The Last Sentinel (2007) Poster

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Not a Top-of-the-Line Movie by Any Means
Uriah4310 February 2014
In a futuristic setting automated drones which were initially created to help humans have rebelled and are now attempting to destroy all of mankind. The only chance available to the human race are electronically enhanced soldiers who are patched into the computerized rifle they carry with an eye cap implant. The computerization is so advanced that it becomes a part of the soldier and communicates verbally with him. However, the drones are even more advanced and after several hard-fought battles only one soldier by the name of "Tallis" (Don Wilson) is left alive. As luck would have it though he manages to rescue an injured woman (played by Katee Sackhoff) who belongs to a "para-military" group desperately attempting to destroy a drone communication center. Although she is nowhere near as capable as Tallis she at least gives him a long-lost sense of purpose and they soon team up to fight the numerically superior drone army by themselves. Anyway, rather than detail any more of the film and possibly spoil the movie for those who haven't seen it I will just say that while there was plenty of action it could have been much better if it had had a better script. Be that as it may, those who enjoy apocalyptic sci-fi films might find something to like but even so it's still not a top-of-the-line movie by any means. That said I have to rate it as slightly below average.
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Last soldier...
fmarkland3213 May 2007
Don Wilson stars as Tallis an elite soldier who is sent in to wipe out the drones. Seems the drones are robotic police officers who are trying to wipe out humans (Although they aren't seen doing anything outside of shooting at Wilson) and our burned out hero is aided by Katee Sackhoff who inspires him to fight to the death, in this completely routine Sci-Fi action flick. The only thing The Last Sentinel has in its favor is that it far exceeds any Sci-Fi channel movie, however the reason is because The Last Sentinel wasn't made for the Sci-Fi channel and hence why the movie is competently made even if it isn't all that interesting. Don Wilson is okay in the lead role and some of the shootouts are well staged, but generally this is mediocre stuff that doesn't leave much of an impression. The movie is so underwritten that one can't get into it, while surprisingly Wilson doesn't use any of his kick-boxing skills. Well he might kick somebody once but generally he uses his talking gun to fight these assembly line villains without so much as breaking a sweat. The cast includes Steven Bauer (Far away from his Scarface days, poor Steven) Bokeem Woodbine (Far away from his Freeway days) and Keith David (Far away from his The Thing and They Live days) who only contribute cameos. Once again this is a fairly well made but it's really nothing you haven't seen before and for the most part this is forgettable fodder only for undemanding viewers or fans of the star.

* * out of 4-(Fair)
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Good action in story set in a world you'll never believe
dbborroughs13 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Don the Dragon Wilson stars as a soldier trying to battle the sentinel police robots that were suppose to watch over mankind and instead sought to wipe us out. He hooks up with a girl and a dog and try to win freedom...

Been there done that film is okay, but suffers from a total lack of reality. Nothing looks real, this is not a post apocalyptic world and the drones are little more then men in suits and it all looks fake taking away a great deal of fun. This might have been something had it been set in a world you could believe in. Wait for the SCIFI channel showing because you know its coming.
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Oh. My. God. What a bad movie.
dragonhawk-imdb15 May 2007
This is the worst movie I've seen in some time. It starts off with a mildly interesting -- if rather unoriginal -- premise: Man's technology has turned against it's creator. This has been done a million times, of course, but it can still yield an entertaining action flick if done well.

This was not done well.

The script must have been painful to read. I would feel sorry for any actor asked to work with such excrement. To see Don Wilson and Katee Sackhoff, both of whom have much more potential, forced to wade through this quagmire was just sad. You know you've got script problems when the best dialog comes from a crazy, talking gun.

A plot would have been nice, too. And, no this movie doesn't have a plot. It has a premise. There's a difference. The entire movie consists of: "These are the bad guys. They shoot at us. We shoot at them." There were endless scenes of running and gunning, with a few scenes of sitting talking about the next/previous run-and-gun scene.

One major annoying aspect was that the movie couldn't seem to make up it's mind if Katee Sackhoff was supposed to be the tough, independent type or the "maiden in distress" type.

The absolutely gratuitous and completely unbelievable romantic parts were just pathetic. It was like somebody said, "Insert a romantic gesture here." Monotonous sets, and only two of them. Footage was re-used. Annoying, obvious clichés (storm troopers in masks, bad guys who cannot hit anything they shoot at, tracking device in the skull). Outright contradictions in places.

The only reason I give it 2 and not 1 is that the pyro effects and sets, while totally uninspired, were at least competently done.

