This is another one of my favorite episodes of the show and it's also one of the last best ones from its final season. This is the second episode that was directed by Tom Savini which is cool, as I said before it's a shame, he didn't do more directing because he proves to be a capable director.
What I like about this episode is how it takes assumptions and turns them completely on their head. The first minutes are interesting as we see a boy whom is extremely creative and imaginative as he is building some monster model (obviously based a little on Tom himself) which is cool and strange looking, I'm still wondering what kind of monster that's supposed to be? But we see this boy is locked in his room by his dad, the reason for that is the boy is a werewolf and the dad is locking him away for his own good so they can find a cure, or so he says and a few radio reports that are a little vague. Despite understanding what the dad is doing at the same time the dad might be a little crazy, as we see from the look of the dad and how he acts at times, he might have a few screws loose.
We then get a glimpse at the mom whom really isn't as bad as the dad makes her out to be and strangely, we are on her side as we want her to get her son back. Really like the ending which really throws a curve at you but also puts things into perspective and is strangely touching. But also goes with the old saying about family, blood is thicker than water.
Rating: 4 stars