Kyle XY (TV Series 2006–2009) Poster


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Jackie_Michele30 June 2006
You know, after the whole Roswell and X Files debacle I really wasn't all too interested about the "alien" television show. The aforementioned shows were good but they were definitely lacking.

I personally think Kyle XY has found the *it* factor.

Imagine taking a 17 year old kid who is from a different country and is suddenly plunked down in the middle of America with no means of communication. Well then, you've got Kyle. He is about as strange as they come. A human shaped being and no belly button and no information to draw from as to how to interact with other beings.

Now it would be boring to just watch a show about a kid who is seemingly another life form and doesn't know how to communicate, just as it would be boring to watch a foreign exchange student during your lunch period right before chem class. The interesting thing about this show is that the voice overs done by Kyle walks the audience through his emotions and his thoughts as he is remembering his first days as a human.

It is the most beautiful experience; almost as if you looking at the world through a newborn's eyes. You see what they see and you hear what their first thoughts were. Beautiful.

Since ABC doesn't really have a good Friday line up coming in the Fall, I'd like them to keep this show around to see what comes of it. It sucks you in with wondering what Kyle is.
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A new take on sci-fi
huitzilipochtli29 August 2006
Being somewhat of a mix of a soap-opera, "The Pretender", and "Dawson's Creek", this show certainly surprised me, especially since I don't much care for those three.

We start with a basic mysterious boy story - he has some exceptional abilities, no memory, a caring psychiatrist, a newly acquired family to take him in, and a mysterious stalker - within which setting he must try to discover his identity.

This premise sounds pretty boring and even overdone in movies and TV, but the show grew on me, and I was hooked by the end of the season. Though many comments complain about the poor script and wooden acting, I beg to differ. Matt Dallas is well cast as a juvenile and naive character. He is supposed to have that doe-eyed-in-on-coming-head-lights look. I have to admit that some of the overall dialogue approaches cheesiness at times, but for the most part, the story stands well on its own and makes up for that.

I also thought this had nowhere to go after the first season, but the writers managed to put in a decent finale that will keep fans interested for the next season.

