29 of 41 found this to have none
Married woman is kissed by man that isn't her husband
A young boy talks about feeling boobs on his back
A woman is shown changing her clothes behind a cover. No nudity is shown. only clothes
22 of 29 found this mild
There is a slo motion fight at the end with people being punched, kicked, slapped, thrown and beat with chairs
At the end, a woman is punched into a table and then a chandeliers is shot from the ceiling onto her
A man spews vomit onto a woman's dress.
16 of 29 found this to have none
Around 25 uses of "Oh my God"
Mild toilet humor
Mild name calling.
23 of 25 found this to have none
Small high school party scene with kids seen drinking from cups (underage drinking implied). Two girls sneak out to go to the party.
14 of 25 found this mild