Lullaby (2022) Poster

(IV) (2022)

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Where did the $20 million go?
zack_gideon28 December 2022
That's the biggest question I have about this film. Where did the 20 million dollar budget go? Clearly this is being swept under the rug by the studio. I'm sure the director got a lot and the lead actors, but where did the rest go?

The movie is just not good. Plot is basic, no character development, flat acting (especially in the CGI scenes), totally formulaic with the standard jump scares.

I don't know, it passed the time I guess. But besides that it just didn't do anything I'll remember. There are some creepy scenes and I'm going to guess that's how it was pitched and got green lit, but besides that where did that 20M go?

Maybe a money laundering scheme. Some creep factor that's it l. 4/10.
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Waaa Waaa Waaaaaaaa
I didn't notice a lot of the bad effects people complained about, because I kept skipping forward through the first 14 minutes of the film which are dedicated to a baby crying. 14 full minutes. There's a break after that, but plenty more baby crying to come, with parrot squawks to complement.

I know horror films always lean on the jump scare crutch but there's some really goofy moments - like for some reason the baby monitor makes a sound when there is silent movement!?

The 2D mother character is cringy. The 'honest reaction' scene will remind you of any dishonest woman you've worked with more than anyone you would date, so it seems forced

Overall they did try with the plot here, more than most modern films, but it remains unwatchable due to the constant baby crying (another crutch in 2022 films, weirdly). It adds nothing to the film.
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For fans of the Crying Baby genre, this is a home run!
ronniedarko-0231128 March 2023
My Uncle Jerry is a huge fan of crying baby movies. And he was just absolutely raving about how great this movie is. He wouldn't shut up about it. So finally I caved in and watched Lullaby. And he wasn't joking. During one stretch of the movie, there is about 15 minutes of straight crying baby wails. Just crying and crying. And so realistic! Such shrill ear piercing cries. I just couldn't get enough! Sadly there is quite a bit of parrot squawking from their pet bird which takes away from some of the crying baby screen time. And as the movie goes on there seems to be more jump scares than baby crying which didn't really sit well with me. But it's really hard to find a great crying baby movie these days. So despite some of the movie's shortcomings, if you're looking for a good baby cry, I highly recommend this one!
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As a baby's screeching cry!.
phildeesnow28 December 2022
I thought that nothing could be more annoying and irritating than a baby's cry or a loud parrot, put them together and you have this movie.

From the first few minutes you can tell how bad this was going to be. The CGI baby in the beginning was worse than that dancing baby back in the day.

When I thought nothing could top that scene, they move to scenarios where some of the TikTok effects are better than the crap used for this movie.

The worst part is that they seemed to have a budget.

Sometimes I understand that because the movie is an indie, i should focus on the positive aspects of it. But is is expensive and promoted comparing it to Annabelle, so...yeah, i don't get where the money went.

If you can stand the loud shrieking sound of a baby that's not yours, just think... there's also a parrot.
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The crying baby movie
keefteezak2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is an endurance test to see how long you can listen to a crying baby and an extremely annoying screaming parrot.. at the same time.

I gave up after 20 mins. But it's OK because they show you everything that is going to happen in the beginning anyway.

After that intro, where they already spoiled the whole movie they just show you the same thing but at a slower pace, with the sound of a crying baby and screaming parrot to go with it.

The idea of a cursed lullaby sounds like an interresting plot but they rely on cheap jumpscares and bad CGI. Also the actors are lame and unlikable. Skip if you don't want headache.
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Started out good, turned out worse
MrAnte0627 December 2022
This movie was actually kinda scary, at the start... the story started out very good and explained the most important things you needed to understand.

But somehow the whole movie, the acting, the pace and like everything just became worse.

I'm not saying the movie is bad or unwatchable, but if you think about the fact that this movie is from the same man that made Annabelle, then you realise this movie is really not as good as Annabelle.

If you like horror movies about children being haunted, or demonic entities, then you might like this movie a bit... the thing is the acting and also story is kind of shallow. I myself doesn't really care if it's shallow, but for this movie, it really could have been better and scarier if there was more thought put into it.

So like I said, it is worth watching... but just because it's from the same man that made Annabelle, please don't expect the same level of horror!
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Go_For_The_Jugular30 December 2022
I'm sure I saw the trailer for this earlier in the year...and thought 'made by the same people as Annabelle...this should be good'. I even recall the content in the trailer looking really good. But where is THAT movie? Because THIS wasn't it!

Whatever this was, it reeked of 'amateur'...and didn't feel like a real movie. It was so disjointed. I still don't really know what the plot was. And the baby crying CONSTANTLY was so annoying, it didn't help the film at just made me hit fast forward!

The 2 leads, who are married with a child, had absolutely zero chemistry...they came across more like 2 strangers sharing an apartment. Really cringe special fx for the 'monsters'. The film had no atmosphere, or feeling of dread.

