Exhibit A (2007) Poster


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Realistic depiction of descent into mental illness
jmbovan-47-16017313 June 2020
This is a found footage film that deviates in that there is nothing supernatural in the eeriness of it. Tale of a family with typical secrets except for the father who descends into his madness. What follows is a realistic depiction of mental breakdown. Slow burn to the end, and a sad end it is. I have nothing to do with this film or anyone with the production. Just a psychologist in America who happens to like these types of films.
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Suburban found footage
Leofwine_draca1 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
EXHIBIT A is a cheap found footage horror flick, shot at a family home in Leeds with a small cast of actors giving realistic turns. It's a family chronicle that explores the exploits of a seemingly normal suburban family as they slip into oblivion thanks to various economic and social demands. The film is a real slow burner that adopts a psychological approach and for a lot of the time it feels unnecessarily padded and long-winded, but I did find it realistic in the extreme and quite believable in terms of the final outcome. The last ten minutes are extremely harrowing and difficult to watch considering what's come before.
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One of the better acted "found footage" films
derekjager3 May 2017
The acting in this is terrific all the way around. Since most all FF films are acted out based on an outline and dialogue points to it, you see a LOT of cuts since the actors mess up their "lines." Not here. Other than the natural cuts from scene to scene, there is very little in-scene cutting, meaning the actors delivered and met their marks.

My only problems with the film are that I never really got a sense why the father fell so far from sanity. Many people have gone through financial struggles without losing their minds, and I never got the sense the father was on edge, mentally, to do what he does at the end.

And the ending simply went on too long. It was the one time when the film lagged when usually the end is when these FF films pick up and race toward the climax.

Overall, a really well done job all the way around.
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A Masterpiece Of Gradually Escalating Horror!
CinemaClown16 October 2015
Strengthened by compelling performances from its faithful cast, making extremely effective use of its camera to capture all the unfolding drama, and steadily escalating its gradually- building tension over the course of its runtime, Exhibit A is an excellent example of smart, gripping storytelling that also goes down as possibly the most underrated work of its genre.

Set in Yorkshire, Exhibit A follows the day-to-day activities of a normal family that is driven to the unimaginable due to the pressure of their current financial situation. We witness the whole set of events through daughter Judith's video camera, which are set in motion when her dad hides a secret from the family which ultimately leads to devastating consequences.

Co-written & directed by Dom Rotheroe, Exhibit A is crafted with thorough understanding of what it needs to be and the way each segment combines with the next to make road for the chilling finale is truly admirable. Another key aspect that this indie horror ends up nailing is something that most of its counterparts tend to skip over, and that's the attention provided to its characters.

The scripted characters are pretty much like your neighbours next door. The cast portraying them makes them all the more believable, with Brittany Ashworth & Bradley Cole impressing the most in their respective roles of Judith & her father. Where the former brilliantly exhibits the sensibilities of a worried daughter, the latter steals the show with his skillful rendition of a father undergoing a complete mental breakdown, which is unnerving to watch at times.

On an overall scale, Exhibit A is a first-rate example of escalating horror that implements its found-footage style in a riveting manner and is absolutely deserving of a broader audience. An edge-of-the-seat thriller capturing the disintegration of a normal family brought upon by financial pressures, Exhibit A is one of the best offerings of its genre that amplifies its tense ambiance amazingly well to culminate with a final segment that's just as heartbreaking as it is utterly disturbing. An underrated gem. Highly recommended.
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A surprisingly effective lo-fi British indie...
MrGKB12 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
...that presents the tragic disintegration of a middle-class family through the lens of a daughter's camcorder, with an excruciating heartbreak of a resolution that reminded this viewer of a certain disturbing scene from "Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer." The acting from an ensemble of unknowns is near pitch perfect, particularly the beleaguered father, the "found footage" cinematography is handled well, and the script is tight without feeling stagy. "Exhibit A" efficiently builds a slowly rising sense of dread and horror in a very mundane setting with seemingly mundane characters. Nicely done, and definitely recommended to fans of unsettling psychodrama.
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Organic found-footage shocker
mdnobles198 February 2013
The timely story of a normal family disintegrating under financial pressure, eventually driven to the unimaginable. We witness the terrifying events unfold through daughter Judith's video camera, which subsequently becomes Exhibit A.

