Meteor (TV Mini Series 2009) Poster


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Did adults write this?
Vic_max26 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'm usually not this rough on a show, but boy, this seemed like a lot of money given over to amateur movie makers. This so bad, it should actually be studied by film making classes - almost everything that can go wrong has gone wrong in this movie.

I'm not even sure how to relay how bad this was ... but maybe some examples may help:

1) The old "oops - we ran out of gas" routine was used "twice" to advance two different story lines - can you imagine how bad that looked?

2) The fate of the world hinges on info about to be relayed over a cell phone, but just then, the car enters a mountainous area and loses cell reception (I guess backing up is more annoying than saving life on the planet) ... and then eventually runs out of gas. Of course, they're really out of luck now, but ... miraculously, the cell phone starts ringing.

3) A big bad guy named Dwight, who's ready shoot people AND police with terrorist grade weaponry, turns into a puppy dog after the sheriff tells him to "think about it" (which takes him all of 8 seconds).

4) Life on earth hinges on the calculations of a 20-something year old girl running around with a laptop. Her qualifications? She's an "assistant" to a scientist. If they told us that she at least had some sort of credentials, that would have helped - but they didn't.

5) The "bad guy's never really dead" routine is taken to the extreme. One of the main characters of this story is beyond stupid: instead of killing a guy who has been on a murderous rampage (which almost included his daughter), he puts him in the back seat of his car in mickey-mouse handcuffs ... go figure. It doesn't end there either - there's so much more brainless decision-making involving the bad guy, you eventually want the bad guy to rid the world of "good-guy" morons.

6) There's so much incredible dialog ... check this out - the girl wants to use the phone after the wireless lines go down:

Man: $50 for the phone.

Girl: That's ridiculous. I'm a scientist.

She's a scientist??? Oh, OK - I guess that means she's either a superior being or that she's looking for the super-saver rate for scientists. Geeze.

I could go on, but it's so nuts it's almost epic. If you're aching for a disaster movie and have absolutely nothing else available, see it only if you have fast-forward capability. It'll save you some of the torture.
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Saw This on Syfy
HiHausMaus12 April 2011
I am a big fan of disaster movies, and thus, I don't spend a lot of time worrying about the 'facts'. As far as I'm concerned ALL disasters movies are full of inaccuracies.

When I view disasters movies I get to a point where I just watch for the story line. This is one of those movies.

It's not the worst disaster movie I've ever watched and I would actually watch this again if I was bored.

I would have liked seeing a lot more of the carnage wreaked upon the various cities though. I'm just a sucker for watching the Eiffel Tower fall I guess, which usually happens in movies of this type, although I don't recall it happening here specifically.

This movie spent a lot of time focusing on a couple different story lines about various people, and I guess that was OK.

Not the best disaster movie, but not the worst. As long as you aren't a nitpicker.
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I bet you can guess the ending
ColonelFaulkner28 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Happened to catch this on TV last night. Screened as a 2 part mini-series and I'll confess I didn't catch part 1, but trust me, it wasn't too hard to pick up on the various story lines half way through.

I'm generally a fan of this sort of end of the world, apocalyptic disaster movie, but I really have no idea why this was made or needed to be made, especially given the overall quality of the finished product, predictable, uninspiring, unimaginative and largely uninteresting. You will likely forget this one soon after seeing it as I'm sure I will.

Full of dumb people doing dumb things, like our hero cop shooting the psycho bad guy (Rooker), then leaving him lying on the ground with his gun still in his hands, not checking he was done for and turning their backs on him. You'd never guess (actually you will, so it's not really a spoiler) that he comes back for round 2.

I was just begging for the heavily damaged hospital to collapse and put paid to all the annoying survivors inside, something I don't wish for too often, yet for some reason I just knew they were all going to be fine.

Sure it had some moments, like when the pretty scientist girl chances upon the old lady's house, but largely unrelated to the main theme of the whole thing. The climactic scene at the end can only be described as a fizzer, lacking in anything impressive effects or drama wise.

I'm sure some techno gurus will be able to pick more inaccuracies and plot holes in this than any other film of this sort of genre and there seemed to be no shortage of implausibilities, especially nearer the business end.

Bad. I'll give it a few stars because some of the cast, the lesser lights at least looked like they were trying, but not really worth it unless there's nothing else on.
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Its unforgettably awful
atwar26 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know which is more stupid - me wasting 2 nights watching this crapola or the script writers who must have wrote the plot in protest of their paycut.

