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The Truths and Choices in Parenting
gradyharp15 November 2010
INHALE is a fine little gripping drama from writers Walter Doty and John Clafin who based this timely tale on a story by Christian Escario about the extremes to which people will go to when terminal illness takes the mains stage of their lives. It is a very dark story but survives becoming morbidly dreary by the sensitive direction from Baltasar Kormákur and a strong cast.

Paul Stanton (Dermot Mulroney) is a successful attorney married to Diane (Diane Kruger) and they have one child Chloe (Mia Stallard) who suffers form a terminal pulmonary disease. The family's life is driven by love but also by the fact that Chloe needs frequent emergency trips to the hospital because of her tenuous hold on life. Paul and Diane are finally told Dr. Rubin (Roseanna Arquette) that the only choice they have for saving Chole is a lung transplant. Paul searches the methods for finding an entry into this overcrowded demand for organ transplant and when he discovers that a powerful man James Harrison (Sam Shepard) received an illegal heart transplant in Mexico, Paul sets out to find the source. In Mexico he discovers just how crime-ridden is this area of 'sales' and persists until he uncovers a doctor Navarro - a code name - in the person of Dr. Martinez (Vincent Perez). The hideaway compound where the illegal transplants are performed is surrounded by poor people and gangs and the one person that helps the desperate Paul find the source of illegal organs is a kid who befriends him. When a 'donor' becomes available, there is a decision that Paul must make, one based on human kindness and compassion balancing with his won desires to deliver lungs to his daughter.

Mulroney is particularly excellent in this tough role and the gamut of emotions is staggering. And the remainder of the cast, including the gifted Jordi Mollà in an important cameo, is superb. The film is intense and disturbing but successfully explores the little known world of illegal organ transplantation. Another fine feather in the cap of Icelandic director Baltasar Kormákur!

Grady Harp
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Could Have Been Utterly Silly If Not For Baltasar Kormákur
chicagopoetry13 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The premise of Inhale is quite ridiculous. A notable prosecuting attorney puts everything on the line because he's heard rumor of a "Doctor Navarro" who can obtain illegal organs. In search for a new pair of lungs for his dying daughter, said attorney completely abandons the subplot of defending a sex offender (never to resolve that issue) and he leaps across the border into Mexico on a journey into the underworld to find a new pair of lungs. Do you remember that old movie Hardcore with George C. Scott? It's basically that, except instead of plunging into the seedy pornography industry to find his kidnapped daughter, our hero dives head first into some mythical Mexican organ dealing crime syndicate that is every bit as sleazy. Some very violent and sexually explicit events result, giving this one a strong R rating if not an NC17. The implausibilities pile up but somehow, with the tense direction of Baltasar Kormákur and some fine bad ass acting from Dermot Mulroney, what could have been a laugh fest turns out to be a very engaging, edge of your seat thriller. Smart subtle touches like a few seconds of our man clipping the stitches on his forehead with toenail clippers gives Inhale the feel of a real big screen blockbuster. And an extremely disturbing moral debate develops as we have to wonder why this man's daughter's life is more important than those who are getting killed in his pursuit to save her. The moral of the story is be careful what you wish for because you just might get it. Will he do the right thing at the last moment? You'll have to watch to find out. This is a very gripping film. I enjoyed it.
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Everyone will have a different opinion...
natashabowiepinky1 June 2013
What would YOU do, seems to be the central question here. In America, there's a waiting list for organs... And it's a VERY long one. Your daughter needs one desperately, and thanks to a certain illicit trade going on in Mexico, you may have the opportunity of saving her life. But there's a catch... you may have to suspend your moral compass, and turn a blind eye to conduct which is inhumane to say the least. Could you live with yourself knowing what had happened, if it meant your child got a second chance?

I am being deliberately oblique here, as there are secrets I would dare not reveal. But sufficed to say, many people would come away from this film thinking that they'd made a different choice to the main character... Me included. But I could understand why he went along the path he did, and I respected that. I'll stop there, and just add that this was a competent thriller for the most part... nothing special but with enough action and drama to last you until you reach the finish line.

