Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) Poster

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A poor film, undeserving of the name.
Sleepin_Dragon20 February 2022
Having been sheltered for half a century, Leatherface is back to cause more mayhem.

What can you say, I waited ages to see this film, I had really high expectations, kind of like those I had for Halloween 2018, only that was good, this certainly wasn't.

I'll start off with the positives, visually it's superb, beautifully shot, with some great location work, and some impressive scenes, I liked the music also, it wasn't overly done.

Sadly the positives are few and far between, if you watch the original, and followed it up with this, you'll see what a pale imitation this is.

On the downside, firstly, some of the acting isn't up to scratch, at times it had the made for TV feel about it, it perhaps doesn't feel deserving of the title.

The characters are just awful, Leatherface just seems so out of sorts, and as for the crows of youngsters seeking a better life, they're all just loathsome, none of them have any redeeming features. That scene where they all pull out their phones.... I know what I thought.

Fortunately it's not a long film, at just over ninety minutes.

Had the potential to be a good watch, it wasn't, 4/10.
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grinding out another one
SnoopyStyle22 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It's been almost 50 years since the original massacre. Trendy chef Dante (Jacob Latimore) and business partner Melody (Sarah Yarkin) are traveling to the emptying town of Harlow, Texas to set up a hip new community. Dante brings his girlfriend Ruth. Melody brings her sister Lila (Elsie Fisher) who is withdrawn after a shooting incident. Dante tries to take down a Confederate flag from an empty orphanage but a cranky old lady claims to still own it.

This old franchise grinds out another sequel. It's going to be one of the forgotten ones. There is plenty of gore but there is nothing memorable. I don't particularly care about any of these characters. Liberal hipsters are an annoying breed of stereotypes when they're written like this. I don't care if they live or die. There isn't much rooting interest and therefore the tension is simply not there.
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Supernatural Leatherface emerges aft being shot n brutally attackd by a chainsaw. Inspite of the 50 years hibernation, he is fit n healthy n his chainsaw is still functioning.
Fella_shibby19 February 2022
Sally too emerges aft 50 years hibernation only to be thrown in a dumpster.

In Leatherface (2017), they showed a boy in an orphanage n how this boy descended into madness n later went on to become Leatherface. It was a true origin story n i liked it cos of its avoidance of tropes. The 2017 version has amazing star cast who gave memorable performances. It has top notch cinematography n heart pounding tension.

In this installment, Leatherface is hiding/hibernating after the events of the original 1974 version. How can u hide or hibernate for 50 years?

How is Leatherface still fit n healthy?

And how conveniently the chainsaw is hidden in the wall for all these 50 years without spoilage or rust.

And since when did Leatherface became supernatural?

How he survived those shot gun shootings n chainsaw attack is beyond me.

Generous with a 4 cos of its attachment n some very brutal scenes.

The two scenes, the hammer hitting the leg n the cop's elbow being broken, gave me creeps.

The face being smashed into pulpy watermelon was too much for me.
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Another Crap Film In The Most Troubled Franchise Ever!!!
lukem-5276021 February 2022
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise has been an absolute mess for over a decade & to be honest the only good films in the whole franchise is the original 70's Classic & the excellent Early 2000's remake, all other films have been terrible.

Now we have another sequel to the first film only that uses the original survivor final girl Sally to face off with Leatherface finally.

The characters here are crappy idiots, the new generation of idiots that live for their mobile phones & the popularity that digital love gives them & makes them "Popular" or even famous. The group of youngsters move to a crumbling old Texas ghost town to reopen for some business venture but end up getting the attention of serial killer Leatherface. This film is very short & rushed. The characters are not likeable & are those smart-ass "Woke" type of idiots & they make the absolute WORST decisions ever. The kids are dumb & deserve to die.

The remaining character from the 70's original returns towards the end & she's even DUMBER!!!

This old witch-looking hag, Sally, has waited for 50 years to get revenge of Leatherface & when she confronts him while he's sat down without his Chainsaw, she has a shotgun aimed at him but doesn't shoot him????? She could end him right there but of course she's STUPID like everyone in this crap film.


Another piece of shi# in the messy franchise.
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Watch the Original One
Tweetienator19 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Got not the heart nor the soul of Tobe Hooper's original movie. One of those modern movies adaptions that will fall quickly into the domain of oblivion. Redundant, generic, a cash grab. Who wants, who needs this, as we can watch the excellent and iconic original one anytime?
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Texas Chainsaw Disappointment: Pop Culture Edition
noawareness18 February 2022
Everything you want in a Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie: School shootings, cancel culture, racism, white guilt, social media, Jamie Lee Curtis V. 2.0, Gentrification.