Take for instance the mainplot involving the little scientist girl, Imogen - she has the vital coordinates to save the planet but before she can make that one simple phone call to end this agonising mini series - the car she is driving runs outta gas, her professor mentor gets a hit and run, she hitches a ride to a Mexican police station which coincidentally is being held up by gunmen who then tries to rape her only to be saved by a meteor,she escapes and is picked up by border patrol but on route to the air force base, the patrol car is run off the road by a runaway truck with no brakes, she grabs the gun but not the cell phone (hellooo?) and then proceeds to walk across the desert trying to hail down cars(no takers for a single white gorgeous girl?), she gets to a grocery who charges her 50bucks for a phonecall, she has $16+pesos and she gets turned away (the same grocers promptly lends the next guy that comes along their jeep!),so she continues walking and ends up at a house with a creepy old lady with a shotgun,but hooray she gets to use her phone.'re thinking surely nothing can go wrong now....oh yes it can. Approximately 30s into the call, the control center she is calling gets hit by a meteor...the phone goes dead. There's more but its gonna take me all night to list them.

The rest of the subplots are equally convoluted. Credit to the actors who did put in a token effort but the scripters should be left to twist in the wind..slowly.
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Enjoyable if you ignore how ridiculous everything is
vchimpanzee21 July 2009
This miniseries gets off to a good start. No wasting time with the usual getting to know all the characters and their irrelevant plot lines. Right away, we see that in Mexico, Dr. Lehman and Imogene O'Neil discover that the asteroid Kassandra, 60 miles across, is headed straight for Earth after a collision with a comet knocks it off course. Not to mention the fact that debris from the collision is about to rain down on Earth causing chaos of biblical proportions. The asteroid itself, of course, is the main concern (no, despite the title, it's not a meteor)-- life on Earth will end if Dr. Lehman is right and the asteroid cannot be stopped.

Dr. Chetwyn (who fired Dr. Lehman because he was a nut) gets a disturbing phone call in the middle of the night. Yes, it's that urgent. The country (actually, the world) has only days to stop doomsday. A group of military and scientific experts get together somewhere in the desert. Wait, don't Russia and China have a stake in this ... ?

Then the miniseries starts wasting time on irrelevant plot lines.

Most of the characters have some connection with the small town of Taft, California--and, in fact, except for Central Command, all the action is taking place in Taft by the last 20 minutes. Taft is the one location on land that gets hit by a meteor in the first round (specifically, the Hapscomb farm), and its citizens are the unfortunate victims of a disproportionate number of hits later on. Taft Police Chief Crowe has a son Jack who is an LAPD detective. The younger Crowe's partner Det. Calvin Stark has gone off the deep end after suffering a loss, and he wants everyone, especially Det. Crowe, to know how he feels. Det. Stark's crime spree claims almost as many victims as the meteors, if you only count those who appear on screen. Also, Det. Crowe's daughter Jenny is on her way to the family's isolated vacation cabin with her boyfriend.

Dr. Lehman and Imogene have to return to the United States! Only they--yes, only they!--know what's going on and how to predict where Kassandra will hit. And the obstacles that must be overcome for the other scientists and the military to get this vital information--unbelievable! Only in a satire of disaster movies could the writers have come up with this many difficulties. The scientists and the military can't even be CONTACTED? REALLY?

One of the more interesting story lines involves the Hapscomb family. The mother is a doctor at the hospital, and her son Michael just happens to be around when another one of the meteors hits. And there is a third meteor and a fourth by the time it's all over. That's just in Taft. The second and third meteors give us an interesting rescue situation. Meteor number four also produces some excitement. Those are just the ones we see hitting Taft.

I did mention the disaster reached biblical proportions. On the news they say the recovery could cost trillions. Thousands are already dead and we still have the big threat coming.

And every possible obstacle standing in the way of stopping it. The climax is very exciting and will keep you guessing right until the very end. Not the very end of the miniseries, because there's about five minutes left after the action is all over.

Getting off the subject of the meteors and Kassandra, the Det. Stark story might have made a good movie in and of itself. Michael Rooker does a pretty good job as the insane cop. But for the most part, his story is just plain irrelevant.

Despite its problems, this movie features a number of fine actors. Christopher Lloyd does his usual quality work as Dr. Lehman, but he's not on enough. I'm not sure what to say about Jason Alexander. He received lots of praise as a bumbling moron with low self-esteem and a temper. Therefore, I think it's fair to say he does a good job here. Yes, I do mean the world is relying on George Costanza to save it. Getting back to Dr. Lehman being fired: I said above "he was a nut." Read it carefully. No, I don't think I made a mistake.