The acting was weak at best, the cinematography was dire, the sound was abysmal...overall, this was a total dumpster fire! Shame really, because it could of been a lot better.

The Mandela Effect got me!
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A Nightmare Lullaby
demonblade-3779221 December 2022
Lullaby is above average with its acting, horror, and story. It is about a new parenthood couple raising a baby by themselves and realizing the difficulties of what it can go through. Until one day, Rachel (Mom/Main Protagonist) reads an lullaby from an unknown book to her baby so he can finally go to sleep the night they will never forget. Until that night, the new parents are receiving hallucinations, nightmares, and interactions of a demon named Lilith that takes all newborn babies with her and raises them by herself. Overall, the acting seemed pretty average and it was not that scary until the end of the film. The film is a bit slow, but the buildup is worth it along the way. Also, I did not like the ending to Lullaby. Would recommend it to watch it on either streaming services, DVD, or Blu-Ray because it felt like an above average horror flick.
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Another terrible movie
drgeisme-026226 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
You have strange things going on in your house, so what do you do, you leave your baby lying around by itself, leave them to your crazy sister, when something is wrong, walk slowly and take your time.

Closet opening up beside, you? Don't hurry up and look, take your time.

Think you saw something on the baby monitor, oh well, just look away.

Hearing strange noises in the middle of the night? A knock on the door? Just let your husband sleep.

And why do the demons hide? What are they afraid of? Why not just come out and do their thing?

Trying to get away from the demonic woman? Take your time and looking into the windows

To summarize this movie, crying, jump scare, crying, jump scare crying jump scare...ugh.
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I said shalom, witch.
I ended up enjoying this one more than the reviews led me to believe I would. It was generally entertaining with a decent pace that kept me engaged.

I would say my biggest problem with it was that the movie as a whole almost felt like a PG-13 version of what I wanted it to be. It kind of felt like just a step above a made for TV movie. While it had a spooky story, some creepy moment and some cool effect/scenes, it just didn't go that extra step that could have made it genuinely scary and in my eyes all around more successful.

I think the most successful parts about this were the story and the acting. The story, at its foundation, while not super original was intriguing and I saw a lot of potential for something really cool. They didn't do a bad job by any means, like I said, it was just a little disappointing they didn't amp up the horror a bit.

I also thought the acting was quite good. Supporting characters were passable, but the mom and dad did a really good job and really sold it. I don't think that it would have been what it ended up being without them.

Overall I think the other reviews are a little harsh. This was a good movie. Nothing to run over to your streaming service and watch immediately, but still worth a watch. Would recommend.
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A B-horror movie that has some creepy scenes and a twist at the end, but don't go into it with high expectations. (Be prepared for som CGI "monsters")
katiebugg-499718 April 2023
Surprisingly, I did kind of enjoy this movie. Granted...there are hardly ANY horror movies out right now so my expectations are quite low, but overall it's a fine horror flick. When I saw it was the same director from the movie "Annabelle", I thought okay sure, let's check it out.

Make sure you go into this movie knowing it's a B-movie. The storyline was actually decent for a movie like this. I kept wanting to watch and see what happens in the end. The twist at the end is one thing that up'd my rating.

Be prepared, there are some funny-like scenes of a little two headed gremlin baby and even scenes of the demon Lilith that are just not scary at all, but go into this movie with an open mind. You'll get a good 3-4 creepy scenes, and possibly a couple jump scares. Like I said, the twist at the end made it a little more enjoyable in my opinion.
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Creepy and entertaining
khristiangunderson13 April 2023
This review does NOT give spoilers so please feel free to read before watching.

Lullaby gets a 9/10 from me. This motion picture is entertaining to the end while giving chills the whole way through. The only downside is the ending keeps you unsure and is quite sad.

I recommend watching but NOT at night time unless you want to be scared walking through your house unless you want to be wondering what ever little sound was and catching yourself looking twice at things you may see through the corner of your eyes.

This movie does a great job at starting with some good scares and keeps giving them to you unlike some movies with one or two good scares and the rest just talk and gives a great story line.
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Great Movie for Demonology Fans
chamicaradesilva29 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Movie is based on primordial she-demon Lilith: who is a female figure in Mesopotamian and Judaic mythology Also, a primipara or a woman who has recently given birth (for the first time). She trying to become a good mother and protect her child; unfortunately she gets her sister's stuff that she used when she was a mother(Sister's Child has been taken by Lilith and her husband has been killed by the same, sister now is in a mental Hospital) and there she founds a book that includes a hymn for Lilith. So she start to humming that hymn without knowing the meaning also that book is a key to summon Lilith and the first step is sing that song. After that Lilim's(Children of Lilith) start to make the path to Lilith to came to that family and took their child. Story is great and make me super curious to watch what happens next. Finally the end of the story is not someone predict it just like it is the beginning.
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Watchable, but a bit generic...
paul_haakonsen29 December 2022
When I stumbled upon the 2022 horror movie "Lullaby" here late in 2022, of course I had to watch it, as I have been enjoying horror movies ever since the early 1980s. Sure, I had never heard about "Lullaby" prior to sitting down to watch it, so I wasn't exactly harboring any expectations for the movie.

