Search and Destroy (2020) Poster

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Comedically bad
Rob_de_B15 May 2023
Bad guy: "We have them surrounded" Soldier: "Sir, we are completely surrounded" Cutter narrating: "We were completely surrounded"

And using the same scene where someone is shooting, not twice, but six times in 30 seconds.

That is the kind of quality you can expect in the first few minutes of this movie alone.

Add a bunch of old stock footage of war scenes and fighter jets and you have a good view of the movie.

I was looking at it, asking myself if this was meant to be serious. Seems I am not alone in this. Would be great if this is some student project or something close to Hot Shots. I cant imagine it being anything else than an action comedy.

Want a good laugh, give it a try.
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Destroy they did (it)
kosmasp26 August 2021
Not sure you have much to search for here. And it is a shame. Everyone involved seems like good people (there is some behind the scenes stuff at the end of the movie, during the credits) ... but I can't in good conscience say or rate this really high. And I usually am really someone who cuts movies slack ... but again I just can't in this case.

It was dreadful to watch - and while there have been worse production values in other movies ... this does not make the watching experience any better. If you can laugh all the way through it, as someone else obviously did and had a "good time" therefor ... well go for it. But it is likely you won't like what you see here.
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Yeah, it's pretty bad...
emortland30 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty much when you see a bunch of reviews saying "this movie is not really bad, it's just a spoof," what that really means is this movie's bad. I had three deep thoughts:

1. This is a production of a contemporary Bulgarian film studio? Do they have a limited budget for uniforms? When you see a character credit as "Stock," why bother scrolling it? Oh, and the 80's called, they want their music back.

2. I was willing to give this benefit of the doubt, until they went with the flashback summary montage sequence - 38 minutes into the film. 38 minutes? Is the guy actually melancholy crooning, "Search and Destroy..."

3. I won't question why the film was released in 2020 but the director apparently passed away in 2015. But I am mildly curious why this film doesn't have an MPAA certificate number at the end credits. Did they not think it was worth it either?
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Kirpianuscus14 May 2022
I do not like the action movies. So, this film was just delightful. For high predactibility, for bad dialogues, worst than the uniforms and guns, for the long chain of cliches , for Bruce and for the not inspired end.

It is just unfair to define it as a bad film. The target is clear, good intentions obvious and the scenes of fight, some drops of politics just expected.

So, easy story, a sort of acting, ambiguity and unrealism in large slices and the final known from the first scenes.
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Some think this is a Spoof, I think it's plain garbage.
maverick-849249 September 2020
Seriously, this is beyond bad. Our "US Army Rangers" (in Africa in the Past!... Really?) start off in quite a predicament being pinned down by a Ukrainian warlord and his band of 'international terrorists'. When he calls for air support, we first see what appear to be Bulgarian MiG-29s taking off. Switch to a cockpit view, and the flyboys are wearing Apache Gunship (read helicopter) type helmets and sights. Switch back to the aircraft bearing down on the bad guys and instead of the MiGs, there's a pair of Sukhoi Frogfoots.

Jesus, could it get worse? Unfortunately, yes.

Those who have attempted to suggest that this is some sort of spoof must have a very high standard to look up to if they think this dreck was deliberately made to look like utter crap.

I would suggest it's merely some demented idiot's idea of an 'action movie'
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I thought it was a joke
anthonyarington15 April 2021
From the poor acting to the punchy storyline, this film has all the hallmarks of a tongue-n-cheek film. I had to go back and confirm it was listed as a comedy. When I read Action, this review needed to be written.
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Best worst movie ever made
bitbucketchip1 August 2021
The producers of this movie are either idiots or geniuses. If they were trying to make an action movie they failed. Hard. If they were trying to make a parody of action movies, they are geniuses. Either way, the laughs never stop.

Ten stars as a parody, zero stars as an action film. Five stars.
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Bad. Bad Bad
bmay-951802 October 2020
Worst movie I've ever seen. Under par in every aspect
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Bad movie
mpiticc21 February 2022
Bad movie. Scenography, dialogue, totally poor shots. Highly discouraged. One of the worst movies I've ever seen. I tried to look at it but I didn't even get in half.
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It's not satire, it's just THAT bad.
kaconklin-2101813 July 2021
Assuming you don't expect any sort of reasonable, cohesive, remotely plausible plot, and have no expectation of either an Army Ranger or a Seal team being remotely competent, and have a deep appreciation of wooden acting, well then... This is the movie for you. Otherwise, it's laughbly bad.
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Leofwine_draca21 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
SEARCH AND DESTROY is a lamentable action thriller shot in Bulgaria. The main actor is a guy called Dylan Bruce but I've never heard of him either and his acting skills are non-existent. The story sees a former soldier set on one more mission where he tackles with an old foe. Plenty of action here but none of it is remotely realistic, and the whole thing is spoilt by an inappropriately cheesy musical track that plays incessantly throughout. It's almost as if they added some random temporary score and accidentally left it in the release version. The only familiar face is ex-EASTENDER Leslie Grantham appearing shortly before his death.
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Um, what did I just watch???
georgekaplan77711 September 2020
Entertainment value..10 Cohesive story...2 Explosions.....10 Times I laughed out loud....a lot. Times I think I was supposed to laugh out loud....not sure.

