Obliterated (TV Series 2023) Poster


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I have no words...
noxaman3 December 2023
Okay, maybe I have a few.

Obliterated is an 80 IQ hot mess of nonsensical nonstop fun and I really hate how much I enjoyed it.

There are disgusting prosthetic phalluses and oddly tight character arcs. Shoehorned diversity mixed in equal parts with political self awareness. For every genuinely depraved scene there's an equally wholesome and touching family moment. This series is everything that is wrong with bad action films, and everything that made the hangover a classic. It is so reductive that it manages to be original. This show has three plot holes for every topless woman. I've never, ever, in all my years seen something quite like this show.

7 out of 10, I hate it.
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Hope this leads to bigger things for Nick Zano (bc he was great here)
Supermanfan-1329 December 2023
Obliterated doesn't try anything it's not. It knows exactly what it is and that's an action comedy that spoofs those kind of films. My brother and I just finished it watching a t and we both said that we hoped they do another season. We grew up as kids in the 80's and 90's so we know all about the films this show was making fun of. Besides being a funny action series, it's also a pretty solid "get the terrorist" series. I read somewhere that it compares the counterterrorism thriller of 24. I can definitely see that. The entire cast is great here, especially Nick Zano. He's so good in this, I hope this leads to bigger things for him. He's definitely the stand out here. I liked him in Legends of Tomorrow but he is perfect for this role. He steals every scene he's in. Also, Shelley Hennig is as beautiful as ever and does a good job with Zano leading this rag tag group.
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Had a lot of fun watching this
Rob133128 December 2023
I had no idea what to expect when I started watching Obliterated, the reviews were mostly positive and I thought the trailer looked pretty good so I thought I'd give it a chance. I'm so glad I did. This show had me laughing out loud at least a few times per episode. I had fun the entire time I was watching. Even though it makes fun of movies from the Sly/Arnold era, it also pays respect to them too. This show isn't going to win any awards but if you can just turn your brain off for little while I promise you that you'll have fun watching this. I actually binged all 8 episodes in a couple days. It's funny with plenty of action and twists to hold your interest every episode.
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24 meets The American Pie and The Hangover Franchise
banzoozalreviews31 December 2023
Obliterated is like '24' meeting the juvenile sensibility or hysterics of 'American Pie' and 'The Hangover.' It's crass, juvenile, and full of R-rated humor, but all that is part of its charm. It's just a fun, consistently entertaining show where you can shut off your brain and enjoy all the shenanigans it has to offer. It's mindless fun. I laughed a lot throughout its eight episodes, and despite the show's shortcomings, it definitely won me over and then some. The show delivered what it promised: a great, hilarious escape full of over-the-top action, juvenile characters plucked right out of '80s movies, as well as a game cast who knew what they were in for.
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don't take it seriously
SnoopyStyle5 January 2024
An American cross-services military team has been assembled to track down a loose nuke possibly in Las Vegas. Ava Winters (Shelley Hennig) is the intelligence leader. Chad (Nick Zano), Trunk (Terrence Terrell), and Angela Gomez (Paola Lázaro) are the muscle. Haggerty (C. Thomas Howell) is the unusual bomb tech. Maya Lerner (Kimi Rutledge) is the shy computer tech. Paul Yung (Eugene Kim) is the Air Force pilot and protective father.

It's a Netflix action thriller comedy series. It's rated a little lower than most and there is a reason. It's not a series to be taken seriously. It's outrageous and silly and there are so many d's. It's a ridiculous time and it is a bit uneven. This very much depends on the viewer's mindset.
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This show is horrible
imdb-280827 December 2023
This show is horrible. I love it.

An updated, contemporary take on old school early-'80s action television.

Does it make sense? No.

Are there plot holes? Absolutely.

Is it riddled with tropes? All of the tropes.

Sophomoric humor? So much!

Is there any hint of realism or accuracy? None-whatsoever.

This kind of craft seems to be a lost art. Back in the day, bad but enjoyable, entertaining television was intentionally created to help you relax at the end of a hard day.

