Rtl feiert den 18. Geburtstag seiner Daily-Soap von 30. August bis 6. September mit einer Jubiläumswoche.
In Feierlaune: Die „Alles was zählt“-Darsteller Sarah Victoria Schalow, Marc Dumitru und Féréba Koné, Jörg Rohde, Ania Niedieck und Shaolyn Fernandez sowie Suri Abbass, Antonia Kolano und Riccardo Angelini (Credit: Rtl/ Julia Feldhagen)
Die Rtl-Daily-Soap wird am 4. September 18 Jahre alt. Das teilt die Produktionsfirma der bisher fast 4.500 Folgen, UFA Serial Drama heute mit.
Tatjana Clasing, die von Beginn an als Simone Steinkamp in „Alles was zählt“, die sich um den Essener Steincamp-(Eislauf-)Clan dreht, mit an Bord ist, sagt anlässlich des Jubiläums: „18 Jahre ‚Alles was zählt‘ – das bedeutet über 900 Drehblöcke, über 4.500 Folgen und über 20.000 Szenen, in denen ich mitgewirkt habe. Bei diesen Zahlen kann einem schon etwas schwindelig werden. Und auch nach all der Zeit, die ich hier gemeinsam mit meinen wunderbaren Kolleginnen und Kollegen und dem großartigen Team verbracht habe, bringt es immer noch jede Menge Spaß!
In Feierlaune: Die „Alles was zählt“-Darsteller Sarah Victoria Schalow, Marc Dumitru und Féréba Koné, Jörg Rohde, Ania Niedieck und Shaolyn Fernandez sowie Suri Abbass, Antonia Kolano und Riccardo Angelini (Credit: Rtl/ Julia Feldhagen)
Die Rtl-Daily-Soap wird am 4. September 18 Jahre alt. Das teilt die Produktionsfirma der bisher fast 4.500 Folgen, UFA Serial Drama heute mit.
Tatjana Clasing, die von Beginn an als Simone Steinkamp in „Alles was zählt“, die sich um den Essener Steincamp-(Eislauf-)Clan dreht, mit an Bord ist, sagt anlässlich des Jubiläums: „18 Jahre ‚Alles was zählt‘ – das bedeutet über 900 Drehblöcke, über 4.500 Folgen und über 20.000 Szenen, in denen ich mitgewirkt habe. Bei diesen Zahlen kann einem schon etwas schwindelig werden. Und auch nach all der Zeit, die ich hier gemeinsam mit meinen wunderbaren Kolleginnen und Kollegen und dem großartigen Team verbracht habe, bringt es immer noch jede Menge Spaß!
- 7/24/2024
- by Jochen Müller
- Spot - Media & Film
Bei der Rtl-Daily „Alles was zählt“ gibt es im Hauptcast gleich zwei Neuzugänge: Antonia Kolano und Riccardo Angelini spielen ab Ende Juli ein Vater-Tochter-Gespann.
Antonia Kolano (l.) und Riccardo Angelini am Set (Credit: Rtl / Julia Carola Pohle)
Mit der Folge 4.498 am 29. Juli gibt es gleich zwei neue Gesichter im Hauptcast der Rtl Daily „Alles was zählt“ zu verzeichnen: Antonia Kolano und Riccardo Angelini sind als Vater- und Tochtergespann Matteo und Valea Borazio das erste Mal gemeinsam auf den TV-Bildschirmen zu sehen.
Zu ihren Rollen: Valea (Antonia Kolano), größtenteils in Italien aufgewachsen, wird durch Zufall von Simone Steinkamp (Tatjana Clasing) entdeckt und von ihr nach Essen beordert. Begleitet wird sie von ihrem Vater Matteo (Riccardo Angelini), ein gelernter Koch, der sehr jung ungeplant Vater wurde und sie bisher allein großgezogen hat. Valea steht eine große Eislauf-Zukunft bevor und Simone tut alles, sie bestmöglich zu unterstützen, egal, was der Rest der Crew sagt.