This movie is one of a kind. I only watched it because it was 1 out of 5 stars on Amazon and the trailer looked worse than a 1 out of 5 and I decided, what the heck, I can't remember the last time I watched something with such obviously bad acting in it. This movie exceeded my incredibly low expectations. I should have went ahead and bought it instead of renting it. Laughed the whole way through.
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Better than reviews would indicate
pastor_benje20 December 2021
Well, if you take this as a serious attempt at an action movie with depth in the story, you will be disappointed. However, it was a lot of fun, and clearly does not take itself seriously. Clearly done on a limited budget, and yet flows well.
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I tried...
gerryshu10 April 2022
Well, I made it to the 20 minute mark, I just couldn't watch anymore. Terrible uniforms, worse dialog, just couldn't watch anymore. I just had to give up on it during the scuba swim, all the chatter with standard regulators.
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Flat-ass action garbage!!!
lechihoanglonghiie11 April 2021
Who came up with this horrible movie anyway?! Everything in this movie is trash and inferior!!! The action, story and dialogues are garbage!!!! Are there no more good filmmakers to make good movie than this?!!!!!
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Bad does not come close.
thomas-c-walton29 November 2020
The movie is so bad I need a new word to describe it. The dialog is the worse I have heard. The Canned stupid "Military Jargon" is so fake staged, and something some one never in the Military would write. Complete waste of Film.

The tech advisor was also a Moron. knows nothing about weapons or military explosive. The tactics and acting are laughable. Please never make another movie.
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It was terrible that I could only watch five minutes.
JagdtigerIV13 October 2020
This film is terrible, and not a 'so bad that it's good' kind of way. I'm thinking the production was trying to make a throwback to the 80s action movies, complete with the upbeat techno-like music.

A synopsis; a US Ranger team was sent to the coast of Africa to rescue a VIP and his family, only to be surrounded by a terrorist leader and his heavily armed militia.

The Lieutenant calls for air-support to cover their escape. Two American pilots respond to his call, except, they're taking off in Russian MiG-35 Fulcrum F fighters. American pilots, flying Russian aircraft, in Africa. To add to the woes, the Fulcrums have no external ordnance. When they conduct their bombing run, the Fulcrums turn into Su-25 Frogfoots, a close-air-support aircraft, and who possess no external ordnance either.

Another thing I noticed during the shootout; most of the explosions used are stock footage or taken from other movies. As proof of this, there's a 1-2 second clip that I recognized as from the final battle in Rambo (2008), you can clearly see the Burmese soldiers, not even their uniforms were altered.

Three years later, now retired and living off the grid in Pennsylvania, the lieutenant is approached by his former commander to do one last mission.

That's where I stopped it because everything up to that point was bad, the final nail was the General's uniform-it's not even American at all! It has Russian pins and medals. They're so cheap they cheap they couldn't buy some proper ribbons and medals. More evidence that they're cheap, I went back to see the film's trailer, someone throws an M67 grenade and it goes off despite the spool still being attached to it.

This film is just terrible. The casting is terrible, production, set design, they take footage from other movies and they're so cheap they don't even bother getting proper uniforms or weapons.

It's so bad that I sent my DVD copy back to the production company because Wal Mart wouldn't accept returns.
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Terrorists are always in season
nogodnomasters27 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Army Ranger Lt. John Cutter (Dylan Bruce ) has a failed mission in Western Africa facing arch-nemesis Igor Rodin (Sergey Badyuk) from Ukraine. After he retires to the Great White North he is asked to come back as a contractor and go after Igor Roden who is putting together a chemical bomb. The action eventually leads to a train.

The plot didn't work. The characters were bad. The soundtrack reminded of an 80's workout tape. I expect to see David Hasselhoff or Denise Austin at any time. Almost bad enough to be a spoof.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity
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molinawill-61-8537107 February 2021
Ok. If you're seriously trying to watch this movie, it's horrible. Now use this movie as a drinking game and it's entertaining. Drink every time a bullet blows something up, everytime someone dies, everytime an 80's techno music comes on, everytime a cheezy line comes up, a narrative voice over comes on, an American uniform is all wrong, and the last one to call out top secret at the end chugs. You won't make it till end, but you'll be drunk. Then the movie gets good and comical. You will use the word WOW and WTF alot.
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Has to be worst movie I've ever seen.
Brooklynsmagicmike10 December 2020
Seriously I found myself inexplicably laughing the entire time. From the horrid script to the terrible visuals, and awful action. Just so bad all around not one good thing can be said.
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Um, what did I just watch???#2
icogichev7 March 2021
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Worst Thing I Have Watched in Years
wibassman10 July 2021
I made it 15 minutes and had to turn it off. Absolutely awful acting, special effects, tactics, and videography. It was like a train wreck you can't take your eyes off.
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karljlander7 September 2020
I think one of the previous reviewers failed to appreciate that this film is a spoof on all those low budget action movies of the 80,s and 90,s. Every scene is sprinkled with a liberal dose of self mockery. Everything from use of slo mo, explosions everytime someone shots a bullet, corny cheesy dialogue and wonderful use of retro music combines to provide intended belly laughs for everyone familiar with the genre. Bravo to all involved!
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Laughing all the way
revkweli4 August 2021
So bad I can't even waste my time to finish. I have nothing more to add. The movie is too awful to even say it's comical. I wouldn't offend comedies.
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Terrorists are always in season
imdb-824-18344631 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie has everything! A botched rescue mission! A botched naval base incursion! A botched army base incursion! And that's all within the first 30 minutes. Half of Europe and most of Africa ends up being blown up before John Cutter even learns how to ties his shoes. But once he gets finds his way, it's game on.

This movie is clearly a spoof on all that is holy in the well-worn world of over-the-top machismo action films, and it pokes fun at the genre in such a subtle way that you're never pulled out of the movie. The characters are so razor-thin and cliched that you don't have to waste your time getting to know them. You already know them. You've seen them before in 9000 other action movies. The plot is laughable and doesn't take up any space in your brain, which leaves you free to just sit back and enjoy the experience, which I did thoroughly. And the soundtrack is one of a kind. It was 80s on overdrive and it made me want to start working out again.

My only gripe is that Igor dies at the end. Oh, and there is no resolution to the female scientist's story, even though she literally saves the day.
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