This is the point where EVERYTHING that has gone before is overshadowed by the key dilemma. Like one of the Choose Your Own Adventure books I used to like so much, it is a real head-scratcher. Sometimes, there are no easy answers... 6/10
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Good movie
somersetboy16 August 2010
The movie is generally good. I don't know why some reviewers have focused on the incredulity of the story. I think this movie makes a good rental. It is a bit of a hard viewing, not just because of some violence or sex but because of the overall subject matter itself. I thought that the director kept the focus on the story.

When I checked for the reviews I was surprised that it did not have very many reviews. I think the producers and director should be given some positive feedback because this movie did appear to deliver as a movie.

There are some intensely annoying loose ends. So ignore the first ten minutes. If it was not for this I would have given this movie 7 or even 8. Since the story was not cleaned up in the beginning it gets only 6 out of 10.
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Surprisingly good.
JWJanneck20 February 2011
The basic premise of this film does not give reason for very high expectations --- dedicated parents with child in distress, how far are they willing to go, and what do they need to do in order to save their child. In this case, the child needs an organ transplant, and as the usual channels do not seem to be able to save her, the parents need to get creative about procuring a suitable organ in some other way.

This is fertile breeding ground for loads of cheese, contrived story lines, and emotional vignettes. And even though you can see the end coming from quite a bit away, and even the movie isn't entirely free of cheese, it's a dark and gritty movie that explores its subject without too much sentimentality and isn't afraid to look where standard Hollywood fare might not.

The solid story is helped along by a strong cast led by a great Mulroney (who seems to be expanding his range with every work I see him in), and it pains me to say that even Diane Kruger (whom I otherwise enjoy to slam) turns in an excellent performance, as does the interesting supporting cast (Arquette appears somewhat underused, it wouldn't be surprising if a good deal of her material ended up on the cutting room floor).

At some point in the film you realize that no matter which way things go, the ending won't be a very happy one. To me, that is where I see the true strength of this movie, and I find it much more important than the particular road the story ends up taking (and which seems to have made many viewers rather unhappy judging from the discussion boards). To be sure, I like the ending, and much prefer it over its conceivable alternatives, but the real point remains that our protagonist had arrived at a situation that no longer admitted a 'happy' resolution.

Definitely worth seeing.
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Worth watching.
rishadar_17623 October 2010
Fast paced movie with a good plot.The movie talks about the illegal part of heart transplantation and how they do it. the casts fit the role exactly and the movie doesn't lose its objective or story anywhere. The emotional part in the movie is touching. the movie enters the story in the very first scene itself. The scenes are properly edited and there is no confusion in any of the scenes. The movie catches its speed once the hero enters the Mexico. From there on the furious story of illegal heart transplantation begins. The hero too goes there to find a heart for his daughter who ails from serious asthma problems.She needs an immediate transplantation. But the hero faces a great piece of challenge, Ethics. In the last scene , he faces his own moral values against saving his daughter. Watch it. Its worth watching.Its actually good!
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A Film That Will Make You Think
Bob_the_Hobo8 June 2013
Paul and Diane Stanton (Dermot Mulroney and Diane Kruger) are living a comfortable life in Santa Fe, New Mexico but conflicted with their daughter's stage four lung disease. After months of waiting on the national waiting list so their daughter could get a replacement, Paul discovers a friend, gubernatorial candidate James Harrison (Sam Shepard) has had an illegal heart transplant. Harrison agrees to tell Paul all he knows, which sends Paul to Tijuana to find a mysterious Dr. Navarro, the man behind the curtain of illegal organ transplants.

Organ transplants are just as dangerous and just as illegal as human trafficking, and can cause as much and more heartache. "Inhale" takes a regular family man and places him in war-torn Tijuana to try to save the life if his little girl using any means necessary, which makes you question his moral authority. Good films do just that, they make you think. Great films, however, leave you thinking.

Dermot Mulroney doesn't usually play the leading character but gives a tour-de-force performance here. He is beaten and bruised on his journey but does not give up and held my attention throughout. The beautiful Diane Kruger is equally as good but underused as his frantic wife, tending to be a sidelines character who never gets her due. Sam Shepard successfully plays a slick politician, and the entire Hispanic cast, including the equally slick Jordi Molla, hold their own.