Some people have complained about the "adultness" of the material. I suppose this isn't the type of show for children to watch if they aren't yet familiar with typical teenager topics like sex, drinking, relationships, drugs, and general mischief; all the stuff that I'm sure many parents want to turn a blind eye to. Is it appropriate for ABC Family channel? You be the judge. Try it out, though. I think you'll enjoy the series. 7/10
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Not bad at all
unicornpeg200330 June 2006
I must confess that I'm a nut for supernatural fare and was not expecting to enjoy Kyle XY but it's summer and there's nothing much on. I was pleasantly surprised at how much this pilot teased my interest. Sure the script might seem a bit familiar but the story is tantalizing and I'm hungry for more. It originally aired on ABC Family but don't let that fool you. It is not a strictly kid's show. Give it a chance especially if you have a taste for the unusual. This show is a combination of drama, family fare and supernatural. Any X-Files fans will have a pleasant jolt when you see the mysterious man watching our hero. I also have to admit that I felt a slight tug at my heart at the sight of how this family takes to helping this strange...and I do mean strange...teenager who appears from out of nowhere.
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Deserves a proper ending
imdb-1796124 July 2018
It's as if they pulled the plug on the show in the middle of the final season. If they were to do a movie to give the show a proper ending I would watch it and even though it has been nearly 10 years since the show ended, they could pull it off by making it about the characters 10 years later.
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Terribly Endearing
trackstar1955 July 2006
I recently had the chance to watch the pilot for Kyle XY, and to my surprise, I enjoyed it very much. Of course, this topic has been experimented with before: mysterious figure with no past, relatives, etc. But something in this circumstance struck my interest. To be perfectly honest, I don't know exactly what did it. The mother, a psychiatrist, or paranormal psychologist of sorts, decides to take the stranger in, seeing as there are no other options as of the present time. The family, which is made evident of having its own problems, takes in the boy, and of course has difficulty with him, are reluctant to accept him into household goings-on, etc. Now, I know this concept seems predictable and juvenile, as stated previously. But to me, its both invigorating and intriguing for a person, or thing, to have the rare behavior to come to the aid of those whom he has hardly met-displaying the purity of the human heart, and conversely, the wretchedness of the impurities around him. The conclusion of the episode had to be the most enjoyable though. As the family members who had once merely discarded Kyle from their lives welcomed him into their household, the viewer is acquainted with the kindness of strangers in an effort to put others before themselves--a notion brought about so rarely on both television, and in life. And while not perfect, Kyle XY has thusfar, that is in the pilot, exhibited inter-familial machinations as well as captivating abilities of observing one's surroundings, and all without ever losing itself along the way. It is curious where this plot will lead, how all the mystery will be concluded, and we will all be there to see it...every step of the way. Afterall, it's part mathematics, and part....euphoria.
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Interesting and had potential
Kingslaay15 June 2021
Kyle XY started off strongly with a very interesting story. The more things were left unanswered the more intriguing it became. I think once they revealed a lot about Kyle's story and they introduced Jessi it became a little steady. Things started to decline a little in parts when they focused too much on the relationships like Josh and Andy, no one was interested in a young teen getting it on. I felt they overdid this aspect of the show at the expense of a better story, sometimes it felt more like a soap opera with the 'love triangles'. Still this show had some good potential and it might have been worth to give it a chance to wrap. Far worse shows were given that chance. I think in the age of streaming platforms it might have earned a cult following and had a better chance of being saved. Alas it had its moments, not bad.
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Time to boycott TV networks that cancel good shows
smallrage122 September 2009
I've said this in one of my comments about either Carnivàle or Eureka that I am not a fan of Sci-fi shows yet once again like those 2 shows I just mentioned comes yet another great Sci-fi show. Like Carnivàle it was canceled this time it was ABC turn to disappoint its audience.

What I don't get is Kyle XY hit record viewers in it's 3rd season even the users rating on here was 8.6 yet ABC boring Dancing with the Star has been on a serious decline and this site users rating is 5.2 yet that useless show wasn't axed and still boring us as we speak almost daily. Then there is Carnivàle this site rating was 9.0 and it still got axed, I'm certain that Eureka (seeing I love the show) will get the same treatment very soon as Kyle XY and Carnivàle It just goes to show you that the TV network just don't care about its viewers anymore and its getting worse every season, all they care about is reality TV shows so that they can save a buck. Its up to US the viewer to protest networks when they show us crappy Reality TV shows. When a reality show comes on just change the channel, maybe then WE the viewers will get our shows back.

