Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever (2009) Poster

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Bad Development, Gross and Unpleasant
claudio_carvalho27 March 2010
In Springfield, Paul contaminates the supply of bottled water of the Down Home Water to the local high-school on the day of the prom. Alex (Rusty Kelley) convinces his friend Jonathan (Noah Segan), who has a crush on Cassie (Alexi Wasser) and is bullied by a school mate, to go to the prom. However, the contaminated water spreads a deadly flesh-eating virus among the students.

"Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever" is a weak sequel, with a bad development of the plot and characters, gross and unpleasant. It seems that the writer was in a hurry to finish his work and was not careful with the story; or maybe Ti West was only interested in gore and special effects and used a "heavy hand" and the black humor never works. In the end, this rip-off "Carrie" with "Outbreak" (or any other movie of virus outbreak) is only nasty and not funny. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Cabana do Inferno 2" ("Cabin of the Hell 2")
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Can't believe this actually made it to the screen!
paul_haakonsen7 February 2010
Wow, this movie sucked. It totally blew! It is possibly one of the worst sequels ever made! Now the first Cabin Fever movie was adequate, nothing to get all excited about, but this movie, this 'sequel', it was like watching your will to live fading away right in front of your eyes.

THE GOOD PART? Well the movie had a couple of scenes that will make you cringe in pain or disgust. It had fairly good gore make-up (though only a few places).

THE BAD PART? Horrible acting all throughout the movie, except by Noah Segan. The storyline was a weak spin off from the first Cabin Fever movie. The only thing it had in common was the party-happy police officer and the lake with the corpse in it - pretty weak basis for a follow-up story. The effects when the projectile vomiting started! Oh my god, that was just pathetic. Even a blind person would be able to see that it clearly was ejected from some contraction placed at the side of the open mouth and out of camera view. It looked so pathetically fake.

THE BEST PART? The movie ended (and hopefully will not spawn a second follow-up movie).

THE WORST PART? That someone thought this would make a good sequel to a mediocre horror movie from back in 2002.

If you plan to watch this movie, please forget all about having seen the first Cabin Fever movie, and just watch this for what it is, a crappy low-budget horror movie rip-off. Though the first Cabin Fever was just a lukewarm experience, this 'sequel' was really a low blow to the gut.
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Not a total miss, but not a good movie by any means
dschmeding9 February 2010
OK, I am not a too big fan of Cabin Fever so I wasn't expecting much when seeing Ti West does the sequel and reading the average reviews. I already had my problems with the strange mix of comedy and seriousness in Part 1 but Spring Fever is even worse in that department. What was the idea with the cartoon sequences? They feel incredibly squeezed in, especially at the end. And thats the problem with a lot of the editing of this movie... its bad! Not only they use circle wipes like in an amateur movie but there is sequences (like the beginning of the prom collage on music) that are so randomly and badly edited that it hurts.

You get some nice gore, Spring Fever definitely tops Part 1 in this department. Obviously they went for the gross out factor, focusing on loads of teens puking blood, fat chicks melting in the pool and pustulated genitals and titties. After all if you look over the atrocious editing, the bad audio mixing and use of music (the "staying alive" bit is way too long and when they were shouting over silent music on the prom I thought it was supposed to be a joke which it obviously is not) the movie can entertain with the funny sidekick guy and plenty of tasteless jokes thrown in. A lot of the acting is rather wooden (great to see a badly acted cameo by Mark Borchard in that context ...) and the basic plot is like mixing Cabin Fever 1 with Dance of the dead. Nothing new here.

With all this on the negative side I still found myself being entertained, so something worked there. I have to admit that the ending is a total incoherent mess which seemed like 3 movies mashed together. Obviously the director and editor have no sense of flow on all levels.

So... its a badly made movie, BUT horror fans will surely not mind too much and rather enjoy the over the top moments. Its like a better Olaf Ittenbach Movie in some way.

