Summer Hours (2008) Poster


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Post Mortem Residues and Family
gradyharp31 May 2009
SUMMER HOURS (L'heure d'été) is more of a reverie than a story for a film. This very French film touches the subject of family - the meaning and influence and contradictions - in an examination of coping with the death of the matriarch and her wishes versus the intentions of the siblings. Writer/Director Olivier Assayas seems less interested in allowing the viewer to get to know the individuals of the story than he is with conveying the vacuum of death and the aftermath of dealing with it in the setting of a family of grown children.

The film opens as it closes - in summer with scenes awash with French countryside living. Three children have gathered with their families for the 75th birthday of their mother, the elegant and wistful Hélène (Edith Scob) whose adoration of her famous painter uncle presses on her mind as she senses her own mortality. One son, Frédéric (Charles Berling) is her confidant in hearing her wishes about the dispersal of the house and furniture and art that mean so much to her. Her other son Jérémie (Jérémie Renier) has traveled from his new home in China where his tennis shoes company has stationed him: his fondness for his mother is apparent but his need for financing makes him view the wishes of his mother in a more practical light. Her daughter Adrienne (Juliet Binoche) has traveled from her preferred new home in New York City and views the wishes of her mother with a similar practical and somewhat distant stance.

Some time later the mother dies and the children gather for the funeral and for the discussion of what to do with the 'inheritance'. The interplay between the sentimental Frédéric and the pragmatic Adrienne and Jérémie bring about questions of placing the art and furniture with museums and the selling of the house of their youth. Gentle undertones of sibling relationships and questions about the quality of memorabilia versus the practicality of getting on with living provide the final movement. The film ends in a coda that returns the younger generation (Hélène's grandchildren) to the beauty of the gardens of the now empty French house. The thread that holds the film together is the presence of the longtime housekeeper Éloïse (Isabelle Sadoyan), the gentle being that understands it all.

Though the film is beautifully acted and photographed there is very little development of the various characters, a fact that leaves the viewer with the feeling of simply peeking through a windowpane to watch a French family walk through a moment in life and in death. Nothing much happens here: the film is more a reverie, but a very beautiful one to relax and enjoy. Grady Harp
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What's the meaning of heritage?
babevac26 March 2008
Hélène Berthier, niece of a famous painter, receive her children and grand children for her birthday, and take this opportunity to talk about her death, and what will happen to her uncle's collection. Once dead, Frederic, her elder son think that they'll keep the house as it his, but his brother and sister don't live in France anymore and think that it would more intelligent to sell. When I was expecting the family to be destroyed around this heritage, nothing like that happens, they all accept and the rarity in the 21 century of families having things that could belong to museums takes an end. This film is extremely beautiful, for many reasons. First because it can touch everyone who lost someone and saw what was theirs, being sold and put in many places. Then this film is beautiful because it shows also how everyone accepts that but also suffers from what they can't keep together: family, past, heritage! To me it shows better than any Amelie, or La Vie en Rose what being French means: being thorn between the heritage of a culture and an appeal of modernity, wanting to keep your roots alive and spread toward the world. This is funny how this thought came through my mind "Why do they want to live in Beijing or New York?" suddenly being in the film, that seemed weird to me when I just lived two years and a half in London, and probably won't stay in my old country forever. The actors are great, Edith Scob playing the extremely classy Hélène, and Charles Berling, Jeremy Regnier and Juliette Binoche are very touching and human. It's important to say, that the object are also characters in this story, and it's scary at the end to see them in the museum d'Orsay, how they lost life or are recovering some. It's important to say that this film was a project with the museum, and I think that it is brilliant to make us pay attention to the details of these objects when generally we're not. Question: is art made for museum or to live with it? People wouldn't try to steal them from museum if the answer was museums… If you want to see my other critics:
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A splintering world, from the French point of view
Chris Knipp30 September 2008
Assayas says this film more or less sums up all his work so far, and that may surprise some, since it is so different, so indistinguishable in many ways from the work of other contemporary French filmmakers who deal with middle class life. And the impulse behind the film was something trivial and occasional, a request from the Musée d'Orsay to do something, as they'd asked Hou Hsiau-hsien (the result was Hou's 'Flight of the Red Balloon'). Hou's film uses the d'Orsay so incidentally I can hardly remember how it fits in; but Assayas takes the idea of a museum quite seriously and literally. His story is about a family, and a mother who dies in her mid-seventies leaving behind a house and a collection of museum pieces, works of art, furniture, and fine objects.

We begin with a scene quite conventional in French films: the seasonal family gathering. The 'Heure d'été' (summer hour), is a moment when adult siblings Adrienne (Juliette Binoche, the star of Hou's 'Balloon,' though including her again was not a d'Orsay requirement), Frédéric (Charles Berling, his third time in an Assayas film, and a kind of alter ego here), and Jérémie (Jérémie Renier) with parts of their families, have come to the family's beautiful country place to celebrate the 75th birthday of their mother Hélène (Edith Scob). Hélène is one of those perfectly slim, elegant, erect French women. She spends a lot of time telling Frédéric, to his annoyance, about the valuables the children will inherit when she dies, including a handsome 19th-century desk, display case, and other objects, the sketchbooks of her famous uncle, the artist Jean Berthier, two Corot paintings, and two large sketches by Odilon Redon. They will want to dispose of them all, she says, and the house. She has certain requirements. The D'Orsay wants the furniture; the sketchbooks must be kept together. Some objects she is giving to him.