Imagine the worst type of writers, working with the worst kind of producers, hiring the worst possible actors for the worst possible type of film. That's what this is.
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Better Than the Reviews Suggest
rpaleschi25 February 2022
I admit that I went into this with low expectations because of a few bad online reviews but it wasn't nearly as bad as I'd heard and I actually quite enjoyed it.

I'm not one to focus on plot holes, as if you watch a movie where someone wears other people's faces to butcher everyone then it's not going to be completely true to life. That said, there were a couple of moment where even I shouted 'oh come on...'

An easy watch with some good death scenes and a couple of satisfying swipes at cancel culture.

A solid 7 out of 10.
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running_with_scissors18 February 2022
Awful, really bad.

The good? Some nice gore.

The bad? Literally everything else, whoever wrote this script should never write a script again. The bar for Chainsaw sequels was already low, so I guess it's some kind of achievement to lower it further.
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Thin story, thin characters, thick chainsaw yeets.
Stealins18 February 2022
Leatherface yeets people with a chainsaw in perhaps the bloodiest installment of the franchise. That's really all you need to know, and really all you could realistically hope for in what is essentially The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 9.
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Worst Script
nixflixnpix19 February 2022
A waste of time: for you, for your friends and family, for the actors, for the studio, for the fans, for the writers.

Wow, this writing was bad. Annoyingly horrible, draining. Somehow one of the worst horror films I've ever seen!

All writers for this should never write again. Boring, lame, unoriginal.
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A solid reboot. Short and sweet, with all the predictable but fun elements you expect to see, executed with a bit of flair
mickman91-125 February 2022
More horror films/reboots need to learn from this. 74 minutes (without credits), wham bam thank you mam, no messing around, doesn't try to be clever, just gets the job done for the fans. The modern viewer doesn't want 2 hours of drawn out Texas Chainsaw taking itself way too seriously. The story doesn't make much sense and the acting is pretty lame. But this is what you want, or at least expect, from an old school slasher which follows the tried and tested formula. There were some fun kills and a few jumps. But basically it was a short and sweet, quickly paced, old school slasher film executed with even a bit of flair and style. The wheel has not been reinvented, but this was precisely what was required in 2022 for a low budget reboot of a classic. Maybe it could have done more, but I think what it achieved is not to be underestimated, when the vast majority of horror films that follow a dated formula like this flat and take themselves far too seriously and have no style or gumption.
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It is what is says on the box
themadcamel21 February 2022
I don't know what everyone is complaining about, this was not bad at all.

It's a splatter fest, with some pretty twisted kill scenes. It's not Shakespeare. No intelligence is required.

None of the characters are particularly likeable and in classic Horror movie lore, that means a grizzly demise.

I gave it a 6/10 which in all honesty is a great score for a B Movie splatter fest.
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Deserves it's low rating and then some!
hnt_dnl24 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE (2022) is the latest in a line of blood-draining (pun intended) Hollywood exercises in futility. Thankfully, I was able to watch this movie immediately with a Netflix subscription instead of wasting my time in the theatre. How is it possible for modern writers to keep aiming so low and going even below THAT? I just saw Halloween Kills a few months ago and at the time, that was the dumbest collection of characters I've seen a horror movie in years, but the ones in this film take the cake. This movie is loaded with cliche after cliche of characters saying dumb things and making dumb decisions, or simply doing nothing. The 4 main characters are all forgettable and annoying. I've actually the 2 actresses playing the sisters in other stuff and they aren't the worst I've ever seen, but when writing is this bad, no amount of decent acting can save it. And I wouldn't even call the acting decent in this. More like non-existent.

First things first, what were they wearing? Lol Is this how young people dress nowadays? I'm no fashion designer but even I know when outfits look like a person just threw some crap together and called it a day. To the dumb decisions we go. Why didn't the main quartet of influencers drive off at the gas station when they were done? They just stuck around long enough for main girl to antagonize the Texas local, who as it turns out was their contractor at the ghost town. Why did the blonde girl volunteer to go with the old lady to the hospital? That's not her responsibility or fault she had a heart attack. Just give the Sheriff your number and they can call you or text you to let you know how she is. How did Leatherface magically transport himself from the upstairs to inside the back of the police van?

After the crash, why didn't blonde girl get the Sheriff's gun while Leatherface was putting together his mask? Even better, get the gun and get out and start running. Why did contractor guy take the bus keys and punish the guests? If he thinks they took over the old lady's house illegally, just quit working and leave to contact the authorities and let them handle it. Why did main girl mess around upstairs so long? Just climb out a window, you're only on the second floor. And during her what felt like hours under the bed, why didn't she grab the contractor's gun while he and Leatherface were fighting?