So much TV is unintentionally bad. But Obliterated revels in its unabashed badness. It is perfect in its execution.

Just remember that the goal here is to unwind and experience guilty chuckles and eye rolls after a big TV dinner.

In this endeavor, Obliterated exceeds all expectations. Each episode is non-stop fun.

Go buy an ugly fabric recliner at an estate sale and enjoy this modern take on old classics.
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Just pure brainless fun, missed you!
aljosacebokli3 January 2024
Based on the silly preview flick in netflix I almost didn't watch it, but oh boy how glad I am I did! Binge watched in two days as a matter of fact.

The characters are loveable, the writing is pretty tight and the twists are solid enough not to get boring by the end of episode 8. The fights are ridiculous, so are the jokes (in a good way) and I found myself laughing out loud more than what I can remember watching anything in recent memory.

I was only really bothered a very few times the series writers decided to descend into very graphical Jackass territory which I thought was unnecessary.

Other than that I would wholeheartedly recommend this series to anyone looking for some good old fashioned fun, unless you are sensitive to very graphic nudity, sex, drugs, camels, penile torture etc.
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It's brain dead fun
antonvn-529964 December 2023
Yes the dialogue is cringy at times and the acting isn't great.

Yes its nonsensical and predictable.

But it's also over the top super fun. Reminds me of 90's comedies where they didn't give a damn and just made fun movies.

There's lots of comedy some of which I even burst out laughing which hasn't happened in a while. Action is decent with enough chases, gore, explosions, and fight scenes to keep it interesting. Then there's the over the top nudity scenes which are gross and sometimes hilarious.

Is it the best thing that has ever came out... No.

But it's an entertaining show worth watching.
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After first episode it got boring
markus_sonntag30 November 2023
I hoped for an easy digestible fun adult action series. And it started out fun, but then it wanted to get serious yet neither the acting nor the script was supporting this. So it got really really boring.. Actually I was expecting Las Vegas to be gone by the end of 2nd episode and the team going to the next mission to fail. That would have been a new fun twist on things. Probably much closer to reality. In any case it made me write a review, which I haven't done for a long time. Some scenes were funny. If it wasn't for all the drug promotion could be rated 14. I recommend reading all the other comments. All seem to have the same kinda rating.
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Knows exactly what it is
kiransakhyani29 December 2023
Outrageous, gratuitous nudity, violence and chaos. And I love it for that. Reminds me a lot of Blue Mountain State and the American Pie movies where things aren't supposed to make sense or provide deeper meaning, they're just fun for fun's sake. Honestly this show was a breath of pure entertainment fresh air. I loved the characters cartwheeling and crashing through each scene, and enjoyed turning off my brain and just letting it all wash over me. Choosing to do it as a series instead of a movie was a brilliant idea, crammed into a movie it would have felt washed out and done a million times before. Letting it all roll out over 8 episodes lets the show and characters really establish themselves. I hope more series like this get made!
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The Hangover meets Mission Impossible
bethanyldameron29 December 2023
Obliterated is what would happen if the Mission Impossible Movies and the Hangover Movies had a baby, raised their child in Florida, then set it to the biggest party college in Nevada. Then, after the child discovered there was no "super spy" degree, said child dropped out of college and got a job at the Las Vegas Tourism department.

Definitely not for everyone. It is raunchy, stupid, full of sex, drugs, and guns, but it also has a surprising amount of heart. The relationships can be very sweet, the characters are fun, and if you can suspend disbelief for the duration of the show, it's a fun ride.