After this sequence, Hélène is dead, perhaps a year later. She has gone to San Francisco for the start of a major traveling exhibition of Berthier's work, and there has been a presentation in France on his personal life (including the fact that he was gay, and other controversial information) which shook her considerably. And her involvement in the production of a book, a catalog, and the traveling exhibition all wore her down and left her devastated and empty when they were completed.

It is against Frédéric 's wishes, but when the siblings meet again, it's obvious Hélène was right and the possessions and the house must be sold, and the old housekeeper, Eloise (Isabelle Sadoyan) must be released. Jérémie, who works for a company that makes running shoes, is going to take his wife and kids to live in China permanently. Adrienne, who is a designer, lives in New York, and she's going to marry her American boyfriend and stay there. They can't go back to the country house regularly any more. It seems Frédéric gets a raw deal, because he, whom the dispersal of family heirlooms hurts the most, is going to have to deal with the nuts and bolts of the process, because he's the only one who lives in France. But that's the way it is, and what's more Jérémie needs money to set up in his new life in China.

Assayas goes into the details, even showing a meeting of the curators and administrators concerned with the donation at the Musée d'Orsay. They are particularly interested in the furniture and the Redons (the Corots are sold elsewhere). One official objects that these things will just go into storage.

This is a suavely composed picture, but it still comes across as the most elegant of instructional films, if such existed for showing at posh schools to teach children of the wealthy how to deal with inheritances in the world of globalization. Yes, globalization is what Assayas is talking about, though the word is used in his comments on the film, not in the screenplay itself. Assayas' didacticism this time is admirably straightforward, and at the same time, the ideas are presented in what for Assayas is an unusually warm context. One of the touchstones is the old housekeeper, Eloise, who returns to the house when it's been shut up, and goes to Hélène's grave to deposit flowers. The important point is that this is not about the traditional family squabble over inheritance. Though Frédéric is saddened, there is no argument, and he and Jérémie pointedly (maybe too pointedly) part friends. There are other little details that are accurate and practical. It's pointed out that Adrienne's plan to sell the sketchbooks in New York through Christie's won't work. The French government is unlikely to let them out of the country. Frédéric is away a lot too, and for whatever reason he has to pick up his teenage daughter, caught stealing, and holding pot. But the final scene, which again is warmly didactic, shows that daughter with her boyfriend and a bunch of her friends invading the old house one last time, saying a sad farewell..

As I'm not the first to comment, this is one of Assayas' simplest films, but it's also one of his most touching and meaningful. Instructional film though it may be, it deals with subject matter that can move the hardest heart. If you don't care about losing a parent, you will surely be touched with the thought of losing the places of your childhood--and family money. If love won't get you, money will. And there is a final meditation by Frédéric at the D'Orsay where he and his wife Lisa (Dominique Reymond) look at the objects they've donated (not in storage) and consider the other trade-off: a contribution to history and the public's culture has been made, but the objects are like prisoners now, shut up in a cold space, robbed of their human context in a family's life.
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Demon Lovers
tieman6422 August 2010
Warning: Spoilers
"Summer Hours" begins, appropriately, with hordes of children running joyfully through a garden. They're on a treasure hunt, following a map written in invisible ink.

Director Olivier Assays then introduces us to Helene Berthier, an elderly woman whose children and grandchildren have gathered at her home in rural France. Helene was once romantically linked to a character called Paul, a now dead artist who was renowned for his paintings.

Helene's home is filled with both Paul's work (a vast collection of priceless art) and more mundane personal items which nevertheless have tremendous sentimental value. One photograph, for example, features an older generation of Berthiers sitting at a table exactly as the current generation are.

As the film unfolds, Assayas lays the groundwork for various heavy themes: the way what we "treasure" changes as we age, how art and objects tie people to the past, the relationship between art, globalisation and commerce, the seemingly arbitrary and shifting "value" of objects, the question of what defines art and what makes art meaningful, how spaces are "deterritorialized" and "reterritorialized" under capitalism, how objects transform as they move from space to space etc etc. You might say this is the "rural" version of Assayas's "Demonlover", "Clean" and "Boarding Gate", but whilst those films focused on the way humans are stripped, sold, traded and pushed around under techno-capitalism, "Summer Hours" focuses almost entirely on man's fluctuating relationship with both inanimate objects and product.

Early in the film, Helene reveals the reason for calling a family assembly: she wants to discuss the fate of the family estate after her death. Frederic, Helene's eldest son, is an economist, and is the only family member who wishes (for sentimental reasons) to hold on to the estate and its artwork. Daughter Adrienne (a product designer) and younger son Jeremie (who works for a mega corporation in Shaghai) both want to sell the estate. It's of no value to them, they won't be able to visit it as they work far abroad, and it simply isn't economical to maintain. Frederic doesn't agree with them at first, but gradually the practical needs of commerce infringe on his desire to hold on to the past. Reluctantly he agrees with them. Significantly, Adrienne, the product of a system which destroys the past and sells nostalgic copies, makes tacky ceramic ornaments based on the designs of her uncle.