BTW... how come that the movie opens with nearly exactly the same sequence of someone stumbling through the woods and then being suddenly splattered by a car on an empty road as the french Mutants? Both movies were showing on this years Fantasy Film Fest... strange coincidence, or not? Reminds me of me wondering about Book of Eli and The Road and their similarities while being released at about the same time. Looks like the movie industry is really hitting rock bottom with the copycat thing.
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Senseless entertainment
Cujo10829 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This DTV sequel to Eli Roth's film debut sees the flesh-eating virus spread due to the incompetence of Deputy Winston. The film opens with a badly infected Paul waking up in the river where Winston dumped him at the end of the original. He stumbles up to the highway and is killed almost immediately when a passing school bus splatters him across the pavement. The end of the infection? Hell no. The river water is being used by a bottled water company, and they have a shipment heading to a nearby town's high school prom.

Director Ti West reportedly wanted this to receive an Alan Smithee credit after the studio interfered and took certain things in a different direction, though he didn't get his wish. I'm an unabashed fan of Roth's film, but this really felt nothing at all like the original. Even the Deputy Winston scenes felt a bit different in tone, the sequence where he's talking to the water company's night watchman notwithstandin. The aforementioned scene and it's climax cracked me up, but Winston's character wasn't written as amusingly as he was in the first film. Aside from seeing Winston again, the main aspect of interest here was seeing two guys (Noah Segan and Marc Senter) who played memorable psychos in two other genre titles (Deadgirl and The Lost, respectively) as rivals in this. Segan in particular seems to be playing the exact part his Deadgirl co-star played in that film.

Anyway, there didn't seem to be much continuity between the effects of the virus in the original and what we see in this one. There is some pretty nasty and over-the-top stuff, though. Most characters were over-the-top as well. I wish the film had spent more time with Lindsey Axelsson (Sandy, the prom queen). She was yummy and had one of the film's more amusing moments. She didn't even get an on screen death scene! The last ten or so minutes with the strip club feel very tacked on, but I guess that makes sense, as West said the producers did the ending their way. I also didn't like the final cartoon bit in the least, not to say that the opening cartoon segment was any great shakes itself.

If you like pure splat-stick with not much sense involved, you might enjoy this on some level. At one point, with chaos erupting around them, two teens continue making out even after they vomited blood into each other's mouths. That pretty much says it all. I would love to see the original cut, but doubt LG will release it. It took them forever to release the DC of the first.
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Don't let them out
kosmasp4 November 2009
Having seen the first Cabin Fever, which I really liked (it showcased Eli Roths talent for sick and twisted horror comedy, so to speak), I kinda had hoped this could be better. But even before watching the movie, I heard the "director" Ti West, distancing himself from this movie (at a Festival, where I didn't have another option/movie to choose from, that's why I chose to watch this anyway, despite the warning)!!!

He didn't like the movie and he didn't cut it together (there are also some additional scenes shot and edited into the movie, especially the ending) and he also said, that people might like it or hate it, but either way, he is not responsible for what people will think of the movie ...

Having said that, I for once thought it was dreadful. Almost every "funny" line doesn't work, the chemistry between the two best friends is off, not to mention that the American Pie style thing just doesn't work. Unfortunately the main character isn't as good in his role as he could have been (you might have seen him in "Dead Girl" where he is phenomenal). There is also a side story that is really bad (it's supposed to be funny, but it just isn't).

Some gory moments and a few actually not that bad one liners can't save this mess of a movie. There are movies out there, that are worse, but this still has got quite a few things wrong. If you want to see a good Ti West movie, watch his House of the Devil instead ...
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I had high hopes....
s-betzold3 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
...since I really liked the first one, but my hopes were crushed within the first few minutes.

I have seen "Cabin Fever 2" at the Fantasy Filmfest, and it was the worst movie I have seen in a long time. The acting was beyond horrible, the story was non-existent and the dialogue was a nightmare. As for the gore... well it wasn't "funny disgusting", like some scenes in the first one, but just disgusting. If you like breats full of eczema or if you love watching pus coming out a guys penis, this is your movie!