Stacy Keach gives the standout performance. With good material, I think it would have been Emmy caliber. He still manages to be better than what he is given, and he makes the miniseries worth seeing.

Ernie Hudson also does a good job as the general in charge of destroying Kassandra. The poor man. And there's an Asian lieutenant who at least has good writing. Plus she's cute.

Other good performances come from the actors playing a Mexican truck driver, a border official named Murphy, and an old woman with a rotary phone and a son in the military.

Marla Solokoff (as Imogene) is pretty to look at. She has a couple of good scenes. Actually, if you just want to laugh at her troubles (it's tempting), I guess she has a lot of good scenes.

The visual effects are better than average for TV. I'm not sure the sheer size of Kassandra is really communicated, but the detail is magnificent. I'll bet it looks good on a big screen.

The military fires nearly everything they have at just the meteors (but save some for Kassandra!), and that's pretty impressive to watch. Some of them get through, and the catastrophic damage to big cities sure looks real. Actually, it's no worse than some of our more destructive hurricanes.

We are told where everything is by what appear to be satellite photos which start out showing a large area, and then the camera appears to zoom in on the exact location. It's effective, I suppose, but I found it annoying.

It's not a total disaster, despite its problems.
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Dear God: Please Send Meteors. Amen.
spasmatic_spit16 July 2009
I don't understand how so many proved actors could be associated with such an amateurish, embarrassingly bad show. I mean, this is "pre-Film School" amateur, not even "I graduated with a C-average from Film School" bad.

Really, how did Christopher Loyd, Billy Campbell, Jason Alexander, and Ernie Hudson get roped into this? Did they read the script? Did they miss the part that said, "Car runs out of gas. Smoke pours out of the engine."

It also occurred to me that one of the biggest downfalls of these cheesy mini-series is the music. I counted at one point, in a 30-second clip, they changed the music 4 times for painfully obvious cues: perky music for the teenager--cut to: hopeful music for the family--cut to: dark music for the meteors hurtling to earth--cut to: suspenseful music for the frustrated scientist. A touch of subtlety would do wonders for these horrific productions.

I thought the "Impact" mini-series was bad, but boy, this one made that look like pretentious art.
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I had a major belly laughs while watching this crap
kappas-121 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This mini-series is so terrible and so absolute garbage, that I have to recommend you to watch it! Escpesially you don't want to miss scenes where the bad guys turns to be a good guys. That's just hilarious! Not to mention characters across the board, they're just so stupid, you just wait them to get what they should deserve. And check this out...when the rain of little meteors hits the earth, the impacts are absolutely... oh no, you really have to see it yourself. And what makes it more stupid concept, is that there's only handful of people who are planning and executing the rescue operation. And the success of the whole operation is depending in one person, a woman trying to make her way to the headquarters. Wow, if there's meteors heading toward us, my money goes to wipe-out. Myself, I had a major belly laughs while watching this crap.
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gijason113812 July 2009
This is quite possibly the worst made for TV movie ever and I'm even throwing in some Lifetime movies to come up with that.

Yes it does have a good cast, but GOD, please write some decent dialog for them. And how can 1 plot point turn up over and over again. The vehicle running out of gas was used twice. The funniest part was the vehicle that ran out of gas and the next scene shows them with the hood up and the thing has overheated. I HATED how the transition animation kept being used to switch from location to location. I guess they had to eat up time to split this garbage over 2 nights.

Back to the cast: the "big name" actors did an okay job, but the new faces that were featured need to try to have themselves digitally removed if they want to continue with a career. Terrible acting and terrible dialog are a bad combination.

I could go on and on.
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What do you expect?
capncrusty13 July 2009
According to the "Full cast and crew" list, the "writer" is known primarily for "writing" the scripts for "WWF Smackdown" or whatever one calls that fake wrestling crap. It shows--absolutely no subtlety or depth, nothing original, cardboard characters, standard disaster-movie format (various soap-operas wrapped around a catastrophe), minimal science and generally speaking, nothing worth recommending. I'd give it one star, but some of the special effects were tolerable. Barely. So if you're bored--and boy, you'd have to be REALLY bored--go ahead and watch it. Drugs and booze might help, but you'd have to do dangerous levels to even come close to enjoying this gobbler...and then, you'd probably just fall asleep. Which might be best.
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Don't over analyze just enjoy.
anthonyparra31 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Having read the reviews of this mini series prior to watching I was expecting a total dog but was somewhat surprised on it's production and acting. Many familiar actors from Back to the future, Stargate, Seinfield,The Walking Dead kept appearing in various roles which I found throughly entertaining as I kept wonder who was going to show up next.