To quote one of my favorite reviewers, "It's trash, but it's my trash."
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It's so bad I want to cancel my Netflix subscription
philgtr_laoshi30 November 2023
Where do I begin? Absolutely awful acting, as usual for cheap american shows where they get models to do the acting instead of actors. It doesn't help that they are playing really dumb 1 dimensional characters. Directing is poor, story line is lame. Just the usual cheesy predictable trash that Netflix seems to churn out these days. It is like it was written and directed by a load of 12 year olds. Actually, I have seen kids write better stories than this. I can't think of a single nice thing to write about it. Don't waste your time. I honestly don't understand who put money into making this. I wish Netflix would ditch the ocean of cheap trash that they keep making and put a bit of money into making a few decent movies/TV series.
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Oh it's just real good fun.
durham10030 November 2023
Turn your brain off, stop being a snob and just enjoy totally silly chaos with loads of laugh out load moments and a hot and tallented main cast who totally pull it off. Think scorpion but with the competence of superstore and lots of naughtiness. It doesn't all work but enough does to make it work. Did every minute of Naked Gun get it right? Or Airplane? People are far too critical and just need to relax and have fun which is exactly what this let's you do. This made me laugh and forget all the bad stuff for a while, let's hope the boring naysayers don't stop a second series. Totally enjoyable, give at least 2 episodes a go.
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Betrer Than It Has a Right to Be
Eric2662 December 2023
I had never heard of this show. I was scrolling through my Yahoo news feed and saw a review of the show. The title of the review was so condescending I just had to read it. The author obliterated the show (pun intended). She was extremely critical of all the sex and gratuitous nudity. She basically said the show was a waste of time.

Of course, this made me want to watch it. I have to say, it lacks direction, the writing is poor, and there is a ton of filler to bloat it to eight episodes. Having said that, I LOVED THIS SHOW for the exact reasons the critic stated. It dumb as hell, but its a fun ride. The actors have really good chemistry and I binged watched it.

An elite special forces crew thinks they have stopped a nuclear terrorist attack in Las Vegas, so to celebrate, they get hammered on a combination of drugs, alcohol, sex, and other basic debauchery (a camel is involved). They then learn the plot they stopped was a decoy, so they have 7 hours to stop the real bombing. Still obliterated (hence the title) they spend the next 7 hours whacked out of their minds while trying to find a briefcase nuke.

Ava is a hardened CIA operative running the team who recently lost her fiance on a mission. McKinight is the Team Lead and resident hunk with an ego problem. Trunk is the muscle who can't ever seem to get something to eat. Gomez is the sniper, a Michelle Rodriguez knock off who is a lesbian and hides her emotions. Paul is the married helicopter pilot with family issues. Maya is the tech nerd who is in love with McKnight, but is too shy to say it. Lastly, there is Haggerty, the explosives expert who spends most of the series in a drug induced stupor. There is another character named Lana, a ditzy blonde who the team rescued during the original mission and she tags along as she has intimate knowledge of one of the villains. These characters all seem pretty standard on these types of shows, but the actors imbue them with just enough personality to make them stand out. Unfortunately, the villains are pretty one-dimensional which is really the biggest failing of the show.

There are a ton of gunfights, fist fights, sex, graphic nudity, humor and some pretty extreme torture scenes. In fairness, all the actors wind up nude at some point so there is definitely no inequality there.

Sadly, I think this is one of those one season events. The premise of the show could not be repeated and I don't think there is enough originality to the show for it to sustain a second season. Still, it was a fun watch and the show knew exactly what it was and didn't try to be anything else.
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It had no right to be so good
iamchrisallan5 January 2024
I never expected to like this but we absolutely loved it. It has no right to be so good. It contains every cliche in the book. It should be cheesy but it's made with care and skill that results in a hugely entertaining end result, an explosive series with laughs and top level thrills. It's a teenage boy's wet dream of a series, Die Hard with titties and willies.

I sincerely hope that they make another season. The cast were all brilliant and I expect to see them turn up a lot more movies and shows over the coming years. The production value was as high as it gets.

Sex, drugs, guns, bombs and beautiful people.
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Obliterated: Where Hangovers Meet Heroes (and Mayhem)
Arik_P19 January 2024
Calling Obliterated a "genre-blender" is like calling a blender a kitchen appliance. It's a full-on genre smoothie, where the action of a spy thriller gets blitzed with the raunchy humor of a frat party and the absurd chaos of a comedy on acid. And honestly? It's a surprisingly delicious concoction.

