Home Sweet Home Alone (2021) Poster

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A Predicted Disappointment
HabibieHakim12313 November 2021
They just need to stop doing this, please, it doesn't matter if it's a disney movie now, with a better production, set, and people, it's impossible, 4 movie repeating the same thing from the original, what could makes it good again?, the original Home Alone is perfect because it's not only the story is original but because they have Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern and all of the original cast, and so do Home Alone 2, once you change it, that's it, Home Sweet Home Alone is just the same like Home Alone 3, 4, and 5, all of them was terrible, it's awful, it's sucks, the only things that make me give a point to the film was the Home Alone theme, a scene with one of the original cast, and a few laughs, but still overall, Home Sweet Home Alone is a predicted disappointment.
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Why bother?
AdrenalinDragon12 November 2021
Seriously, this is pretty bad, and I still had super low expectations for this. I guess it's better than Home Alone 4 I suppose. At least one of the Home Alone cast members came back and has the best scenes, but it's mostly unfunny, badly acted, and a poor rehash of the original. A cashgrab and nothing more from Disney.

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Worse than expected
Gringoen12 November 2021
This movie has no heart like the first ones... You get no love for the kid and you dont get much joy when the unlucky couple gets punished. Production quality is high though.... Its just a movie that will be forgotten.
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As bad as I thought it would be
jakethesnake-4200712 November 2021
Why why why that's all I kept saying to myself. First off maybe they could of done a good home alone film if it was done right but no it was done awful. First off the kid was awful the character is so un likeable what a brat. The bandits are not really bandits there just stupid people. The supporting characters are also bad they try so hard to be like the original characters. The plot is the worse there's no character development. The effects are so bad too at night you can tel it's cgi. The traps are also so bad. Just an awful film.
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Avoid. Soulless cashcow
twanster-9765513 November 2021
The film has no redeeming moments. By far the worst of the franchise. They could head in so many directions and even use original casting to bring the franchise back but once again they've dug up an old title and made a hollow, soulless movie.. it looks and feels like a low budget sitcom. Director, cast and production all just dreadful. File this one under "should not have happened" but again in todays industry its about quantity not quality. Everyone involved got paid well but they'll probably regret doing this one later on in their careers..
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I'm never having kids
aidanratesmovies12 November 2021
It may end up looking better than both the 4th and 5th adaptation (yes there are 6 of these movies now), but Home Sweet Home Alone lacks any charisma, wit, or charm that made the original films so enjoyable and ends up feeling like an incredibly pointless and quite dated forced reboot comedy. The first thing that sticks out to me so clearly about this film is how painfully unfunny it is. Almost every minute of this film they try so hard to make each joke work and nothing ever lands, and instead your stuck watching the awkwardness unfold slower and slower until you can hardly stand to take it anymore. The actors are thankfully better than the last two adaptations, with some big names to star, however that doesn't mean they are by any means good in their roles- and again feels like the film missed a major opportunity. So many huge comedic stars, you think you would be able to get one laugh out of them, but sadly not. Pete Holmes and Ellie Kemper deserve better than this. The film is decently filmed, hardly feeling stale or fake like the forced Christmas atmosphere of the last two flicks, but despite the snowy setting and some decent shots- there is little to be joyful about in this miserable adaptation. The script and story is down right diabolical at times, hurtful, and just sad to watch. Not to mention lead child actor Archie Yates is justb a total brat and honestly makes me wonder who the hell we were supposed to root for throughout this film. In the end, Home Sweet Home Alone takes the franchise up a very slight notch, but it is obviously no where close to as good as the first 2 films, or even the third. Its forced sense of humor and misuse of talent should be a learning point for many Hollywood films here on- simply on how to not make a star-studded comedy. It's about as disappointing as they come, and as forgettable and frustrating as a film can possibly be.

My Rating: 1.5/10.
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I regret all the decisions which have led me to this point
MissSimonetta26 November 2021
It's hard to really rage over HOME SWEET HOME ALONE because I am 99% convinced Disney never intended for this thing to be good or even an alternative to the original HOME ALONE. They needed more content for the Disney + subscription service, no matter how insipid or cheap, and so here we are.

There's really not much to say about it-- it looks cheap, the acting is bad, and the writing is beyond hope. They try twisting on the usual formula by making the burglars sympathetic but this actually works against what has made the original HOME ALONE so popular over the last 30 years. Harry and Marv were absolutely in the wrong, and they were at the bare minimum a threat should they catch Kevin (I absolutely believe Joe Pesci when he threatens to bite that kid's fingers off), so all those gloriously violent booby trap sequences are way more fun. Here, my sympathy is with the thieves, who receive far more development than the main character, so it isn't fun watching them get hurt.