I for one sorely miss the days of quality TV, Kyle XY was was very good, it had a great story line to it and it had great acting. Its shows like that that I miss instead they are showing US CSI,s and Law and order from every city in the US, they are showing us trash people it's time to wake up and take a stand and that time is now. If not you will be watching Jay Leno 24/7 if it keeps going, sure I like Jay but this new format just plain sucks especially as a prime time show.
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A good sci fi show with focus on human nature
chrichtonsworld2 August 2007
Although there are a lot of science fiction elements in this show the focus is more on drama! It was good to see the main character (an excellent Matt Dallas) interacting with the people surrounding him! And it is also fun to see how he is developing! He is constantly learning important matters and adapting accordingly! In aspect to this fact he is just like any other teenager! Except for his extraordinary abilities! An important factor is finding out who Kyle is and what he can do and will do in the future! This suspense/mystery element is very interesting! But most is done in order to surprise the viewer than actually convince us of the conspiracy theory! (Plot of second season doesn't connect well to the plot of the first season. You get the feeling they make things up as they go! So people expecting some brilliant mystery show will likely be disappointed!) The mystery is just put in to keep us interested enough to follow the show! "Kyle XY" is a show that is moving and positive! Personally I think it is refreshing and much needed in a world that gets darker and darker!
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excellent show
chrstngal033 July 2006
This show is excellent. The writers have a way of giving you the information you crave in just tiny doses at a time, kind of like 24. They keep you wanting to continue watching so you can try and gather more pieces of the puzzle to find out who exactly Kyle XY is. If you're one for suspense and mystery and a little science fiction then this show is definitely for you. I can't wait for each new show so we can find out a little more about Kyle's past. Who is he, where is he from, why can't he remember anything at all about his past? How is it that he can do all these magnificent things but can't demonstrate simple human emotions? I guess we just have to tune in next week and subsequent weeks to find out.
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Surprisingly Addictive!
megoobie25 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I am not one to get "addicted" to television shows, but "Kyle XY" is a show that one would get addicted to! Kyle's narration is beautiful and intriguing, giving the otherwise science-fictional program an uniquely personal touch. Kyle is like a newborn... and one truly feels like one is inside of a child's mind. The mystery is the other aspect of the show that draws one in. Why doesn't Kyle have a belly-button? Who is the lurking man? Why is he so smart and possess other seemingly superhuman abilities? Why can't he remember the answers to all of these questions? Mix "24," "X Files," "Seventh Heaven," and a little something extra, and you've got "Kyle XY."
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The entire crew are all awesome!
juggernaut197728 August 2006
This is a show with pizazz and originality supreme. It is superbly cast. The star, Matt Dallas is truly a star. His eyes beam with sincerity and believability. He has a very warm and sincere personality. The family's interactions remind me of my own family. I came from a family of 8. The family interaction is totally believable and superbly acted by all parties. They make you want to belong to the family. Jean-Luc Bilodeau portrayal of the ding bat brother is supremely done. His character reminds me of me at his age. I just heard that there will probably be another season and I am elated. I hope this family continues in the new season. Can't wait. Next year it way too long! Next week would be much better.
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Dawson's Creek for clones
brecklundin9 August 2007
Just watched the first season and I really tried to like this show but really there is no substance to it at all. While the acting is not awful, the writing is for a 4th grader. And that whiny sound track is enough to make a person run up to a tall building and jump.

It would be nice to have some science in the science fiction. But at best this is mind candy designed to present no challenge to the viewer. Maybe best called Dawson's creek meets Wonder Years minus a belly button.

Might be worth watching if there are infomercials on the other 40000 channels and nothing on talk radio...yeah, it's that bad. Of course there are times when the mind numbing effects of pablum TV are needed...but ABC you can do MUCH better then this drivel.
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More soap opera than sci-fi.
brit_in_vancouver18 December 2007
I've tried getting into this show, but find that the 'sci-fi' component is so watered down that it has become a rather insipid soap opera.

I would prefer more sci-fi and less 'human condition'. Teary-eyed teenagers exuding pathos to some rock ballad really is a poor substitute for an original plot and I rapidly tire of film makers competing to 'teach us' what makes us 'human' with the odd reference to 'gene splicing' pared to the bare minimum necessary to qualify as 'science'-fiction.

