The Feeding (Video 2006) Poster

(2006 Video)

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what it was meant to B
wrlang12 September 2006
The Feeding was an interesting werewolf movie using the same effects from the howling with a little more fog to hide the wolf suit and continuity problems. Teenage campers and a forest ranger couple meet the wolf in the woods and fight for their lives. Some funny scenes and some good suspense, but nothing truly scary. Its set up like a B horror movie and it fulfills that niche very well. Most of the camera work was pretty dark, but it did the job. The acting left a lot to be desired, but not as bad as some B movies. Special effects were very rudimentary, but not too poorly done that they detract from the film. It is what it was meant to B.
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Makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time
keegancovey1 November 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I had never heard of this movie when I first saw it. My friends had rented it among some other (and better) movies for Halloween. It turned out we were lucky we had each other, because this would not have been near as fun to watch if I had been alone.

"The Feeding" is possibly the worst horror movie I've ever seen. Everything about it...okay, I'll go through this systematically.

THE CHARACTERS--These are some of the flattest, most one-dimensional, most overused characters I've ever seen. We have the typical "young campers lost in the woods" thing going, so they're all out there making love, getting naked, smoking pot, and saying things that would make them sound stupid enough if it weren't for the fact that the acting is ATROCIOUS. There's the black guy, who talks and acts like black guys always do in these movies (he gets shot with an arrow right near the heart and just says, "DAMN!" I kid you not.) The cops are also really got the overly headstrong male cop who realizes only too late that he can't take on the werewolf with his gun, and the female cop who's supposedly smarter than anybody else but isn't always listened to until towards the end. They are all so boring, so stupid, and so poorly acted that you really don't miss any of them when they die. In fact, you're wishing the wolf would get every last one of them. Except...

THE WEREWOLF--My God, the Werewolf was so hilariously bad. All the scenes with the wolf use some kind of ugly disorienting camera effect to try and hide how cheap the wolf was, but it didn't do anything. It's head is some sort of cheap, papier-mache wolf-meets-alligator monstrosity that never changes expressions or anything, but drools incessantly. The rest of the wolf looks like a mangy, moth-eaten Muppet. The wolf gets way too much exposure from the very beginning, so even if it had been scary there's no tension at all. You always see it well before anybody dies, and the only horror is based off of cheesy and overblown gore which is more disgusting than scary.

THE PLOT--You basically know it already. It's absolutely predictable and lacking in any interest, from start to finish. Some sort of predator is moving across the country, killing all the wildlife and then framing some local predator somehow. (I've never heard of a cougar ripping somebody's spinal column out, but...never mind.) A couple of cops in the Appalachians have heard about some deaths, which they figure out is caused by some unnatural force. And of course, there are the campers, who are unaware of what's going on and too stupid to really do much when it does come. They more or less get picked off one by one, but we really can't care who is dying because the characters are all so damn similar. Of course, there is one girl who survives to the end and finishes off the wolf, but unlike in most horror movies she's just as thick as everybody who dies. They manage to make some silver arrows in a cheesy forge montage, and the hero says some one-liner before shooting the wolf. When it dies, it becomes some ugly guy we've never seen before, except when they show it from the side. Then it's still all hairy and stuff.

OVERALL--If you really like making fun of bad movies with friends, you might rent this. Movies don't get much worse. If you want to be scared, or you're expecting any sort of quality or redeeming factor, then I tell you you will not like this. I have not even begun to lay out how awful The Feeding is.
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Very Lame Movie
Rainey-Dawn16 April 2016
I was hoping and even expecting the film to be a little bit better than it is - just a little bit better. Sadly the film is worse than I hoped - far worse. The ONLY good and funny part of the film was the opening with the two dorky hunters - that is it! The rest of the film was so lame I could not even get a good laugh out of it.

Most of the film is boring dialogue! We spend over 30 minutes listening to boring dialogue between the two rangers falling for each other and 7 20-somethings that act like teenagers smoking pot, having sex for the first time in their lives and lame conversation between them - wow how exciting! *Rolls-eyes*. Then we have a stupid looking werewolf costume where the head looks 3 times too big for the body - no wonder they made sure to blur the camera lens when showing the "werewolf". At least the werewolf bumped off almost all of the annoying characters when it finally got to him.