There was one funny scene, a cameo by Judah Friedlander ("30 Rock"), and a fairly entertaining 3 Minute appearance by an almost unrecognizable Rider Strong at the beginning of the movie, but that's about it. If this will ever come out on DVD or even gets into cinemas, trust me and avoid it, even if you, like me, really liked the first one.
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Sick, Twisted Film
seh11090422 February 2010
I mistakenly assumed that with Rider Strong repeating his role from the first film this sequel would continue that story, which was humorous and disturbing. I found that to be far from the case. The movie isn't worthy of being classed as B status. Performances are bad. Script almost non-existent. A thin plot exists to move the film from one gross-out scene to another. I could find nothing that would move me to recommend this film. How anyone could find something funny in this production is beyond me. It is one sick, twisted film whose only goal is to attempt to sicken the audience or desensitize viewers to the reality of tragedy in the real world. Perhaps I'm being a bit too philosophical for such low-brow "entertainment", but there is nothing redemptive about this feature. Cheap special effects, constant profanity, unlikeable characters (especially the deputy who cares only about himself). Whereas Cabin Fever displayed some originality, this sequel exists merely to cash in on its predecessor's name and reputation. There's no tension or sense of "something worse coming" that was present in the original. The movie itself is only about 72 minutes, followed by a 5 minute tangential story, which is itself followed by a crudely drawn cartoon of 2 or 3 minutes; filler, simply filler. There are better ways to waste 80 minutes.
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Avoid like a flesh eating bacteria!
Domar_19 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am a big fan of Eli Roth's Cabin Fever. Its a mediocre modern horror classic, a series of classic horror references, clichés, funny performances, gore, silliness, quirky moments... a little unbalanced, but balanced nonetheless. It is also, most importantly, a first feature, made with sweat and blood, family money, and all kinds of trials and tribulations that eventually paid off, as the movie was bought by Lion's Gate and went on to make 15 times it's small budget. Some people feel Cabin Fever is gratuitous, that it steps over the line...perhaps, but not as much as Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever.

This film is horrifying. Horrifying in that it was made, edited, boxed, all to be sold to an audience in connection with the first. I don't care that the director, Ti West, attempted to have his name removed from it after extensive re-editing and re-shooting by the producers, there is nothing to be proud of anywhere in this, I couldn't fathom any watchable footage, not from what can be deduced from this version. It gratuitously leaps well over the line in many scenes, for sheer shock value, while the plot is full of holes and incomprehensible behavior. It has no real link to the first film (this should be taken for granted) the acting and characters are ridiculous, and it is all done with no taste. Eli Roth's was coarse, vulgar, but was done with a love for old horror films. It was done with a bit of taste, and flair. This is lacking in all the above.

The flesh eating bacteria from the first film makes it's way into the bottled water used by a local high school, on the day of it's prom dance. Any rules established in the previous film about the nature of the bacteria, the way it is spread and the time it takes to develop, is completely disregarded in this sequel, in lieu of plot timing. In this film, people can be tap dancing one moment, projectile vomiting blood the next. The 25-year-old high schoolers in the film stumble through awkward, unnecessary scenes, desperately trying to grasp dialogue from 'SuperBad', and acting in a generally unbelievable way. The sub plot, using an already unlikeable character from the first film, goes nowhere and ends ambiguously. The film is also very brisk at 87 minutes, ending with a long animated sequence similar to that from the beginning.

More: Spoilers below: The climax of the film is tasteless in the extreme, unleashing an unbelievable shadowy government force of gun toting men on the school, who lock the doors up with chains and open fire on students randomly. Sound familiar? The actions by the students are so random and thrown together, the film seems almost like it was written by a couple of drunk guys at a table with paper and crayons. Sex with a fat girl in a pool that turns bloody! And how about bleeding, puss-oozing male genitalia? Thats sounds hilarious! Oh, and a botched pregnancy, a dumpster baby, to add a moment of real horror! A sudden, unexplained amputation, it goes on and on.

It's not fun, it's squirm inducing, with no build up and no pay off. The whole film, the concept, acting, editing, producing, directing, characters, the whole thing is just convulsing, rotting away yet thrashing around bleeding at the same time, like it was infected with a......
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Rainmaker517926 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
No exposition, other than a few flashbacks of dead bodies from the first cabin fever. Apparently some blood from past corpses leaked into the water supply of the bottled water that everyone drinks and causes everyone to throw up convulsively and basically die from the inside out. No explanation, many undeveloped plot lines, and the movie jumps around quite a bit without any real concerted effort to bond the different scenes together.