Antonia Kolano (l.) und Riccardo Angelini am Set (Credit: Rtl / Julia Carola Pohle)
Mit der Folge 4.498 am 29. Juli gibt es gleich zwei neue Gesichter im Hauptcast der Rtl Daily „Alles was zählt“ zu verzeichnen: Antonia Kolano und Riccardo Angelini sind als Vater- und Tochtergespann Matteo und Valea Borazio das erste Mal gemeinsam auf den TV-Bildschirmen zu sehen.
Zu ihren Rollen: Valea (Antonia Kolano), größtenteils in Italien aufgewachsen, wird durch Zufall von Simone Steinkamp (Tatjana Clasing) entdeckt und von ihr nach Essen beordert. Begleitet wird sie von ihrem Vater Matteo (Riccardo Angelini), ein gelernter Koch, der sehr jung ungeplant Vater wurde und sie bisher allein großgezogen hat. Valea steht eine große Eislauf-Zukunft bevor und Simone tut alles, sie bestmöglich zu unterstützen, egal, was der Rest der Crew sagt.
- 6/20/2024
- by Michael Müller
- Spot - Media & Film
Im Vorfeld der am kommenden Freitag beginnenden Fußball-em lud Rtl sieben Darsteller ihrer Daily Soaps „Unter uns“ und „Alles was zählt“ zu einem Fotoshooting.
Beim Em-Shooting: Tabea Heynig, Ania Niedieck, Dominik Flade, Julia Wiedemann, Jens Hajek, Milos Vukovic und Ramon Ademes (v.l.n.r.) (Credit: Rtl / Stefan Behrens)
Von der am kommenden Freitag beginnenden Fußball-em überträgt Rtl auch zwölf Spiele live. Dass man bei dem Sender schon im Em-Fieber ist, bewiesen sieben Darsteller der von UFA Serial Drama produzierten Daily Soaps „Unter uns“ und „Alles was zählt“ jetzt bei einem Fotoshooting.
Beim Shooting plauderten Tabea Heynig, Ramon Ademes, Jens Hajek und Milos Vokkovic (alle “Unter uns“) sowie Julia Wiedemann, Ania Niedieck und Dominik Flade (alle „Alles was zählt“) auch aus dem Nähkästchen.
So erzählte Julia Wiedemann, dass sie in der Bonner Kreisliga selbst die Fußballschuhe schnürt. Die Gruppenphase werde sie noch „gemütlich im Garten mit Freunden mit dem ein...
Beim Em-Shooting: Tabea Heynig, Ania Niedieck, Dominik Flade, Julia Wiedemann, Jens Hajek, Milos Vukovic und Ramon Ademes (v.l.n.r.) (Credit: Rtl / Stefan Behrens)
Von der am kommenden Freitag beginnenden Fußball-em überträgt Rtl auch zwölf Spiele live. Dass man bei dem Sender schon im Em-Fieber ist, bewiesen sieben Darsteller der von UFA Serial Drama produzierten Daily Soaps „Unter uns“ und „Alles was zählt“ jetzt bei einem Fotoshooting.
Beim Shooting plauderten Tabea Heynig, Ramon Ademes, Jens Hajek und Milos Vokkovic (alle “Unter uns“) sowie Julia Wiedemann, Ania Niedieck und Dominik Flade (alle „Alles was zählt“) auch aus dem Nähkästchen.
So erzählte Julia Wiedemann, dass sie in der Bonner Kreisliga selbst die Fußballschuhe schnürt. Die Gruppenphase werde sie noch „gemütlich im Garten mit Freunden mit dem ein...
- 6/12/2024
- by Jochen Müller
- Spot - Media & Film
Fast-Channels sind der Streaming-Trend der vergangenen Jahre aus den USA. Jetzt hat auch Rtl Deutschland seine ersten Angebote gestartet.
Willi Thomczyk im 1990er-Jahre-Hit „Die Camper“ (Credit: Rtl)
Im April kündigte Chief Strategy Officer des Rtl-Vermarkters Ad Alliance, Stefanie Jäckel, auf der „Future Video“-Konferenz in München an, dass Rtl Deutschland ab dem zweiten Quartal ins Fast-Channel-Geschäft mit eigenen Kanälen einsteigen will. Spot berichtete exklusiv. Inzwischen sind die ersten acht Fast-Channels bei Rtl+ online.