This is a show for Tammy Wynette fans who like plenty of emotion and scope for 'feeling' for fictional characters going through life issues.
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Pretty Good
trapt_headstrong0628 June 2006
I'm thinking that this was a pretty good show. The first time I saw the previews, I didn't think too much of it. I figured that the guy playing Kyle was pretty cute, but it didn't get my attention enough for the show. However, the more they came on, the more it got me to wondering why he didn't have a belly-button, so I decided to watch it. I'm really glad that I did. It was extremely interesting. It was the best. If you are really into shows that give off a bit of a mysterious air, then Kyle XY is definitely for you. I'm definitely going to be watching the next episodes, it's got me in suspense, and I want to know what is going to happen next. I give Kyle XY a 10 out of 10, it is an excellent show.
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Positive review
mtnmanvt16 July 2006
I didn't know what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised to find that for the most part, the show is interesting. It combines a number of concepts including that of the outsider, and the "alien's" eye view of humanity. The main character is at once an alien, an alienated teen, and a baby in an adolescent's body. These different experiential views combine to offer some commentary on humanity, particularly US culture (since that's where the story takes place). There are some hokey cheesy moments, but overall I think "Kyle XY" offers viewers multiple opportunities to ask meaningful questions about the nature of life, reality, and our own values.
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And a half: Edit after finishing spoilers
Headturner1119 April 2023
I've had this written on a list for a long time and tried to watch it once and turned it off. I again have literally nothing so i tried it again and for an ABC family( I think it is) I must say I really liked it. It has a really feel good vibe to it like say 7th Heaven back in the day. I like the facts his origins are a mystery for quite a while and it taught me t really think and try to retrace my steps when searching for something tho i wish I had the ability to go directly thru my memories so vividly. Josh cracks me up! My favorite episode is the night out with him, kyle and Declan where he's the designated driver. I've only got 2 episodes left and this is all I've been watching every night for almost a week. I'll be sad when I finish. Edit: Updating after finishing. There isn't an ending it ends whlst kyle learning the guy from Latnock is his brother?!? I really did like the show but I'm mad they left it open ended! Apparently they thought there'd be more seasons!
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We Need An Ending!!!!!!
daniellebellaross24 December 2022
I love this show!!!! We need a season 4 to end it!!!! Wth is wrong with all the cancellations of great shows??!!! And renewing the stupid ones?? I just don't get it!!! Every single time there is an amazing show to come out it's always cut and we never get an ending!!! Like the show ZOO!!! But yet they bring out the stupidest shows and they get renewed or they take away the budget for another season of a good show so they can start a bad one just to cancel it??!! At least let us know how it's suppose to end!! It can be revived after all these years. The movie people have the know how to do so!!
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Starts off amazing...then teen angst
shane-ukj12 August 2022
Really enjoyed this...acting was great...then it just went into bad writing...non sensical storylines with no substance. Kyle stopped doing a synopsis and it became a teenage silly show. Should be re done same actors though. Yes.
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emotionalcripple13 March 2009
Do not mistake Kyle XY for just a petty boring sci-fi series for teenagers. It is not. I'm an adult and I got hooked from the first 5 minutes of the pilot. It's got a little bit of everything; drama, humor, sci-fi, love, loss, pain, mystery, name it and you'll find it in this amazing show. This is simply a show that meets all ages and satisfies all tastes. All the characters are so well written, and the cast did an amazing job portraying every character. It really breaks my heart that they are taking the show off the air after only 3 season!! How could they put an end to such a great show that fast!!!!! How could they not care about the thousands and thousands of fans that supported the show and still do!! I really really hope someone out there would realize what a HUGE mistake that is and would do something about it... Kyle XY needs a hero to save him !!
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Who is Kyle XY?
ivko23 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I stumbled upon this show almost by accident after my Friday night plans got delayed. Not bad. The show is a sci-fi/mystery mix about a teenage boy named Kyle who is found in the woods and appears to have no memory of his past. Although he appears to be a normal if oddly direct and literal boy, during the course of the show Kyle begins to manifest unusual abilities. The ability to jump off buildings without being injured, for example. Or the ability to learn to swim like a fish after one lesson. The list goes on and on; typically one or two new clues seem to be presented with every show. Besides the mystery of Kyle's past, the show also follows the lives of the family that has taken Kyle in, often using Kyle's innocent eyes as a neutral observer of their lives and personalities.

Part of the fun of the show is guessing the true nature of Kyle and his past from the clues that are parceled out in every show. Current theories tend to fall in three categories; Kyle is a robot, Kyle is some kind of genetically engineered super-human, or Kyle is some sort of alien. Since I can't help myself, I'll make my prediction here that Kyle is a human/machine hybrid. Biological on the outside but mechanical in the ol' noggin.