Writers Alex Greenfield and Ben Powell managed to put together an entertaining enough script for the movie. And while the movie was enjoyable enough, it started to lose its momentum in the last quarter of the movie. And as for the ending, well, let's just say it was generic and predictable.

There is a good atmosphere in the movie throughout the 89 minutes that the movie ran for, and the special effects definitely helped to bring the movie to life on the screen.

I wasn't familiar with the cast ensemble in "Lullaby", but they had some good actors and actresses to portray the various characters and roles, and that definitely also added something to the movie.

However, the movie was struggling with it being a tad too generic, and you always knew what would happen, more or less. So director John R. Leonetti wasn't exactly ahead of the audience much to be able to throw the audience a curveball or two as the narrative unfolded.

If you enjoy horror movies, then by all means give "Lullaby" a go. It is not an outstanding horror movie, nor a particularly memorable one, but it makes for an adequate viewing and turned out to be entertaining enough for what it was. This is, however, not a movie that warrants more than a single viewing.

My rating of "Lullaby" lands on a five out of ten stars.
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A mix of other movies before it.
Patient44421 March 2023
I won't go so harsh on it, because it felt good overall. Indeed, nothing original, but the execution was quite alright for a horror movie, the makers of it knew what this genre is suppose to look like, thus it was an honest effort.

It definitely has some Conjuring/Insidious vibes to it, but still feels like its own creation. So without spoiling too much, I'm going to go into this quite on point:
  • acting was good. People took their job seriously and no one went overboard.

  • special effects look medium towards good. Definitely some room for improvement on CGI, but I guess it could have been worse too.

  • the plot is good, considering how hard is to make something completely fresh today using this story alone, I think it came with a more complex script.

  • no gore, no nudity, not even jump scares.

So all in all, I think it could have been a little better, with some tension attached to it, but this is all that it had to offer. 5/10 stars for a decent work that seemed just a tad lazy every now and then.
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Not the Worst
babyychelso22 April 2023
I would like to preface this by saying this movie only further solidified my decision to be child free. Five minutes in, I was hoping the witch or whatever she is would come take this incessantly crying infant immediately. Now that that's said...I mean, this isn't the worst horror movie ever made. The premise is interesting. I love horror movies based off religious ideas and aspects, makes it feel a little more creepy and "real". The story line is alright and keeps you guessing on who's bad and who's not. The ending also had a pretty good twist to it. But, the acting was subpar. The main character is so monotone you wonder if she even cares that her baby is in danger. The sister was the worst, though, not very believable at all. All in all, if you're bored on a Tuesday night and have nothing else to watch, you could pick worse things.
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Unimpressive and disappointing
johannes2000-124 February 2023
I watched it till the end, so you could say that it's entertaining enough, but that was about it. Apart from the reasonably creepy atmosphere in the beginning, I wasn't really impressed. Especially in the second half the writers seemed to have lost every focus, the story went all over the place and became increasingly farfetched and hard to relate to. As many reviewers already mentioned: the incessant crying of the baby may have given the authentic experience that young parents go through, but it is almost devastating for the enjoyment of a movie, which, I presume, should be the purpose of the makers. What didn't help either was the mediocre acting, and dito special effects, especially the deformed baby's looked awkward and out-dated. I couldn't put my finger on it, but somehow there was something lackluster with this production, even with the sound. It's a pity, because the premise itself was promising enough.
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Not remarkable but not bad.
deloudelouvain23 March 2023
When I watch a horror movie I want my wife to be scared, that's what makes it pleasant for me, as nothing really scares me. I do enjoy the genre though, but most of the time it's more comedy than horror for me. With Lullaby you get some creepy scenes, well at least creepy enough for my wife, but when I see that the budget for this movie was 20 million $ I wonder what they spent it on? I mean it's a couple of okay CGI's but it could have been better. The story is okay, nothing amazing though. Nice to see Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter, Oona did a decent job. It's the kind of horror movie they will probably make a sequel for, hopefully with the same budget but better spent this time.
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Low Budget Film
daniel-brees28 December 2022
I watched it because I read: from the Director of Annabelle and I was so excited!

Not sure what happened, but this movie is really bad.

The actors cannot play. It's like they are reading a script. Their face does not show any kind of emotion.