This film is a slow burning nightmare about real life financial struggles that anyone can relate to. Not many found-footage films are executed in such a realistic fashion as Exhibit A, the drama was raw, the deteriorating family at the center of the story could be the family next door, or even worse yours! The film is an extremely upsetting watch that I will never want to watch again, making it kind of hard to recommend something of such depressing magnitude. The film though stands as a testament that you don't need a large budget, well-known actors or an A-list director to create a movie that has such a powerful impact.

The performances were remarkable and were all too real, the actors made everything seem like a horrifying reality. Bradley Cole gives one of the most gripping, startling downward spiral of a family man since Jack Nicholson's performance from The Shining, absolutely bone chilling! Bradley plays Andy King, a seemingly normal husband and father of two who is a secret lie, which digs him and his family into the darkest side of human nature. Brittany Ashworth gives such a sympathetic and devastating performance that will grab your heart. Brittany plays Judith King, the lonely, shy, with a fragile soul that is confused sexually and may be in the closet. Judith basically documents every moment of the family's day-to-day life, as a result she discovers the dad's damaging secret and his disturbing change in behavior. Angela Forrest gives such an earnest performance; she plays an everyday mom Sheila King, who is excited about her husband's promotion that leads them to put a down payment on beautiful beach house. Aggressive sparks fly when questionable things start to unravel and hidden secrets come to light to disquieting results, an all too late realization for the wife and mother. Lastly, Oliver Lee who plays Joe King, the jokester son who begins to butt heads with his father and starts to truly hate him. He was kind of the comic relief of the film and you relate to his character as he can be you or someone you know, making the last moments all the more horrific and lingering.

Writer, Director, Dom Rotheroe has created a timely, ripped from the headlines, distressing story that happens to be a found-footage horror. He connects with the audience, grabs their souls and throws them in the heart stopping realism of financial woes, which takes a normal father in a downward, sinister direction of the most unthinkable. This was surprisingly a very well made found-footage film despite its limited budget, though a very harsh and sad film that will ruin your day. It was like you weren't even watching a movie, but more like watching evidence at a murder trial, kind of similar to the real life case involving John List of 1971. Nothing you enjoy watching but too absorbing to stop. It's a shame that he hasn't made any other movies since this one, which was released back in 2007. The film deserves more recognition than what it got because it's one of the very few found-footage films that has a lasting impact.

Overall, this film will haunt you to the core, as the drama is all too real. The performances were compelling and heart shattering and the story were raw and have relevance. The last couple of minutes will traumatize you and will make you sick, a film you won't want to return to but definitely gets it's point across. Rent with caution! 6.6 out of 10
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SpicyRamenDude9 July 2020
You can see the signs of what's supposed to happen but it was executed well. The ending still gave the unsettling/disturbing feeling.
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good but sad and tragic
dawulf22 February 2013
I watched this and was engrossed until the last ten minutes. Then I was overwhelmed and just sad because this is the same sad story that seems to be in the news daily.

The movie was very well written and does accurate display the destruction of one man and his family. It is serious and to the point and brutally honest. It's "found footage" and it could be your neighbor or relative,which adds to the horror of it.

While I do recommend this be forewarned especially if you have ever experienced a tragedy like this. I find it incredibly sad, I can't say that enough, that things like this movie occur every day in real life. I find it more horrific than movies like Saw or Hostel.
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The real horror
arsenico715 April 2017
This movie came as a suggestion on this very website while I was reading the page of another movie (you know, the usual "users who watched this movie also liked..."), and I'm really glad I yielded to the curiosity of reading what it was all about. I liked some "found footage" films in the past, but I'm not crazy about the genre, still I was triggered by the scarce plot given here, and I just decided to watch it. Now I'm just through it, and I'm still in shock.