One redeeming facet of the movie is that it is a glimpse into the life of a high school kid who is smitten with his longtime friend and reminds us of what those days were like, to an extent. But avoid this one at all costs.
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Nothing like Roth's Cabin Fever, but I liked it because...
...I'm a gorehound!'s pretty obvious after watching part 2 that Ti West had multiple options:
  • follow Roth's vision and develop a decent movie, or
  • push the boundaries and make a grotesque, blood-riddled gore circus.

He very much went for the latter. Indeed, many of the reviews here aren't wrong. What makes the difference for me is that in my opinion, TW did what he did intentionally, passing on the the opportunity to craft a fully cohesive part 2 in exchange for putting out the most vile and disgusting sequel he could, with the money he had. What does that mean? Well,
  • the acting is not superb but it's at least average,
  • the script is likely the least developed part of the flick
  • you get EXACTLY what he intended, which is likely why the ending is what it is, and the entire movie is barely more than 80 minutes.

Look...I could be wrong, but the purpose of CF2 is it not to take a prestigious ranking in the lexicon of horror cinema. It's GORE! There's really no other reason for its pervasive and continuous use and lack of other characteristics. That being the case, I enjoyed it! I didn't pick at the myriad of plot holes or script issues, or logically false issue that popped up, but enjoyed it for what it is...or a gorefest. Granted, I would have liked a better all around movie, but not at the expense of what he put out. There's just not enough straight-up gore flicks anymore, so I appreciated the graphic nature of the film.

It is worth noting that the fx are very well done. All the gore is done by way of practical fx, which is preferable to CGI. The largest part of the budget obviously went to the fx and it is noticeable.

All these meanderings are just my opinion, which means zilch, but for my purposes, being the gorehound I am, I enjoyed the flick. It's certainly not for the squeamish.
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Never rises above gutter level
Leofwine_draca5 November 2014
CABIN FEVER 2: SPRING FEVER is one of those appalling little movies that has no originality, no ambition, no way to succeed and it's no surprise that it sat on the shelves for two years before release and the director disowned it. A sequel to Eli Roth's semi-successful yucky horror yarn, it turns out to be a film for the immature, made by the immature, with Roth wisely nowhere in sight.

The opening animated credits alerted me to the fact that something was wrong, as if they can't afford to shoot this stuff in live action, then why bother in the first place? Then we move into a typical high school scenario, complete with moronic expletive-filled dialogue that sounds as though it was scribbled on a beermat before being typed up on the computer.