Die kostenlosen und werbefinanzierten Fast-Channels erfreuen sich schon länger einer wachsenden Beliebtheit. Der Trend schwappte aus den USA rüber, wo Anbieter wie Pluto TV oder Tubi sich mit dieser Form des Streaming größeren Marktanteilkuchen bei der Sehdauer herausbrachen. Die deutsche Rtl-Konkurrenz von ProSiebenSat.1 setzt bei der eigenen Plattform Joyn in den vergangenen Monaten auch immer mehr auf Fast.
Die ersten acht Fast-Channels bei Rtl+, die meistens um ein einziges Format in Dauerrotation oder ein Genrethema kreisen,...
Willi Thomczyk im 1990er-Jahre-Hit „Die Camper“ (Credit: Rtl)
Im April kündigte Chief Strategy Officer des Rtl-Vermarkters Ad Alliance, Stefanie Jäckel, auf der „Future Video“-Konferenz in München an, dass Rtl Deutschland ab dem zweiten Quartal ins Fast-Channel-Geschäft mit eigenen Kanälen einsteigen will. Spot berichtete exklusiv. Inzwischen sind die ersten acht Fast-Channels bei Rtl+ online.
Die kostenlosen und werbefinanzierten Fast-Channels erfreuen sich schon länger einer wachsenden Beliebtheit. Der Trend schwappte aus den USA rüber, wo Anbieter wie Pluto TV oder Tubi sich mit dieser Form des Streaming größeren Marktanteilkuchen bei der Sehdauer herausbrachen. Die deutsche Rtl-Konkurrenz von ProSiebenSat.1 setzt bei der eigenen Plattform Joyn in den vergangenen Monaten auch immer mehr auf Fast.
Die ersten acht Fast-Channels bei Rtl+, die meistens um ein einziges Format in Dauerrotation oder ein Genrethema kreisen,...
- 6/4/2024
- by Michael Müller
- Spot - Media & Film
Katja Bauerle is a manager and producer.
German TV producer Katja Bauerle has been appointed CEO of the Erich Pommer Institut (Epi), the country’s media training organisation and think tank.
Bauerle joins from German production company UFA, where she had worked for almost 20 years. In her time at the company she produced more than 500 episodes of various popular daily series in Germany and Australia including Unter Uns and Alles Was Zahlt, before moving into corporate management. Her most recent role was senior manager creative responsibility, education & internal communications.
“Like many aspiring filmmakers in Berlin and Brandenburg, I first encountered...
German TV producer Katja Bauerle has been appointed CEO of the Erich Pommer Institut (Epi), the country’s media training organisation and think tank.
Bauerle joins from German production company UFA, where she had worked for almost 20 years. In her time at the company she produced more than 500 episodes of various popular daily series in Germany and Australia including Unter Uns and Alles Was Zahlt, before moving into corporate management. Her most recent role was senior manager creative responsibility, education & internal communications.
“Like many aspiring filmmakers in Berlin and Brandenburg, I first encountered...
- 1/9/2024
- by Ben Dalton
- ScreenDaily
She's his one love, his one heart, his one life for sure. The Biebers celebrated their third wedding anniversary at the 2021 Met Gala, keeping it sleek in Yves Saint Laurent for the bash on Monday, Sept. 13. After posing for photos on the red carpet, Justin Bieber made sure to shower Hailey Bieber with love to give her a special and romantic night once the cameras were gone. Stylist Maeve Reilly, who has worked with Hailey, shared a video of Justin onstage "singing to his wife on their anniversary" later in the evening. During their glamorous date night, he serenaded her with "All That Matters," singing, "You make me complete / You're all...
- 9/14/2021
- E! Online
Langford’S Picks And Pans
Well, I’m glad Chris saw sense and went back to work, though I still think Lucas had nothing to apologize for. Yes, he should be sorry that Chris got his feelings hurt and that the customer was a homophobe, but Lucas himself didn’t do anything wrong. At least Lucas had the good sense to say that while he was sorry, he couldn’t promise not to screw up again or that something else like what went down might happen again.