The best part of this movie is the ending. Not the final scenes -- the fact that it ended.
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Do not waste your time on this...
imdb-764410 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Well, if you force yourself to sit thru more than 15 minutes in the beginning, hoping to see something better towards the end -- don't. Not that the movie is in decline -- it's pretty flat with nothing to work for it. By no means the idea (future dominated by armored robots) is original, but that's not the worst part -- the screenplay is just horrible, full of clichés and lines so cheesy, the fat is dripping.

Basically what you're watching is 90 minutes of gunfighting. Gunfighting so badly scripted, you wonder if the writer ever saw the Heat. Crossing the line of fire, shooting from the hip, never reloading and to top it off -- diving in the water to escape the detonation device immersed in the water.

If you're of a military folk, you might watch it as a laughing material, but if you're not, the only reason you might want to watch this movie if you're the family member of the cast/crew.

The writer and director is a brilliant stunt-man who had worked on MI:3, The Terminator, etc. All the sadder to see this movie suck this bad.
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unbelievably bad
rcragun20 May 2007
For some reason I thought going into this that this was a new mini-series on SciFi for Katee Sackholm since Battlestar is supposedly closing up shop after the next season. I probably don't need to tell you that I was wrong, but boy am I glad I was. This was such a terrible movie on so many levels.

First, there is absolutely no character development - None! Seriously! And, of course, that doesn't keep the two main characters from having sex, 'cause, well, that's what a guy and a girl in a super low budget awful film do.

Add to the lack of character development the completely re-hashed plot idea (robots take over the world - Terminator, The Matrix, and hundreds of other films) and the unbelievably undeveloped story line and you get a terrible, terrible film.

As I was watching it I kept looking to my wife and saying, "And this is what happens when you shoot a movie without an actual script. You see, you just set up a whole bunch of fight sequences and then say action and film." I've never been in the military and I could have given the film more realistic guidance on how soldiers behave in war.

Rarely do I sit and hope for a film to end, but I did with this one. Sci-Fi should funnel its money into the programs it cares about - its series, not these ridiculous, written-by-monkeys, movies.
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Don't watch this
jncressman9 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
For those of you who just have to watch this because you are a Battlestar fan or a Don Wilson fan, don't. The plot is incomplete or the last part of the plot was lost in editing, I'm not sure, but I'm grateful that the movie wasn't any longer. Most of the movie is overly long battle scenes. The quality of the gun fights is probably slightly better than a typical Stargate episode. Dialog is awful. You can watch this movie with out the sound. If you are watching the movie for the Katee Sackhoff shower scene it is at minute 32. The movie isn't going to get any better after that. In fact it will finish ***SPOILER*** with the last drone cop running out of ammo and fighting Don Wilson in a sword fight.
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Don, Katee, Keith - what did you do ?
devus14 April 2007
If I reach for the fast forward during a film then anything above a 1 is just not what people want to hear. Sure this is a low budget flick, but how many mindless men in black storm trooper suits do you kill before the addition of a meaningful plot is necessary. The props in your average furniture store had been looking computers.

Three great leading actors I would offer one piece of advice, Read the script before you commit. Any single episode of BSG, Spawn or don movie is better than this. What happened! Honestly I would give this a miss, there are a whole lot more movies I would rather see twice than recommend this one even once. Sorry dud.
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Cheap, unimaginative, boring... waste of time
ribicb2 November 2007
Where do I start - movie started with an interesting monologue that made me think its actually worth watching. But everything later was one disappointment after another.

For starters, action scenes are too long and repetitive. It seems like they tried to fill the void with guys in black rubber suits and blue goggles marching and some horror music playing in the background... oooooh, so frightening! There are lots of (long) shooting scenes where super-soldiers were too dumb to take cover but instead stood still in plain sight - no wonder they got slaughtered.

Most of the movie is in ruins with the girl and hero guy and very few other actors, lot of survivalist crap one-liners, absolutely predictable plot and cardboard characters.

Storyline is very weak, seems it was either written for a 12-year-old or by a 12-year-old, its hard to tell which is it.