Inevitably the only horror in the thing comes from the various gore effects, which are pretty pitiful. In order to counteract this, there's a ton of lowbrow comedy (not my cup of tea), over the top performances and characters, and a handful of truly gross-out moments (such as a fat woman dissolving in a swimming pool) in order to provoke a reaction from the viewer. It's all a mess - a huge mess - and it makes for a crashing bore of a movie.
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See this movie, ignore the hate, great bloody fun!
MovieMaddis15 February 2010
Like a much maligned red haired stepchild, I couldn't help but rush to the defense of this wonderfully original and frighteningly gory sequel to Cabin Fever. The original, while a little overrated, has long since graced the front of my horror section display and continue to maintain a semi-annual viewing...even if some parts are skipped over. I had such low expectations for this movie until a few reviews poured in and shocked to find they were for the most part positive. This is beyond any normal run-of-the-mill successor and easily stands on its own as a caricature portrayal of high school angst, bullies, love crushed puppy romance, and even a fat chick who gets hers in the end (no pun intended). The beauty of this movie is that the grimy slimy disgusting bits so perfectly mirror the supporting casts and the movie's ability to hop and skip from one shocking, funny, bloody snapshot to the next. Now I am not a fan of B-horror, but this could very well convert the strongest objector. Cabin Fever 2 does do away quickly with the plot of the first movie, but thankfully retains some threads of continuity, not the least of which is Winston. With some of the funniest lines and a slightly larger role, Winston delivers his quirky, party monster deputy doggishness with the confidence and glee of only a seasoned performer. He knows we love him and basks in the light as long as it shines on him. We have hair lipped teachers, full frontal absurdity, body parts, fat chicks, fat dudes, nerds, jocks, you name it. The best attribute though is the loving nods to horror of old including Carrie, Texas Chainsaw, and even Kill Bill. I have to say, I loved every minute and like the movie, once you succumb to drinking the punch, you're in for a great ride!!!! Maddis 8/10.
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Mindless Fun Gory Entertainment
benzed24 June 2019
Fast paced gore fest. Got what I paid for. Never boring, non cerebral, and a fun 90 mins.
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Terrible- maybe spoilers
bass24243 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Absolutely terrible movie. I've never seen a worse movie. The story went nowhere, the acting wasn't even acting and it was so bad that it'll never be considered a "good-bad campy flick". Do not watch it. If I could give a 0, I would. I'm not surprised that the director wanted to remove himself from this project because... I'd never see anything he has ever done because of this piece of trash. And Rider Strong should've done the same... using his name to get people to rent it, shame on them. The projectile vomiting was so bad that I couldn't even laugh at it. The pool sex was beyond disturbing. The female teacher with the messed up face wasn't even funny or amusing. What was the point of this movie??? Really, DO NOT EVER SEE THIS. If its free, you'll STILL feel ripped off after you sit through this.
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Has it's problems, but it sure has blood, violence, and gore
TdSmth530 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
An infected guy from part I crawls out of a water treatment plant, stumbles through the woods, makes it to a road only to be aerosolized when he's hit by a school bus. The world's most incompetent sheriff deputy arrives on scene and the tells the bus drive he just hit a moose. What a great way to start the movie! But things go way downhill from there.

Meanwhile, infected water is distributed all over the place. The movie focuses on what happens at a high school...during prom day...of course. Hollywood just can't make a movie about high school on any day other than prom.

Our main cast is a nice guy and his heavy and horny sidekick. Nice guy is bullied by some bad guy over a girl. Slowly the infection spreads at school, with blisters being the first sign. Sidekick hooks up with an infected girl in a bathroom stall. Nice guy doesn't have a date for prom so he decides not to go until sidekick convinces him to.

The punch at the prom is made with infected water and the disgruntled and infected janitor urinates in it so in time for prom dance every one starts projectile vomiting blood.

Somehow the deputy realizes what is going on, rushes to the water plant only to encounter some secret army taking control. This army also reaches the high school, locks it up and executes everyone, but our heroes who will try to find a way out.

Cabin Fever 2, subtitled "Spring Fever" for no good reason whatsoever, has nothing to do with the original, there isn't even a cabin. And IMDb quotes that there were re-shoots and re-editing because of producer-director disagreements. It is obvious in Cabin Fever 2 that something wasn't right behind the camera. The movie just doesn't work, there is plenty of story missing, characters that serve no purpose, like the deputy, what happens with him? The ending of the movie is told in...animation!? But there are also problems with casting. The nemesis is very well cast, the sidekick is alright, too. But our main guy and his girl are dull and the girl unattractive. Before infection starts, the pace of the movie is atrocious as we are introduced to the characters. The prom itself is poorly filmed, dark, and unoriginal.

Despite all the movie's shortcomings, I'm compelled to give it a better rating. The crew went places few dare these days when making a horror movies. Most are concerned with getting that PG-13 rating and offending no one. Cabin Fever 2 aims to be extreme in violence, gore, disgusting scenes. It has a bit of nudity and sexual situations, too. This movie was done in the right spirit, but somewhere something went wrong.
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below average gore flick
knightc66 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I wont spend time reviewing this garbage, other than to warn this is a far cry from the first one so don't get your hopes up. I will say there are some obvious fake reviews on here, trying in vain to hype this film. Trust me, no one registers an IMDb account just to review this straight to DVD crapfest unless they are involved in production somehow.