Assayas stresses that the children are all ultra-modern bourgeois, part of a "new France" that is beholden to the demands of the global market and that is gradually losing ties with its traditions and heritage. Casual remarks highlight this theme: characters speaking of new companies popping up in their village, once taboo romantic relationships accepted as the norm, the fact that Adrienne lives in two of the citadels of Global Capitalism (New York and Japan), the fact that Jeremie is moving his family to China to better manage a mass production shoe factory and the mention that Jeremie's children will learn English and not speak French (thereby cutting them off from their cultural roots).

Ironically, it's the one economist in the family who can't cope with the way his family, culture and historical treasure trove are being torn apart. Frederic frequently states that he believes the "economy as a functional system" is a myth. He recognises that economism is the new global religion, in which the world is reordered in the service of irrational and incessant growth. The dominant theology of this religion is neo-liberalism, which aims to make the whole world a single market, national boundaries no longer a factor in economic affairs. Unlike most religions, economism looks to growth for salvation, salvation being "freedom" from poverty and the ills that accompany it. When it is pointed out that the "new religion" has not in fact done much toward reducing poverty, believers are told that they must be more faithful to the precepts of the religion.

Of course while the believers wait, the machine's greed outgrows the capacity of the real economy to satisfy. In response, the great centres of finance get the governments of the world to make available to them, by privatisation, all of their possessions. But still this does not suffice! How could it? Debt based Ponzi schemes cannot be satiated. And so the market becomes increasingly abstract, debts ignored or traded as "value" whilst virtual economies balloon to something like five times the size of the "real" economy. The end result is the world Assayas' characters find themselves in: groundless and always moving to keep the whole sham from collapsing.

In one scene, Frederic proudly displays paintings for his children, telling them that one day the collection will be all theirs. But though his kids look up at the artwork with indifference, implying that they are "cut off" from the "treasures of the past", Assayas is careful to show that Frederic is himself deluded, unable to look upon the pictures without bias. His pleasure is clearly less about the aesthetic qualities of art/past, than it is about family legacy, memory and the continuation of a family history. His children, able to look at the paintings without bias, simply dismiss them as old-fashioned. The result is that the film manages to mourns the obliteration/repackaging of the past whilst also questioning if anything is really being lost. Does the worth of an object reside only in the historical and familial remembrances of concerned individuals?

The film ends with a sequence which mirrors its first shot. Here Helene's granddaughter looks on at the abandoned family home, trying but failing to position her body such that it recreates a "painting of the place" that Paul once did. It's a deeply sad ending; no longer connected by shared place or possessions, the modern subject is both adrift and defined by loss.

8.9/10 – A great film, though perhaps too word oriented.
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a family's film
SnoopyStyle10 September 2016
Hélène is the matriarch of an extended scattered family. She lives in the country outside of Paris where she has kept valuable art from a famous artist uncle. She has two sons and a daughter. The family gathers for her 75th birthday but at the end of the day, everybody leaves. The family has worked to keep the artist's legacy including a new art book and a world tour where Hélène does talks. Later, she passes and the family has to deal with the inheritance. The eldest Frédéric Marly wants to preserve the home. Adrienne (Juliette Binoche) is a famous designer in NYC. Jérémie is in China as a supervisor in a shoe company. They have to come to terms with the lost of their treasured memories.

It's French. It's talky. It's sincerely adult. It's family. When the siblings are all in one place, there is a feeling of a real family talking in a real way. The movie can drift from scene to scene. There is one standout among the third generation. She closes the movie in a profound scene. It's a family film in the truest sense.
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Generations told through the eyes of objects!
mehmet_kurtkaya1 May 2009
Up until now, you may have seen films that are told through the eyes of a specific character, a child or even a dog. However this film achieves the impossible, it tells the story of generations through the eyes of the objects! The film opens with a large family gathering in a gorgeous old house located in French countryside. The house lies in the middle of a large garden and hosts beautiful antique furniture the owner, mother of three middle aged children, inherited from her uncle. A year later, she dies and the children have to decide about the fate of the house and the furniture.

Anyone who has lost a parent or an elder family member possibly has gone through these difficulties depicted so naturally in the film. However, the movie goes beyond the initial thoughts and feelings. Delicate questions asked by this movie are multifaceted and explore the effects of capitalist globalization on generations.

Those objects have memories in them. When they are left to a museum, they seemingly belong to the society as whole but to no one at the same time.

The elder brother, professor of economy, who lives in France wants to preserve the house, he wants to stick to his roots, to family memories but his brother and sister want to follow their careers in China and US. Yes, by doing so they live in the moment and yes, they are not confined to France and yes, the whole world is theirs but they are also left with nothing. Like objects displayed in the museum.

And this duality lives on until the ironic ending, which can be interpreted as optimistic or pessimistic by viewers even tough pessimistic tone is definitely more prevalent.

Beautiful acting by Binoche, Charles Berling, Edith Scob and wonderful directing and writing by Assayas. This movie is just lifelike, simple but complex!
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Strong Characters and Dialogue/Weak Plot
Turfseer25 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
'Summer Hours' (otherwise known as L'Heure D'ete) is the story of three siblings who must decide what to do with the family house and most of the property in it after their mother passes away. The movie begins with the siblings (Frederic, Adrienne and Jeremie) visiting their mother Helene at the mother's home. Adrienne is now living in the US with a boyfriend and Jeremie has just gotten a promotion in China where he lives with his wife and children. Frederic is the only sibling who still lives in France and is an economist who has just written a controversial book disparaging his own profession.