And I only gave it a three (and watched the whole thing) because of Katee Sackhoff aka Starbuck, because I like BSG series a lot and respect the actors there - this movie is total and utter nonsense that deserves subzero ratings.
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Just. No. Words.-Sooo Bad
redbaron-861927 April 2023
With 3 or 4 familiar names, I thought this would be a passable evening's entertainment after so often enjoying Katee's work on Galactica and most recently, The Mandalorian. But, I can only say that she must have needed the money, because this script is so abysmally bad and so far below her abilities. A high-schooler could have written this screenplay and done as good a job with a few of his/her classmates, an abandoned factory in the desert and some leftover storm trooper costumes from their last sci fi festival. Came so close to turning this off several times. Just a bad movie on so many levels and I cannot believe anyone financed this piece of junk. Listening to the rifle's AI voice, alone, was almost intolerable and who would have imagined that a notable martial artist could make a fight scene look laughable? Just stay away, it's not worth your time.
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A very decent entry from a genre over populated with lesser films
gdpwatson24 March 2007
Phew! After reading some of the heavy handed 'reviews' here I thought i'd drop by and add my two cents.

Whilst i feel that "The Last Sentinel" fails to live up to the standard set by director Jesse Johnson in his previous film i still think that it ranks as a top notch low budget action film. What turned me onto Johnson was his previous film "Pit Fighter" which i thoroughly enjoyed due to the intensity and rawness of the fight scenes. With Don Wilson on board for this i was expected some more of the same but in hindsight as a newish director i prefer the fact that he's not trying to rest on his laurels and is trying new things as far as he himself is concerned.

So what's so great about "The Last Sentinel"? Well for a low budget film it looks great. Admittedly the majority of the film is quite clearly set in the back lot of some film studio, but what it succeeds in doing is creating a gritty atmosphere that matches the imagery used within the film. I actually feel that "The Last Sentinel" manages to successfully convey an epic feel to proceedings and would go so far as to say that this alone raises this film above many similar entries within the genre.

What else works in favour of the film? Well i have to say that i never thought i'd be able to see Katee Sackhoff as anything other than Starbuck, and with this film being a sci-fi actioner i thought it'd be even harder to see a distinction, but in "The Last Sentinel" Sackhoff delivers a performance that manages to separate her character in every respect from the cigar smoking, hot-headed viper pilot from the Galactica. Fans of Katee might not be happy with her acting in a low budget action flick for fear of this holding her back from a more mainstream audience and to this i have 2 things to say; first of all you have to start somewhere and, as great an actress as Katee is, you can't really expect someone whose first break through role is in a science fiction television series (regardless of the critical acclaim its been receiving) to land Oscar worthy material; secondly Katee delivers a quality performance here and if you are a Katee fan then you'll not be disappointed.

Just to wrap this up i'd like to mention Wilson's performance in this. Let's face it the biggest draw for this flick will be to fans of 'The Dragon' so it's only fair the man gets some mention considering so many people have focused on Katee Sackhoff. It's disappointing that Wilson doesn't get to unleash a barrage of kick ass kick-boxing moves but in every other respect he delivers. Don't get me wrong, his performance in the film is on an even standing with the standards set by himself throughout his career however here he has never looked so good! He's a rough, tough battle hardened veteran and he looks it!

So in conclusion people let's not forget what we have here, a low budget action film starring Don 'The Dragon' Wilson and Katee Sackhoff, directed by a man fresh in his (directing) career where the intention is to deliver a fun trip for all involved. Sure it might not be the most original of films but in a genre defined by such things how can you mark this against it? I've watched loads of similar films in my time and this is one of the few times where i find myself genuinely happy when the credits rolled. Sure it could have done with some decent martial arts fights but that's my personal opinion and i'll not hold that against it. Fans of the genre should check this out and rest assured you're gonna be getting one of the better offerings that the market has to offer.
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Support Your Local Drone Police.
jt_3d2 October 2009
While I appreciate those who have decided how I should vote this movie, I prefer to set my own score.

I guess I'm the only one who didn't watch this because of Katee Sackoff. I didn't know she was in it until she showed up. Who doesn't like to watch human killing drones getting mowed down by the dozen? Too much action in an action movie? Pah! Give me tons of robot slaughter and explosions.

I would have liked to see more of Bokeem Woodbine's Anchilles. He had style. Katee 'The Girl' Sackoff was good too. Keith David's voice of the gun and mad Colonel Norton added a lot to this movie. Don Wilson, alas, was the weakest link. Norton and Anchilles were EEs too but they showed some personality. Not so with Tallis. I guess you could say that being the last of the best put him in a bad mood. I attribute it to bad acting or not acting really. No matter, he takes out drones and I like that.

