Arn: The Knight Templar (2007) Poster

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Excellent Medieval Film About Honour And Values
intelearts12 August 2008
It seems that most reviewers here want sword fights and action.

Arn is more interesting than that: it is a surprisingly complex film about honour and medieval notions of chivalry and values.

We REALLY enjoyed this - the characters are fleshed out and the plot develops at a drama pace, rather than at a dramatic pace. It seems a lot of thought went into the characterization and settings - this did cost $30,000,000 making it the most expensive Swedish film ever - and it did very well at the box office.

Those wanting just action had best look elsewhere those wanting both action and character, and a real exploration of the values of knighthood then this will definitely be your cup of tea and something to savour.

It is kind of like Braveheart in its values, and less like Kingdom of Heaven than you'd expect. Yes, it is quite elegiac, and that fits its Nordic roots well.

Overall, one of the better films about the crusades and the choices made for people living in a time when individual freedom was lost and subjugated to church and kings.

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Poetically made
nm_johnsson3 January 2008
Once I heard about this movie I felt pride for my country for making such a big production, hoping for it to be able to challenge big productions such as Troy, King Arthur and maybe even 300. I hoped so, but I expected otherwise. I know my epic movies pretty well, and in the trailer some months before release I notices some bass tones of the music score were identical to a part of the Gladiator music. I feared a cheap American epic movie ripoff with flawed actors and fake-looking special effects. Luckily, I did not see what I expected.

Arn has one big difference from the epic movies we know - it is made in a country where an epic movie of this size has never been made before. Naturally, many will expect to see the same of what we've seen in epic movies so far. Many will expect to see a hero or a group of heroes slaughtering hordes of enemies for the pure obsession of it that they call glory, but they won't. What they will see is the tale of the medieval life told in the most simple way. A mother promising away her son to God to serve him. The obsession of power between kings. To get to know your worst enemy and respect him as a man, and to meet anguish of having to kill him on the battle field without really knowing why.

During the first half of the movie at some point the storytelling got a little over hand, which is understandable while the balancing between being informative and entertaining is a hard thing to perfect. Though, it would be a shame going to the theater to see this film waiting for the heads to start rolling to the right and to the left, missing out the whole experience of having an honest story about the medieval life being told right in front of your eyes by common people.

This is the first part of the story of Arn. Now I have my hopes up for the second movie to round up this tale as well as or better than this first part started it.
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A Memorable Swedish Epic!
Filmnerd19846 December 2009
Impressive film. i expected purely a crusades film. but it is much more. essentially it is about Arn and his life from childhood to adult. eventually finding his true love but this love is forbidden since he has "sinned with the flesh" as those crazy Christians put it. so he is sent away to the crusades where he encounters Saladin, the oppositions leader. and they come to respect one another as men of honor and wisdom. since this film involved severing of limbs and cutting throats i am puzzled why this film got a pg rating when films like die hard get a 18 rating. the answer is purely because the financial backers of the film had pull with the censorship board. after all this is the most expensive film production in Scandinavian history. cant wait to see the sequel.
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Good film.
Blueghost24 December 2009
I'm sorry I can't think of a better title for my comments. I thought of comparing it to "Kingdom of Heaven", the film trend in Hollywood, and a bunch of other things. But the one thing that really stands out for me is that it's just a good movie.

But the film's history reminds me of a personal anecdote regarding one of my former managers early in my film career, and his effort to get a medieval epic off the ground in the late 80s regarding Robert the Bruce. Without going into too much detail he lost control of the project, and the film that eventually came out of his efforts was "Braveheart", only "Braveheart" was the market competitor that was designed to compete with my manager's film, which never got made.

So it is with "Arn the Templar" in regards to "Kingdom of Heaven", only unlike my old boss's film "Arn the Templar" got off ground, and flourished into an impressive medieval Nordic epic. There's little to criticize about this film, other than the drama itself never really hits a high point. But perhaps that's as it should be, because it seems a bit more real. There's little in the way of over dramatizing the characters, which obviously holds back a more emotional film. This in turn allows the background itself to become a character.

We're taken to medieval Europe and Outremar. The landscape is barren, harsh, and most of all for the audience, real. The north is rich when love is in bloom, but cold when violence reigns. In the wastes of Jerusalem all is hot, parched, and full of death. The desert runs with blood.