Also-- and this might be just me-- but is anyone else sick of the thick layers of Joss Whedon-esque irony that suffuses so many American movies now? It was funny and fresh in small doses years ago, but it's gotten old already. The dialogue in this movie is made even more obnoxious by the fact that everyone, from the kids to the Gen X adults, talk like stereotypes of millenials/Gen Z-ers-- you know, "Oh wow, we left the kid home alone, hashtag reboot."
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Why does this movie even exist??
roondogbb13 November 2021
The original two Home Alone movies that starred the charismatic Macaulay Culkin and the legendary Joe Pesci have been staples of Christmas movies now for more than a generation of children and adults alike. The central concept of a child being left at home and enjoying the freedom while at the same time having to stop his house from being robbed by two wannabe thieves trying to hit it big in the very nice neighbourhood. The second movie takes the core concept and twists it and has Kevin McCallister alone in New York City, the stakes are raised and the bumbling theives are back to exact there revenge on Kevin. The films are also peppered with feel good moments and interesting side characters and lessons about caring for your family.

So why make another movie??? What made the original movies so good was that the stories were unique and special at thr time. Also they had many excellent actresses and actors that brought the idea to life.... The story has been told. Nothing unique to the core story comes from this new movie. The only original characrer it has is Buzz who was a minor character before (and he was good)..... One can say that yes this movie uses new tricks that Kevin wouldn't have had in 1990. Yet just changing up that alone doesn't warrant a new movie and the story is nowhere near as good as the original two. You would wonder why Disney doesn't try to create something new and special for new generations of kids to hold on to. Instead of recycled ideas that weren't requested by annyone. So 1 out of 10... I don't blame the actors and actresses here. They're ok at their portrayal of the characters. But regardless the story underneath is like a thinly gold plated copper ring while the true 24 carat gold movie came out in 1990. Just avoid this movie, watch the amazing originals like I do each year or see some amazing content from elsewhere.
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Anotherfilmfan12 November 2021
There is nothing rewarding about this absolute crock.

The kid is vile.

In the original you loved and rooted for Kevin, in this version, you actually wish the worst on him. Grotesque and unpleasant. I'm unsure what the point of his characterisation was - I assume we are meant to hate him? But why make him the anti hero. Horrible little brat.

Nobody is likeable.

Thanks film is a mess.

Disney - hang your head in shame.
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Not bad at all!
rich_roadkill11 December 2021
Not sure why its rated so low. My kids loved it and were in stitches throughout! Very cheesy and countless similarities to the first film, but good fun all the way!

Young kids will love this.
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itsabacus200914 November 2021
Seriously, leave CLASSICS alone! NOBODY wanted this NOBODY asked for this pure rubbish! To quote ORIGINAL Director Chris Columbus: "You CAN'T capture lightning in a bottle twice so don't bother". I couldn't agree more. Don't waste your time with this flaming pile of horse pocky.
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A nice twist of mixing the old with the new.
joshprice-4995414 November 2021
Is this movie as good as the 1990s film...no. But this movie does give a nice little backstory of the Mccallister family, with Buzz. It also throws a nice little twist in the "good guy" & " bad guy" situation, which hasn't been done in the previous films. Is it an ultimate classic, no...but we enjoyed this movie a lot. I would put this Home Alone about several of the others.
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The scores show how negative people have become in this depressing world we live in.
boothdion-6566816 November 2021
The film is good. It has its funny moments, heart warming moments and the acting isn't as bad as people are making it out to be, besides when did we expect Christmas movies to have amazing acting? They rarely ever have.

"BuT bUt, iTs No WaY nEaR aS gOoD aS hOmE aLoNe OnE oR tWo"


As the title implies, try to remember that there's a lot of miserable people these days that just give everything a 1 star.

Watch the film for what it is, a Family Christmas movie.
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This movie is bad
Likeafrisbee14 November 2021
This movie is bad and a disapointment. If they wanna make a good christmas movie they should stick to the original. They should make a movie with Macaulay culkin as adult as he is and make a big great comedian movie. With the old real cast. Even the two old "bad" men who want to steal in the Mcallister home. If i had great ideas, hollywood should have them to. Come on the classic movie can never bee done again with the same story but different actors as they have made Hone alone 3,4 and 5. Just take the ideas and make a new Home alone with the original cast and call the movie Home alone 3" just ignoring the other movies.
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rajashakaziz12 November 2021
Hollywood is running out of idea's. Why spoil a classic movie, with this no talent, no charisma, absolute utter stupid of a film. Instead they should of done one with Kevin grown up and getting harassed by the wet bandits 30 years later. 1 star.
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I'm 10 minutes in and I already wish it was over.
richardhillier13 November 2021
It's painful. It just lacks heart and a good script. The acting just doesn't grab you. The way it's filmed just feels lifeless and boring. It's a bad sign when you can tell right from the start that the bar has been set so low.
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Utter garbage
tokkie23512 November 2021
Some classics should never become a remake. Everything about this remake is painful to watch. The little kid is annoying. The villains are anoying. Avoid. Keep the original you filthy animal.
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matthewssilverhammer8 January 2022
When the original Home Alone came out, it was criticized for being distastefully violent and overly cynical. How quaint. Home Sweet Home Alone is an aggressively brash and largely unfunny (despite the fantastic adult cast) onslaught of loud, terrible decisions. Not least of which is the insanely stupid choice to make the villains far-and-away the most sympathetic characters in the whole movie while making the kid as disdainful and static as possible. The Buzz cameo is kinda great, though.
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An unnecessary remake that isn't as good as the original
adotson-9823314 November 2021
"Home Sweet Home Alone" isn't just the one of the worst titles in the series, it's one of the worst films in the series

