The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009) Poster

Robert Pattinson: Edward Cullen



  • Edward Cullen : It's my job to protect you. From everyone, except my sister.

  • Edward Cullen : Just give me five years and I'll change you.

    Bella Swan : That's too long.

    Edward Cullen : Three?

    [Bella glares at him] 

    Edward Cullen : You're so stubborn.

    Bella Swan : What are you waiting for?

    Edward Cullen : I have one condition... if you want me to do it myself.

    Bella Swan : What's the condition?

    Edward Cullen : And then forever.

    Bella Swan : That's what I'm asking.

    [last lines] 

    Edward Cullen : Marry me, Bella.

  • Edward Cullen : [Discussion on whether Bella should become a vampire]  All right forget time limits. If you want me to be the one, then you'll just have to meet one condition.

    Bella Swan : What condition?

    Edward Cullen : Marry me.

    Bella Swan : Okay, what's the punch line?

    Edward Cullen : You're wounding my ego, Bella. I just proposed to you and you think it's a joke.

    Bella Swan : O'Cmon. I'm only eighteen!

    Edward Cullen : Well I'm nearly one hundred and ten. It's time I settled down.

  • Emmett Cullen : Dating an older woman? Hot.

    Edward Cullen : [scoffs] 

    Emmett Cullen : What?

  • Edward Cullen : Heaven.

    Bella Swan : [Bella runs into Edward in attempt to get in back in the shadows]  You have to move! Open your eyes, look at me. I'm alive. You have to move!

    [Edward grabs Bella and goes into the shadows] 

    Edward Cullen : You're here!

    Bella Swan : I'm here.

    Edward Cullen : [Smiles]  You're alive!

    Bella Swan : Yes... I needed you to see me once. You had to know that I was alive. You didn't need to feel guilty about it. I can let you go now.

    Edward Cullen : I could never let go of you. I just couldn't live in a world where you didn't exist.

    Bella Swan : [puzzled]  But you said...

    Edward Cullen : I lied. I had to lie, and you believed me so easily.

    Bella Swan : [Starts crying]  Because it doesn't make sense for you to love me. I'm nothing... Human. Nothing.

    Edward Cullen : Bella, you're everything to me. Everything.

  • Edward Cullen : I'm not technically breaking any of his rules. He did say never to take a step through his door, but I came in through the window. He's not going to forgive me easily.

    Bella Swan : I know.

    Edward Cullen : Can you? I hope you can, because, I honestly don't know how to live without you.

    Bella Swan : Come here.

    [Bella Kisses him] 

    Bella Swan : Once Alice changes me, you can't get rid of me.

    Edward Cullen : She won't need to change you. There are always ways to keep the Volturi in the dark.

    Bella Swan : No.

  • Bella Swan : You all know what I want. And I know it's a lot to ask for. The only fair way I can think of is if we put this to a vote.

    Edward Cullen : Bella, you don't know what you're doing.

    Bella Swan : [to Edward]  Just... shut up.

    Bella Swan : Alice?

    Alice Cullen : I already consider you my sister... Yes!

    Bella Swan : Thank you.

    Jasper Whitlock : I vote yes. It would be nice not to want to kill you all the time.

    Rosalie Hale : I'm sorry. I'm really sorry to both of you for how I've acted. And I'm really grateful that you were brave enough to go save my brother. But this isn't a life I would have chosen for myself. And I wish that there had been someone to vote no for me. So no.

    Emmett Cullen : I vote hell yeah! We can pick a fight with the Volturi some other way.

    Esme Cullen : I already think of you as part of the family. Yes!

    Edward Cullen : Why are you doing this to me? You know what this means.

    Dr. Carlisle Cullen : You've chosen not to live without her, which leaves me no choice. I won't lose my son.

  • Felix : The girl comes with us.

    Edward Cullen : You can go to hell.

  • Jacob Black : [to Edward]  You stay the hell out of my head!

    Edward Cullen : Jacob, I know you have something to say to me. but I'd like to say something to you if that's alright. Thank you. Thank you for... keeping Bella alive when I didn't.

    Jacob Black : No, you didn't. And it wasn't for your benefit trust me.

    Edward Cullen : I'm still grateful. But I'm here now. I'm not leaving her side until she orders me away.

    Jacob Black : We'll see. Hey, my turn to talk. I'm here to remind you of a key point in the treaty.

    Edward Cullen : I haven't forgotten.

    Bella Swan : What key point?

    Jacob Black : If any of them bites a human, the truce is over.

    Bella Swan : But if I choose it it has nothing to do with you.

    Jacob Black : No I won't let you. you're not going to be one of them Bella!

    Bella Swan : It's not up to you.

    Jacob Black : You know what we'll do to you, I won't have a choice.

    Jacob Black : Bella come please.

    Bella Swan : No, is he going to hurt me? Read his mind.

    Edward Cullen : [assures her] 

  • Bella Swan : Jake, I love you. So please, don't make me choose. Cause it'll be him. It's always been him.