Certainly I could poke holes threw some of the science behind the story but I have yet to watch a disaster movie you couldn't do so. Several parts though I did find annoying. The amount of car crashes and constant threats one of the main female characters repeatably went threw got to the ridiculous stage. Anyone with that much bad luck is unlikely to be the saviour of the world.

The special effects while not top class where acceptable although they could have been more spetacular even within the limits of a mini series.

All in all though it's a harmless little series that deserves better ratings due to people over analyzing ever detail. So just sit back relax and enjoy Meteor for what it is.
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Awful movie
arturo-4517 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Always a sucker for movies about catastrophes - this meteor movie was a natural choice. It was however a pain to watch - I literally curled my toes at least 60 times. There's no end to the idiotic features of this movie. How come we had to see the same stills of the approaching meteor time and time again. And how come when we see the meteor from space, you can it aligning perfectly to a direct hit on USA, but when the different smaller meteors hit they all came in from the horizon. You could in fact in several scenes see the meteors coming in from different angles, in the same exact scenery - I may not be a scientist, but come on; that is just plain stupid.

Funny goof: When the very unconvincing female scientist on her never ending way to the army headquarters got a rifle from an old woman. Did anyone notice what the rifle looked like. Try to freeze frame when rifle end is in sight, and you will notice that it's a toy gun.
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Best "rock hits Earth movie" EVER!!!
hankphone13 March 2009
I totally disagree with the previous comment. This movie actually changed my outlook on life, love and relationships with it's deeply touching and prophetic story line. This film is so much more than a movie about space rocks highlighted by crappy special effects while simultaneously starring the guy from Back to the Future (1985), it is a sermon for the soul. It's a treatise on the very things that make us human beings. If these clowns can't see the splendor in the simple things - the love between a mother and a child, the unending passion a scientist has for his work, the strife and hardship faced by our military men and women the world over - then save your time and don't comment on or watch movies. This movies strikes right to the core of what we would be faced with should 114 Kasandra actually list out of orbit and smash into our outer atmosphere. We're talking about serious calamity in a time when people need to really "snap out of it" and get involved. This one is a real winner in my book - it's a far cry better then that drivel they made with Ben Affleck and Bruce Willis. If you love sci-fi you've got to get your hands on Meteor...
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Not as bad as everyone says if you like astronomy
prschroeder13 July 2009
People like me that like astronomy, and read a few hours a week or month on the subject, don't really watch films like Meteor for the stellar dialogue or plot twists. We watch it because we like to see comets, asteroids and so on and that's primarily our interest. While the film and script might be lacking in certain areas, that's not our primary concern. It's also a fictional account of something that is very real and will happen again sooner or later.

I enjoyed all types of these films from this genre and while Armaggedon might have had bigger stars and better special effects- not to mention a more implausible story line, it was nevertheless entertaining. When I am seeing a disaster film I do not necessarily look for Oscar material.
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The worst Sci-Fi movie since the Beast of Yucca Flats
jdbassjr19 July 2009
What can you say positive about this movie. Absolutely nothing. Trying to shoot down meteor's with hand-held SAM (Surface to Air Missile) is ludicrous. Stingers only travel at Mach 2.2 about 2,000 miles and hour and meteors travel at over 4,000 miles per hour. You would only get about 3 seconds to see the meteor, for the missile to acquire the target, and fire, and that would only apply if the meteor was flying directly at you. This is just one of many factual errors in the movie. The town sheriff Stacey Keach has seen better days. Several times one of the towns low-life's threaten Stacey but he chooses to ignore the guy. Even when this low-life threatens him with a gun. Just one of the many ludicrous plot twists in this horrible movie. Like another poster has said if you were on drugs this movie might be a little interesting but you would be better off sleeping through it.
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This was just the worst piece of garbage..a real loser folks.
mikeconnellan20 March 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The only reason you want to watch this show is because of decent movies on the subject of meteors hitting earth like Armageddon. This drivel is no better than the worst soap opera you have ever seen. Two women run out of gas, what an insult to women.. and one actually checks under the hood!..for what? more gas? They show you how it is somehow possible to take out a meteor traveling at some unimaginable velocity with a tiny slow shoulder launched ground to air missile called a stinger. Absolutely ridiculous.