The script has a few problems, mostly with explanation. Shepard's character's relationship to Mulroney's character is never quite explained. It appears they work together and are close, then suggests the opposite when Shepard is running for Governor. Kruger is underused, which takes away from much of "Inhale"'s potential. She is a fantastic actress but seeing her cry isn't enough. She's too good to be so one - dimensional, which suggests some of the film never made it off the cutting room floor.

James Newton Howard's soundtrack blends seamlessly into the background, becoming a character in itself as it differentiates New Mexico and Mexico. The ending is perhaps the biggest fault of the film. The choices Paul makes throughout takes him to a surgical room where he is faced with an incredibly difficult choice. When we discover which choice he made, we are made to think if it was right. If we never knew, that would have left us thinking long after the screen went black.

"Inhale" takes the organ trafficking debate head on, which is admirable. Yet the film isn't as good as the message it gets across.
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Absolutely worth watching!
dimitris_mo12 September 2010
When I started watching this movie I had my doubts,due to lack of reviews and even I expected just another "below average" movie just to kill my time.

But from the very beginning I got the feeling it wouldn't be an indifferent film!This is a movie about ethics in its actual sense.Not just about religious or political debates. It should stimulate every user who likes to think.

It has action,drama and even politics,all given to you in a way that not only won't bore you,but will actually make you want it to last a little bit longer...At least that's what happened in my case and to all 4 persons I watched it with!

Acting was good as well.If this movie had a bigger budget and well-known cast would definitely have been a movie everyone would talk about!

If you like movies with both interesting plot and good direction,take my word and watch it.It won't let you down!
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A man trying to save his daughter discovers hell and more...
darkhorizon7215 August 2010
This movie is part of a series of movies (Babel, Man on fire comes to mind) which portray the very difficult Mexican social and economic situation next to the American border and how delicate the balance between the two countries is. While North Americans in general have a complete ignorance of the culture and origins of Mexico, they still see them as a source of trouble for their fatherland. As I speak, more restrictive immigration laws are being enforced for Mexicans and South Americans in some states in the U.S. A part of the North American society believes drugs, mobs and social violence is directly related to Mexicans. Again, the turmoil in Mexico is in no small part caused by the necessities North Americans have to "sustain" their honest, well intentioned way of life.

This necessity is what moves a prosecutor (played convincingly by Dermot Mulroney) to go deep into cruel and dangerous Mexican territory (mainly Juarez) in search of an illegal lung donor and an illegal transplant in order to save his daughter's life. During the journey, he'll encounter a dark life of crime and violence unknown to many Americans except when they have to resort to Mexicans for the dirty jobs they won't do themselves or for their convenience. The movie builds tension quite appropriately as we see a desperate father willing to risk his life in search of a mysterious doctor who is in charge of such operations. In his way, he'll see children gangs, prostitution, corrupt policemen and all the colors of human misery when poverty reigns. But he will also discover kindness, decency and the innocence of children (even those carrying automatic guns). In the eyes of the character everyone is corrupt and dishonest and this concept (although it may offend Mexicans or Latin Americans) is exactly what the script aims to do. It tries to show us how ignorant rich societies are of the way poor ones live and that not everyone who lives humbly is a criminal as the main character will find out. He'll also find out that the most despicable characters in the movie are not even Mexicans. (Surprise, surprise they are fellow North Americans). This is a journey of awakening for someone who has to go down to hell because he needs to.

In any case, the characters are believable. The wife (played by Diane Kruger) is a strong and determining character. Chief of police Aguilar (played by an impeccable Jordi Moya) is everything you'd expect from a degenerated police officer and Sam Shepard is also convincing. The music also deserves special mentioning although Newton Howard is basically copying Santaolalla's concept as heard in Brokeback Mountain or Babel. The in crescendo and the very emotional ending add to a movie which is decent and leaves a very important message mostly Mexicans and South Americans as I understand. Rich societies play an important part in the state of poverty (and its consequences) which is undermining poor societies and they have the moral power to revert this situation. That is, if they really wanted to.
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schimpfbls21 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Spoilers coming up so reader beware. Okay the movie was engaging and really kept my attention until the last 15 Min's. Then this movie became something that we would all like to tell ourselves we would do if we were in the situation, save the child they were going to use as the donor for your own child.

