I'm writing this from the time travel year of 2023, when due to a glitch in the space-time matrix, the once-great Futurama now sucks with the intensity of a quintillion black holes formed from the remnants of an infinite number of gas giants farted out of Bender's shiny metal ass. The death of the cosmos is now inevitable and it's all the fault of Futurama for not knowing when to quit.
Before the end, I am rewatching all the great episodes and dang when this show was good, it was the best. Like Rick & Morty good. This is one of the absolute best, funny and satirical and touching and philosophical and fast-paced and character-developing and improbable and inevitable. Forget the garbage they're foisting on us now and watch this one and Parasites Lost and Roswell's That Ends Well and Jurassic Bark and anything with Zap Branigan or Lrrr.