At the end of the day though, I still think Chris overreacted by quitting. I understand that the show is sending the message that bigotry shouldn’t be tolerated. Obviously, it shouldn’t. However, life is gray, not black and white, and the answers just aren’t always so simple. In the real world you can't leave a job every time someone says something you don't like.
Well, I’m glad Chris saw sense and went back to work, though I still think Lucas had nothing to apologize for. Yes, he should be sorry that Chris got his feelings hurt and that the customer was a homophobe, but Lucas himself didn’t do anything wrong. At least Lucas had the good sense to say that while he was sorry, he couldn’t promise not to screw up again or that something else like what went down might happen again.
At the end of the day though, I still think Chris overreacted by quitting. I understand that the show is sending the message that bigotry shouldn’t be tolerated. Obviously, it shouldn’t. However, life is gray, not black and white, and the answers just aren’t always so simple. In the real world you can't leave a job every time someone says something you don't like.
- 9/21/2011
- by Anthony D. Langford
- The Backlot
Langford Picks And Pans
Emmerdale – What Do You Mean You’re Not Over Him Yet?
Has it really been three months since Jackson died? My, how time flies. And to the chagrin of a lot of fans, Aaron is still deeply grieving his boyfriend, even though it's very plausible and realistic. Many of them are ready for Aaron to move on and find a new boyfriend. If this were another soap, I would expect Aaron to already be in love again with someone new, as many shows tend zip through the grieving process.
But not only does Emmerdale move at a slow pace, it’s one of the more realistic soaps out there. I wouldn’t expect Aaron to have moved on so quickly, though I hope someday he does. Part of me fears Aaron will never have another serious boyfriend. Though I hope I’m wrong about that.
Emmerdale – What Do You Mean You’re Not Over Him Yet?
Has it really been three months since Jackson died? My, how time flies. And to the chagrin of a lot of fans, Aaron is still deeply grieving his boyfriend, even though it's very plausible and realistic. Many of them are ready for Aaron to move on and find a new boyfriend. If this were another soap, I would expect Aaron to already be in love again with someone new, as many shows tend zip through the grieving process.
But not only does Emmerdale move at a slow pace, it’s one of the more realistic soaps out there. I wouldn’t expect Aaron to have moved on so quickly, though I hope someday he does. Part of me fears Aaron will never have another serious boyfriend. Though I hope I’m wrong about that.
- 9/14/2011
- by Anthony D. Langford
- The Backlot
Langford’S Picks And Pans
All That Matters
Florian got some bad news about Roman..
As I said last week, I can’t bring the clips of this storyline to you, but I did want to discuss it as it's an important arc for one of the most beloved TV gay couples. To begin, to my surprise, I’m really enjoying this storyline. Last week’s episodes detailing Roman's impending doom were terrific. The writing for this story has been unusually strong for this generally fluffy soap, and the acting is outstanding, especially by Igor Dolsgatschew, who plays Deniz.
The scene where Deniz begged Roman to tell Florian about his illness and then talked about his own feelings about losing the man he loves had me misting up as much as the actor. Dennis Grabosch as Roman was good, but I was really taken by his co-star's work. Dolsgatschew has...
All That Matters
Florian got some bad news about Roman..
As I said last week, I can’t bring the clips of this storyline to you, but I did want to discuss it as it's an important arc for one of the most beloved TV gay couples. To begin, to my surprise, I’m really enjoying this storyline. Last week’s episodes detailing Roman's impending doom were terrific. The writing for this story has been unusually strong for this generally fluffy soap, and the acting is outstanding, especially by Igor Dolsgatschew, who plays Deniz.
The scene where Deniz begged Roman to tell Florian about his illness and then talked about his own feelings about losing the man he loves had me misting up as much as the actor. Dennis Grabosch as Roman was good, but I was really taken by his co-star's work. Dolsgatschew has...
- 9/7/2011
- by Anthony D. Langford
- The Backlot
On this date in...
1970: Doug and Julie shared their first kiss on Days Of Our Lives.