I'm going to be honest like I wish others would be, I would save my kid. The father Paul is shady the whole movie defending a convicted pedophile against one of the parents of his victim who shot him. I say way to go for that dad he was willing to do anything for his kid. That is how I thought our main character was evolving, taking to off from the case. Following every lead, going to Mexico, trying to do anything to save his daughter. I knew something bad was going to happen as soon as he said he need the organ in a day. I was guessing that it would be his side kick that they killed, but he acted like he had no clue anything illegal was going to happen. When everything he did in Mexico was illegal he thought finding an organ in a day would be by the book. Oh come on get real. I know it was wrong how they were getting the organ but to still pay the money to save a stranger and let your own baby die. I would have had to sell everything I own to afford this surgery and I would do it for my kid no questions asked but not a stranger. Maybe people with $250.000 cash sitting around can afford to be this generous, the type of shady lawyer he was I expect he found away to write it off in taxes. For the average person this would have been everything they had by begging, saving, borrowing gone and a funeral to pay for on top of it.

After watching a movie like John Q with Denzel Washington, a father that was willing to sacrifice himself to get an organ for his son. I cry every time I watch that movie it shows me the kind of parent I hope I can be if I was in the same terrible situation. I Inhale is a movie I would not recommend or ever watch again. It is like old yellow, if you watch it turn it off when the prep the daughter for surgery and imagine a happy ending. I wish I had.
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Not for the squeamish or faint of heart, the viewer will experience a hidden world . . .
charles0005 September 2010
Somewhat in the same genre' as the film "Traffic" which takes the viewer into the extremely dark world of human trafficking of kidnapped children sold to pedophile clients, "Inhale" takes the viewer into the dark world of "no questions asked" human organ trafficking, sold into the medical black market.

There's no fooling around, fluff or frills in this film.

Right from the start, the viewer is plunged into a contorted realm of existence, faced with horrific choices that have to be made under the worst of imaginable circumstances.

Desperate parents, hoping against hope for a donor lung transplant, while their daughter is inching ever closer to death, faced with a seemingly illogical and unfair organ recipient listing system, realize that they have to resort to other "outside the box" options, immediately.

In the real world, this is a scenario that is all too familiar for countless thousands of parents, who, regardless of expense or effort needed, will travel to various clinics outside the USA, to save their children from otherwise certain death. To cater to this need, there are many parts of the world where, for the right price, the desperately needed organ(s) in question magically appear on demand to the highest bidder.

All things considered, this film does deliver a bone chilling dose of drama under duress, and then some.

The only part that I felt seemed to be a bit weak was the ending, which was tailored more to suit a politically correct message, rather than deliver a realistic rendering of what would actually happen in such circumstances.

Having said that, however, the casting and acting in this piece fit into this story like a hand to a glove. I had no trouble in suspending disbelief while viewing this film, as I personally have traveled around a bit and have seen first hand what this sort of scenario looks like.

I give the director a lot of credit for trying to deliver this view into a world mostly hidden from the general public, via this dramatic platform.

As previously suggested, this film is not for the squeamish or faint of heart.
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Heart Shaped World
valis194912 July 2013
INHALE (dir. Baltasar Kormákur) A New Mexico States Attorney journeys to Mexico to obtain an illegal lung transplant for his ten year old daughter.

The film manages a halfhearted glimpse into the illicit and ethically challenging world of Organ Transplantation, yet the storyline degenerates into a mediocre Action/Adventure tale.

The film might have been more powerful if the filmmakers had concentrated on the moral and ethical ramifications of organ donation, and downplayed the lurid 'cops and robbers' aspect of the film.