The premise is pure fun: an elite special forces team, fresh off saving the world from a nuke in Vegas, wakes up with epic hangovers and no memory of the night before. Turns out, the nuke was a decoy, and the real bomb is still ticking. Cue the frantic search for clues, hidden amidst their debaucherous blackout, all while dodging assassins, deciphering riddles from their hungover brains, and somehow trying to avoid the cops they woke up naked on top of.

The cast is absolutely game for the ride. Nick Zano and Shelley Henning lead the charge as Riptide and LuAnne, a mismatched duo with undeniable chemistry, while the rest of the team is a hilarious hodgepodge of personalities, from the straight-laced CIA analyst to the conspiracy-obsessed techie. There's literally someone for everyone to laugh with (or at).

The humor is crass, unapologetically juvenile, and unafraid to push boundaries. Prepare for bodily fluids, outrageous one-liners, and enough pop culture references to fill a comic book store. But beneath the surface, there's a surprising amount of heart. These characters, despite their flaws and questionable life choices, are actually pretty endearing. You root for them to save the world even as they're stumbling through it hungover and half-naked.

The plot, admittedly, can get a little convoluted at times. Flashbacks blur with the present, conspiracies twist and turn, and sometimes you're left wondering if anyone on screen actually knows what's going on. But honestly, that's part of the charm. Obliterated doesn't hold your hand. It throws you into the blender with the rest of the ingredients and lets you enjoy the ride.

So, if you're looking for a show that's equal parts hilarious and thrilling, with a dash of the absurd and a whole lot of heart, then Obliterated is your jam. Just maybe keep the kids out of the room, and have some aspirin handy for the morning after. Trust me, you'll need it.

**Final verdict:** Buckle up for a wild ride through Vegas, vodka-fueled amnesia, and enough explosions to rival an airshow. Obliterated is a genre-bending blast that's guaranteed to leave you laughing, gasping, and maybe a little bit hungover. And isn't that what Saturday nights are for?

And as I said above...some scenes are not recommended for under 18...you know..... Vegas ..
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More Seasons PLEASE. Let it run!
belleauwood3 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I binged all 8 episodes in two nights. I watch a LOT of TV, and this is one of the best Season 1 ensemble launches I have seen. The chemistry is there, the characters are very likable, It is non- stop fun. Kudos for a female team lead and strong female characters. The cast is fully diverse - including age diversity - without that overshadowing the story. I'm also going to throw in support for tech tits - love her.

Most importantly, it's just fun escapism, and we all need a little fun in 2024. This is just one of those shows that can run many seasons and develop a very loyal fan base. It will just get better and better. It reminds me of when I first stumbled across Burn Notice on a business trip and was an instant fan even though I couldn't explain why - other than the cast chemistry. This show has that special sauce. Let it run!!!
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Cliches & Juvenile Fun, But Still So Good
philserve30 December 2023
Like so many other reviewers, I felt cheap and dirty watching this all-American teenage boy macho fantasy, with good-looking women taking their clothes off, incessant macho and over the top team cheers and whoop-it-up patriotism. And it is formulaic, plot holes galore.

But i didn't care, it was a great ride! Some plot arc surprised me and I absolutely knew how it was going to end. But once again, I didn't care.

And when it played out the usual stereotypical Russian vs American adversarial battles, again, I didn't care.

It was a blast watching this sho!

One thing that stuck in me:The Gomez character, the lesbian sniper, she seemed to be an almost exact duplicate of the tough woman marine Vasquez in Aliens. Anyone else see that?
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In defense of Obliterated's intelligence
lollobrigido20 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a pretty heavy-duty film nerd. My fav directors include Eric Rohmer, WKW, and Martin McDonagh - I'm all-in on the films many would consider boring.

But I recognize that there's also a time and place for high-quality lowbrow television. Just like pop music: you can be a Pink Floyd and Led Zepp guy, whilst also appreciating Dua Lipa's talent.

Obliterated is just that: low-brow television, done extremely well.

It's not perfect - I'm no explosives expert, but I don't think that a "5 Kiloton" bomb could level all of Vegas (I think they meant "5 Megaton") - but the show definitely isn't as daft as everyone is making it out to be.