I would hope the fake review accounts would at least try to be convincing (10 of 10 stars? really?) instead of praising this as the best film since time began.

its a tad insulting, and it motivates lazy people like me to write and vote on the movie whereas otherwise I wouldn't bother.
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I don't really know what to say???
mikestaley7819 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, I don't really know what to say about this one...It's beyond awful, nearly unwatchable...yet I did bust out laughing at a few scenes....Mainly where the main characters friend consoles a sad classmate who then in turn gives him oral pleasure, then spits out his "happy ending".........while he still sits on the toilet smiling...I kept screaming BLUMPKIN at the screen, but evidently that was out of line even for a piece of trash like this. Then of course later where the same character rips a fingernail off???? Then super glues it back on???? WTF was that? Then later on he pulls his pants down and squirts a giant wad of pus out of know... The gore I don't mind, its funny and pointless as in most gory flicks, but this movie was ridiculous..from the token hot guy banging the fat chick in the pool, to the oddly angry janitor who pisses in the punch, then bleeds into it. Then without ten minutes to spare the movie, it just kind of ends...and there is no real ending, just a bunch of random animation crap with no firm conclusion, which scared me in the sense that it left open the door for yet another sequel and if someone actually put this crap out, the chance of another one is not that far fethced! The only redeeming factor of this debacle is the holdover from the original, Guisseppe Andrews playing the character of Winston who loves to party, and chase "beaver" around. The fact that the top billing went to Rider Strong of "Boy meets world" fame was a misnomer.....He was unrecognizable and was hit by a bus within two minutes of the movie starting, good for him! A favorite of mine Judah Freilander of 30 Rock fame was really wasted in this movie, and I hope he was nicely compensated for subjecting himself to this....In closing, there are some funny comments, but they don't save this turkey
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Worst movie I've ever seen in my life
pickles_beats_dumdum12 February 2012
I watched this movie months ago and I'm still thinking about how bad it is. It puts Cabin fever 1 to shame. This doesn't even deserve to carry the same name as the first one. If you're looking for a good laugh you might like this one. In my opinion this isn't even one of those movies that it's so bad it's funny it's just terrible and stupid. If you feel like wasting your life watch this movie. I ignored all the bad reviews about this movie before I watched it and I can honestly say that was a big mistake. Furthermore the characters in this movie except for maybe two people are incredibly stupid and just degrade the human race. If anything this movie could be considered a low grade porn film in some scenes. Only if you are into the most unattractive porn films ever. Don't watch this film it's not worth your time. Only watch it if you really want to see how poorly done a movie can be.
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Just Not a Good Movie!!!! Horrible Not Worth Your Time!!
Quetta08-660-83780030 June 2014
How did this movie get such good reviews??? I am so confused!! It was not even a real movie, it had no real character development and story line.

Don't get me wrong I am all for gory movies but this just makes me laugh in the worst way possible. This movie is full of prom kids just throwing up blood at prom. I have no idea why I finished this movie. Well I figured that this is was such a waste of time that I might as well see how it ends or if it gets any better.

I am a fan of Cabin Fever, I liked that movie. This is no way does justice to the first one and should not be called Cabin Fever 2. I don't get how this movie gives such good ratings (On IMDb I consider anything over a 4 a good movie lol), and some of my favorite movies get a lower rating than this. Shame. Do yourself a favor and just do not watch this movie. Or at least do not pay to watch this movie, it is not worth is. I hope the 3rd one is better but I'm not going to be in a rush into watching it if it's anything like the second.
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Terrible sequel to a better movie
nickkulstadis7 July 2021
The only interesting thing about this movie is how one of the main characters from Cabin Fever that's about fully consumed by the flesh eating virus is shown stumbling out from the aqua duct and into a nearby road. Some good continuity and a strong way to open a sequel. Unfortunately, the problems start right after he's hit by a bus driver who certainly must've seen him in the road from a mile away. The movie just goes downhill from there. This movie lacks the more gritty feeling of the original paired with dark humor. Instead, it primarily goes for humor but primarily fails. It also features entirely too much gore that it becomes unbearable after a while. Not that the original didn't feature gore but it never felt like overkill like it does in this movie. The fact a kid loses his penis to the virus says it all as to how appalling the gore is here. There are other ghastly scenes, including a man with one of those holes in his throat to breathe due to being a heavy smoker that starts gushing out blood due to the FEV. This actually happens in this movie. It's almost like the drop in quality from Return Of The Living Dead to Return Of The Living Dead Part 2. It's basically a more cartoonish and inept remake of the first Cabin Fever.
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gory, fun romp at the prom, with a bloodbath that makes "Carrie" look like Babe: Pig in the city.
Strawberry_Typhoon18 February 2010
To be honest, I didn't want to review this flick for a number of reasons. One of which being that Cabin Fever is one of my favorite films. Another reason being that Ti West has become one of my favorite genre directors. I remember becoming stoked the day I read that Ti West was taking on a sequel to Eli Roth's Cabin Fever, then all the delays and production problems, and reading that West had all but disowned the film, My anticipation turned to disappointment. The end result turned out to be much better than expected, but still felt incomplete.

Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever spreads the infection from a cabin in the woods, to a nearby high-school prom. With a solid performance by all players involved, some superbly fitting music, and well done gross-out effects, Cabin Fever 2 is a worthy watch for anyone into indie splatter comedies.

One of the biggest problems with Cabin Fever 2 is that Ti West wasn't available for the editing process. Sure, 90 percent of the footage that he shot was used,(and it shows) But if a director isn't there for the editing process of a film, It's not going to turn out the way it was intended. The film feels incomplete, as the producers decided to shoot an entirely different 6 minute ending sequence that feels so out of place, that if it didn't contain one of the early characters, you'd thing you were watching a completely different movie. Just as the film picks up, it's brought to a complete halt by this weird, unsuited ending. The ending actually made me feel as if the film had no ending at all. Giuseppe Andrews puts in an amazing performance as he always does, but his character isn't given the depth that he deserves.

Despite it's problems, Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever is definitely worth the watch. It has one of the best opening sequences in b-movie history, and you can tell by the cinematography that Ti West not only knows his stuff, but has a deep love for the genre. I wish they would have given him creative freedom, as I feel this would become a cult classic, but as it stands, we're left with a competent, gory, fun romp at the prom, with a bloodbath that makes "Carrie" look like Babe: Pig in the city.
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a lot of screaming going on
endura-113 February 2010
Stupid, plot-less, bloody. If it's supposed to be a comedy horror it kind of is but not good enough. The world could do without it. The only thing I quite liked was the soundtrack. The cartoon in the beginning and the end was a nice touch too. Maybe they should release the whole film as such. I'm not really able to say why I didn't like this flick, because there's no story. I probably am just bored with all these low budget movies about epidemics and teenagers making out. Not really sure what audience this film was directed at, who the director saw as a potential viewer? Too silly for grown-ups, too ugly for children and underestimating the intelligence of an average teen. Well, this is a very personal review, because this film you either like or don't. A waste of time.
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Catch the Fever...Not the Cabin
thesar-24 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Whereas 2003's Cabin Fever at least tried to be a normal horror film, albeit using a hundred movie references, Cabin Fever 2: Spring Fever is a dark-comedy/horror/homage onslaught.

And even though Part 2 takes off immediately after the conclusion of its origin story and it carries the virus planted to new heights, it's a sequel in name only. I.E. there's no cabin here and the only woods are in the background this time.

Does this make the movie any less entertaining? By no means, but as I said with the first one (in my review,) you really, REALLY have to be a member of the 1970s and 1980s horror fan club. Namely with movies like Creepshow, Carrie, Prom Night and especially Peter Jackson's Dead Alive. (By the way, only naming 4 doesn't equate to the hundreds this horror comedy plays homage to.) Sure the movie's silly – they don't even bother to cover up the vomiting blood is coming from the side of the victim's mouth vs. throat, it's certainly over-the-top and virtually had nothing to do with the first movie, aside from the virus, but it's enjoyable and fun. AGAIN – for those select fans of the above mentioned movies. I can't see this having any appeal for any other group of fans.

