The Whitest Kids U'Know (TV Series 2007–2011) Poster


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Great Show!
BrunoPonceJones31 March 2007
I was so board the other night, dying to find something to watch, and the title of this show caught my eye, well thank God I turned to it. This show is one of the funniest that I've seen in a long time. Its like Kids in the Hall, but on drugs, and from the little research I've done I think one of the writers from Kids in the Hall is also one of the writers for this show.

Almost every scene had me dying with laughter.

Now I'm guessing this show is probably for the younger crowd (18-30) due to the language, though I spent my lunch break showing all my co-workers, who were mostly 40-60 age range, sketches from You Tube and all of them died laughing especially from the deer sketch. Now my personal favorite was the Abe Lincoln one, which portrayed Lincoln in a different manner than we learned in school. But anyways I digress, you will be able to find one of these sketch funny, I've only seen the first two shows but I can't wait for more.
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Wet your pants funny!
shaneo69306 January 2008
I started watching this show after being bombarded with ads on Fuse. The clips in the promos made me chuckle a bit, but the actual show had me laugh so hard, I almost wet my pants! Most of the humor is so absurd and obscene, you can't help but laugh at it. The next day, I was emailing clips from YouTube to my friends, and reading about the group. My favorite sketches are the song skits. "Hitler Rap," "Wake Up The Neighbors," "Get a New Daddy," and "Gon' Make Luv" are so outrageous that I can't believe that I'm laughing at the content. They also give completely messed up views of workplace life, history, drinking, dating and life in general. In short, The Whitest Kids U'Know is a show that needs to be seen to be appreciated. Not for the young, old, squeamish, prim, proper, prudish, or faint of heart!
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I love this show
animalfan9220 October 2007
This show is one of the funniest shows I've seen in a long time. I may be only 14, but lets just say I watch too much television. The show has a variety of sketches, ranging from funny to completely hilarious. Everyone on the show is funny, and the sketches always seem to me like the new funniest thing that i have ever seen. It continues to make me laugh. I find it mostly original, and if it ever dipped into unoriginal it certainly was funnier or better than whatever the other thing was. It had me and my friends and everyone I know quoting it. It's extremely hard not to! It never gets tiresome or boring, like many shows have, and I'm sure it might never get tiresome and boring. Bottom line-totally hilarious.
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Like Monty Python, but without the accents
kyle-hellkamp3 January 2008
I once read somewhere that laughter increases your lifespan by (and this could be entirely wrong) 3 seconds. Thanks to the Whitest Kids U' Know, I have an increased lifespan of about 2 years. Long story short, these guys are great. They have a very well balanced sense of humor, ranging from clever to inappropriate, from violent to absurd. I am at a complete loss as to how they come up with all of it.

Now, I'm not saying everyone will derive entertainment from their act. Only people with a well versed sense of humor will enjoy these fellas, and their brilliant performances.If you don't want to risk suffocating to death on your own laughter, then by God, don't watch this show. But if you chance it, I promise you it'll be worth it. These guys deserve praise and adoration, and I wish them luck on their second season.
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This show is hilarious.....
wutangclan71114 March 2008
The Whitest kids u know is one of the funniest t.v shows I have seen in a while. I have to put it above Saturday Night Live and Mad T.V as one of the funniest sketch shows out there. I have never laughed so hard on some of their outrageous sketches. Also, once it moved to IFC it got even funnier. Since the show is now uncut and uncensored, it is funnier than ever and has more outrageous sketches that I can possibly imagine. They all work so good together. You never see anyone else in their sketches besides the five creators of the t.v show and it still works. I have seen every episode out there from these guys and I always feel like I'm just about to pee my pants from all their outrageous and no-shamed sketches. This a great show that you should check out.
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Hilarious, sick, and twisted. Everything a good comedy needs!
EmoxOtter19 August 2008
This is one of the funniest shows on TV. The sketch comedy team isn't afraid to break the rules, with sketches such as "Hitler Rap" and "Hey There Kids (Get a New Daddy)".

The Whitest Kids U Know are the Monty Python team of the new generation. Trevor Moore, who is perhaps the funniest member of the team, does a particularly excellent job of getting into his role.

Even their quick, fifty-second sketches are funny, such as "Can We Say...". WKUK also offers some sick, twisted sketches, such as "Leg Peeing", "Poop Meeting", and more.