Someone will survive in the end of the film - usually one or two do. Too bad they did keep the two hunters in the beginning of the film all the way through the movie - they were interesting and funny. They should have been the survivors of the movie. I'm giving the film a 2 for the 2 funny hunters in the beginning - the rest of the film stinks.

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Micro-Budget, Macro-Bad
rstef112 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Where can I start on this hot mess of a film?

The plot, and there's very little of it, is that a werewolf is loose on a mountain and killing people. That's it, nothing else. Some useless rangers attempt to halt the killings, thinking it is a mountain lion. Surprise! A bunch of idiotic 20-something campers are also on the mountain providing easy prey for the lycanthrope. Snore.

The acting by everyone in the cast is completely horrible, not a decent performance in sight. I mean really, unrelentingly bad acting. I was rooting for the werewolf.

Next, the werewolf costume. The outfit is so poorly done that they have to show each scene with the werewolf in soft focus to cover up the unconvincing wolf suit. The head is an oversize papier-mache looking bit of rubbish, with great big teeth. The body and arms look mangy and in need of a haircut. You can buy a better costume at the Halloween store yourself. The soft focus is incredibly annoying and really does little to hide the tragic werewolf outfit.

****Major Spoiler Ahead****

Top this all off with a lame-ass ending where the wolfman is killed by a silver tipped arrow shot into his neck. Naturally, the girl shooting the arrow has to fire off a one-liner before she can release the arrow. The werewolf is apparently so stupefied by the idiocy of the situation that he is kind enough to stand stock still waiting for her to line up the shot, say her line and, finally, release the arrow.

Truly, this is one of the worst horror movies I have seen in a long time.
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Werewolf in the Woods...Oh, My...
jimmygeekrock5 July 2008
Warning: Spoilers
A bunch of friends get together and decide to make a horror film. They've got a werewolf costume (not a horrible one, but inappropriate for any lingering shots). One of the friends thinks he's good at gore effects. And many of the group want to be actors, so they're willing to take their clothes off.

Now, all they need is a script. They decided to string together every werewolf cliché they can muster, which isn't many because all they can afford to do is film in the woods. They throw in some dope humor. They add a lesbian "undercurrent," because it can't hurt and that's what they think these films are supposed to do.

If you go into THE FEEDING knowing this background it's really not a terrible film. All things considered, it's better than a lot of "teenagers in the woods" films I've seen with bigger budgets. But there are problems. Like the bad focus every time the werewolf shows up. Hide the costume if you've got to, but don't make everything look like it's been shot through a shower curtain.

There are also some major plot holes. Why does the werewolf move at the speed of light most of the time, allowing him to kill off the majority of the cast, but then freeze when it's convenient for the heroes? Who in the hell is the werewolf and were did he come from in the first place? Maybe this was all explained and I just zoned out during the endless dialog sequences.
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Pretty bad
abrahamfromann7 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I love B-movies, but I have to admit, this was pretty bad and nearly unwatchable.

I work in the indie film industry, so I respect the fact that the filmmakers were able to get enough people together to make this stinker, so I give them that, but that's about all.

There is a scene towards the end, when three survivors are in the cabin, the chick ranger is explaining what the hell is going on (she all of a sudden becomes the expert) but notice her head turning as she addresses the other two survivors. But if you look at the scene, the other two survivors are standing one behind the other. Bad editing indeed. I had to rewind the DVD to see if I missed a 4th person in the room.

The werewolf, though a commendable SFX effort, looked more like a Power Ranger villain.

I guess I wouldn't be so critical if the filmmakers intended this to be fun and campy. If they did, it didn't work.
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OMG! Totally awful in every possible way!
phillipallen00713 October 2006
This movie is totally pathetic! Don't waste your time. The werewolf costume looks like a cheap team mascot and the actors (if you can call them that)are less talented than any that you would find in a high school play.It seems that for most of the movie the actors are just sitting in the woods smoking weed and talking about the sex that they have had or that they are going to get. The actors appear to be more afraid and spooked by one another than by the werewolf mascot and there is a great deal of unnecessary screaming. I spent the entire movie rooting for the werewolf to kill them all. this movie truly deserves one of the top spots on the "Worst films ever made" list. It appears to have been filmed with a home video camera. This flick is nothing but pure punishment. TIRED to the core!!!
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somebody kill me. this is so horrible
warcraftkk428 December 2006
first of all, i would like to give this a minus rating but they only allow me a 1 as the lowest.