The violent scenes 'south of the border' added nothing to the overall moral impact of the film, and seemed to cloud the true issue. It seems that the real intent was to focus attention on this little known, yet alarmingly sinister aspect of Organ Donation. Most people only think of this issue is when they are asked by their local DMV if they want to check a box when applying for a license renewal.
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Great Movie But Worst Ending EVER
star_wars_kid_127 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I start it off saying this movie is great until the last couple of scenes. I go through the whole movie for nothing. The father had an easy choice to make and he made the wrong one.

Sorry to spoil it for you but he went through all that plus his wasted all his money. I recommend you watch this movie till the operation scene then just turn off the movie and let your imagination come up with the ending of the father choosing the RIGHT ending.

If you decide to watch the whole movie be prepared for a very bad ending. There was so much potential for the ending but it chose to be terrible in every way possible.
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How far will you go to save your child's life?
PhantomAgony21 November 2010
How far will you go to save your child's life?

That is the question that Paul Stanton, a public defender (Dermot Mulroney), is faced with when his daughter, Chloe, is in dire need of a new set of lungs and it looks like she will die before she can get a transplant in America. Diane Kruger plays Diane Stanton, Paul's Wife and Chloe's mother who spends most of the movie looking worried for her daughter.

The movie explores the dangerous, poverty stricken part of Mexico near the US border and the underworld of organ transplants bought on the black market. Paul Stanton finds out that a man he knows, James Harrison (Sam Shepard) had once needed a new heart, had mere months to live & despite never having received a transplant according to his medical records, was alive years later and now off the transplant list. After a confrontation, Harrison admits that he received a new heart from Mexico and was contacted by the mysterious Dr. Navaro, drove to the border, paid $100,000 & was drugged & awoke with a new heart. He doesn't know how to contact the Dr. which sets Stanton on his journey to Mexico to find the illusive Dr Navaro so he can secure an illegal transplant for his daughter, whose condition is worsening and is close to lung failure.

The movie follows Stanton through Mexico as he is put in different dangerous situations in his pursuit to save his child. What is he willing to do to save her? Will he risk his own life? Risk the lives of others? Kill someone to make it happen?

These are all questions answered through the movie as the audience watches Stanton do what he feels he needs to do in Mexico to get lungs for his daughter, Chloe.

In the end, the lead character is faced with a true question about morality and what he is really willing to do to save her - He went to Mexico with the idea that he would do ANYTHING but when confronted with something so horrific, will he really make the right decision & really, what IS the right decision?

The ending may seem unrealistic to some & realistic to others but no one really knows what decision he or she would make if put in a similar situation until he or she is actually in that situation.

I give this movie a 7/10 - the acting is fantastic and the story is engaging and suspenseful enough to hold ones attention.
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Do the right thing
tukhoi10 January 2011
This film is food for thoughts. It appears in my mind long time after the end, the say "do the right thing".

I read some reviews and there're arguments for Paul's decision. It's not important what such decision he makes. The more important is what is the right thing to him. I think the director should emphasis on this point.

However, i like the film. The ending with Paul's firm face take a deep cut in viewer's memory after that. Such that hard decision for him and i don't think his wife understand what he did.

The beginning with some annoying is the minor point to my vote. It should be something else to bold the Paul character.
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Serious-minded 'Inhale' is mired by B-movie conventions
d_art1 April 2011
In this new thriller from Icelandic director Baltasar Kormakur (The Sea), Santa Fe District Attorney Paul Chaney (Dermot Mulroney) and his wife Diane (Diane Kruger) has a daughter, Chloe, who is on a long list for a lung transplant due to a rare degenerative condition. As Chloe's health worsens, Paul becomes desperate for a donor and forgoes the usual channels to seek out a mysterious surgeon named Dr. Novarro in Juarez, Mexico, who may be able to help her. Things get complex when he finds that Dr. Novarro may have connections to a criminal underworld.

The film starts off with a text on the screen about the increasing needs in the world for organ donors, similar in style of a documentary or a fact-based drama. We are soon introduced to Chloe, Paul and Diane's daughter with severe lung problems, establishing the motivations of the parents. While I first expected something more akin to a medical drama, majority of the film is actually closer to a thriller. It is a decent, if conventional, thriller.