But the WKUK show that they don't need to be sick and perverted to be funny. Clean sketches such as "Joining The Army", "Indiana Jones", "You Can See Me?" keep you entertained.

If you're looking for some sick, hilarious, twisted, and out-of-this-world humor, look no further than the Whitest Kids U Know. They do an excellent job of bringing the laughs. The Whitest Kids U' Know break the rules of calm, appropriate television, they know no boundaries, and it's anyone's guess as to what they will come up with next.
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Still hilarious. Would re-watch countless times.
MayuMG30 April 2020
-This was funny. SO funny. -So many iconic skits from this show.

-I think some skits got a bit out of hand or even held out too long.
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The best sketch comedy you'll ever see. Period.
waccotaco9 March 2011
Let me start off by saying that I have read all of the reviews and have seen the ranging score go from 1 star to 10 stars. Let me also tell you that the number of 10 stars is significantly higher than the number of 1 stars. This is because this show is truly awesome.

The first time I watched "The Whitest Kids U' Know" it wasn't on television. I was on YouTube and my friend told me to look up this funny video called "Abe Lincoln". Never in my life have I laughed as hard as I did when I saw this sketch. Watching president Lincoln flip out and lose control over a slight comment at the Ford Theater while watching a poor adaptation of Hamlet has never been so funny...and that's because these guys know what they are doing.

Trevor, Zach, Darren, Sam, and Timmy are the 5 funniest guys I have ever seen. There is no possible way that you can hate this show. The sketches and jokes are so far fetched and hilarious that it is almost impossible not to crack a smile. Yes, I do admit that in some sketches they repeat the jokes 'ad nausea', but they are so funny that it just makes the show all the more worth watching.

If you are ever bored, just sitting at home with nothing to do, go onto YouTube and watch a couple of their sketches. I promise you that you'll laugh. The jokes are hilarious, the acting is great, and the sketch comedy is the best I have and you will probably ever see. This show is truly amazing, and will always get a 10/10 from me.
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PopCultureJunkee2 April 2008
I love this show. Obviously Trevor is the brains of the operation (and pretty much the funniest guy on the show). The subversive completely absurd and hilarious twisted nature of Whitest Kids is only for people with a twisted and weird sense of humor. Well, it works better if you do, but it is definitely one of the funniest show son TV right now. Though I love this show, I do have to say it is NOT for everyone. If you're a fan of subversive humor check it out, if not then you probably wouldn't be interested. It's kind of like Kids in the Hall on crack. Give it shot, it's not everyone's cup of tea, but i guarantee something will make you crack a smile.
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This is my review of the WKUK TV show
ibeshaler31 October 2010
This television program is probably one of the funniest things on the idiot box these days. The sketches, although sometimes very crude, it never loses its comedic ability. The sketches that aren't crude are still very funny and some sketches are very ingenious satires of current events and politics. I along with my friends watch this program and we laugh all the way through and it creates some great inside jokes to laugh about with your buddies. This program is also very unpredictable, one moment you are thinking you know what will come next, then it takes a sharp turn and tickles your funny bone. I would recommend this show to a friend any day and every day. When you get the chance, tune in to this program.
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I am very entertained by this
marco-rodi4 June 2008
I came across some clips of those guys on youtube, then I went to see if they are featured here. And the first thing I see: A hater comment about how awful their stuff is. What the ...?

I don't think something is seriously wrong with me just because I think that their sketches are funny. I don't like all of them, but there are a number of skits that I think are hilarious. (Cubicle Boss) They are heavily influenced by the Pythons of course, and I don't understand all of the Pythons jokes, but I really like them as well. And to the guys who are going to write "HOW CAN YOU COMPARE MONTY PYTHON TO THIS GARBAGE?" I simply reply: Because it's funny.

If I'm laughing hard at some show, that's usually a good sign. But who knows, maybe I'm so much more stupid than all the clever critics out there.