Beneath its (intentional) high-school humour, lies a faint, yet very real, thread of self-awareness. Obliterated doesn't even try to take itself seriously - it's a show for a modern world, in which we witness a return to West/East geopolitical dichotomy, and social media creating a normalisation of chaos and stupidity.

This became evident to me the very first time I heard the chant "USA! USA!": the show isn't succumbing to stereotypes of American exceptionalism, it's poking fun at them. That's why McKnight is a Chad, both in name and nature.

If pre-9/11 America was the America of Superman, and post 9/11 America became the vengeance-driven America of Batman, modern-day America very much is the America of Obliterated: a world on the brink is underpinned by an absurdist takedown of excess and partying, where Gen X and elder Milennials are obsessed with reliving their 20s, and where Gen Z are obsessed with TikTok. The show's insane characters and plot find their equilibrium in Vegas, the perfect microcosm for a late-stage capitalist hellscape (something which the "commie bastard" Russian characters are acutely aware of).

Does that last sentence sound problematic? It possibly is, and this very idea is explored in this show by its obvious refusal to succumb to modern norms. In this way, 'Obliterated' is less The A-Team, and more Team America: World Police. Hooray for the return of satire.

For those that claim the show is "sexist" and "homophobic" - the show's subtleties flew over their heads. McKnight isn't a homophobe; he's emotionally repressed, and he's definitely a manifestation of a culture of toxicity - but his friendship with Trunk is honest and pure. Obliterated doesn't make fun of Trunk's journey of coming out; it makes fun of McKnight's state of utter ignorance. The second that things click for McKnight, however, he displays a perfect example of what straight/gay friendships should be: best friends should support and celebrate each other, without needing to base their entire friendship dynamic on their sexualities. Trunk is gay, but he's also extremely masculine, as some gay guys are irl. The show doesn't reduce him into a banal stereotype of "The gay guy seeking validation and love", but instead fixates on making fun of his hunger for food. Obliterated doesn't perpetuate a military culture of "Don't ask, don't tell"; it acknowledges it, and moves paces beyond it.

In a similar vein, Winter's, Lerner's and Gomez's competencies are left no room to question, but are also not overemphasised, as we've come to expect from so many tacky "culture warrior" Netflix scripts these days. In my opinion, Obliterated does a better job than many shows of exhibiting true equality: it isn't afraid to make crass jokes, but it also doesn't need to rely on tokenism - it's already one step ahead of that. The power of the characters' diversity is in their normalisation - something which itself is also made fun of, when McKnight overtly calls Young an "American Hero".

Finally, on the criticisms of the show's overusage of nudity - images of boobs, butts and penises are juxtaposed with headshots, and extremely graphical violence. In doing so, the show-runners aren't just making a return to raunchy action-comedy; they're also questioning why we take offence to some things, whilst normalising others.

I guess all of this may be summed-up as a long-winded argument in support Obliterated's satirical form. As soon as I finished episode 1, I immediately googled the creators - and I wasn't at all surprised to find people behind Harold and Kumar, and Cobra Kai - themselves excellent examples of irreverent, yet self-aware, comedies.

To me, Obliterated is a breath of fresh air: it's hilarious, it's entertaining, and it's not nearly as dumb as people are trying to make it out to be. It doesn't ask much of the viewer, other than to go in with an open mind and without expectations.

To quote Abed, at the end of Community: "It's TV. It's comfort. It's a friend you've known so well and for so long, you just let it be with you."

Obliterated may not be your intellectual friend; but it is that hilarious, train-wreck of a friend that's always there for you, and always has something positive to say. And I know whom I'd rather call up on a Friday night.
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Nothing to like
genehenson21 December 2023
I suspect most of the positive reviews about this are paid reviews or from teenagers that are getting to watch Netflix without their parents for the first time.

For anyone else, there's nothing to like here. The plot is horrendously stupid. I'm usually OK with a suspect plot if there are other good things about the show, but this is just too stupid. The writing is also pretty bad, relying on teenage jokes about sex more than anything else.