The other plus in regards to this film are the costumes. The actors are made to look of the land. Those who trudge the desert are covered in dust, dirt, and caked mud via perspiration. And the costumes look to be of the period. Unlike another film I reviewed, "1066", the armor in this film looks like armor of the period as with the rest of the costumes. Such authenticity helps offset some of the notable lack of energy in the drama. In fact this film's art direction is perhaps superior to "Kingdom of Heaven".

Why is that? Because there is no CGI in this film. SFX for this film go back to golden era Classic Hollywood; i.e. no miniatures and no CGI. Everything you see is real. Which would help explain why this film was so expensive to make for Scandinavian film makers.

Negatives, and there're a couple. There's maybe two, possibly three oddly cut sequences where the alleged 180-degree camera rule is violated, and shots are put together in an unconventional way. But it's so minor that you hardly notice it. The only other criticism I'd make is that the film feels like a Scandinavian effort to make a Hollywood film. Not that that in itself is a bad thing, after all Europes Scandinavian types are finally mining their culture and history for some quality films.

All in all I liked what I saw. In fact I liked it better than "Kingdom of Heaven" for a number of reasons. First and foremost there are no real villains as such, and therefore unlike Ridley Scott's film this movie doesn't present us with one-dimensional sociopaths as the cause of main emotional propellant for the action. That is to say we don't need individual characters to help push the geo-politics. Outremar is there, and so is Saladin's army and the political forces driving both. We know this. Nations fight. They always have. They always will. The collective mind that nations create will always vie for power. It's the story of the individuals that are caught up in the maelstrom that we're interested in. This is what Arn the Templar is all about.

So, in the end does this film deliver? I think it does, but it does lack that extra bit of emotional muscle to really push it into the classic film category. That, and it does get somewhat reminiscent of classic films in the end. Still, this is a very solid piece of commercial cinema that should entertain.

Enjoy :-)

NEW SCREENING 12/13/2010

I ordered a DVD import of the entire mini-series, and all I can say is ... my god, no wonder this thing was so expensive. The producers essentially shot an 8+ hour feature film for was supposed to be a TV series. Mini-series or no, if you spend this much time and care setting up the shots and getting all the particulars right, then is it any wonder this project cost so much?

From Arn's child hood to his eventual death, we look at his life and that of his love interest. But in a movie of the week format, not even a regular dramatic TV format, but a series that took the care and production values of a feature film, and injected them into an epic that makes the old epics pale in length. Imagine taking Coppola's "Godfather" and making a TV series out of it where every shot and prop was tended to with extra care. Well, that's what the mini series is.

Good stuff... even if I can't understand Swedish :-)

Check it out.
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Reliable, intriguing medieval tale that unfortunately never peaks
ozjeppe20 December 2007
Sweden in the 1100s is the backdrop for the troubled love story between nobleman boy-turned monk-turned-knight templar Arn and neighboring girl Cecilia- before he is sent off to Jerusalem in the crusades and she into a convent- plus the rivaling royal clan struggles for power in the nation. I haven't read the bestselling books which this is based on, and knowing this is a part-saga and soon TV-series to be, I can somewhat overlook the gaps in storytelling.

What I do enjoy is a sound, intriguing (especially the scheming between the church and royal clans) and reliable medieval tale - with heavy doses of romance, monastery/convent dramatics and a little touch of "Kingdom of heaven"-battling in the end - that unfortunately never quite peaks. As a cinephile Swede, I know the country's market a bit, and notice that the filmmakers are SO focused on keeping a safe, steady course not to fail with such a big production ship like this, that they end up with no real climactic cinematic highlights to speak of. Rougher camera-work and sets might've heightened things a bit?

For that reason it's very evenly paced, never boring and quite nicely produced. But with a major flaw: Arn remains very stiff and sketchy as an adult character. We never personally get to know him (he has SO few lines!) as to really understand why Cecilia loves him.

All in all, 6 out of 10 from Ozjeppe
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Exeron6 January 2008
I must say this one surprised me, it was better than i thought it would be. Joakim Nätterqvist did an awesome performance, i've met him several times since he's my cousins ex so i know him personally and this just what he needed, might this be a new start for a career for Jocke? who knows.

To the movie now...

When title shows up and the beautiful music is being played in the background i'm getting a good felling about it. But then the narrator starts to talk and i have to say he didn't fit in any good, it was just like watching Animal planet. The narrator didn't fit in at all, in fact some people in the audience actually started to laugh, that's rare.