werewolf costume is very bad. they had to hide it with a foggy camera work.

the acting is not so good. got even worse near the end when they are attacked by the wolf. did i say the wolf look terrible. the costume at your Halloween local store is probably way better.

you only see the wolf a few times in foggy lens. no transformation scenes at all.

i want my rental money refund. wait, i got it for free. OK, i want my hour and a half back.

uurrrgggggg. this video suck big time. i cant believe i didn't go with an American werewolf in Paris. that is way good. the only reason i went with this trash is because i have seen the werewolf in Paris already.

did i mention that this video is terrible and horrible. aaaaarrrrggggg.
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Quite easily, one of the most gawd-awful films I've ever seen!
PatrickTheRedMenace23 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I made the mistake of renting this on pay-per-view while I was alone one night. THE FEEDING might have been bearable with a crowd to make fun of it with, but flying solo, it was just excruciating. In addition to being dreadfully acted, the characters (and the script) is simply imbecilic. I was especially irritated because the dumbest, most volatile fool of the bunch...the one who's stupid actions get I lost track of just how many people killed....survives in the end. There are maybe one or two decent gore effects, but overall, they're as bad as everything else. Oh, and the monster suit wouldn't scare a kitten. But the nude scenes might! YIKES.
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Wow! And there are people who are homeless and starving...
viciouslollipop5 January 2007
"The Feeding" was the worst werewolf movie, if not worst movie,that I have seen for quite some time. Absolute and total rubbish, a fly-infested dung heap of cinematic failure...I stayed up late last night to watch this on the SciFi Channel, as I am a huge werewolf/zombie movie fan and I do enjoy a good cheesy B movie(of which the SciFi Channel now obviously owns the patent for:). Having said that, there is only so much I am willing to put up with(exhibit 1-House of the Dead!) The plot was ridiculous(something skulking around on 2 legs is killing deer and other wildlife on a mountaintop;and now it's moving on to the forest rangers figure it's gotta be a cougar or wolf, since everyone knows they are bipedal predators, right?!) The acting and character development was horrendous(imagine if the director/producer rounded up some students and/or friends and offered them lunch to be in a movie. Most of the actors sounded, and looked,as if they were reading from cue cards. You want the werewolf to eviscerate them all to make it stop, it's so bad!) The dialogue seems to have been written by a monkey on a bender(I won't even go into this, just pick a line...any line) And lastly we have the "werewolf"(I put this in quotations b/c it is quite possibly the single worst werewolf I've ever seen on celluloid, and I've seen all of the "Howling" movies-lol. The head looks like a papier-mache project some middle-schoolers threw together, and the suit looks like a brown wetsuit with hair haphazardly glued to it. Not to mention every time you see the creature the director has applied this out of focus technique to cover-up how underdone, and ratty,the costume looks.) There was some gore involved, but like everything else in this movie it was a hack job at best. As I stated in the beginning of this review, I like a good B me folks, this is an F movie and should be avoided like Paris Hilton. Save yourself now, and run screaming into the night if this movie ever turns up on your telly or some well-meaning friend/spouse brings this home for your enjoyment:)
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Great Independent
stinkybritchesmcpants5 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen this one a few times now and thought it was good horror fun. The opening scene went straight to the murdering action and looked totally realistic (the wolf's teeth in the rear view mirror, when the guy in the trucks head falls off - awesome). I loved the werewolf - usually we see something that looks like a standing wolf or something resembling a overly large rodent. Not with this one. It really takes on a cross between a human and a wolf. The eyes closer together like a human, smaller amounts of hair with human skin showing through...the kill scenes were great, some of the characters are likable. The only parts I didn't like was the blur effect when the wolf was on screen. It limited the viewers ability to really get to check him out and took away from the experience. This is likely the fault of Lionsgate though. If you like the off the beaten path, fun horror flick, this one is definitely worth checking out.
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Nice B-grade werewolf movie
slayrrr66611 July 2006
"The Feeding" isn't that bad of a werewolf movie.


A small town is being haunted by vicious animal attacks, and government agents Jack Driscoll, and Aimee Johnson, are called into investigate. Police Captain Cliver Burnell, is especially nervous to get the matter resolved, and decides to work closely with Jack and his team. Even though this interferes with the camping activities of friends Phil, Reagan, Elizabeth, Alan, Cynthia, Elle, and Ty, they decide to go camping anyway. As they continue hiking, they eventually come across a werewolf, the source of the animal attacks. As the two groups meet up together, they try to survive and figure out why the beast is attacking.