This is a low budget movie and it shows. It's so low budget the director blew up one of his own cars in it. (The BMW that the resistance van crashes into.) It's mostly about blowing away drones because the storyline is simple. Drones take over the planet. Last hero has to take it back by destroying the drone control room. Easy. Should take about 10 minutes so drone slaughter has to take up the rest of the time. They could have used some of the time for back story, like how the drones took over, but they didn't. The brief snippets of drone propaganda don't tell you enough. I assume drones were invented to augment the police and were gradually given more and more responsibility until they replaced human police all together. Then, after it's too late, the humans change their mind and try to get rid of the drones. But the drones like being in charge and fight back. I don't know, it's not explained.

But I like it well enough. 6/10
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As a guy who grew up I. The 80's and 90's
ant890025 October 2023
Jesse V. Johnson is my spirit director. He does the things similar to the movies I grew up on. Sure it's on a much smaller budget but the ideas and plot points are all solid. Plus, the rise of snark queen Sackhoff diddling the strong silent types makes me wanna shut up and workout. The use of Keith Davids voice in this movie is also fantastic. Might be the best part of the final act. Sure the gun fights don't make sense and the acting is stiff cause Don Wilson (no Dragon) is a much better fighter than he is a thespian. It's like Universal Soldier meets Terminator which, as a wee lad, I would've murdered my foster parents for.
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Don't listen to the negative comments, this film Rocks!!
krickylu18 April 2007
From the bad flak on IMDb this movie is getting I was expecting something completely different, production values high, awesome musical score and really fun action. This is obviously not huge budget, but who cares, the film feels energetic and exciting. I do not know Kate Sackhoffs work on BSG, there seemed an exuberance and excitement to this movie that I really liked regardless of it's budget short comings. It was quite obviously supposed to be comic book in nature and to that end it succeeded very well. As Sci Fi style movies about a future Earth over-run by drone cyborgs this film was a really fun contender.

Again, I've read some print reviews that enjoyed the film, and I enjoyed it immensely, I recommend to fans of action or sci-fi, without reservations or concerns.

I enjoyed the development of the 700th super troopers, the story behind their creation, and their ultimate demise, I enjoyed the artificial intelligence rifle scope, I though it was cool. This is a very violent movie and maybe that is the problem for a lot of people, peoples heads are blown off, eyes hacked out and humans torn to pieces, personally I like that stuff.
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Who thought that this movie was a good idea
jmacefield200116 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Please, please do not punish yourself by watching this movie. I wonder why i actually sat through this movie, maybe because i thought it mite get better. i was wrong and it doesn't get better.

It is like watching paint dry, you think if you sit there long enough you may see something happen. the talking gun was fun at first but then you wanted something horrible to happen to it.

It starts cheesy, continues cheesy and ends withe more cheese. i thought this film would have had something good to offer. sadly it doesn't.

Please do not watch this movie it could put you off them for life
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Decent premise ruined by silly combat scenes.
XpocalypseSurvival8 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A soldier, the last of his unit, rescues a hot chick and together they set out to destroy a drone army that has virtually wiped out humanity.

Rating: 3/10. There are a couple of okay things about this movie. It's an interesting premise, so had the chance of being a good movie; the settings and props are pretty good; and Katee Sackhoff. Unfortunately, everything else is pretty dismal. The story itself makes no sense. As far as I can tell, their mission, which outside of movieland would have been impossible, was to infiltrate a massively patrolled enemy base to steal a disk from a computer in the enemy's nerve center, in order to find out how to destroy the nerve center? Just blow it up, like he does later in the movie and all of the drones stop working. Even if you didn't know that would stop the drones, what possible reason would you ever have to break into an enemy command and control center and not destroy it? It is ludicrous.

Equally ludicrous: the drone army's base is guarded by a relatively short chain-link fence, with no barbed wire, no guard towers, that you can simply hop over, infiltrate the base and then just kick in the door of the critically important command center (which by the way is a 100 square foot room with 3-4 computers from the 70s). This is a drone army that wiped out the entire United States military?

All of that could be forgivable if there were entertaining combat scenes (which took up a good chunk of the movie), but most of the 'combat' was ridiculous scenes of the two sides standing in the open at close range shooting at each other, as if not a single one of them had any notion of what cover and concealment were. There were two scenes (at least) where the main character charged an enemy firing line with a melee weapon and came out victorious. Realistically, each of the main characters would have probably been hit with 2,000 bullets. It was all just really silly.