I'd be OK with all of this if there was anything clever about the show, but there's not. I took the advice of some of the other reviews and gave it two more episodes, but it never got better.

Do yourself a favor and watch anything else.
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Very Funny, Enjoyable and Binge Worthy
therealhman1 January 2024
A lot of fun to watch. The girls are gorgeous. Shelly Hennig is really good. She has comedic talent and delivers her lines so well you laugh out loud.

There are a lot of laugh out loud funny scenes and lines.

I haven't laughed this much watching a show in a long time. It looks like the actors are enjoying their roles. There is a lot of action. A lot of twists and turns so you are looking forward to the next episode.

I hope they make a season two.

If you want humor, action, a decent story this is it.

Very fast paced. The bad guys were really bad. You'll recognize one in particular. He was born to play bad guy roles.
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Wow so many hotdogs in this show....It was awesome. I loved this DIRTY comedy action show
AJsok20031 December 2023
When I first saw the trailer for this show I thought it was a movie. But found out that this is a show. And I will admit that it was cheesy but wow I was actually enjoying the dirty humor in it. And to be honest I think that the old man was the coolest character I have seen. I could not stop laughing at his moments.

Also I have no idea if Netflix will renew this show for a 2nd season. But if they do I hope they use the same cast because all the actors and actresses were really good in it. And to be honest am happy this show was not set in California or New York but in Las Vegas, Nevada. It's good to see a different state being used for a tv show location.
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Bad. Just bad.
patrickhenry-5829312 December 2023
Ok fine, this is good and bad. Its good if you enjoy the simpleton cop shows flooding primetime nowadays, bad if you are expecting a real show written, directed, and acted like a serious movie (Secario, Zero Dark Thirty, The Bourne franchise).

Its bad network tv with curse words and D* jokes. I'll admit there are a few laughs, a few moments of entertainment, but no way could I sit through 8 episodes. I made it through 1.5 and called it quits. Cheesey hammed up actors, and they managed to even work in some LGBT characters (of course, its mandatory now) that were just forced and weird. It doesnt ruin this already bad mess, it just doesnt bring anything to it and makes it even more unbelievable.

Just lazy film making.

*EDIT* I ended up catching parts of the rest of this.

It seemed to be a drunken frat party full of weirdness, stupidity, and ALOT of penises. Yes. Penises. I dont know why the makers felt it necessary to show men's junk so much. I wasnt offended, its just so bizarre and out of place. Little to no female nudity, just di**s everywhere.

Oh, and I don't know if there is any discernible plot. Just alot of weird raunchy-ness. If I were 22 and drunk I may have liked this show.
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Unashamedly stupid... and all the better for it
steveh4616 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If you're going to make a series about a super team of special soldiers getting high, drunk and zonked out of their heads while fighting Russians in Vegas and trying to find a suitcase nuke, go all the way.

And they did with this series. It is dumb, it is funny and it doesn't slow down for a second. Just sit back and enjoy the ride. Is it unrealistic? Yes, thank god. Who wants realism in a fun, action series?

None of the actors stands out but they're all perfect for their parts. C. Thomas Howell was unrecognizable, but he's pretty much unconscious for most of the episodes.

This is not a piece of art and they didn't set out to make one. Good move!
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Changed My Mindset To Avoid Giving It a 1
fayandray1 December 2023
I was about 5 minutes into the first episode when I thought I wouldn't be able to get through it, much less the whole series. Now I'm on E3 and pretty sure I'll finish the series, except not as a binge, just filler when I feel like it.

How'd I get through it? I gave it a chance and remembered there used to be shows like this on broadcast TV. The TV landscape has changed so much over the last decade, but in a more serious direction, that tries (often successfully) to get us to binge. When something like this comes along, we automatically think it juvenile (which it is) from all the gross humor (which it has).

The acting by the lead is pretty bad, but everyone else is decent for the vibe of the show, which props her up. I think as long as you go in with a mindset of not taking it too seriously, it can actually be enjoyed. I'm thinking it's along the lines of late 90s outrageous comedy (Ace Ventura, American Pie, Dude Where's My Car) that we haven't seen in a while.
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