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This Show is the Best Thing Ever!!!!!
eldar_dur12 March 2008
This is the best show on television. Anyone who dislikes this show can well to put in bluntly, die and rot in hell. If you read this and disagree with me please feel free to find the closest tree,pipe,or anything that will support a rope and hang yourself. The kind of person who can't laugh at a Hitler rap, or a teacher torturing a student who's mother just died doesn't deserve to live. And also if you are ignorant enough to be offended by anything on this show you need to learn the definition of comedy and then re watch it. This show is so incredibly hilarious that I have personally come within seconds of asphyxiation from the incredible amount of air that it takes to power all of the laughs that I crank out during just one of their sketches.
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To All The People Who Crap All Over This Show:
Weedinator6 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Yank those long gnarled sticks out of your collective anal retentive anuses (anii?), smoke a damn joint and climb the hell down off your precious high horses for once in your lives.

Sure this show has some dud sketches. Every such show does. Like a certain wise man once said: "They can't all be f***ing masterpieces!" But there's lots of gold in that ore, such as The Deer Hunting Sketch, Two English Guys Pissing, and Little Hitler just to name a few. I can just see all these self-important 'critics' giving this show an absolute thumbs-down; snooty noses all snorty up in the air with their little dumb monocles only magnifying their permanent pouty, sneering expressions as the world is has been so unfair to these little weepy darlings, and this show only serves to remind them of all the non-stuck-up people who are always annoying them with their incessant laughing and cavorting and having a good time instead of solemnly bowing down before their great yet unappreciated insight and impeccable taste and so they sit in their dark corners, forever doomed to be alone and hated, tears and snot perpetually dripping from their quivering scab-encrusted chins.

Anyway, the show's pretty good, give it a look if you get a chance!
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Worse show I've watched in a long time...
Curtis61321 July 2010
This show should simply not be on air. I've watched several episodes just to make sure I gave it a fair shot, and not a single sketch came even close to being funny. Throughout the episodes, I'd have to ask myself what kind of people actually enjoy this. I've concluded that it's either young males (12-16) and heavy marijuana users. The sketches have an initial "joke" to them, but then get dragged on for about 5 min forcing you to watch the same "joke" being used with different props or in different situations. How this show has made it beyond a 4th season, heck, how it even managed to get on the air in the first place is beyond me. Don't bother with this garbage.
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Awesome Awesome Show
thespork221 June 2009
Me and my brother had watched some sketches on you tube such as the dream altering one where they can just make people's heads explode. It is a odd little gem, if you are easily offended by strong strong language i recommend that you make sure you watch the censored one because if you hate f bombs, this shows has sketches full of them.

Watch it. It rocks Trevor and Zack are so funny. They have a funny show

Gem It is a gem that needs to be watched I love this show and every minute of it

Leg peeing is so funny man

This Show Is The Bomb
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YES funny...
terrybrass17 July 2008
It's very rare when a sketch comedy group comes out and makes NEW funny skits; if you ask me the last group to do that was The State. Sure,they're dumb humor; but "dumb humor" has an underlining of intelligence.

So if you want to jerk off to your DVD of the Upright Citizen's DVD; ::cough,cough,not funny:: be my guest...Cause i go for humor when i watch comedy.

Let's See...Rape Rape Rape

Dead Babies, Aborition...

Puke Eating Contest

Period Blood Smoothie...

There; did that fill up enough room?
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Vastly Underrated
cstover-2846813 February 2019
I love these guys and their brand of comedy. It's nice to still see Trevor doing his thing and still bringing us hilarity in his Comedy Central specials but I would love to see all these guys together again. I miss this show
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Trevor Moore
I saw "Abe Lincoln", "Jack and Oswald", and "John Wilkes Booth" on YouTube. I think it was wonderful comedy. Trevor Moore is a brilliant guy. I can ask him for lunch in June 13, 2015 at 12:00 P.M., it was neat and I love it. Trevor is more like comedy actor. I can ask him about Fairy Tales, Aesop's Fables, Folklore, History, Legends, Tall Tales, and others. I call it, "Tyler Jewell's Classic Stories", so I had to do it simple. I got to work to do for some scripts, books, and stuff on the transport. I hope he will like it. In fact, Trevor Moore needs to become as a classic stories from Shelley Duvall. She's hosting on "Faerie Tale Theatre" and "Tall Tales and Legends" for the TV show. I guess there are very good with Shelley Duvall. So, I've better to working on the classic stories with Trevor Moore. See you real soon.
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My favorite skit show
acb287921 June 2020
This is the funniest skit show ever made right along with The State and In living Color. I wish it was still on. At least I have the DVDs to watch.
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Quirky and hilarious!
ajey-09122 June 2018
Okay this is hands down my favorite comedy show of all time. With such a low budget, these five guys bring so much novelty to their skits. I have rewatched each episode innumerable times and the quirkiness amazes me.
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A step in the right direction.
I saw this show a few years ago and didn't really think much of it. I figured it was just another sketch comedy show trying to exploit what Kids in the Hall made funny 20 years ago (When gay jokes were still funny).