The Americanism in this movie is simply over the top. if the low ball acting, cheesy special effects or the unrealistic concepts weren't enough..the laughable American "Dudley Do Right" attitude will make your stomach turn and eyes roll.

This show is crap.
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One of the Dumbest Movies I Have Ever Seen
claudio_carvalho20 November 2012
When an asteroid collides on a huge meteor changing its trajectory to Earth, our planet is doomed for destruction.

"Meteor" is one of the dumbest movies I have ever seen. The awful and corny story is a crap and the characters are ridiculous, with imbecile scientists, stupid military responsible for the missiles, Michael Rooker performing his usual stereotype and last but not the least, the genius Imogene O'Neil. There is also political crap.

This unbearable film was released in Brazil in an edited DVD with 109 minutes running time and it was painful to watch; imagine the 240 minutes version. My vote is one (awful).

Title (Brazil): "Meteoro - O Futuro Está em Jogo" ("Meteor - The Future is at Stake")
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Worst movie ever...
siaon2 January 2010
This movie makes Ben Stein's creation 'Expelled' look like cutting edge science. It also makes Ben Stein look like a genius.

The movie jumps from one ludicrously idiotic decision to another. For instance the professor that found the meteor apparently has crucial data on it that no one else has. It never strikes his mind to make a copy. Or e-mail it. Or anything a normal person would do.

Instead he goes on a day long car drive after exclaiming the meteor will hit in perhaps a day...

After he gets killed stupidly, his assistant manages to hitch a ride with a truck. She never tells the driver anything, and when he decides he wants to be with his family, she's like: "Oh sure, go be with your family, I'll find my way there". Apparently ignorant to the fact that they'll all be INCINERATED if she doesn't get there fast...

Beyond this, the script writer probably can't even spell the word science (For the love of god, they try to 'obliterate' a moon sized rock with SAM missiles... In the atmosphere?!). And yes. It gets worse.

I don't know how I managed to watch (read: survive) this entire movie, but I strongly suggest you do not try to as well.

As a last minute edit, in line with other reviewers, I too believe that the actors made the very best they could of this movie. The acting was quite decent!
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Extremely Terrible
thanna-119 July 2009
First of all I am a 53 year old science fiction buff/veteran, I have seen them all - US and European A and B sci-fi drive in movies. You're not going to get it any straighter than from me.

"Meteor" (2009) with Jason Alexander is so horrible I couldn't wait for the commercials!!! Don't waste your time watching this piece of crap. Who ever wrote the script has no sense of story structure, no retained memory space for thinking out a plot, and just flat out no writing abilities at all. The casting director should have been fired on day one... A herd of big name has-beens, a bus load of no names, and of all things, Jason "GEORGE" Alexander as a astrological scientist... Please!!!

In all honesty I watched part -1 with hopes it would improve, it didn't. So I gave part-2 the benefit of the doubt... couldn't make it past the first hour. Nothing made a good story, no suspense - "Here comes a giant meteor, quick blow it up... Okay - world saved. Take a break everyone, oh, here comes another one".... ZZZZzzzz........

If this was NBC's attempt to top ABC's IMPACT, it didn't even come close. Impact wasn't that great either, but I'd give it a C+ vs F- for METEOR. The only thing good I will say about Meteor was Stacy Keetch, he gave it the old college try... the rest of the cast was a wash.
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They butchered the whole concept!
snigelfaget15 March 2009
First off, Me and A LOT of other people totally disagree with the previous comment.. This miniseries is horrific. They butchered the whole concept.. Everything is pretty much wrong in this miniseries. The acting is 'ok', but the script and the screenplay is totally bull. It feels like the writers sat down and drank themselves ass-faced and pretty much doodled through the whole script. I couldn't concentrate on the story because of all the sick things that were happening, and because of the totally off course lines that randomly popped in everywhere. I was literally sitting there pulling my hair off by the end.
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Not bad at all!
pool1314 June 2009
That's really a good one. Sure its long, and sure, some of the subplots are not thaaat interesting, but it's still a good movie.

There are a few things who strike most.

1. The effects are very good for a low budget TV production.

2. Some of the actors are very well known, and the overall acting is not bad.

3. The most important one is, the movie shows very well, how people can change and react in the face of imminent danger. Most for the worse, some for the better.

There are some flaws of course. Some of the events are caught in a very unlikely causality chain, which creates some points, where you think: "Come on! Gimme a break!". Also some of the subplots are not THAT interesting, and in the second half, i skipped a few minutes to see how the main plot progresses.