Majority of the film follows Paul (Dermot Mulroney) who goes off by himself to Mexico, searching for a "Dr. Novarro", a surgeon who apparently has access in finding a donor for his daughter. Paul, a white, upper-class gentleman with graying hair, sorely sticks out in this new and unfriendly environment. He is soon mugged by thugs and taken advantage of by street kids for snooping around in the wrong area. Many of the thugs are typically two-dimensional. Paul eventually makes some headway by enlisting help from one of the kids. I found it surprising that a District Attorney couldn't hire a language-friendly guide or bodyguards to get by in this type of environment, but I suppose that would make it less "edge-of-your-seat." Advertisement

Dermor Mulroney is competent as Paul, who is constantly in the worst of places. Majority of the people he bumps into are unfriendly. Strange, extreme situations follow this character around--actually, it's more like he throws himself into these situations. Beyond that, his character is a fairly typical white collar character. Diane Kruger has a supporting role as Diane, Paul's wife. After Inglourious Basterds, Diane Kruger has become even more recognizable. She is underused here, and is away from most of the action, looking concerned in much of the film. Rosanna Arquette also has a small role as Dr. Rubin, which isn't developed. Most of the street characters in Mexico aren't developed beyond the obvious.

The cinematography is well done. The film makes good use of its unfriendly, harsh environment with saturated colors and sharp contrasts, emphasizing the gritty, urban areas of Juarez, Mexico. The streets are filled with sharp greens, reds, and yellows. The thugs, the poor, and the children in the streets complete the whole mood. They are often more part of the environment than individuals. Many of them aren't too friendly. I'm curious how Mexicans would view this film. The hand-held camera shots, edits, and angles are all effectively done--the whole stylistic direction has a certain Tony Scott feel.

As for the story, it's nothing too new, especially when it focuses on the events in Mexico. It works like a simple detective story--one clue leads to another. There are a good amount of violence and sexually explicit situations, many of which seem to exist purely for shock value than to further the theme or the plot. While the film regains its focus down the line, there are many things going on that seem sensational--shady politicians, conspiracies, and exploitation of the poor. Some parts were implausible, if well-intended, which took me away from the film. Overall, I did appreciate the theme of this film, which was driven home fairly effectively near the end. Still, I don't think the film's message was helped by all the clutter--clichés, shocks, and stylistic chases.

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Medical Thriller with Dermot MULRONEY and Diane KRUGER
ZeddaZogenau20 March 2024
In this exciting medical shocker, Dermot Mulroney and Diane Kruger (Silver Palme and GERMAN FILM AWARD nomination for IN THE FADE) fight to ensure that their terminally ill daughter receives a donor organ, using not entirely perfect means. The oppressive scenes set in Mexico are reminiscent of the outstanding ZDF television film "Fleisch" (1979) by Rainer Erler, in which Jutta Speidel, Wolf Roth and Herbert Herrmann had to deal with the organ trafficking mafia.

In this film by the Icelandic director Baltasar Kormakur, which is well worth seeing, great actors such as Sam Shepard (Homo Faber), Rosanna Arquette (Desperately seeking...Susan) and Vincent Perez (La Reine Margot) can be seen in supporting roles.

As a rich slob you can also discover the great David Selby (* 1941) in another supporting role. After the prime time soap "Flamingo Road" (1980-1982) ended early, he quickly moved to the competition "Falcon Crest" (where he was seen from 1982-1990) to play Richard Channing for his (supposed) stepmother Angela Channing (ACADEMY AWARD winner Jane Wyman) to raise hell. Richard Channing was always involved in extremely dark machinations due to the protection of the mysterious cartel (basically a criminal gang that had escaped into high finance from the Nazi era). One remembers legendary cliffhangers such as the plane crash (season 3) or the explosion of his villa (season 4).
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exceptional true - unbelievable heartbreaking
joefuzzy31 October 2010
What would you do? Your daughter is about to die, your family is breaking apart and your wallet is big enough to afford a human life.