The plot could have been fine, but the execution is really too bad. It's not only a question of the budget invested in the movie, it's the direction that looks like this movie was shot by my 18 yers old niece.

Just ridiculous and boring. Do yourself a favour and re-watch Annabelle instead ;)

Sorry, your review is too short. It needs to contain at least 600.
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Interesting Story
lordewalk1 January 2023
Wish they had more time to build the backstory and character build up. But not a bad movie I've seen a lot worse. The baby constantly crying in this movie stupid. In the real world a parent would just let the baby cry it out or cry itself to sleep but it was a good movie. Becoming a parent is one of the scariest and most stressful parts of a person's life and the makers of Lullaby understand that and incorporate the effects of sleep deprivation, postpartum body image issues and the overwhelming fear of something happening to the child into the script.

The problem is, the script wastes them on things we've seen so many times before. Electronics malfunctioning, a ghostly baby crying in the night, the lights go out in a thunderstorm for maximum jump scare potential, an evil face peering out of a closet. We've seen these so many times before that it feels like a modern horror's greatest hits playlist. To his credit, Leonetti does stage them with some conviction but by this point, they've pretty much lost their power to shock beyond a cheap jump scare.
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See it if you want to hear screaming
evette-7474522 January 2023
The dialogue is at slow volume but the baby crying and screaming is loud. It is so aggravating. I didn't hear much because I kept lowering the volume because of the crying baby. I'm sure this started out with a good theory but it went wrong. Don't movies makers know that no one wants inconsistent volume and screaming for the entire movie. Do better.

There isn't enough backstory of the family, the book, the marriage religion conversions, etc. Or maybe it is but it's spoken at a whisper and can't be hear over stupid screams.

I feel like movie makers don't listen to what we say but expect us to pay to watch their movies.
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Interesting Backstory
LatinViking9 July 2023
What I most enjoyed was Lilith's backstory, which match several different "fables" and "legends" about her, even the "biblical" one. I didn't care much about the visual effects. Scare jumps are not that scary to be honest but the story itself it kind of is. I strongly recommend this movie if you follow the fable of Lilith. Fun fact, I always have been on Lilith's team. She is the one who deserves the win in my opinion.

The actors did an okay job. Some scenes are very dark (lighting sense speaking). It is not gore at all, so if you enjoy gore movies this is not for you. Also, if you don't tolerate a baby's crying then definitely you will not enjoy this movie.
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Not generic at all. This was great
red-nevermore-smith3 December 2023
I loved this. Little gem just hanging out in film limbo.

My absolute favorite part was when the characters communicated what was happening and figured out they werent crazy early on. Too many films go the way of the apathetic husband who thinks his wife is nuts. This does not do that.

I Was not expecting much.

But I really enjoyed this. It's not subtle. This movie keeps going. Standard introduction with standard new parents and child, reads a lullaby and boom the film just goes from there.

No crappy time wasting tension building nonsense.

I would absolutely watch a few more of these. There is one scene of a rabbi and his sidekick and I would love to see more of these characters, kinda Constantine vibes. For fans of horror this is excellent.
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starlitesky45 May 2023
I knew going in this would.not be a good movie. I had hoped, though, that it would be a fun bad movie. My hopes were met the second the precious perfect newborn prince the new couple think their baby is starts crying. They look at each other like they honestly hadnt expected it to happen.

Cut to 6 months later. The baby is still crying. The mother says she has slept maybe 45 minutes that week. She can't even go in to work.

And the baby keeps crying. All day. Nothing she can do helps. She can't even use the toilet without having the baby with her. She is exhausted and past over it.

Okay...the movie still had me. The crying was annoying but I was still in it.

Then the mother uses the titular lullaby and magically the baby sleeps. Ahh...blissful quiet. And what does the exhausted mother do? Does she immediately crawl into bed to sleep?

Nope. She gets all prettified in a fancy dress and the minute her husband gets home leads him off for sex. the movie lost me. It is officially too dumb to watch.
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Baby crying
zander_reviews13 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Yeah sure the demon probably opened the hatch to the bird cage. But why the hell is your instinct to swing a fire poker in the dark? What if it was not the bird but instead the wife with your son?

Papo just wanted to greet his human and was murdered for it.

The first 20 minutes was just, as many have said, a baby crying. Well that and some sex (I guess to show the demon interfering in the couple's relationship?).

I always love learning new things, so when they started discussing the demon lore (Lilith's origin) I was eagerly listening. Almost laughed a little too hard when the rabbi called the whole thing a myth; would the whole of Christianity be a myth then in that sense?

EDIT: Just finished the movie, can someone give me the last hour and a half back? The whole thing just dragged on, the ending seemed rather predictable, and the horror element was almost nonexistent.

I originally gave such a poor rating because of Papo's horrific unwarranted death, but after finishing it I'd say it deserves the low ratings. Even the acting is subpar.

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