Then there's all the cliche female badassery (1) The younger sister character with her cliche 1-dimensional trauma that she must overcome so she can be the final girl. I couldn't care less. (2) The final girl from the original 1974 movie is Sarah Connor 2.0 in her twilight years. Instead of being traumatized and going far away, she spends 50 years of her life hunting Leatherface and then when she finds him, makes dumb decision after dumb decision. I thought with age comes wisdom. Apparently not this woman. She's got 2 innocent girls in the back of her car and decides to use them as bait. Some hero. Then there's the cliche gun won't shoot right when you need it the most. And at the end, the main girl barely scrapes Leatherface on the head and instead of cutting him up into bits and pieces with the chainsaw, her and her dumb younger sister opt to just stand there and stare at him as he submerges in some shallow puddle of water.

On the plus side, the action got going pretty fast in this movie as it didn't waste time with the killing. The minus side is that meant I had to watch cliche horror movie characters being dumb for a full hour. Don't let the short running time fool you. This movie is one of the longest 1 hours, 20 minutes of my life. When I don't have the patience to sit through a barely over an hour movie, you know it's bad.
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We are all dumber after watching this
Med-Jasta21 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was one of the worst things I've ever seen. Like, I don't even know if this can count as a movie. The only thing they did successfully was waste your time.

These characters were so annoying. They think they can just set up shop in the middle of Hicksville as these dandy, overly sensitive, self righteous, 20 year olds and make an art community? Were we supposed to be on Leatherface's side? Because it worked. I couldn't wait for him to kill these Gen Z idiots who look out of place not looking down at their phones. Who, ever seeing someone with a gun, would make fun of that person that's a foot away? I've seen people carrying guns and making fun of them, out loud was the last thing I wanted to do.

The entire set up was so dumb. This movie was written around the kills and they weren't even set up very well. So the old lady dies and the most annoying girl wants to go with her? Why? For what purpose? And then the other girl goes instead? Why? For what purpose? Why does anyone have to go with her? I guess to have a main character die when Leatherface becomes unhinged?

Leatherface is cutting that guy's face off in a field for some reason and then pops up to kill the cop, who just woke up and somehow doesn't see the girl moving or hear her talking? Then he comes back like two minutes later to kill her?

The whole deed to the house thing and that they "killed her" was one of the dumbest plot points I've ever seen. This gets the whole movie going and this is the best they could come up with? Not only does this set off the characters but also that they didn't really have it? What the hell did that even mean? They didn't go back to it.

Why didn't people leave town after that dude was running around with his face ripped open? They're just like, "That's weird. Nothing is going to take us out of this party bus." I'm not even going into their massacre on the bus thing with the phones... I just can't do it.

He has to get the original chainsaw from 50 years ago? And it still works? Now I'm no chainsaw expert but I'm pretty sure it would be dead. Why does it even matter? He can't just have a chainsaw? Just for nostalgia.

The cop? "You have to stay until I kill him." She couldn't give them the keys? Then Leatherface gets past her and her shotgun, somehow and then she saves the day, gives them the keys and tells them to leave. What? And then she just gets killed!? The old lady is still alive somehow? Didn't he chainsaw all the blood out of her? They set her up and then knock her down just as fast.

It seems like there was supposed to be a lot of story about the girl that survived the school shooting. But instead it's a side comment that they spend almost no time on. So when she "uses a gun" it's supposed to be a big deal?

Why did the two most annoying looking people survive? And they're sisters? They didn't look related.

Why did they kill off everybody so fast when they came up with the most insane ways for them to get out of situations? If they kept some of those people around it would have made for more to happen instead of keeping the old lady alive and saving the day twice.

The ending? Like there couldn't be one? She has to scream while being driven away. And by autopilot? That's the whole reason this is in the movie? Just for that shot? Their screams were even annoying as all hell.

And they really stretched those credits out to make it the 80 minutes that it was. They are 9 minutes by the way.

Was anybody thinking when they wrote, or shot or edited this?

The worst part about this is that it was ripping off the Halloween "reboot a sequel" and managed to do an even worse job

These "sequels to the original" are nothing more than fan movies that have the rights. All they do is give the writers a chance to recreate the original so they can satisfy their thirst for nostalgia. Isn't the point of making a sequel to the original to correct all the mistakes of the sequels? But instead they make something that fits in perfectly with all the other sequels. I guess proving the point that you shouldn't make sequels to these movies. I don't know why people even see these then. Just stop giving them money and they'll stop making them.
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Worst TCM film to-date
ashfordofficial19 February 2022
The ninth installment of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre (TCM) franchise and a sequel to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974), while effecting a retcon of all previous sequels.

No wonder why Legendary Pictures sold this film to Netflix, they knew if they released it in theaters, they won't even getting back the production budget.