I've heard that some have said that this is the best Swedish movie ever made. For me that's not true, i say that Evil is the best Swedish film. But Arn is just what we in Sweden needed. For all the shitty movies that have been made this was a lift. Perhaps now Sweden will be marked on the map again in film making. Since Bergman died it has been rough for us to get attention in movie making. So i hope Arn goes internationally, due to the fact that they speak more English than Swedish.

But when i've heard from Joakim Nätterqvist that they were gonna re-cut the movie to suit a more younger audience i was a bit worried, i didn't want it to be an Astrid Lindgren movie. But it didn't turn out that way, some parts were actually pretty violent and contained some gore. I've seen worse though but that's something i would like to warn all the sensitive audience's for.

The music for the movie was perfect in my opinion, i don't know who wrote it but my hat goes of for that person.

Arn Tempelriddaren- "Turned out to be surprisingly good!" 8/10
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A nice film
dragosRO27 July 2010
I must admit I am pleasantly surprised by this project. The scope of the story and the cinematic achievement were quite good. It's true, the story had some holes, big holes in it, but considering the time of the story it covered and the multitude of sub-plots I think they made quite a good job at it. Take into account that the story starts somewhere in rural Gothland, a kingdom before the formation of Sweden, then stretches for many years.. and distance, all the way to the Holy Land and the fall of Jerusalem. It is a story about the coming of age of a true knight, his unfortunate love story, sibling betrayal and it's consequences, military rivalry among those who should be united and an unexpected friendship with an honorable enemy. I was also pleased with some of the acting (good on the part of Joakim Nätterqvist, good enough for Sofia Helin) although I cannot understand the choice of an actress that looks much older than her characters' love interest. But the fight scenes where decent enough, the battles were made to look quite realistic, even though you can tell there probably weren't enough money for lots of extras to have. What I did not like at all was how much religion was added, but, I guess it all adds to the flavor of the times, supposedly. All in all, a movie I would recommend for anyone who likes historical films and.. Swedish cinema.
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Not half bad.
finn-palm25 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Since this is Sweden's first big movie production you can't but expect it to have a children's disease or two, but in my opinion one can't expect Swedes who haven't shot anything but over-acted dramas in little cottages in the countryside for what feels like forever to faultlessly execute a desert battle on horseback for example. The step away from traditional movie making in Sweden towards bigger productions raise my grade and the inevitable misses bring it down. The sceneries were beautiful and the props were well made, but it was mostly too clean to lend complete credibility to the setting. Acting was not bad and emotional parts was indeed moving and didn't feel awkward or silly. On the downside I think one can easily get the feeling that it is indeed two books compressed into one movie, something that not even all the pretty props could compensate for. Finally the ending leaves you pretty much expecting the story to be continued in a second movie.
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Better than I expected
ChristofferSlotte20 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I heard this movie didn't get the best kinds of reviews so I decided to watch it while in Stockholm.

...minor spoilers coming...

I was wrong. It was magical and it actually seemed even better a few days after I watched it. Don't expect another Gladiator or Kingdom of Heaven. These movies were fantastic but this one was quite different, but not the least bit less good. As someone here pointed out you will not see big battles like in Gladiator but a medieval epic can be good even without these huge battles, can it not? I am a big fan of medieval action so I know what I am talking about.

Fortunately (?) I never read the books so I can't compare the movie to them. I also liked the actors chosen for the film. They were not too well-known and therefore good choices.

I'm glad the film was shot in Sweden and not in Eastern Europe. The Swedish locations were absolutely right for this film and Romanian or Slovakian locations (who ARE otherwise fabulous) would have been wrong for this particular film.
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A Dearly Expensive Deja-vu
madssuldrup26 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
"Arn: The Knight Templar" is the most expensive film ever in Scandinavia. Once you've seen the film's 139 minutes however, you sit back with a feeling of having seen it all before.

In the Middle Ages our hero and main character Arn is born in the Swedish highlands, where different clans are fighting each other. He is raised in a monastery where he is taught to master the sword as well as the Latin language. Arn returns to his hometown as an adult, only to fall in love with the beautiful Cecilia. But of course this love turns out to be impossible. Cecilia gets pregnant outside marriage and as punishment she is sentenced to live in a monastery for 20 years. Meanwhile, Arn is sent to the Holy Land to defend Jerusalem in the name of Christ. Sounds familiar?