But in summary i say its worth watching. I enjoyed it, despite the negative comments.
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Sizzling meteorites, defective cell phones, and empty gas tanks-Oh My!
MartianOctocretr518 July 2009
Strictly for laughs, but it entertains so well on that basis. It's yet another rampaging rock from the cosmos, ready to blast us all.

A hodge-podge of "intertwining" human interest soap opera subplots parade by as the meteor inexorably wends its way towards the 3rd rock from the sun: 1) the physicist who's doing a Perils of Pauline impression. She's the key to survival or destruction, as she races the meteor to her goal. She's in and out of every life-or-death situation you can imagine, mostly contrived clichés that are so routine after a while they become ridiculous.

2) Army guys and scientists argue about how to use nukes. No comment necessary on this item; just have a good laugh. 3) There's a good cop and a bad cop running around trying to croak each other. It has absolutely nothing to do with the rogue meteor plot, and you keep wondering if this pointless side line will ever be tied in to what's going on.

Conveniently, there's always a dropped cell phone call. This happens so much you'll expect that cell-phone salesman guy with the horn rimmed glasses and 500 friends behind him to pop up out of the bushes. Nobody buys gas any more apparently, so every car in the movie runs out of gas in important situations (look for the character who notes the empty tank and then looks under the hood for some odd reason). Beware of meteor shards that zoom into nearby impact at just the right moment to drive the plot along. Scientific inaccuracies, as expected, are numerous.

At least it's as free as it is brainless. Plenty of fun, too.
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I prayed the meteor would hit so the movie would end
ericsdixon-130-90922410 August 2011
The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster" The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"The tag line for this thing should have been: "This isn't just a disaster movie, this movie is just a disaster"
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God save us all...
richardbartle-0729010 September 2021
When a meteor threatens earth the world's fate is in the hands of a few brave postal workers moonlighting as top flight astro defenders. All around them chaos reigns and damsels are in distress! But fear not brave watchers, there are plenty of gun toting rednecks and redneck cops to keep it spicy. Plus the good lord is there to save them.... All the way!

One of the funniest things I've watched in ages!
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NBC have correct coordinates for entertainment locked in.
ronprovence13 July 2009
It's great to see NBC airing more disaster movies. Floods, volcano's, solar flares, freezing temps like in day after tomorrow. I'll surf for a disaster over any other genre.We are enjoying this one very much. Yes, it's tough waiting a week for the 2nd half.Of course my wife and I are excited and can't wait until next Sunday night! I'm not going to nitpick the details or plot, acting or the writing. None of that. We just need more disasters and more reasons to nuke either the Earth or whatever is headed for it. Come on folks!..I mean, Doc Brown, George Costanza..AND a ghost buster as general! What's not to love? What we need is a channel dedicated to disasters. I got a great name for it, how about the 'Disaster' channel? Pretty catchy, eh?
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Bad Plot
decafoto215 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
BAD PLOT This is, according to several critics, the worst plot in movies about meteorites: Why do the scientists have to drive from Mexico to the US to give the vital data? Couldn't they have sent it via E-mail, like most scientists do, and the rest of the world? How can only the "assistant" come up with the notion of the meteorite splitting in two upon impact, is the rest of the worldwide scientific community too dumb to get to the same conclusion? If the meteorite did split up, wouldn't both pieces arrive at the same time? A comet cannot possibly break e meteorite in two, made of solid rock, or modify its path if it's smaller and made of ice. That's basic Physiscs. How much bad luck can the young assistant possibly get? First the car runs out of petrol, then the Professor dies, the truck driver doesn't want to drive her to the US anymore, she encounters two cop killers in a police station(which she manages to kill on her own, although they're bigger and managed to first escape and then execute the officers), she gets arrested at the Border which is obvious because she stole a Police car and has a gun on the passenger's seat! Then a truck on fire collides with the Mexican police car, in which she sits, head on, and this only in the first episode! If the meteorites start hitting California then the following ones should hit the Pacific ocean, then Australia, then Asia and Europe at last, because the earth rotates from right to left and not the other way round! How can there be only one small observatory in the world that sees the impact, and can predict its trajectory better then NASA and the American Military? Are they all stupid? The subplot about the cop killer and its counterparts is so stupid that is seriously irritating for most of the time. The music is a dumb mixture of teen series like A-team and video-games from the 80's. Why did the Nurse-Mum think about saving her son only after having evacuated the entire Ward?
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