Even though I enjoyed the whole vibe of the film, it overtakes Leatherface (2017) as the worst TCM film in the franchise. I never expected this from Fede Álvarez, he should've never picked this newbie screenwriter and director with no prior experience handling valuable IPs like this.
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Another disappointing TCM sequel! [+39%]
arungeorge1318 February 2022
Whenever I watch a Texas Chainsaw Massacre sequel, I realize what makes the original 1974 film so iconic. This 2022 sequel is also a completely forgettable one, ideally made for instant consumption with not much to read into. The script is a bland mess - there's zero depth to any of the characters, including Leatherface himself. It doesn't even bother to show that Leatherface has been living in hiding all these years because he pops up exactly when you expect him to, unlike in the original where you gasp for a few moments. If you haven't watched the original, it will simply seem like a big, bulky guy randomly going on the run with a chainsaw in hand, chopping people. In my eyes, there's no Leatherface without the Sawyer family.

Where it does score a little is in the gore department. Some kills end up being a lot bloodier than you might think. But the payoff is so little I couldn't care less for any of the characters or the surface-level social commentary it offers. The bus scene is a gory delight, serving up a couple of minutes of good, old-fashioned slice & dice. The Sally Hardesty subplot is a replica of what they tried to do with Laurie Strode in the Halloween sequels, sans any texture. I loved Elsie Fisher in Eighth Grade, but this film doesn't even attempt to get anything out of her. The atmosphere too, didn't evoke Texas enough. I'm not exactly interested in another sequel to this, but I'd still watch it because of its connection to the original.
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Well this was intense
inrickoblack18 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I could only describe my experience with this movie.

I was actually very pleased. I knew the movie was coming out sometime this year but I haven't seen any posters or trailers for it so I went blindfolded.

And oh boy was it cheesy in parts.. but the kills, the gore, some of the acting (I meant Nell Hudson and just a little of Alice Krige who's face we've seen a lot in this movie *badum tss* )

Don't expect anything new, just some sliced up teenagers who had it coming (who doesn't want to look at that on Friday night?) Once again the kills were top notch, enjoyed every blood drop!

(I'm sorry for some grammar issues I'm from Russia)
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It feels like a betrayal
lareval19 February 2022
Putting aside Netflix budget, production values and a funny scene at the bus where Leatherface destroys the cancel culture (wink), this is an awful movie. It feels much more like a betrayal to the original movie rather than a welcome addition. Non sensical, populated with dumb characters, with no plot and leaves you with a strong feeling of wasting your time. Dead wrong.
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Very predictable....BUT!!
KiddNicole5239025 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Was overall still pretty good!! Lots of gory scenes but def was predictable, up to the end even.

I feel like they could've given 'Sally' a WAY better fight considering she waited 50 years to get to try and kill him. That was definitely disappointing.

Leatherface also didn't seem to age but she looks old as hell? It just seems like they're trying to do the same thing they did with Michael Myers. Leaving it open for a sequal when they could have ended it on a decent note.
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Can you make it through the 1st 10 minutes?
draftdubya19 February 2022
This was more of Netflix garbage. These 4 people are the most unlikable people you can find. Do any of these morons know anything about Texas? Gen Z and Gen Y people make themselves look stupid by making this unwatchable stuff. I've seen people in Chicago roll coal.
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clintmchlk20 February 2022
The writer shouldn't write ever again. The writer shouldn't write ever again. The writer shouldn't write ever again. The writer shouldn't write ever again.
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Great little horror ....
leehar7620 February 2022
This was a pleasant surprise tbh , with all the negative reviews, I went in with low expectations.

Just a great solid horror, great kills .. and affects are very good indeed, extremely gory !!!

Definitely recommend a watch ...
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Not horrible, but far from great
Larsii9021 February 2022
Watched this last night, and it was a fun enough time. The story and characters are... ok. It's very bloody, gory and brutal and the characters are terribly and annoyingly stupid just for the purpose of driving the story along. Nothing new for a slasher, but it's very annoying.

That said, it is very creepy and intriguing, and the cinematography is decent. I found myself hiding behind a pillow a lot, mostly because the kills were so brutal, but also because I was terrified at certain times.

A good enough watch if you're a horror/TCM fan, but don't expect a great movie. Would never pay to watch it outside of a streaming service.

Worth a watch if you.
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Looks cheap, sounds cheap, and thinks cheap
Sir_AmirSyarif20 February 2022
David Blue Garcia's 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre' looks cheap, sounds cheap, and thinks cheap. The script is busy and unconvincing, with the attempts at "social commentary" are laughable and much of the acting is lousy. Everyone involved should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. It is nice and mildly satisfying seeing insultingly stupid characters get ragdolled around though.
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Texas Lame-saw Mediocre
Otkon18 February 2022
A geriatric lumberjack carves up a bunch of annoying internet influencers. Parts of it are outright laughable in how stupid the characters are behaving. I would normally root for the villain but not even this Leatherface deserves that.

Want to have a better time? Count the number of times the letter 'v' appears in the end credits.

Oh and as if I needed more proof that self-driving cars are dumb.
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