    Jacob Black : [whispers]  Bella?

    Edward Cullen : [walks over to Bella]  G'bye Jacob.

    Jacob Black : [Grabs Bella's arm]  No you don't speak for her!

    Edward Cullen : [shoves Jacob and he phases into wolf midair. Lands and growls madly at Edward] 

    Edward Cullen : Bella get out of here

    Jacob Black : [rushes towards Edward, teeth showing] 

    Bella Swan : STOP! Stop. You can't hurt each other without hurting me.

    Jacob Black : [stops growling abruptly, rushes off into woods] 

    Bella Swan : [softly towards him]  Jake!

  • Edward Cullen : You can't trust vampires... Trust me.

  • Edward Cullen : You promised you wouldn't do anything stupid or reckless.

    Bella Swan : You promised it would be as if you never existed. You lied.

  • Edward Cullen : [Bella and Edward are discussing when Bella will be changed, Edward is speaking to Bella]  I just have one condition if you want me to do it myself.

    Bella Swan : What's the condition?

    Edward Cullen : And then forever.

    Bella Swan : That's what I'm asking.

    Edward Cullen : [dramatic pause]  Marry me, Bella.

  • Bella Swan : [as Aro is about to kill Edward]  Please! No, no! Please! Kill me! Kill me! Not him!

    Aro : How extraordinary! You would give up your life for someone like us. A vampire. A soulless monster.

    Edward Cullen : Bella get away from him!

    Bella Swan : [to Aro]  You don't know a thing about his soul.

  • Bella Swan : [slams into him, attempting to push him inside]  Don't!

    Edward Cullen : [stroking her hair, eyes closed]  Heaven.

    Bella Swan : [out of breath, panting]  You have to move! Open your eyes, look at me. I'm alive! You have to move!

    Edward Cullen : Bella.

    [pulls her inside, holding her close] 

    Edward Cullen : You're here.

    Bella Swan : [quietly, out of breath]  I'm here.

    Edward Cullen : [smiling]  You're alive!

    Bella Swan : Yes.


    Bella Swan : I needed to make you see me once. You had to know I was alive, but you didn't need to feel guilty about anything. I can... let you go now.

    Edward Cullen : I never acted out of guilt. I just couldn't live in a world where you don't exist.

    Bella Swan : But you said...

    Edward Cullen : I lied. I had to lie. And you believed me so easily.

    Bella Swan : Because it doesn't make sense for you to love me. I'm... nothing, human... nothing.

    Edward Cullen : [holding her face in his hand]  Bella, you're everything to me. You're everything.

    [kisses her passionately] 

  • Edward Cullen : Bella, why don't you go enjoy the rest of the festival?

    Felix : The girl comes with us.

    Edward Cullen : No, you can go to hell.

  • Edward Cullen : So how come Jacob Black gets to give you a present and I don't?

    Bella Swan : Cause I have nothing to give back to you.

    Edward Cullen : Bella, you give me everything by just breathing.

  • Aro : What a happy surprise... Bella is alive after all. Isn't that wonderful? I love a happy ending... they are so rare.

    Aro : [as he grabs Edward's hand to read his thoughts]  La tua cantante. Her blood appeals to you so much... it makes me thirsty. How can you stand to be so close to her?

    Edward Cullen : It's not without difficulty.

    Aro : Yes I can see that.

    Edward Cullen : Aro can read every thought I ever had, with one touch. And now you know everything. So get on with it.

    Aro : You are quite a soul reader yourself Edward. Though, you can't read Bella's thoughts... Fascinating!

    Aro : [to Bella]  I would love to see... if you are an exception to my gifts as well. Would you do me the honor?

    Aro : [after holding Bella's hand]  Interesting. I see nothing. I wonder if... Let us see if she's immune to all our powers. Shall we, Jane?

    Edward Cullen : No!

    Jane : Pain.

    Bella Swan : [as Edward starts to writhe in pain]  Stop! Stop, please! Stop! Stop! Just stop hurting him, please! Please!

    Aro : Jane?

    Jane : [as she stops torturing Edward]  Master?

    Aro : Go ahead my dear.

    Jane : [to Bella]  This may hurt just a little.

    Aro : [after nothing happens to Bella]  Hahahahahaha. Remarkable. She confounds us all. So, what do we do with you now?

    Marcus : You already know what you're going to do Aro.

    Caius : She knows to much. She's a liability.

    Aro : That's true. Felix?

    Bella Swan : [after Edward saves her from being killed by attacking Felix, but is about to be killed himself]  Please! No, no! Please! Kill me... kill me. Not him

    Aro : How extraordinary. You would give up your life... for someone like us. A vampire. A soulless monster.

    Edward Cullen : Bella get away from him.

    Bella Swan : You don't know a thing... about his soul.

    Aro : Forse è uno o l'altro. Ah this is a sadness. If only it where your intention to give her immortality.