Recently I was house-sitting at a friend's home who had a crap ton of extra channels that I normally don't watch including IFC. So while doing some laundry I turned on IFC and they were running a The Whitest Kids U'Know marathon or something cuz I must have watched about 7-8 different episodes in a row. I gotta say this show grew on me like a dirty warped fungus.

I come from the school of Monty Python and Kids in the Hall so I know good sketch comedy when I see it. I grew up on shows like Mr. Show and UCB which are 2 of the best sketch comedies let alone comedies in general. While The Whitest Kids U'Know isn't as well put together as those other shows a lot of the jokes are great and the overall portrayal of woman as being as crazed bitches is like a breath of fresh air given all the PC network and Disney shows out there preaching comedy equity. Not to say this show is perfect but its refreshing to see a new sketch comedy out there.

By the way SNL hasn't been funny since 1995 or really closer to 1993 after Mike Myers and Adam Sandler left. So if your going to base your opinions of any sort of comedy off SNL in the last 10 years please do yourself a favor and crawl out from under the rock you've been under all this time.
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Best Sketch Comedy Ever
mivanoskos3 July 2021
It was short lived at only four years, but with so many classic sketches like the Grapist, Cubicle Boss and I don't know Bob etc.

This show will continue to live on forever through YouTube videos.

The show involves five friends Trevor, Zack, Darren, Timmy, and Sam. They push the envelope in ways that can be hilarious, offensive and next level comedy.

If you are a fan of the Show I would recommend the Movie Miss March which was produced by the creators of this show.

Just look up WKUK sketches on YouTube and enjoy!
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Know why this show exists?
jimrip200412 June 2009
Go look at the reviews. Count the number of mid-ratings right here in IMDb. Can't find any? That's because every reviewer gave the show 1 star or 10 stars. That shows that the kids who created the show are aiming at one demographic.. white males age 12-20 (otherwise known as the Borat/Jackass demographic). All the humor is juvenile. All the topics are base-level, so they don't lose the attention of the audience they are aiming for. And as one reviewer referred to, they have used up all their topics in 2 seasons. The solution? Add more vulgarity, of course? Studies have shown that you can keep the attention of the average 12-20 year old simply by stringing f-bombs together! They can't pull away! It's like Beevis staring at a fire! Afraid that the Lincoln sketch won't keep the average viewer by simply showing the actual Hamlet play? Simple, just change the lines to include vampires! All 12-20 year old love vampires.. in towers! Then we can insert Lincoln into the sketch, add strings of mindless obscenities, repeat everything 50 times.. viola! We have an instant classic in the 3 minutes it took to write it! Tell you what, when you grow up and get off the weed, seek out some MadTV and SNL stuff, maybe even some SCTV or the genius of Dave Chappelle. Treat yourself to real humor.
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coles_notes7 June 2022
Recently watched the later seasons of this show, thanks to them uploading it to an official youtube channel in that sweet sweet 240p. This series is a classic and I think defined much of my early sense of comedy. Its crass, its very blue, but find its skits are clever and quite consistent. Some of my personal favourites from the later seasons are the longer running, multiple episode "The Civil War... On Drugs" and the shorter skit "The Worst Orchestra". If you've never seen this show and are looking for a sketch series that will leave you asking "Woah, did they go too far?", this is the series for you. RIP Trevor Moore, you'll be missed.
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Funny as Hell
wvybzzg21 April 2024
I discovered this show when I got a text from of a very good friend of mine, Carl, to look up on YouTube; "Civil War on Drugs".

I sat through the entire thing and could not stop laughing. The entirety of it was something of comedic genius. After watching, I looked up who these guys were. I found out that "Civil War on Drugs" was just part of the run of an incredible show called "The Whitest Kids U' Know"

...I binged the show on YouTube (or what was available on YouTube) over the course of two weeks. Afterwards, I was left only to my thoughts and my giggles. The show was one of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Rest In Peace, Trevor Moore.
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