There is absolutely nothing new under the sun in "Arn". You are simply left with a feeling of having seen it all before. Especially as our main characters' love scenes in the forest bear a remarkable resemblance to those of Mel Gibson's Braveheart. Of course, one can't expect something new and revolutionary every time one goes to the cinema. However, with a budget of over 200 million Danish crowns one goes to the cinema with an expectation of quality. And those expectations are not met.

Nevertheless, some of the money has been spent properly. The film is visually very beautiful. The film's final battle, in which we follow our sweat-dripping hero fighting in the burning desert of the Holy Land, is by Scandinavian standards extremely beautiful - but in comparison with Hollywood just extremely mediocre.

"Arn", which is an adaptation of Swedish author Jan Guillou's novel, is simply not a very good film. In particular the first half hour drags itself along, and you just don't have a clue about what kind of film you're watching. The film's opening sequence is actually quite good and points towards the fact that it's an adventure film, while the following boring half an hour points towards the love drama. This film tries so hard to be it all that it becomes a walking cliché (especially the scene in which Cecilia hands Arn her necklace is so incredibly cheesy, it hurts). All in all, it's sad that so much money has been spent only to have the audience leaving the cinema with a deja-vu-feeling, the thought "haven't I seen this before?".
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Good Medieval Drama
Rainey-Dawn13 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A really good medieval drama concerning a romance and war. Arn was raised in a monastery and during his time there he left for a time to see the outside world, met a girl and their romance began - she became pregnant. She was with his child (in sin according to the laws) and was punished for 20 years in a convent. Arn was forced to become a warrior of God as a Knight Templar as his punishment. War began and Arn was one of the greatest Templar's - greatest warriors the world has ever seen. Will Arn and Cecilia ever see each other again? What became of their child? I won't give away the spoilers for those that have not seen the film - but it's a movie well worth watching if you like these types of films.

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Swedens best Hollywood copy ever!
thomas_hallberg29 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The film starts off with a kind of irritating and a bit ridiculous narrator voice that tells us about Arn and his upbringing, but after a while it goes away (luckally) :) To my surprise the movie was really cool and interesting and exciting to watch. I was literally on my toes throughout the whole movie. Another thing to complain about was Arn's time in Jerusalem, it was almost a remake of Orlando Blooms characters time there in "Kingdom of heaven". Defiantly worth watching and I am not surprised if this flick reaches out internationally. This is a must see for all of those who loved "Braveheart" and "Kingdom of heaven" etc etc.
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For those who have read the books - a great disappointment (as expected, I guess). For those who haven't read the book - be aware of that this is not a plain action movie!
kasolno30 December 2007
Warning: Spoilers
1. Trailers and impression from commercials

The movie trailers have given the impression that this is an action movie, with lots of battles fought with swords and spears in addition to dramatic spoken scenes. This have appealed to people that especially enjoy action movies. Those people are greatly disappointed when they after a first introduction action scene, are turned back to calm scenes in the description of the Arn's childhood and youth. I asked myself several times why the makers of this move haven't been so honest and told what kind of movie that this actually is: a historical drama that happens to include some battles? Then the movie would have appealed to the right kind of people: those who like to be seduced by the drama of dialogs and calm scenes. At the cinema I was sitting next to some teenagers that obviously was waiting for the great battles, and while waiting they were talking and "play fight" with each other. They were in addition totally unable to understand the impact of Christianity at that time and were lacking background knowledge of the historical events (just the word "Tempelridder"/"Knight Templar" made them laugh!). My point is that they had been fooled to see this movie instead of some other "Lord of the rings"-like movie.

2. The motion picture

The three books by Jan Guillou about Arn Magnusson are so extremely brilliant in construction of the story and in the build-up of the sentences. The only actions that had to be taken to make these books to a movie-success would simply be to translate the books into a manuscript! This would have given a brilliant drama movie with lots of conspiracies, political plots and a description of the forces that was between the rivaling families (as described in the first book). Unfortunately this movie never reaches an acceptable quality as a drama movie, nor as an action movie, but falls in between as unsuccessful in both genres! The life of Arn and the events in Sweden is told so swiftly and with so little depth that it is impossible to get familiar with the characters and to develop feelings for them. Do people that haven't read the book even get the chance to really understand the drama that happened at this time? Even Arn is described in few details, and it is impossible to understand his deep religiosity (trusting that everything that happens to him is God's will) and respect for all living creatures he developed during the years in the monastery. Instead, Arn is as a grown-up presented with an anxious and frightened look during the whole screenplay in Sweden. I am really sorry that the actor didn't get the chance to get deeper into his character. How would the audience be interested in the rest of the movie, if the feelings for Arn, Cecilia and the other persons are missing? (While reading the book, I even got feelings for Arn's horse! And that tells very much about the greatness of the books, and not about myself as a reader.)