    Alice Cullen : [Stopping Aro from killing Bella]  Wait! Bella will be one us. I've seen it. I'll change her myself.

  • Bella Swan : What happened with Jasper was nothing.

    Edward Cullen : Nothing compared to what could've happened. I promise never to put you through anything like this ever again. This is the last time you'll ever see me.

    [He kisses her and walks away] 

  • Edward Cullen : I love you. You're my only reason to stay alive... if that's what I am.

  • Edward Cullen : [bends to kiss her]  Happy birthday.

    Bella Swan : Hmm, don't remind me.

    Edward Cullen : [laughs]  Bella your birthday is definitely something to celebrate.

    Bella Swan : But my aging is not.

  • Edward Cullen : The Volturi are the closest thing my world has to royalty... they enforce the law.

    Bella Swan : Vampires have laws?

  • Bella Swan : I'm coming with you!

    Edward Cullen : Bella, I don't want you to come with me.

    Bella Swan : You... You don't want me?

    Edward Cullen : No.

    Bella Swan : Well, that changes things. A lot.

  • Edward Cullen : Bella, don't do this.

    Bella Swan : You won't stay with me any other way.

    Edward Cullen : Please? For me?

    Bella Swan : You wanted me to be human. Well, watch me.

  • Edward Cullen : Bella, the only reason why I left is because I thought I was protecting you. So that you could have a chance at a normal, happy life.

    Bella Swan : It was so easy for you to leave.

    Edward Cullen : Leaving you was the hardest thing I've done in 100 years. I swear, I will never fail you again. I'm so sorry. Charlie's coming.

  • Bella Swan : If this is about my soul, take it I don't want it with out you!

    Edward Cullen : It's not about soul Bella. You're just not good for me!

    Bella Swan : Not good enough for you.

  • Edward Cullen : Your aging? I think eighteen is a little to young to start worrying about that.

    Bella Swan : It's one year old then you.

    Edward Cullen : No it's not. I'm one hundred and nine.

    Bella Swan : Then maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man. It's gross, is should be throughlly repulsed.

  • Aro : Your gift is too much to throw away. Please consider joining us.

    Edward Cullen : You know what will happen anyway.

    Marcus : Not without cause.

  • [from official site] 

    Edward Cullen : Every second that I'm with you is about restraint... and you're too fragile.

  • Edward Cullen : You just don't belong in my world Bella.

    Bella Swan : I belong with you.

  • Bella Swan : It's one year older than you.

    Edward Cullen : No it isn't. I'm 109.

  • Bella Swan : Laurent!

    Laurent : I didn't expect to find you here. I went to visit the Cullens, but, the house is empty. I'm surprised they left you behind. Weren't you sort of a pet of theirs?

    Bella Swan : Yeah. You could say that.

    Laurent : Do the Cullens visit often?

    Edward Cullen : [appearing as a vision]  Lie.

    Bella Swan : Yeah, absolutely. All the time.

    Edward Cullen : Lie better.

    Bella Swan : I'll tell them that you stopped by. I probably shouldn't tell... Edward. He's pretty protective.

    Laurent : But he's far away isn't he?

    Bella Swan : Why are you here?

    Laurent : I came as a favor to Victoria.

    Bella Swan : Victoria?

    Laurent : She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullens. Victoria feels it's only fair if she kills Edwards mate, giving he killed hers. An eye for an eye.

    Edward Cullen : Threaten him.

    Bella Swan : Edward would know who did it! And he'd come after you.

    Laurent : Oh, I don't think he will. After all, how much could you mean to him if he left you here unprotected? Victoria won't be happy about me killing you. But I can't help myself. You're so mouth-watering.

    Bella Swan : Please don't. I mean, you helped us.

    Laurent : Shhhh. Don't be afraid. I'm doing this out of kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly and briefly, where as I'll make it quick. I promise. You will feel nothing.

    Bella Swan : Edward, I love you.

  • Aro : Your gift is too much to throw away. Please consider joining us.

    Edward Cullen : You know what will happen anyway.

  • Bella Swan : You're here.

    Edward Cullen : You can sleep. I'll still be here when you wake up.

  • Edward Cullen : You can't trust vampires. Trust me

  • Edward Cullen : So you've made up your minds.

    Aro : It was an intriguing debate... we've rarely encountered a vampire who would willingly end his own existence.

    Caius : Pathetic, disgraceful.

    Aro : I'm afraid your particular gifts are too valuable to destroy, but... if you're unhappy with your lot, join us, we would be delighted to utilize your skills. Won't you consider staying with us?

    Edward Cullen : You know what would happen anyway.

    Marcus : Not without cause.

    Aro : Such a waste...

  • Edward Cullen : It's my job to protect you. From everyone but my sister...

  • Edward Cullen : [Last Lines]  Marry me, Bella.

  • Edward Cullen : Bella you give me everything just by breathing.

  • Edward Cullen : You can't trust vampires. Trust me.

See also

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