We find out in an overly long Act I that Helene was a champion of a famous artist who happened to be her uncle. It's not clear whether Helene was intimately involved with the uncle but apparently favored him over her husband. She has kept some of his art work, sketch books and other items he purchased while he was alive and now orders Frederic to sell everything including the house.

After Helene dies, Frederic wants to keep the house and all the heirlooms but is overruled by Adrienne and Jeremie. Frederic finally gives in, the house is put up for sale and a good deal of the artwork and furniture is bequeathed to the Musee D'Orsay (museum). There is a subplot toward the end where Frederic's teenage daughter is almost arrested for shoplifting and drug possession but a kindly police officer only lets her off with a warning. The film ends with the daughter holding a party with her teenage friends just before the house is sold to new owners.

The film's strength lies in very strong portraits of the three siblings and their mother. We find out quite a bit about their careers as well as how they interact with their respective spouses. The dialogue can best be described as both mature and sharp. Particularly impressive are the scenes where the siblings cope with the death of their mother. Frederic is perhaps most affected by his mother's death—there's a strong scene where he stops his car and is overcome with emotion—unable to stifle the tears due to his mother's sudden passing.

The film's weakness involves the plot. Up until the midpoint of the film we're absorbed in the conflict between Frederic and his two siblings over the disposition of the property. When that issue is resolved (Frederic cannot counter his siblings' need for money), the story feels like it has ended. There is a very long-winded section where we learn about the mechanics of bequeathing artwork to a museum but all of this feels like a footnote to the main conflict which has come to an end.

The point is made that when a person comes to the end of their life, all their possessions which might have had so much meaning to them, no longer matters to the next generation. It's a point that needs to be made but not drawn out as it was done here. What's lost is the conflict between the characters; instead in its place we're given more of a lecture on art history and restoration akin to a Discovery Channel documentary.

Summer Hours has no dark moment for the protagonist unless you call Frederic's daughter's near-arrest a moment of crisis. There is also no real antagonist left at the film's climax to create tension in the storyline. In a sense, the passage of time is the antagonist. The ending is supposed to be wistful—a bunch of teenagers party at the family home completely oblivious to the rich memories and traditions the house evokes.

Despite the weakness of its story which peters out in the second half, Summer Hours has some great characters and dialogue. The film is worth seeing due to the maturity of the subject matter and superb acting on the part of the cast.
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Dividing the estate
jotix10018 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Helene, the matriarch of a well to do French family, living in a rural setting, is celebrating her 75th birthday. Her three children, Frederic, Jeremie, and Adrienne have come to have lunch with her. The two sons are married, but their sister is not married, although she is seeing someone. Only Frederic still lives in France. Jeremie is an executive now working in China. Adrienne is a designer that has made New York her home.

After lunch, Helene summons Frederic to her office to discuss what she wants to do with her possessions once she is dead. She has amassed a large collection of paintings and objet d'art, scattered all over the rambling house. Frederic is disturbed by what he his mother wants him to do, but since he is the only close by, he must be in charge. One thing Helene knows is the value of each piece in her valuable collection. Frederic has wanted to keep the paintings, especially the two Corot landscapes as part of their heritage. Most of the work was collected by an uncle who favored Helene and whose relationship with her is not completely explained, although one suspects there was some kind of incestuous liaison between them.

Unfortunately Helene dies a year after we first met her, leaving the siblings in a quandary. Adrienne is the practical one; she knows the tax bite will be enormous and the way about it is to donate the art work to the Musee D'Orsay, interested in most of the furniture and the rest. The older housekeeper Eloise is offered to take something from the house as a souvenir for herself to remember the family and ends up taking a valuable glass sculpture because she always thought it was so ugly that no one would like it.

"L'heure d'ete" is a fine movie written and directed by Oliver Assayas. There is a lot of symbolism in the way the story is presented. One can draw several conclusions about how the estate is being divided since Frederic, one feels, is the only one that shows any appreciation to the significance of letting go of the things he grew admiring and thought they would stay with the family forever, only to see it go to museums in order to avoid inheritance taxes. Mr. Assayas is taking a hard view at the two siblings that have fled the coop and have no interest in keeping what Frederic thought was rightly theirs.

This is a French film and the main idea is that in spite of what the three brothers think about the way to solve their problem, they still are civil and talk in a mature tone to one another. We liked Charles Berling as Frederic. He feels a quiet rage at losing control of the inevitable and to the things he loved. The Adrienne of Juliette Binoche is perfect in her take of this woman who has left everything behind to make a new life. Jeremie Renier, who can be seen in the current "Le silence de Lorna", and who has worked with the Dardenne brothers, in his native Belgium, was a surprise; he even looks different as the executive living so far away. We also enjoy Edith Scob's quiet intensity as Helene. Behind her serene exterior, there is nothing but a steel resolve to have things done according to her will.

Eric Gautier's cinematography does wonders for the enjoyment of the film. This is one of Oliver Assayas' most heartfelt movies. The director knew his characters well and it translates into a film that was a joy to sit through.
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An often real feeling film wobbles thanks to a too carefully constructed plot
dbborroughs19 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Olivier Assayas's tale of three siblings who have to deal with the aftermath of their mother's death.