Survival Lesson: "The first rule of action is to survive by any means possible. Contact with the enemy should be avoided at all costs."
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3 things that was actually OK with this b sci-fi.
shide_8510 March 2008
1. Some of the effects (dustclouds, some of the early bullet wounds - SOME) are quite nice. 2. The overall experience with the main character build in AI. 3. Conan o Brian has a small part around 1:17-18, decent work but the talk show host feeling ruined the little feeling the moment had.

The concept was OK, but the realisation terrible, as a sci-fi fan (not hardcore) i found some parts a little entertaining as mentioned but overall this movie (IF ever viewed) is spent best with a side activity (surfing or whatnot).

***A WARNING*** This specially goes out to those with tactical experience, you will get annoyed or laugh your way through some parts (even though it isn't meant as a parody).

EDIT: This movie has been astroturfed (to boost ratings), I just hope my review does not get deleted for pointing that out. Be warned this is not a 4/10 movie, it could have been if a lot of things were different (within the same budget), but it's not.
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Not a bad start but by the end I thought I was watching Power Rangers
rlange-33 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
The initial 20-30 minutes of the movie was fair entertainment on a limited budget. But the contrast with the last 30 minutes was ridiculous. In the first part, an elite mostly human super-soldier platoon is crushed by the bad guys in stark black suits. They are barely able to pick a few off here and there. In the last part, one super-soldier is able to decimate the ranks of the supposedly elite new model of drone.

There are all the usual problems of the bad guys behaving stupidly while supposedly being elite, guns that never run out of ammo, explosives that just happen to be planted to take out only the baddies etc etc etc. After a while this gets tedious. But there is nothing much else to fall back on. Nobody we develop real feelings about. Sackhoff does her gamey best to breath some life into this but it's not really enough.

There are flashes of entertainment but overall the movie is low wattage and prosaic.
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So many clichés, so little time ...
gwc200115 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Low budget does not need to mean low quality, but in this case they are synonymous. After 10 minutes you tell yourself this isn't getting any better, after 25 minutes you think it can't possibly get worse, and after 42 minutes you are wondering how you will ever get back those wasted moments of your life ... yet you continue to the bitter end. How sad is that? So what went wrong? Perhaps they forgot to bring the script to the shoot. Maybe they got lost on the way to the set and stopped at the first available location. Bottom line, this movie died in the screen writer's hands. The characters have no depth, the story is not well developed and full of flaws: If the entire future of the drone police lies in protecting their control center, why locate it in a burned out refinery with minimal protection? Where did the ninja drones come from? Why give the "Girl" a gun for protection when it will only fire for Tallis? So Tallis is a super soldier, does that mean he has no personality? The sets are props are silly (computers circa 1980s). Need I go on? My advice to Ms Sackhoff: leave this one off of your filmography. You did well with what you had to work with, but I'm sure you are wishing some of the BSG writers had lent their expertise to this mess.
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As exciting as an infected skin tag....
cyclone25921 February 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Where to begin? You know a movie is going to be bad if Don 'The Dragdown' Wilson in on board. I rented this solely because Katee Sackhoff (BSG) is in it, but even then didn't have high hopes and it certainly delivered in the low expectations department. I even like Keith David (Pitch Black, They Live, There's Something About Mary) but, apparently he'll do anything for a buck. Thankfuly Bokeem Woodbine got killed off early, sort of like opting out like Burt Reynolds did in 'Deliverance' to avoid further humiliation.

Other commentators pointed out the numerous flaws: There's always a nice pool of water when you need one, treating a wound means wiping away blood with a Kleenex, etc. Other flaws include: Craptastic acting, cheesy effects, bargain bin Halloween costumes for the 'clone' soldiers and the fact that it was like a volcano of dung, spewing forth giant chunks of steaming hot manure that seemed to embed itself wherever it landed.

Read this and save yourself a few bucks....