This is basically what this movie is about. As boring that this story starts it really changes fast to an affecting one for everybody who watches this movie. When life saving decisions all of the sudden fall into the hands of a father and a mother of an seriously ill child you should expect to see heartbreaking drama. If then heartless people get involved you should even expect some fireworks. This is basically what you get here.

I seriously recommend this movie to everybody who doesn't wanna see another softened Hollywood ballyhoo and instead likes to ask themselves questions about life and how they would react to certain decisions.
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The cast helps elevate an otherwise muddled film with good intentions.
trublu2156 September 2015
Inhale pits a father against the underbelly of Juarez, Mexico in hopes of finding his daughter a new lung by any means necessary. It is one hell of a loaded plot and tries to be as thought provoking as possible but that turns out to be Inhale's biggest problem. It wants to be more thought provoking than it actually is. The only thing thought provoking about this film is the storytelling because most of the time you're left wondering what the hell is going on then we're given a kitty bitty piece of information that helps us get back on track and then it repeats itself for the entire final act. It is almost as if we're trying to keep up with all these characters without having a satisfying pay off. Despite this, Dermot Mulroney is very good in this film as Paul Stanton, a lawyer at a morally muddled cross road. He is by far the best thing about this film. While Diane Kruger and Sam Shepard give excellent performances, they're woefully underused. Baltasar Kormákur demonstrates his ability to deliver gritty and grimy cinema but fails to prove he can direct dramatic heft as most of this film is so shaky and unbalanced, it is hard to really be sucked in by what this film has going for it, the performances. Overall, Inhale delivers a good enough story based around great performances but fails to actually become as engaging and thought provoking as it thinks it is.
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TV Movie of the week
kosmasp8 October 2010
The ethics that get mentioned here and the drama that the movie thrives upon are well chosen. And the acting is pretty decent too. The roles (characters) on the other hand, have not that much insight to offer. Diane Krugers is pretty one sided and she has not that much to do (other than look worried more or less).

But the biggest crime in my book is the ending. It is pretty schmaltzy up to that point, but the ending is something of a "crime" (no pun intended). I think it takes away too much from the viewer (although some would argue that it gives them "something"). Still the theme is strong and even without some needed rewrites (to soften some flaws), this still is kind of engaging.
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This is a GREAT movie
writeryou28 November 2010
This film got no press but it is well-written, has a great cast/performances, and an ending that's a knock-out. Dermout Mulroney gives a dynamic performance as a father who is pushed to the brink to help his dying child. Diane Kruger is equally as good as a mother squeezed to the breaking point. The film is intense and fast-paced. The direction is FANTASTIC. The Music is well-done and the art direction sets the tone. Rent it. You won't be sorry.

The story is about a young couple who's daughter need a lung transplant. Everything seems hopeless until their Doctor gives them a lead that takes the desperate father into Mexico, to buy his way onto their donor list. But what he finds both surprises and shocks him. And he is faced with an impossible choice. IT IS A GREAT MOVIE!
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Inhale, Gringo
blankenshipdk6 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
A one note concept where all the action is directed toward a central driving theme and a marginally melodramatic premise that never transcends the anticipated. The story is populated with under developed characterizations except in the case of the Mexicans who are reduced to mere stereotypes that are more cartoonish than human. Mexico generally is presented as a hellhole littered with beaters, bandits, lovable tykes wielding pistols and whorehouses which is apparently the terror one must endure to obtain an organ transplant pronto. No serious examination, other than cursory explanations, are posed regarding the origin or ethics of said internal organs as long as our lovable little muffin gets hers until the conclusion when we get steamrolled by the inevitable moral predicament. We can only imagine a stream of Mexican citizens with surgical scars saying " we don't need no stinkin' kidneys ". At some point there are of course home based drug factories with unsavory types and machine gun massacres but I don't exactly know why. An initial subplot involving the protagonist-attorney's relationship with a client implying grave portent is dropped altogether. The actors are skilled pros who give it their best and are engaging even if the material is essentially one dimensional. The film is well paced which helps gloss over the deficiencies. A heavy handed public service announcement with a pensive soundtrack wrap up this downer.
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Routine and mechanical "B" film with excessive style over underwhelming substance
akcenat14 August 2020
The movie "Inhale" (2010) falls in some terrible nether region between docudrama and pulp in following one man's violent misadventures through the Mexican medical underworld. Unfortunately, it's neither remotely convincing as true-to-life drama or vivid and powerful enough to work as exploitation. It does want to be taken seriously as moral inquiry and shake the audience with its gruesome story, but from the moment main character gets blown by a transvestite in a blackmail plot, all credibility is lost. Ultimately, it is just bad movie endeavor and tedious viewing experience. Not recommended.