A good film but hardly the knock out that many of the local New York papers made it out to be. The film works in small moments, moments or odd passages. The opening of the film as we watch the family buzzing around the familial home for the matriarch's 75th birthday is very real and you have the feeling that perhaps we are intruding on a real family.A later scene where the mother corners her son and explains what she wants after she goes will echo with anyone who has had that sort of conversation with a parent. A later scene where the members of the family visit a museum and see their mother's things there is funny because of how they react to the art and telling in that it kind of puts the detritus of our lives in perspective. The rest is good but it didn't completely hang with me.

For me the film is possibly the best film that I've seen by Olivier Assayas. I've seen Clean, Boarding Gate and a couple of others and this seems to be the first time where he didn't loose the plot or seem to take left turns suddenly to keep things going. I will say that the film suffers a slight case of feeling constructed instead of natural (this is the films major flaw). Once we get the mother and son going over her wishes (which works as a scene unto itself) the film seems destined in some way to follow a certain course and hit certain moments in a preordained way. The naturalness of the first fifteen or twenty minutes where everything flowed nicely is replaced by good solid scenes that were placed in their spot with care that isn't as life like. I'm annoyed because I was so certain that I was going to love this film from the opening moments, only I found that I ended up linking it instead.

Still its a good film and worth a look, though I think you may be wise to do what I did and see it on cable.(This was one of the choices of the IFC in Theaters on demand service) since I can't in all honesty recommend this for 11 bucks a head in a theater.
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A gentle, intelligent look at family and generations
runamokprods20 June 2011
Interesting, gentle sad (but not depressing) story of the inevitability of loss and chance.

Three siblings decide whether to keep or sell their mother's country home and art collection after her death, exploring how we give 'things' meaning, and how that meaning changes due to context, generation, and what we need from them.

But while the ideas are intriguing, and the acting good it never quite reached the deepest level of feeling or thoughtfulness for me.

Called a masterpiece by a number of critics, and something close by others, I cant quite go there, but it is an intelligent, quietly moving experience, that I'll probably revisit yet again, since it grew on me on a second viewing.
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Life is for the Living...
ThurstonHunger31 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This film has a soft, subtle tone set forth by the matriarch of the family, wonderfully cast as and gracefully played by Edith Scob. If I tick off some of the plot points, the film seems like it could be one mustering a lot of blustering emotion, but it never really does.

Thus I am actually a bit taken aback by the notions that this is a film of a dysfunctional family. Sure the family is fragmented, as is any family as its members not only grow up, but necessarily grow apart. If anything, I think this film is gentle in addressing that. I actually thought the family was strikingly functional, at least by cinematic standards.

Anyways, here come the spoilers, I'd certainly recommend watching this film, ideally before reading any further...

In the film we have

1) the death of said matriarch

2) an ensuing disagreement on what to do with the inheritance

3) notions of a scandalous affair involving the matriarch and her famous artist uncle

4) the matriarch's granddaughter gets arrested for shoplifting and possession

In particular, #2 above is propped up as a potential explosive point, but the two brothers and one sister seem to reconcile their disagreements with extreme civility, and indeed despite the elder son's executor intentions, the family ends up choosing what the mother had wisely selected. Surely a sobering decision for her, and I think the crux of the film.

A lot of the above tensions are actually resolved off screen, again I think putting the focus off any sort of familial fireworks.

So while we may see the wild, farewell-to-the-estate party by the granddaughter and her cohorts as oblivious to the treasures that were once housed there, there is a moment out in the tall grass, where the granddaughter recollects her ancestor's memories, and a subtle shade of the love that touched a young Helene was more memorable than any future museum piece she may have touched. Helene passed that moment somehow through to her granddaughter, framed not in a canvas, or even in the light as it struck the model of the original picture, but in sensation of that specific moment.

Are such moments what are hopes to capture, if not inspire?

In contrast, the desk that leaves the estate for the museum is then shown partially occluded on screen and largely ignored by the throngs that press past it.

Look, I love museums myself, but even more so I love the people I attend them with. Watch this film with one of those people (my wife also enjoyed this film, subtitles and all!)
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Last Summer
writers_reign18 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This is a haunting film that's difficult to classify combining as it does the melancholy of Uncle Vanya with background music by the Dave Brubeck quartet. The central metaphor may seem a tad labored but it's also effective: the film opens with a lyrical shot of a large, rambling country house in which young children beguile the summer afternoon in innocent games; at the end, with the matriarch dead, the house in the process of being sold and the contents dispersed to places like musee d'Orsay, the house and gardens are overrun with teenagers throwing a wild party complete with rap. In between is some class acting from the likes of Edith Scob, Charles Berling, Jeremie Renier and a blonde Juliette Binoche as mother and siblings respectively. This is a film in which pain is always below the surface and there are virtually no blow-ups signalling the unleashing of home-truths all round. This family is already fragmented long before the mother dies and has the feel of Sautet at his best - Cesar et Rosalie, Nelly et Monsieur Arnaud, Un Coeur en hiver - heady company sure but this movie can stand comparison.
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The Ancestral Home
MikeyB17936 January 2012
This film has some things going for. The "summer home" which is the centrepiece of this film is lovely indeed. The story surrounds three siblings whose mother dies and they must deal with both the "summer home" and its contents. It's all done very humanly and without the buffoonery found in most "Hollywood films".