The motion picture is stuffed with to many cliché scenes (children playing and running, Cecilia's joyful dancing in the garden, the free horse riding in the woods, love scenes) in addition to the motion of the camera itself: focusing on something exterior (the sky, tree tops, building etc.) and then slide into the center to capture the people.

3. Music

I am a person that is very fond of classical music, and have also interest in orchestral music in movies. Some music found in movies really has great quality and originality. However, I cannot give the same statement for the music in this movie. The music is too simple and flat! The clichés are so obvious and annoying: all joyful scenes are accorded to "beautiful" music of strings and woodwind. It really made me sick! And the few action scenes are accompanied by brass instruments and complete orchestra in a typical manner. Sorry, but this movie will not give you a great music experience.

Nevertheless, I should remark that I previously have read Guillou's books with great enthusiasm. My similar great disappointment of this first movie is thus inevitably coloring my comment posted here.
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admirable work
Kirpianuscus18 May 2017
it could be defined in different ways. as historical movie, as example of romanticism in hard - idyllic period, as adventure of a kind of self made man, as return to the books of teenager age. in fact, it is more than a correct/good film about a character who becomes useful guide in the essence of Medieval life. because, without be a lesson, it is a precise - delicate pledge for values and gestures and responsibility. and this does it seductive. because it gives an universal story. because it is an admirable work. not only for the fans of genre. but for remind. what is real significant in each life.
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Historic events with impressive battles , a sensitive love story and spectacular scenarios
ma-cortes7 December 2010
Colorful and breathtaking epic about Sweden history and Crusades in the Dark Ages based on two novels written by Jan Guillou , being Scandinavia's most expensive film production ever . The picture narrates on Crusades age and set on Sweden backdrop in 110s , the starring is Arn Magnusson (Joakin Natterqvist) son of a high-ranking Swedish nobleman turned monk , being educated at a monastery under his preceptor Father Henry (Simon Callow) and is trained in the fencing art by Brother Guilbert (Vincent Perez) . Then , there happens a stormy love story between the nobleman young and a beautiful girl named Cecilia (Sofia Helin) . Meanwhile , there are violent rivaling royal clan struggles for power in Sweden , the Sverkis and the Folkes (Stellan Skarsgard and Michael Nyqvist of Milennium saga) . But Arn is sent to battle as a knight Templar to do sacrifice for the forbidden love . As he is excommunicated , banished and obligated to fight on Holy Land as knight Templar against the Saracen . While Cecilia is sent into a convent ruled by a rigid Superior Mother (Bibi Andersson) . Arn goes to Orient land and there he manages to save Saladin who is battling King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem . Arm 'll confront Templars knights enemies as well as Muslims .