The first scene is a police label marking the footage we are about to see as found on a murder scene, so there is little to spoil about the plot. The impending doom of those we are about to meet is made clear from the beginning, only leaving in doubt about who is/are the victim/s and who is/are the murderer/s.

Then it all begins...

This film could be split in three parts, all of which last about half an hour. It takes some patience to get through the first one, as most of what we see is some obnoxious family games and shallow chit-chat, which serves the purpose of building the context and getting to know the characters. So, we soon come to learn that we're dealing with a somewhat clumsy, but warm and caring father, seemingly a good house man all in all, but with the hint of a shadow looming over him (which will be developed later in the film), a tender, over-sensitive daughter kind of confused with herself, a mother who appears to be steadfast in her familiar role, but a little too stiff and bitchy, and an obnoxious son who is in his teens, but mostly behaves like a second grader or so to the rest of his family and in his leisure time. That is, a believable portrait of every day reality in your neighborhood: a perfect surface with its natural, human flaws. Oh, woe is me, will it not last...

In the second part, the secret shadow looming over the father begins to disclose, and we start witnessing his descent into weirdness first, and madness consequently. The dis-functionalities of the family, up to that moment quite dull and ordinary, quickly swirl down into a pit of ever growing frenzy, leading to the final showdown, which unravels in the third part.

I won't spoil anything about what goes on, but I'll just let you all know that this is not a horror movie, this is a dramatically realistic depiction of a well too known REAL horror.

The performances of the four main actors are stunning, the bond that grows between you and the characters is solid, real, you can feel it, touch it. As the story started developing, I found myself despising the boy, pitying the father, caring for the daughter, getting angry at the mother, and then having all these feelings just messed up and turned inside out as the events unraveled. But nonetheless, there was not a single moment when I was not feeling something for all of them. And I think this is one of the greatest achievements a movie can reach.

So, be prepared: you will be introduced to four people that you will get emotionally in touch with, only to be overwhelmed by the shocking doom that they will face.

On a final note: I stood astonished in front of my TV while the whole of the end credits silently rolled out and left an empty, black screen which lasted almost one minute, with no sound whatsoever. I just couldn't move away or stop the play. This is the level of the emotional grip this film has cast onto me.

You have been warned.
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Gripping Thriller-Drama
FranklinDun9 July 2020
The movie takes a while to get going, the thriller portion only starts near the end, the beginning being more of a family drama. Regardless, it was a pretty good one, despite the very shaky camera, the actors were all very good and it felt like a real family dealing with their problems. It's a pretty average film overall, but the end is definitely tense and surprising...
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Don't Know What Film Other Reviewers on Here Watched, But This Was Garbage
indyj130 March 2017
I am really shocked to see how many average to great reviews and ratings this piece of trash has. The majority must be associated with the film, or have never watched a good movie in their life. The premise sounded like something a little different in the found footage genre, but alas, it was the same old story just with different characters. Not only do the characters devolve during the movie, but so does the plot. It's like in the second half they completely forgot what was established in the beginning of the picture. The acting was over-dramatic, especially by the parents, and lacked any believability. The story and direction spiraled downhill faster than the disintegration of the family unit. An utter waste of time, even if you're a found footage fan.
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I wasn't expecting that
AnonymousCritic20 June 2020
This is honestly the most uncomfortable I have felt watching a film since watching Soft (2006). I am not usually fond of found footage films, but there are good ones and Exhibit A is as well crafted as it is mesmerising.