The pace is slow and no big secrets are revealed. I got the feeling that if you haven't gone through the process of a parent dying and selling off the ancestral home this film would be far less appealing. I've gone through this whole ordeal and felt the film did capture the essence of it. But at times it was kind of like an "Antique Road Show" and my attention was starting to wander. Also the ending was somewhat trivial.
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pretty, well-to-do people and their things (yawn)
real-to-reel2 November 2010
Outside of the few film segments featuring the exuberance and playfulness of children and adolescents, the remainder of this film consists largely of half-baked characters and unsurprising dialog -- involving an upper-crust 'art society'-type family and their coveted material things (of inheritance). I was unable to get behind the (too predictable, ho-hum) characters, unoriginal story line, and tiring moving camera: I dropped out after about 45 minutes of careful viewing and then selectively fast-forwarded through the rest. This is one of those films which seems to have surfaced from a combination of ample production assets plus a lack of creative vision. Furthermore, many cinephiles like me are tired of encountering 'too familiar' actors in films; instead, we much prefer to be exposed to fresh, even unprofessional, talent. Major film directors Rossellini, Pasolini, and Bunuel, for example, were fully aware of the filmic (and economic) value of using unknown/lesser-known actors -- and they did so often to great effect. Binoche and Berling are fine actors, but as with Tom Hanks and Gwyneth Paltrow, hey, we're just plain tired of the lack of intrigue such overly recognizable (and therefore somewhat predictable) actors bring to the screen. On a related note, Alan Ball, the academy award-winning screenwriter of American Beauty, once said, "I can't write characters that have no flaws; they don't seem real." Summer Hours does eventually expose character flaws (or call it human nature), but the flaws are embodied by characters of a kind that discerning viewers may find difficult to believe, care about, or relate to. Not enough existential intrigue or human diversity here: too much stale white bread to chew on.
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Waste of time
martin-hedegaard18 November 2011
The first 30 minutes of the movie is good. You can tell that the actors in the movie are talented. The emotion, the feeling is good. But the plot is awful. This movies does not have a plot. A mother dies and the children has to share what is left. There is no drama. Only one side story that tells, the grand child smokes pot. There are some few things, where you think, YES now the story steps up. But no, it doesn't happen. The movie was waste of time in every way!

This movie, does not want to shock us, it does not want to make a point. It does not want to prove anything. It does not want to teach it, and it does not even want to to entertain us. Greatly disappointed.
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"What's the big deal?" Hong Kong jeered.
shu-fen3 December 2008
The lament of the Marlys can never strike any resonance in Hong Kong. We live in constant construction and demolition. Old houses? Old vases? Old painting? No one cares about them unless they sell well with good money return. Embracing the new (mostly technology and money), living the moment, forgetting the past, pulling down the old buildings for new glassy-window high rise (= money, money, money), dumping all those used once…, our usual behaviour. Past is past, never mind. Out of sight, out of mind, no regret of its disappearance, no matter that's people, object, time or whatever. Sorry, sorry, in a city of super fast pace, no time and no need and no habit to think about history, to study history. Today, nostalgia, heritage are too expensive to a place where people only live "this absolute right moment", so, don't ask me to plan for the next and don't ask me to reflect the past. We only look forward and forget all that has happened.

A 100% correct decision of the brothers and sisters: send every "valuable" object to the museum because today, no one, normal people, intends to live in a museum.
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Money or love?
home-13326 July 2008
This is a haunting film about the distorting effects of monetary exchange on family life and the cohesion of society. It will give food for thought to anyone with elderly parents who may have accumulated a few works of art during their lifetime. At a time of grief, the bereaved have difficult questions to answer. The film-goer is left wondering, "What would I have done if I had been in a similar situation?" It is not a film to be quickly forgotten. Although the issue of the fate of the family's country house may be a specifically French theme, others dealt with are more universal and have a deep resonance for anyone with elderly relations. Juliette Binoche may be the name that draws film-goers in, but there is fine acting from all the performers.
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All warm summers must come to an end
Philby-311 April 2009
There's a plot here, but not much drama because there's no real conflict. Although the oldest son Frederic (Charles Berling) wants to keep their late mother's idyllic country cottage an hour's drive from Paris, filled with art nouveau furniture, bric-a brac and paintings, the other two children, Jeremie (Jeremie Renier) and Adrienne (Juliette Binoche) don't have the same attachment to the place, having formed other attachments and moved overseas. But Frederic doesn't want to fight his siblings and acquiesces, so the place is sold and the more valuable pieces snapped up by the Musee D'Orsay (which helped produce the film) in lieu of death duties. Frederic's wish that the place remain with the family was doomed from the start because as the family lawyer points out Mother (an elegant Edith Scob) refused to do any estate planning which might have left enough money for Frederic to buy the others out. Instead the house is sold and the Musee gets the best pieces which become cold, pristine museum objects instead of fondly regarded family furniture.

Despite the lack of drama, this is a very evocative film for anyone who has had to deal with the aftermath of their parent's death. . The disposal of physical objects also symbolizes the weakening of family feeling. Mother had artistic connections – her favorite uncle was a well-known painter who left her the house and contents – but little of this sensibility is passed on – witness the grandchildren's reaction to the Corot landscapes in the house. The film is beautifully photographed and the hand-held camera work entirely appropriate although occasionally claustrophobic. The ending is surprisingly upbeat – it seems at least some of the new generation have inherited some finer feelings.