The 'story' is basically what happens when technology we created to protect us takes over and sees us as the threat and picks us off (Battlestar Galactica, The Terminator I,II,III, ED in Robocop). Unfortunately, this movie doesn't even have the budget of a Hardee's commercial and so instead of decent looking cyborgs, we get a bunch of guys who look like they returned from a BMX rally. Anyway, blah blah blah, side shot of a boob, explosion, explosion, explosion, blah blah, kung fu face off... the end.
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Plays too much like a derivative video game
TheLittleSongbird17 November 2012
I do have to agree with the previous commentators that The Last Sentinal was a bad movie. Is it completely irredeemable? No, the movie does start off decently, Katee Sackhoff is very sexy and her shower scene is the highlight of the film and Keith David makes the most of a role that could have been much more. Unfortunately, The Last Sentinal is a low-budget movie and it really does show with the camera work and editing all over the place. The music is generic with nothing memorable sticking out, while the sound effects frequently overbears everything. Apart from Sackhoff and David, the acting is very flat, and that is including Don Wilson, whose acting consists of lumbering round with one scowling facial expression. They are not helped by their bland cardboard-cutout characters that have no development to them whatsoever and they are often made to look stupid especially the Drone Police. The dialogue is an overload of cheese and triteness, while the action and martial arts sequences were unimaginative with no sense of life, playing too much like a cheap video-game at times, and the pace was dull. The storytelling is full of genre clichés, and is little more than lazy and derivative and an excuse to string action-sequences together. Overall, derivative, dull and cheaply made, not without redeeming qualities but a bad movie and not recommended. 3/10 Bethany Cox
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Exciting , Violent , And Cheesy.......MY KIND OF MOVIE!
lennic23 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I Am A Huge Fan Of B Movies , And This Is One Of The Best I've Seen In A While , The Plot line Is Simple , In A Post Apocalyptic World Where Machines Rule All , One Enhanced Superfighter And One Random Survivor Hope To Take Back The World For Humanity , The Storyline Is Not Very Original But It Is Fascinating , Lots Of Action To Keep From Falling Asleep , One Gratuitous Shower Scene , Extreme Cheesiness , All In All This Is A Very Fun Movie To Watch , I Have Only Seen A Few Of Don Wilson's Movies , But This One Is By Far The Best , ::SPOILERS::.................The Movie Is Mostly Running,Shooting,Explosions,Fighting,And Random Violence , And At The End The Evil Robots Are Destroyed And The World Is Saved
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not the best, but it certainly isn't the worst either
VikingStorm14 June 2014
I am actually watching this film right now on syfy, was a little dubious at first, we have so much in the way as low budget features being created at an independent level, I feel this film does deserve some credit.

The sets, some of them at least are brilliant, would not say no to having access to some of those myself. Directing, well, I say this as a film director myself, I learn all the time, both manually and technically.

Story though, I feel this could have been developed much better, like the characters, they need development through the film as they become introduced to the audiences, personally, I feel this wasn't done to much effect.

On a technical note, my only issue was the poor lighting scenes and the grainy picture, this is a problem with many low budget films and a lack of ability to light appropriately, it doesn't happen in every dark scene thankfully and I have seen worse grain on other films when in confined, dark spaces (Wolf Creek, a good film, let down by this technical issue), my only other little issue is with some of the effects, it's 50/50, some are orchestrated brilliantly, others are more 'what the hell was that?', but it's much cheaper to create and exploding head in edit than it is on the set I guess.

So I rated it 6, it could have had some great potential, but hey, it got a sale and since I am in the same industry right now of low budget features have the utmost respect for those who made this film
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Some merits but still a made for TV movie
pronkyou14 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
*SPOILER ALERT* Interesting premise to the movie. There were basically three actors (including AI) with flashbacks including two more. The two main actors are fairly decent fits for their roles. As far as the tag line, "The earth is riding on one woman," it seems that this wasn't made very evident in the movie. The future is mostly riding on anyone blowing up the control room.

I mean, they go to this fortress (abandoned factory in California desert somewhere) to take out the drone hive mind. They go there three times. First to fail, then to steal disk, then forget it all and just blow up the control room the size of my bathroom with glass windows and technology from the early 90s. This somehow controls all the drones all over the planet...

With a little more thought and better direction, this could have been an amazing sci-fi movie. Instead, it had little character development and action that made you wonder how anyone could not have taken out the drones in one attack.

I would recommend watching Soldier or The Arrival rather than this as it is a mix of both, but not as good as either.
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Endless robot and human violence
oscar-3522 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- The Last Sentinel, 2007, A law enforcement related robot teaches a rebel beauty to live and think like a well principled drone.

*Special Stars- Don 'The Dragon' Wilson, Katee Sackoff

*Theme- Justice should not be left to binary simplistic robotic cops and their programming.

*Trivia/location/goofs- Japanese film, extremely low budget demonstrated by the Producer destroying his BMW in a required film plot car crash.

*Emotion- A rather crazy film with the low-budget production values or 'no' values. Endless robot and human violence intended for dramatic or emotional shock value. You don't care. A cheap copy of a throwback to the 80's TV shows. Not even of any interest to the viewer. It's very bad. So many better OTHER films dealing with this 'tired' film theme, plot and acting situations.
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