The movie developed in the third Crusade and being based on epic events and historic characters , thus it appears Saladin -played by Soman- who created the dynasty Ayyubida and vanquished Crusaders in Alepo and Hattin battles and reconquers Jerusalem (1187) that had previously been won by Geoffrey Boullon in the first Crusade , also appears the Great Master Templar -well played by the British Steven Waddington- who asks help Arn for the third Crusade and defeat Saladin . This is a lavish European co-production between various countries as Sweden|UK|Denmark|Norway|Finland and Germany . It's Sweden's most expensive film production ever made . The executive producer Johan Mardell and director Peter Flinth confirmed that the movie ran over budget during production . However , Swedish Public Service withdrew support from the project only months before its release, citing lack of quality and unsatisfying amount of material as main reasons, then the studio instead claimed the disagreement was due to budget concerns . In the motion picture there are historical deeds ,overwhelming battles , gorgeous landscapes and gorgeous scenarios . Production design is magnificent , as the forts , convents , the striking outdoors and the impressive Jerusalem city. The battles are very well staged with thousands people and others by means of computer generator special effects . It's spectacularly filmed on location in Dunfermline, Fife, Lothian, Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK , Erfoud, Morocco , Lidköping , Västra Götalands län, Sweden (Arnäs buildings),Trollhättan, Sweden . Evocative and glimmer cinematography is spellbound and evocative musical score with some oriental sounds during Jerusalen scenes . Rating : 6 , Acceptable and passable historical film .
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Rewrite history...
riffat-878057 April 2019
Why we try to rewrite history's events?? I searched what so-called The Battle of Hattin 1187 between the Crusader states of the Levant and the forces of Salah ad-Din, and I found on Wikipedia that "Saladin captured or killed the vast majority of the Crusader forces" and "As a direct result of the battle, Muslims once again became the eminent military power in the Holy Land". The question again is: why sometimes we try to rewrite history's events in a misguided manner??? At the same time, we must admit if we must evaluate a movie we must put previous discussions about writing history wrongly are set aside. Because, we have a work of art; and not documentation of historical events. Although, this fact does not take away much unfortunately.
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Saw it last evening
mnwcsult24 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I am American and we found "Arn" quite watchable even though it did not have English sub titles. We worked through the Swedish subtitles and came begin understanding many parts of the dialog. It did take a while to figure out how Arn actually knew Knut. The directors were on to something when they used the languages of the countries represented in the film, novel touch. ** Spoiler** The flash back scene in the beginning is almost half of the film, it does provide necessary context, but is long. Also a good depiction of medieval life. Some of the earlier reviewers indicated that they thought they were left hanging but the movie had many layers and I did enjoy it. Even with English sub titles I would recommend only to those with patience.
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I will never leave you again.
lastliberal-853-25370810 April 2011
The film starts on a battlefield where Arn (Joakim Nätterqvist) is saving a group of Arabs, one of whom is Saladin (Milind Soman). At the same time Cecilia (Sofia Helin) is under control of a very mean nun (Bibi Andersson), and has a baby, which is, of course, taken from her.

We soon switch to Arn's life in his younger days, as a monk being trained in knowledge and warrior skills. We then see the relationship between the two and how it is forbidden as they come from different clans. Both Cecilia and Arn are punished. She must remain in a nunnery, and he is sent off to fight.

Before he has any chance of returning home, he must take part in the battle for Jerusalem with Saladin. After doing that, he is sent to the desert under a new master that doesn't like him.

But, he survives only to fight again at home when the rival clan claims the throne.

Nätterqvist and Helin both were extremely good. The battles were exciting, and the music was excellent.
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Loved it - let down by small mistakes - but watch the movie
vanhelsing1928 November 2008
OK so I read the reviews and decided to have a look at it myself. As opposed to going into a long and probably boring review:)


lovely scenery believable acting good music good values (rare these days)


Suffered from it being too short (should have been an epic and used the other 30mins) Not enough budget (battle scenes fairly poor) Wandered a little at times

At that said - great movie - lovely to see the templars getting a reasonable treatment as they're easy targets some times:)

Go watch it and see for yourself
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Lone boy grows to become knight, saves Jerusalem and still gets the girl
bwanabrad-12 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
According to this recent, big budget production, Orlando Bloom did not save Jerusalem from the Saracens of Saladin, but the Knights Templar did, according to this Swedish alternative to the recent Ridley Scott epic, on the same topic. Maybe this film suffered in comparison with the more commercial Kingdom of Heaven, as this one came out just a couple of years after Scott's. Arn ( Nattervquist ) , is only a child when a local Swedish prince arrives to kill off a rival, ascend to the throne and send the rival's son ( Arn's friend the young prince Knut running to Norway to escape ). Young Arn then suffers a fall, and is given no chance of survival, so his mother in fear of his life, prays for him and offers his life in service to god. Miraculously he recovers, and so he is taken to the local monastery to become a monk. Here he is looked after by the two priests, ( Callow & Boulton ) they also provide him with an education. Boulton does more than that for the boy however, he is a former Knight Templar and sees the boy has skills with a bow and arrow, he also teaches the young boy how to use a sword. As the boy matures into a youth he also gives him a fine Arabian stallion. Young Arn then returns to his home village, where in quick succession he falls in love, deflowers a virgin, wins a duel against one of his family's enemies, helps his friend Knut kill and depose the king who had killed Knut's father, and finally is falsely accused of deflowering the sister of the woman he loves. For penance he is banned for 20 years and packed off to the crusades in the holy lands. The innocent girl is packed off to a convent. As it turns out, the convent is aligned to the side of the throne that is opposed to Arn's family, so the girl is treated harshly. Meanwhile Arn has a chance run in with Saladin, whom he rescues from bandits. Both men admire the other, for either their bravery, honour or both. Saladin is intent on conquering Jerusalem but Arn is sworn to defend it. My limited knowledge of the Templar Knights is that this portrayal of them is closer to what they would have been like, rather than the murderous Brendon Gleason version. The pious warrior Templar Knights are treated with much more sympathy in this film than the bloody thirsty bunch of cut throats in Kingdom of Heaven. One of their leaders however, Armand De Gascogne ( Wyndham ) is once again shown as a pompous oaf. After the siege is broken, Arn is given leave to return home. This is a lavish production in many ways, and those values shine through in many of the scenes. The acting is also of a high standard, with young Nattervquist and Helin given very good support from a strong supporting cast. The story takes time to develop and the multiple, complex tribal, political and religious alliances are examined in quite some detail. A very different style of film to Scott's as this one concentrates more on the individual drama of one man caught up in events, rather than concentrating on the rich visuals of Kingdom of Heaven.
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A directorial overreach that entirely spoils the material
mj_cge17 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I had expected something between a mediocre to average entertainment experience from this movie. Even so, it turned out to be a huge disappointment.