The Good News: As far as werewolf movies go, this one isn't as bad as it could've been. The creature is nice and vicious, and clearly has no problems being in that particular state, so it winds points with me for that. A feral creature is far more important in werewolf movies than anything else, and this one provides one of the most vicious. It's actually stated that it's gotten more vicious as the movie goes on, and judging by the impressive list of kills, it's true. It at first starts off with simple decapitations and broken necks, then moves on up to ripping out spinal columns and shoving it's clawed paw through a chest. That definitely opens the gore factor, and this one features enough to really call to gore-hounds. In addition, the survivors are completely drenched in blood at the end, and the wounds suffered to everyone in here is pretty graphic. Frankly, the most important aspect of this story is it's simplicity. It's not an overly complicated film and doesn't really need to be. It states what's wrong in the opening minutes, gives us the characters and goes from there. It's not overly flashy, it's not pretentious, it just gives us the goods and that's refreshing to find.

The Bad News: There's a couple things that need to be told. Firstly, the werewolf looks pretty terrible. The face looks nice and evil, but it's totally destroyed buy the total shod work done on the body and the fake-ness of the puppets used in certain scenes. The body of the creature looks exactly like extra carpeting stitched onto a costume to make it appear more wolf-y, but just makes it look like an incomplete costume. Too bad, cause at first, the face looked nice and terrifying. The fake-ness of the heard, though, is seen much later on when it gets more screen time. It just produces laughter more than anything. The one thing that I want to comment on is the scenes involving the werewolf. Whenever it's on screen, the camera shoots it in a hazy tint, making everything look unnatural and very distracting. When it's nice and crystal clear one moment, then it's hazy and incoherent the next is a big step and one that's quite noticeable. This is the sort of thing that can bother some and can call for it to be slammed unmercifully, but it was the main gripe I had against it.

The Final Verdict: So it's not the best werewolf movie ever made, it's not the worst one either. It's a no-brain-required gory ride that only has a major distracting technical decision to mare it from being a low-grade B-flick. If you can get past those kinds of issues, then it's a nice recommend for those interested or like vicious werewolves.

Rated R: Graphic Violence, Nudity, several sex scenes, Graphic Language and drug use
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I've seen worse Werewolf films!
morbo133 January 2007
The story goes... Two wildlife experts are tracking a Ronin animal killing all the game on the mountainside. Just so happens seven pot smoking 20 something's are going on a hiking trip in the area, did they ever choose the wrong place. A big beast is stalking this mountain side and it's hungry. Not winning any Oscars here but it's enough to forward this plot. At least writer/director Paul Moore does some things right. With whatever little budget he had he used it on practical effects and a Werewolf costume. No CGI, it's already better than Cursed! Although we get some really annoying blurring to cover up whatever the problem was with the suit. There are a few decent kills and of plenty of looks at the Werewolf. The head design wasn't all that great, but it's a bit different than your normal Werewolf. The actresses used would be girls you'd know in real life, which I can appreciate for once, but cute enough to be in a movie, and they all show their breasts, again I can appreciate that. Of course the dialog is pretty bad, along with some mediocre acting but it makes it amusing in a fun bad way. So not a horrid piece of crap, still better than Cursed in many ways but not a stellar must see Werewolf film by any means. As a huge Werewolf fan I'd only recommend this film if you got a few bong hits or drinks in ya. If you wanna have some bad B movie fun then watch this puppy...
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Pure CheeZe....
apache8616 July 2007
This movie was almost unwatchable... the only thing that keeps you from banging your head against the remote is that you want to see the "were-crocodile" for the laugh itself.... It had the cliché "token black guy" (in the Pacific Northwest.. yea!!! We'll stay away from there then, lol...) with the farmer's daughter white girl. They can never act either, they just have to be "black", and half the time they can't even pull that off.... (See Get Rich or Die Trying' for an example, he couldn't even play himself convincingly).... of course all the typical stuff is here, but in bad taste.... Lakes, woods, naked chicks, pot, camping, full moons, about the only thing they missed was rain... Garbage.
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Could only have been worse if it was all a dream
emfiliane4 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I have fond memories of this movie, only because I had friends over while we ripped on it and turned every stupidity into a drinking game. (Hint: I don't remember the end of the night.)