Rating: 4-/3
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Great Sleeper
pepekwa12 August 2011
Kudos to sam shepard, dermot mulroney, diane kruger and rosana arquette for probably taking a massive pay cut to appear in such a low budget movie. Actors clearly do choose roles carefully. This is compelling viewing and great work by unknown director Baltasar Kormakur.

A word of warning to any parents, this is harrowing stuff to anyone who has young kids but its a story that does need to be told.

The director creates an intricate web of the Mexican underworld, clinics and police all involved in the illegal organ trade and at the end, the father has a "sophie's choice' decision to make, one that will surprise most movie watchers.

They must have shot all of the Mexico scenes in the same 3 sets and its clear, money was tight here, this was barely distributed but this shouldn't detract from a compelling and thought provoking movie
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Journey into darkness
jotix10012 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Imagine the plight of a father who has to watch a child who is dying because of the need an organ transplant in order to live. That is a fact that Paul Stanton and his wife Diane have to face on a daily basis without the remote possibility of a solution to their daughter getting better. If you are a man like Paul Stanton, a district attorney from New Mexico, you have to act immediately if he wants to save young Chloe's life.

The Stantons see bureaucracy at work first hand. When a young boy is killed in a car accident, his organs are harvested for transplant. They beg to have the boy's lungs for Chloe, but there are other cases awaiting the same thing. They are denied the opportunity only to learn the organ could not be used on the intended patient because of the distance it took to get to that part of the country.

Help comes in the way of a tip from a sympathetic doctor, who at the expense of losing her job, points out to Paul's superior, James Harrison, as having been removed from the waiting list for a donation. Confronting Harrison proves to be right, because it gives Paul the name of a doctor in Mexico responsible for the heart Harrison bought and received.

Next, Paul ventures into Juarez, a Mexican border town notorious for the death capital of the world. Paul has no idea what he is getting into. He is robbed, beaten and threaten with blackmail by unscrupulous individuals because he is getting too close to finding the mafia behind the organ commerce in that country.

When he stumbles into Miguel and his gang, Paul gets lucky, for the boy, in spite of his aggressive nature and attitude, points him to a doctor who belongs to a criminal ring of trafficking the badly needed organs. Chloe, whose condition deteriorates, is taken to Mexico, where this doctor is going to do the ultimate transplant, at the expense of a young boy, a member of Miguel's gang. Paul has no other alternative but to do the right thing.

The film is a thriller told in almost documentary style. The action keeps moving backward and forward, something that is a bit disorienting, but the suspense never stops, enhanced by the musical score James Newton Howard created for the film. Directed with style by Baltasar Kormakur, the Icelandic director of "The Sea", "Jar City", and "A Little Trip to Heaven", he did not get a regular commercial run of his film. Instead it was shown in Europe in a different format, which is probably the version that we watched on an international cable channel recently because the original running time of 100 minutes were reduced to a mere 83. Perhaps that is the reason we felt disoriented by the arrangement of the material. The film was based on a story by Christian Escario and the screenplay was written by Walter Doty and John Caflin.

Dermot Mulroney makes a virile Paul Stanton. The love of his daughter makes him go against powerful enemy, a criminal organized crime group that include a so called prestigious medical charity organization. Diane Kruger is relegated to an after thought as Paul's wife. Sam Shephard plays Jim Harrison. Jordi Molla is Aguilar, the corrupt police chief. Vincent Perez appears as Dr. Martinez. A terrific Kristian Ferrer has some good moments as Miguel, the young gang leader.
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