2010: As The World Turns taped its final episode after 54 years.
Celebrating a birthday today are:
Michael Gross (ex-River, The Young And The Restless) - 64
Leigh McCloskey (ex-Damian, General Hospital; ex-Kurt, The Young And The Restless; ex-Mitch, Dallas; ex-Drake, One Life To Live; ex-Zach, Santa Barbara) - 56
Doug Savant (Tom, Desperate Housewives; ex-Matt, Melrose Place) - 47
Carrie Preston (Arlene, True Blood) - 44
Maggie Siff (ex-Rachel, Mad Men) - 37
Tom Chroust (Writer, All That Matters aka Alles was zählt) - 34
Chris Pratt (Ché, The O.C.) - 32...
1970: Doug and Julie shared their first kiss on Days Of Our Lives.
2010: As The World Turns taped its final episode after 54 years.
Celebrating a birthday today are:
Michael Gross (ex-River, The Young And The Restless) - 64
Leigh McCloskey (ex-Damian, General Hospital; ex-Kurt, The Young And The Restless; ex-Mitch, Dallas; ex-Drake, One Life To Live; ex-Zach, Santa Barbara) - 56
Doug Savant (Tom, Desperate Housewives; ex-Matt, Melrose Place) - 47
Carrie Preston (Arlene, True Blood) - 44
Maggie Siff (ex-Rachel, Mad Men) - 37
Tom Chroust (Writer, All That Matters aka Alles was zählt) - 34
Chris Pratt (Ché, The O.C.) - 32...
- 6/24/2011
- by We Love Soaps TV
- We Love Soaps
On this date in...
2009: As The World Turns began using a title card instead of a full opening theme. The show would continue with this until its final episode.
Celebrating a birthday today are:
Michael Gross (ex-River, The Young And The Restless) - 64
Leigh McCloskey (ex-Damian, General Hospital; ex-Kurt, The Young And The Restless; ex-Mitch, Dallas; ex-Drake, One Life To Live; ex-Zach, Santa Barbara) - 56
Doug Savant (Tom, Desperate Housewives; ex-Matt, Melrose Place) - 47
Carrie Preston (Arlene, True Blood) - 44
Maggie Siff (ex-Rachel, Mad Men) - 37
Tom Chroust (Writer, All That Matters aka Alles was zählt) - 34
Chris Pratt (Ché, The O.C.) - 32...
2009: As The World Turns began using a title card instead of a full opening theme. The show would continue with this until its final episode.
Celebrating a birthday today are:
Michael Gross (ex-River, The Young And The Restless) - 64
Leigh McCloskey (ex-Damian, General Hospital; ex-Kurt, The Young And The Restless; ex-Mitch, Dallas; ex-Drake, One Life To Live; ex-Zach, Santa Barbara) - 56
Doug Savant (Tom, Desperate Housewives; ex-Matt, Melrose Place) - 47
Carrie Preston (Arlene, True Blood) - 44
Maggie Siff (ex-Rachel, Mad Men) - 37
Tom Chroust (Writer, All That Matters aka Alles was zählt) - 34
Chris Pratt (Ché, The O.C.) - 32...
- 6/21/2011
- by We Love Soaps TV
- We Love Soaps
Chatting with … Dennis Grabosch
Before there was Forbidden Love’s Christian and Olli or As The World Turns’ Luke and Noah, there was All That Matters’ (Alles Was Zählt) wildly popular gay romance between Deniz Öztürk (Igor Dolgatschew) and Roman Wild (out actor Dennis Grabosch). While the sexy, steamy romance between Roman and Deniz ended long ago, fans still hope for a reunion between the couple. But will it ever happen?...
Before there was Forbidden Love’s Christian and Olli or As The World Turns’ Luke and Noah, there was All That Matters’ (Alles Was Zählt) wildly popular gay romance between Deniz Öztürk (Igor Dolgatschew) and Roman Wild (out actor Dennis Grabosch). While the sexy, steamy romance between Roman and Deniz ended long ago, fans still hope for a reunion between the couple. But will it ever happen?...
- 3/30/2009
- by dennis
- The Backlot
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