Let me start off with the good. There is some decent comedy sprinkled here and there. Archie Yates give's a good enough performance, but doesn't come close to being as good as Macaulay Culkin. The two burglars are also kinda funny, and I liked how you kinda sympathize with them.

Aside from that though this a very dull movie that features boring characters, and weird pacing. This movie steals many things from the original, but never does anything with them. Also the kid in the movie while not badly portrayed is very unlikable. He isn't given enough character to make him interesting, and he's kinda the villain of the movie. Everything here feels like a carbon copy of the original. Also the trap sequence is very unsatisfying. They feel mean considering that we kinda sympathize with these people. Besides the trap sequence is like 15 minutes. That's it. It takes an hour for the movie to finally start, but then we get kinda boring traps. And finally this movie basically isn't even a sequel. The only reason is cause Buzz from the original makes one cameo, but honestly he doesn't even need to be there. He's in the move for like 3 minutes.

Overall "Home Sweet Home Alone" isn't the worst of the series, but it's definitely one of the most dull. It has slow pacing, dull characters, strange story decisions, and just a lack of true joy that it was just really bad.
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It's bad. Very very bad
Rahul_Godara12 November 2021
This is a terrible movie. There is no story. They took the base from the movie series and then forgot to write the story. All the characters are awful. It's full of stupid people, who would do anything except to talk where they need to. They do the step exactly opposite to which a normal person, with some common sense would do in that situation. Creators of this movie were just thinking in cashing on the name of home alone. Showing all happy, families sitting together at the end won't make it a good movie. People won't forget what they saw before that.
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The Same Universe as Kevin McCallister's Home Alone
Gleunji12 November 2021
This film is literally a spin off to the original Home Alone, and not a reboot.

Kevin's Brother plays a role in this film, and there's plenty of homage paid to the original 2 films, and even Home Alone 3. And that alone is worth to watch.

The plot is interesting, because the "wet bandits" of this film aren't really criminals, and actually quite the protagonist.

There will be plenty of negative reviews due to their stubborn mind that nothing else will beat the original film, even the film admits. But still this is an enjoyable Christmas family movie to watch, with its own memorable moments.
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Oh why and oh why
jasonmichaeldickinson14 November 2021
This ruined everything that made the original Home Alone A Classic this was just flat out awful in every since of the word stay away from one. Boring.
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Stop trying to compare it to the originals.
ejarvis-9067813 November 2021
This was actually a surprisingly cute movie. They managed to modernize it whole keeping the spirit of the originals. They did a great job trying to make.it unique and original. Definitely worth the watch.
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Ratings on here are worthless
RJBrez22 November 2021
A 3.5? Really people? Is this home alone as good as the original ? Not even close. Nothing compares to it. But they did put their own original spin on it and still found some fun ways to tie it to the original. The main characters were fun and down to earth.

I'm blown away by the score on here. I guess I shouldn't be surprised anymore. A majority of you hate everything and cannot enjoy anything.

I found this new home alone to be entertaining. I had a good time. Yes it had flaws, but a 3.5 isn't fair.
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Alone for christmas
MB-reviewer18513 November 2021
The original Home Alone from 1990 and Home Alone 2 from 1992 are perfectly fine and entertaining films, they also have clever traps and likable or relatable characters.

But Home Alone 3, Home Alone 4: Taking Back the House, and Home Alone 5: The Hoiday Heist was just too much for the series. All they did was have different actors and bad acting with the traps not making sense.

So now we have the 6th movie in the Home Alone series called Home Sweet Home Alone (Home Alone 6), and I thought it was...

I thought this movie wasn't that good, which is weird when it has good actors and at least it has some good scenes but that was overthrown by bad moments.

The movie is mostly focused on the couple that is trying to steal back a valuable heirloom thinking the main kid stole it from them, but the more you focus on them the more you feel bad for them because of the problems in their life.

The main kid who is home alone and setting up the traps in the house is played by a good actor, but they make the kid really unlikable when he is hurting the couple with the traps even though they aren't that bad.

The traps are creative and interesting, but when the couple are being hurt and effected by them you just feel bad for them and it makes it hard to watch seeing them in pain.

They made the robbers played by good actors seem like the good guys and the main kid as the bad guy, I don't understand why they did that.

Other than there being some references to the original I didn't really find it funny or that much entertaining. Just watch the first 2 Home Alone movies, they are worth watching.
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