After the movie begins with a school bus hitting an infected human, setting the loony deputy from Part 1 into an actual investigation, it thrusts you into an animated opening credit scene. To be bluntly honest, as a fan of said movie and genres, this creeps the hell out of me. Growing up, any horror film featuring this, just as an example, as I am sure there are more, Creepshow and Frogs, always scared me the most. So, this particular homage (not portrayed in Part 1) already hooked me. (On a side note, for those who will see this, I loved the fact they used red for the blood, yet, it's obvious that was just for our benefit – it was never red in live-action.) The animation also serves the purpose of setting up the premise: highly infected water is being inadvertently bottled and shipped to a local high school, which of course is on the same day as the Prom. Enter in two best buds: John (Segan) and Alex (Kelley,) both sadly in love with the two girls they can't have and in turn they vow not to attend the prom later.

All the while, the film follows the virus closely as victim after victim set themselves up to be sick later (for those who already know how bad things are about to get, i.e. anyone who's viewed the first film.) This includes Alex who has bathroom sex with a girl who has no business infecting someone with what she had (cold sore virus, maybe?) with or without the movie's main bug, nor should the eternally horny Alex agree. At any rate without any sort of spoiler alert, this seals his fate.

The movie actually does a good job of transfixing on multiple story lines, groups of kids and the typical group of secret militants who are trying to contain the virus. Unfortunately, it contains a lot of offensive behavior along the way, all for laughs, of course. But, it's rarely funny when movies continually say it's okay to be homophobic or good to poke fun at heavier set people. Nevertheless, the movie's not trying to act moral in anyway, it's merely an excuse to show a lot of blood, guts, humor and homage.

I truly believe everyone on set had a good time. It shows. They were all involved and produced a movie in today's time that translate to horror of decades past.

So, the movie continues, the boys, John and Alex end up at the prom (duh) and the military shows up. This is another aspect I liked – the big and extremely obvious prom-bloodbath (seriously, that cannot be a spoiler) wasn't the finale/climax as it was set up to be. You have so much more. More blood, tension, nudity and again, what scares me – another cartoon.

Honestly, I would recommend this movie for those looking for a fun, gory and no-brainer horror film. For being direct-to-video, it actually had good production value, decent acting, nicely paced scenes and an enjoyable roller-coaster ride of suspense. Was it better than #1? I would say they were equal and separate as they are two completely different movies with a thin line connecting them.

You can watch both in one night, like I did, but you might need to take a break from horror, as I will..for a long time. Enough gore is enough for awhile.

(Okay, not too long. I still have the remake, A Nightmare on Elm Street to see next month…it is my favorite horror series of all time, after all.)
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Who Needs a Cabin to Have Fun?
weronews22 February 2010
Sick, and a lotta ick. That about sums up the installment that makes Eli Roth's 2003 original seem like "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie," by comparison. This time around, the titular cabin is replaced by a high school building, and director Ti West would have liked his name replaced by Alan Smithee's in the credits (since he is no member of the Director's Guild, he couldn't). West did neither finish nor endorse the (unrated) cut of this direct-to-DVD-release. As bad as that sounds, the movie is not. Tongue-firmly-placed-in-cheek it's a bow to 1980s slasher flicks, offering decomposing people at the prom, gore galore, great make-up effects and not a single dull moment. Blink and you'll miss Rider Strong (the star of the first "Cabin Fever") in a superfluous flashback sequence (inexplicably, Strong is billed first in the opening credits). Gorehounds will eat this one up, because the movie has guts...literally.
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DylanEF199611 September 2010
I am usually generous to movies of the horror genre but this movie was HORRIBLE! I really enjoyed the first one and I hoped this one would be good but it wasn't. Not only does the cast not know how to act but all of the scenes that are NOT needed there are there and it is pathetic. Seriously this movie is completely sick. The extra sex scenes and the extra gore scenes are there for no reason. This movie could have been good but it was not. If you like movies with basically no plot, horrible acting, and bad gore than this is for you. If not don't waste you time on it. (Even the director didn't want anything to do with it once it was finished, and that says a lot.)
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