Starting with the narration in the beginning of the movie - as many point out, it's style is wholly inappropriate. The voice and intonation lacks gravity and seriousness, and makes you wonder whether this is a children's' movie, or perhaps a cheap nature documentary.

The child directing is poor (and/or the child casting). Several of these scenes have been edited to try to hide acting mistakes, and then dubbed, but mismatching dialog and mouth movements can clearly be discerned. Example: the scene where the two boys hold and talk about a bird.

After that, it quickly becomes obvious that two complex novels have been squeezed into a single movie. Although it's full of well-known actors, they don't get many lines, and there is no character development. No inner motivations or inner conflicts seem to exist and there's no evolution of any characters' personality and beliefs over time - although there is plenty of that in the books. Those deeper motivations are part of what makes these novels interesting, as a picture of beliefs and dogmas in Swedish nobility, medieval church, and the conflicting peoples and orders present in the holy land in this period! Instead, the characters appear rather simple-minded, and longer dialog has been substituted with cheap gestures and editing that tries to fit in too much story points into too few minutes. Example: The wooden sword that Arn just happens to hold in his hand for a second as his mother is submitted to the monastery (so simplistic, and totally out of line with his character's development in the book). Example: Arn steps in, on "impulse" and wholly unexplained, for his father at the judicial conflict.

Towards the second half of the movie I was at least hoping for well-done battles in the holy land. This turned out to be almost laughable however. Since the movie makers were unable to make any overview takes on the battle the director tries to compensate with closeups of Arn and Saladin, trying to give the impression that they're looking at each other - trying to make it a profound personal connection between foes that grudgingly respect each other. But since the conclusion that there are only a dozen or two soldier extras around them, and an overview shot would have revealed the pathetic size of the battle scene, it just ruins the scene more: If you can't make a scene feel naturally epic, don't try to fake it with a cliché! Given the extraordinary "squeeze" of story material into the 2+ hours of the movie, it's a total mystery that the movie makers insert irrelevant subplots such as the prestige conflict between Arn and a fellow officer in the Templar order. As it is portrayed, that conflict adds nothing to character depth and has no impact on the plot whatsoever.

Oh I almost forgot the score. There's constant music throughout the movie. It's never turned off. It's not *bad*, but it's not overly good either. And did I mention it's never turned off? It made me think of reality-TV-shows where they play dramatic music throughout the whole episode in an attempt to infuse drama where there is precious little of it. But since this movie has - at least on paper - much more substance than that, it ends up being quite distracting and it indicates the level of confidence the director and producer had in their dramatic capability.