The story was pretty realistic for me, I have known people and families like that, and whilst this is not a horror film it was definitely horrifying. I disagree that the pacing was off, as it is clearly meant to be a slow turning of the screw. This will never get the recognition it deserves as no one in their right mind could ever recommend watching this because its that good at what it does.
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Good first half, but takes a wrong turn and drags afterwards.
prestonloyola25 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts off well with a realistic middle-class family setting, and dad trying to keep appearances up at home after not getting a promotion. The financial stress slowly leads the father to dig a deeper and deeper hole for himself until about midway through the movie, a breaking point is reached. At this point things veer off into a less than satisfactory direction. I won't give the plot away, but the father's actions no longer seem realistic and relatable. The scenes also drag on for far too long with little plot advancement. 10-15 min could easily have been edited out without losing anything. Good concept, but the execution falters in the 2nd half.
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Nauseatingly tedious and extremely predictable
stevejohnson-544832 November 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I am a fan of found footage movies but this isn't one of them. I found it to be tedious, so much so that I found the shaky camera thing that is the deal with this movies to be as incredibly irritating as the actors themselves, specifically the father.

While I realize that this genre involves the use of hand held cameras in a pseudo documentary style, there is often little rational as to why the actors would feel the need to document what they do. Specifically in this case. Why would the daughter and then the father feel the need to document the disintegration of their lives? Just not at all plausible to me.

I guess some like it but again it was a tedious bore for me and like my title says, I saw the end coming much too soon to make the film even remotely interesting.
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theunholy-114 October 2021
A middle class family man doesn't get the big promotion he's been talking about for days, but now that his wife is ready to move to the dream house he promised, feeling she couldn't handle the truth, he tells her he got the job... which starts a hellish chain reaction.

I like that concept, one lie that starts an endless series of lies, burying the liar each time a bit deeper. Classic yet effective when it's well done, like here.

The main character is well written. He's an annoying unfunny guy who tries way too hard to be the party boy he's not, which we all find despicable in real life, so it feels good to see him sinking. On the other hand, he didn't mean any harm when he first lied, he was just scared of his wife's reaction and acted on that impulse, so you feel bad for him. You both hate and pity him, that's very clever.

It may not be a masterpiece but it's a good movie.
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A grim and realistic look at a fall into madness.
ocosis24 September 2021
Exhibit A is a tough watch. It's a disturbing and harrowing account of a father's mental decline into insanity, that works extremely well because of it's realism and great performances.

A chilling, heartbreaking, but effective film.
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Too Awful
jfgibson7314 August 2023
In this movie, a young girl videotapes her family as they get ready to move into a new house. Things seem pretty normal at first, but things begin to change bit by bit. At the beginning of the movie, I had a hard time sitting through it because I really disliked the characters (except for the girl filming). The second half of the movie is supposed to be cringe-inducing because of what begins to happen, so it was slightly easier to follow. However, some moments late in the film were almost too upsetting for me--the sort of thing that you wish you didn't have in your memory and makes you question what you seek out for entertainment. I was especially caught off guard because I missed the evidence tag that is shown just before the home movies start. I did like the fact that this was a found footage film written as realistic fiction instead of introducing supernatural elements, but the fact that something like this could really happen bothered me more.
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Perfect for Jerry Springer
honeybustabust7 July 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Just watched this movie and all I have to say is. This family is perfect for Jerry Springer! 95% of the movie just arguing and fighting and bitching... Non stop! If I wanted to see this I have plenty of option on television to do so.

In the end is the daughter still alive? She's clearly breathing into the camera. And what happened to the father? We wait all movie long to see something and it cuts off without even showing what happened to him!!

Hate when movies just cut out and ends! How original!

If I could make a recommendation I would suggest you watch "Home Movie" 2008 instead!
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Genuinely scary movie
phenomynouss4 July 2020
It feels kind of like cheating to even give any information about the plot to this. It's a found footage film that popped up suddenly for me as a horror movie.

Well it is a horror movie. And without spoiling anything, it's one of the scariest I've ever seen. No ghosts or demons or aliens or killer robots or killer dolls or cackling psychopaths with machetes. Just horror.
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Tears of a clown
begob18 January 2024
When his family says they've had enough, a prankster dad gets serious. Dead serious.

Shoe-string found footage of a family's descent into the abyss. The camera work is chaotic, and often so poor that I began to sympathize with the critics of this genre who suffer motion sickness just by looking at the screen. And yet the dynamics and the emotion come across as raw and immediate, qualities that might have been lost through competent cinematography.