One thing I did discover backgrounding this movie is that French inheritance law actually fixes the minimum amount that must be left to the family. In a situation like this with three children each child must get at least 25% of the estate, with the remaining 25% to be left at the testator's discretion. Also it seems that family companies are widely used to avoid inheritance taxes; there are also other dodges including joint ownership and the "tontine", whereby the last survivor gets the lot (remember that great British comedy of the 60s, "The Wrong Box"). It is of course not in Musee D'Orsay's interest to canvass such matters. Down here in Australia we abolished inheritance taxes 30 years ago – makes life, and death, a lot simpler.
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Summer Hours
cultfilmfan15 October 2009
Summer Hours is a French film in French with English subtitles. It focuses on a family who do not see each other very often due to work and several of the siblings living overseas, but they are reunited and have to deal with an estate and the many belongings of one of the family members. Going through the belongings and seeing their old summer house brings back memories and has an effect on each person individually and some show it more than others and we also see how the many prized pieces of art belonging to the deceased go through being evaluated and how the siblings are going to part with them, or keep them for sentimental value. A lot of these decisions and choices and a look at a once close family who is now reunited is discussed in this film. Summer Hours is not one of your fast moving action packed films, but instead focuses a lot on characters and their lives and how they interact with the ones around them. The performances are all very strong here as is the character development and the dialogue, so for me it was an absolute joy to watch realistic characters deal with real life situations and emotions. The artistic and cultural belongings in the film that is a large focus of the story is also an interesting touch to the story because it really shows some different sides of the characters and for anyone interested in antiques, or art of any kind it is fascinating to watch seeing the impact they have on the museums and the appraisers. While the film does deal with family issues, I do want to stress that it is not a really dysfunctional family that we are observing here and it is not a depressing film to watch. On the contrary it sometimes left me quite uplifted to see how things are passed on from generation to generation and how even the simplest of things can bring back the memories of the ones we love and the times that are very dear to us. The siblings do get along and they do care for each other, but they are all older now and some have families and a lot of them have high demanding jobs and live elsewhere, so they do not really have time for each other, not because they don't care, but because their lives have taken them elsewhere, which I think is a realistic and honest way of looking at families because after all doesn't situations like this happen to us all eventually? There is definitely a lot the film leaves us to think about and I think it also allows us to appreciate our own families and the things that make them special and what brings us together and what will give us everlasting memories. Summer Hours does this without being overly sentimental, or preachy, but it still leaves the viewer with a lot to think about and to cherish about what one just watched. It left me with a peaceful and tranquil feeling and I really enjoyed watching these characters and learning more about them. A moving and intriguing tale that is one of this year's best films.
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interesting to see once, but more than likely once is more than enough
Quinoa19844 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Olivier Assayas' film Summer Hours is very French and very much without any real 'hardcore' melodrama. That is to say we do not get scenes where a family yells at each other in grief or anything like that. This is more steeped in realism, so all the drama is based on little things, the details: what happens to the objects that have been in possession of the family house for years and years after the matriarch dies? What are the objects worth, or can they be sold or given away, or kept within the family? Or should the house even be sold at all? It's these little things, that are actually quite large and looming in the consciousness of a family that has just lost their mother/grandmother, and makes up the bare minimum of dramatic conflict in the film.

It's basically about three siblings, one lives in France, another in New York, and another in China. They barely can get altogether to see their 75 year old mother, who was once a very prominent artist and coming from a genius painter. The mother dies (this is not a spoiler since, frankly, it has to mentioned), and then the kids have to decide what to do next with her estate. This is stuff that usually one wouldn't think could make for compelling stuff, and indeed if there is a weakness it may be that his film is a bit, how to say simplistic: talky. Yes, it's a lot like a play (one critic compared it to Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard, which I could see in the sense of it being about quibbling among siblings), but only so often do we see some real artistry on the part of Assayas. He's too busy giving us real life, which is only as occasionally really interesting as he thinks it is all the time (indeed we even get some limited familial drama with the Parisian father and his rambunctious teenage daughter who gets arrested).

Oh sure, if you love French cinema, and Juliette Binoche, it's worth your time... actually, Binoche is only in it for a third of the running time, but you shouldn't be expecting a big high-emotional drama, save for a few moments here and there. There's even a touching end, as a party takes place at the house and the teenage girl remarks simply "My grandmother is dead, her house is sold" and goes on her merry way. Little things like that stand out, but you have to watch for them, or they'll slip away. Like memories.
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Michael Fargo22 May 2009
I knew nothing of this film when I walked into the theater. It was nothing like I anticipated. "Claire's Knee" perhaps? What unfolds through the wonder of Olivier Assayas construction, direction and camera work was an equivalent to Chekhov for me. As generations and values change, what gets lost and left behind isn't only the contents of a summer house (which is the focus of the film). Values of and connections to the past dwindle in the summer twilight, and there's panic, guilt, mourning, release and the dawn of another generation unwound on the screen.

My one complaint is the length of the beautiful end piece of the film. It introduces a new set of characters to a degree that I was left wanting more. I would have preferred the film ending with the housekeeper rattling the windows to regain entrance, but this is a small complaint to a masterful film, that's beautifully acted and hypnotic to watch.

