 September 2022
Here's a low budget thriller that never manages to overly excite or thrill, but isn't a total turkey either.

The story is about a family that after losing the man of the family have to move house to a different state, but en-route, they run into some serious trouble and lives become at stake. I like the simple nature of this story and it could have been a very tense, nail biting thriller, but it is let down by the several flaws it has. Firstly and most relevantly is that the characters make some seriously bad decisions, which cause a bit of unrealism.

There's also some shockingly fight scenes that could have been plucked from a comedy.

Another issue was the obvious use of Green Screens. I'm not sure why they even needed them in a film essentially shot mostly in a car. If i can see when it's a green screen, i tend to not be impressed. Also how come that everyone seems to take all the events in their stride, are they used to things like this happening to their family, because in the real world most people would get serious PTSD from their bad luck.

Putting all that aside, it's still an ok movie, with a pretty good script and some good acting on Latifah's part, (not so much from Beau Bridges, who's got the Hammy-meter all the way up to max).

Oh and there's a really cool twist too towards the end which i wasn't expecting, so bonus points for that.

Sadly, as enjoyable this was in places, because of the several poor elements, i can only score this 6 out of 10.
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launa-6533312 September 2022
I really like Queen and Luda. Having said that, this movie is a letdown. The script is terrible. It's predictable and corny. It won't let you take the movie seriously. The tropes are out of control. The emotion throughout the movie is all over the place and the soundtrack is dreadful. Its just so unbelievably unbelievable. Its like it was written 25 years ago and someone decided to make it today. Also the White people are completely crazy and the Black people are oddly docile. Both Queen and Luda are better actors than this. It's hard to understand why any of the actors chose to be in this movie. It just wasn't well put together. It could have been a good story.
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