It does stick to the pure form of FF, with a minimal framing device in the title and notice at the very start; all the music and sound effects are diegetic; and the setting and dialogue are banal. A few passages where the presence of the camera is implausible, but few FFs overcome that problem entirely, and it's nothing some security camera POVs wouldn't have fixed (Dad could have splashed out on them after the intruder at the party).

The only other thing to note is the performance of the father's role - very effective in delivering a character who is odious yet likeable.

Overall: Raw material made interesting by the central character.
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A well-acted series of nothing. Avoid this movie.
manuelasaez4 August 2017
This movie was horrible; poor pacing, poor chronology, poor cinematography. Poor Script, horrible dialogue, crappy editing. It's just a hot mess from beginning to end. It should be avoided by everyone, even fans of the Found-Footage sub-genre. It is probably one of the worst FF films I have ever seen.

That being said, the acting in this is superb. Everyone does such a commendable job, from the parents to the supporting cast, that it is such a travesty that they were given this garbage to work with. It's unfortunate when talented people are resorted to this, but I guess something has to pay the bills.

I would go into more detail in my review, but I just don't feel that the movie is worth it.

FYI; Beware of glowing reviews, as they will most likely come from family and friends of the people involved in the making of this film.
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gobamnit21 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Probably the most underrated film I've stumbled across on IMDb. I can only assume the mediocre rating is a knee-jerk response to the fact that it's 'found footage'.. (or maybe people went into it expecting more of a horror movie?) Far from gimmickry, the medium lends quite a bit of weight to the story. Not a single unconvincing performance in the bunch, the dad in particular was brilliant.

Not sure what the other reviewer meant about the second half... the scenario didn't fall out of the writers ass, this kind of thing happens all the time... and like I said, the performances were more than convincing.

5 years and only 8 user reviews and 277 ratings? 5.5? really?? I shouldn't have to find out about movies like this by accident.

edit: I have to reiterate... there's nothing even remotely unbelievable about the fathers descent into madness. Anyone whose ever witnessed a someone crumble and lose their sh*t, especially a family member... this will be difficult to watch. My heart was thumping like mad during the last 15-20 minutes or so of this movie. I was genuinely affected.
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The sum of secrets
tapsa-534418 August 2022
Exhibit A is one of those spiral into madness and end with a twist type of movies.

The budget is really barebones but that actually really helps to give the film a real "homemade" feel. The acting is fantastic and the fights the couple have makes it seem like they're an actual couple arguing things out. It is really believable.

The end conclusion of the movie is quite chilling, but if you´re used to this type of movies, its not that bad.

Overall worth a watch!
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It Wasn't Supposed To Happen...I'm Sorry
wandernn1-81-68327427 June 2020
This is a fun little movie about a family trying to sell their House....

As the process goes on...the Dad in the Family gets cooler and cooler!

Especially when they host a bar be que. Man that was awesome!!!

+1 Star for when Dad starts uncovering secrets!!!!!

-1 Star for when the fire alarm is set off....no camera, night vision or not, is that invisible that close

I'm not really sure WHAT family member they are trying to paint in the most horrendous light here, all of them are pretty messed up. And likely one of them is about to snap.....

And Yes of Course one of them did.

I liked the movie. Nothing groundbreaking or anything but it was not shabbily done for a 'found footage' movie.


Oh and as a sidenote....NOT A HORROR MOVIE!!!!
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A realistic observation of a mental breakdown
bevanaaron27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was camcorder footage of a family who began in very high spirits. Looking to move house to near the beach. The daughter seemed to fancy the neighbour and the father was in line for a promotion in work. Without trying to give too much away, the father becomes a compulsive liar and is keep secrets to the extent that it raises suspicion with the daughter, who owns the camera. There are quite a few uncomfortable arguments and moments within the film where the seriousness of the father's problems get the better of him. I think what made me appreciate the film more is that someone asked me if I knew what a breakdown was, and as much as we think we know what it is, unless you've experienced it yourself, it could be anything. It could be serious, like it was in this movie, or minor.
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