It all boils down to that this is a strong story that can almost tell itself, if the movie makers would have just let it do so. But instead they needlessly overreach in style, substance and amount of plot points, and I left the theater feeling two things I haven't experienced after a movie in years: Palpable relief it was over, and wanting my money back.
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Hollywood adventure with a taste of Swedish drama
Skruttan13 July 2008
This is a movie which is very much like a Hollywood adventure, but in Sweden. This movie could have been really bad if it wasn't for the good acting(Stellan Skarsgård, Bibi Andersson, Michael Nyquist, Gustaf Skarsgård, Sofia Helin and more), the wonderful music and some very good fighting scenes. It's nice too see a Swedish high-budget movie that can be seen by anyone who loves epic tales with good drama. Joakim Nätterqvist is surprisingly good in the leading role as Arn and he will probably become one of Sweden's next big stars. This is a very good movie that i can recommend to anyone who likes adventure, epic, drama and Swedish movies.
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An ambitious Swedish epic
Enchorde10 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Recap: Arn Magnusson grows up as part of one of a few feuding royal families, battling over a small country set in nowadays southern Sweden, his best friend Knut slated to become the next king. But a fateful day rivals kill Knut's father the king and usurps power. Knut is sent to safety in Norway, and Arn is sent to a monastery. Ironically, when Arn returns he returns a man skilled with the sword and Arn is mixed up in a renewed battle for the throne, as Knut has returned from his exile. But their enemy has powerful allies, among others the church, and Arn and his love Cecilia is sentenced to 20 years penance. But Arn's sentence is changed, he is sent to the Holy Land to become a Knight Templar.

Comments: The most expensive Swedish movie to date, and it shows that it is an ambitious project. The cast is large, and many well known actors stars in the movie, albeit in supporting roles only. But it shows most in the splendid and varied settings, from the plains of Sweden to Jerusalem (shot in Morocco) and with the massive amounts of equipment. Actually, it is a true epic with all of an epics elements. Simply put, it is grand.

However, even if the visual aspects and the surroundings are great, the story is not more than average. I do enjoy the genre, and I did enjoy this movie too. It runs for more than two hours and manages to entertain all the way. But it isn't so good that I want to own it. The story is nearly divided in two, Arn's youth and upbringing as one part and his adventures in Jerusalem as the other. The first part did seem a little long and slow at times, even though it left out some key development. It focuses heavily on Arn and Cecilia, but almost complete leaves Knut's struggle for the throne out. More of that instead of Cecilia's life in the monastery might have quickened the pace.

One should note that this is the first part in a two movie series. So the story is just halfway when the movie ends.

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A painful take on a masterpiece
Tobbe_ingenting27 January 2012
It seems to me that very few who reviewed this movie has actually read any of the books. That's alright, it only means that you were less disappointed than me. I personally hold Jan Guiliou as my favorite writer, an because the Arn series was the first of his books i ever reed, it has been a standard i compare his work with. The book series is the most amazing books i've ever reed. The characters and plot really sticks out as interesting for someone who are more interested in history than the common man. This is why i had great expectations for the movie, and was overly filled with joy when i heard they were making it.

I'm sure my review has hinted that i wasn't satisfied with what i saw, and this is correct. I'm not going to complain about the actors and locations, which in some choices wasn't remotely comparable to the books, what i however want to complain about is the extreme liberty the director has taken in changing so much of the original plot, that i couldn't recognize the original book i loved so much.

First off, Who makes 2 movies out of 3 books ?, they couldn't possibly have thought that was a good idea. The first movie is "The road to Jerusalem" and 15 minutes of "The knights templar" i felt empty and disappointed when i left the movie theater that evening.

Another thing is that the films are just a love story. Guiliou's original books was a story of life in Sweden during the middle ages, where the love story between Arn and Cecilia was the red thread that combined the books. In the movie this is the main plot, the secondary plot, and the rest of the story is left for scraps.

My recommendation is that instead of watching the movie, you read the books. They are more entertaining, and you won't feel that you just wasted part of you're life.
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Northern Cid
dbdumonteil9 February 2011
Sometimes I wonder whether the writer (and the screenwriters) did not want to tell us that in the Middle Ages at least,Muslims were more tolerant, chivalrous ,human and clever -the Europeans could eat their heart out as far as maths,medicine ,architecture and astronomy were concerned-than the believers of the"true" cross.Mother superior (played by Bergmanian Bibi Andersson I did not even recognize)is actually more sadistic and more dreadful than Saladdin and his warriors.

It's never boring but it's never really exciting as well;as an user points out,it never peaks although there's a good chemistry between the two principals -who anyway do not share many scenes-The ending may seem original till you realize it is actually borrowed from Anthony Mann 's "El Cid" (1963).We were told the authors had a mini-series in mind and I'm sure it would have worked better that way.But you could do worse than rent this epic story which keeps you interested till the end ,in spite of a certain monotony.
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