One final note. The show is billed as family entertainment but it is one of those nasty shows that admits that kids are occasionally having pre-marital sex. If you plan on watching it with your kids, or letting them watch it, be aware that Kyle's hometown is more O.C. than Mayberry.
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Fun show
One_Blaze_Of_Glory26 July 2006
"Kyle XY" is a fun and interesting show. Perhaps it's not the best ever, but personally, I quite enjoy it. The mystery of Kyle's past keeps unfolding in each episode, and keeps you enticed and wanting to watch more. Matt Dallas gives a good performance as Kyle, with a believable supporting cast. Though it can get a bit risqué at times, it is still fun to watch. I'd recommend it to anyone thirteen or older who enjoys a good mystery. It might not be for everyone, but those who I know that have seen it like it. You should try it out. As I said before, it's not the best show ever, but it's a guilty pleasure of mine. :) Thus, I give it an 8 out of 10.
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Pseudo-scifi meets -"Growing Pains"
bluemoon2233 August 2006
Creationists will love this- within the premise is the idea that humans came to the Earth fully formed. From there, the writers use Kyle's niavete as a conduit for explaining the birds and the bees and exploring morality. In this way it's really a 'family show" slash-pseudi sci fi show.

Criticisms: Kyle's narration of his thoughts is so stale sounding and bland, it's like the actor is reading right of the paper and doesn't even know what the words mean. You'll have to hear it to know what I mean. In addition, the portrayal of his hyper intelligence was poorly done, although his art work is beautiful.

All in all, it's kind of a fun show, but no where near the caliber of LOST or X-files. BETTER THAN SMALLVILLE THOUGH!!
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Kyle xy is pretty cool
divaant0429 July 2006
I've been watching kyle xy over the summer and I've come to find out that its actually a good show overall. I think the characters are mostly believable and very interesting. As kyle would say, what you need to know most is why people do what they do. Its fun to figure out what's behind these characters, to root for them when they are happy and feel for them when they struggle through life. I also like the storyline of the show. If nothing else, it always keeps you wondering what situation kyle will get into next. Kyle's innocent character just keeps you titilated and wanting to find out how he's going to react. I've come to be very fond of the show and will be sad to see its end, but if nothing else I am glad to have seen a different genre of TV show on the family channel. I hope others will get the chance to enjoy kyle xy as well
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A Parable for Foster Care
teejayniles23451 July 2006
This mystery-science fiction series pilot shows a lot of promise as far as commentary on how far can the "helping professions" go; it is definitely a "blue state" kind of show (set in Washington State) since it implies a kind of alien visitor who can be plopped in front of "old style" computers and assumed to be techno-adept without much sense of what language he speaks or their importance. The director knows how to fold in a certain sense of threat and danger without going off in bizarre or grotesque scenarios. The helping family is seemingly ready to become the means to socialize the alien/savant and they are "instant foster parents/siblings" since the mother is apparently a state social worker/psychologist at Children/Family services of that state/county. The alien (Kyle is a "name" which seems a little too quickly attached to him) doesn't come with supernatural tools as did the "STARMAN" of a few years ago but he isn't quite a full amnesiac either since he is capable of narrating the first episode at least. For those of you looking for a mildly entertaining made-for-network series, on the basis of its pilot (June 30) I give it a 9 * rating). I hope the next episodes get shown on ABC main network and the creative thinking is given its full credit.
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This show NEEDS to come back on air.
mony56215 August 2011
It should be back by popular demand. Go to any fan page, official page, etc and you will see comments begging the producers to make another season. One out of pure enjoyment an love for the show, two, because of the fact that they left us with out a proper ending.

Well, The story line is FANTASTIC. The element of mystery is ALWAYS there. Very suspenseful. This show is unique in its own way, It brings you to a whole new underground world. It shows family values. Even though it's science fiction, Somehow I was able to relate to it.

The actors are incredible. No one could've done a better job. Matt Dallas def. shined as bright as the sun. You can't help but to fall in love with him from the very first episode. I'm not gonna lie, but he makes the show 100x more enjoyable.

Overall,bring it back...we deserve a proper ending.
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