Otherwise, it's easily the worst werewolf movie I've ever seen and high among my contenders for worst movie ever. From the hammed up stereotypical characters to the were-rat direct from the Halloween store, with special effects straight out of a high school budget, the only way you'll find any thrills or chills in this movie are if you're baked out if your gourd and haven't seen a breast in months. Even if you dig female flesh, the endless blabbing kills the mood.

The movie would be better muted and given new dialogue, Kung Pao style. The moralizing, philosophizing female ranger is particularly mind numbing, to the point even that the male ranger takes a vow of celibacy in a tree to get away from her creepy come- ons - and everyone else dies because of her. If that was intended as camp, the funny didn't come across, just the pained groaning and wooden delivery. Her absurdly bad acting in a movie full of it did get some chuckles though.

The "wolf" would have been a lot more effective only seen in brief flashes. The seemingly endless scenes at the end make you wish they could scrape up more than $20 for a costume... Though if you think about it, the wobbly wolf-cam scene partway through shows that he's drinking heavily to get through the movie, so the inability to avoid a completely useless idiot at the end makes some sense.

All you have to do is watch The Evil Dead and bring its brand of bizarre to the screen if you want camp, but never let up on the zany. This was just a bad excuse for a lot of people to get high in the hills.
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Everything for the B-crowd
vinylsoul3110 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I'd like to start out by saying I really liked this movie. It has all the good B-movie stuff. For instance, hunters in a werewolf movie. You know they're not gonna fare well. Low budget effects, low budget costume, and four female hikers skinny dipping, c'mon. The werewolf get-up is all fine and dandy in my book. A bit over the top, but definitely in good fun. The acting is certainly good enough for a B-movie. I would also like to point out that horror cliché's are like gold for a low budget movie. How much fun would it be if it were excellently acted and had a complex story. Not so much for a B-movie. This is exactly what Independent/B-movie's are supposed to be like. Good campy fun. I would certainly rather watch this little gem than most of what is being shown in theaters these days. Watered down Horror/Drama for the masses. Yes, I believe I'll stick to seeking out B-movie horror such as this, and watch in great delight.
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Low Budget Werewolf Fun
ksj87026 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Viewers accustomed to state of the art effects--or even mediocre CGI like the SyFy channel--may find The Feeding too low-tech. This is definitely a very low-budget production, and this is apparent in everything from the camera-work to the werewolf to even the acting. All the same, if you can use your imagination to compensate a little, "The Feeding" is actually a very enjoyable werewolf film. The Appalachian forest setting is pretty well utilized, and the direction does take advantage of the deep woodlands our story unfolds within to good effect. The cast doesn't feature any "name" performers or even any genre stalwarts, but for the most part everyone does a decent job and a couple of the actors acquit themselves really well even though the budget probably forced them to get by with a lot of one-take shots without the benefit of much editing. The script is admittedly uneven, with certain scenes that stand out as quite well written including some witty dialog, but others that are almost entirely nonsensical and which made this reviewer roll his eyes and groan inwardly. But the biggest obstacle for many fans may be the look of the werewolf. The director apparently realized this going in, and every time the beast appears on camera it gets the soft-focus treatment so that you never, ever get a good look at it. This didn't bother me very fact, the weird soft-focus tactic actually added to the nightmarish atmosphere of the monstrous attacks. The action is decent and has a realistic bent, and the climax is pretty suspenseful as well. Overall I enjoyed The Feeding, warts and all. The moderately clever plot, surprisingly solid performances, good atmosphere and believable action all make up for the insignificant shooting budget and some other problems that go along with a lack of funds. If The Feeding won't be remembered as a horror classic, it's certainly nowhere to be found amongst the worst werewolf films, either. Viewers who can forgive the relatively minor flaws may find The Feeding to be a surprisingly fun b-movie experience.
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Do you really think anyone would believe us?
lastliberal25 April 2009
Now, a movie that starts with the elimination of two Bambi killers can't be all bad.

The premise is this: A know-it-all Ranger (Robert Pralgo) and his much smarter partner (Dione J. Updike) are trying to kill a predator before he gets a passel of hotties and hunks going up the mountain. At least we get a go show out of the hotties skinny dipping in the river.