I overheard someone sitting near me say to the person who had dragged him to the film, "I'll be sleeping through this one." Curious, I looked over two-thirds into the film, and he wasn't asleep; he was spellbound, along with the rest of us.
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I loved it.
eylusi23 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this movie. The discussion about the value of artefacts ( of whether they are given their meanings because of their use, their historical importance or their particular emotional value) is spread throughout the movie so successfully that it made me remember the first time I went to my grandmother's house after she died. It made me look at the museums from a different, almost negative perspective. The acting, the locations, the details are all really good. The house itself is a glorious place. Charles Berling's performance is really touching. I loved how real and simple the story is without an exaggerated family drama.
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Heartbreaking and powerful look at the power of memories.
kerkevik11 August 2008
A marvellously descriptive examination of the power of memories, and the pull of the present in the eventual destruction of those memories.

I decided, principally, to see this film because of the presence of Juliette Binoche in the cast but, even tough hers is a strongly written character, and the acting of Binoche is of it's usual highest standard, it was the heartbreak portrayed by the oldest, and youngest, members of the extended family that really affected me the most.

The most heartbreaking moments came towards the very end, and were played out without being overly sentimentalised. You are left wondering at the uselessness of hanging onto the past when all that are left are museum pieces.
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Assayas's Fine Art Film
ASuiGeneris7 April 2018
Summer Hours (French: L'Heure d'été) (2008) Director: Oliver Assayas 6/10 Ensemble cast with impressive performances, As much about the family members as it is about the priceless artifacts they donate to the Musée d'Orsay. A meditative film on inheritance, heritage, and loss, Subtle in its merits that take patience and investment to appreciate? Or merely a pretentious film about the bourgeoisie's materialism?

Gogyohka literally translates to "five-line poem." An alternative to the tanka form, the gogyohka has very simple rules. Five lines with one phrase per line. What comprises a phrase? Eye of the beholder- or the poet, in this case. #Gogyohka #PoemReview
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Rather boring and pointless film about family, values and money.
stuka243 February 2009
Maybe it was the constant mention of designer art's items, supposedly of great value and extremely beautiful, which I found inane. Or it may have been its slowness, or its lack of emotional meaning to me. The case is that I think this film lacks "soul", "purpose" or even "beauty". I liked the way the 3 generations view differently their relationship with things. The older generation valued and lived with Art. The middle aged successful professionals strive between personal attachment to one item or another, and their need for money to develop their professional and personal lives. And the young... the only part that I thought meant something -although it wasn't very nice to look at- was near the end, at the teenager's party, one of the grandsons said, when confronted to the Corot paintings: (uninvolved and trying to be diplomatic) "they belong to another age". His parent Frédéric didn't seem to notice, but there lied the heart of the issue. The youngsters play ball inside the formerly beautiful French country mansion, listen to horrible rap speaking of social violence, or bubble gum female pop, smoke marijuana, drink heavily, behave and look like they didn't care anything for whatever could be inside the D'Orsay museum or something.

Demagogy: Of course on the other hand you have the daughter, who besides shoplifting and having awful manners shows she's sensitive for her grandma and has longings for the house. I thought that unlikely and unwarranted by what we see of her before. And the about 5 times we get to see "the phone that the sons gave for the mum and didn't fix for her". Hey, who hasn't forgotten something for somebody who loves, specially when in a hurry and while dealing with difficult issues like succession planning? I think I'd be hard to accuse specially the emotional Frédéric of not loving the elegant Éloïse! Or the maid "attempting in vain to enter the mansion, and then, beleaguered, leaving some flowers in her tomb". OK, she is faithful even on the afterlife, but I found the portrayal of it rather leftish like "only the poor have true feelings, and don't care for the money (when she takes 'only a flower pot') and are well bred (the moving letter even the devoted son didn't make himself time to answer) and who have perfectly good feelings (the emotional relative with the cab, leaving her at her mono block housing). By the way, Isabelle Sadoyan plays the part of Éloïse very convincingly! A distinguished lady who says, at the most beautiful image of the film by far: "When I die, so will my secrets, that interest no one" (the scene with blue lighting, at dusk). Her character has some Chabrolesque undertones. I mean "the upper classes who hold some secrets in the sake of moral respectability", "big mansions of the elite holding rather selfish people". Her daughter Adrienne seemed to take after the mother in the manipulativeness and ironic remarks like "this is a true present" and her rant against globalization and Jérémie's business. The mother at least has class! Anyway, Binoche is convincing at her unlikeable character, totally different to her usual "beauty at 40" ones.

I enjoyed the director's Les Destinées sentimentales way more. At least that was a true melodrama, with beautiful settings and old fashioned feelings. I'm afraid he could have done here something more authentic,

for instance, as "the decadence of values" -like the house itself-. Instead, he obviously feels like Frédéric who says to his wife something awfully stupid about works of art "having to live in the proprietor's house, for the seem 'trapped' in a museum". Even if it's true that most museum goers don't care much for what they're force fed like hamster: a) They could have sold them. The high tax they have to endure is an accident of French bureaucracy, not a moral imperative. Besides, b) how many people enjoy works that way (in private collections, like F. extols)? For instance, how many people would have enjoyed, say, this wooden desk had it remained at their haughty house? So if you want to be a socialist like most French intellos do, I think it'd be at least more coherent that they accept "socialized" art instead of harping on a romantic vision of "art for those who 'really value it' that besides being rather arbitrary and potentially 'fascist', it is rather self-centered and childish.

Overall, I think this film delivers much less than what it promises. But, as always, it's better than the average US blockbuster, that's for sure!
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