The chase is on and bodies are being torn apart. One by one they fall prey to the wolf-man until there is, you didn't think I would tell you who wins, did you? Nothing original, but still worth watching. Great wolf costuming, and four great hotties in the river. Most gore was blurred, so it wasn't bad.
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entertaining,fairly gory horror film about a man/wolf creature
disdressed121 March 2007
this direct to video horror movie has quite a low rating on this site(3.1/10).i'd have to disagree with such a low rating.while,i'll admit it' no masterpiece, i did like is pretty much your typical teen horror film,but no worse.there is some nudity(yay!)and some pretty decent kills,with a good amount of gore.there are your typical teen stereotypes getting high out in the wilderness.the problem is,the movie takes too long to get to the gore and really good kills.once the blood starts flying though,it doesn't let up.the movie borrows a bit from the 1981 movie "Wolfen",giving us some shots from the creatures point of view.other than this movie and "Wolfen",i haven't seen that done in any other movie.not that it's a great effect or anything,but it is something most movies of the genre don't employ.the acting isn't that great and some of the dialogue is pretty bad,to say the least.However,i really liked Dione Updike,who plays Aimee,Johnston,one of the game wardens who hunts the creature.She was very convincing in her role and easy on the eyes too.finally,the creature itself.not quite realistic looking,but not as bad as some movies of the genre.oh,yea,the creature is basically,half man,half wolf.the difference is,it retains the intelligence of man.i guess you'd call it a werewolf,although they never actually say the word in the movie.the ending i thought was kind of odd.overall,though, the movie is entertaining and should satisfy gore hounds. though this puts me in the minority,i give "The Feeding" 7/10
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CuteFuzzyKitty16 September 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't really think this contains a spoiler but since it does mention one tiny part of one scene in the movie, I have said it does. IMDb managed to sufficiently intimidate me with their blacklisting warning.

Okay, maybe not hilarious but really funny. So many stereotypical things overblown… (Ex: when the blond starts to run from the werewolf and trips instantly over her boyfriend... among many other things) I think the people making this movie realized it was a "B" werewolf movie and not "The Exorcist" or "Psycho" and hammed it up a bit, making it quite an enjoyable watch. Had they taken it seriously, it would not have been good.

I have to agree though, the werewolf costume was atrocious. The head was okay, but when seeing the whole body sometimes it looked like a cross between a werewolf and a were-rat. Of course I don't think these guys were working with a million dollar budget. Still, with the werewolf costume, less would probably have been more. (As in less showing, more suggesting)
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Somewhat entertaining almost by the numbers horror movie.
bbaker_msu12 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This was shown on cable last night and I managed to catch it. I'm generally not a low budget horror movie watcher, but the name sort of caught me and I saw it was about werewolves.

It's not a bad slasher/horror/werewolf movie but it's not a great one either. There are some pacing problems that were helped by having commercials. The acting is (thankfully) comically bad. The lines the actors had were sorta crazy (Do they have limes?). The gore looked good for what I expected. The violence was /very/ amusing. There is a lot of amusing parts of the movie. They may not induce laughs (The 4th wall is not broken nor is it Too Clever), but they will give you a smile or a chuckle. The creature looked better than the one from Sasquatch Hunters that came after it. The creature did seem to watch some Hulk Hogan tapes about 3/4 of the way through...going from bad-ass to Hulking Up All The Time.

I give this a 6 out of 10 because I didn't change the channel and it mostly kept my attention. It was entertaining and, while it could have been better acted...or more humorously acted (Next time, All Shakespearean Actors in a Low Budget Slasher Werewolf Movie, Mr. Moore), it did what it set out to accomplish.
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Very bad werewolf flick with lots of hilarious moments.
HumanoidOfFlesh24 October 2008
From the director of "Dark Harvest" comes this trashy werewolf flick "The Feeding".The story is routine:a group of dope smoking teens is attacked by werewolf high in the Appalachian Mountains.It seems that only a special agent and a park ranger can save a bunch of unfortunate campers and stop the creature.The werewolf is shot with what seems like cheese cloth over lenses,which causes some blurry effect of sorts.The acting is really bad and there are some dull spots filled with silly dialogue,but the scenes with the werewolf are hilarious as is the gore.I kind of enjoyed "The Feeding"-it's much better and more enjoyable than "Dying God" or similar grabage.6 out of 10.
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